BIOL223 Final Exam

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A group of muscle _________wrapped together in a connective tissue layer is called a ______.

Fibers; Fascicle

What is the rotation of the arm so palms face anteriorly?


Major branches of spinal nerves are called_____.


A sudden decrease in blood pressure initiates a _____ reflex that ______ the heart.

Sympathetic; Excites

What is a bone destroying cell that plays a role in bone remodeling?


What type of pathway is indicated when the pathway begins with the prefix spino-?


The spinal cord is part of the _________ system.....


Where is reticular connective tissue found?

lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow

This type of sensory receptor responds to light energy.


The sense of vision will have what type of receptor involved?


What is the function of the occipital lobe?

Receives and integrates visual input

The interaction of a stimulus and its sensory receptors initially produces a(n) ______.

Receptor Potential

Bone tissue comprised of trabeculae is called ___________ bone


The type of bone tissue found in the interior of flat bones and epiphyses is called ______ bone.

Spongy or Cancellous

The spleen, pancreas, and kidneys are in what part of the abdominopelvic cavity?

Abdominal Cavity

Moving a body part towards the midline is called


Simple squamous ET is best suited for what type of areas?

Areas that allow diffusion of substances across the ET.

What type of loose CT is found around blood vessels and nerves and under ET, holding these structures in place?


What is the function of red bone marrow?

Blood Cell Production

Osteoblasts are activated when

Blood calcium levels are high

Which type of muscle cell are cylindrical, branched cells with a single, centrally located nucleus?

Cardiac Muscle Cells

Blood vessels are part of the ____________ system.


The arm is what region of the body?


Which locations of the body are composed of nervous tissue?

Brain and Spinal Cord

The part of the brain called the ____________ extends from the base of the diecephalon to the spinal cord


Meninges are the connective tissue membrane that surrounds the ______________

Brian and Spinal Cord

Which area of the brain is considered a motor speech area?

Broca's area

What type of adipose tissue is found primarily in newborns and infants?


Increasing membrane permeability to Na+ will produce a __________ graded potential, whereas increasing membrane permeability to K+ will cause a ___________ graded potential.

Depolarizing; Hyperpolarizing

True or False: Cartilage heals slowly because it is very vascular.


True or False: Compact bone is loosely organized and its matrix is randomly arranged.


True or False: ET is highly vascular.


Bones that are thin and have a broad curved shape are classified as ____bones.


What is the movement that decreases the angle between two bones?


Physiology is the study of the __________ of biological organisms and their parts.


The functions of the epidermis include all of the following EXCEPT -prevention of the entry of chemicals and microorganism -protection abrasion and ultraviolet light -insulation and temperature regulation -vitamin D production -reduction of water loss

Insulation and temperature regulation

Hair, Nails, and Skin are all structures of what system?


Protection from the environmental hazards, such as battery acid, is a function of the ____________ system.


Which functional type of neuron conducts impulses within the CNS?


Neurons that are found between an afferent and efferent pathway are called what?


Action potentials are conducted more rapidly along an axon with a __________ diameter.


A point where two bones meet is called a(n) ___________.

Joint or Articulation

Structural composition and degree of movement are two ways to classify what?


When considering permeability to sodium and potassium, neuron plasma membranes have a higher permeability to _______


What will the effect of increasing a membrane's permeability to K+ on membrane potential

K+ will diffuse out of the cell causing a depolarizing

The stratified squamous epithelium of the skin is classified as ________________, whereas the lining of the mouth is classified as _________________

Keratinized; Nonkeratinized

In an adult, the spinal cord extends down the vertebral column to the level of what vertebrae?


Which spinal nerves form the Lumbar Plexus?


Which spinal nerves form the Sacral Plexus?


Which organ system functions in defense against infection and disease?


Lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, and the tonsils are part of what system?

Lymphatic System

The cardiac center, vasomotor center and respiratory center are found within the_____________ of the brain


What is the component of the brainstem contains reflex centers for heart rate, breathing, swallowing and vomiting?


Which component of the brainstem contains reflex centers for heart rate, breathing, swallowing and vomiting?


Which division of the brain is the center for autonomic functions such as heart rate and breathing?


The nucleus gracilis is located in the ________ and relays ______ to the thalamus.

MO; Somatic Sensory Information

What are large phagocytic cells that wander through CT.


Which CT cells ingests foreign and injured cells?


The primary function of the ANS is to _________

Maintain Homeostasis

Which CT cells release chemicals that increase inflammation?

Mast Cells

The front of the knee is the ______________ region.


Which receptors can detect vibration, deep pressure, and are encapsulated?

Pecinian (Lamellated) Corpuscles

The anterior region of the chest is the ________________ region.


What specific type of tissue makes up the epidermis of the skin?

Stratified Squamous ET

Fibrous joints that bind the bones of the skull to each other are


Lining body cavities and covering organs with body cavities are locations of what?

Serios Membranes

Which organ system provides support, protection of soft tissues, calcium storage, and blood formation?


Which organs system is the location of blood cell production?


Which reflex Protects structures from painful stimuli by promoting removal of body parts?

Withdrawal Reflex

Blood pressure and oxygen levels are processed _____ conscious involvement. (with or without)


Because parasympathetic neurons are found in the cranial nerve nuclei or within the sacral region of the spinal cord, the parasympathetic division is also referred to as the ______ division.


What are the functions of the brainstem?

Critical center for essential survival reflexes (such as heart rate) and even small areas of destruction can be fatal

The leg is in what region of the body?


The type of ET found in sweat glands, ovaries, and testes are stratified ____________ ET


What is the outermost layer of the hair?


Decreased blood oxygen content leads to a bluish skin tone. This is called


Which CT cells form matrix of CT?


What is the source of the sensory information transmitted by sensory fibers of the facial nerve?

Taste receptors of the anterior tongue

Which lobe of the brain receives and integrates auditory input, plays a role in memory and abstract thought, and receives and integrates input for smell?

Temporal Lobe

What bones are joined at the squamous suture?

Temporal and Parietal

Muscles are connected to bones by ________.


Which division of the brain is the major sensory relay center?


The epidural space is located between what two structures?

The Vertebrae and the Dura Mater

What the importance of the absolute refractory period in the propagation of action potentials?

The absolute refractory period ensures one-way propagation of AP

Why is the propagation of action potentials only in one direction?

The absolute refractory period prevents the generation of an AP in the reverse direction

Skeletal muscle is described as striated. What does that mean?

The tissue exhibits alternating dark and light bands

When a cell is said to be "polarized", it means:

There is a difference in the charge between the cytoplasm and the extracellular fluid

The sense of temperature will have what type of receptor involved?


Vasoconstriction and vasodilation of vessels in the skin play a major role in what?


How do long bones adjust to changes in stress and weight on the bones?

They form more compact bone in the area of stress

The ______________ filament is composed of actin


What is the ventricle of the brain that is located within the diencephalon between the two halves of the thalamus?

Third Ventricle

Which ventricle of the brain that is located within the diencephalon between the two halves of the thalamus?

Third Ventricle

A single, brief contraction and relaxation cycle in a muscle fiber is called a muscle _______.


How many neurons form the autonomic nervous system pathways?


A sensory neuron with a single process extending from the cell body is a(n) ______neuron.


Creatine Phosphate creates how much time if energy?

Up to 10 seconds

Anaerobic respiration (fermentation) creates how much time of energy?

Up to three minutes

Elimination of excess water, salts, and waste products are functions of the _____________ system.


The ureters are part of the ____________ system.


If your patient had very low levels of Vitamin D, what would you expect to find?

-A lower than normal concentration of calcium in the blood -A higher than normal concentration of calcium in the urine

What is the function of the fontanels in infants?

-Allows for brain growth in early years -Makes the skull flexible during the birthing process

What are some function of CT?

-Attachment of one tissue -Transport of nutrients, gases, enzymes and hormones -Provides support -Storage of high-energy molecules and minerals

Areas of the body with a large receptive field include the ______.

-Back -Thigh -Upper Arm

What are the sympathetic effects on the respiratory system?

-Bronchodilation -Increased airflow into and out of the lungs

What are the major regions of the hair?

-Bulb -Shaft -Root

Which events occur during the relaxation phase of the muscle twitch?

-Ca+ ions are actively transported back into the sacoplasmic reticulum -The troponin-tropomyosin complexes move to inhibit cross-bridge information

Indicate the characteristics of the epidermis that protect against abrasion

-Calluses develop in areas subject to heavy friction or pressure -As the outer cells of the S. Corneum slough off, they are replaced by cells from the S. Basale.

What properties of the skin that restrict the movement of water from the body or help in the prevention of dehydration?

-Cells of the stratum corneum contain the protein kertain -Intercellular spaces of the epidermis are filled with lipids -The skin has many layers of cells

What type of fibers are found in areolar CT?

-Collagen -Elastic -Reticular

What are the functional properties of all muscle tissue types?

-Contractility -Elasticity -Excitability -Extensibility

What are possible actions of muscle cells?

-Contraction of the heart chambers -Movement of blood through vessels -Contracting and shortening

What are the basic functions of the cerebrum?

-Controls voluntary motor activity -Controls thought -Controls conscious preception

What are part of intercalated discs?

-Desmosomes -gap junctions

In order for an ion to move passively through an ion channel in a cell membrane, there must be a(n) ______________

-Difference in the electrical or charge distribution between the areas -Difference in concentration of that ion on one side versus the other -Gradient of some type

What hormones are secreted by the adrenal medulla?

-E and NE

The epidermis is composed of _______tissue

-ET -Keratinized Stratified Squamous

What are the components of the diencephalon?

-Epithalamus -Thalamus -Hypothalamus

What is the function of the control center within the feedback mechanism?

-Establishes the set point -Receives and Processes information -Controls the effectors

Where is dense irregular CT found?

-Forming a tough fibrous sheath around the bones, nerves and most cartilage -Forming a protective capsule around some organs -Forming most of the dermis of the skin

What are the names of the cerebral lobes?

-Frontal -Parietal -Temporal -Occipital

What types of senses utilize mechanoreceptors?

-Hearing -Touch -Pressure -Balance

Describe the conditions in which there would be a net movement of Na+ through its ion channel to the inside of a cell.

-If the cytoplasm was very negative (-70mV) while the extracellular fluid was very positive, then Na+ ions would flow into the cell -If the concentration Na+ is higher in the extracellular fluid than the cytoplasm, Na+ ions would flow into the cell

Describe the effect calcitonin on bone cells

-Inhibits osteoclasts -Stimulates osteoblasts

What are the functions of the spinal cord?

-Integrates incoming information -Produces responses through reflex mechanisms -Serves as the link between the brain and the PNS

What areas of origination of signals that are carried within the fasciculus cuneatus and fasciculus gracilis?

-Joints -Skin -Tendons -Muscles

Which cell types are found in connective tissues?

-Macrophages -Mast Cells -Fibroblasts

The symptoms of first degree burns include

-May result in redness, pain, and slight edema or swelling -Heal in a week or so without scarring

Graded potentials may be caused by ______.

-Mechanical Stimulation -Temperature Changes -Chemical Signs Binding to Receptors -Changes in Voltage Across the Plasma Membrane

What are the components of the brainstem?

-Midbrain (Mesencephalon) -Pons -MO

Where is nonkeratinized stratified squamous found in the body?

-Mucosa of the oral cavity -Lining of the esophagus

What are the four primary tissue types?

-Nervous -Muscle -Connective -Epithelial

What are the two criteria used to classify the different types of ET?

-Number of cell layers -Shape of epithelial cells

Which cranial nerves control the muscles that move the eyeball?

-Oculomotor III -Trochlear IV -Abducens VI

What structures are innervated by the cervical plexus?

-Posterior Portion of the Head -Skin of the Neck -Diaphram

What types of sensory information that are processed without conscious involvement?

-Postural Information -O2 Levels -Blood Pressure

Based on their location, receptors can be classified into what three groups?

-Proprioceptors -Cutaneous Receptors -Visceroreceptors

What are some of the functions of cerebrospinal fluid?

-Provides nutrients to the CNS tissues -Protects the brain against the shock of rapid head movements -Buoys the head

What are some specific effects of the parasympathetic nervous system?

-Pupil constriction -Increased digestive activity -Increased urine production -Decreased Heart Rate

What structures are lined pseudostratified by columnar ET?

-Respiratory tract to the bronchi -Lining of nasal cavity

What are the four sutures found on the adult skull?

-Sagital -Lambdoid -Squamous -Coronal

What are the three types of muscle tissue (MT)?

-Skeletal -Cardiac -Smooth

Neurons of the fasciculus cuneatus and fasciculus gracilis tracts carry sensory signals from ______.

-Skin -Muscles -Tendons -Joints

What types of senses utilize chemoreceptors?

-Smell -Taste

What are some examples of higher brain functions?

-Speech -Artistic ability -Memory

Both fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers can increase in _____as a result of exercise and training.

-Strength -Size -Capacity

What food items that are most likely high in carotene?

-Sweet Potatoes -Carrots -Squash

How are neurotransmitters removed from the synaptic cleft?

-The Neurotransmitter is transported into the presynaptic terminal -The Neurotransmitter diffuses away from the synapse -The Neurotransmitter is broken down by an enzyme

If all of the calcium within a muscle fiber was removed, which of the following could still occur?

-The heads of the myosin molecules return to their resting positions and the recovery stroke occurs -An AP that was produced at the neuromuscular junction is propagated along the sarcolema

What are two structural differences between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems?

-The locations of the preganglionic cell bodies within the CNS -The location of their autonomic ganglia

What occurs during recruitment?

-The number of fibers contracting increases -The amount of force produced during contraction increases

What are the characteristics that are responsible for establishing the resting membrane potential?

-The plasma membrane is impermeable to large, intracellular proteins -K+ concentration is higher inside and Na+ concentration is higher outside the cell

Describe cross bridges and what conditions are needed for their formation

-They can only perform when the myosin head is in the "cocked" position -They can only form when Ca+ is present in the sarcoplasm -They form when myosin binds to the active sites on actin

The myofilament composed of many elongated molecules shaped like golf clubs is the _____________ myofilament

-Thick -Myosin

When an action potential propagates, it

-Travels across the plasma membrane by stimulating the production of additional AP

The types of movements that occur at a joint are determined by the

-Types of CT -Tightness of Ligaments -Shape of the articulating surfaces

What are the different structural types of neurons?

-Unipolar -Bipolar -Multipolar

In what areas will cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) be found?

-Ventricles of the Brain -Central Canal of the Spine -Subarachnoid Space

What are some of the functions of the sweat produced by the eccrine glands of the skin.

-Waste elimination -Evaporative cooling of the body

What are the five major nerve plexuses?

1. Cervical 2. Brachial 3. Lumbar 4. Sacral 5. Coccygeal

What are the components of a reflex arc?

1. receptor 2. sensory neuron 3. integration center 4. motor neuron 5. effector

Arrange the layers of connective tissue surrounding a neuron in the correct order from superficial to deep: 1. Perineurium 2. Epineurium 3. Endoneurium

2, 1, 3

Put the steps of the sliding filament theory of contraction in order. 1. The myosin heads bind to active sites on the actin myofilaments to form cross-bridges. 2. Calcium ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. 3. An ATP molecule binds to each of the myosin heads, causing then to detach from the actin. 4. Calcium binds to the troponin complex. 5. Tropomyosin moves and exposes the active sites on the actin myofilaments 6. Energy stored in the myosin heads is used to move the myosin heads causing the actin myofilaments to slide past the myosin myofilaments.

2, 4, 5, 1, 6, 3

Place the nerve fiber types in order from smallest diameter to largest. 1. Type A 2. Type B 3. Type C

3, 2, 1

Put the steps of Vitamin D synthesis in the correct order: 1. Cholecalciferol is released to the blood and then travels to liver and kidneys 2. A precursor molecule is converted to cholecalciferol 3. The skin is exposed to UV light 4. Calcitriol is formed

3, 2, 1, 4

Place the events of a basic reflex arc in the order which action potentials will pass through: 1. Synapse with interneuron 2. Motor neuron sends action potential to an effector organ 3. Sensory receptor detects a stimulus 4. Synapse with a motor neuron 5. Sensory neuron conducts action potential to the CNS

3, 5, 1, 4, 2

The spinal cord consists of __________ segments that each gives rise to a pair of spinal nerves.


Place the events involved in skeletal muscular contraction in order beginning with events at the neuromuscular junction to contraction. 1. ACh binds to receptors on postsynaptic membrane and stimulates the generation of an action potential. 2. Myosin binds to actin, allowing for muscular contraction. 3. An action potential reaches the terminal of the presynaptic membrane and triggers the opening of voltage gated Ca2+ channels. 4. Ca2+ ions diffuse into the sacroplasm and bind to troponin molecules 5. Ca2+ enters the presynaptic terminal and initiates the release of ACh via exocytosis 6. Impulse travels along the sarcolemma and spreads along the T tubules.

4, 3, 2, 5, 1, 6

Place the events of a chemical synapse in chronological order 1. Ca2+ diffuses into the presynaptic terminal 2. Depolarization or hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic membrane 3. Voltage gated Ca2+ channels open 4. Neurotransmitters are released in the presynaptic terminal 5. An action potential reaches the presynaptic terminal 6.Neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane

5, 3, 1, 4, 6, 2

Which part of the sarcomere contains both actin and myosin monofilaments, contains the H zone and the M line, and extends the entire length of the myosin filaments?

A band

A dermatome is the area of the skin supplied with sensory innervation by

A pair of ventral Rami

The compound that binds to cholinergic receptors is ______.


Sensory receptors respond to stimuli by generating ______ propagated back to the CNS.


The activities of the CNS such as response to stimuli, memories, emotions, and perception of our environment are all due to electrical signals known as


The ______________ nerve allows for lateral eye movement.

Abducens Nerve VI

moving a body part away from the midline is called


After a nerve cell responds to a stimulus, the period of time when the cell can not respond again, regardless of the stimulus, is called the _______ refractory period.


Receptors in the skin can detect all but ____________


Electrical signal, called _________potentials travel from the brain or spinal cord along the axons to muscle fibers and cause them to contract.


Electrical signals that are propagated along axons in a non-decremental fashion are called ____ potentials.


Not smelling the garbage after working in a dump and being exposed to the continued odor stimulus for hours is an example of sensory ______.


What is the function of the basement membrane?

Adhere epithelial cells to underlying connective tissue

Which CT cells store lipids?


What is yellow bone marrow?

Adipose Tissue

Almost all postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division are ______.


If a sympathetic nerve secretes norepinephrine then the neuron is called a(n) _____ neuron.


The mechanism of ATP production that requires oxygen is

Aerobic Respiration

In regards to ATP production, ________________ is more efficient than __________________

Aerobic respiration; Fermentation

A genetic lack of melanin production causes a condition called _________


The study of the organization of body structures is called


Which are cholinergic neurons in the parasympathetic division?

All preganglionic and postganglionic neurons

The primary determinant for skin color is the ____________, not the _______________.

Amount of Melanin; Number of Melanocytes

Slightly moveable is what type of joint function classification?


What is a plexus?

An intermingling of nerves.

The forearm is what region of the body?


What are the two terms that mean toward the front of the body.

Anterior and Ventral

Keratinized stratified squamous lines the _____, while nonkeratinized stratified squamous lines the ____.

Anus; Mouth

In what type of gland is the top portion of the cell lost as the secretion is released?

Apocrine (Apical-top)

Bones increase in width or thickness because of ______growth beneath the periosteum.


Which layer of the meninges is thin, lacks blood vessels and resembles cobwebs?

Arachnoid Mater

Which structure of the brain is a thin, web-like layer of meninges?

Arachnoid Mater

What structure of the cerebellum is formed from the white matter of the cerebellum that resembles a branching tree?

Arbor Vitae

The sternum is considered medial to the ____________


Proximal and distal are used for what body parts?

Arms and Legs

The layer of hyaline cartilage found covering the ends of bones within a synovial joint are also called ____________ cartilage


The ends of long bones are typically covered by _______.

Articular Cartilage

What type of pathways transmit information from the periphery to the brain?

Ascending/Sensory (Afferent)

Which fibers of the brain connect areas of cerebral cortex within the same hemisphere?

Association Fibers

What are the star-shaped neuroglia that help form the BBB?


The division of the motor nervous system that is under involuntary control and innervates glands, smooth muscle and cardiac muscle is the ____________ division.


Which nervous system division is usually under involuntary control?


Smooth muscle is classified as involuntary but sometimes it is capable of contracting without nervous stimulation. This is referred to as ___________


The plasma membrane of the axon is called the


What is the process of a neuron that transmits AP away from the cell body?


What is the site where the axon originates?

Axon Hillock

Which type of joint are found in the articulation where a convex cylinder is in a concave depression on the other bone?


The surface of an epithelial cell that faces the basement membrane is its ____________ surface


A group of functionally related nuclei located within the cerebrum, dienecephalon, and midbrain are ______________

Basal Nuclei

A group of nuclei located within the cerebrum that aid in controlling motor functions are ______ ______.

Basal Nuclei

A decrease in heart rate and blood pressure results when drugs such as propranolol block or inhibit ________________ receptors in the heart.


Callus formation occurs during

Bone Repair

Which spinal nerves form the cervical plexus?


Which spinal nerves form the Brachial Plexus?


The fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord and provides a protective cushion around the CNS is ______ fluid.


Ventricles of the brain contain______.


What do ventricles of the brain contain?


What is the relationship between the meninges, the ventricles and cerebrospinal fluid?

CSF is produced in a flows through the ventricles where it is reabsorbed within the meninges.

What class of tissue is comprised of widely-spaced cells and abundant extracellular material?


The hormone _____________ inhibits osteoclasts to help lower blood calcium levels


What is a hormone that functions to increase blood calcium levels?


During endochondral ossification, bone is formed by replacing ________ with bone.


Symphyses and Synchondroses are examples of what type of joint?

Cartilaginous Joints

What is the the bundle of spinal nerves extending inferiorly from the conus medullaris?

Cauda Equina

What is found in the sympathetic chain ganglion and in the collateral ganglion? -Cell bodies of postganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic division -Cell bodies of preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division -Cell bodies of preganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic division -Cell bodies of postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division

Cell bodies of postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division.

The cells in the most superficial layer of the skin are dead because

Cells die as they move away from their nutrient supply to the dermis

The hollow space in the center of the spinal cord that allows for the circulation of CSF is called the_____________

Central Canal

What structure of the spinal cord contains cerebrospinal fluid and is continuous with the fourth ventricle of the brain?

Central Canal

The anatomical term that is usually synonymous with "superior" in humans and means towards the head is _____________.

Cephalic and Cranial

Which structure of the cerebellum connects the cerebellum and the brainstem?

Cerebellar Peduncles

The part of the brain that is important in maintaining posture and equilibrium and is attached to the brain posterior to the pons is the


Which division of the brain controls muscle movement and tone and maintains balance?


What structure connects the third ventricle to the fourth ventricle?

Cerebral Aqueduct

What structure of the brain is the gray matter on the outer surface of the cerebrum?

Cerebral Cortex

The ear drum is protected from entry of dirt and small insects into the ear canal by the presence of ________________


What are waxy secretions produced by ceruminous glands in the external ear?


What is a synapse where one cell releases a neurotransmitter to communicate with another cell?

Chemical Synapse

The senses of smell and taste depend on the function of what type of receptor?


The sense of taste will have what type of receptor involved?


What is a cartilage cell that secretes matrix?


What are immature cells that produce cartilage matrix?


What is a cartilage cell that has become enclosed in a lacunae?


What are mature cells surrounded by cartilage matrix


What is CSF secreted by?

Choroid Plexus

Structures found on the free surface of some ET which are motile and function to move materials across free surfaces are:


Which spinal nerves form the Coccygeal Plexus?

Co1 and Co2

The fiber types that are strong and flexible but resists stretching are ___________ fibers.


What are the branches of an axon?


The area of the midbrain consisting of the two superior and two inferior ____________ that are collectively referred to as the corpora quadrigemina


Pigments in the skin and blood flow through the skin are both major determinants of skin

Color or Tone

Which fibers of the brain connect the two cerebral hemispheres?

Commissural Fibers

Bone tissue comprised of osteons is called ________________ bone.


Which osseous tissue is found on the surface of all bones?


_________ bone is remodeled from spongy bone and its matrix is arranged in distinct layers known as lamellae.


When subjected to extremely frequent stimuli, the muscle cannot relax at all and twitches fuse into a smooth prolonged contraction called _________________________

Complete Tetanus

An osteon consists of circular layers of bone matrix surrounding a central canal. These circular layers of bone matrix are called _______________

Concentric Lamallae

The class of tissue that consists of cells separated from each other by large amounts of extracellular matrix is called ____________ tissue.


What class of CT does areolar, adipose, dense collagenous and elastic collagenous represent?

Connective tissue proper

Sympathetic neurons maintain a low, constant stimulation of the blood vessels, keeping them slightly ______.


The synaptic vesicles of the presynaptic neuron of the neuromuscular junction:

Contain ACh and other neurotransmitters

The sarcomere is called the basic functional unit of a muscle fiber because it is the smallest part of the fiber that is capable of ______.


The sarcomere is called the basic functional unit of a muscle fiber because it is the smallest part of the fiber that is capable of____________


Golgi tendon organs occupy tendons and are stimulated when muscle tension increases; they initiate a reflex that inhibits muscle ______.


Inferior to the lumbar enlargement the spinal cord tapers to a point. This region is known as the __________

Conus Medullaris

The stratum ________ is the most superficial layer of the epidermis and is composed of about 25 layers of dead keratinized cells.


What cells of the epidermis are dead and filled with keratin?

Cornified cells

The large commisural fiber that connects the left and right hemispheres is the

Corpus Callosum

The left and right cerebral hemispheres are connected by a commissural structure called the ______ _______.

Corpus Collosum

What is the prominent C-shaped band of nerve tracts that connects the right and left cerebral hemispheres?

Corpus Collosum

What structure of the brain are fibers connecting the right and left cerebral hemispheres?

Corpus Collosum

The gray matter on the outer surface of the cerebrum is called the cerebral _________


The ___________ nerves are designated by roman numerals and by names that indicated their primary functions and/or the distribution of their fibers.


What is the effect of parasympathetic stimulation on the heart?

Decreases the Heart Rate

The hypodermis or subcutaneous layer is located ____________ to the dermis


Pacinian corpuscles respond to what types of stimuli?

Deep Pressure and Vibration

What is the process of a neuron that transmits AP toward the cell body?


The cells of the epidermis that are part of the immune system are the ________cells

Dendritic or Langerhans

The type of CT containing bundles of only collagen fibers that run in random directions is called _____________ ____________.

Dense Irregular

A special movement that lowers a body part inferiorly is called _______


Which layer of the skin is composed of loose and dense regular CT?


Meissner corpuscles are found in the ______ and function in ______.

Dermis; Detecting light touch

What is the central shaft of a long bone?


Where is the primary ossification center during endochondral ossification in a long bone?


Freely moveable is what type of joint function classification?


The stomach, liver, and intestines are organs of what system?


What system breaks down food and absorbs nutrients?


Muscle contraction during exercise increases body temperature which leads to the release of body heat via

Dilation of blood vessels in the dermis

Collections of cell bodies of sensory neurons that form bulges on the dorsal root are called __________________

Dorsal Root Ganglion

What is the movement that points the toes up?


The periosteal layer of the cranial cavity is formed by the _____mater of the meninges.


Which structure of the brain is the thickest layer of the meninges?

Dura Mater

What are the channels between the two layers of dura mater that contain venous blood are called?

Dural Sinuses

What are the channels between the two layers of dura mater that contain venous blood called?

Dural Sinuses

The specific type of glands located on the palms of hands as well as most other areas of the body are ________sweat glands.


What are simple, coiled, tubular glands that open directly onto the surface of the skin through sweat pores?

Eccrine sweat glands

The organ that carries out a response that changes the value of the variable is called a(n) ____________.


In the nervous system, the term ______refers to signals from the CNS to effectors.


What cartilage is found in the auricle of the ear?


The layer of connective tissue lining the internal surfaces and medullary cavity of a bone is called the ________.


The ability of muscle to recoil to its original resting length after is has been stretched is called_______.


What is a gap junction that allows an ionic current to flow between adjacent cells?

Electrical Synapse

The atlas and occipital bones are what type of joints?


The thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and ovaries are organs of the ___________ system.


The innermost connective tissue layer in nervous tissue is the


Two areas of the spinal cord are thicker than the rest. The areas give rise to the nerves leading to the limbs. These areas are called the cervical and lumbar _____________


Which division of the ANS regulates digestive function?

Enteric Nervous System

What are the neuroglia that line the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord?

Ependymal Cells

Which layer of the skin is composed of stratified squamous ET?


What parts of the body are composed of keratinized stratified squamous ET.

Epidermis of palms and soles

What structure of the brain is a space above the dura mater filled with areolar and adipose connective tissue?

Epidural Space

What is a layer of dense connective tissue that surrounds a muscle?


The layer of dense connective tissue binding fascicles together to form a nerve is the


The structure found between the epiphysis and diaphysis in a child and is a site of growth is the _______________ ________________ (two words)

Epiphyseal Plate

In adults, what is the remnant of the growth plate called?

Epiphyseal line

An increase in blood flow to the skin makes the skin appear more red or pink in color. This color change is called _________.


What is the formation of blood cells?


What is the movement where the sole of the foot is faced laterally?


Autonomic motor neurons can be ______, while somatic motor neurons are always excitatory.

Excitatory or Inhibitory

Glands that release their secretion onto a body surface are ____________ glands while glands that release their secretions into the blood are ____________ glands.

Exocrine; Endocrine

What is the movement that increases the angle between two bones?


The sensory receptors of the skin are critical for monitoring the ________environment.


What are the effectors for the motor fibers of the abducens nerve?

Extrinsic Muscle of the Eye

Identify the cranial nerve that is a mixed nerve that carries motor impulses to muscles of expression, tear glands and salivary glands?

Facial Nerve VII

Which Cranial Nerve controls muscles that promote facial expression, controls secretions of salivary glands and transmits sensory information from the tongue?

Facial Nerve VII

True or False: Positive feedback mechanisms are more common in healthy individuals than negative feedback mechanisms.


True or False: Tendons are part of the skeletal system.


True or False: The anatomical name of a joint is determined by the manner in which the bone ends are connected at the joint.


True or False: The collagenous fibers dense irregular CT are parallel and closely packed.


True or False: The epidermis is composed of keratinized simple squamous epithelium


True or False: The myelin sheath consists of connective tissue wrapped around the cell body and axon of a neuron.


True or False: The two types of bone development include endochondral and endosteal ossification


True or False: Three factors that generate the resting membrane. 1. Diffusion of ions across across a membrane 2. A selectively permeable membrane 3. The electrical attraction of oppositely charged ions.


True or False: When a neurotransmitter binds to a receptor on a postsynaptic membrane, a depolarization will always occur.


True or false: Each ascending tract carries various types of information from several different types of sensory receptors.


True or false: Neurons consist of a single cell body, a single dendrite and multiple axons.


True or false: The autonomic nervous system regulates conscious, voluntary movements of skeletal muscles.


True or false: The sympathetic preganglionic fibers exit the spinal cord through spinal nerves C1 and C2.


Rapid, intense movements of short duration is the function of which muscle fiber type?

Fast-Twitch Glycolytic

Endurance activities in trained muscles is the function of which muscle fiber type?

Fast-twitch Oxidative Glycolytic

The thigh is what part of the body?


What cartilage is found between vertabrae?


A gomphosis is structurally classified as a ______________ joint


A joint that has a limited range of motion having no synovial cavity that is united by fibrous tissue is what type?

Fibrous Joints

Gomphoses, Sutures, and Syndesmoses are all what type of joint?

Fibrous Joints

The anatomical term digit refers to which part(s) of the body?

Fingers and toes

Blood is a type of what kind of tissue?

Fluid CT

Which structure of the cerebellum form the outer ridges of the cortex of the cerebellum?


What are the membranous areas in the sutures of infants are called?


The regions of intramembranous bone in infants that have not undergone ossification are known as:

Fontanels or Soft Spots

What is intramembranous ossification?

Formation of bone within a CT membrane

Which ventricle is in the brainstem anterior to the cerebellum?

Fourth Ventricle

In regards to the degree of movement allowed, most synovial joints are which type of joints?

Freely Moveable

The plane that cuts the body lengthwise and separates the body into anterior and posterior positions is the ____________ plane.


The lobe of the cerebrum responsible for voluntary motor function, motivation, aggression, sense of smell and decision making is the _______ lobe.

Frontal Lobe

Which lobe of the brain is responsible for voluntary motor functions, aggression and mood?

Frontal Lobe

What bones are joined at the coronal suture?

Frontal and Parietal

Electrical synapses allow ions to diffuse quickly from cell to cell via

Gap Junctions

Somatic and visceral senses are part of the ________________ senses.


Which Cranial Nerve transmits taste sensations and controls muscles involved in swallowing and secretions of salivary glands?

Glossopharangeal Nerve IX

Taste receptors of the anterior tongue are the source of sensory information conveyed via the sensory fibers of the __________ nerve.

Glossopharyngeal Nerve IX

What cranial nerve that is a mixed nerve that primarily carries motor impulses to muscles of the pharynx and salivary glands?

Glossopharyngeal Nerve IX

Which cranial nerve is a mixed nerve that primarily carries motor impulses to muscles of the pharynx and salivary glands?

Glossopharyngeal Nerve IX

What cell is a mucus secreting gland cell found in the epithelia of many mucous membranes?

Goblet Cells

Which sensory receptor will cause a golgi tendon reflex?

Golgi Tendon Organ

What type of reflex prevents contracting muscles from applying excessive tension on tendons by inhibiting muscle contraction?

Golgi Tendon Reflex

Which reflex prevents damage caused by excessive tension by inhibiting muscular contractions?

Golgi Tendon Reflex

From where would a spinal nerve of the sympathetic nervous system receive a postganglionic axon?

Gray Ramus Communicans

Where are sensory, association and motor areas found in the cerebrum? (Grey or White Matter)

Grey Matter

What are the ridges or convolutions seen on the surface of the cerebrum?


What structure of the brain is a fold of tissue (convolution) of the cerebrum?


Most sebaceous glands open into:

Hair Follicles

Which type of joint are found in the articulation where a rounded bone surface is inside the depression of the other bone?


The tendency of a living body to maintain relatively stable internal conditions in spite of greater changes in the external environment is known as __________.


What structure of the brain regulates the secretion of hormones from the pituitary gland?


Aerobic respiration creates how much time of energy?


During endochondral ossification, bone forms from structures composed of _______________ cartilage.


The type of cartilage which most bones are formed from and is important in bone growth in length is ________.


What cartilage is found at the tip of the ear?


An abnormal, forced extension of a joint beyond its normal range of motion is called


The slow closing of voltage-gated potassium channels is the cause of


What component of the skin best serves as thermal insulation?


Which layer of the skin is composed of loose connective CT and adipose tissue?


The cranial nerve numbered XII is the ______nerve

Hypoglossal Nerve

Which Cranial Nerve controls muscles of the tongue and throat?

Hypoglossal Nerve XII

The most inferior portion of the diencephalon is the ______.


The part of the diencephalon that is involved in regulating thirst and hunger sensations is the __________


What part of the sarcomere extends from each side of the Z line to the ends of the myosin myofilaments and consists of actin myofilamints on each side of the Z line.?

I Band

What is the effect of UC exposure on the skin?

Increased melanin synthesis

What effects can be attributed to increased weight and pressure on a bone?

Increased osteoblast activity

When the skin is flushed (turns red), the amount of heat loss (increases, decreases, remains the same)


The portion of the midbrain involved in dealing with auditory pathways is the ______

Inferior Colliculus

The hypothalamus is the most _______________ portion of the ________________.

Inferior; Diencephalon

The tip of the nose is __________ and __________ to the eyes.

Inferior; Medial

The skin __________dehydration.

Inhibits, stops, and prevents

Tropomyosin _____________ contraction in the absence of a signal from the nervous system (select all that are correct)


What is the movement where the sole of the foot is faced medially?


Reflexes produce movements that are conducted without conscious thought. These are called ______ movements.


What is the function of smooth muscle cells?

Involuntary contraction of the GI tract

What is the function of cardiac muscle cells?

Involuntary contraction of the heart

Bones that have elaborate shapes are classified as ____ bones.


What type of ventricles are located within the cerebral hemispheres?

Lateral Ventricles

The right cerebral hemisphere receives from and sends signals to the _______________ side of the body.


A midsagittal plane divides the body into equal ____________.

Left and Right portions

The postsynaptic receptors for acetylcholine (ACh) are ______ion channels.


The group of structures with the brain are important in emotions, memory and motivation is called the ___________ system.


Myelin has a high _________ concentration


Bones that are longer than they are wide and generally have enlarged ends for articulations are classified as ______ bones.


Subcutaneous tissue or hyperdemis and the papillary layer of the dermis are the regions that are composed of what kind of CT?


Reticular, areolar, and adipose are all types or what CT?

Loose CT

Sympathetic neurons regulated blood vessel constriction by transmitting ______. -low and inconsistent stimuli -high and inconsistent stimuli -low and constant stimuli

Low and Constant Stimuli

The concentration of sodium is ________________ in the cytosol of a resting cell than it is in the extracellular fluid.


The anterior spinocerebellar tract carries proprioceptive information to the cerebellum from the ______.

Lower trunk and limbs

The pleural cavity is the space between the two serous membranes surrounding each ____________.


The sense of touch will have what type of receptor involved?


What type of receptor responds to stimuli that deform the receptors?


The center of the hair shaft is called the ______.


The hollow space in which osteocytes reside is called the

Medullary Cavity

Tactile corpuscles, also known as ______ corpuscles, are encapsulated receptors for fine touch, such as two-point discrimination.


A group of pigments known collectively as ________ is responsible for protecting the genetic material of the skin cells from UV damage.


The vesicles that contain melanin are called _______


What are cells with long processes that extend between the keratinocytes of the stratum basale and stratum spinosum that are irregularly shape cells that produce melanin?


The three layers of membranes that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord are called the _______.


A fibrocartilage pad found between the bones within the knee joint is called a(n) ______.


Exocrine glands that release their secretion by exocytosis are ___________ glands?


Embryonic CT is called ___________


Because of their phagocytic function, large numbers of _____ are found in areas of the CNS damaged by an infection


What are the phagocytic neuroglia of the CNS?

Microglia Cells

The monocyte/macrophage lineage give rise to _______.


Which division of the brain serves as the visual reflex center?


The somatic motor system and the autonomic nervous system are part of the ______ division.


Ventral roots consist of only ______fibers.


Which functional type of neuron conducts impulses away from the CNS?


Ventral roots consist only of __________ fibers.

Motor (Efferent)

What is the thick secretion produced by goblet cells?


What secretion line cavities that open to the outside of the bodies?


Effector cells that respond to acetycholine released from postganglionic neurons possess ______ receptors on their cell membranes.


Which sensory receptor will cause a stretch reflex?

Muscle Spindles

Action potentials are conducted more rapidly along ___________ axons


The axons of the white communicating ramus are ______. Myelinated Unmyelinated


What are the precursor cells of muscle fibers?


The protein found in muscle cells that stores and then releases oxygen when needed is called ________.


What is a part of the thick myofilament?

Myosin Molecules

The structures that protect the ends of the fingers and toes from damage and can be used in defense are_______________


If the area just inside the membrane of a cell is more negative than the outside, the resting membrane potential will have a ____________ value.


The voltage of a repolarizing neuron or muscle fiber is becoming more __________ with respect to the extracellular fluid around it


When the resting membrane potential be comes more ________ the condition is referred to as hyperpolarization.


Bodily changes are detected and responses are activated that reverse the change and restore stability and preserve normal body function during ______.

Negative Feedback

Bodily changes are detected and responses are activated that reverse the change and restore stability and preserve normal body function during ____________.

Negative Feedback

A bundle of axons wrapped in fibrous connective tissue in the peripheral nervous system is called a(n) _______________


Communication within the body using electrical signals is the function of the ________ system.


The category of cells of the nervous system that support and protect neurons are called ____________ cells.


The basic structural unit of the nervous system is the _____.


A chemical released at the distal end of an axon that either stimulates or inhibits an adjacent cell is called a(n) ___________________


Synaptic vesicles within synaptic knobs contain chemicals called_________________


Name the receptor molecule for acetylcholine from the preganglionic neuron in the autonomic nervous system.


The sense of pain will have what type of receptor involved?


Extreme stimulation of mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, or thermoreceptors can in turn stimulate ______.


On myelinated axons, small gaps exist between adjacent Schwann cells; these gaps are known as ______ __ _______.

Nodes of Ranvier

What is the name of the gaps found between segments of myelin along an axon?

Nodes of Ranvier

A synarthroses is what type of joint function classification?


Which lobe of the brain is responsible for evaluating visual sensations?

Occipital Lobe

What bones are joined at the lambdoid suture?

Occipital and Parietal

Which cranial nerve controls many of the muscles that move the eyeball, constricts the pupils and promotes lens accommodation?

Oculomotor III

Which cranial nerve controls muscles that change the shape of the eyeball for visual accommodation and controls many of the muscles that move the eyeball??

Oculomotor Nerve III

The cranial nerve that transmits information regarding the sense of smell is the ___________ nerve.

Olfactory Nerve I

What is a neuroglia cell that forms the myelin sheaths around neurons of the CNS?


The cranial nerve that transmits visual information is the ______ nerve.

Optic Nerve II

A group of tissues that work together for a specialized function is called a(n)


Mature bone is composed of ____________ material such as collagen and _____________ material such as hydroxyapetite

Organic; Inorganic

The liver, urinary bladder, heart, and stomach are all considered what?


The locations in the membrane where ossification begins are called ______.

Ossification Centers

What are immature bone cells?


When blood calcium levels rise above normal, bone cells called __________ are activated to create more bone matrix


Immature bone cells that produce bony matrix are called:


When blood calcium falls, the type of bone cells called ______ break down bone matrix and release calcium into the blood.


Mature bone cells found within lacunae of compact bone are called _______.


What are mature bone cells found within lacunae of compact bone called?


What are mature bone cells?


Two terms which describe the entire process of bone formation are ______and ______.

Osteogenesis; Ossification

The structure of compact bone that consists of a central canal and all the concentric lamellae that surround it is called a haversian system or an ________.


What is a central canal and all the layers of concentric lamellae that surround it?


Twelve pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves with their ganglia make up the ______.


Low blood calcium levels stimulate the release of which hormone?


Which sensory receptor will cause a withdrawal reflex?

Pain (nociceptor) Receptor

Which organs can be found in both the endocrine and the digestive systems?


The dermis consists of two zones: the superficial _____________ layer and the deeper ______________ layer.

Papilary; Reticular

The division of the autonomic nervous system that decreases the heart rate is the___________ division

Parasympathetic Division

Which division of the ANS influences effectors under conditions of rest?

Parasympathetic Nervous System

The lobe of the cerebrum that receives and evaluates general senses (touch, pain,etc.) is the ______________ lobe.


The lobe of the cerebrum that receives and evaluates general senses (touch, pain etc.) is the ________ lobe.

Parietal Lobe

Which lobe of the brain is responsible for evaluating the general senses?

Parietal Lobe

What serous membrane lines the cavity holding the heart?

Parietal Pericardium

Which lobe of the brain is responsible for evaluating olfactory and auditory sensations?

Parietral Lobe

The superior, middle and inferior cerebellar ________connect the cerebellum to the brainstem, allowing communication between the cerebellum and other parts of the CNS.


The Urinary Bladder and part of the large intestine are in what part of the abdominopelvic cavity?

Pelvic Cavity

What are the serous membranes associated with the heart?

Pericardial Membranes

The connective tissue layer surrounding groups of axons to form a nerve fascicle is the _______.


What is the membrane that surrounds bone?


The deepest meningeal layer that is tightly attached to the spinal cord is the _________ mater.

Pia Mater

The layer of the meninges that is directly attached to the brain and spinal cord is the ____ mater.

Pia Mater

What is the deepest meninx that is attached directly to the surface of the spinal cord?

Pia Mater

Which layer of the meninges is directly attached to the surface of the brain and spinal cord?

Pia Mater

Fast glycolytic muscle fibers________

Respond rapidly to nervous stimulation and fatigue more quickly

Which type of joint are found in the articulation where a bony process is within a bony and/or ligament ring?


The Proximal Radioulnar Joint is what type of joint?

Pivot Joint

Which type of joint are found in the articulation where two flat bone surfaces?


The serous membrane that adheres to the outside of the lung is known as the ______________ membrane.


The plasma membrane has opposite charges across the membrane and causes the membrane to be ______


The area of the brainstem superior to the medulla oblongata connects the cerebellum to the brainstem is the _______.


The midbrain is part of the brainstem located above the ______.


The midbrain is the part of the brainstem and is located superior to the


The back of the knee is the ___________ region.


The cycle in which a physiological change leads to an even greater change in the same direction is known as ____________ feedback.


A structure located toward the back or behind another is ____________ to it.

Posterior or Dorsal

What are unmyelinated and extend from the autonomic ganglion to the target cells? Preganglionic Neuron Postganglionic Neuron

Postganglionic Neuron

At a synapse, the neuron that responds to the neurotransmitter is the ___________ neuron.


During an action potential, repolarization is due to _______ions leaving the cell.


Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials are due to the opening of _____ channels.


What are the enlarged end of the axon containing vesicles filled with neurotransmitter?

Presynaptic terminal

Which fibers of the brain connect parts of the cerebrum to other parts of the brain and spinal cord?

Projection fibers

What is the rotation of the arm so the palms face posteriorly?


A person lying facedown is in the ____________ postion.


The ability to close your eyes and move your finger to your nose is an example of ______.


The nonvisual perception, usually subconscious, of the position and movements of the body is called


Jutting out the jaw is an example of ________.


The primary role of the senses is to ______.

Provide information to the brain about perceived stimuli

In terms of position or direction in the body, the knuckles of the digits are ____________ to the nails.


The ET that functions in secretion and movement of mucus is ciliated ____________ columnar ET.


The epithelial cell that has tall columnar cells where all cells have contact with the basal surface but do not reach the free surface is ____________ columnar epithelium.


A single layer of cells with all cells attached to the basement membrane but not all reach the free surface is what type of ET?

Pseudostratified ET

The type of connective tissue that binds bones and attaches muscles to bones is a dense _________ connective tissue.


When the force generated by a muscle increases due to an increasing number of motor units being utilized, it is called


A period of time after a nerve has responded to a stimulus in which it cannot be re-excited by a threshold stimulus is called a(n) ______________ period.


The integumentary system does which if the following: -controls intellectual functions. -produces body movements. -regulates body temperature. -breaks down food into small particles for absorption.

Regulates body temperature

The ______refractory period lasts until the end of the hyperpolarization period.


Testes, Uterus, and ovaries are organs of what system?


Which of the organ systems can the body live without?


Gas exchange is the function of the ___________ system....


The lungs, trachea, and nasal passages are components of the ____________ system.


What area of the brain regulates activities that control the state of wakefulness or alertness is the

Reticular Formation (RAS)

Which division of the brain controls cyclic activities such as the sleep-wake cycle?

Reticular formation (RAS)

Where would you find bipolar neurons?

Retina and nasal cavity

What is a condition caused by insufficient levels of vitamin D?

Rickets (Osteopenia)

The left cerebral hemisphere controls muscles and receives sensory input from the _____________ side of the body.


What type of mechanoreceptors are found primarily in the dermis of the fingers and respond to continuous touch or pressure?

Ruffini End Organs

The highest rate of cell division in the epidermis occurs within the stratum ______.

S. Basale

The layer of the epidermis resting directly upon the dermis is the stratum ______

S. Basale

The carpals and metacarpals are what type of joints?

Saddle Joint

The structure within a muscle fiber that extends from one Z line to another Z line is a(n)


The cytoplasm of a muscle cell is called the ____________________


The _________________ in a muscle fiber stores calcium in between contractions.

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

The neuroglial cells of the PNS that surround cell bodies (somas) in ganglia are called ______.

Satellite Cells

The specific cell that is responsible for producing myelin in the PNS is the ______cells.


What neuroglial cell types found in the peripheral nervous system?

Schwann Cells and Satellite Cells

What is the largest peripheral nerve?

Sciatic Nerve

During bone formation, the epiphyses are sites of

Secondary Ossification Centers

Which functional type of neuron conducts impulses towards the CNS?


Dorsal roots consists of only ______ fibers.

Sensory (Affarent)

Dorsal roots consist only of _________________ fibers.

Sensory (Afferent)

What are the two functional sub-divisions of the peripheral nervous system?

Sensory and Motor Divisions

What structures are found in a monosynaptic reflex?

Sensory and Motor Neuron

The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is composed of what types of neurons?

Sensory and Motor Neurons

How do sensory receptors respond to stimuli?

Sensory receptors generate AP that carry signals to the CNS

The olfactory nerve contains ___________ fibers and transmits impulses associated with the sense of _______________.

Sensory; Smell

The optic nerve contains __________ nerve fibers and transmits impulses associated with the sense of ___________

Sensory; Vision

When the body temperature declines below a certain level, the nervous system induces rapid skeletal muscle contractions called


Bones such as the carpals that have the same length are width are classified as _____bones.


A single layer where cells extend from the basement membrane to the free surface is known as what ET?


Which type of epithelium makes up the air sacs of the lungs, inner lining of the heart and blood vessels and the serous membranes of the viscera?

Simple Squamous

Kidney tubules and glands are locations where what type of ET will be found?

Simple cuboidal ET

Bones, ligaments and cartilage are organs and tissues of the _____________ system.


Maintaining Posture and Walking or Running are functions of what type of muscle?


Site for blood cell formation, formation of blood cells, storage, protection, and movement are all functions of what system?


Which type of muscle cells are long, cylindrical, non-branching cells with many peripherally located nuclei?

Skeletal Muscle Cells

What system stores 99% of our calcium and is critical for blood cell formation?

Skeletal System

Which type of muscle cells are spindle shaped cells with a single centrally located nucleus?

Smooth Muscle Cells

The posterior spinocerebellar tract carries proprioceptive information to the cerebellum from the ______.

Thoracic and upper limb areas

Myoglobin would be most abundant in what type of muscle fiber?

Slow Oxidative

Maintenance of posture and performance of endurance activities is the function of which muscle fiber type?

Slow-Twitch Oxidative

Which muscle tissue is composed of cells which are tapered, nonstriated, have a single nucleus and are under involuntary control?


What structures are controlled by the ANS?

Smooth and Cardiac muscle as well as Glands

The cell body of a neuron is also known as the ______.


General body senses, providing touch, pressure, temperature, proprioception, and pain information about the body and its environment are ______ senses.


The division of the peripheral nervous system that includes the skeletal muscles is the ______division.


The motor division consists of the ______.

Somatic Motor and Autonomic Nervous Systems

The division of the nervous system that transmits electrical impulses towards skeletal muscle is the ______________ nervous system, while the division of the nervous system that transmits electrical impulses towards cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and glands is the _______________ nervous system

Somatic; Autonomic

Summation that results from EPSPs occurring at multiple synapses is called __________ summation.


Proprioceptive information is to carried to the cerebellum by the ______ tract.


The bottom of the cells are bound to the basement membrane with hemidesmosomes, the keratinocytes of the have the highest rate of mitotic division when compared to any other layer of the epidermis, and melanin is produced only in this layer all describe what layer of the epidermis?

Statrum Basale

Ultimately, all of the normal epidermal cells originate from:

Stem cells in the S. Basale

Two-point discrimination is the ability to detect ______.

Stimulation from two distinct areas of the skin

More than one layer cells with only the deepest contacting the basement membrane is known as what type of ET


Which reflex aids in maintaining posture by promoting muscular contraction when muscles are stretched?

Stretch Reflex

The space associated with the meninges that contains CSF is the ______ space.


The space associated with the meninges that contains cerbrospinal fluid is the _____________ space


Which structure of the brain is a space filled with blood vessels and CSF?

Subarachnoid Space

Skin is attached to the underlying bone and muscle by the __________ tissue


What tissue of the skin is like the foundation of a house?

Subcutaneous Tissue

The space between the dura mater and the arachnoid mater is the __________ space.


Which structure of the brain is the space below the dura mater?

Subdural Space

Shallow grooves found all over the surface of the cerebrum are called _______.


A structure described as ____________ is closer to the surface.


The eye is ____________ to the nose.


The portion of the midbrain involved in dealing with visual pathways is the ______

Superior Colliculus

Which brain nucleus acts as the body's biological clock?

Suprachiasmatic Nucleus

The calf is what part of the body>


The epiphyseal plate is an example of what type of joint?


The fight-or-flight response is associated with the _____ division.


The increased breakdown of lipids within adipose tissue and thus the release of fatty acids may be induced by the ______ nervous system.


Which division of the ANS influences effectors during increased physical activity or stress?

Sympathetic Nervous System

The joints between the vertebrae are structurally classified as:


The epiphyseal plate is classified as a __________ joint


What is the most complex type of joint category?


The ankle is what region of the body?


What would happen to bone if it were to lose its collagen component?

The bone would be very brittle

What is the difference between the general senses and the special senses?

The general senses are distributed over a large part of the body, while the special senses are localized in specific organs.

Excitable cells operate through the movement of ions across ________________

The plasma membrane

The optimal length of a muscle is the length at which:

The sarcomeres are in the ideal position to generate the greatest tension

The intercellular junction that holds cells together and form a permeability barrier is a _________ junction.


A group of similar cells with a common function is known as a(n)_____________


A group of similar cells with a common function(s) is known as a(n)____________.


Identify the thin plates of bone that comprise spongy bone called?


The lining of the ureters, urinary bladder and portions of the urethra is composed of ________________ ET.


A cut through the body parallel to the floor that divides the body into superior and inferior parts is called a ____________ plane.


Which Cranial Nerve transmits cutaneous sensory information from the facial region, tongue and eye as well as control of muscles of mastication

Trigeminal Nerve V

Which cranial nerve functions to sense touch, pain and temperature on the upper and lower face and to transmit motor impulses needed for chewing?

Trigeminal Nerve V

What is a globular protein composed of 3 subunits that is bound to both actin and tropomyosin and has binding sites for Ca+ ions?


True or False: An action potential occurs in a very small area of the plasma membrane and does not effect the entire plasma membrane at one time?


True or False: Directional terms are always used in relation to anatomical position, regardless of the person's actual body position.


True or False: Isometric contraction is important in postural muscles


True or False: Somatic neurons and autonomic preganglionic neurons release the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from their axon terminals.


True or False: The Endocrine system produces hormones.


True or false: Phasic receptors are rapidly adapting receptors.


A nerve plexus is formed when the ____________ rami of different spinal nerves combine


What are the cavities in the brain that store CSF?


The part of the brain that consists of two hemispheres connected by a _______ is the cerebellum.


A type of general senses associated with changes in internal organs such as the heart or digestive organs are _____ senses.


The vitamin that is responsible for increasing the amount of calcium absorbed from the diet is

Vitamin D

When a cell is polarized, there is a(n) _________across the membrane.

Voltage difference

What is the function of the skeletal muscle cells?

Voluntary movement of the bones?

What type of receptor detects an increase in skin temperature?

Warm Receptor

Compound acinar gland

What is this structure?

The portions of the CNS that are composed primarily of myelinated axon bundles are often referred to as ___________ matter


The shoulder is what type of joint?

ball and socket

Stimulation of the reticular formation results in

increased consciousness

How are neurons classified?

structurally and functionally

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