Biology - 9 - Properties of Water

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All of water's unique properties are caused by water's POLARITY -- the uneven distribution of charge on a molecule. Water molecules are held to other water molecules by HYDROGEN bonds.


Because of its WATER and ability to form HYDROGEN bonds, water is able to dissolve a wide variety of substances

Cohesion - Adhesion

COHESION - Water modules form hydrogen bonds with other water molecules. ADHESION - Water molecules stick to other materials and surfaces.

Capillary Action

Capillary Action results from COHESION and SURFACE TENSION. This allows water to move against gravity to create water flow in plants.


Cohesion causes water to have HIGH SURFACE. This allows some insects to walk on water.


Ice is LESS dense than liquid water. Water is more DENSE when it freezes.

Specific Heat

It takes a lot of ENERGY to heat water


The molecule of water contains 2 ATOMS of HYDROGEN and 1 ATOM of OXYGEN. The parts of a water molecule are held together (adhesions) by HYDROGEN bonds

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