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the stamens

(collectively, the androecium),

the sepals

(collectively, the calyx),


(collectively, the corolla),

the carpels

(collectively, the gynoecium),


(deoxyribonucleic acid). The chemical structure of genes which control inheritance.


(dicot). A flowering plant with seeds having two seed leaves, e.g., bean.


(monocot). A flowering plant with seeds having one seed leaf, e.g., corn.


(pl. nuclei). The protoplasmic substance separate from the cytoplasm; the cell headquarters or information center; location of DNA and RNA; bodies found in the nucleus are chromosomes and the nucleolus.


(ribonucleic acid). A chemical important in taking blueprint messages from DNA of the nucleus to ribosomes in the cytoplasm for protein synthesis instructions.

human body

30 trillion or more cells


A cell storage body that increases in size with age; included within, but not a part of the cytoplasm; storage materials are often water and poisonous by-products of cell activities.

leaf or branch

A crosswise elongation of cells within the stem will produce a


A flower part; a ring of pollen-producing appendages of a flower; inside the petals, but outside the carpels.


A flower part; the outermost ring of leaflike appendages of a flower; often green or inconspicuous, outside the petals.


A flower part; the ring of leaflike appendages occurring inside the sepals, but outside the stamens.


A food storage tissue which assists in seed development in flowering plants; may or may not be apparent depending upon the stage of seed maturation.


A group of similar cells (simple tissue), or unlike cells with a specialized common function (complex tissue).


A leaflike part of the flower where seeds are produced


A meristematic cell will differentiate due to its .


A plant cell of a long fiber type or variable sclereid type; important in plant body support; may be part of xylem or phloem tissues


A plant that completes its life cycle from seed germination through fruit and seed production within a year's time


A protein and fat structure serving as a covering and enclosure for cells.


A running down, or related to the physical law of an increasing tendency for disorganization.


A seed leaf; may store (dicot) or absorb (monocot) food in seeds of flowering plants.


A smaller, darker body found in the nucleus; contains a concentration of RNA; associated with message transfer to the cytoplasm and cell division


A stacked portion of the thylakoid membrane in the chloroplast. Grana function in the light reactions of photosynthesis

product of decomposition of food molecules, chemical associated with mitochondria, a form of chemical energy

ATP is a:


All the organic substances located between the nucleus and cell membrane; one location of mitochondria, chloroplast, and other tiny bodies.

tissue culture

Cells from practically any part of a plant can, under the proper conditions, develop into a new plant with the same genetic inheritance as the parent plant.


Cells that multiply and produce growth at various parts of a plant are:


Chemical messages originate from:

hypogynous, perigynous, and epigynous.

Common flowers may be divided into three basic types:


Differentiated cells which take on the function of food storage are: .

tracheids and vessel members

Distinctive cells of the xylem are the _____


During cell division, energy is needed. The first chemicals to be broken down to use as energy in cell division are called


Flowering plants are classified as:

dry or fleshy; dehiscent or indehiscent; and simple, multiple, or aggregate.

Fruits are classified by such characteristics as


In the maturation process of cells, the first step after production by a meristem; a lengthening of the cell assisted by water intake in living things to occur; an organic catalyst.


Infoldings of the inner membrane of a mitochondrion that houses the electon transport chain and the enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of ATP.


Oblong cells with unevenly thickened walls for support in young stems


Old phloem cells become:

roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruit

Plant Organs

cytoplasm a plasma membrane a nucleus vacuoles

Plant cells and animal cells both have

The Marvelous Cell Factory Energy conversion

Synthesize complex chemicals Decompose chemicals Perform maintenance Selective exchange Route and transfer chemicals Interpret coded information Duplicate itself


That part of a tree that is interior to the vascular cambium; the xylem of a tree.


That part of a woody stem, or tree, that is outside the vascular cambium; includes phloem and cork.


The ______________ is generally a deeper root system with a long root growing downward and branch roots growing outward from various parts of the root


The basic building block of all forms of life.


The capacity to do or perform work


The chemicals first activated in the seed that help cause other chemicals to react are called

life activities

The cytoplasm is the most important part of the cell for carrying out ________________


The food-conducting tissue of a plant's vascular or transport system.


The maturation of a cell produced by a plant meristem; cells may mature to form fibers, parenchyma, vessel members, etc.

vascular cambium

The meristematic cells which produce new cells increasing plant body girth; often forming a ring only several cell layers wide in woody stems and roots.


The moisture content of the seed must be at least __percent before germination begins.


The most common plant cell, found in practically all parts of the plant body; important for food production, food storage, lateral transport, and other life processes; an almost round cell in some tissues.

nucleic acid, RNA

The nucleolus is a concentration of _____ ______.


The organic substance making up the cells of all living things.


The outermost layer of plant cells or tissue, providing a covering for the plant body.

crop production

The process used to select seeds, nutrients, and season to get the maximum production from a crop


The protoplasmic unit of a cell, usually made up of a nucleus and cytoplasm.

green revolution

The revolution in plant production that greatly increased crop yields

cell wall

The rigid wall of plant cells that surrounds the cell membrane.


The specific pattern of flower arrangement of a plant.


The study of growth characteristics of a plant is called developmental __________


The threadlike bodies apparent in the nucleus during certain phases of cell division; carries the genes or inheritance units of a cell; segments of DNA molecules.


The tiny body that contains chlorophyll; photosynthesis takes place in this part of the cell.


The tiny rod-shaped cell bodies where aerobic respiration occurs; the cell powerhouses.


The tiny, dot-like bodies in the cytoplasm or part of the endoplasmic reticulum; important in protein synthesis.

ribonucleic acid

The transfer of information from the nucleus to organelles is accomplished by:

middle east

The use of wheat as food can be traced to the area of

phloem xylem

The vascular cambium cells differentiate into:


The water and mineral conducting tissue of a plant's vascular or transport system.

vascular cambium

The width of a tree increases through direct growth of the:


The youthful, undifferentiated cells of root and shoot tips and other plant parts that produce new cells for growth in size and girth.

taproot and fibrous root

Two types of root systems are the_______

genetic information energy matter

What does the plant need in order for it to germinate and develop?

because it consists of numerous interdependent subunits because coded information cannot arise from random processes

Why is a cell analogous to an engineered watch?


________ are commonly used to propagate many house plants, along with a number of garden and orchard plants.


a chemical form of energy which can be directly used for chemical activities

endoplasmic reticulum

appears to be a cell communication system for chemical messages and to be a factory in association with ribosomes for life processes.

epidermis, phloem, and xylem

are each complex tissues

Golgi bodies

centers for collecting and packaging cell building materials and enzymes, construction of the cell wall, secretion and storage of high- energy compounds

Collenchyma tissue

commonly occurs underneath the epidermis

chloroplasts, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, and Golgi bodies

cytoplasmic bodies are the _____________________

beans are examples of


cell wall

feature distinguishing plant cells from animals cells is the ________________

adventitious roots

fibrous system is similar in appearance with none conspicuously larger than any others

Robert Hooke

first to observe "small chambers" in cork and call them cells.

serves to anchor the plant body and to absorb water and minerals, storage of food and conduction of the water and minerals to other plant parts

functions of the roots

Sclerenchyma tissue

hard, thickened cell walls are left after the protoplasts of these cells have dried up


have the important function of assembling proteins from amino acidsx

Undirected energy

is usually destructive

to support the plant body and leaves and to conduct food, water, and minerals to other plant parts

main functions of stems are

Grasses are examples of



shoot tip consists of a tiny ___

Collenchyma and sclerenchyma

simple tissues.

Fibrous root systems

tend to be shallow but cling tightly to soil particles


the art or practice of garden cultivation and management.

minerals sugars calcium oxalate anthocyanins dissolved proteins

the five substances that can be found in the cell vacuoles.

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