Biology 189 Unlv

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(genetics) cell division that produces reproductive cells in sexually reproducing organisms


(of a solution) having a higher concentration of its surrounding


(of a solution) having a lower concentration than its surrounding


4 interconnect fatty acids

polar covalent bond

A covalent bond in which electrons are not shared equally


A fiber protein that is the principal component of hair, skin, and nails is:


A group of membrane‐bound organelles commonly found in photosynthetic organisms and mainly responsible for the synthesis and storage of food. contain their own DNA and ribosomes


A living thing; anything that can carry out life processes independently


A long whiplike structure that propels a cell through its environment.

fluid mosaic

A model of how the lipid bilayer behaves more like a fluid than a solid, allowing lipids and proteins to move laterally within it


A molecule formed by joining many monosaccharides together. are typically energy-storage molecules (glycogen in animals, starch in plants) or structural molecules (cellulose in plants, chitin in exoskeletons).


A protein that binds oxygen in the lungs and releases it in capillary networks throughout the body.

sexual reproduction

A reproductive process that involves two parents that combine their genetic material to produce a new organism, which differs from both parents


A simple compound whose molecules can join together to form polymers


A three-nucleotide sequence of DNA or mRNA that specifies a particular amino acid or termination signal; the basic unit of the genetic code.


A type of lipid based on cholesterol; includes testosterone and estrogen.


All the genetic information in an organism; all of an organism's chromosomes.

trace elements

An element indispensable for life but required in extremely minute amounts.


An organism that captures energy and stores it in food as chemical energy; autotroph


An organism that eats other organisms


An organism that gets energy by breaking down the remains of dead organisms or animal wastes and consuming or absorbing the nutrients.


Attraction between molecules of different substances


Biological level that includes the living and nonliving components of a particular area


Carbohydrates that are made up of two monosaccharides.


Cell membrane forms a pouch around the substance. The pouch closes and pinches off from the membrane to form a vesicle inside the cell.


Chemicals that attack invading organisms or poison.

thymine, uracil

DNA contains the nitrogenous base _____, whereas RNA does not contain this base but instead uses ___


DNA contains the nitrogenous base thymine but not the nitrogenous base _____, which is found only in RNA


DNA replication in which each of the parental strands is read to make a complementary daughter strand, ethus each new DNa molecule is composed of half the parental molecule paired with a newly synthesized strand.


Dense, connective tissue protein strands found in bone and other tissues

rough ER

ER with ribosomes attached to it. Helps transport the proteins that are made by its attached ribosomes

receptor proteins

Enable a cell to sense its surroundings by binding to certain substances outside the cell. When this happens, it causes changes inside the cell.

proteins, carbs, lipids, nucleic acids

Four most abundant types of organic molecules that are found in organisms


In DNA replication, gaps between newly synthesized segments of DNA and existing segments of DNA are sealed by enzymes called _____, which form covalent bonds between the two segments

central vacuole

In a plant cell, a large membranous sac with diverse roles in growth and the storage of chemicals and wastes


In a solution, the substance in which the solute dissolves.

nucleic acids

Nucleotides are the monomers of _____, including DNA and RNA

nucleic acids

Nucleotides are the monomers of _________, including DNA and RNA


Process by which a cell releases large amounts of material


Ribosomal RNA combine with______ to form a ribosome


The amino acid sequence of a polypeptide chain forms the ____ structure of protein

endomembrane system

The collection of membranes inside and around a eukaryotic cell, related either through direct physical contact or by the transfer of membranous vesicles; includes the smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and vacuoles.

phosphate group, 5-carbon sugar, and nitrogenous base

What are the components of nucleotides


What stores genetic information


What uses protein-encoding information

mitochondrial, nuclear

_____ DNA sequences are exclusively passed from mother to offspring, whereas_____ DNA sequences are inherited from both the mother and the father


a RNA molecule is produced from the information that is encoded in the DNA molecules


a complex of rRNA and proteins; and is the physical location of protein synthesis


a concentration gradient is a form of ______ energy because energy that can be used to drive molecular motion is stored in the gradient


a folded polypetide, or chain of amino acids


a polymer is separated into monomers when a hydroxyl group joins one molecule and a hydrogen ion joins the other

process of hydrolysis

a polymer is separated into monomers when a hydroxyl group joins one molecule and a hydrogen ion joins the other

gap junction

a protein channel between two animal cells which allows the flow of cytoplasm, ions, and nutrients, and small molecules


a sequence of nucleotides that codes for a specific protein or RNA molecule


a substance found in lesser quantity that dissolves in another substance to form a solution

active transport

a substance is moved from its area of low concentration to its area of high concentration with the expenditure of energy

amino acid

a transfer RNA (tRNA) molecule has an anticodon site at one end that binds to an mRNA codon and a site on another end that binds to a ______

DNA polymerase

adds new complementary DNA nucleotides to a single-stranded DNA template


all parts of earth and its atmosphere where life can survive



hydrogen bond

bond between atom with a partial negative charge and a hydrogen atom with a partial positive charge

Covalent bond

bond between atoms sharing pairs of electrons

hydrogen bond

bond between nitrogenous bases of DNA

ionic bond

bond between oppositely charged ions

covalent bond

bond between sugars and phosphate groups of DNA nucleotides

covalent bond

bond between sugars and phosphate groups of RNA nucleotides


carbohydrates with 3-100 monomers

isotonic solution

causes an equal amount of water to enter and exit the cell


causes water droplets to pool together


cellular respiration extracts energy from food and takes place in the organelle


changes in genetic makeup of a population over multiple generations

behaviors cellular attributes anatomical features biochemical aspects genetic characteristics

characteristics scientists use to compare evolutionary relationships between organisms are

organ system

composed of several organs that are connected and working together


contains DNA and proteins

DNA molecule

contains many genes

hershey and chase

demonstrated that radioactively-labeled DNA, not protein, entered bacterial cells and directed them to produce viruses


determined that DNA contains equal amounts of adenine and thymine and guanine and cytosine

avery, mcCarty, and Macleod

discovered that DNA was the transforming principle


discovered that one strain of bacteria could "transform" another by inducing it to display new traits


discovered that people with "inborn errors of metabolism" lacked certain enzymes


divides eukaryotic cell's genetic information into two identical daughter cells

polypeptide chain, RNA

during translation a _______ is produced from the information that is encoded in a______ molecule


fluid matrix occupying most of the cells volume

tugor pressure

force of water against a plant cell wall and helps maintain the shape of plant cells


found in exoskeletons of insects, spiders, and crustaceans


found in plant cell walls

nuclear pores

found in the nuclear envelope and are lined with specialized proteins that allow the transport of substances into and out of the nucleus

unsaturated fats

found mostly in animal-derived foods

aids cell division structural support transportation

functions of the cytoskeleton in the cell

tight junction

fuses cell membranes of adjacent cells

asexual reproduction

genetic information comes from only one parent offspring are genetically identical to the parent

Components triglycerides

glycerol and fatty acids


group of lipids, more commonly known as fats

control group

group that receives an inert treatment or placebo

ribosomal RNA

help align the ribosome with the mRNA to prepare for translation catalyze the formation of bonds between amino acids in the developing


heterotrophs; obtain by ingestion


heterotrophs; obtain food by external digestion


in an RNA molecule; corresponds to one amino acid

cytoplasm; nucleus

in eukaryotic cells, translation occurs in the ___________, whereas transcription occurs in the__________.


involved in DNA replication;made of RNA, needs to be added to the DNA template in order for DNA replication to take place

Secondary structure of proteins

involves the folding of the polypetide chain into beta-sheets and alpha-helix coils due to hydrogen boding

anchoring junction

links intermediate filaments of adjacent cells

unsaturated fat

liquid at room temperature


liquid which has two fatty acids and a phosphate group extending from a glycerol molecule

cell membrane/plasma membrane

liquid-rich boundary between the cells and outside environment


living organisms maintain a state of internal constancy or equilibrium, such as a constant range of temperatures, nutrients, or water


long chains of amino acids (100 or more) linked through dehydration synthesis that form this molecule

natural selection

mechanism of evolution in which certain individuals from a population exhibit enhanced reproductive success based on inherited characteristics


members of the same species living in the same place at the same time


membrane bounded compartments within eukaryotic cells that carry out specialized functions; example-chloroplast

facilitated diffusion

membranes proteins assist ions and polar molecules across membranes down their concentration gradient


membranous spheres that transport materials inside the cell as part of the endomembrane system


molecule that encodes genetic instructions


monomer of nucleic acids


monomers linked together to form the four major organic compounds in living organisms

amino acids

monomers of polypeptides and have a central carbon bonded to a hydrogen, an amino group, a carboxyl group, and an R group

emergent properties

new complex functions and characteristics that arise when the smaller components of an organism interact

concentration gradient

occurs when there are unequal amounts of a solute in neighboring regions


one of the four most abundant types of organic molecules in organisms and consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a proportion of 1:2:1


organelle of the endomembrane system break down debris, food, and old cell parts with enzymes within a single membrane


organelles that originate in the ER and contain enzymes that dispose of toxic substances

extracellular matrix

outside of the cell membrane; hold the cells together and coordinate some activities between cells


part of the cytoskeleton and is composed of tubulin protein subunits and is used in cell division and transportation within cells


phospholipids that form cell membranes, sterols that act as vitamins and hormones, waxes that prevent water loss or water saturation, and triglycerides that act as energy reserves

unsaturated fat

plant derived foods


possible larger cell size, fatty acids on the cell membrane, and cell wall only in some

dehydration synthesis

process whereby a hydroxyl group (-OH) is removed from one molecule and a hydrogen ion (H+) from another molecule, bonding the two molecules together and forming a molecule of water

adhesion proteins

proteins on the surface of the cell membrane which enable cells to stick to other cells


regulated cell death that is necessary part of development

facilitated diffusion

requires a carrier molecule but not ATP

buffer system

resists change in pH by releasing both H+ and OH-


sequence of DNA nucleotides that codes for a specific protein or RNA molecule


short______ repeats are variable DNA sequences that are very useful in DNA profiling


single stand of DNA consists of a polymer of nucleotides


site of protein production


small cell size, fatty acids on the cell membrane, and peptidoglycan in the cell wall


small cell size, nonfatty acid lipids on the cell membrane, and no peptidoglycan in the cell wall

DNA microarray

small glass chip with attached short fragments of DNA that can be used to scan large amounts of DNA for specific sequences


smallest portion of an element which retains the characteristics of the element

saturated fat

solid at room temperature


storage molecule of animals and fungi


storage molecule of plants


stores energy


structure consisting of tissues organized to interact and carry out specific functions

recognition proteins

surface structures on the outside of the cell membrane which identify the cell as belonging to the body and tissue type


the "reading" of an mRNA to produce an amino acid sequence

receptor-mediated endocytosis

the binding of a substance to a protein on the cell surface trigger endocytosis


the enzyme that adds an RNA primer to the DNA template during DNA replication is called

independent variable

the manipulated portion of the experiment


the membrane components which aid in membrane fluidity

simple diffusion

the movement of substances from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration without the assistance of proteins

standardized variable

the portion of the experiment held constant

DNA sequencing

the process of determining the order of DNA nucleotides in a stretch of DNA

dependent variable

the response that an investigator measures

active transport

the sodium potassium pump requires about 25% of the cells ATP because it conducts

ribose, deoxyribose

the sugar in RNA is called ______, whereas in DNA the sugar is called __________

central dogma

the universal nature of the flow of genetic information from DNA to protein

saturated fatty acid

triglyceride contains the max number of hydrogens in its fatty acids because the carbons are all connected by single bonds

unsaturated fat

triglyceride that contains fatty acids with at least one double bond between the carbons, causing kinks in the fatty acid


type of RNA that serves as a "connector" between the mRNA codon to a particular amino acid


type of endocytosis used by cells to engulf bulk matter, including debris and other cells


type of endocytosis used by cells to engulf fluids and dissolved substances


type of lipid that consists of fatty acids combined with alcohols or other hydrocarbons to form a stiff water-repellent material


type of plastid; organelle that is the site of photosynthesis in plant cells


unicellular and multicellular organisms; autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms

wilkins and franklin

used the known ratios of nucleotides along with the X-ray

watson and crick

used the known ratios of nucleotides along with the X-ray diffraction data to build a ball-and-stick model of the DNA double helix

taq polymerase primers regular nucleotides

what are required for polymerase chain reaction

normal nucleotides replication enzymes primers and terminator nucleotides

what are required for sanger sequencing


what binds to and "read" an mRNA molecule during protein synthesis

pH, salt, and heat

what can disrupt protein folding by breaking the hydrogen bonds that maintain the secondary and tertiary structures of proteins

the double-stranded DNA is unwound an RNA is added

what must occur before DNA polymerase can synthesize new DNA

polymerase chain reaction sanger sequencing

what technologies directly use DNA polymerase as a tool


what type of chemical add OH- to a solution


when water, nutrients, cytoplasm, hormones, and some organelles flow between adjacent plant cells through special channels in the cell wall

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