Biology Chapter 1 Review

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The practical use of scientific knowledge is called ____.


This is also a type of

intracellular transport

In humans, mitotic and meiotic cell division are similar in that both processes

involve replication of chromosomes

What would a student look for if trying to identify if cells under a microscope were plant and not animal?

large vacuoles

Which invention most influenced the development of the cell theory?

light microscope

Chemical analysis indicates that the cell membrane is composed mainly of

lipids and protein

Figure A represents a cell as viewed by a student using the medium power objective of a compound light microscope. Figure B represents the same cell as seen with a different objective. The magnification of the objective used to observe the cell shown in figure B is most likely


Which cell organelle is involved most directly in the digestion of large particles brought to the cells vacuole?


A white blood cell ingests, then digests, a number of bacteria. Which cell organelles were directly responsible for the digestion of the bacteria?


In which organelles are enzymes for intracellular digestion stored?


Which process reduces the chromosome number from diploid (2n) to monoploid (n)?


Synapsis and disjunction are processes directly involved in:

meiotic cell division

Which term includes all the chemical activities carried on by a living organism?


Most cellular respiration in plants takes place in organelles known as


Which cell organelles are the sites of aerobic cellular respiration in both plant and animal cells?


The organelle that is the site of cellular respiration is the


Which organelle is the site of aerobic respiration in a maple tree?


Normally, a complete set of chromosomes is passed on to each daughter cell as a result of

mitotic cells division

Which cell organelle would not be found in an organism of the moneran kingdom?


Which structure includes all of the others?


To test that a certain virus causes cancer in rats, a biologist experiments with 2 groups of animals in a controlled experiment,

one group would be injected with the virus and the other with no virus

A biologist diluted a blood sample with distilled water. While observing the sample under a microscope, she noted that the red blood cells burst. This bursting is most likely the result of which process?


The diffusion of water molecules into and out of cells is called


The process by which an ameba can ingest food particles and small organisms is called:


Molecules larger than the membrane pores of a cell could enter the cell by the process of


The diagram shows the method of entry of a molecule too large to diffuse through the plasma membrane of a cell. The process represented in the diagram is known as:


Which process is illustrated in this diagram?


The ___ describes the use of equipment and materials in an experiment.


The energy present in food molecules is released as ATP by the process of


After a student goes to the gym to lift weights, which of his organelles increase the production of protein for muscle development?


Where are proteins made in plant cells?


Which organelles can be observed only with the aid of an electron microscope but not a compound light microscope?


A student observed several cell layers positioned on top of one another in the high-power field of view of a compound light microscope. To observe the details of only one of these cell layers, the student should

rotate the fine adjustment

The diagram below represents the change that occurred after a fluid was added to a wet mount of some elodea leaf cells. Which fluid was most likely added to the wet mount?

salt solution

The net flow of materials through the membrane of a cell against a concentration gradient is known as:

selectivity of the plasma (cell) membrane

As a student looked through a microscope, she noticed that none of the cells contained a nucleus. What is the most likely explanation for this?

she was looking at prokaryotic cells

Letter B indicates a

spindle fiber

The usual order of the scientific method is,

state hypothesis, observe, gather data, state the problem

Organisms can respond to the environment since they can detect changes called?


Organisms combine simple molecules to form complex molecules by the process of


Rose oil pressed from petals is used to make perfume. The rose oil is present in plant cells as a result of

synthesis from simpler compounds

In plants, the production of poisons, drugs, waxes and fibers is a direct result of

synthesis or anabolism

Which factor contributed most to the development of the cell theory?

the improvement in microscopes and microscopic techniques during the last two centuries

A student filled a bag of dialysis tubing with a milky-white starch solution and placed the bag in a beaker of iodine-water as shown in the diagram below. An hour later, the student observed that the starch solution had turned blue-black (positive test for starch). What is the most probable explanation for the change?

the iodine diffused into the bag.

Each of the two daughter cells that result from the normal mitotic division of the original parent cell contains:

the same number of chromosomes and has genes identical to that of the parents cell.

A group of cells working together is most directly called a


Which activity of life includes the absorption and distribution of essential materials throughout an organism?


What is the result of normal chromosome replication?

two identical sets of chromosomes are produced

Structure A is most likely a:


In an experiment, one ___ is tested at a time to determine how it affects results.


Diagrams A and B represent two different slide preparations of elodea leaves. The tap water used contained 1% salt and 99% water, while the salt solution contained 6% salt and 94% water. Elodea cells normally contain about 1% salt. Tap water was used to prepare slide A while 6% salt solution was used to prepare slide B. Ten minutes after the slides were prepared, a microscopic examination of cells in leaves A and B would most likely show evidence that

water had moved out of the cells of leaf B

Which molecule will most likely diffuse through a cell membrane?


The change in appearance of cell B resulted from more

water flowing out of the cell than into the cell

A red blood cell placed in distilled water will swell and burst due to the diffusion of

water into the red blood cell

The diagram below represents four pieces of string, A through D, placed below part of a centimeter ruler. Which piece of string is 40 millimeters long?


A lysosome is most directly related to the process of


The results of an experiment to determine the chemical composition of the cytoplasm of organism X are summarized in the data table below. What percentage of the cytoplasm is composed of organic material?


When a cell with 24 chromosomes divides by mitotic cell division, the daughter cells will each have a maximum chromosome number of


During the normal meiotic division of a diploid cell, the change in chromosome number than occurs is best represented as

2n to n

If the cell started functioning poorly, which part of the cell is most likely affected?


The diagram represents the letter "h" as seen in the low-power field of view of a compound light microscope. Which diagram best represents the field of view if the slide is not moved and the objective is switched to high power?


A student measured the field of diameter of a microscope under low magnification (100X) to equal 1.6 mm. How large is the field diameter under high power magnification (400X)?

400 micrometers

The diagram represents cells seen in the low-power field of view of a compound light microscope. The length of one of these cells is approximately

400 um

The diagram represents cells in a microscopic field of view with a diameter of 1.5 millimeters What is the approximate length of a single cell?

500 um

The diameter of a microscope field of view is illustrated. What is the approximate length of the cell in this field of view?

700 um

Which structures are responsible for making, packaging and secreting substances such as proteins?


Which structures function mainly in transport?

A and F

Which diagram most correctly represents the process of mitosis?


Which structures contain the organisms genetic information?


Which structures function mainly in reproduction?

B and E

Which structure produce ribosomes and RNA?


In which direction would the net flow of water be the greatest as result of osmosis?

C to B

Which diagram most correctly represents the process of meiosis?


The following list describes some of the events associated with normal cell division.

Separation of chromatids centromeres split

The graph represents the population growth curves of two different species of aquatic organisms, A and B. What is a valid prediction based on this graph?

Species B will decrease in population size approximately 1 month after a decrease in the population size of species A.

A wet-mount slide preparation of a thread viewed in the low-power field (10OX) of a compound light microscope is shown in diagram A. Diagram B shows the field of view as it appeared when the objective was switched to high power. Which statement best explains why the thread is not visible in diagram B?

The specimen was not centered in the low power field.

Which statement best describes the sperm cells of an animal that are produced from primary sex cells?

They contain the monoploid number of chromosomes

Which cell structure is represented by the three dimensional diagram below?

cell membrane

What is not considered part of the current cell theory?

cells are composed of cell organelles

Living things are organized into levels of increasing complexity. Which is the correct order listed below?

cells, tissues, organs, systems, organism.

Which organelle is present in the cells of a mouse but not present in the cells of a bean plant?


Which event occurs in the cytoplasmic division of animal cells?

centriole formation

Organelles that play a role in mitotic division in animal cells but not in plant cells are


Letter A indicates a


Structures that hold chromatids together in double stranded chromosomes are known as:


In the reactions of the photosynthesis, simple sugar molecules are manufactured in the:


Each strand of a double-stranded chromosome is known as


In non-dividing cells, the chromosome material is in the form of


Which equipment should a student use to observe the stained organelles in onion cells?

compound microscope

Chemical analysis of mitochondria indicates that these organelles

contain ATP molecules

A drug company tested a new medication before putting it on the commercial market. Pills without medication were given to 500 test subjects in group A and pills containing medication were given to 500 test subjects in group B. In this experiment, the individuals in group A served as the _______.


Chloroplasts are cell structures that are located in the


The cell organelles labeled X in the diagram at the right are transported in the direction of the arrows by the process of:

cytoplasmic streaming

The natural streaming of the cytoplasm that occurs within that occurs within all cells is called

cytoplasmic streaming

Transport of materials within a one celled protozoa occurs primarily by

cytoplasmic streaming and diffusion

As organisms grow their bodies change, this is referred to as ?


Which term is correctly paired with its definition?

development- organism changing shape or form

After a cookie has been digested, glucose molecules enter the bloodstream by the process of


Some scientists disagree on whether or not viruses are alive. A major reason for this disagreement is that viruses do not follow the characteristics of living things since they

do not reproduce themselves and do not need nutrients

When you study all of the living things & nonliving things that interact with you, you are most likely studying your


Ovaries produce reproductive structures known as:

egg cell

Which cellular process is illustrated in the diagram below?


The process illustrated is also

endocytosis and active transport

Pathways for the transport of materials within a living cell are provided by the

endoplasmic reticulum

Which cell organelle is composed of a series of channels throughout the cytoplasm that functions in the transport of molecules?

endoplasmic reticulum

Over time a population of organisms may change to adapt to a changing environment. This is an example of how a population can? :


A student noticed many large green chloroplasts, the conclusion that is most correct is the plant tissue the cells were extracted from

food-making tissue

Only one member of each pair (type) of chromosomes is normally found in a:


The most direct example of an organism obtaining and processing nutrients is a?

geranium carrying on photosynthesis

The population of rabbits is affected by many things. They can include fox, coyote, the amount of grass present, available water and parasites. Which of the flowing is true about the abiotic and biotic factors which affect the population?

grass and parasites are biotic factors while water is abiotic

Which life activity is illustrated by the diagram of the same cell?


In plants, the absorption of water from the soil into the roots and root hairs depends principally upon the presence of

higher concentration of water in the soil than in the root hairs

The diffusion of water molecules into and out of cells is called


The term that represents your body keeping a constant temperature of 37oC is referred to as?


When an individual goes without eating for a day, his or her blood sugar level remains about the same throughout the day. This relatively constant condition is maintained by

homeostatic control

The solution that was added to cell A is best described as a __?__ solution.


The red blood cell in the above question was put into what type of solution?


How will turgor pressure change in cell B?


A green plant can undergo photosynthesis to make its own food . This is an example of?


How long is the piece of string in meters? 40 mm to


A student measured a paramecium to be 75 micrometers long. How long is it in mm?

.075 mm

A protist measures 500 micrometers in diameter. What is the diameter of this organism in millimeters?


If you ate extra food that you could not burn off, where might it be stored in the cell?


In which organelle would water and dissolved materials be stored?


The diameter of the field of vision of a compound light microscope is 1.5 millimeters. This is equal to how many microns (micrometers)?

1,500 microns

If a student used the microscope referred to above, and observed the following diagram in high magnification, the estimated size of one cell is closest to?

100 micrometers

Someone jokingly told you the town you were walking to is 1,200,000 cm away, how many km do you actually have to walk to get there?

12 km

Most of the enzymes involved in aerobic cellular respiration are located in the organelle labeled


If there are forty chromosomes in each body cell of an organism, what is the total number of chromosomes? normally present in a gamete produced by that organism?


What is the lowest possible magnification that can be obtained using the microscope shown?


Which diagram most correctly represents the process of meiosis?

In animal cells, cytoplasmic division in accomplished by a "pinching in" of the cell membrane, while in plant cells a cell plate is synthesized.

A student performed an experiment and observed that when two strains of microorganisms, strain A and strain B, were grown at 25 ̊C, both survived. When the experiment was repeated using increasing temperatures, more colonies of strain A survived than those of strain B, until at 35 ̊C, only strain A survived. Based on these results, the student inferred that strain A was more resistant to higher temperatures than strain B. Which action must be taken before this inference can be considered valid?

The experiment must be repeated and similar results obtained.

The diagram represents the fluid mosaic model of a plasma membrane. What do letters X and Y indicate?

X indicates proteins and Y indicates lipids.

In an experiment, the setup that provides a basis of comparison is known as

a control

After a student stained a section of cells with iodine, she noted many large dark blue spots. This indicates the tissue is most likely specialized for

a storage

A student records his body temperature at 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. each day for 30 days. He notices a trend in his temperature data and offers a possible explanation. His explanation is known as

a theory

In the human body, the potassium ion can pass easily through cell membranes, yet the potassium ion concentration is higher inside many cells than it is outside these cells. This condition is mainly a result of

active transport

Which process requires cellular energy to move molecules across the cell membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration?

active transport

Which process would include a net movement of sugar molecules through a membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of a higher concentration?

active transport

The arrows in the diagrams below represent the direction of movement of a certain type of molecule through the cell membrane of two different cells. The dots represent the relative concentrations of this molecule. Which processes are illustrated in the two diagrams?

active transport and passive transport

In a controlled experiment,

all factors are the same except the one being tested

The internal structure of a mitochondrion and a chloroplast can be best observed by using

an electron microscope

Active transport is different from passive transport in that active transport involves

an expenditure of energy

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