Brit Lit Unit #2

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During which century did Chaucer live and write his famous tales?


Which of the following is NOT one of the seven deadly sins that Everyman has lived by that angered his god?


As they grew in popularity, several scenes were put together in a series and they were known as?

Cycle plays

As the play opened whom had god sent to summon Everyman?


To whom did Everyman turn first and ask to accompany him on his journey?


After repeated rejections, to whom did Everyman turn, only to find her in a weakened condition, barely able to advise him?

Good Deeds

Which of the following characters is the only one to enter the grave with Everyman as he goes to judgment?

Good Deeds

In addition to the church's productions, what other organizations produced the Mystery Plays?


After being rejected by his first acquaintance, to whom did Everyman next turn to accompany him?


Who was the sister of Good Deeds that Everyman was directed to?


What was the official language of the church that prompted a need for vignettes to explain the liturgy for common folks?


In which language was Canterbury Tales written to help preserve, strengthen and standardize the language?

Middle English

Which kind of play came into vogue once the Mystery Plays lost their popularity?

Morality Plays

What is the term used in Medieval times for the belief that one's physical characteristics suggested personality traits?


Which section of Canterbury Tales contains some of the most vivid character sketches in all of literature?


What particular universal character of the Morality Play was a predecessor of the Elizabethan concept of a clown or fool?


What bribe did Everyman offer Death if he would spare him?

a thousand pounds

What literary device is most evident in a Morality Play when abstract forces or qualities are personified to teach a moral?


Of what was Good Deeds speaking when she said, "All .... are but vanity"?

earthly possessions

What was the one consolation that was offered to Everyman as he set out on his journey?

he could take someone with him

What does the reader learn is the final destination of Everyman because he has learned what matters and repented?


What did the summoner tell Everyman that he would have to do before God on his final day as all men will?

make a reckoning

According to the play,Knowledge is a twofold thing. Knowledge of self is supposed to lead to what other knowledge?

of the divine

Upon what venue were mystery plays most commonly presented to the town's people?

pageant wagons

How should one classify Canterbury Tales as a literary genre?

satirical travel narrative

Which of the following was NOT one of the famous cycle plays which have survived from the Medieval Period?

the Canterbury Cycle

Which of the following should one infer is the MOST appropriate moral lesson of this play?

the good that we do on earth goes with us to judgment

What would be the major difference in the performers of a Morality Play as opposed to the Mystery Plays?

they were more professional

What request did Everyman make of the summoner as most do who learn they are facing death?

to postpone

What was the major purpose of the Morality Plays?

to teach a lesson

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