BUSI 2371 Exam 1 Stibora Part 2

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MacGregor's Saddle Corporation owns a factory that dumps thousand of gallons of hazardous waste into a river near a town called Heartlake. The waste has a negative effect on the homeowners, farmers, and others who use the river's waters in Heartlake. ____________ requires MacGregor's Saddle Corporation to consider the consequences that dumping this hazardous waste will have on the people of Heartlake in addition to the bottom line.

social responsibility

A corporation called JamPants Inc. overextended its business and must now close one of the plants where its product is manufactured. The leadership has settled on the smallest and least-profitable plant, which is located near the town of Atwood. Under the _____________ theory, the leadership of JamPants Inc. must consider the effects that closing the plant will have on the current employees and local community, as well as shareholder interests.

stakeholder interest

Penelope Greenwald is a member of a staff that administers the day-to-day operations of the United Nations. She works primarily in New York, and ultimately reports to the secretary-general. Penelope is a member of the __________________.


France is a permanent member nation of a council that is primarily responsible for maintaining international peace and security and has the authority to use armed force. The council that France is a permanent member of is called the UN ___________________.

Security Council

A New West Texas city ordinance makes it illegal for persons to wear "clothes of the opposite sex." This ordinance was ruled unconstitutional as void for vagueness because a reasonable person could not clearly determine whether his or her conduct violates the law. Under which category of due process would this law have been ruled unconstitutional?

substantive due process

You are an employee of a large food manufacturing company that produces products under many different brands. In the course of the ethics training you are required to undergo as an employee of the company, you learn about various federal laws governing your industry. You also learn that your company has breached several of those laws. You may sue the company on behalf of the federal government under _______________.

the False Claims Act (Whistleblower Statute)

_________________ permits private parties to sue companies for fraud on behalf of the government.

The False Claims Act (Whistleblower Statute)

The state of Arizona attempts to enter into a treaty with the country of Canada that would reduce trade barriers between Arizona and Canada. This treaty would be a violation of the _______________, which gives the federal government the power to enter into treaties with foreign nations, but not the states.

Treaty Clause

You are the owner of a steam-engine manufacturing company. In recent years, the market for your product has declined, and you must close one of your plants. It is now time to decide whether you should close a plant that has been unprofitable and is located in a small community. ________________ would require you to weigh the benefits to the shareholders from closing the plant against the benefits to the employees, their families, and the community from keeping it open.


Norway and Mexico have found themselves in a dispute over a possible breach of a trade agreement between the two countries. It was found by a WTO panel that Norway did, in fact, breach the trade agreement, and the WTO dispute settlement body adopted the panel report. Norway disagrees about the application of the law by the panel and dispute settlement body. Norway can appeal to the ____________________ to resolve these issues of law.

WTO appellate body

The ___________________ is a board composed of one representative from each WTO member nation that reviews panel reports.

WTO dispute settlement body

______________ is a moral theory stating that individuals must decide what is ethical based on their own feelings about what is right and wrong.

Ethical relativism

Spain is a member of an important regional organization in Europe that works to promote peace and security as well as economic, social, and cultural development. The organization that Spain is a member of creates open borders for trade among its member nations and has eliminated customs tariffs among member nations. Spain is a member of the ____________________.

European Union (EU)

The __________________ is a commission that is independent of its member nations that has been delegated substantial powers, including authority to enact legislation and to take enforcement actions to ensure member nations' compliance with the European Union treaty.

European Union Commission

Giant Corporation Inc. is headquartered in the state of California. California, in order to protect California's ocean shores from pollution, enacts a state law that places a 10% tax on all water bottle sales in the state, whether the water is imported from foreign countries or bottled from a source in the United States. This law does not violate the _______________________ because it does not treat foreign commerce any differently than domestic commerce.

Foreign Commerce Clause

Prior to 1992, your business, based in the northern United States, could not do business with Canadian suppliers because imports were heavily taxed, making the costs an unreasonable burden. After 1992, a new trade agreement reduced tariffs to the point that you were able to start dealing with Canadian suppliers. The trade agreement enacted in 1992 was the ________________________________.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

You live in a society in which the moral principles for the entire society were chosen by a group of people under a "veil of ignorance"; that is, when they chose the moral principles that would guide the society, they did not know what their station would be in that society, so, as a group, they chose the fairest possible principles. This society would be a living example of _________________.

Rawls's social justice theory

_____________ is a moral theory asserting that fairness is the essence of justice. This theory says that each person is presumed to have entered into a social contract with all others in a society to obey moral rules that are necessary for people to live in peace and harmony.

Rawls's social justice theory

The ________ prompts companies to encourage senior officers of public companies to act ethically in their dealings with shareholders, employees, and other constituents.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Canada has found itself in a dispute with France over the breach of a trade agreement that the two countries had formed. Canada decides to initiate a proceeding with the World Trade Organization about the breach that is believed to have occurred in their agreement with France. The dispute between Canada and France will be heard first by a three-member __________________.

WTO panel

The federal government can enact a law that forbids another country from doing business in the United States if that country engages in activities that are not condoned by the United States. A state, however, cannot enact a law that forbids a foreign country from doing business in that state if that country engages in activities that are not condoned by that state. Under which law is the above scenario true?

the Foreign Commerce Clause

Which of the following best defines federalism?

the U.S. form of government in which the federal government and the 50 state governments share powers

Which of the following clauses prohibits state, local, and federal governments from enacting laws that classify and treat "similarly situated" persons differently?

the equal protection clause

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that an Alabama statute that authorized a one-minute period of silence in school for "meditation or voluntary prayer" was invalid. The Court held that the statute endorsed religion. Which clause did the Alabama statute violate?

the establishment clause

I am one branch of the federal government, and I was established by Article II of the U.S. Constitution. I consist of the president, who is selected by the Electoral College (whose representatives are appointed by state delegations), and the vice president. I am responsible for enforcing federal law. Which branch of the federal government am I?

the executive branch

The state of New South Dakota, responding to fears from voters, wants to enact a law that prohibits churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples. Which clause would New South Dakota's proposed law violate?

the free exercise clause

Which of the following tests is applied to determine the constitutionality of classifications based on a protected class other than a suspect class or a fundamental right (e.g., gender)?

the intermediate scrutiny test

I am one branch of the federal government, and I was established by Article III of the U.S. Constitution. I am responsible for interpreting the U.S. Constitution and federal law. I consist of the Supreme Court and other federal courts. Which branch of the federal government am I?

the judicial branch

I am one branch of the federal government, and I was established by Article I of the U.S. Constitution. I am the branch responsible for making federal law. I am bicameral, which means that I include the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives (together, Congress). My U.S. Congress enacts federal statutes. Which branch of the federal government am I?

the legislative branch

The federal government's Social Security program, which pays benefits to older members of society but not to younger members of society, is lawful. The reason is that older members of society have earned this right during the course of their lifetimes. This scenario most likely passed which of the following standards of review for deciding whether the government's treatment of people violates Equal Protection Clause?

the rational basis test

Which of the following best describes the Due Process Clause?

a clause that provides that no person shall be deprived of "life, liberty, or property" without due process of the law

Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires a public company to disclose whether it has adopted ___________ for senior financial officers.

a code of ethics

Which of the following best describes the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that guarantees freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion

Sliced Bread Inc. is a corporation based in the United States of America. To improve the society in which it exists, Sliced Bread Inc. pays its fair share of taxes and directs other funds to subsidize schools and help educate children. The actions that Sliced Bread Inc. is taking are an example of the _____________ theory.

corporate citizenship

The _____________________ is a doctrine stating that countries are granted immunity from suits in courts of other countries.

doctrine of sovereign immunity

When the states ratified the Constitution, they delegated certain powers—like the regulation of interstate commerce and foreign affairs—to the federal government. To which of the following is the scenario referring?

enumerated powers

You are the owner of a small business called Top n' Shop. As a business owner, you believe that it is best to look to outside sources for ethical rules or commands and solve your ethical conundrums by looking to the Bible for rules and commands to follow. Your ethical philosophy is best described as _______________.

ethical fundamentalism

_______________ is a theory of ethics that says a person looks to an outside source for ethical rules or commands.

ethical fundamentalism

The CEO of a multinational corporation that produces mouthwash is asked about his philosophies in an interview and states that in his personal and business life, he makes decisions of an ethical nature based on his own opinions of what is right and wrong. The CEO's philosophy can best be described as ___________.

ethical relativism

__________ is/are a set of moral principles or values that governs the conduct of an individual or group.


Federal and state laws prohibit murdering another person. If a person murders another person, then he is violating federal and state laws, and ethics would also prohibit murdering another person. The intertwined nature of ______________ is/are represented by this scenario.

ethics and the law

The _______ is a single monetary unit that has been adopted by many countries of the EU that comprise the eurozone.


A citizen publishes an article in an American magazine criticizing President Obama's use of drones in the Middle East. This is an example of which of the following?

fully protected speech

The __________________ is the legislative body of the United Nations that is composed of all UN member nations.

general assembly

_______________ is law that governs affairs between nations and that regulates transactions between individuals and businesses of different countries.

international law

_____________ is that which must be obeyed and followed by citizens, subject to sanctions or legal consequences; a body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by controlling authority and having binding legal force.


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates radio, television, and cable stations. Under its powers, the FCC has regulated the use of offensive language on television by limiting such language to time periods when children would be unlikely to be watching (e.g., late at night). This is an example of which of the following?

limited protected speech

As a business owner, you believe that your highest responsibility is to gain as much profit as possible. You also believe that the interests of the other constituencies of your business, including the employees and community residents, are not important in and of themselves. Your business subscribes to the ______________ theory of social responsibility.

maximizing profits

A ___________ is a lawsuit that is brought under the federal False Claims Act—also known as the Whistleblower Statute—which permits private parties to sue companies for fraud on behalf of the government and share in any monetary recovery.

qui tam lawsuit

States enact laws that provide for the formation and regulation of partnerships and corporations. Cities adopt zoning laws that designate certain portions of the city as residential areas and other portions as business and commercial areas. Which of the following gives the state the power to adopt and enact these laws?

reserved powers

The _________________ heads the Secretariat of the United Nations.


_______________ is a section of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act that requires a public company to disclose whether it has adopted a code of ethics for senior financial officers.

section 406

Cambodia is a member nation of a regional association in southeast Asia along with Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia, among others. This association cooperates in promoting economic, political, and cultural issues and was founded in 1967. Cambodia is a member nation of the _______________________.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

The _________________________ is an association composed of the United States and the Central American countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.

Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)

The _____________________ is the judicial branch of the United Nations, located in The Hague, the Netherlands.

International Court of Justice (ICJ; also known as the World Court)

You have entered into a contract with a business partner. Ultimately, it turns out that the contract will cause your own business to lose money. According to _____________, it would be your moral duty to abide by the contract you entered even though it will be detrimental to you.

Kantian ethics

_______________ is a moral theory stating that people owe moral duties that are based on universal rules, such as the categorical imperative, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Kantian ethics (duty ethics)

_______________ is a theory of social responsibility stating that a corporation owes a duty to take actions that maximize profits for stakeholders.

Maximizing profits

Oil is a natural resource that is highly valuable and can be used as leverage by companies and countries that produce and export large amounts of crude oil. In the 1960s, an organization was formed to ensure that oil companies could not unilaterally cut prices. The organization comprising many of the oil-producing and -exporting countries of the world is called _____________________________.

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

The _____________________ is an international organization of 160 member nations created to promote and enforce trade agreements among member countries and customs territories.

World Trade Organization (WTO)

The judicial branch has authority to examine the acts of the other two branches of government and determine whether those acts are constitutional. The president has veto power over bills passed by Congress. The House of Representatives has the power to impeach the president for certain activities, such as treason, bribery, and other crimes. The Senate has the power to try an impeachment case. These are all examples of which characteristic of the U.S. government?

checks and balances

The _______________________ is a clause in an international contract that designates which nation's court has jurisdiction to hear a case arising out of the contract.

choice of forum clause (forum-selection clause)

Which of the following best describes the Privileges and Immunities Clauses?

clauses contained in Article IV of the U.S. Constitution and the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that prohibit states from enacting laws that unduly discriminate in favor of their residents

A small country in South America has several state-owned enterprises for which it wants to raise capital. It does so by selling 20-year bonds to investors in the United States. Since the bonds are sold to bondholders in the U.S., the government of the South American country is involved in commercial activity in the U.S. If the country defaults and does not pay the bondholders the interest on the bonds, the bondholders can sue the South American country in U.S. court. The exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) the bondholders could sue under is called the _____________________.

commercial activity

You are the owner of an oil company that was responsible for an oil tanker crossing the ocean toward the Gulf of Mexico. The ship ran aground and spilled 90 million gallons of oil, causing damage to at least 40 miles of the coastline. Your company financed the spill cleanup efforts and compensated those who were injured by the oil spill. Under the theory of ___________, your company has met its duty of social responsibility.

moral minimum

_______________ is a theory of social responsibility stating that a corporation's duty is to make a profit while avoiding causing harm to others.

moral minimum

A _____________________ is a treaty involving more than two nations.

multilateral treaty

Speech that (1) appeals to the prurient interest; (2) depicts sexual conduct in a patently offensive way; and (3) lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value is called _____ speech.


State real property laws, personal property laws, and state environmental laws are enacted under _____________.

police power

In the year 2075, the South Oregon state government brings a criminal lawsuit against a defendant for the alleged commission of a crime but does not provide the defendant with a proper hearing (a trial). Under which category of due process would this law be ruled unconstitutional?

procedural due process

The Supreme Court, over years of making decisions involving the Equal Protection Clause, has held that the government can treat people or businesses differently from one another if the government has sufficient justification for doing so. The Supreme Court has adopted three different standards of review for deciding whether the government's different treatment of people or businesses violates or does not violate the Equal Protection Clause. A government rule that prohibited people of color from receiving government benefits, such as Medicaid, would violate which of the following standards of review?

the strict scrutiny test

___________ establishes that the U.S. Constitution and federal treaties, laws, and regulations are the supreme law of the land.

the supremacy clause

A _________ is an agreement between two or more nations that is formally signed by an authorized representative of each nation and ratified by each nation.


Your friend runs into a crowded theater and yells "fire!" when there is no fire. You're embarrassed for your friend because you know this is an example of _________.

unprotected speech

Leonora Parks is the head of an organization that is an agency of the United Nations. It is the responsibility of her agency to provide money to developing countries. Under her leadership, the agency has funded thousands of projects for humanitarian purposes and relieved poverty in countries around the world. Leonora Parks is the head of the _______________.

world bank

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