BSC 145

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Select the four main functions of the lymphatic system.

- absorbs excess interstitial fluid and returns it to the blood - absorbs fat from the small intestine - produce and distributes lymphocytes -defend the body against pathogens

True or false: Cancer cells undergo apoptosis as regularly as normal cells.


True or false: Innate immune defenses typically take between 7 to 10 days to fully develop.


The most crucial factor in preventing transmission of MRSA is

Proper hand washing

Prions are infectious particles made of

Protein only

An antigen is

a molecule recognized as being foreign to the body.

What is lysozyme?

an antibacterial enzyme

tuberculosis is caused by a


XDR TB stands for extensively ________ resistant tuberculosis


Select all components of innate immune defenses.

inflammatory disease protective proteins chemical barriers

Which of the following are characteristics of cancer cells?

lack differentiation stimulate angiogenesis undergo metastasis

Which human organ system returns excess interstitial fluid to the blood?

lymphatic system

Antibodies that are produced by a plasma cell derived from a single B cell, and which therefore bind to exactly the same antigen, are called


MDR TB is (more/less) ____________ common than XDR TB. Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia have the highest rates of (MDR/XDR) ______________ TB

more MDR

The function of bacterial flagella relates to


Match each autoimmune disease with the type of cell or tissue that is attacked.

multiple sclerosis- myelin in the CNS myasthenia gravis - neuromuscular junctions rheumatoid arthritis- cartilage in the joints systemic lupus erythematosus- DNA

All bacteria are ______ that ______ a nucleus.

prokaryotes; lack

The viruses genetic information can be __________ DNA or RNA

single- or double stranded

The transplantation of animal organs into human recipients is called


Which disease is characterized by uncontrolled cell growth?


In an immediate allergic response, antibodies of the ___ class are first produced in response to allergen exposure. These antibodies then bind to receptors on ___ in tissues, as well as to other cells in the blood.

IgE & Mast cells

This dilation will ________ blood flow.


All types of human blood cells are produced in the________ bone marrow


A disease that comes back after a significant decline in incidence is considered to be


Select the diseases and organisms that have been associated with a high degree of antibiotic resistance.

Staphylococcus aureus enterococci gonorrhea tuberculosis

The invader's antigen is presented to a specific __________activating the T cell which then produces clones.

T-cell receptor (TCR)

Monthly self-examination is particularly valuable in detecting cancers affecting which two organs?

Testicle, Breast

Why is passive immunity always temporary?

The antibodies are not produced by the body.

The complement system is actually composed of

a number of blood plasma proteins

The function of bacterial fimbriae relates to

adhering to surfaces

Because substances like pollen, food, and animal hair can provoke hypersensitivity reactions, they are called


Which of the following involves defense of the body by B cells and plasma cells?

antibody-mediated immunity

Cytotoxic T cells cause cell death, or ___________by releasing perforin and granzymes.


infections with MRSA are particularly common in which three of these groups?

athletes who share equipment nursing home residents hospitalized patients

gene p53 has what effect on a cell that has damaged DNA

brings about apoptosis

The type of adaptive immunity in which T cells destroy virus-infected or cancer cells is_________ mediated immunity


Many bacteria can use hollow appendages called pili to transfer DNA between cells in a process called


Select all functions of the spleen.

destroys old red blood cells filters blood

a fever is the end result of this attack chemical

endogenous pyrogen

The major function of lymph nodes is to

filter and fight infections in lymph

Lymphatic vessels

form a one-way system of vessels which transport lymph to the cardiovascular veins.

In antibody-mediated, or _______ immunity, a/an_________ selects and then binds a specific B or T cell at its receptor.

humoral, antigen

which layer of the centrifuged blood would indicate if they are dehydrated


Infectious particles made of only proteins are called


Which of the following are three therapies for cancer that have been available for some time?

radiation surgery chemotherapy

Select all of the primary lymphatic organs, in which lymphocytes are produced and/or mature.

red bone marrow thymus

MRSA stands for methicillin-

resistant stappalococcus aureus

It is estimated that a person's immune system can produce antibodies that can bind to up to two million different antigens. The immune system accomplishes this feat by

shuffling and combining DNA segments to produce the genes that code for unique B cell receptors.

Which of these are considered emerging or new diseases?

swine flu (H1N1) Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) avian influenza (H5N1)

place the following steps in the correct order to represent the stages of the inflammatory response

1. Injured tissue cells and mast cells release histamine, causing dilation of capillaries and increased blood flow. 2. Macrophages and dendritic cells phagocytize pathogens and release cytokines, which stimulate the inflammatory response. 3. Neutrophils and monocytes (which become macrophages) squeeze through capillary walls and phagocytize pathogens. 4. Blood clotting walls off capillary and prevents blood loss.

One of the newer therapies for the treatment of cancer is immunotherapy. Rank the procedures from the beginning to the final stage of treatment.

1. Antigen-presenting cells (APC'S) are removed from patiebnt 2.APCs are genetically engineered to have genes for tumor antigens 3.APCs display tumor antigens on their surface 4.engineered cells are returned to the patient's body 5.APCs present tumor antigen to cytotoxic T cells which attack the tumor

the formation of new blood vessels as in a cancerous growth is


The first gene discovered to be associated with the development of breast cancer is called


Which of the following are tumor suppressor genes associated with the development of breast cancer? Select all that apply.


What word is publicized by the American Cancer Society in order to help people recall possible signs of cancer?


The study of cancer is called


Select all of the secondary lymphatic organs, in which blood and lymph are cleansed and most adaptive immune responses are initiated.

Spleen and lymph nodes

Viral Spikes

attach specifically to host cell receptors

Viruses often contain various _________that help them reproduce


Tears, saliva and perspiration contain an enzyme called__________ that helps kill or inhibit bacteria


Viruses are not composed of cells and are ___________than bacteria


Which single factor do autoimmune diseases have in common?

the immune system attacks the body's own cells, tissues, or molecules

Match each tumor marker test with the type of cancer that it detects.

AFP test- liver cancer CA-125- ovarian cancer CEA test- colon cancer relapse PSA test- prostate cancer

Match the disease affecting the immune system with the correct description:

Aids: results from untreated HIV infection Multiple sclerosis: autoimmune reaction to myelinated nerves myasthenia gravis: autoimmune reaction to neuromuscular junctions SCID: born lacking functional lymphocyte responses rheumatic fever: a side effect of streptococcal infection systemic lupus erythematosus: autoimmune reaction to DNA

If an allergic response is severe enough, the histamine release causes ___ shock, a sudden and life-threatening drop in blood pressure due to increased permeability of the capillaries throughout the body.


Lymphocytes that produce antibodies are called

B cells

Match the following genes with the form of cancer they have been linked to.

BRCA1- Breast Cancer p16- Melanoma cancer RET- Thyroid cancer Microsattelite DNA repeats- bladder cancer

The function of a bacterial pilus relates to

DNA transfer

Active immunity:

Depends on the presence of memory B&T cells Typically longer lasting Immune responses to vaccines are examples Usually involves a primary and a secondary response

How do T and B lymphocytes recognize different antigens?

Each lymphocyte has antigen receptors in its plasma membrane, which can bind to only one specific antigen.

An injection of ___ can counteract this reaction until life-saving medical help is available.


Upon subsequest exposure to the same allergen, the allergen binds to these lgE antibodies, triggering release of chemicals like ___ and resulting in allergy symptoms.


The American Cancer Society has publicized the word CAUTION is an acronym to remember the 7 common warning signs of cancer. Of the choices, select all that are actual signs that are indicated by the acronym.

Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere Nagging cough or hoarseness A sore that does not heal

To minimize organ transplant rejection, which type of molecules must be cross-matched between the donor and the recipient?

MHC molecules

What is an agent that causes mutation.


Cancer-causing genes called oncogenes can be formed when proto-oncogenes


Select all the ways by which bacterial resistance to antibiotics can be minimized.

Only prescribe antibiotics for confirmed bacterial infections. Take antibiotics as prescribed until all medication is gone.

A bacterium that is unaffected by an antibiotic drug is said to be a__________ bacterium


Two types of lymphocytes

T and B cells

Which statement is correct regarding the activation of T cells?

T cells are unable to recognize an antigen unless it is presented by an APC such as a macrophage.

Cell-mediated immunity most directly involves the destruction of diseased and/or cancerous cells by


Select all of the true statements about breast and testicular self-examination:

Testicular self-examination should be done once a month. Breast self-examination should be done once a month.

in cases of viral entry by endocytosis after the virus is released from the vesicle into the host cell cytoplasm

The capsid protein is removed

Passive immunity:

Typically temporary Immunity passed on through breast feeding is an example Can be an injection of serum that contains antibodies A bone marrow transplant is an example

Immunity that results from either having an infection or from receiving an immunization is a the type of acquired immunity called_________ immunity


The type of immunity that results from the the production of antibodies by an individual following an infection or vaccination is ______ immunity.


A diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains along with moderate to vigorous ________________ for about 30-45 minutes a day, 5 days a week, are both recommended to help prevent cancer.


Based on their structure, the 2 major types of white blood cells are granular leukocytes and ______________ leukocytes


Select all functions of bacterial capsules.

aid in sticking to surfaces help to avoid phagocytosis

These antigens, called ___, include pollen, pet hair, certain foods, and some medicines, such as pencillin.


an ______ reaction is defined as a hypersensitivity to substances that normally pose no serious risk to the body, such as pollen, food, or animal hair.


Bacterial cell walls contain a unique amino disaccharide, the synthesis of which is inhibited by drugs like penicillin. What type of drug is penicillin?


These lymphocytes need help recognizing an antigen. This "help" is provided by a macrophage or other phagocytic__________

antigen-presenting cell (APC)

Which type of cells display fragments of antigens to T cells?

antigen-presenting cells

The adaptive immune system responds to foreign molecules, typically protein components of bacteria, viruses, molds, or parasites, which are collectively known as


Tumor marker tests are blood tests for ______ that are released from some tumors or for ______ produced in response to their release.


What happens to lymph as it passes through a lymph node?

any debris or pathogens are engulfed by macrophages

In conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis, T cells or antibodies attack one's own tissues. Collectively, these disorders are called__________ diseases


Most cloned _________become plasma cells, which mass produce and secrete _________ to a specific antigen.

b cells, antibodies

Which type of organism is a single-celled prokaryote?


Additionally, neutrophils and monocytes will squeeze through the ________wall and phagocytize pathogens.


Viruses lack metabolic machinery;structurally, a virus always has an outer _________ composed of protein and a core of__________

capsid, nucleic acid

The cell wall of some bacteria is surrounded by a structure with a thick, gelatinous consistency, called a______________ that may help the bacteria to stick to surfaces.


Adaptive immunity in which T cells destroy virus-infected or cancer cells is

cell-mediated immunity.

Select all major characteristics of B cells.

clonal expansion produces memory B cells clonal expansion produces plasma cells carry out antibody-mediated immunity

At the site of injury, blood _______ seals the capillary and prevents further blood loss during this process.


A relatively rare genetic condition in which a child is born without functional B cells or T cells is SCID, or severe_________ immunodeficiency


A group of protective plasma proteins designated by the letter C and a number are all part of the_______ system


The signaling molecule that regulates white blood cell formation and activation is called


Cell-mediated immunity involves direct attack of diseased cells by T cells, though some T cells release __________ that stimulate both specific and nonspecific defenses.


Then macrophages phagocytize pathogens and release _________stimulating the inflammation.


cytotoxic t cells have the ability to

destroy pathogens

Cancer cells do not resemble specialized cells in the body that have specific structures and functions. In other words, cancer cells lack cellular


The process by which cells acquire their specific structure and function is cellular_______________ which is something that is lacking in cancer cells


Select the diseases and organisms that have been associated with a high degree of antibiotic resistance.

enterococci gonorrhea Staphylococcus aureus tuberculosis

Which type of white blood cell is most directly involved in the protection of the body against parasitic infections?


Some bacteria have stiff fibers on their outer surface called__________ that help them adhere to host cells.


Motile bacteria usually have one or more long, thin cellular appendages called ___________


The 2 major components of blood are

formed elements and plasma

To reduce cancer risk, cancer experts recommend that people consume more of which type of foods? Select all that apply.

fruits vegetables whole grains

Select the two types of treatments that have successfully cured children born with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID).

gene therapy bone marrow transplantation

Certain complement proteins amplify the inflammatory reaction, because they can bind to mast cells and trigger__________release.


injured tissue and mast cells release _______causing capillaries to dilate.


Other complement proteins combine to form a membrane attack complex that produces ________ in the surface of bacteria and some viruses. The loss of membrane integrity allows fluids and salts to enter the bacterial cell or virus to the point that it bursts.


In viral entry by endocytosis

host plasma membrane surrounds whole virion and forms a vesicle

Allergies result when the immune system is ___ to antigens that ordinarily would not harm the body.


After binding, many _______ copies of the cell are produced; these are called clones.


The best definition of passive immunity is

immunity that is gained without exposure to an antigen.

Select the scenarios that can result in active immunity.

immunization with a vaccine infection with a pathogen

The type of immunity that is fully functional without previous exposure to various foreign invaders is

innate immunity

________are proteins produced by virus-infected cells as a warning to noninfected cells in the area. These proteins can bind to receptors on the surface of noninfected cells, causing them to prepare for possible attack by producing substances that interfere with viral replication.


Select all of the examples of cytokines, the signaling molecules produced by T lymphocytes, macrophages, and other cells.

interleukins interferons

A pathogen is a microbe that

is a disease causing agent

Select the characteristics of MRSA, a type of Staph infection, that make it particularly dangerous.

lethality antibiotic resistance

A(n) ______ capillary is a one-way vessel that removes excess tissue fluids and returns them to the bloodstream.


B cells and T cells are the two types of


Select all components of a lymph node.

lymphocytes capsule macrophages

Select the two main phagocytic cells that are involved in the inflammatory response.

macrophages neutrophils

Select the two most common strategies that are currently used to control rejection of organ transplants.

matching MHC types between organ and recipient administration of immunosuppressive drugs

Those that do not become plasma cells become_______ cells, the means by which long-term immunity is possible.


An agent that causes mutations is referred to as a(n)


Mutation can cause a proto-oncogene to become a cancer-causing gene that is specially called a(n)____________


A medical specialist in cancer is called a(n)


Select all characteristics of viruses.

parasites of cells acellular

The type of immunity that results from the administration of prepared antibodies by injection is ______ immunity.


The general term for a bacterium, virus, or other microbe that causes disease is a(n)


APCs break ___________ apart in lysosomes, creating pieces which can be displayed in the groove of a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on the surface of the APC.


Other complement proteins bind to the surface of pathogens, which enhances ___________ by neutrophils, dendritic cells, and/or macrophages.


Bacteria can transfer DNA between cells using an elongated, hollow appendage called a


The complement system is composed of a combination of proteins found in blood ___________, which "complement" certain immune responses.


The most unique and significant feature of monoclonal antibodies is that they are

produced by plasma cells derived from the same B cell.

Of the standard cancer therapies, surgery and __________ can treat localized cancer but, _______________ affects the entire body and can catch cancer cells that have spread.

radiation chemotherapy

B cells and T cells are capable of recognizing foreign antigens because they have specific antigen_____________ in their plasma membrane


Select all cell types produced in red bone marrow.

red blood cells lymphocytes neutrophils

Select all anatomical components of the spleen.

red pulp white pulp connective tissue venous sinuses

A bacterium that is unaffected by an antibiotic drug is said to be a__________ bacteria


The inflammatory response is a part of the ________ line of defense against pathogen invasion


A virus invades a host cell based on the _____ on the outer surface of the host cell

specific receptors

The largest lymphatic organ is the


Select the best definition of phagocytosis.

surrounding and then engulfing another cell or molecule.

Presence of the enzyme________ indicates that a cell is cancerous as it keeps telomeres at a constant length.


Antibiotics in the penicillin class kill bacteria by inhibiting production of

the cell wall

which is the rationale for p53 gene therapy

the gene p53 causes only the death of cells that have severely damaged DNA, namely cancer cells

In the type of cancer immunotherapy shown in the illustration, what type of cell (labeled with the letter "A" on the left) actually kills the cancer cells?

the patient's own cytotoxic T cells

The main reason that xenotransplantation, or transplantation of animal organs into humans, is being explored is because

there is a shortage of human donor organs.

The major defining feature of cancer is

uncontrolled cell growth

Which type of microbe is a parasite of cells, is acellular, and bridges the gap between what is considered to be living and nonliving?


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