BIOL141 final part 2

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True or false: A beaker of glucose will undergo combustion (burn) spontaneously.


True or false: The oxygen consumed during the oxidation of glucose in animal cells is returned as part of CO2 to the atmosphere.


What type of signal would you expect to be exposed on a cytosolic receptor after a steroid hormone changes the receptor's conformation? a) amino acids required for transport through the nuclear pore complex b) an ER signal sequence c) amino acids that facilitate diffusion through the nuclear envelope d) a specific sugar that targets proteins to lysosomes

a) amino acids required for transport through the nuclear pore complex

The synthesis of ATP by oxidative phosphorylation, using the energy released by movement of protons across the membrane down their electrochemical gradient, is an example of ___. a) an endergonic reaction coupled to an exergonic reaction b) osmosis c) active transport d) a reaction with a positive ΔG e) allosteric regulation

a) an endergonic reaction coupled to an exergonic reaction

A mutation in yeast makes it unable to convert pyruvate to ethanol. How will this mutation affect these yeast cell> The mutant yeast cells will ___. a) be unable to grow anaerobically b) die because they cannot regenerate NAD+ from NAD c) grow anaerobically only when given glucose d) metabolize only fatty acids e) be unable to metabolize glucose

a) be unable to grow anaerobically

How might a change of one amino acid at a site, distant from the active site of an enzyme, alter an enzyme's substrate specificity? a) by changing the shape of an enzyme b) by changing the enzyme's location in the cell c) by changing the enzyme's stability d) by changing the enzyme's pH optimum e) an amino acid change away from the active site cannot alter the enzyme's substrate specificity

a) by changing the shape of an enzyme

Where are the enzymes of glycolysis located? a) in the cytoplasm b) in the mitochondrial matrix c) inside the nucleus d) in cell organelles e) all of the above

a) in the cytoplasm

Where do the enzymatic reactions of the Calvin cycle take place? a) stroma of the chloroplast b) thylakoid membranes c) matrix of the mitochondria d) thylakoid space e) cristae of the mitochondria

a) stroma of the chloroplast

Which of the following happens when a G-protein-coupled receptor activates a G-protein? a) the GDP bound to the α subunit is phosphorylated to form bound GTP b) the α subunit exchanges its bound GDP for GTP c) the G-protein activates the α subunit and inactivates the β complex d) the β subunit exchanges its bound GDP for GTP

a) the GDP bound to the α subunit is phosphorylated to form bound GTP

Salicylic acid (aspirin), if taken in excess, may act as an uncoupling agent. Uncoupling agents increase the permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane, resulting in the dissipation of the proton gradient. Which of the following would most likely be true in the presence of an uncoupling agent? a) the energy from the proton-motive force would likely be dissipated as heat rather than producing ATP from ADP b) electron transport at the inner mitochondrial membrane would cease c) H+ ions would flow through the inner membrane into the intermembrane space d) there would be an increase in ATP synthase activity e) B and C

a) the energy from the proton-motive force would likely be dissipated as heat rather than producing ATP from ADP

Suppose the interior of the thylakoids of isolated chloroplasts were made acidic and then transferred in the dark to a pH 8 solution. What would most likely happen? a) the isolated chloroplasts would make ATP b) cyclic phosphorylation would occur c) the isolated chloroplasts would generate oxygen gas d) the Calvin cycle would be activated e) the isolated chloroplasts would reduce NADP+ to NADPH

a) the isolated chloroplasts would make ATP

Under what conditions could some exothermic (ΔH < 0) reactions be nonspontaneous (ΔG > 0)? a) the overall reaction reduces entropy (products have less entropy than reactants) b) the products have greater potential energy than the reactants c) the overall reaction results in an increase in entropy (products have greater entropy than reactants) d) the products and reactants have equal entropy

a) the overall reaction reduces entropy (products have less entropy than reactants)

If you were to add one of the eight citric acid cycle intermediates to the culture medium of yeast growing in the laboratory, what do you think would happen to the rates of ATP and carbon dioxide production? a) the rates of ATP production and carbon dioxide production would both increase b) rates of ATP and carbon dioxide production would probably both decrease c) there would be no change in ATP production, but we would observe an increased rate of carbon dioxide production d) the rate of ATP production would decrease, but the rate of carbon dioxide production would increase

a) the rates of ATP production and carbon dioxide production would both increase

What is meant by the term signal transduction? a) the signal is transmitted inside the cell in another form b) signal transduction is how the receptor binds to the signal c) the signal is inactivated, so that cell stops responding d) the mechanisms by which the cell responds to the signal are inducible

a) the signal is transmitted inside the cell in another form

How many of the following can be found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? Cell wall, chromosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, plasma membrane. a) three b) four c) two d) all five e) one

a) three

What is the most likely pathway taken by a newly synthesized protein that will be secreted by a cell? a) ER -> lysosomes -> vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane b) ER -> Golgi -> vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane c) Golgi -> ER -> lysosome d) ER -> Golgi -> nucleus e) nucleus -> ER -> Golgi

b) ER -> Golgi -> vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane

You have isolated a previously unstudied protein, identified its complete structure in detail, and determined that it catalyzes the breakdown of a large substrate. You notice it has two binding sites. One of these is large, apparently the binding site for the large substrate; the other is small, possibly a binding site for a regulatory molecule. What do these findings tell you about the mechanism of this protein? a) it is probably a structural protein that is involved in cell-to-cell adhesion b) it is probably a cell membrane transport protein -- like an ion channel c) it is probably a structural protein found in cartilage or skeletal tissue d) it is probably an enzyme that works through allosteric regulation e) it is probably an enzyme that works through competitive inhibition

d) it is probably an enzyme that works through allosteric regulation

What can you infer about a high molecular weight protein that cannot be transported into the nucleus? a) it contains errors in its amino acid sequence b) it lacks a signal sequence c) it is too large d) it lacks a nuclear localization signal (NLS)

d) it lacks a nuclear localization signal (NLS)

Can an enzyme make a nonspontaneous reaction occur spontaneously? Why or why not? a) yes, because enzymes lower the activation energy b) yes, because enzymes lower the overall ΔG of a reaction c) no, because enzymes do not lower the activation energy of the reaction d) no, because enzymes do not affect the overall ΔG of a reaction

d) no, because enzymes do not affect the overall ΔG of a reaction

Which statement is most accurate concerning how the molecular composition of a plant cell wall compares with the ECM of animal cells? a) plant cell walls exhibit fundamentally different structural principles than ECM b) in the plant cell wall, the ground substance surrounding the fibers contains carbohydrates; in the ECM, it does not c) the fibers in a plant cell wall are primarily proteins; ECM fibers are dominated by carbohydrates d) plant cell wall fibers consist primarily of carbohydrates; ECM fibers are dominated by proteins

d) plant cell wall fibers consist primarily of carbohydrates; ECM fibers are dominated by proteins

What determines whether a cell responds to a particular chemical signal, such as a hormone? a) concentration of the hormone b) presence of transcription factor in the cell's nucleus c) the cell's proximity to the source of the stimulus d) presence of a receptor on the cell's surface e) the cell's ability to produce the hormone

d) presence of a receptor on the cell's surface

Which one of the following cannot pass through a gap junction? a) amino acids b) nucleotides c) ions d) ribosomes

d) ribosomes

A spaceship is designed to support animal life for a multiyear voyage to the outer planets of the solar system. Plants will be grown to provide oxygen and to recycle carbon dioxide. Since the spaceship will be too far from the sun for photosynthesis, an artificial light source will be needed. If the power fails and the lights go dark, CO2 levels will ___. a) fall because plants will cease to respire in the dark b) remain balanced because plants will continue to fix CO2 in the dark c) fall because plants will increase CO2 fixation d) rise as a result of both animal and plant respiration e) rise as a result of animal but not plant respiration

d) rise as a result of both animal and plant respiration

Where do the enzymatic reactions of the Calvin cycle take place? a) matrix of the mitochondria b) thylakoid membranes c) cytosol around the chloroplast d) stroma of the chloroplast e) thylakoid space

d) stroma of the chloroplast

Eukaryotic cells manufacture cytoskeletal proteins, which help to maintain cell shapes and functions. What would you predict about these proteins? a) they travel to the nucleus in a transport vesicle with a specific signal b) they initially contain signal sequences that allow their entrance into the endoplasmic reticulum c) they are glycosylated in the Golgi apparatus d) they are manufactured on free ribosomes in the cytoplasm

d) they are manufactured on free ribosomes in the cytoplasm

Which statement most accurately describes what happens to proteins that lack an ER signal sequence? a) they are inserted into the plasma membrane b) they bypass the ER but enter the Golgi apparatus c) they are inserted into the ER membrane but do not enter the ER lumen d) they are released into the cytosol

d) they are released into the cytosol

Which statement is true for all redox reactions? a) an atom or molecule loses one or more electrons via reduction b) they involve the transfer of electrons c) an atom or molecule gains one or more electrons via oxidation d) they involve the transfer of hydrogens

d) they involve the transfer of hydrogens

In a plant cell, where are the ATP synthase complexes located? a) thylakoid membrane and plasma membrane b) plasma membrane only c) thylakoid membrane only d) thylakoid membrane and inner mitochondrial membrane e) inner mitochondrial membrane only

d) thylakoid membrane and inner mitochondrial membrane

A series of enzymes catalyze the reaction X -> Y -> Z -> A. Product A binds to the enzyme that converts X to Y at a position remote from its active site. This binding decreases the activity of the enzyme. With respect to the enzyme that converts X to Y, substance A functions as ___. a) a coenzyme b) an allosteric inhibitor c) an intermediate d) a competitive inhibitor e) the substrate

b) an allosteric inhibitor

A flask containing photosynthetic green algae and a control flask containing water with no algae are both placed under a bank of lights, which are set to cycle between 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark. The dissolved oxygen concentrations in both flasks are monitored. Predict what the relative dissolved oxygen concentrations will be in the flask with algae compared to the control flask. The dissolved oxygen in the flask with algae will ___. a) always be higher b) be higher in the light but lower in the dark c) always be lower d) be higher in the light but the same in the dark e) not be different from the control flask at any time

b) be higher in the light but lower in the dark

If you were to expose glucose to oxygen on your lab bench, why would you not expect to see it burn? a) the reaction is not spontaneous unless an enzyme is added to the substrates b) energy is required for the sugar and oxygen to reach their transition state c) the sugar must be phosphorylated to increase its potential energy d) the reaction is endergonic and requires an input of energy

b) energy is required for the sugar and oxygen to reach their transition state

In chemistry, ΔS represents ___. a) enthalpy b) entropy c) free energy d) size e) spontaneity

b) entropy

Yeast cells that have defective mitochondria incapable of respiration will be able to grow by catabolizing which of the following carbon sources for energy? a) fatty acids b) glucose c) proteins d) glucose and proteins e) proteins and fatty acids f) glucose, proteins, and fatty acids g) such yeast cells will not be capable of catabolizing any food molecules, and therefore, will die

b) glucose

Where does pyruvate processing occur in eukaryotes? a) in the cytoplasm b) in the mitochondrial matrix c) inside the nucleus d) in cell organelles e) all of the above

b) in the mitochondrial matrix

The active site of an enzyme is the region that ___. a) is inhibited by the presence of a coenzyme or a cofactor b) is involved in the catalytic reaction of the enzyme c) binds noncompetitive inhibitors of the enzyme d) binds allosteric regulators of the enzyme

b) is involved in the catalytic reaction of the enzyme

As electrons are passed through the system of electron carriers associated with photosystem II, they lose energy. What happens to this energy? a) it is used to produce ATP through substrate-level phosphorylation b) it is used to establish and maintain a proton gradient c) it is used to phosphorylate NAD+ to NADP+, the molecule that accepts electrons from photosystem I d) it excites electrons of the reaction center of photosystem I e) it is lost as heat

b) it is used to establish and maintain a proton gradient

Where does the energy that excites electrons in photosystem I come from? a) carbon dioxide b) light c) oxygen d) plastocyanin e) water

b) light

Can endergonic reactions occur in cells? a) no, endergonic reactions are nonspontaneous b) yes, cells can move to a warmer environment, making nonspontaneous reactions spontaneous c) yes, cells can couple nonspontaneous reactions to spontaneous reactions d) yes, due to the reasons stated and B and C

d) yes, due to the reasons stated and B and C

What is/are the difference(s) between ribosomes that make secretory proteins and those that make proteins intended for the cytosol? a) the ribosomes that make cytosolic proteins are attached to cytoskeletal elements b) the ribosomes that make secretory proteins have extra subunits c) the ribosomes that make secretory proteins are larger e) B and C f) none of the above

f) none of the above

Researchers tried to explain how vesicular transport occurs in cells by attempting to assemble the transport components. They set up microtubular tracks along which vesicles could be transported, and they added vesicles and ATP (because they knew the transport process requires energy). Yet, when they put everything together, there was no movement or transport of vesicles. What were they missing? a) endoplasmic reticulum b) motor proteins c) signal recognition particles d) intermediate filaments e) contractile microfilaments

b) motor proteins

In cell respiration, what is the fate of inhaled molecular oxygen (O2)? a) oxygen atoms are returned to the atmosphere as part of CO2 b) oxygen atoms accept electrons at the end of the electron transport chain c) oxygen oxidizes NADH to regenerate NAD+ in fermentation d) oxygen oxidizes a carbon atom in pyruvate in the chemical reaction that produces acetyl CoA e) both A and B are correct

b) oxygen atoms accept electrons at the end of the electron transport chain

Which of the following is true for all exergonic reactions? a) a net input of energy from the surroundings is required for the reactions to proceed b) the reaction proceeds with a net release of free energy c) the reaction goes only in a forward direction: all reactants will be converted to products, but no products will be converted to reactants d) the products have more total energy than the reactants e) the reactions are rapid f) B and E g) C and D

b) the reaction proceeds with a net release of free energy

Which of the following is not true of secreted proteins? a) they are synthesized using ribosomes b) they contain a signal that directs them into the lysosome c) they enter the ER lumen during translation d) they are transported between organelles in membrane-bound vesicles

b) they contain a signal that directs them into the lysosome

Which of the following is produced directly by chemiosmosis in mitochondria? a) ATP b) CO2 c) H2O d) proton gradient e) A and B f) C and D g) all of the above

c) H2O

Following glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, but before the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation, most of the energy from the original glucose molecule is in the form of ___. a) carbon dioxide b) pyruvate c) NADH d) acetyl CoA e) oxaloacetate


Different body cells can respond differently to the same peptide hormone because ___. a) different target cells have different sets of genes b) each cell converts that hormone to a different metabolite c) a target cell's response is determined by the components of its signal-transduction pathways d) the circulatory system regulates responses to hormones by routing the hormones to specific targets e) the hormone is chemically altered in different ways as it travels through the circulatory system

c) a target cell's response is determined by the components of its signal-transduction pathways

At puberty, an adolescent female body changes in both structure and function of several organ systems, primarily under the influence of changing concentrations of estrogens and other steroid hormones. How can one hormone, such as estrogen, mediate so many effects? a) different target cells have different sets of genes b) different target cells metabolize steroids in different ways, producing different by-products c) estrogen binds to specific receptors inside many kinds of cells, each with different responses d) each cell responds in the same way when steroids bind to the cell surface e) estrogen is kept away from the surface of any cells not able to bind it at the surface

c) estrogen binds to specific receptors inside many kinds of cells, each with different responses

When ATP is hydrolyzed into ADP and inorganic phosphate, ___. a) a redox reaction has occurred b) free energy is required c) free energy is released d) there is no change in free energy

c) free energy is released

The biochemical reactions in a fermentation pathway are needed to ___. a) make the CO2 bubbles in beer b) synthesize pyruvate from lactate c) generate NAD+ from NADH so that glycolysis can continue d) synthesize ethanol e) remove lactic acid from muscles

c) generate NAD+ from NADH so that glycolysis can continue

In a plant cell, DNA may be found ___. a) only in the nucleus and chloroplasts b) only in the nucleus c) in the nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts d) in the nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, and peroxisomes e) only in the nucleus and mitochondria

c) in the nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts

Isocitrate dehydrogenase is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of isocitrate to alpha-ketoglutarate, an early step in the citric acid cycle. It is an allosteric enzyme regulated by feedback inhibition. In the presence of oxygen, an increase in the amount of ATP in the cell would be expected to ___. a) have no effect on the enzyme b) inhibit the enzyme and increase the rate of the citric acid cycle c) inhibit the enzyme and slow the rate of the citric acid cycle d) activate the enzyme and slow the rate of the citric acid cycle e) activate the enzyme and increase the rate of the citric acid cycle

c) inhibit the enzyme and slow the rate of the citric acid cycle

Where are the components of the electron transport chain located in eukaryotes? a) cytoplasm b) mitochondrial matrix c) inner membrane of mitochondria d) outer membrane of mitochondria

c) inner membrane of mitochondria

Molecules move into and out of the nucleus through ___. a) carrier proteins b) ion channels c) nuclear pores d) nucleolus e) nucleoid

c) nuclear pores

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration? a) photosynthesis is catabolic; respiration is anabolic b) respiration runs the biochemical pathways of photosynthesis in reverse c) photosynthesis stores energy in complex organic molecules; respiration releases energy from complex organic molecules d) ATP molecules are produced in photosynthesis but not in aerobic respiration e) photosynthesis occurs only in plants; respiration occurs only in animals

c) photosynthesis stores energy in complex organic molecules; respiration releases energy from complex organic molecules

An exothermic reaction ___. a) has a negative ΔH b) produced products with greater potential energy than reactants c) releases heat energy d) A and B e) B and C f) A and C g) A, B, and C

c) releases heat energy

During glycolysis, when each molecule of glucose is catabolized to two molecules of pyruvate, most of the potential energy contained in glucose is ___. a) used to phosphorylate fructose to form fructose 6-phosphate b) transferred directly to ATP c) retained in the two pyruvates d) transferred to ADP, forming ATP e) stored in the NADH produced f) D and E

c) retained in the two pyruvates

A chemical reaction is endothermic and increases disorder. This reaction would be ___. a) spontaneous at all temperatures b) nonspontaneous at all temperatures c) spontaneous if the absolute value of TΔS is greater than the absolute value of ΔH d) spontaneous if the absolute value of TΔS is less than the absolute value of ΔH e) spontaneous only in the presence of an enzyme

c) spontaneous if the absolute value of TΔS is greater than the absolute value of ΔH

Assume a thylakoid is somehow punctured so that the interior of the thylakoid is no longer separated from the stroma. This damage will most directly affect ___. a) flow of electrons from photosystem II to photosystem I b) absorption of light energy by chlorophyll c) synthesis of ATP d) splitting of water e) reduction of NADP+

c) synthesis of ATP

What is the primary function of the Calvin cycle? a) use ATP to release carbon dioxide b) split water and release oxygen c) synthesize simple sugars from carbon dioxide d) use NADPH to release carbon dioxide e) transport RuBP out of the chloroplast

c) synthesize simple sugars from carbon dioxide

Which of the following is an example of potential energy rather than kinetic energy? a) a crawling beetle foraging for food b) water rushing over Niagara Falls c) the muscle contractions of a person mowing grass d) a molecule of glucose e) light flashes emitted by a firefly

d) a molecule of glucose

The primary role of oxygen in cellular respiration is to ___. a) catalyze the reactions of glycolysis b) yield energy in the form of ATP as it is passed down the respiratory chain c) combine with lactate, forming pyruvate d) act as an acceptor for electrons and hydrogen, forming water e) combine with carbon, forming CO2

d) act as an acceptor for electrons an hydrogen, forming water

Which kind of metabolic poison would most directly interfere with glycolysis? a) an agent that binds to pyruvate and sequesters it b) an agent that reacts with oxygen and depletes its concentration in the cell c) an agent that reacts with NADH and oxidizes it to NAD+ d) an agent that closely mimics the structure of glucose but is not metabolized

d) an agent that closely mimics the structure of glucose but is not metabolized

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. In the mid-1990s, researchers discovered an enzyme in HIV called protease. Once the enzyme's structure was known, researchers began looking for drugs that would fit into the active site and block it. If this strategy for stopping HIV infections were successful, it would be an example of what phenomenon? a) feedback inhibition b) allosteric regulation c) denaturation d) competitive inhibition e) conformation change

d) competitive inhibition

Which of the following is a statement of the first law of thermodynamics? a) the entropy of the universe is constant b) the entropy of the universe is decreasing c) energy cannot be transferred or transformed d) energy cannot be created or destroyed

d) energy cannot be created or destroyed

For a target organ to respond to a particular hormone, it must ___. a) experience an imbalance that disrupts its normal function b) be from the same cell type as the organ that produced the hormone c) modify its plasma membrane to alter the hormone entering the cytoplasm d) have receptors that recognize and bind the hormone molecule

d) have receptors that recognize and bind the hormone molecule

Which statement most accurately explains how allosteric regulation can change an enzyme's catalytic activity? a) in allosteric activation, a regulatory molecule binds to the active site, allowing substrate binding b) in allosteric inhibition, a regulatory molecule binds to the active site, blocking substrate binding c) in allosteric activation, a regulatory molecule binds to a location other than the active site, resulting in a change in enzyme shape that allows the active site to bind substrate d) in allosteric inhibition, a regulatory molecule binds to a location other than the active site, resulting in a change in enzyme shape that allows the active site to bind substrate

d) in allosteric inhibition, a regulatory molecule binds to a location other than the active site, resulting in a change in enzyme shape that allows the active site to bind substrate

Which of the following are products of the light reactions of photosynthesis that are utilized in the Calvin cycle? a) electrons and H+ b) ADP, Pi, and NADP+ c) H2O and O2 d) CO2 and glucose e) ATP and NADPH

e) ATP and NADPH

Which of the following are products of the light reactions of photosynthesis that are utilized in the Calvin cycle? a) electrons and H+ b) H2O and O2 c) ADP, Pi, and NADP+ d) CO2 and glucose e) ATP and NADPH

e) ATP and NADPH

If photosynthesizing green algae are provided with CO2 containing heavy oxygen (18O), later analysis will show that all of the following molecules produced by the green algae contain 18O except ___. a) glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) b) ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) c) 3-phosphoglycerate d) glucose e) O2

e) O2

The activation of receptor tyrosine kinases is characterized by ___. a) dimerization and IP3 binding b) GTP hydrolysis c) a phosphorylation cascade d) channel protein shape change e) dimerization and phosphorylation

e) dimerization and phosphorylation

Which process in eukaryotic cells will proceed normally whether oxygen (O2) is present or absent? a) electron transport b) oxidative phosphorylation c) chemiosmosis d) the citric acid cycle e) glycolysis f) A and B g) C and D

e) glycolysis

What cellular component catalyzes the formation of peptide bonds? a) cytoskeleton b) endoplasmic reticulum c) Golgi apparatus d) mitochondria e) ribosomes f) transmembrane proteins g) B and E

e) ribosomes

Which of the following is a characteristic common to cell walls of bacteria, fungi, and plant cells and the extracellular matrix of animal cells? a) they must block water and small molecules to regulate the exchange of matter and energy with their environment b) they must provide a rigid structure that maintains an appropriate ratio of cell surface area to volume c) they are composed of a mixture of lipids and nucleotides d) they must permit information transfer between the cell's cytoplasm and the nucleus e) they consist of a cross-linked network of long filaments embedded in a stiff surrounding material

e) they consist of a cross-linked network of long filaments embedded in a stiff surrounding material

Starting with one molecule of glucose, the energy-containing products of glycolysis are ___. a) 2 NADH, 2 pyruvate, and 2 ATP b) 2 NAD+, 2 pyruvate, and 2 ATP c) 6 CO2, 2 pyruvate, and 30 ATP d) 2 FADH2, 2 pyruvate, and 4 ATP e) 6 CO2, 2 pyruvate, and 2 ATP

a) 2 NADH, 2 pyruvate, and 2 ATP

Which are the reduced forms of the electron carriers NAD and FAD? a) NAD+ and FAD+ b) NADH and FADH2 c) NADH2 and FADH d) NADH and FAD

b) NADH and FADH2

If photosynthesizing green algae are provided with CO2 containing heavy oxygen (18O), later analysis will show that all of the following molecules produced by the algae contain 18O except ___. a) glucose b) O2 c) 3-phosphoglycerate d) glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) e) ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP)

b) O2

Ionophores are compounds that cause the mitochondrial membrane to be highly permeable to H+. How would an ionophore affect the ETC and cellular respiration? a) movement of electrons down the ETC would be inhibited b) ATP synthesis would be increased c) the rate of glycolysis would decrease d) ATP synthesis would be inhibited e) A and C

d) ATP synthesis would be inhibited

If you introduced 14C-labeled pyruvate into the mitochondrial matrix of a cell, in what compound(s) would you expect to find 14C? a) glucose b) carbon dioxide c) acetyl CoA d) B and C e) all of the above

d) B and C

Which of the following choices reflects the appropriate order of locations through which a protein destined for the plasma membrane travels? a) lysosome -> endosome -> plasma membrane b) ER -> lysosome -> plasma membrane c) Golgi -> lysosome -> plasma membrane d) ER -> Golgi -> plasma membrane

d) ER -> Golgi -> plasma membrane

How can distant cells communicate? a) gap junctions b) hormones c) integrins d) plasmodesmata e) A and D

e) A and D

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