Bring Your A Game 1-B

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Which statement is always true? A. If you don't enjoy your job, you should quit and find one that's more fun. B. A positive attitude will help make any job a better experience. C. Most jobs aren't fun. The reward for doing a job is the paycheck you receive.

A positive attitude will help make any job a better experience.

Which of the following statements best summarizes the work behavior of "appreciation"? A. Appreciation is about giving a difficult customer better service and a better price than they deserve. B. Appreciation is about showing gratitude through your words and actions. C. Appreciation is about extending your employee discount to those who never expect it to make them want to come back.

Appreciation is about showing gratitude through your words and actions.

Your manager expects you to be courteous, enthusiastic, and cheerful, no matter what has happened to you before you came to work. Being courteous, enthusiastic, and cheerful, is an example of your: A. Attitude B. Ambition C. Acceptance


Which of the following best shows your ambition at work? A. Working extra hard when the manager is observing you. B. Doing everything that is expected of you and more. C. Arriving to work 10 minutes before your scheduled time.

Doing everything that is expected of you and more.

When things aren't going your way, how will keeping a positive perspective work to your advantage? A. It can help you see how to make things better. B. It can't it's only natural to be somewhat negative when things aren't going well. C. Everything that is going wrong immediately goes right when you smile.

It can help you see how to make things better.

We've all heard the phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover. "Yet marketing research shows that we buy certain brands or products based primarily on the visual appeal of the packaging. How is your appearance related to your brand? A. It communicates my uniqueness, not my professionalism. B. It is the first thing others see and sets the tone for how we are perceived. C. It doesn't matter, people will judge me for who I am.

It is the first thing others see and sets the tone for how we are perceived.

It's 8:20 a.m. and Jerome still hasn't shown up for work. The office opens at 8:00 a.m., and his manager is worried that something may have happened to him. Jerome finally shows up for work at 8:40 a.m. and tells his manager, "There was a traffic accident. I'm sorry I was late for work". His manager shrugs and tells Jerome it's the 3rd time this month Jerome has blamed being late on some catastrophic incident, and that he's finding these excuses hard to believe. Which of the following statements is the most accurate? A. A traffic accident is a valid excuse for being late to work and Jerome's manager should go easier on him. B. Jerome is creating an unreliable personal brand by using a lot of excuses to explain his tardiness to his manager. C. Jerome said he was sorry. His manager should realize that crazy things happen every day, and lighten up on the guilt trip.

Jerome is creating an unreliable personal brand by using a lot of excuses to explain his tardiness to his manager.

Jerome tries to maintain high moral standards and accountability in his personal life and at work. In which of these scenarios is Jerome showing the highest degree of accountability in his work as a shift supervisor of the product department at Smith's foodMart? A. Jerome asked the store's general manager if the store would be willing to donate their excess surplus to the homeless shelter instead of throwing it in the dumpster. B. Jerome needs to put in as many hours as possible this week to pay rent. But business is slow and Jerome may get his hours cut, so he decreases his pace slightly so he can make sure he stays busy through out his entire shift and keep all his hours. C. Jerome notices that a few part time cashiers are 'grazing' in his department by eating handfuls of grapes on their way back the break room. Jerome decides to make and post a sign in the break room that reads "anyone caught eating produce without paying for it will be fired."

Jerome notices that a few part time cashiers are 'grazing' in his department by eating handfuls of grapes on their way back to the break room. Jerome decides to make and post a sign in the break room that reads "anyone caught eating produce without paying for it will be fired."

Joann and her manager, Steven , just don't get along. Joann does what she is told but feels like Steven is always on her case. She doesn't know if its because of their personalities or if Steven doesn't like her. Either way, she's frustrated and not sure what to do. What should Joann do? A. Joann should try to improve communication with Steven and not let it affect her performance. B. Joann should go to Steven's manager and complain. C. Joann should give up and find another job.

Joann should try to improve communication with Steven and not let it affect her performance.

After work one day, you learned that your manager, Jenny, once wore only black makeup and clothes and had 16 tattoos. She now looks as professional as anyone else in the office. Why do you think Jenny made this change in her appearance? A. She wanted to conform to the expectations of society. B. She has worked hard to earn a degree and did not want to let her appearance get in the way of her success. C. She din't like dressing that way anymore.

She worked hard to earn a degree and did not want to let her appearance get in the way of her success.

When the term SMART goal is used, the letters in the acronym stand for goals that are: A. Stupendous, Mindful, Ambitious, Radical, Thoughtful B. Surprising, Magnificent, Arduous, Reality-based, Terrific C. Simple, Meaningful, Achievable, Reaching, Timely

Simple, Meaningful, Achievable, Reaching, Timely

You work in the service department at a large motorcycle dealership. Your manager has started questioning you because there are a lot of tools engraved with the company logo that are missing. While at a friend and coworker's house, you notice some of the missing tools in his garage. What should you do in this scenario? A. Talk to your friend, tell him that he needs to quit taking tools home because you've been getting questioned and don't want to lose your job due to someone else's mistake. B. Sit down with your manager and tell him what you observed. C. Stay out of it. This really isn't your business; you aren't the one taking anything and you can't get fired for something you didn't do.

Sit down with your manager and tell him what you observed.

Customers don't have to come into your workplace. They have many options for similar products and services. If you don't do everything you can to meet or exceed the expectations of each and every customer, what is the most likely result? A. The next time the customer comes back, they'll be even harder to deal with, and they might go off on a coworker or the manager. B. The customer could report their experience to the Better Business Bureau or give a bad review on Yelp, and everyone who works there will be put on probation. C. The customer will take their business elsewhere, and the loss in revenue could adversely affect your job and the jobs of your coworkers.

The customer will take their business elsewhere, and the loss in revenue could adversely affect your job and the jobs of your coworkers.

Brent gets along great with his manager Jamica. One day Jamica came to Brent and asked him to do something he didn't want to do, and he let Jamica know it. Jamica told Brent to either do the task or be written up. Brent completed the task but isn't happy about it and doesn't understand why Jamica is being so tough on him. Which of the following best explains what happened? A. Jamica should have never allowed Brent to think that they are friends and should have given Brent harder jobs all along. B. A good manager wouldn't ask anyone to do something they wouldn't do themselves. Jamica should have done this herself or at least offered to do it with Brent. C. This occurred because Brent thought that since he and Jamica got along so well, they were equals and he would be treated differently than the rest of the employees.

This occurred because Brent thought that since he and Jamica got along so well, they were equals and he would be treated differently than the rest of the employees.

Which of the following statements best summarizes Acceptance? A. If you do everything your manager tells you to do, you will get a promotion. B. Coworkers can be difficult, so avoid those who tend to annoy you and gravitate to those who make you want to do a better job. C. You can't control your manager or your coworkers, but you can control how you interact with them.

You can't control your manager or your coworkers, but you can control how you interact with them.

We often rationalize our behavior while at work. Which of the following is not a rationalization? A. You have to leave early, so you have a friend clock out for you at your regular time. You plan on making the time up during your next shift. B. Your company is going to dispose of some merchandise, so rather than see if go to waste, you decide to take it and give it to a needy family. C. You sell merchandise to your immediate family at a 20% discount because your manager tells you that company policy allows employees this benefit.

You see merchandise to your immediate family at a 20% discount because your manager tells you that company policy allows employees this benefit.

What does it means to have your own words as your bond? A. Your word is a commitment and helps define who you are. B. You will try to fulfill your commitments and not let others down. C. You are generally dependable and try to follow through on what you tell people.

Your word is a commitment and helps define who you are.

Which choice best completes the following statement? When you are hired by a company, you agree to follow their rules. This is an example of and is an important part of your success at work. A. acceptance B. accountability C. appreciation


Which of the following best completes the following statement: Setting goals: A. takes time and is useful if you're going to go to college. B. is important for sales and management positions. C. applies to all areas of your life and can help anyone improve.

applies to all areas of your life and can help anyone improve.

Jasmine works with Ashlee and Melissa. Ashlee is fun to hang out with but complains about almost everything including her job and her relationships. Melissa isn't as much fun as to hang out with but never has an unkind word to say about anyone or anything. If Jasmine wants to feel better about her job and be positive, she should: A. completely distance herself from Ashlee. B. try to get to know Melissa a little better, and consider spending some time with her away from the job. C. spend 5.5 hours with Melissa for every one hour she spends hanging out with Ashlee.

completely distance herself from Ashlee.

Complete this sentence with the best response. Great employees: A. do their job to get along with difficult coworkers. B. like all of their coworkers. C. attempt to make personal friends with all coworkers.

do their job to get along with difficult coworkers.

Which of the following best completes the following statement? Ambition is about: A. doing everything that your manager expects of you. B. doing your job and the job of at least one other person. C. doing more than the minimum daily requirement.

doing more than the minimum daily requirement.

Which choice best completes the following statement? Image is? A. important, to people and companies alike. B. more important for individuals than for companies. C. more important for companies than for individuals.

important, to people and companies alike.

Which following best completes the following statement? The customer: A. is always right. B. is often wrong, but don't let them know it. C. isn't always right, but you need to treat them like they are.

isn't always right, but you need to treat them like they are.

Jason is in his third year as a shift manager at the DMV. He deals with many customers and quite a few are not very happy. No matter what, Jason always has a smile and seems to be having fun. Susan just started working at the DMV and isn't liking the job as much as Jason. When she asks , Jason what his secret is, Jason says, "the biggest thing that keeps me smiling, having fun, and helps to get me through each shift is: A. remembering that at least I have a job right now, and not everyone can say that." B. knowing that the people are angry at the rules, not me." C. my attitude."

my attitude."

Which of the following best completes the following statement? Accountability means: A. finding another employee to cover your shift when you're are sick. B. people can count on you to be honest and trustworthy. C. you are an employee who knows how to do various jobs.

people can count on you to be honest and trustworthy.

Being a professional begins with the way you dress for your job. That means your appearance must: A. represent your company with the image they want to project. B. demonstrate your sense of fashion style to customers. C. mirror the way your customers dress.

represent your company with the image they want to project.

Which of the following best completes the following statement? One of the best ways to get ahead at work and in life is by: A. setting goals and working towards them. B. saving 2% of your paycheck for unexpected emergencies. C. never questioning anything you are asked to do by anyone.

setting goals and working toward them.

Which of the following best completes the following statement? A fellow employee who behaves dishonestly by taking merchandise is: A. stealing, but you should only report it if it happens during your shift and you see it with your own eyes. B. stealing, and you should warn the employee to put it back, and if they do it again, you will report them. C. stealing, so you need to notify your employer immediately.

stealing, so you need to notify your employer immediately.

Which of the following best completes the following statement? Statistics show that once a business has lost a customer, it is: A. best to send them a personal apology if you have their email address. B. very unlikely they will get them back. C. possible to get them back, but only if they

very unlikely they will get them back.

Jay was excited to start his position as a welder on the manufacturing floor at the local heavy equipment company. He showed up for his shift, and his manager Brian pulled him aside. "On the shop floor," he explained, "we are not allowed to have cell phones or show our tattoos. I know it's not a big deal in most shops, but it is part of the culture here." Jay was irritated but did as he was told. He wanted to keep this job. Which choice best completes the following statement? Jay rolled down his sleeves and turned off his cell phone because he realized: A. Brian is never there, so he'll roll his sleeves back up and turn on his cell phone once Brian leaves for the day. B. eventually he can get the rules changed so he could have his cell phone on and show his tattoos while at work. C. when you accept a job , you have to dress the part.

when you accept a job, you have to dress the part.

Which of the following best completes the following statement? Good attendance: A. is only necessary if someone notices it. B. is only required for people who want to get ahead. C. will help you keep your job.

will help you keep your job.

Which of the following best completes the following statement? You should approach your job and behave like you: A. would want to be treated if you were the customer. B. are being watched on a hidden camera by your manager. C. are additioning for the role of the CEO of the company.

would want to be treated if you were the customer.

Which choices best completes the following statement? When you're working for someone and accept a paycheck from them: A. you shouldn't also expect a lot of additional perks and benefits. B. you're in committed relationship and need to place a high priority on preserving that relationship. C. you are expected to at least meet their minimum job standards.

you're in committed relationship and need to place a high priority on preserving that relationship.

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