Biology Chapter 28

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How does a muscle move an arthropod's leg?

A muscle contracts, pulling on a tendon which is attached to the inside of the exoskeleton.

What characteristic is associated only with an endoskeleton?

It grows with the animal.

Suppose you examined the brain of an animal species that was completely blind & relied entirely on its sense of smell to find food. How would you expect its olfactory bulbs to compare to its optic lobes?

Its olfactory bulbs would be larger than its optic lobes.

A student spots a fly clinging to the outside of a classroom window on a cool spring morning. As the sun warms the window, the fly becomes more active. Should the student hypothesize that the fly is an endotherm or ectotherm?

The fly is an ectotherm. The heat outside of its body makes it more active.

The shells of amniotic eggs of birds, reptiles, & egg-laying mammals all share which of the following characteristics?

They are waterproof.

An animal's immune system must be able to tell the difference between.......

body cells & pathogens

A collection of sensory neurons & interneurons that are concentrated together is called _____________.


Which part of your brain controls your ability to balance on a bicycle?


The part of your brain that is responsible for you responding to this question is the ____________.


The endocrine system relies on which of the following body systems to communicate with the other systems of the body?

circulatory system

The system that helps all others maintain homeostasis by transporting oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide & wastes is the........

circulatory system

A tendon is a tough piece of connective tissue that.......

connects muscles to bones

Synchronizing gamete release during external fertilization increases the chance that.......

eggs will be fertilized

T/F: The vertebrate brain is a collection of motor neurons connected to each other & other types of neurons in the head & throughout the body.

false; a collection of interneurons

T/F: A ligament is a place where bones are held together by connective tissues & can move with respect to one another.

false; a joint

T/F: If an insect exists as a nymph before becoming an adult, the insect goes through complete metamorphosis.

false; incomplete

T/F: A neuron that passes information to other neurons is called a motor neuron.

false; it is an interneuron

T/F: The process in which an arthropod sheds its skeleton & manufactured a larger one is called flexing.

false; molting

T/F: The seahorse is an unusual example of an oviparous species because the male incubates the eggs in a pouch before giving birth to fully formed live offspring.

false; ovoviviparous

T/F: The chorion is the membrane responsible for storing waste produced by the embryo.

false; the allantois

T/F: Large lizards are unlikely to survive in polar regions because they are endotherms.

false; they are ectotherms

Which three groups of animals are likely to rely most heavily on their sense of smell?

fish, amphibian, reptile

Muscles work in _______ or ________ so that force is generated in more than one direction.

groups or pairs

If a butterfly touches sugar water with one of its legs, it usually will begin to feed. If it touches salt water, it usually will not feed. The most likely explanation for this difference in response is that butterflies......

have chemical receptors for taste on their legs

External fertilization in chordates must take place where?

in water

Joints are a critical feature of both endoskeletons & exoskeletons because........

joints provide flexibility & freedom of movement

What group of animals only uses internal fertilization?


Which region of the brain is responsible for controlling the functioning of many internal organs?

medulla oblongata

Gametes are formed by.....


Your eye blinks when the muscles in it receives a signal from a _________ neuron.


One advantage to being an ectotherm is that it......

needs less energy to maintain homeostasis

The nervous system in a hydra is a ________ _____.

nerve net

What is the simplest form of nervous system?

nerve net

An animal's ___________ system detects stimuli, processes information, & coordinated the animal's response.


The difference between an oviparous & ovoviviparous species is that......

only ovoviviparous embryos can hatch within the mothers' body

An endothermic is an animal that.......

regulates its body temperature partly by generating its own body heat

Endocrine glands are responsible for......

regulating body activities

A good way for a lizard to conserve its body heat in cold, windy weather would be to......

retreat to an underground burrow

What is a neutral circuit that would be involved in the response to a stimulus?

sensory cell, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, muscle

A sense organ is made up of ________ ________ & other cells that help gather information.

sensory neurons

List four senses shared by most vertebrates.

sight, hearing, taste, smell

The part of the vertebrate nervous system that connects the brain & the rest of the body is called the __________ _________.

spinal cord

Information in the environment that causes an animal to react is a ___________.


The number of young that are produced by an individual in a species is dependent upon what?

the amount & length of maternal care required by the offspring

Which membrane in an amniotic egg regulates gas exchange?

the chorion

One important characteristic shared by all embryos of land vertebrates & aquatic vertebrates is that.......

they all develop in a watery environment

What does molting enable arthropods to do?

to grow

T/F: A mammal will begin to shiver when its body temperature drops below a certain point. Therefore, low body temperature is a stimulus for shivering behavior.


T/F: An immune system that does not function properly could prevent an animal from maintaining homeostasis by allowing the animal to become sick.


T/F: Some birds navigate by detecting Earth's magnetic field.


The ability to navigate, hunt, & communicate by electric current in water most likely helps make up for the effect of dark, murky water on which sense?


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