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Constitutional Monarchy

A form of government in which a monarch is the head of state but elected officials run the government

Transamazonica Highway

A highway built in Brazil to improve the quality of life. Led to transportation of resources to and from inland and overlogging.

Slash and Burn Agriculture

A method of farming that involves cutting down trees and underbrush and burning the area to create a field for crops


A person who lives by moving from place to place to follow and hunt herds of migrating animals or to lead herds of grazing animals to fresh pastures

Identify major agricultural resources found in Brazil.

Brazil has coffee, sugarcane, tropical fruits, soybeans, corn, cotton, oranges, beef, and cassava.

Identify major natural resources found in Brazil.

Brazil's main natural resources are trees, minerals, and farmland


Brazil's third largest city located in the Brazilian Highlands. Capital of Brazil.

Describe Carnival briefly.

Carnival is a 4 - 5 day celebration before Lent where people hang lights, dress up, have parades and dance. Like Mardi gras


A steep cliff at the edge of a plateau with a lowland area below


A type of wood that has a red dye that could be extracted and was worth a lot of money in Europe. Brazil was named after this wood

The "Brazilian Way"

A way of interacting that is valued in Brazil. People are warm, get along and are good natured

Tropics - Be able to label on a globe as well.

An area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn that has generally warm temperatures because it receives the direct rays of the sun for much of the year


An inland area that is remote from the urban areas of a country; slaves moved to the Hinterland following emancipation


An overcrowded city slum in Brazil; people often lived here because of no job or low paying jobs due to little or no education

Identify the bordering ocean to Amazon.


Identify the capital of Brazil. Be able to locate on a map.


Describe how Brazil benefits from Brazil's extensive forests.

Brazil benefits from the forests because of the trees (timber), plants (medicine), animals (hides and food), etc., then they can trade and use/make money off of.

Who was the first female President of Brazil? When was she elected?

Dilma Vana Rousseff was the first female president elected in 2010

What is significant about Dom Joao, Pedro I, and Pedro II?

Dom Joao, a Portuguese King, ruled while in Rio de Janeiro following the French take over of Portugal. During this time, Portugal became a kingdom. Dom Joao eventually returned to Portugal but left his son Pedro to rule as a governor in Brazil, the colony. Pedro I declared Brazil independent, ruled harshly over Brazil, and declared himself Emperor Pedro I. He was thrown off the throne shortly thereafter leaving his five year old son to rule. Pedro II was a very successful leader who led Brazil to much success and prosperity.


Free slaves

Where do most people live in Brazil?

Most people live on the Atlantic coast of Brazil


Plant used to make tapioca

What is the main language of Brazil?


What are the two main religions of Brazil?

Roman Catholic ⅔ and Protestant

When did slavery end in Brazil? Who was emperor?

Slavery ended in 1888 and Pedro II was the emperor.

What is the most popular sport in Brazil?

Soccer is the most popular sport.

Identify which two countries sparred over Brazil in the earliest times of exploration.

Spain and Portugal sparred over Brazil.

Explain why the Amazon River is so important to the region.

The Amazon River is so important because it provides so many natural resources to Brazil and the world such as timber. There are many thousands of species of plants and animals. The Amazon rain forest is often known as the "lungs of the Earth."

Where does Brazil get its name?

The Portuguese named it after the Brazilwood tree

Amazon Basin

The area into which a river and its tributaries drain. It has 1,000+ tributaries, and flows into the Amazon and between the Andes and the Atlantic Ocean. It is more than 2 million square miles.

What type of climate covers most of northern Brazil? Describe this climate and its effect on life.

The climate that covers most of N Brazil is Tropical Rain Forest Climate. Warm temperature and much precipitation allows for much diversity in wildlife.

Identify mineral and energy resources in Brazil.

The mineral and energy resources in Brazil are bauxite, tin, gold, manganese, petroleum, ethanol, and natural gas are the energy resources in Brazil. Oil has long been hard to get to off the coast.

What are the causes for the Amazon's rich diversity in animals and plantlife? How do these resources benefit the people?

The rich diversity in wildlife is caused largely by the tropical climate and the amount of precipitation received throughout the year. These natural resources provide jobs and money for those in Brazil.


The treeless grassland of Brazil - rolling hills

For much of the 1900's, Brazil cycled between which two types of government leaders?

They cycled between elected officials and Military leaders, like Vargas.


Umbrella like covering by the trees

Treaty of Tordesillas

When Spain and Portugal turned to the Pope and made this treaty about the land. Spain got the Western side of the New World and the Portuguese got the East. Since there was not much known of the land, they did not know the agreement was very lopsided.

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