BMGT364 Exam 1

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Which of the following is a tip discussed in the textbook to make disciplining an employee more effective? Document behavior only if it is very severe. Punishment is always the most effective way to modify behavior. Be consistent in your treatment of employees. Discipline when you have time.

Be consistent in your treatment of employees.

Which of the following statements about stress is correct? An American Association survey suggests that there is a strong correlation between stress and heart attacks. Stressors cause stress by reducing adrenaline levels and increasing cortisol levels in the body. Stress is a cumulative process. No matter how they are categorized, stressors are always bad for individuals.

Stress is a cumulative process.

To facilitate his learning in a college course, a visual learner would prefer to -take notes during class. -avoid scheduling classes that meet for long time periods. -tape his professor's lectures. -join a study group.

Take notes during class

Research indicates that groups with faultlines exhibit which of the following characteristics? Teams with faultlines make more effective decisions. Teams with strong faultlines are more creative. Teams with strong faultlines have the potential to perform well if they can establish certain norms. Teams with weak faultlines are more creative

Teams with strong faultlines have the potential to perform well if they can establish certain norms.

Research on diversity in the workplace substantiated all of the following benefits to firms EXCEPT: Diverse teams make higher quality decisions. Award-winning diversity management programs lead to higher stock prices for their companies. The presence of faultlines increases cohesiveness at work. In companies with a growth strategy, there is a positive correlation between diversity in the firm and company performance.

The presence of faultlines increases cohesiveness at work.

Which of the following employees is more likely to turnover? -Those who have been in the company for a long time. -Those who have negative work attitudes. -Those who have very little stress. -Those who are high performers.

Those who have negative work attitudes

Employees with which of the following personality traits would experience high job satisfaction? -Those with positive affective dispositions. -Those with neurotic personalities. -Those with low self-esteem. -Those who are introverted.

Those with positive affective dispositions.

True or False: A kinesthetic (tactile) learner is very likely to avoid taking once a week classes as they require too much sitting and listening time.


True or False: A neat, professional appearance and a firm handshake are two important aspects of an interview because of the lasting impact first impressions make.


True or False: According to Herzberg, hygiene factors are part of the context of the job.


True or False: Behavior is a function of the person and the situation interacting with each other.


True or False: Behavior may be affected as much by what is expected of us as how we want to behave.


True or False: Challenge stressors have been shown to relate to increased engagement and performance.


True or False: Conscientiousness, more than any other personality trait, predicts how successfully a person performs a variety of jobs.


True or False: Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own culture is superior to other cultures.


True or False: If used on a short-term basis, relative ranking appraisals may help an organization become more performance-oriented because they tend to weed out employees with persistent performance problems.


True or False: In collectivist cultures, the importance of family is critical to understanding the nature of the society.


True or False: Individuals with an economic value orientation tend to make more unethical choices.


True or False: Journaling is a technique that helps you chart your progress as you learn new skills.


True or False: Leniency bias is a common problem in performance appraisals.


True or False: Mary said, "I am quite confident in the plan I developed, as I worked quite diligently on it and I have implemented similar programs in similar settings." Mary seems to have high self-efficacy.


True or False: Natalia is assisting new employee Jane by showing her around the facility. This is an example of organizational citizenship behavior.


True or False: Offshoring and the development of a shamrock organization structure challenges organizational behavior to manage teams made up of employees separated by culture, language, time and space.


True or False: One rationale provided for the existence of the glass ceiling for women is that women are viewed as being more passive and submissive compared to their male counterparts.


True or False: People who are labeled as high social monitors can experience high levels of stress.


True or False: Reinforcement theory is based on behavioral and operant conditioning.


True or False: Tactical decisions are those concerned with how things get done.


True or False: The first step of both the rational decision-making model and the creative decision-making process is to identify the problem.


True or False: The job characteristics model is an attempt to design jobs for increased motivational potential.


True or False: Those firms that are categorized as successful tend to pay employees well, train employees, and reduce status differences.


True or False: When an employee is treated well, he wants to reciprocate, so he performs his job more effectively.


Which of the following statements about values is true? Values affect the decisions people make, but have little impact on their behavior. Values are not very stable; they change over short periods of time Values are developed early in life and remain stable over a lifetime. Values impact the individual, but not how they work

Values are developed early in life and remain stable over a lifetime.

Which of the following is an illegal interview question? What was your salary at your last place of employment? Tell me about a time when you experienced conflict in a past job. What was your grade point average at XYZ University? What are your childcare arrangements?

What are your childcare arrangements?

Which of the following statements about individual approaches to managing stress is correct? Time management practices like prioritizing and keeping a schedule increase stress because of added pressure to adhere to deadlines. Physical activity decreases mental fatigue, which increases stress levels. Social support can make the effects of stress worse. When workdays are broken into smaller parts, stress can be shifted to a state of flow.

When workdays are broken into smaller parts, stress can be shifted to a state of flow.

Which of the following statements regarding work-life conflict is correct? Work-life conflict increases job and life satisfaction. Recent surveys show that Americans rarely work overtime. Organizations that have programs to assist employees in achieving work-life balance accept that these programs will reduce productivity while increasing retention. Work-life conflict occurs when the demands of work and family negatively impact each other.

Work-life conflict occurs when the demands of work and family negatively impact each other.

Cultural intelligence is the ways in which people are similar or different from one another. the values, beliefs and customs that exist in a society. the degree to which the society views an unequal distribution of power as acceptable. a person's capability to understand how a person's cultural background influences one's behavior.

a person's capability to understand how a person's cultural background influences one's behavior.

Jeff tells his boss that a member of his team, Leeanne, is having trouble keeping up with her spreadsheet because women just aren't as good at math. This is implicit bias unconscious bias a faultline a stereotype

a stereotype

To satisfice is to be influenced by the way in which problems are framed. set parameters against which all of the potential options can be evaluated generate new ideas that are original, fluent and flexible accept the first alternative that meets your general criteria.

accept the first alternative that meets your general criteria.

Which of the following is an advantage of job rotation? employees experience less boredom in a job rotation system. employees become cross-trained due to their movement between jobs. managers have greater scheduling flexibility in a job rotation system. all of the statements here are true.

all of the statements here are true.

A faultline is an attribute along which a group is split into subgroups the way in which people are similar or different from each other. a generalization about a particular group of people. the values, beliefs and customs that exist in a society.

an attribute along which a group is split into subgroups

First impressions are fleeting impressions. are resilient even in the face of contrary evidence. become dependent on the evidence that created them. are likely to change over time.

are resilient even in the face of contrary evidence.

Reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities may include all of the following EXCEPT: physical changes to the company facilities (e.g. wheelchair ramp). assignment of their essential job functions to other employees. providing auxiliary equipment like telephone amplifiers. modifications in employee schedules.

assignment of their essential job functions to other employees.

The interactionist perspective suggests behavior is not predictable and can not be profiled behavior is solely a function of the situation behavior is solely a function of the person's personality behavior is a function of the person and the situation interacting with each other

behavior is a function of the person and the situation interacting with each other

Individuals with an internal locus of control -feel that things happen to them because of luck. -understand what the situation demands and act accordingly. -believe that what happens to them is their own doing. -have an inclination to change the status quo.

believe that what happens to them is their own doing.

Imagine that you are a salesperson in a major department store. Though you might not actually believe it, you follow the policy of "the customer is always right" in your daily work at the store. However, since you do not agree with that view, cognitive dissonance deep acting genuine acting surface acting

cognitive dissonance

Since Marco is high on the Big Five personality trait of neuroticism, he is stressed and burnout at his job; he most likely will -approach his boss to seek a solution about work -start actively looking for a new job. -continue to complain to his friends, family and co-workers. quit and move into his parents' basement.

continue to complain to his friends, family and co-workers.

Sandi's Bakery started selling out of their muffins. Sandi thought that it was because she changed the recipe slightly and now her customer's loved the muffins. (Actually, it was because Pablo at ABC Trucking promised to bring muffins for a month if the drivers all made their deliveries on time.) Sandi experienced a(n) framing bias. correlation and causality bias. availability bias. misunderstanding and sampling bias.

correlation and causality bias.

Person-organization fit is the degree to which a person's attitude matches the culture of the work group degree to which a person's values, personality, goals and other characteristics match those of the organization degree to which a person's skill, knowledge, abilities and other characteristics match the job demands degree to which a person likes the organization

degree to which a person's values, personality, goals and other characteristics match those of the organization

In order to increase the feedback you receive, you could develop a positive relationship with your manager. avoid asking your superior for feedback. Managers will look less favorably upon you if you continually bother them for feedback. defend yourself by explaining your behavior when you receive negative feedback. seek positive feedback rather than negative feedback.

develop a positive relationship with your manager.

The tendency for decision makers to be influenced by the way that a situation or problem is presented is escalation of commitment framing bias overconfidence bias anchoring

framing bias

Role overload refers to having insufficient time and resources to complete a job. vagueness in relation to what job responsibilities are. facing contradictory demands at work. inability to reconcile the demands of one's work and home life.

having insufficient time and resources to complete a job.

Bill is the quarterback of his college football team. The team was 10-0, but lost this week after what Bill says was a very bad call by the referee. Bill seldom says anything about how the referees called any game, but he is very vocal about this one. You know that Bill works hard both on the field and off. You talk to other players on the team and they complain about the referee's call also. In the preceding story, both Bill and the other players expressed concern about the referee's call. This demonstrates high consensus. low consistency. low distinctiveness. high consistency.

high consensus.

Joaquin received the Chancellor's Award and an $8,000 scholarship for a research paper and formal presentation he created. He believes that he worked hard for the paper and the presentation and deserved the award. Joaquin would feel a sense of high interactional justice. high interpersonal justice. high distributive justice. high procedural justice.

high distributive justice.

Sara's laptop started causing her problems. It was taking a long time to boot up, and froze unexpectedly a number of times. Now the laptop has shut down completely and she cannot get it started up again. One of the group members on her project said to Sara, "You should have gone for help when it started acting up, now you've affected all of us." This scenario is an example of what type of decision-making trap? anchoring hindsight bias framing bias overconfidence bias

hindsight bias

Research on individual differences in the type of stress experienced by employees indicates that men become depressed more often than women. due to their stronger social networks, men process stress more effectively than women. workaholics enjoy work more than other employees. individuals with Type A personalities are more likely to experience negative organizational outcomes.

individuals with Type A personalities are more likely to experience negative organizational outcomes.

Sleep research on stress indicates that nearly all adults have trouble sleeping. insomnia is a stress-related epidemic. work-life conflict makes good sleep easier to achieve. workers who miss work because of exhaustion become rejuvenated and face less stress upon their return to work.

insomnia is a stress-related epidemic.

The glass ceiling is the result of the less effective leadership styles practiced by women. is an issue that was a problem until a decade ago. is based on a faultline in the employee workgroup. is the underrepresentation of women and minorities in executive and upper level management positions of companies.

is the underrepresentation of women and minorities in executive and upper level management positions of companies.

If you say to yourself, "As soon as I finish reading this chapter in my textbook, I am going to play Guitar Hero for an hour," this specific goal has motivated you because it has energized you to keep going until you have accomplished the goal. it has given you direction. it has provided you with self-esteem. it has caused you to re-think how you are working.

it has energized you to keep going until you have accomplished the goal.

All of the following statements regarding personality testing in employee selection are correct EXCEPT: there are mixed feelings as to whether candidates' faking responses on personality tests is a serious problem. personality is a better predictor of job satisfaction than job performance. job interviewers are very adept at assessing conscientiousness in candidates, so the personality test is not really needed in employee selection. self-reporting measures of personality may not be the best way to measure personality.

job interviewers are very adept at assessing conscientiousness in candidates, so the personality test is not really needed in employee selection.

Adequate notice refers to ensuring that there is two-way communication during the appraisal process and the employee's perspective is heard. documenting performance problems and using factual evidence in rating performance. letting employees know what criteria are used in appraisal. the process where feedback is confidentially gathered from peers, customers and subordinates.

letting employees know what criteria are used in appraisal.

Overconfidence bias refers to the tendency for individuals to rely too heavily on a single piece of information. is the tendency of decision makers to be influenced by the way that problems are framed. occurs when looking backward in time where mistakes seem obvious after they have already occurred. occurs when individuals overestimate their ability to predict future events.

occurs when individuals overestimate their ability to predict future events.

Stereotypes are assumptions held by only one individual. are never accurate descriptions of particular groups. are often verified prior to making decisions based upon them. often lead to unfair decisions being made.

often lead to unfair decisions being made.

Programmed decisions are ones which occur frequently enough that an automated response is developed for them. unique, nonroutine, and important, requiring conscious thinking, information gathering and careful consideration of alternatives. decisions that are made to set the course of an organization. a set of parameters against which all of the potential options in decision making will be evaluated.

ones which occur frequently enough that an automated response is developed for them.

Maurice is described as "very curious. He has very original thoughts. He is a bright young man with a very creative flair." Maurice exhibits the personality trait of ____________. openness conscientiousness agreeableness extraversion


Organizational citizenship behaviors include all of the following EXCEPT -performing the duties in one's job description. -working voluntary overtime. -assisting new employees. -speaking positively about the organization

performing the duties in one's job description.

Values -encompass the relatively stable feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns a person has. -are generalizations based upon a perceived group characteristic. -are initial thoughts and perceptions we form about people, which tend to be stable and resilient to contrary information. -refer to stable life goals people have, reflecting what is most important to them.

refer to stable life goals people have, reflecting what is most important to them.

Maslow's theory of motivation is criticized because its "frustration-regression" hypothesis has no practical implications for the workplace. research does not support the argument that satisfied needs no longer motivate behavior. substantial empirical research has indicated little practical application of the theory. the research methodology employed does not fully account for the attribution of cause to the individual or the situation.

research does not support the argument that satisfied needs no longer motivate behavior.

In what stress phase does the body release cortisol and begin to adjust to the demands of the stress? alarm phase adaptation phase exhaustion phase resistance phase

resistance phase

Mary is a new employee in the handbag department of a major department store. She is not entirely sure whether she is to simply stay on the sales floor and sell purses to customers, or if she is to sell the items and then go back into the stockroom to replenish them. Mary is experiencing role conflict information overload role overload role ambiguity

role ambiguity

Facing contradictory demands at work is a form of information overload role overload role conflict role ambiguity

role conflict

The ability for employees to do interesting and rewarding work at The Walt Disney Company satisfies which of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? safety physiological self-actualization social


Conrad knows that he is flexible, enjoys challenging goals, and is very concerned about the security of his job. Conrad understands which of the following building blocks of the emotional intelligence concept? self-management social awareness self-awareness relationship management


The professor announced the first day of class: "Students are not good at meeting deadlines. I guarantee you that someone will email me the day after a due date and ask if I will accept a paper for partial credit." Yesterday the first paper was due in the professor's class. He just checked his email and a student inquired whether the paper could be turned in for partial credit today. This is an example of selective perception. self-fulfilling prophecy. self-effacement bias. self-enhancement bias.

self-fulfilling prophecy.

When you understand how OTHERS feel you are exhibiting which of the building blocks of emotional intelligence? social awareness self-awareness self-management relationship management

social awareness

The car was traveling very slowly on the highway in front of Ned. He turned to Sally and said, "This is ridiculous, we are never going to get there on time. That must be a woman driver in front of us!" Ned is engaging in first impressions. false consensus error. self-fulfilling prophecy. stereotyping.


Hindrance stressors refer to demands and circumstances that cause stress but also promote individual growth. having insufficient time and resources to complete one's job. vagueness in regard to job responsibilities. stressors that detract from personal goals and prevent personal growth.

stressors that detract from personal goals and prevent personal growth.

High social monitors are very accurate at conducting performance evaluations. tend to be more successful in their careers. tend to experience lower levels of stress. are more committed to their companies

tend to be more successful in their careers.

In analyzing the data, the researcher notes that as employee absences increase, scores on performance evaluations decrease. This suggests -there is a correlation between employee absenteeism and employee performance. -employee performance is a valid measure. -employee absence causes poor performance. -employee absence is a reliable measure.

there is a correlation between employee absenteeism and employee performance.

Research on equity theory suggests: those who perceive inequity increase their work performance. those who perceive inequity encourage their fellow coworkers to work less hard. those who feel over-rewarded experience little distress over the situation. those who feel over-rewarded experience guilt over the situation.

those who feel over-rewarded experience little distress over the situation.

Generalization that a person has outside of their conscious awareness is a unconscious bias deliberate bias reverse bias dynamic stereotype

unconscious bias

Praising the employee occasionally when the person shows up on time is an example of ________________ of reinforcement. fixed ratio schedule equity ratio variable ratio continuous schedule

variable ratio

Study findings on personality indicate -although personality impacts us during our youth it has no lasting consequences for us. -personality is the primary predictor of work behavior. -although it is interesting information, employee personality has relatively little impact on placing individuals in jobs. -we are more emotionally stable and more organized between the ages of 20 and 40

we are more emotionally stable and more organized between the ages of 20 and 40

Task significance refers to whether a person's job substantially affects other people's health, work or well-being. the degree to which a person is in charge of completing an identifiable piece of work from start to finish. the extent to which the job requires a person to utilize multiple high level skills. the degree to which a person has the freedom to decide how to perform his tasks

whether a person's job substantially affects other people's health, work or well-being.

True or False: Legal complaints charging organizations with discrimination have largely been eliminated due to the passage of a number of laws in the U.S. prohibiting discrimination against protected classes.


True or False: Low power distance societies view an unequal distribution of power as relatively acceptable.


True or False: Motivation is a function of the interaction between performance, ability and environment.


True or False: People are always interested in making an optimal decision.


True or False: Physically active work breaks lead to reduced mental concentration levels and increased mental fatigue.


True or False: Reasonable accommodation for employees with disabilities may require the firm to purchase equipment for the disabled employees' use but does not require any schedule or job duty modifications.


True or False: Research indicates that older employees exhibit higher absenteeism than their younger counterparts.


True or False: The importance of higher general mental ability for high performance is stronger for manual labor positions compared to management positions.


What is the most challenging or difficult step in the rational decision-making process? Identify the problem Establish decision criteria Generate alternatives Evaluate alternatives

Generate alternatives

Which of the following statements regarding positive emotions is true? Individuals feeling positive emotions are more realistic in their evaluation of the environment. Positive emotions are associated with less creativity, but higher productivity. Positive feelings dispose an individual to optimism but make him less open to new ideas. Having positive emotions can lead to upward positive spirals of good emotions.

Having positive emotions can lead to upward positive spirals of good emotions.

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of effective management of diversity? More satisfied workers Higher productivity of operations Greater creativity in decision making Better service to customers

Higher productivity of operations

Which of the following questions would require a tactical decision in response? How should we market the new product line? How will I balance my master's degree workload with my work assignments? Should we takeover our competitor? What should I say to the customers about our return policy?

How should we market the new product line?

__________ is the degree to which a person is anxious, irritable, aggressive and moody -Neuroticism -Extraversion -Openness -Conscientiousness


Based on employment statistics, age diversity at work will continue into the future. Thus, the findings from research examining age diversity will become increasingly useful in managing the workforce. Which of the following statements about those research findings is accurate? Older workers are less likely to quit their jobs when dissatisfied at work. Older workers are generally stereotyped as more qualified and having higher potential. Older workers are stereotyped as being more able to handle stress. Older employees are more likely to be absent from their jobs.

Older workers are less likely to quit their jobs when dissatisfied at work.

Rosario is examining a summary chart on four firms' organizational characteristics. She feels which of the organizations below is most likely to have the greatest chance to be successful in the next year? -Organization B has a pay policy that matches the industry average for each job category, maintains special parking, cafeteria, and restroom facilities for its managers, and conducts performance appraisals every two years. -Organization C has gone through regular quarterly lay-offs the last few quarters, established a policy last month where all decisions involving the expenditure of fifty dollars or more must be approved by two managers and has temporarily suspended all performance evaluations for the year. -Organization A uses self-managed teams, pays its workers a little above the average for the industry and has regular "state of the business meetings." -Organization D maintains a training program that is very selective with regard to employee involvement. They recently instituted a large-scale job flexibility program that "blurs" the lines between job duties and passed a strict pay secrecy policy last month.

Organization A

Which of the following is an unrealistic assumption made in the rational decision making model? People often don't understand the decision to be made. People have perceptual biases. People know few of their available choices. People want to make optimal decisions

People want to make optimal decisions

Research suggests which of the following relationships between performance and turnover? -In general, good performers are more likely to leave a firm than poor performers because other firms readily recognize their skills and actively seek their employment. -The establishment of a pay-for-performance system in a company guarantees that high performers will stay in the firm. -Poor performers are more likely to quit their jobs compared to high performers. -Pay-for-performance systems have no impact on an employee's likelihood to turnover.

Poor performers are more likely to quit their jobs compared to high performers.

Which of the following is accurate for the relationship between attitudes and performance? -Though you want to perform better, the equipment used at work may not be functioning properly. -Though you want to perform better, there may be factors outside your control that make it impossible. -Though you want to perform better, your skill set may prevent that from occurring. -All of these statements are accurate.

All of these statements are accurate.

True of False: The relationship between positive work attitudes and behavior is clear.


True or False: Both positive and negative emotions can be contagious, but the spillover from positive emotions lasts longer than negative ones.


True or False: Creativity is the interaction between personality traits, attributes, and serendipity.


True or False: Extraverts are happier in their work situations and perform much more effectively than introverts.


True or False: Given research on anchoring bias, individuals are more likely to assume that more people die from car accidents as compared to stomach cancer.


True or False: High agreeableness is always a personality trait sought in job candidates.


True or False: In firms pursuing a growth strategy, there is a negative relationship between racial diversity in the firm and company performance.


True or False: Individuals with a strong social network are more stressed than individuals who do not have such networks because of the increased interpersonal demands of large social networks.


True or False: Instrumental values are end states people desire in life.


Which of the following is likely to help produce an effective organization? -A firm that employs selective hiring practices. -A firm that maintains two separate cafeterias for employees; one for executives and managers and one for everyone else. -A firm where information is shared on a "need-only" basis. -A firm that controls its labor costs by limiting training opportunities to only a few employees.

A firm that employs selective hiring practices.

Maurice is enrolled in a career development class at his university. Which of the following statements best reflects important themes in the course? -Learn as much as you can in as many areas as you can in college because you will not learn much more throughout your worklife. -Career paths will look different for different people, so it's best to focus on transferrable skills, such as the ability to diagnose situations, ask tough questions, evaluate answers, and act in effective and ethical manners. -All students have common experiences and capabilities so an organization's career development activities should look the same for everyone. -Once individuals choose their first job and the organization in which they work, they make very few changes in either throughout the rest of their worklives; so choose carefully.

Career paths will look different for different people, so it's best to focus on transferrable skills, such as the ability to diagnose situations, ask tough questions, evaluate answers, and act in effective and ethical manners.

Which of the following is an instrumental value? Clean Family security Self-respect A world of beauty


An ethics audit would ask all the following questions of a firm EXCEPT: -Do you make sure to hide any examples of unethical behavior so others do not repeat the behavior? -Do you question whether employees are seeing any examples of unethical behavior occurring in the workplace? -Do you ensure that pay is equitable for all employees? -Do you ensure that daily decisions are assessed for ethical compliance?

Do you make sure to hide any examples of unethical behavior so others do not repeat the behavior?

Which of the following statements regarding SMART goals is correct? Effective goals tend to be aggressive. Easy goals are the most effective goals. When goals are specific, stress is higher. Adding a time limit to a goal leads to short-term decision making and ignoring the long term consequences.

Effective goals tend to be aggressive.

Which of the following statements regarding research on emotional contagion is true? The spillover from positive emotions lasts longer than that from negative emotions. All people are equally susceptible to emotional contagion. Emotions are especially salient in teams and thus teams can exhibit emotional contagion just as individuals can. Positive emotions can be contagious, but negative emotions are not.

Emotions are especially salient in teams and thus teams can exhibit emotional contagion just as individuals can.

Chloe and Francois are graphic designers at Highland Lithographics. Both have the same job description. Earlier this month, Chloe found out that Francois makes $12.50 an hour while she makes $11.00. What theory of motivation best explains why Chloe went to her boss to complain about the pay disparity? Expectancy theory ERG theory Equity theory Reinforcement theory

Equity theory

Research on motivation suggests the following: Satisfaction with social needs is a powerful motivator in industrialized countries. Subjects in different cultures do not vary in their distribution of rewards regardless of the subject's age. Ethical behavior is learned behavior. Valuing justice and fairness is a distinctive American-only value.

Ethical behavior is learned behavior.

Which of the following statements regarding turnover is true? -Even though they are very unhappy with a job, employees may not leave an organization. -Manager absenteeism causes employee turnover. -Employees will quit their jobs voluntarily only when they feel they will get fired -The link between work attitudes and turnover is direct

Even though they are very unhappy with a job, employees may not leave an organization.

Which of the following statements regarding life stressors is correct? Expectations of future downsizing leads to greater absenteeism in the workplace. Organizations cannot aid employees in dealing with work-life conflicts as any interference from the firm would be seen as an invasion of privacy. Stress results only from negative life events; positive life events increase feelings of satisfaction. Work-life conflict is slightly greater for men than women.

Expectations of future downsizing leads to greater absenteeism in the workplace.

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