Biology TEST 2

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Match the examples with either a haploid or diploid cell. __1__ Gamete or gametic cell __1__ Contains one unique set of genetic information __2__ Contains two unique sets of genetic information __2__ Somatic cell

1. Haploid cell 2. Diploid cell

Match the descriptions for the different chromosomal structures. __1__ These are separated in Meiosis I __2__ These are separated in mitosis (2) A pair is formed during DNA replication __2__ These are separated in Meiosis II (1) A pair is formed during fertilization

1. Homologous chromosomes 2. Sister chromatids

Match the genotype with the correct allelic composition for a given gene. __2__ gg __1__ GG __3__ Gg

1. Homozygous dominant 2. Homozygous recessive 3. Heterozygous

In a eukaryotic cell, identify which gene expression processes occur inside and outside of the nucleus. __1__ Transcription of DNA to mRNA __2__ Translation of mRNA to polypeptide __2__ Protein folding and processing __1__ DNA replication

1. Inside nucleus 2. Outside of nucleus

Match the process with correct statements on the right. More than one choice will be used for each. __3__ DNA replication or S-phase occurs prior to this type of division. __2__ Used to produce cells during tissue growth and healing. __2__ Produces daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. __1__ Produces daughter cells with half the chromosomes of the parent cell. (1) Produces cells for sexual reproduction.

1. Meiosis 2. Mitosis 3. Meiosis and Mitosis

Match the molecules with their function in gene expression. __2__ The molecule that binds to the mRNA and brings amino acid monomers to build the polypeptide __5__ The monomers used to build the polypeptide or protein __3__ The molecule that carries the genetic information out of the nucleus and interacts with tRNA __4__ The molecule in the nucleus that contains the genetic information __1__ The molecule that helps to polymerize the amino acids

1. Ribosomal RNA 2. tRNA 3. mRNA 4. DNA 5. Amino acid

Match each of Mendel's laws to its correct implication. __1__ law of segregation __2__ law of independent assortment

1. two alleles for a given gene separate from each other during meiosis 2. two alleles for a given gene separate from pairs of alleles for genes on different chromosomes during gamete formation

If two hybrid individuals are crossed, what is the probability that their offspring will be heterozygous?


Put the steps of gene expression in order. Translation of mRNA to polypeptide Protein folding and processing Transcription of DNA to mRNA_ Expression of trait in phenotype

2 3 1 4

How many alleles does an individual receive and carry for a single gene?

2 alleles

imagine a diploid cell, which contains 52 chromosomes (a pair of each of 26 chromosomes). How many chromosomes will the resulting daughter cells contain if this cell undergoes meiosis OR mitosis?

26 after meiosis, 52 after mitosis

Many parts of the cell are utilized when a secretory protein is generated. What is the cellular path of information when a protein is expressed - starting with DNA to the final cellular location for a secretory protein? Plasma Membrane Nucleus Bound ribosome Golgi apparatus Free ribosome in cytosol near the nucleus Vesicle Inside the rough ER

7 1 3 5 2 6 4

Which of the following probability notations (in the form of a fraction, percentage, ratio, etc.) could be used to describe the potential offspring of a cross between two hybrid individuals?

75% get dominant character trait 1:2:1 ratio of homozygous dominant, heterozygous, and homozygous recessive genotypes 1/4 get recessive character trait

Many commercial strawberries are polyploid and are: 8n=56 How many unique sets of chromosomes are found in a strawberry cell?


Interpret the infographic to answer the following question. Note that growth factors are signalling molecules sent between cells to regulate the rate of cell division (a control on the cell cycle). Their role is to prevent overgrowth and crowding. What characteristic of cancer cells allows their uncontrolled growth and division?

Cancer cells also ignore signals that should cause them to stop dividing and grow in the presence of positive and negative growth factors.

What process must occur prior to the start of any type of cell division?

DNA replication

Which type of cell would contain only ONE allele for each gene?

Haploid (n)

Consider a cross between a homozygous dominant individual and a hybrid individual for one gene. What genotypes AND phenotypes are possible for this cross? Select all that apply.

Homozygous dominant Heterozygous Dominant phenotype

When DNA is replicated, what mediates the correct pairing between nucleotides in the replicated and complementary DNA strand?

Hydrogen bonding between the nitrogenous bases

Examine the molecule. If part B of this molecule were to interact with part B (nitrogenous base) of a complementary molecule, what would hold them together?

Hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases

Polydactyly is a dominant disorder that exhibits complete (simple) dominance. When will it be expressed in an individual? Select all that apply.

In an individual with a heterozygous genotype. In an individual with a homozygous dominant genotype.

This graph represents the amount of DNA found in a somatic cell during each stage of the cell cycle. Which of the following is a true statement regarding this process.

In terms of DNA content, cells at the end of the M phase are identical to cells at the start of the G1 phase.

What is meant by the term monohybrid when used to describe a cross?

It is a cross for predicting probabilities of a single character trait.

Human red blood cells develop in the bone marrow from stem cells. They lose their nucleus before being released into the bloodstream. This gives them extra space to fill with hemoglobin molecules, but what other effects does this have? Select all that apply

Mature red blood cells cannot carry out mitosis

Which of the following differentiates meiosis from mitosis?

Mitosis is used for the repair of cells, whereas meiosis creates cells for sexual reproduction.

Which of the following processes is unique to meiosis and DOES NOT occur in mitosis? Select all correct answers.

Pairing and attachment of homologous chromosomes. Separation of homologous chromosomes into different daughter cells. Transferring sections of DNA between NON-sister chromatids.

If two genes have their locus on separate chromosomes, will their alleles be segregated together or separately during gamete formation?


Consider a human somatic cell (any body cell) compared to a gamete (sperm/egg). Which of the following is true?

Somatic cells have 46 chromosomes and are diploid, whereas gametes have half as many chromosomes as found in somatic cells.

What is best represented by each heading on the outside of the Punnett squares?

The allele for a gene in a possible gamete from the parent

What is best represented by the combination of alleles found inside each of the boxes of a Punnett square?

The alleles for a gene in a possible zygote

Consider the breast cancer cells you just saw dividing and compare them to non-cancerous breast cells. Which of the following is true. Select all that apply.

The cancer cells have errors in genes that regulate the cell cycle

Which are accurate statements about a set of homologous chromosomes? Select all that apply.

They are separated in meiosis I They contain the same set of genes

DNA replication is orchestrated by a set of enzymes including helicase. These enzymes unwind and unzip the DNA double helix by doing what?

breaking the hydrogen bonds that hold the nitrogenous bases of the two strands together.

If during replication of this DNA segment, a single nucleotide was left out, it would be what type of mutation?


Which is an accurate statement about the genetic content in INDIVIDUAL eukaryotic chromosomes?

each contains hundreds of genes

The genotype is the __________ of an organism, while the phenotype is an organism's __________.

genetic makeup; physical characteristic

What structures align facing opposite poles during metaphase and are separated during anaphase of meiosis I?

homologous chromosomes

A flask of cells is treated with a chemical that halts progress through the cell cycle. In which stage of the cell cycle would most cells be found?


If an error occurs during __________ , an egg or sperm could end up with too many chromosomes, or not enough chromosomes. If that egg or sperm goes on to be involved in fertilization, the zygote could receive an extra chromosome (called a trisomy), or have a missing chromosome (called a monosomy).


Put the terms below in order according to size from smallest to largest.

nucleotide, gene, chromosome, genome, cell

Which cellular structure is responsible for catalyzing the polymerization of a polypeptide/protein?


What structures align facing opposite poles during metaphase and are separated during anaphase of meiosis II?

sister chromatids

What structures align facing opposite poles during metaphase and are separated during anaphase of mitosis?

sister chromatids

What cellular structure will allow for alignment and separation of chromosomal structures during mitosis?

spindle apparatus

You observe a tissue specimen under a microscope and notice a cell with a dense arrangement of genetic material at either end of the cell. What cell division stage are you observing?


What is the name for the process in which information in an mRNA molecule is used to generate a polypeptide made of amino acids?


Which of the following will contain identical genes AND alleles (assume no mutations have occurred)?

two sister chromatids

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