Biology Ch. 13 and 21 Test prep

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For most people, blood sugar levels rise to over 7 mmol/L after ingesting a meal. What is most likely responsible for the return of blood sugar levels to 5 mmol/L?

a homeostatic mechanism based on negative feedback

What is epithelial tissue?

a sheet of cells that covers a body surface or lines a body cavity

Define amniotes

an animal whose embryo develops in an amnion and chorion and has an allantois; a mammal, bird, or reptile.

Two key observations underlying natural selection are that members of a population vary in their:

inherited traits and that all species can produce more offspring than the environment can support.

Body cells are bathed in _____________, and exchange between body cells and the blood takes place through this fluid.

interstitial fluid

In The Origin of Species, Darwin argued that the mechanism of descent with modification was ________.

natural selection

development of pesticide, resistance in insects, changes in average beak size in finches following dry or wet years are examples of:

natural selection

Most homeostatic mechanisms depend on ______.

negative feedback

What is the extracellular matrix?

nonliving material found between cells in connective tissue such as liquid, jelly or fat solids

directional selection

occurs when natural selection favors one of the extreme variations of a trait

Darwin inferred that those organisms with traits best suited to the environment tend to leave more:

offspring than other members of a population.

Cardiac muscle

only found in the heart

What is the fossil record?

ordered sequence of fossils as they appear in rock layers, marking the passing of geological time

The heart is an example of an


List the structural elements of organisms in the correct order, from smallest to largest:

organisms, organ systems, organs, tissues, cells


regulation of solute concentrations and water balance by a cell or organism

Natural selection:

results in an evolutionary adaptation

What is artificial selection?

selective breeding of plants and animals to promote the occurrence of desirable traits in offspring

Which process, mutation or sexual reproduction, results in most of the generation-to-generation variability in human populations? Why?

sexual reproduction, because humans have a relatively long generation span and mutations have relatively little effect in a single generation

Which of the following is the most recent example of an evolutionary change in populations?

the evolution of pesticide-resistant insects

Which anatomical features are homologous?

the forelimb of a dog and the forelimb of a cat

discovery of bones from many different dinosaur species, transitional forms that link whales with land-dwelling ancestors that are now extinct are examples of:

the fossil record

What is the best measure of relative fitness?

the number of fertile offspring an individual leaves

Define Animalia

the taxonomic kingdom comprising all animal

Nervous tissue functions _____.

to sense stimuli

The kidneys contain nearly 100 miles of thin tubes called

tubules, an intricate network of capillaries (tiny blood vessels)

. All of life is related through common ancestry, accounting for the:

unit of life

Define prokaryote

A cell without a nucleus

define chordata

A group of organisms that are one point possessed a dorsal hollow nerve chord, notochord, gill slits, muscle segmentation and evidence of a blood vascular system

What is natural selection?

A process in which organisms with certain inherited characteristics are more likely to survive and reproduce than individuals with other characteristics.

What is negative feedback?

A response to a change in the body that counteracts or opposes the initial change.

What is a paleontologist?

A scientist who studies fossils

What is a vestigial structure?

A structure that was once used in earlier descendants but lost its use over time

What is loose connective tissue?

A tissue that binds epithelia to underlying tissue and holds organs in place. Most widespread tissue in the vertebrate body

The unequal reproduction in a population leads to the gradual accumulation of:

Adaptations to the enviroment

Two cell layers.

Although a hydra is multicellular, each one of its cells touches an aqueous environment. The body of the hydra has only two cell layers, both exposed to water.

evolutionary adaptation

An accumulation of inherited characteristics that enhance organisms' ability to survive and reproduce in specific environments.

Snakes are tetrapods that don't have legs. What could explain that?

An ancestor of snakes had tetrapod limbs.

Which of these is an example of negative feedback?

The end product of a reaction sequence shuts down the reaction sequence.

Single cell

The entire surface area of a single-celled organism, such as this amoeba, contacts the environment. Because of its small size, the organism has a large surface area (relative to its volume) through which it exchanges materials with the external world.

The first part of binomial

The genus to which the species belongs


The gradual change in a species over time

Chromosomal mutations that delete, disrupt, or rearrange many gene loci at once are certainly?


The heart pumps blood through blood vessels to reach all areas of the body. Together, the heart and blood vessels form a(n) __________.

Organ system

The genus of large cats is called



The scientific study of how living things are classified

Define molecular biology

The study of biological structures, functions and heredity at the molecular level.


The tubular excretory unit of the vertebrate kidney. Consists of tubule and blood vessels. Each kidney contains about a million nephrons.


fluid that passes from the blood through the capillary walls of the glomeruli of the kidney and becomes plasma

_____ muscle is attached to bones.

Skeletal muscle

Define Muridae

The Muridae, or murids, are the largest family of rodents and of mammals

How does connective tissue differ from the other three major tissue types?

Connective tissue often consists of relatively few cells embedded in an extracellular matrix. (This describes many connective tissues, such as loose connective tissue.)

What is fibrous connective tissue?

Consists mainly of bundles of strong, white collagen fibers arranged in parallel rows. Forms tendons which attach muscles to bones.

Define gene pool

Consists of all copies of every type of allele at every locus in all members of the population, all the genes in a population.

Animals such as most mammals and birds that derive the majority of their body heat from their own metabolism


What type of tissue is this? Structure of tissue: a sheet of tightly packed cells; one or several cell layers thick, tissue type: epidermis of the skin, the function of tissue: lines organs and body cavities; functions in protection, absorption, and exchange.

Epithelial tissue

Define tetrapods

Animals with 4 limbs (and a tail)

Which of the following is most closely related to the lizard and snake group?


Which of these is NOT one of the four major categories of tissue?

Blood, it's not a connective tissue.

_____ is the connective tissue specialized for transport.

Blood. (Blood is specialized for the transport of substances such as nutrients, wastes, and gases.)

Cardiac muscle is the only muscle composed of _____ fibers.

Branched fibers

Which of the following is a true statement about Charles Darwin? A) He was the first to discover that living things can change, or evolve. B) He based his theory on the inheritance of acquired traits. C) He proposed natural selection as the mechanism of evolution. D) He was the first to realize that Earth is more than 6,000 years old.

C) He proposed natural selection as the mechanism of evolution.

Define microevolution

Change in allele frequencies in a population over generations.

What type of tissue is this? structure of tissue: sparse population of cells in an extracellular matrix, tissue type: bone, the function of tissue: binds and supports other tissues

Connective tissue

What was the most significant difference between Darwin's theory of evolution and the ideas about evolution that had been proposed previously?

Darwin also proposed a mechanism (natural selection) for how evolution occurs.

In the ________ system nutrients are absorbed across the many finger-like projections of the lining of the intestine.

Digestive system

Arises from the adaptation of species to different habitats over long spans of time:

Diversity of life

Linnaean System

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

Taxonomic Hierarchy

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

Invertebrates, fishes, amphibians, and nonbird reptiles, obtain their body heat primarily by absorbing it from their surroundings.


interstitial fluid

Fills the spaces between cells and exchanges nutrients and wastes with microscopic blood vessels

The wing of a bat is homologous to the _____ of a whale.

Flipper of a whale

What is the function of simple squamous epithelium tissue?

Forms walls of capillaries & air sacs of lungs; permits gas exchange across the air sacks of the lungs

suggested that the best explanation for these observations is that life evolves, proposed that by using or not using its body parts, an individual may develop certain traits that it passes on to its offspring

French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

Which mechanism of microevolution tends to reduce differences between populations?

Gene flow

Similarity resulting from common ancestry is known as ________.


Darwin's theory

In his book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, Darwin made two proposals: (1) Existing species descended from ancestral species and (2) natural selection is the mechanism of evolution.

Naming and classifying the diversity of life:

In the Linnaean system of classification, each species is assigned a two-part name. The first part is the genus, and the second part is unique for each species within the genus. In the taxonomic hierarchy, domain > kingdom > phylum > class > order > family > genus > species.

smooth muscle

Involuntary muscle found inside many internal organs of the body. Can contract slowly for long periods of time

Which of these describes loose connective tissue?

It is a loose weave of fibers that functions as a packing material. (Packing material that serves, for example, to hold organs in place.)

What is the function of Stratified Squamous Epithelium?

Lines the esophagus

What is the function of simple cuboidal epithelium tissue?

Lines tubes in the kidney

Define homeostasis

Literally means "Steady state"

Examine the relationships between the elephants in the accompanying figure. Which pair is most closely related?

Loxodonta africana and Loxodonta cyclotis

skeletal muscle

Moves your skeleton, responsible for voluntary movement such as walking and talking

What type of tissue is this? structure of tissue: cells called fibers containing contractile proteins, function of tissue: moves body parts, tissue type: skeletal, smooth or cardiac

Muscle tissue

Which of the following processes is the ultimate source of the genetic variation that serves as raw material for evolution: Sexual reproduction, mutation, genetic drift or natural selection?


Darwin proposed a mechanism for how evolution occurs, which he called

Natural Selection

What is sexual selection?

Natural selection for mating success.

stabilizing selection

Natural selection that favors intermediate variants by acting against extreme phenotypes

What type of tissue is this? Function of tissue: senses stimuli and transmits signals throughout body, tissue type: brain and spinal cord, structure of tissue: neurons with branching extensions

Nervous tissue

Basic unit of nervous tissue is?

Neuron. With their long extensions, neurons convey information in the form of electrical transmissions over long distances

How does a mutation occur?

New alleles originate by mutation, a change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA. In multicellular organisms, however, only mutations in cells that produce gametes can be passed to offspring and affect a population's genetic variability.


Process of maintaining an internal temperature within a tolerable range.

In the ________ system oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged across the epithelial linings of sacs at the tips of tiny air tubes.

Respiratory system

Define rodentia

Rodents (from Latin Rodere, "to gnaw") are mammals of the order Rodentia, which are characterized by a single pair of continuously growing incisors in each of the upper and lower jaws

What is the function of simple columnar epithelium?

Secretes enzymes and absorbs nutrients in the intestine

Why are older fossils generally in deeper rock layers than younger fossils?

Sedimentation places younger rock layers on top of older ones.

Define homologous

Shared traits or features in similar in position, structure, and evolutionary origin but not necessarily in function.

Evidence from Homologies

Structural and molecular homologies reveal evolutionary relationships. All species share a common genetic code, suggesting that all forms of life are related through branching evolution from the earliest organisms.

Compact, complex animals have internal exchange surfaces that are extensively branched or folded, providing a large ______

Surface area

How do fossils contradict the idea of fixed species?

They don't match any living creature.

adipose tissue

Tissue that stores fat.

In animals, individual cells are grouped into ________.


True of false? Species with nucleotide sequences that match closely share a recent common ancestor.


As a mechanism of evolution, natural selection can be most closely equated with: random mating, genetic drift, unequal reproductive success or gene flow?

Unequal reproductive success.

In the __________, wastes are removed from the blood across the epithelial linings of excretory tubes.

Urinary system

Which pair of animals is more closely related to each other, Ursus americanus and Ursus maritimus or Ursus americanus and Bufo americanus?

Ursus americanus (black bear) and Ursus maritimus (polar bear), which belong to the same genus. The species name americanus distinguishes each animal from other members of its genus. (Bufo americanus is the American toad.)

Is your body an open or closed system? Why?

Your body is an open system because the digestive, respiratory, and urinary systems are in direct contact with the external environment.

Anatomy is to physiology as ___________.

a book is to reading

What is an evolutionary tree?

a diagram that reflects evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms

Define Eukarya

a domain of organisms having cells each with a distinct nucleus within which the genetic material is contained

What is positive feedback?

a given action promotes more of the same action until the stimulus is removed

What is a population?

a group of individuals of the same species living in the same area at the same time

similar forelimb anatomy in different species of mammals, the same genetic language of DNA, and similar genes in yeasts, fruit flies, and humans are examples of:

anatomical and molecular homologies

Define mammalia

animals that are warm blooded, have body hair, and produce milk for their young

The fact that every organism continuously exchanges chemicals and energy with its surroundings indicates that organisms ________.

are open systems

Cartilage is found _____.

at the ends of bones such as the femur

unique collection of marsupial mammals in Australia, resemblance of island species to nearby mainland species are examples of:


Which is a component of the fossil record?

bones of dinosaurs

disruptive selection

can lead to a balance between two or more contrasting phenotypes in a population

__________ are the fundamental units of life.


The _________ transports materials between the exchange surfaces of other organ systems and body cells.

circulatory system

Homology is evidence of ________.

common ancestry

The similarity of the embryos of chickens and humans is evidence of ________.

common ancestry

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

condition in which a population's allele frequencies for a given trait do not change from generation to generation

Bone is a type of _______ tissue.


In a person suffering from heat stroke, body temperature disrupts the ________.

control center of the brain

A main function of most types of epithelial tissue is ______.

covering surfaces

A neuron consists of _____.

dendrites, a cell body, and axons These are the three regions of a neuron.

What is sexual dimorphism?

distinct difference in size or appearance between the sexes of an animal in addition to difference between the sexual organs themselves.

While on the Beagle, Darwin's observations suggested that ________ is (are) a better predictor of relationships among organisms

geographic proximity

The figure below shows that ________.

homeostatic mechanisms allow cats to maintain relatively constant internal conditions even when the external environment changes

Connective tissue is different from the other major tissue types in that ________.

its cells are sparsely scattered through an extracellular matrix

Which of the following binds epithelial tissue to underlying tissues and is the most widespread connective tissue in the body of vertebrates?

loose connective tissue

Homeostasis is ________.

maintenance of a relatively constant and optimal internal environment; (the maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment)

Amnion is found in ________.

mammals, lizards, snakes, crocodiles, and birds lungfishes and amphibians

Define Archaea

microorganisms that are similar to bacteria in size and simplicity of structure but radically different in molecular organization. They are now believed to constitute an ancient intermediate group between the bacteria and eukaryotes. Don't have a nucleus.

The phrase Darwin used to describe his broad theory of evolution is ''descent with:


Geographic proximity is a better predictor of relationships among organisms than:

similarity of environment

types of muscle tissue

skeletal, cardiac, smooth

What type of muscle is responsible for contractions of the digestive tract and arteries?

smooth muscle

Define anatomy

study of structure of the body

Define Physiology

study of the function of the body

The accompanying figure shows the percent of selected DNA sequences that match between a chimpanzee and other primates. These data support the hypothesis that ________.

the chimpanzee's closest surviving relative is humans

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