Biology- Population Dynamics

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A limiting factor that has an increasing effect as population size increases is


What are some limiting factors that can curb population growth?

# of predators, food, space, disease, or water.

What is a density-independent factor?

Can affect all populations.

What kind of factor are all abiotic factors?

Density-Independent Factors

What kind of factor is the size of population?

Density-dependent factor

What are some examples of density-dependent factors?

Disease, food supply, predation, parasitism, and competition.

Compare the population growth patterns of mosquitos and elephants.

Elephant- slow life history Mosquitos- h Rapid life history

What type of population growth is shown in a J-curve? Explain this type of growth.

Exponential, starts with a little and grows at a rapid rate.

What are density-dependent factors?

Factors that depend on the type of population.

What will competition with-in a population do?

It'll fluctuates the numbers.

Why don't populations of organisms grow indefinitely?

It's because of limiting factors.

What is the effect of density-independent factors?

It's the same regardless of population size.

What are populations controlled by?

Limiting factors

What can cause an organism to exhibit stress, and what symptoms of stress can lead to a decrease in population size?

Limiting factors aggression, decrease in parental care, decreased fertility, and decreased resistance to disease

Why don't populations of organisms grow indefinitely?

Limiting factors.

What is the difference between linear growth and exponential growth as plotted on a graph?

Linear growth is a steady growth at a steady rate.

What is the relationship of births to deaths in a population before the population reaches the environments carrying capacity? What happens when the population exceeds the carrying capacity.

More births than deaths. If you exceed the capacity, more deaths than births.

The most important factor that determines population growth is the organism's _____________ ___________.

Reproductive Pattern

What are some examples of density-independent factors?

Temperature, habitat disruption, and natural disasters.

What does predation affect?

The size of population.

Why does population rate grow exponential?

There are more individuals that can reproduce.

What is the effect of density-dependent factors?

They're more intense as population increases.

When does competition decrease the size of a population?

When the population is too high.

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