Biology II Ch 26-27, 30

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The human population of Madagascar doubles about every _____ years.


In 1770, how much of the landscape did the thinning stage occupy?


What percent of the plant species found on Madagascar are unique to that island?


A J-curve is typical of a stable population. True or False?


Habitat fragmentation increases the breeding success of a species. True or False?


Interspecific competition is a density-independent factor. True or False?


Organisms introduced as biocontrols for an invasive species can harm native species. True or False?


Removal of a keystone species from an ecosystem has minimal effect because other species compensate and take over its role. True or False?


Assume you have inoculated a small number of bacterial cells into a supportive culture medium and incubated it while watching for an increase in numbers over time. You found that after a short period, the number of bacterial cells increased rapidly (exponentially). With time, growth slowed and eventually leveled off. How could you explain the leveling off with no additional increase in the bacterial number?

?Growth reached the carrying capacity of the ecosystem.

What would be required for a population size within a community to remain stable?

?Immigration and emigration should be equal.

What effect does cutting rain forests for agriculture have on natural populations?

?It imposes density-independent limitations.

An exponential growth curve must take deaths into account. How would the shape of the curve be affected as death rates increase?

?The curve would become S-shaped.

If you calculate the growth rate as the birth rate minus the death rate, what happens when the death rate exceeds the birth rate?

?The growth rate will be negative.

Consider the recent release of gray wolves into Yellowstone National Park. Elk are primary prey for wolves, so it has been suggested that wolves will significantly reduce the elk population. What will be a consequence of elk reduction?

?The wolves will experience a population crash because of the lack of food.

Human population growth poses a threat to sustainable development. True or False?


In a process called coevolution, two species exert natural selection pressures on each other. True or False?


In aquatic environments, high levels of nutrients can act as pollutants. True or False?


Parasitism is a density-dependent population control. True or False?


Sustainable agriculture depends on planting large tracts of high-profit crops. True or False?


The detritivores and decomposers in soil are responsible for recycling nutrients. True or False?


The mass extinction currently taking place is most likely due to human activities. True or False?


Which of the following describes an age structure of a human population?

?a diagram that shows age groups on the vertical axis and the numbers of individuals in each age group on the horizontal axis, with males and females shown on opposite sides

Which is a description of an "out-of-phase population cycle of predator and prey"?

?a dramatic decline in the prey population, which in turn may result in a decline in the predator population

The population shown in the graph is demonstrating

?a typical boom-and-bust pattern.

Organic farming involves

?adding organic fertilizers to the soil.

What is rapid population growth followed by a sudden, massive die-off called?

?boom-and-bust cycle

In ________, the interaction between two species harms both of them.


What term is used to define the interaction among individuals who attempt to use the same limited resources, which consequently limits population size in a density-dependent manner?


What is the meaning of intraspecific competition as it relates to competition for resources?

?competition between individuals of the same species

In ________ competition, one organism uses social or chemical interactions to limit the access of other individuals to resources.


Which of the following becomes more important as the population density increases?

?density-dependent factors, such as nutrients, energy and space

When mosquitoes are abundant, purple martins flock to the area and feed exclusively on them. When mosquito populations are not large, purple martins are similarly scarce and feed on other insects. This is an example of

?density-dependent regulation.

An ecological niche

?depends on the weather.

All the living and nonliving components of a defined geographical area comprise a(n) __________.


What usually happens when an invasive species is introduced into an ecosystem with favorable conditions and little environmental resistance?

?exponential growth

The largest threat to global biodiversity, as identified by the IUCN, is

?habitat destruction.

A parasite feeds on a larger organism called its _____.


Tropical rain forests provide all of the following EXCEPT:

?large supplies of gasoline.

A storm strips an island in Lake Superior down to bare rock. The first organisms to recolonize the island are most likely


What is one factor that enhanced human population growth?

?medical progress

What would you name the collection of species of small fish that interact in a pool at the base of a waterfall?


The major goal of conservation biology is to

?preserve the diversity of living organisms.

The succession shown in the illustration is


A population size will remain stable if

?the birth and death rates are equal, as are the rates of emigration and immigration.

Exponential growth occurs when

?the population grows by a fixed percentage of its size each year.

Which of the following defines biotic potential?

?the theoretical maximum rate at which a population could increase

Core reserves are areas where

?wildlife species benefit from extensive conservation programs, including nurseries and clinics.

Which species has the highest biotic potential?

A fungus that produces thousands of reproductive spores every day

Why is it important to preserve the genes of the wild relatives of crop plants?

Beneficial genes from the wild relatives may be transferred into crop plants.

Which of the following would NOT cause population size to decrease?

Increased birth rate

Deforestation impacts the climate in what way?

Increasing the levels of carbon dioxide

Greece had more females than males in 2000. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this?

Males generally have a shorter life span than females.

Which one of the following statements about prescribed burns is true?

Some species of pine trees require fire to reproduce.

After the 1988 fires, scientists made careful observations of the changes on the Yellowstone Plateau. (The data they collected is not shown on this graph.) Given the historical data concerning succession and disturbance (fires), predict how the landscape in 2000 compared to the pre-1988-fire landscape. Which statement is most likely to have described how the landscape changed in the 12 years after the 1988 fires?

The percentage of the landscape in old-growth stage forest decreased.

_____ is the process by which two species act as forces of natural selection on one another.


The different species within an ecosystem that interact in various ways make up a(n)


Two species that have a high degree of niche overlap will

compete intensely.

Humans and sharks both eat fish. Which of these terms applies to the relationship between the human and the shark?


LEED standards in the construction of new buildings establishes criteria that __________.

conserve energy and water and improve indoor air quality

The water reuse system on the campus of Georgia Southern University __________.

conserves water by using treated city wastewater instead of city tap water for irrigation

The population of Greece is expected to _______.


The study of how organisms interact with one another and with their nonliving environment is


The term ________ refers to the ways in which ecosystems provide benefits to people, either directly or indirectly.

ecosystem services

Which of these organisms has a survivorship curve similar to that of humans?


The population of Colombia is currently _______.


One common way to increase the sustainability of a food system is to buy and consume __________.

foods that are grown locally

Which of these organisms has a survivorship curve similar to that of oysters?


The leading cause of extinction, by human activities, worldwide is

habitat fragmentation.

A species that is a mimic may

have behavior similar to that of another species.

At present, Earth's human population is

increasing exponentially.

_____ competition occurs between individuals of different species, whereas _____ competition occurs within the species.

interspecific, intraspecific

Which of the following is a result of the prescribed burning of an open and grassy pine savannah?

less-intense natural wildfires

_____ is a phenomenon in which one species evolves to assume the appearance of another species.


Humans who have pets tend to be healthier than humans who do not have pets. Which of these terms applies to the relationship between a human and a pet?


Each species occupies a unique ecological _____ that encompasses all aspects of its way of life, such as where it lives and what resources it consumes.


According to the data in Step 2, which source represents 32% of renewables?

none of them

The biologist who studies interactions at the community level investigates interactions among

organisms of more than one species.

An introduced species is "invasive" if it

outcompetes native species in its new habitat.

A _____ lives on or inside of its host. It usually harms or weakens the host but does not immediately kill it.


Which of these terms applies to the relationship between a dog and a blood-sucking tick?


What does the y-axis show?

percentage of landscape occupied by a forest stage

All members of a species that reside within an ecosystem make up a(n)


A human eats a deer. Which of these terms applies to the relationship between the human and the deer?


A _____ eats its prey and must kill to survive.


In an open and grassy pine savannah, fires _____.

prevent the development of a hardwood forest

When all previous traces of life have been wiped out, the process of forming a new community is known as _____ succession.


What component of weather is watched most closely when determining when to conduct a prescribed burn?

relative humidity

Two families of feral cats move into the same barn. One family preys on the mice; the other preys on the pigeons. This behavior is an example of

resource partitioning.

Which of these species typically has a mortality rate that remains fairly constant over an individual's life span?


What is the cause of the red color of the waters about Madagascar?

soil that has washed into the ocean

Which energy source's annual growth rate is about four times greater than that of tidal power?


Is this statement supported or not supported by the graph?


Which of these was the second of the major events that stimulated an increase in the size of the human population?

the Industrial Revolution

Which of these was the first of the major events that stimulated an increase in the size of the human population?

the advent of agriculture

The concept that two species cannot occupy the same ecological niche at the same time is called

the competitive exclusion principle.

Which of these was the third of the major events that stimulated an increase in the size of the human population?

the discovery of vaccines and the discovery of antibiotics

Comparison of the human ecological footprint to Earth's biocapacity suggests that

the human population cannot sustain its current level of resource usage.

What environmental problem is being addressed by the use of bio swales, large vegetated ditches or depressions, on the campus of Georgia Southern University?

the pollution of streams by oily runoff water from parking lots

The transition zone of a Biosphere Reserve is an area where

there are many human residents, and the goal is sustainable development.

What does the red graph line represent?

thinning stage

Unsustainable farming practices include

using herbicides and pesticides.

A species that plays a major role in determining the structure of its ecological community is

a keystone species.

What is a lemur?

a primate only found on Madagascar

Which of these is a starting point for primary succession?

a surface exposed by a retreating glacier

Density-dependent and density-independent factors Read the description below each image and determine whether it is an example of a density-dependent or density-independent factor. Drag the correct label below each image. Labels can be used more than once.

a. Food availability = density dependent factor b. An oil spill effect = density independent factor c. Space limitations = density dependent factor d. Predation = density dependent factor

Comparing growth curves Drag the correct labels onto the graph showing two different patterns of population growth. Label the horizontal and vertical axes first.

a. exponential growth b. population size c. time d. carrying capacity e. logistic growth

According to the data in Step 1, by how much would solar have to grow to match the current level of hydroelectric power?

about 60 times

Oyster populations are primarily, if not exclusively, composed of _____.


The bioenergy garden at Georgia Southern University is used to show plants that can be used __________.

as biofuels that will not add any extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

Assume that the depletion of nonrenewables requires renewables to account for more than 30% of our energy production by 2040. What annual growth rate of renewables must be achieved in order to meet that goal

at least 15% annual growth rate

In a grassy pine savannah, a longer interval between prescribed burns typically leads to _____.

bigger woody species

Much of the original forest cover on Madagascar has been destroyed primarily as a result of _____.

burning for agricultural purposes

The process by which two interacting species act as agents of natural selection on one another is called


During which period were forest fires most extensive?


The maximum population a habitat can support is its

Carrying capacity.

________ takes into account both the biotic (living) communities and the abiotic (nonliving) environments on which the communities depend.

Ecosystem diversity

An ideal habitat with unlimited resources is associated with

Exponential growth.

A keystone species is the most numerous species in an ecosystem. True or False?


Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Colombia will have more elderly than reproductive-age individuals.


Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Colombia will have more reproductive-age individuals than children.


Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Greece will have more children than elderly members of the population.


Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Greece will have more children than reproductive-age individuals.


In a stable ecosystem, the number of predators is greater than the number of prey. True or False?


In mutualistic interactions, one species is harmed and one benefits. True or False?


The United States has the lowest replacement-level fertility (RLF) of the developed countries. True or False?


The biotic portion of an ecosystem includes the plants, animals, and water. True or False?


The use of technology has reduced the ecological footprint of people in developed countries to less than that of people in developing countries. True or False?


Which of the following best describes the Yellowstone Plateau landscape in 1900?

More than half of the landscape was occupied by forests in which shade-tolerant trees were becoming established.

Humans contract bacterial infections such as tuberculosis or syphilis. What is this ecological relationship called?


Which of the following is NOT an example of how plant communities continue to support healthy ecosystems?

Plants increase levels of CO2, by releasing CO2 as a byproduct of photosynthesis.

Logistic growth involves

Population growth slowing down as the population approaches carrying capacity.

In exponential growth

Population size grows faster and faster as the population gets bigger.

Which projection has nonrenewables comprising roughly 50% of our energy production in 2050?

Projection 2

Currently, how large is the worldwide population of humans relative to Earth's carrying capacity for humans?

There is insufficient information to answer this question.

Assuming that renewable energy sources will contribute more and more to power generation in the future, do you expect the growth rates for these renewable energy sources to increase or decrease over the next 30-year period (2000 to 2030)?

These growth rates are relative to small absolute numbers. They will most likely decrease as the total contribution by renewables increases.

Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Colombia will have more children than elderly members of the population.


Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Colombia will have more children than reproductive-age individuals.


Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Greece will have more elderly than reproductive-age individuals.


Assuming the current trend continues, in 30 years Greece will have more reproductive-age individuals than children.


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