Bora Ulas Sarsu 9M 1266

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Bob: What about going to the cinema? Tom: _____. Bob: You can do your work after cinema. A) I am afraid I can't B)I have a lot of things to do C) With pleasure D) I don't feel like going to the cinema E) I like going to the cinema very much


J: By the way, I have two books of yours. I should like to return them. H: Have you finished reading them? J: _____. H: Would you care to have another book to read? A-All right, I'll read it again, well, I must be off B-Yes, and enjoyed them very much, especially the one about Liberia. C-Of course, I thought it was time I paid a visit. D-I haven't free time. I'll bring it next time. E-Yes, I come to see you.


Mary: Did you pass your exam? Ann: _____. Mary: Was it difficult? Ann: _____. A) No, I haven't / I don't know B)Yes,Idid/Idon'tthinkitwas C) Of course, it was / I'm sorry D) It's a pity / Nice to see you E) How do you do / The same to you


Mike: What are you doing, Alice? Alice: _____. Mike: Why? Let me see what's the matter with it. A) I'm looking for my sister. C) I'm going home. E) I've got a bad mark. B) I can't close my bag. D) I'm reading a book.


A: Do you think you could give me your bicycle this morning? B: _____. A: _____. A) I don't think so/You are right B) You can't have it now/Certainly C) Yes, I can't/Not at all D) I'm sorry, I'm using it myself/Well, thanks E) I thought it over/With pleasure


A: I couldn't watch TV yesterday. B: Why couldn't you? A: _____. A) I don't like to watch TV. B) I must do my lesson. C) I'll stay at home and learn English. D) We both, my sister and I, were punished by my father. E) I could stay and watch TV with them.


A: Let's go for a walk. B: _____. A: Where can we go? B: _____. A)Ican't/Tothepark B) Thank you / At 5 o'clock C) Certainly / Tomorrow D) Agreed / As far as the bridge E) Of course / With our friends


A: May I watch TV now? B: No you can't. A: Why? B: _____. A) We'll go for a walk tomorrow B) You were ill C) I must stay in bed D) You'll disturb the kids E) You can tell the truth


A: My brother thinks that English isn't easy. B: Why does he think so? A: _____. A) He learnt either English or French B) Because it was too difficult for them C) He has no time D) Because he has to work very hard E) Because it is one of the easiest languages


A: What time is the next train for London? B: They go every hour. The next train is at 10 o'clock. A: _____. A) Has the train gone? B) Let's go to the refreshment room and wait for the train there. C) We'll go to the railway station. D) It is the last train for London. E) How long shall we stay here?


A: Who will you go to the country with? B: _____. A: What about your children? B: _____. A) I'll go with my children. / They like sea B) My sister will join me. / He is at home. C) I've just come. / They prefer to go with me. D) I'll go alone. / They are away. E) Nobody wants to. / She went there.


A: Would you like a cup of tea? B: _____. A: Would you like it with milk and sugar? B: _____. A) No, thank you / with lemon B) With pleasure / not at all C) It's a pity / I have a nice weekend D) Yes, please / little sugar, no milk E) I'm sorry / good - bye then


A: _____? B: "Friends", I think. A) Who are you going to call on? B) Whom did you meet? C) Who is your office manager? D) What's on tonight? E) What's in your bag?


- Where else have you been since you came to England? - _____. - You have seen a lot. When did you go there? - _____. A)I have never been to England/I didn't go B)I shall be in Oxford, Canterbury and Stratford/I went there last month C)Oh, I've been to Stratford and Oxford and Canterbury/I went there last week D)He is coming on Sunday/Have a nice week-end E)I visited London last year/I was there last year


- I'm flying to New-York tomorrow. - _____. A) Have a good journey! B) A happy landing to you! C) You're welcome! D) Help yourself E) Welcome here


- John is going to buy an expensive car. - _____? - He told me that himself. A) How do you know B) Where did you take it C) Are you in need of food D) Why are you speaking E) Do you live in the South


- Look over there! What can it be? It's scared me out of my wits. - _____. A) Oh, that's OK. Calm down. It's only a cat B) I don't know, the weather is likely to change tomorrow. C) We'll find out who plays there if we come up to the hill. D) Call the speaking clock. E) Let's make a transferred charge call now.


- Meet Kate. She is my friend. - _____. I'm glad to meet you. - _____. Glad to meet you too. A) How are you? / How do you do? B) O.K. / O.K. C)Howdoyoudo?/Howdoyoudo? D) How is your family? / And what about you? E) Nice meeting you? / How are you?


- Tommy, your mother is a teacher and you cannot write a word. , - _____. A) Your father is a dentist and your little brother has no teeth B) Your father is an engineer and works at the C) Your mother is a good housewife D) Your aunt can't go to the mountains with us E) Your mother wanted to see us both


- What do you do? - _____. A) Very well. Thank you. C) Pleased to meet you. E) Cheers. See you! B) I'm an architect. D) It doesn't matter.


- _____. - I went there on business. I had to go to a conference. A) Did you go there on business or for pleasure? B) When did you go to a conference? C) What were you doing there? D) Have you had your contract signed? E) Did you enjoy yourself?


-Shall we have a snack lunch in a pub for a change? - _____. A) That's a good idea, I haven't been to any pub lately. B) The nearest pub is round the corner. C) We have no pubs in our country. D) Will you look through the menu? E) And what about dessert?


-We went to Berlin last weekend -_____. A) How did you get there? B) Yes, last weekend was rather rainy. C) And what about you? D) My father says he is always tired after work. E) Sure, your teachers are very good.


-Who is the best reader in your class? - _____. A) Pete is, but I read better than he does. B) We take books from the school library. C) Oh, it is very difficult to get a good book these D) We never read books at math lessons. E) My mother doesn't allow me to read books at library.


A: Are you free tonight? B: Why? ______? A: Yes, I've got tickets for "King Lear". B: It's the first night, isn't it? How did you manage to get seats? A: Don't ask me questions, just say whether you're coming or not. B: _____. How can I miss a chance like that? A) Are you going to invite me anywhere / Oh B) Shall we go anywhere / No, I'm not C) What can I do for / Yes, I think D) Can you help me / No, I am not E) What for / Yes, I am


A: Are you ready to go? B: _____. A: When will you be ready? B: _____. A: Hurry up, I'm waiting for you A) Not yet / In five minutes B) Yes, of course / I don't know C) Yes, I think / Why, I've no time to go D) I'm afraid I can't / Tomorrow morning E) Why? Shall we go anywhere? / I shan't be ready


A: Do you know the men standing over there? B: Yes, of course. A: What are they? B: _____. A) They are famous sportsmen. B) The man is a famous writer. C) They are Pete and Mike. D) This man is John Smith. E) They are kind.


A: How long have you been living there? B: For three years already. We often spend our weekends here. A: _____. B: Yes, I have to get up early. But if you want to have a really quiet and healthy day off you've got to stay in the country. A) But you've got to work much here B) But it depends on the color C) Did you have much snow? D) I think, last spring wasn't very nice E) The heating doesn't work properly


A: What are you doing, Bob? B: _____. A: What are you writing to him about? B: Don't ask so many questions _____ . A) I'm writing a letter to Helen/Curiosity killed the cat B) I'm going to write a letter/There is no time left C) I'm writing/About the letter I've got from my D) I'm going to visit my uncle/He is ill E) I'm busy writing a letter to you/Are you going to read it?


A: Why are you so tired? B: _____. A: Who helped you? B: _____. A) I've just worked hard / nobody did B) I worked much / you'll help me C) So I am tired / many friends did D) I prefer walking / my mother did E) I shall not be tired / my wife did


T: Please, don't tell anyone. B: _____. T: Do you promise? B: _____. A) Don't worry, I won't / Yes, I do B)Yes,Iwas/Ican't C) I can't / Thank you D) We are late / I'm afraid E) Good-bye / Have a nice weekend


- Can you spare me a few minutes? - _____. I'm very busy just at present. Can you come a little later? - _____. When shall I come? - _____. A) Yes, certainly / Yes / Yesterday B) I'm sorry / Certainly / In an hour or so C) No / Of course / Next year D) Certainly / Yes, I can / Just now E) Really? / I think so / A fortnight


- I say, Ann, let's go and see Kate. She is ill. - _____. - When will you be free? - _____. A)I can. I'm free now / Tomorrow B)I can't. I'm busy now / In 2 hours E)O.K. / I'm busy C)All right / Certainly D)Certainly / Next year


- I say, Nick, let us go to the park? - _____. Only I must finish my work first. Can you wait a little? - _____. A) Let's / Yes, you can B) All right / Certainly C) Of course / Yes, please D)O.K./I'vegotalottodo E) Certainly / Yes, he can


- Is this seat vacant? - _____. - I thought I was lucky. A) Sorry, I was busy B) It's taken C) Certainly, you can D) Of course, you may take it E) You were right


- What are you doing at the week-end? - _____. - Would you like to go to a football match with me? - _____. A) He didn't think about it/Yes B) At the week-end? I haven't thought of it yet/Oh, I'd love to C) I'm going to the country/No, I haven't any time to go there D) I'm leaving for Brooklyn/O.K. E) I'll work in the garden/Yes, be sure, please


- What bus are you waiting for? - _____. - You usually go to work by car, don't you? - _____. A) I was waiting for him. / They belonged to my mother. B) I'm waiting for bus 9 or 14. / Yes, but my mother sometimes needs it. C) I was waiting for a doctor. / That's right. D) Do you mind my waiting for a bus? / Oh, yes, my dear. E) What time is it? / Thanks a lot.


- What's the matter with Dick? He hasn't come to school today. - _____. He has a headache. - Let's visit him after lessons. - _____. A) She is ill / All right B)He is not well/O.K. C)Heisout/Good D) I don't know / O.K. E) He is well / I'm busy


- What's wrong with you? You look so pale! - I feel terrible. _____. - Have you consulted a doctor? - _____. I think I'd better call him. I've got a high temperature A) I'm feverish / Yes, I have B) I've got a cold / Not yet, but I'm going to C) I've got a sore throat / I've consulted the dentist D) I'll be better soon / Certainly E) I'm shivering / I think so


- Your dress is so nice. - _____. A) I'll buy another one B) I have made it myself C) Your dress is too short D) She is so beautiful E) I like them too


- _____? - Because I need it for my job. A) Why have you come here? B) Why are you learning English? C) Who made you buy this book? D) Why are these books on your table? E) Why don't you learn a foreign language?


-How many times have you been in South Africa? - _____. A) I went last year. B) Once. C) 2 years ago. D) Yes, I've. E) Next summer.


A: Can I have tickets for the early morning train to Michigan tomorrow? B: _____. A: Two, please. B: Just a minute. Let me see. Well, I can let you have two seats, but in different carriages. Will that do? A: _____. A) How much is it? / Yes, of course. B) How many? / OK. C) I'm afraid not. / I'm Sorry. D) What about the other one? / I can't go E) Where is it? / I don't know.


A: May I watch what you are doing ? B: _____. A) Sure. You are welcome. B) I am painting. C) You must watch me. D) I am sitting. E) Why were you here ?


A: The new film is splendid. B: _____. A) He is wonderful, of course B) Not exactly so C) He is well D) Of course she is E) It's cold


A: Who is the woman crossing the street? B: _____. A: She is so pretty. B: _____. A) She is our teacher. / What about you? B) Why are you asking? / I don't know her. C) She is Mrs. green. / He is coming to us. D) These are Ann and Mary. / You are right. E) She is my friend. / You know him well.


Mother: You can't go out skiing today, Bob. It's warm again and there is no snow. Bob: _____. Mother: Don't worry. Today is not the last day of the winter. You'll have a chance to ski. A) I'm very glad. B) Well, that's a pity. I wanted to go skiing so much. C) I don't like to ski. D) I was not going to ski today. E)Itisaniceday.


T: Oh, I must water the plants. H: No, you needn't, _____. A) Do it yourself B) I'll do it myself C) Oh, sorry, I'm late D) Hurry up E) I'm sorry to hear that


- Can you help me with this work? - I'm afraid, I can't. I'm very busy now. - _____. - Yes, certainly. I think I'll be free in an hour. A) Can you help me tomorrow? B) Can I come a little later? C) When will you be free? D) When can I come? E) What are you busy with?


- Can you play chess? - _____, I don't play chess at all. Can you play tennis? - Yes, _____. - Let's play tennis then. A)Yes/Idon't B)Yes/Ican C) I'm sorry / Of course D)No/Ican't E) Of course / Do, please


- Hello! _____? - Not bad, thank you. A) Glad to see you B)Howdoyoudo C) How are you D) Is that you E) I haven 't seen you for ages


- Ken, you live in Riverton, how do you like it? - _____. - Ann and I want to move. Our apartment is too small for us. A) It's a nice town B) I don't know C) It's a nice town. Why do you ask? D) There is a playground there E) Oh, I like it very much


- Oh, it's raining heavily. - _____. - Let's hide somewhere. A) I think it's 20 degrees above zero. B) Cold weather has set in. C) Oh, yes, it's raining cats and dogs. D) The sky is so overcast. E) It looks like to rain.


- The weather is so awful today. It's been raining all day long. - _____. We'll have to put off our excursion. - _____. We would have a splendid time if _____? A) Yes, it is / Right you are / we should go there B) Well / O.K. / we go there C) Yes, it has / Nice! / the weather is fine D) So it is / I'm sorry / the weather was fine E) Yes, it's raining cats and dogs / It's a pity / the weather were fine


- What outdoor games popular in England? - Oh, there's football, hockey, golf, billiard, table-tennis and so on. - But _____ and _____ are indoor games, aren't they? -Oh, I'm sorry. Right you are. A) hockey / golf C) billiard / table-tennis E) hockey / table-tennis B) football / billiard D) golf / football


- What's the weather like? - _____. Put on your coat. - Is it snowing? - No, it's not but _____. A) It's warm / it is raining B) It's fine / it rains C) It's cold / it's going to D) It is nice / it rained E) It is bad / it is hot


- Where did you see The New Year in? - _____. - Really? A) Fishing in the river next week. B) I prefer to go there by train. C) As usual in the open air. D) It's hard to say. E) My friend and I will get to our place.


- Will you have some more chicken? - _____. I'm full. - And you, Mr. Thompson? - _____, just a little. It's delicious. A)Yes/No B) A little more / No, thank you C) No, thank you / Yes, please D) No, I shan't / Yes, have E) Of course / Certainly


- Your sons are very interested in ship - building. - Really? - _____. - Not yet, but they have many books about ships. A) How old are they? B) Did they like this subject? C) Have you ever been to the sea? D) Is their father a sailor? E) Have they got books about ship - building?


- _____. - No, I'm waiting for Tom. - _____. - I'm not in a hurry. I'll wait till he's ready. A) Who are you waiting for? / He is out B) You are waiting for Sally, aren't you? / She has just left C) Aren't you coming with us? / But he won't be ready for some time D) Would you like to wait for Tom? / He will be ready in a minute E) Did you come yesterday? / With pleasure


- _____. - Two hamburgers, please. - _____. - Yes, 2 orange juice, please. - _____. A) What can I do for you?/Sorry, you will have to wait for./Here it is. B) Excuse me. / Have you drunk? / Just a moment. C) Hello. What would you like. / Anything else? / Here you are. D) Will you have anything? / will you wait a little? / Sit down. I'll show you the menu. E) What will you have? / Could I show you the menu? / Not at all.


- _____. - Yes, I went to The National Film Theatre last week and saw a Japanese film. - _____. - Yes, I liked it but of course I didn't understand a word. A-Did you go anywhere last week? / Did you like B-What did you do last week? / Have you already seen any of them? C-Have you seen any good films lately? / Did you like it? D-What time is it? / Surely. E-Where were you yesterday? / Very good.


-Do you go to school? - _____. - Oh, I see you don't like your school at all. A) Yes, I do. B) Yes, I always do. C) No, I'm sent there. D) Yes, I shall. E) Yes, I like it.


-I see you are talking again. What do the women always talk about? - _____. A) They usually discuss their family problems B) They are talking about their problems C) A woman always had something to tell D) She always talks much E) Some of the women prefer listening to men


A: Can I borrow your pen for a moment? B: _____. A: _____. A) You must / Don't mention it B) No / Here it is C) Sure. Here you are / Thanks D)Notabit/Thankyou E) Please / Certainly


A: I say, Sally, are you well? B: No, I am not, _____. A) my mother will be well B) it isn't easy C) it's because of the weather D) it isn't, you are right E) pretty well, of course


A: Mary is out now. B: _____. A: Not far away. A) What did she study? C) Where has she gone? E) Where is he from? B) Where does she come? D) Where are the girls?


A: What is the best way to get to Broadway? B: By underground, I think. A: Is it the shortest way? B: _____. A) You can go as slowly as you like B) Take the double - decked buses C) The fastest one D) The shortest way is traveling by train E) I advise you to travel there by car


A: Who is that young man? B: He is a first year student. A: _____. B: More than two weeks, I think. A) Where was he before? B) Well, he is very interesting, but where does he come from? C) How long has he been here? D) Is he ill? E) Did he come from Turkey?


A: Will you repair my clock? B: _____. A: Thank you. B: _____. A) No, I can't / Tomorrow B) Isn't it? / Yes, of course C) Yes, of course / You're welcome D) I'm busy / I'm sorry to hear that E)Oh,yes,hecan/Heisout


Helen: Nick, have you got anything special on tonight? Nick: _____. A) Oh, Helen, I'm so sorry. B) Thanks God, is that you, Helen? C) No, not really. Why? D) No, I didn't. E) Yes, I do.


Kate: Have you just shot a new film? Jane: _____. Kate: Are you going to shoot another? Jane: _____. A) No, we haven't / I think so B) It's a pity / I'm sorry C) Yes, we have / Yes, next year D) Yes, of course / I'm sorry E) The same to you / Sorry, I'm late


Mike: Let me go and buy the newspapers for you, Dad? Father: _____. A) Do, please. B) All right. C) I have already bought them. D) You can buy them. E) A good idea.


Woman: "Do you think she is better, doctor?" Doctor: _____. Woman: I am very glad to hear that. Thank you. A) She was all right. B) She has been good. C) She'll be all right in a day or two. D) She has a bad illness. E) She is very ill.


- Could I see you on Monday? - _____. When can you come? - At 10 in the morning. - _____. See you on Monday then. Good-bye. A) I'm sorry, I can 't / That won't do B)Yes/No,I'mbusyat10 C) No, you can't / Why? D) Certainly / Very good E) Of course / I'm sorry


- Have you got any books by O. Wilde? - Yes, we have. _____. A) Please B) Take it C) Here is it D) Here they are E) Here are they


- Have you heard the news? Mary and Nick are engaged. - _____ Mary didn't like him, did she? - _____. A) That's right / Really B) She couldn't / No, she didn't C) Really? / That's right D) You don't say so! / She did. E) I'm sure of it / You are right.


- How did you _____ your stay in Nigeria? - Oh, very much. A) prefer B) join C) observe D) enjoy E) offer


- I was told an interesting story yesterday. - _____. A) Neither was he. B) Were they? C) Didn't you? D) So were we. E) Either did I.


- I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for such a long time. A) Please. B) Certainly. C) You are welcome. D) That's all right. E) Not at all.


- It was so kind of you to give me such an interesting book. Thank you for it. - _____. I've got a lot of books at home. A) Please C) Here you are E) Here it is B) Certainly D) You are welcome


- Let's go to the park. It's so nice there. - _____. Can I take my little brother with me? - _____. We'll have a good time there. A) Sorry. I can't / No B) Certainly / I'm afraid not C)Ofcourse/Idontthinkso D) O.K. / Certainly E) I'm busy / Certainly


- She goes in for sports. She is a very good swimmer and very pretty at that. - _____. A) Yesterday I saw them at the swimming-pool B) Her mother is not in C) She is out D) She is the very girl we need E) Her friend doesn't study well


- We are going on an excursion tomorrow. Would you like to join us? - _____ Shall I take any food with me? - _____ We'll be away for 2 days. A) No, I wouldn't / Oh, no B) No, I don't / Yes, please C) Yes / You needn't D) I'd love to / Certainly E) Certainly / No, you won't


- When are you leaving? - _____. A) I live not far from here. B) May I see you off? C) I'm not flying. D) I'm flying on Saturday. E) I'm leaving home.


- Why did the team not win the game? - _____. A) I suppose it began late. B) He was very late. C) At that time they were very far from the D) I think Nick didn't take part in it. E) Because we were at a party.


- Why, Ann! Are you reading without light? Turn on the lamp, please. -___________. A) Oh. yes, it's far from here C) Oil, yes, it's too light E) Thank you, very well B) Oh, no, I'm too hungry D) Oh. yes, it's getting dark


- Will you cook macaroni this year? - _____. A) Just a moment. B) Sorry, I couldn't. C) Yes, he will. D) Yes, of course. E) Yes, I'll cook turkey.


- _____. - Are you going by bus? - _____. - I'd love to. A-Have you ever been to Bath? / Yes let's go B-We went to Bath last Sunday / We hired a car C-Could you go to Bath with us, please? / No, we went in Tom's car D-We are going to Bath on Monday with Tom / No, we are going in Tom's car. Would you like to come? E-We have visited Bath lately / Yes, we are


- _____. - Yes, I'm packing because I'm going to catch a plane to New York in three hours' time. - Lucky girl! How long are you staying in New York? - _____. A-What were you doing ? / For a fortnight B-Where were you going? / For a year C-Have you already done everything? / Certainly D-Are you doing anything at the moment, Sally ? / For a fortnight E-What will you be doing? / at 5 tomorrow


John: Let's play cops and robbers. Kate: I've never played cops and robbers. How do you play it? Robert: Everybody plays this game. Kate: _____. A) You'll be at the police station. B) Work in a group of four. C) Continue the game until someone catches you. D) Well, will you show me what to do? E) Shall I help you, sir?


Little Liz came from a birthday party. Her mother asked her, "Did you thank Mrs. Reed for the nice time you had at the party?" "No, I didn't," answered the girl. "Why not?" asked mother. "Another girl in front of me thanked Mrs. Reed and she said, '_____' " A) Not at all B) Its a pity C) How nice D) Don't mention it E) Excuse me


Pete: I'll tell you a story. Jack: _____. Pete: Well, one day, when my daughter was little... A) Oh, no, sir. I'm not free. B) Can't you? C) Was it very interesting? D) Oh, yes, sir. Please, do. E)No,Ihavetodo.


- Look, Gill, the rain has stopped. - _____. - Let's play tennis. - _____. A)It's a pity/Soon B)Nice of you/O.K. C) It's fun / Long ago D) What for / A great idea E) So what / Not a bad idea


- My parents have just come back from Paris. They say it's a very beautiful city. -_____.? - Never. It's my dream. I hope it will come true. A) Do you go there? B) Had he gone there? C) Will you go there? D) Were they there last year? E) Have you ever been there?


- What is the use of quarreling? Let's forgive and forget. - _____. A) That's just the trouble B) I don't quarrel C) I couldn't forget D) You will forget E) I am always forgiving, and you are always forgetting


- Which platform does the train 2550 start from? - _____. -Let's find it out together - _____. A) Can you help me / You are polite B) I don't understand / Let's C) I think so / Thank you D) From the next / I have no job E) I'm also looking for it / All right


- Which platform does the train 2550 start from? - _____. -Let's find it out together - _____. A) Can you help me / You are polite B) I don't understand / Let's C) I think so / Thank you D) From the next / I have no job E) I'm also looking for it / All right


- Who is a cashier? - _____. A)A man who makes things out of wood. B)A person who has been shipwrecked. C)A man who has his children in the family. D)A companion who likes to spend money. E)Someone who looks after the money in a bank, a shop or an office.


- Why didn't you go to the cinema with us, Susan? - _____. A) I couldn't continue writing. B) Thanks to you I've got into the theatre. C) I still believe him in spite of everything. D) I'll mend it within a week. E) I had to stay at home yesterday.


- _____. - Yes, I went there last week. The tulips were wonderful. - _____. A) Have you been to Hampton Court? / Did you go there by car? B) Where have you been lately? / Who did you go there with? C) Have you finished your work? / Did you do it yourself? D) Who has taken you to Hampton Court? / E) Did you go to Hampton Court? / How did you go there?


A: Excuse me, sir. B: Yes? A: _____. B: This way please. A) What can I do for you? B) What is it? C) I'm sorry to hear that. D) Where do you live? E) Where is the smoking room?


A: Excuse me. Can you speak English? B: _____. A: Could you tell me how to get to Independence square? B: _____. A) Yes, of course / Yes, I did. B) No, I won't / Fine, thanks. C) Sorry, I'm late / That's all right. D) Good-bye / The same to you. E) Yes, I can / Yes, certainly, take trolley-bus 11.


A: I don't think English is easy. B: _____. A: Because I have to work hard learning a lot by heart. A)So do I B) It is easy C) Oh, let's speak D) I want to help E) Why do you think so?


A: What do you usually do at your school yard? B: _____. A: What kinds of them do you prefer? B: _____. A) We buy vegetables/potatoes and carrot B) We sell vegetables/apples and cherries C) We grow fruit/wheat and cotton D) We plant trees/milk and pudding E) We plant flowers/roses and tulips


Husband: No dinner ready! I'm going to a restaurant. Wife: _____. H.: Will it be ready then? W.: No, it won't. But I'll be ready myself to come with you. A) O.K. I'll be ready. B) I don't mind your cooking. C) Couldn't you wait a few minutes? D) Give me some cakes. E) Give me all your money.


Jane: Help yourselves to the cake. What sort of it would you like? Nick: Strawberry, please. Jane: Would you like some more cake? Mike: _____. A) Yes, ice cream please. B) No, I've already caught it. C) Thank you for a nice party. D) Please take a piece of cake. E) Thanks, I haven't eaten my first piece yet.


The teacher said: "Remember? It is better to give than to receive". A small boy said: "Yes, Miss, my father says he always uses that as his motto in business". The teacher said: "Oh, how good of him! What is his business?" The small boy said: "_____, miss". A) He is a driver. B) He is a boxer. C) He is a cashier. D) He is a son of businessman E) He is a postman.


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