Biology Exam 2 Study Guide

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Which part of the Calvin cycle requires the use of BOTH ATP and NADPH

Converting a 3 carbon intermediary to G3P

What are the main products of glycolysis?

2 pyruvate, 2 NADH, 2 NET ATP

What are the main products of the Krebs Cycle?

3 NADH, 1 FADH2, 1 ATP

Which of the following proteins is the specific site for oxidative phosphorylation (ATP production) in the ETC?

ATP Synthase

____________ _______________ involve enzymes that are located closely to each other and facilitate a chain of reactions where the product from one reaction is involved in the next reaction in the sequence to make yet another product.

Biochemical Pathways

Which stage of Aerobic respiration produces the largest numbers of ATP?

ETC/Oxidative phosphorylation

What are the main products of the Electron Transport Chain?

approximately 30-32 ATP

Both the light and dark reactions occur inside a chloroplast (true or false)


Sodium Potassium pumps move 3 sodium ions out of a cell and 2 potassium ions into a cell with every cycle.


Sodium Potassium pumps require ATP to function.


Sodium Potassium pumps work against the concentration gradient.


The Calvin cycle CAN occur during the daytime in many plants (true or false)


True or False? Integral proteins are embedded in the membrane and therefore pass through both layers Embedded proteins must be amphipathic.


True or False? ALL plants use Rubisco in carbon fixation.


True or False? Both photosystems are composed of a light-harvesting complex and a reaction-center complex where chlorophyll accepts an excited electron.


True or False? Breaking the bond between the phosphate groups in ATP releases energy that can be used for things like sodium pumps and muscle contractions.


True or False? Desert adapted CAM plants only open their stomata at night to avoid water loss while obtaining CO2 for the dark reaction.


True or False? Endergonic reactions include anabolic reactions where potential energy is stored in chemical bonds as larger polymers are made from smaller monomers.


True or False? Energy transfer from autotrophs to primary consumers to secondary consumers is incredibly inefficient, and much of the energy is lost or "wasted".


True or False? Enzymes are useful in both anabolic and catabolic reactions


True or False? Exergonic reactions include those where energy is released by the breaking of chemical bonds.


True or False? Exocytosis is the process by which waste, cellular products, and mucous leave cells


True or False? Exocytosis occurs after a cell produces hormones (like insulin) so those hormones can travel and be used throughout the body.


True or False? Facilitated diffusion does not require energy.


True or False? Fermentation (anaerobic respiration) occurs in many prokaryotes and is likely the older process in evolutionary terms for ATP production.


True or False? Glycolysis produces 2 NADH per glucose molecule.


True or False? In most green plants, chloroplasts are concentrated in a zone of leaf tissue called the mesophyll.


True or False? Larger exergonic and catabolic reactions can be used to drive later endergonic and anabolic reactions. A good example of this is the break down of glucose to build ATP.


True or False? Making glucose requires 2 G3P molecules.


True or False? Oxygen and CO2 "compete" for Rubisco


True or False? Phagocytosis is the process cells use to digest food and attack invading organisms and foreign substances.


True or False? Phospholipids are capable of spontaneously self assembling into lipid bilayers.


True or False? Phosphorylation causes a conformational change in proteins which allows them to perform work.


True or False? Photophosphorylation uses light energy to make ATP.


True or False? Photosystem 2 is what produces the hydrogen ion gradient needed to run ATP synthase.


True or False? Photosystem 2 regains electrons as water is split and O2 is produced.


True or False? Plants are capable of producing not just sugars, but complex carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids using the products of photosynthesis.


True or False? Prokaryotes can't perform the Citric Acid Cycle nor do they have an ETC to produce ATP in large quantities.


True or False? Receptor mediated endocytosis requires substances to bind with specific receptors before forming a vesicle and bringing those substances into the cell.


True or False? The Calvin cycle is completed in bundle sheath cells in C4 plants.


True or False? The products of photosynthesis (glucose and oxygen) makes life possible for heterotrophs like humans.


True or False? The stages of aerobic respiration begins with glycolysis ands end with the electron transport chain.


True or False? There is a range in the number of ATP produced in cells with mitochondria but it's typically somewhere between 32 and 38 ATP.


True or false? Man-made, or synthetic enzyme inhibitors are used in our every day life as pain killers, pesticides, and herbicides.


__________________ happens in the mitochondrial matrix and uses Acetyle CoA to produce 2 ATP, 4 CO2, NADH, and FADH2.

Krebs Cycle/Citric Acid Cycle

Plants are specifically called ____________, meaning they're able to use energy from visible light and inorganic carbon to generate organic molecules they use as building blocks and food


What are the main products of Acetyl-Co A formation?

1 Acetyl-Co A, 1 NADH

True or False? Ezymes improve reactions by becoming part of the products.


True or False? Glucose is a direct product of the dark reactions.


True or False? Glucose is an immediate product of the dark and light reactions in photosynthesis.


True or False? Glycolysis produces 4 net ATP


True or False? Half of all G3Ps that are produced in an individual Calvin cycle get turned into glucose.


True or False? Heterotrophs are capable of producing their own energy and don't need to consume other organisms.


True or False? If necessary, photosystem 1 can excite an electron well enough on its own to produce BOTH the NADPH and ATP needed for the dark reactions.


True or False? In YEAST, fermentation results in the production of lactate and NAD.


True or False? Lactic acid formation during strenuous work makes your muscles sore for days.


True or False? Macrophages primarily attack bacteria using pinocytosis


True or False? Oxidation of glucose means that it's gaining hydrogen atoms and therefore increasing in total charge.


True or False? Phagocytosis is "cell drinking" and is used to ingest fluids and solutes


True or False? Photosynthesis is super efficient and all CO2 that is "fixed" is used to immediately produce glucose.


True or False? Photosynthesis produces food in the form of sugars and releases carbon dioxide as a waste product.


True or False? Photosystems 1 and 2 together are able to fix CO2 and make glucose.


True or False? Phototrophs collect all available energy from the sun.


True or False? Producers use their chloroplasts to immediately create ATP molecules for use in their cells.


True or False? Pyruvate is what enters the Electron Transport Chain.


True or False? RuBP is immediately converted to G3P and used to make ATP in the dark reaction.


True or False? The Krebs/Citric Acid Cycle happens in the cytoplasm of a cell.


True or False? The breaking down of GLUCOSE in glycolysis is both anabolic and exergonic.


True or False? The only important product of the Citric Acid Cycle is ATP.


True or False? The only thing oxygen oxidizes is glucose and it has no other effects on our cells over time.


True or False? Using ATP for work results in ADP which must exit cells as waste products as it has no further use.


True or false? Fermentation includes both glycolysis and the citric acid cycle.


True or false? In anaerobic respiration, the final electron acceptor is Oxygen.


Where does Acetyl Co-A formation occur

Mitochondrial Matrix

Where does the Krebs cycle occur?

Mitochondrial matrix

Alcoholic fermentation includes a second stage where ________ is produced for use in ______ production during the early stages of ______________.


CO2 enters and O2 escapes from a leaf via _____________.


Where does glycolysis occur


___________ ____________ is the amount of energy required to start a reaction.

Activation Energy

Which of the following processes can move a solute against its concentration gradient?

Active transport

True or False? Chlorophyll absorbs green light.


True or False? Electrons are transferred from photosystem 1 to photosystem 2 where NADPH is produced.


Fill in the blanks of the following (unbalanced) but general Aerobic Respiration reaction. ________________ + O2 ----> 6 CO2 + 6 _______ + ~38ATP

C6H12O6 // H2O

Which of the following is likely to be a CAM plant?


Which of the following pigments functions a little bit like sunscreen and helps protect plants from excessive light?


In ______________ reactions, complex molecules are broken down into simpler forms and energy that had been stored as bonds becomes available for cellular work.


___________ ____________ is the idea that energy released from exergonic reactions, drives endergonic reactions.

Energy Coupling

During the __________ ___________ phase of glycolysis, 2 ATP are used in the intermediate reactions before ATP is even produced.

Energy investment

True or False? Enzymes increase the activation energy needed to jump start reactions.


True or False? Eukaryotes like ourselves are only capable of aerobic respiration and do not use any fermentation pathways.


Sodium Potassium pumps are a good example of passive transport.


True or False? A competitive inhibitor changes the shape of an enzyme to regulate (decrease) the enzyme's activity.


True or False? A good example of an endergonic reaction is photosynthesis building glucose from carbon dioxide and water.


True or False? A good example of an endergonic reaction is the burning of wood.


True or False? ATP is a carbohydrate used for cellular energy.


True or False? ATP is produced in both the light reactions and dark reactions.


True or False? All plants need to complete the reactions in photosynthesis is the energy from light from the sun and CO2 from the atmosphere.


True or False? C3 plants use Malate as an intermediary to avoid C02 and O2 competing for Rubisco.


True or False? Cellular respiration only occurs in Eukaryotes.


Which of the following is NOT a product of aerobic respiration Glucose Heat Carbon Dioxide ATP Water


Which ion is transported across the mitochondrial membrane during the ETC and later rushes through a protein complex due to chemiosmosis, spinning part of it and using that resulting energy to phosphorylate ADP to ATP?


If you drop a cell into a very salty (high solute concentration, saltier than blood) liquid, the liquid would be called ____________ and the cell would likely undergo ___________.

Hypertonic/crenation or shriveling

_______________ is an endergonic, anabolic, redox reaction where water is oxidized and CO2 is used to make the precursors to glucose


_____________ energy is stored energy and includes examples like the energy in bonds between atoms.


_____________ is broken down into a two-carbon molecule known as Acetyl CoA. This Acetyl CoA combines with a four-carbon molecule already present in the Krebs/citric acid cycle to continue the reaction.


In the larger redox reaction that is photosynthesis, CO2 is ____________ to sugars as electrons and hydrogen ions are added to it.


______________ is used to bring RuBP and CO2 together in the beginning of the Calvin Cycle


_____________ are the structures that deliver water and other nutrients from its roots to its leaves.


The whole point of the light-dependent reaction is to...

convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH that is released into the stroma

Where does ETC/Oxidative Phosphorylation occur

inner mitochondrial membrane

Diffusion does not require the cell to expend ATP. Therefore, diffusion is considered a type of

passive transport

Proteins can be broken down in metabolic pathways to produce both ____________ and __________ for use in the citric acid cycle to run the ETC to make large numbers of ATP.

pyruvate/acetyl CoA

Plasma membranes are selectively permeable. This means that...

some substances can pass more easily than others.

ATP synthase is powered by the flow of H+ ions that are trying to equalize the gradient and cross the _________________ due to chemiosmosis in the chloroplast.

thylakoid membrane

The light dependent reactions occur in the _______________ where ___________is split and an ion gradient is created to produce ATP.

thylakoid membranes / H2O

The light reactions occur in the ________, while the dark reactions (Calvin cycle) occur in the ________

thylakoid membranes, stroma

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