Business 1010

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How is the fee assessed if you are a full time business major with a junior or senior status based on credit hours?

$1058 per semester for instate students and $1087 per semester for out of state students.

How is the fee assessed if you are a freshman or sophomore business major or a non-business or part-time major taking 3000 or 4000 level business courses?

$106 per credit hour for instate student and $108 per credit hour for out of state student.

In what year did Clemson achieve "integration with dignity"?


What year was Clemson University established through the stroke of a pen by Governor Richardson?


How many intense study sessions should you have per day?

3-5 intense study sessions per day

What is a restriction?

A class that is restricted by major or class standing

What is a prerequisite?

A course or requirement that must be met before the course can be taken

What is an ethical dilemma?

A morally problematic situation.

International experience is either a:

A study abroad, internship or other work experience, research, military service, or service learning program or some combination of at least 3 months duration. Other type of international program of shorter duration which incorporates specific features (home stays in a foreign language environment a structured activity addressing intercultural issues, etc.) designed to intensify the Cross-culture experience shorter programs must be a humiliated of four weeks duration.

What does the Academic Forgiveness Policy say about classes where a student was found in violation of Academic Integrity Policy?

Academic forgiveness will not be applied.

What is the Academic Forgiveness Policy?

Allows a student to eliminate from the GPA calculation up to three courses in which a D or an F was earned.

If your study abroad is an exchange program, when and what form must you use to ensure the courses are accepted by Clemson?

Before they study abroad and complete "Request for Approval of Courses to be Taken Abroad"

What is the difference between business intelligence and analytics?

Business intelligence includes all components of the operation, from when data is collected to when it is accessed. Analytics is the process performed on data that has been delivered by BI for generating insights to drive decisions, actions and, eventually, revenue or other impacts.

What are the services provided by student enrichment?

Career resources Internship Global engagement Mentoring Professional Development

In what way did the university change in 1955 when the military system of discipline was dropped?

Clemson became co-educational, the first women enrolled as a full-time student, and degree-seeking students

What are valid emphasis areas for your intended major?

College of business lab and curriculum worksheet

What are the components of a major?

Completed courses in the curriculum that are necessary in order to qualify to get an undergraduate degree

If a student believes there is evidence that another student committed an act of academic dishonesty, what should he/she do?

Contact the instructor for the course to discuss the incident.

How will directing in a multinational setting differ from working strictly in the United States?

Cultural differences make the directing function more difficult for the international manager. Employee attitudes toward work and problem solving differ by country. Language barriers also create communication difficulties. To minimize problems arising from cultural differences, organizations are training managers in cross‐cultural management. Cross‐cultural management trains managers to interact with several cultures and to value diversity. In addition, the style of leadership that is acceptable to employees varies from nation to nation

What are the steps you should take when facing as ethical dilemma?

Define the problem, identify feasible options, assess the effect of each option on stakeholders, Establish criteria for determining the most appropriate action, and select the best options based on established criteria.

What are the optimal blocks of the degree works worksheet?

EXCESSIVE ELECTIVES: courses that do not fulfill requirements, INSUFFICIENT: typically courses that were not passed or courses that were dropped, and IN PROGRESS: your current in progress and registered courses

What is the difference between an ethical dilemma and an ethical decision?

Ethical dilemma: right-versus-right Ethical decision: right-versus-wrong

What are the three types of study abroad programs listed?

Faculty directed, exchange, and third party programs.

What is supply chain management?

Focuses on planning and forecasting, purchasing, product assembly, moving, storage, distribution, sales and customer service.

What is the connection between Old Stone Church and Fort Hill?

Fort Hill, then known as Clergy Hall, was built as a manse for the pastor by the parish.

Academic dishonesty is considered any breach in the principles outlined in the Academic Integrity Statement. The catalog further identifies what four items or acts as academic dishonesty?

Giving, receiving, or using unauthorized aid. Plagiarism. Attempts to copy, edit, or deletes computer files that belong to another person or use of computer accounts that belong to another person without the permission of the file owner or account owner. Failure to have an approved proctor during examinations.

What is the new expectation for Human Resource Management at the executive table?

HR is now expected to sit at the executive table and recommend processes, approaches, and business solutions that improve the ability of the organization's people to effectively contribute.

What was the name of the first black student to enroll at Clemson University?

Harvey B. Gantt

How can tutors help you?

Help you work through difficult concepts, ask guiding questions to lead you toward solving problems yourself, and suggest learning and study strategies.

How did core inflation, measured by the Fed's preferred gauge, bolster the Federal Reserve's "wait and see approach? What was the core inflation rate? What is the target inflation rate?

However, when excluding the volatile food and energy categories, so-called core prices grew 0.2% from December and have remained at that growth pace for about half a year. Energy prices tanked in January from the prior month, offsetting price growth in other major categories Americans spend their money on. This helped hold down overall inflation. The core inflation was measured at 1.9% which is just a tick below the Fed's 2% price growth target, which is the level that it considers healthy for the economy.

Know the statement:

If you are unsuccessful in getting into a class deemed critical by your academic advisor your first course of action is to contact the Registration Coordinator for the class (not your academic advisor or the course instructor).

Know the statement:

If you plan to take a course in the united states at a school other than Clemson university you must complete the form titled "Approval of Credits to be Earned at Another School (even if the class is in TCEL) and then complete the registration process at the other institution.

What are the four dilemma paradigms discussed in the text? Give an example of each.

Individual vs. Community Short Term vs. Long Term Justice vs. Mercy Truth vs. Loyalty

What two main problems can be managed by macroeconomics policies?

Inflation and mass unemployment

What are the steps necessary to avoid an ethical lapse?

Is the action illegal? Is it unfair to some parties? If I take it, will I feel badly about it? Will I be ashamed to tell my family, friends, coworkers, or boss? Will be embarrassed if my action is written up in the local newspaper?

What two reasons are stated by companies like Darden (Olive Graden/Red Lobster) that show they are unconvinced this is a solution?

It doesn't make economic sense and they would have to give too much customer data and give up profits.

What does the colon (:) between course numbers mean?

It indicates range

What is economics primary concern?

It is concerned with helping individuals and society decide on the optimal allocation of our limited resources.

What is operations management?

It is concerned with planning, organizing, and supervising in the contexts of production, manufacturing or the provision of services.

What is human resource management?

It is the function within an organization that focuses on the recruitment of, management of, and providing direction and guidance for the people who work in an organization.

What does Human Resource Management provide to help the rest of the organization be successful?

It provides the knowledge, necessary tools, training, administrative services, coaching, legal and management advice, and talent management oversight that the rest of the organization needs for successful operation.

At its core, entrepreneurship is a mindset - a way of thinking and acting.

Its about blazing new trails, about believing in yourself, your mission and inspiring others to join you in the journey. What sets [entrepreneurs] apart is the will, courage and sometimes recklessness to actually do it. - Derek Hutson, CEO of Datical

What topics may be covered in academic coaching?

Learning and study strategies; and time management, organizational, goal setting, and self management skills

What can support area requirements be satisfied by?

List of classes provided by major

Who is the registration coordinator for the management class?

Liz Laxton

What were the two other signs that moved Federal Reserve's officials to the sidelines, deciding not to raise short-term interest rates at this time?

Long-term price growth in the services industry has been decelerating since the middle of 2018, while prices for goods have finally started to grow in recent months.

What do MIS students learn?

MIS students learn how businesses use information to improve the company's operations.

What are the key difference between MIS and Computer Science, especially in focus, objective and core skills?

MIS: Focus: Organization Objective: More efficient or effective business Core Skill: Problem Solving Core Task: Determine business requirements for information systems Theoretical vs. Applied: Balanced Generic Job Title: Analyst/ Designer Typical Starting Job Title: Business Systems analyst Career Goals: Senior Organizational Manager College Home: Business CS: Focus: Software Objective: reliable computer program Core Skill: Logic/procedure Core Task: Deliver information systems to meet defined requirements Theoretical vs. Applied: Applied Generic Job Title: Builder Typical Starting Job Title: Application Programmer Career Goals: Programming Manager College home: Science

Who will help you complete the "Approval of Credits to be Earned at Another School" form?

Major Advisor / Department Chair

What factors must be taken into account when making staffing decisions for an international organization?

Management must be familiar with the country's national labor laws. Next, it must decide how many managers and personnel to hire from the local labor force and whether to transfer home-based personnel.

Who was the first woman to earn a degree from Clemson?

Margaret Marie Snider

What is the name of the policy central banks use to control short-term interest rates? The Federal Reserve (aka The Fed) is the name of the central bank for the United States.

Monetary policy

How has consumer behavior related to restaurants changed in the last decade?

More people are eating at home than ever before and getting food from restaurants not by dining in or driving through but instead through food apps such as Ubereats, Doordash, and Grubhub.

Is TCEL a comprehensive list of transferable work?


Know the statement:

One general education requirements for Clemson undergraduates is cross-cultural awareness (CCA).

Restaurants have the option of developing their own delivery solution. What economic factors are making that choice less attractive?

Other than pizza parlors, specialty caterers and Chinese places, few others outside of tightly packed urban hubs have proven they can consistently make much money delivering. Delivery takes 40% of profit leading to little profit for the restaurant.

Which academically forgiven courses must be repeated at Clemson?

Required courses must be repeated satisfactorily.

What are the four steps of intense study sessions?

Set a goal study with focus reward yourself review

The CCA requirement may be met in one of two ways:

Successful completion of a specific Clemson University course from the list of approved CCA courses. Through a University approved cross-culture experience. This method for completing the CCA requires participation in an international experience, and successful completion of IS 1010.

What is the text's definition of business ethics?

The application of ethical behavior in a business context. (Obeying applicable laws and regulations, being honest, doing no harm to others, competing fairly, and declining to put your own interests above those of your company, its owners, and its workers.)

What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

The approach that an organization takes in balancing its responsibilities toward different stakeholders when making legal, economic, ethical, and social decisions.

If a course you have previously taken is not found in TCEL, can it be evaluated? If so, when?

The course will have to be evaluated once you apply and are accepted to Clemson.

What does Gross Domestic Product measure?

The fundamental measure size of an economy.

What is the fiscal policy?

The government can control the economy in a big way by adjusting its expenditure. The group of mechanisms using expenditure form the fiscal policy.

What is inflation?

The measure of how much a bunch of products have increased in price from last year.

While free markets (capitalism) are considered a better solution than a planned economy (communism), free markets can lead to some problems. What are the three problems cited?

The over production of negative externalities (e.g. pollution/ congestion). The underproduction of goods with positive externalities (e.g. education, health care, public transport). Non-provision of Public Goods (national defense, law and order).

What other changes are restaurants initiating to attempt to draw more customers?

There are plenty of tactics chains are trying to increase the number of customers coming to their restaurants. McDonald's is looking at beefing up staffing levels during busy times or improving its coffee menu. White Castle, a closely held rival, last year introduced the Impossible Slider—a meatless burger that costs about a buck more than the chain's famed square of beef, for instance.

How did the Walgreens' pharmacy management system contribute to the overbilling?

They system only allowed for customers to purchase a full box of insulin pens which caused overbilling to health care programs because most patients don't need a whole box of insulin pens.

What does a strengthening U.S. Dollar do to the price of foreign goods bought by American consumers?

This makes foreign goods cheaper for American consumers.

Who has the responsibility to enforce the Academic Integrity Policy?

Two tenured faculty members from each college and the Library. Two undergraduate students from each college.

What does the Consumer Price Index measures?

WSJ: It measures what people pay for goods and services such as washing machines and haircuts. CPI: It measures the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market of consumer goods and services.

How did Walgreens' reimbursement claim process contribute to the overbilling?

When a full box of insulin pens exceeded the federal limit for the daily doses that could be reimbursed, Walgreens stated in its reimbursement claims to the government that the total days of supply didn't go over the limit, according to prosecutors.

What is Interest Rate?

When you loan money to somebody, you expect something extra in return. This excess is called interest. Interest rates are a positive number that measures how much excess you will get.

Know the statement:

You must meet with your academic advisor to receive a pin to be able to register for the next semester is over the class options may be limited. Based on your number of earned and in progress credit hours you are assigned to a certain date and time to register for the upcoming semester.

Thomas Green Clemson was the first Secretary of what federal government agency?


Thomas Green Clemson served as an (Charge d' affaires) Ambassador from 1844 until 1852 to what country?


What are the blocks of degree works worksheet?

degree, student attribute, core curriculum, general education, major, minor, and concentration

What is in the course look up?

description, prerequisites and corequisites, and sections offered

What is the difference between an elective and an excessive elective?

elective: the required courses needed to be completed excessive elective: the completion of more than the required courses

What is choose your future?

how planned courses would apply to your prospective degree

How did Walgreens' pricing structure contribute to overbilling?

overbilled Medicaid by failing to disclose and charge the lower drug prices it offered the public through a discount program.

What is peer-assisted learning (PALS)?

peer-led programs for students in historically challenging undergraduate courses that is available for free.

what does "*" mean?

prerequisite exists for the course

What is the mission of the tiger ties mentor program?

provide students with a real world opportunity to explore goals while guided by successful and talented Clemson graduates in the business field.

what does the red check boxes mean?

requirement has not been satisfied

what do the blue waves mean?

requirement in progress

what does a green check mean?

satisfied requirement

John C. Calhoun served the nation in many capacities. In addition to being Vice President, what other three national positions did he hold?

secretary of war, secretary of state, and U.S. senator.

What solution is attempting to overcome this change in consumer behavior?

set up their own delivery team or contract with an outsider.

what does the "@" mean?


According to the study cycle when should you review your notes?

within 24 hours

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