BUS 160 final

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Which of the following are true about the cultural norms of effort

-Effort is a serious attempt to accomplish a task. -Effort is more meaningful when it is effort directed toward a challenge. -Routine effort is expected and therefore seldom rewarded. -We tend to respect the effort when it is applied to things most valued in the dominant cultures.

Which of the following is part of Tuckman's team development model?

-forming -norming -storming -performing -adjourning/ mourning

What are the stages, in order, of the change process

-initiating, learning, and finishing -starting the change, managing the change, and ending the change

Which of the following are NOT sources of resistance to change?

-intrapreneurial/ entrepreneurial skills and preferences -high tolerance for ambiguity and internal locus of control -flexible nature, oriented to continuous improvement and critical analysis of what works and doesn't work

How many organizational structures are there?


What is the difference between a team and a group?

A team has interdependent synergy; a group is just people working independently

What are the principles of bureaucracy?

All of the above

Why is understanding organizational behavior important?

All of the reasons are important

Managing human capital means addressing which of the following skills?

All of the skills are part of human capital

Why is it important to study organizational culture?

All the answers except the obviously erroneous one that infers that you would be required to study Siri that had no value to your capability as an organizational manager

What is the difference between observable and unobservable components of culture?

Both answers which link cumulative theory on diversity are correct

Knowing a person's value and assessing his/her attitude is of no use in creating a motivation strategy for influencing the person to do something.


CSR is a business approach that delivers economic, social, and environmental benefits to stakeholders to contribute to sustainable development: which includes responsible actions in the following five dimensions -social responsibility -Economic responsibility -Legal responsibility -Ethical responsibility -Discretionary responsibility


Ethical pluralism and organizational justice are unrelated


Ethical relativism and ethical pluralism refer to the same ethical construct.


External forces for change are limited to changes in people in the organization, demographic and generational shifts, technological change, and organizational restructuring


Impression management is simply a process we use to control or manage how other people perceive us. Therefore things like associating with positive networks, admitting when we are wrong, doing nice things for others, and compliment others can be used to ensure that we can control the behavior of other people


Knowing the person's values and being able to assess his or her attitude is of no use to creating a motivation strategy for influencing that person to do something.


Leaders and managers can only use one learning style, so it is up to subordinates to be able to understand their own learning styles and make adjustments.


Match the leader's best style with the follower's level of willingness and ability Follower able to AND willing: Leader should use a delegating style Follower Able BUT unwilling: Leader should use a selling style Follower Unable BUT willing: Leaders should use a participative style Follower Unable AND Unwilling: Leader should use the Telling style According to the attribute, a leader's job has little to do with creating or holding strong, transparent convictions about that vision. If the leader has the correct attribute and is charismatic, he or she doesn't have to articulate the vision or be sensitive to the environment


Power is the ability to coerce others into doing what you want them to, using transactional leadership


Sexual Harassment (defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for a favor, or 'lewd' behavior that is a condition for employment, used as a basis for employment decisions, or that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive environment) is illegal, therefore cannot be categorized as an abuse of power, because abuses of power, because abuses of power are only defined as ethical or unethical (not legal or illegal) behaviors


System analysis relies on scientific studies, not intuition


The following issues are NOT only specific to some organizational structures. In other words, some are issues for a functional structure, but others apply only to divisional structures. Organizational structure Mechanism that provides control and order (coordination) -Division of Labor & specialization: span of control (#of direct reports) -authority and control: control over resources -Decision making: where are decisions made? -standardization: status quo V. creativity -communication and coordination: how are tasks and information integrated


There are several theories presented in the material about leadership history. The list of these theories represents a chronological progression in leadership theory. That means we are now in the team/shared leadership and the servant/ stewardship understanding, practice, and leadership, so we no longer need to pay attention to the previous theories.


When considering stakeholders in an ethical dilemma, one only needs to consider the immediate active participants in a situation.


What are two organizational structures types?

Functional and divisional structure

Which of the following is not one of the four functions?


Cohesion is:

The degree to which team members connect with each other

-Stress is the way we react to demands when the outcome is both uncertain and important


360-degree evaluation includes all feedback from all of the following: yourself, peers, subordinates, superiors, external customers, and/or suppliers


Abuse of power can be recognized because 1.) it occurs in the respected norms and standards of the culture, 2.) Imbalance creates coalitions and a versus them mentality, and 3.) It is often unethical and/or illegal


Behavioral theory suggests that leaders need to balance between task which is all about initiating structure around what needs to be done and is focused on production and goal attainment, AND relationship, which is all about the process used to get things done, including showing concern and consideration for the people doing the work


Defensive behaviors that might be used in response to dirty politicking include, Avoiding (Actions, Avoiding Blame, and Avioding Change). When women hold 30% or more of positions of authority in an institution, research suggests that the institution begins to make a significant change


Groups establish norms for working, which dictate what constitutes proper behavior and process for getting work done.


I understand Quinn and Kimberly's competing values framework. I really do! I understand the role culture plays in organizational decisions regarding the competing forces of structure and focus. I understand that culture helps organizations find a balance between adapting to the external environment and keeping people and processes in the organization integrated and coordinated. I understand that culture helps organizations find a balance between maintaining control for the stability of the organization and providing the opportunity for individual discretions that an organization can remain flexible and adoptive.


Instrumentality: is part of the expectancy theory, which means you believe your performance will lead to the expected reward


Internal forces for change are those changes that can be affected from within the organization, such as changing managers and management practices, restructuring the organization, hiring different talent, especially new people with competence in intrapreneurship


Job-ability fit is the fit between a person's ability and the requirement of an activity; a bad fit leads to satisfaction, higher performance, and success because it challenges workers to do better


Leader-member of exchange (LMX) theory is a cumulative course concept


Leadership is the ability to influence others to take action of their own volition. It is an action and a changing process that can be described as an art. Leadership includes elements of personality traits and abilities, the context or situational environment in which leadership is taking place and the interpersonal relationship between leaders and their followers


Most companies don't have written rules but the cultures take a clear stance on them


Organizational justice is a cumulative course concept


Politics (specifically in the context of this class - organization politics are the tools of power that are utilized outside specified job requirements, which are based on several personal and positional power sources


The personality characteristics described in the MBIT are self-validating preferences.


Transactional Leadership is a simple motivational transaction and therefore is essentially a management function; it is helpful to be an effective manager if one wants to be an effective leader, but the transactional approach is not leadership. Transformational Leadership invokes charisma and inspires followers by linking outcomes and tasks to follower values; therefore, it may utilize contingent extrinsic rewards, but it fundamentally relies on the intrinsic motivations of followers.


the desire to make positive impacts, and general meaningfulness of task There is such a thing as positive stress; it is called functional or eustress


People's behavior is based on how others perceive reality, not reality itself


What is psychological empowerment?

adding intrinsic motivation to work that allows self-determination

Why are organizational structures and functions different?

all of the above

Which of the following is missing from definitions of ethics, as discussed in class session one? "The discipline dealing with what is good or bad and with moral duty and obligations....the principles of conduct governing in any individual or group."


Social loafing only occurs when you have lazy, unmotivated, poor-quality group members, but doesn't occur in high-functioning self-managing teams


What is the difference between role perception and role expectations?

perception is my belief of the role, and expectations are how others view I should fulfill the role

What three factors do we consider when defining "person"?

personality, ability, learning style

What does the capacity of a person or group to influence someone to respond in a specific manner imply?

potential power that may be unapparent or latent Occurs because of a dependent relationship, such as scarcity or non-subsitiutablilty All parties have a free choice or discretion over their behavior

Which of the following is correct?

psychological contracts lead to psychological safety

What is the difference between surface-level and deep-level diversity

surface level refers to visible factors, whereas deep level refers to VABES

What is organizational Justice?

the idea that people need to see exchanges in organizations equitable or fair

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