BM1002: Week 1

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what type of cell benefits from having microvilli?

absorption cells, maximize nutrient absorption eg gut

toes are anterior/posterior compared with heels?



non-living anchored to newer cells strong waterproof substance that protects underlying tissue-fingernails

transmembrane protein?

'gateway' allows certain/specific substances through the membrane

gap junctions

'secrete tunnels' between the cells. function is to allow rapid communication between cells. eg cardiac muscles need rapid tight communication


(horizontal) refers to a plane that divides the body into superior/inferior, or anterior/posterior portions not mirror image perpendicular to median plane


-Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum -contains many ribosomes- rough looking outer layer -creates proteins


-mixture of multilayered and single layered, -protects against toxic urine -can be stretched -urinary tract

peripheral proteins



Along (or toward) the vertebral surface of the body., Away from the ground. think, dorsal fin on a dolphin

characteristics of epithelium

Proliferation and high turnover Polarized- specialized purpose at each end Sheets are Avascular, while masses are Vascular basal membrane


Small dense regions in the nuclei, containing the DNA


Smooth ER creation of lipids aids in detoxification

tight junctions

cells very close together create an impassable wall eg- do not want digestive juices entering bloodstream

four basic types of tissues?

connective, nervous, muscle, epithelial. At least two types found in all organs

the wrist is distal/proximal to the elbow?

distal, lower than theelbow


extremity middle plane, mirror image but not median (in the middle of body)plane

Simple squamous

flat, thin simple, one layer


houses 'blueprints' (DNA) of the cell, blueprints to create everyhting

why do the phospholipids arrange themselfsin a bilayer?

hydrophillic head attracted to water, hydrophobic tails water fearing, htus the 'heads' face the water and the lipid 'tails', 'hide' between the phosphate 'heads'


increase SA for maximum absorption project from surface of cell (not a cell on its own) part of cell membrane very small

clavicle is superior/anterior/distal/inferior to mandible



irregular placed nuclei looks messy and seems stratified- but in fact is only one layerof cells secretion movement of particles upper respiratory

stratified squamous

keratin, multi-layered protects underlying tissues, skin,

advantage of having micro villi?

larger surface area, advantageous in intestine for nutrient absorption


larger than MV internal structure of microtubules imbedded in the plasma membrane, rather than an extension (m.v.) move substances over the surface of the cell- 'hairs' that move mucous in a wave like motion out of the respiratory tract.

goblet cells

modified columnar epithelial secrete mucous- protection funtion found in respiratory & gastrointestinal

simple cuboidal

one layer, cube like, absorption and secretion present in thyroid

simple columnar

one layer, posses surface specializations present in gallbladder, intestine


palm of hand, back of forelimbs for a dog as they are didgitigrade- walk on toes (dorsal is top/front of paw, for a dog) (plantar is back of hind limb and dorsal is top/front of foot)

vertebra is posterior/anterior compared with sternum



power house of thecell creates ATP- Adenosine TriPhosphate (currency of the cell, gives the cell the ability to do work) many mitochondria= very active cell, needing high amounts of energy enclosed by two membranes with the inner membrane folded; contains its own DNA


protective, absorptive, excretionary

knee in proximal/distal compared with ankle,but distal/proximal to the hip

proximal to ankle, distal to hip


same as palmar except its hindlimbs for dogs, feet for humans dorsal is front/top of hind paw

Functionsof epithelium

secretion- sweat glands protection Interchange with environment- gas exchange, nutrient absorption sensation- taste buds, olfactory (smell)

nuclear membrane

separates the genetic material in the nucleous from the cytoplasm contains holes or gateways called nuclear pores membrane is continuous with RER

nose is superior/inferior to the mandible

superior, higher than the jaw


verticle middle plane,mirror image,

skin is superficial rather than the stomach?


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