Biology 2 Module 1

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Speciation without geographic isolation is called ________ speciation.

sympatric speciation

Which of the following types of reproductive barriers separates a pair of insect species that could interbreed but for the fact that one lives on goldenrod plants and the other on autumn daisies in the same general area?

habitat isolation

The emergence of a new plant species over a brief period of time, followed by a long period of little change, is consistent with which of the following theories?

punctuated equilibrium

The ___ suggests that speciation occurs in brief spurts

punctuated equilibrium model

Two species that sometimes mate and produce vigorous but sterile offspring are separated by

reduced hybrid fertility

Two species that occasionally mate and produce zygotes, but that have incompatible genes that prevent the resulting embryo from developing, are affected by

reduced hybrid viability

Which of the following types of reproductive barriers separates a pair of species that could interbreed but for the fact that one mates at dusk and the other at dawn

temporal isolation

Incompatible genitals are an example of which type of isolation?

Prezygotic barrier

Which of the following is an example of vicariance

A mountain range serves as reproductive barrier for squirrels that are unable to travel over/through the mountains

Which of the following correctly describes autopolyploidy

A polyploidy individual contains two or more complete sets of chromosomes from its own species

Which of the following statements about adaptation is true

A population that has an increase in frequency of alleles for thicker fur has become adapted to the cold.

The emergence of many diverse species from common ancestors is called

Adaptive radiation

Which of the following would tend to promote adaptive radiation

An organism colonizes an isolated area that is habitable but relatively devoid of life.

Some butterflies can ingest toxic chemicals from the milkweed plants they feed on and then can store those chemicals in their body. Because toxins stored in the butterflies are toxic to birds, the birds avoid eating the butterflies. Which of the following is the best explanation for this situation?

Any butterfly allele that allowed milkweed toxin storage would be likely to persist because butterflies that had it were more likely to survive.

Which of the following disciplines has found evidence for evolution based on the native distributions (locations) of living species?


Desert pupfish live in springs of the American Southwest. Today there are about 30 species of pupfish, but they all evolved from a common Pleistocene ancestor. The southwestern United States was once much wetter than it is now, and the Pleistocene pupfish flourished over a wide geographic area. Over thousands of years, however, the Sierra Nevada mountain range was pushed upward by geological forces, blocking rainfall from the Pacific Ocean. As the large lakes dried up, small groups of pupfish remained in springs and pools fed by groundwater seepage. Now, although many of these small springs still have pupfish, each population, through evolution, has become very different from populations of pupfish in other springs. The variation in gene pools among the 30 pupfish populations occurred through an evolutionary mechanism called

Bottleneck effect

Angiosperms are plants that produce fruit, flower, and or seed. Fruits such as cherries and plums have one large seed surrounded by fruit whereas citrus like oranges and lemons have sections of fruit in which multiple seeds can be found. This is an example of

Divergent evolution

Which of the following correctly describes aneuploidy

End cell products have too many or too few individuals chromosomes

Which of the following is an example of dispersal

Freesia is a genus of plants found around the Pacific Ocean in patternsvthet would suggest wind could have carried seeds to the current location of populations

Which of the following types of reproductive barriers separates two species of sea cucumbers whose sperm and eggs often bump into each other but do not cross fertilize because of incompatible proteins on their surfaces

Gametic isolation

Which condition is the basis for a prezygotic barrier

It does not exchange genetic information with other species

Which of the following would prevent an organism from becoming part of the fossil record when it dies

It is fully decomposed by bacteria and fungi

Which of the following types of reproductive barriers separates two flowering plant species the could interbreed but for the fact that one has a deep flower tube and is pollinated by bumblebees whereas the other has a short barrow tube and is pollinated by honeybees

Mechanical isolation

Speciation often occurs when a habitat becomes more heterogenous. In lake Victoria different species of cichlids are found in different areas of the lake. The best explanation for this speciation is that

Natural selection favored different heritable variations in different parts of the lake

During the 1950s, a scientist named Lysenko tried to solve the food shortages in the Soviet Union by breeding wheat that could grow in Siberia. He theorized that if individual wheat plants were exposed to cold, they would develop additional cold tolerance and pass it to their offspring. Based on the ideas of artificial and natural selection, do you think this project worked as planned?

No, because there was no process of selection based on inherited traits. Lysenko assumed that exposure could induce a plant to develop additional cold tolerance and that this tolerance would be passed to the plant's offspring.

What is the main difference between dispersal and vicariance?

One involves the movement of the organism, and the other involves a change in the environment.

Black-footed and Laysan albatrosses brews in mixed colonies at a number of islands in the North Pacific. Occasionally odd looking birds are seen that are deemed to be hybrids between the two species. At least four such hybrids are recognized on sand island. They are seen trying to display with either laysans or black foots, depending on the bird, but the prospective mates lose interest very quickly and move away once an incorrect dance move is made. What type of hybrid zone would this create?


In which of the following situations would speciation be most likely to occur?

Seven monkeys from an amusement park and zoo in south florida. To everyone's surprise, they establish a small but viable population, coexisting successfully with humans in a partly suburban environment very different from their native African habitat

A news article discussing the evolution of domestic dogs from wolves included this statement: "On its way from pack-hunting carnivore to fireside companion, dogs learned to love—or at least live on—wheat, rice, barley, corn, and potatoes." What is a more scientifically accurate way to state what happened with dogs?

Some wolves may have had variants in their digestion that allowed them to eat wheat, rice, barley, corn, and potatoes and so were able to survive with humans.

Which of the following descriptions best represents the gradual model of speciation

Speciation occurs regularly as a result of the accumulation of many small changes.

In the North Pacific Ocean two groups of the same species of killer whales appear to be forming two different species based on what they eat. One group eats fish and the other eats mammals such as seals. Scientists can tell what they eat based on their teeth, because whales that feed on fish have significantly different wear patterns. Which of the following describes the type of speciation event that is occurring in these whales?

Sympatric speciation

The Monterey pine and the bishops pine inhibit some of the same areas of central California. The Monterey pine releases its pollen in February while the bishops pine does so in April. This is an example of ___ isolation


Which of the following statements regarding the currently available fossil record is false?

The currently available fossil record shows that the first life forms were eukaryotes

Two birds species overlap in a hybrid zone. They are isolated by a slight difference in the male songs and by the females tendency to select males with the correct song. Hybrid offspring tend to have reduced fertility compared to either of the parent species. What type of hybrid zone would this create?

The reproductive barrier between the two species would be reinforced. The hybrid would continue to appear infrequently in the zone of overlap

A dog breeder wishes to develop a breed that does not bark. She starts with a diverse mixture of dogs. Generation after generation, she allows only the quietest dogs to breed. After 30 years of work she has a new breed of dog with interesting traits, but on average, the dogs still bark at about the same rate as other dog breeds. Which of the following would be a logical explanation for her failure?

The tendency to bark is not a heritable trait.

A group of dog breeders is trying to design and develop an ideal dog. They want a dog with a gentle disposition, black fur, long ears, short legs, and a strong sense of smell. Which of the following comments from fellow dog breeders represents the biggest challenge they are likely to face?

There does not seem to be any genetic variation in sense of smell.

Which situation is not an example of a prezygotic barrier

Two species of insects produce infertile offspring.

Which organism is most likely to be poorly represented in the fossil record


The emergence of many diverse species from a common ancestor is called

adaptive radiation

The geographic isolation of a population from other members of the species and the subsequent evolution of reproductive barriers between it and the parent species describes ___ speciation


What evidence is used to determine the branching sequence of an evolutionary tree

anatomical or molecular homologous structures

A new plant species may arise in a single generation by

errors in meiosis leading to polyploidy.

Humans share several features with salamanders. Certain genes and proteins are nearly identical between the two species; both species have four limbs with a similar skeletal structure; the species' early embryos are very similar; and where the salamander has a functional tail, humans have a vestigial tailbone. In evolutionary terms, these are examples of


Two species interbreed occasionally and produce vigorous, fertile hybrids. When the hybrids breed with each other or with either parent species, however, the offspring are feeble or sterile. These species are affected by

hybrid breakdown

Sympatric speciation commonly occurs through ___ in plants but is more likely to occur through ___ in animals

polyploidy, habitat differentiation, sexual selection

Most polyploid species arise from

the hybridization of two parent species

Which of the following represents a pair of homologous structures?

the wing of a bat and the flipper of a whale

Allopatric speciation is not likely to occur when

there is no disruption in gene flow between two populations.

One of the key contributions of the punctuated equilibrium model is that it helps explain

why transitional fossils tend to be rare and certain common fossil species remain unchanged for long time spans.

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