Biol105 Midterm 2 Review

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Order of history of life on earth:

1. Major continental movements 2. Origin of life from simple replicating molecules 3. Origin of eukaryotes 4. Cambrian explosion 5. Plants invade land 6. Animals invade land 7. Radiation of mammals 8. Mammals invade marine habitats

Cope's Rule:

Bigger body size over time

Examples of living fossils include ______ and ______

Coelacanth; horseshoe crab

JBS Haldane's rate of calculation to quantify evo rates measured in ________, measured per millions of years.


True or False: The Y model states that there is an unlimited amount of resources that can increase two components at the same time.


Estimates of narrow-sense heritability in lab populations are higher than estimates of narrow-sense heritability from wild populations due to

Higher environmental variance in wild populations

What is an example of intrasexual competition?

Males fighting with each other to gain access to females

Darin explained sexual selection as something separate from natural selection because:

Natural selection explains the origin of adaptations to environments but not the origin of costly traits

How do researchers perform artificial selection experiments?

They use existing variation to select for traits

Punctuated equilibrium can account for the lack of ________ in fossil records.

Transitional forms

True or False: Science fiction movies with giant arthropods are unrealistic because the Bauplan places constraints on body size.


Example of life history allocation trade-off?

Turtles in ponds with more predators devote more energy to growth and hence reach sexual maturity at an earlier age, compared to turtles in high predation ponds

Broad sense heritability equals


Narrow sense heritability equals


Which are potential Quantitative-Genetic answers for why selection limits were reached in Garland High Runner mouse experiment? (multiple) a. Exhausted additive genetic variance b. Motivation or reward at max c. Counterposing natural selection d. Ability to run at a max e. Energy cost too high

a, c

Why does evo rates seem lower over longer time scales? (multiple) a. Directional selection fluctuates b. Genetic drift acts against evo c. Strong directional selection does not last for many generations d. Organisms evolve and diversify within limits determined by basic body plans or set of characteristics

a, c, d

Extinctions can lead to ecological vacancies that promote: a. Adaptive radiation b. Genetic drift c. Mutations d. Wider range of sexual selection e. Stabilizing selection

a. Adaptive radiation

What did Miller and Urey find in their experiment: (multiple) a. Cells b. Amino acids c. Nucleic bases d. Sugars e. RNA

b, c, d

Which is true about idea of punctuated equilibrium: (multiple) a. Proposed by Mayr then developed by Gould and Eldredge b. Most lineages are locked into stasis most of the time c. Explains microevo changes as seen during artificial selection experiments d. Posits that long periods of stasis are punctuated by short periods of rapid change

b, d

Fisher's Runaway process includes the following component: a. Males offering direct benefits that increase female survival and reproductive success b. The presence of a genetic correlation between male secondary characters and female preference c. Male displays are correlated with traits that increase lifetime fitness d. An allele that changes mating preferences can often change other preferences too

b. The presence of a genetic correlation between male secondary characters and female preference

A reaction norm describes the range of

phenotypic plasticity across a range of environments

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