Business Law Exam 1

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if it is signed by Bean

Bean Processor Inc. agrees to ship a certain quantity of coffee beans to Coffee Café LLC. Bean sends to Coffee an e-mail indicating that the parties intended to form a contract. Against Bean, as a contract, the e-mail will be sufficient


Farah agrees to assume a debt owed by Guitars Inc. to Home Bank. The agreement is not in writing. To be enforceable under the "main purpose" rule, the promise must be for the benefit of

bilateral contract

Fay offers to pay Grey $50 for a tennis lesson for Hetty. They agree to meet the day after tomorrow to exchange the cash for the lesson. These parties have

home repair

Ferris is refinishing his kitchen floor and needs a floor sander to complete the job. Ferris's neighbor Gina suggests that he call Home Repair Rentals, Inc. Home Repair leases Ferris a floor sander. In this transaction, the lessor is


Field Construction Inc. contracts with Mesa Ranch to build a new barn on Mesa's property for which Mesa agrees to pay. If this is a valid contract, it will be partly because it includes the element of

manifest their voluntary consent to the same bargain

For a contact to be considered valid and enforceable, the parties to a deal must

reasonably definite

For a court to determine if a contract has been breached and to give an appropriate remedy, the offer must include terms that are at least

words and actions

Fresh Agro Inc. offers to deliver produce to Growers' Market for a certain price. Fresh's intent to extend an offer is determined by reference to Fresh's

Fraudulent Misrepresentation

Hua applies to Inventory Corporation for a position as a coder. Hua has no training in coding. After Hua is hired, Inventory learns the truth. The employer can rescind the contract on the basis of

undue influence

Huey, a tennis pro, convinces Ian, who has no athletic ability, that he has considerable skill and induces him to pay $1,000 for tennis lessons. This is most likely

an option

In selling a 300-acre tract to Organic Farm, Peyton tells the buyer that the land "will be worth twice as much by next year." This statement is not likely to support rescission of the contract because it is

terminates the offer

Kelly offers to sell a certain used forklift to Lumber Outlet, but Kelly dies before Lumber Outlet accepts. Most likely, Kelly's death

a statement of future intent to do something in the future is not an offer

Khe says, "I plan to sell my Apple stock." This is not an offer because

is the consideration that creates kim's obligation to pay Leo

Kim promises to pay Leo $500 to install a sump pump in Kim's warehouse. Leo completes the installation. The act of installing the pump

Lumber foreseeably and justifiably relied on Mill's promise

Lumber LLC files a suit against Mill Company to enforce an oral contract that would otherwise be unenforceable under the Statute of Frauds. The court could enforce such a contract if

an express contract

Marketing Inc. offers to create a campaign to increase N'Ice Cream Inc.'s online business. N'Ice agrees to pay for the service. These parties have

not enforceable because the consideration is in the past.

Si promises to pay his personal assistant Tery $50,000 in consideration of the services she provided over the years. Si never makes the payment. Si's promise is

a consumer lease

Skyscape LLC regularly engages in the business of leasing construction equipment, primarily to commercial contractors. Tilde, a consumer, leases a backhoe from Skyscape to landscape the property at her home. The price is less than the amount set by state statute. Under the UCC, the deal with Tilde is

an offer and an acceptance

Steel Mill Inc. makes an offer to Tag to enter into a contract to work as a mechanical engineer for a certain salary for one year subject to a five-year renewal based on his performance. Tag accepts the offer. This is a valid contract because it includes

the words in the contract appear clear

Sy enters into a contract with Truck Company to work as a driver. If a dispute arises over the deal, under the plain meaning rule, the court cannot consider any evidence not contained in the document if


To cater a holiday banquet, Food Service LLC agrees to buy one hundred pumpkin pies from Great Desserts Inc. To be enforceable, the agreement must be in writing if the pies cost at least

Not Fully Integrated

Under a contract with Assemble Inc. for the delivery of a shipment of TV sets, Buyers Store refuses to pay for sets with cracked cases. Assemble files a suit against Buyers, claiming that the defendant assumed the risk of damaged goods. The court may allow evidence of this term if it finds that the parties' contract is

unenforceable because Tai's performance was a preexisting duty.

Under a contract with Soy Farms, Tai begins grading a terraced hillside for planting. Halfway through the project, Tai asks for $5,000 over the contract price, claiming an increase in the "cost of doing business." The farm agrees but later refuses to pay. The agreement to pay more is

a usage of trade

Bagels Inc. and other bakeries refer to a "baker's dozen" as consisting of a collection of thirteen baked goods. According to the UCC, this is


While sailboarding, Jolie is injured when Kirby carelessly crosses her path. Kirby's insurance company offers Jolie $50,000 to release Kirby from liability, and she accepts. Later, she learns that her injuries are more serious than she realized. The release is

breach of contract

Yuri agrees to's terms of service and downloads the site's app. Yuri then reverse-engineers the app to create a competing product. This is

a formal contract

A letter-of-credit agreement between Rural Grain Corporation and Soy Farm Inc. requires Rural's bank to pay Soy on receipt of invoices. This is


A misunderstanding concerning a basic assumption on which a contract is made will support the rescission of the deal if the mistake is

none of these choices

ActioNOW and Becca enter into an oral contract in which Becca agrees to work on a project for ActioNOW for eighteen months. This contract is enforceable by

none of these choices

Air Flo, Inc., and Banyan Grove Apartments enter into an oral contract in which Air Flo agrees to provide air-conditioning and heating maintenance for Banyan Grove's facilities for two years. This contract is enforceable by

Fraudulent Misrepresentation

Alvin induces Beth to enter into a contract for the purchase of a Chef's Burger restaurant. Alvin knowingly misrepresents a number of material features about the restaurant and the business. When Beth discovers the truth, she can rescind the contract on the basis of


Alyssa hires Bret to mow Alyssa's lawn every Friday. Although they do not discuss the terms of payment, after each of the first three Friday mows, Alyssa pays Bret on Saturday. The payment term is

a bilateral mistake

Analytics LLC processes misinterpreted data furnished by Botch Services to propose a marketing plan for Clientele Inc. Analytics and Clientele are both ignorant of the mistaken data. Their contract can be rescinded on the basis of

because Bob has legal right to restrict the use of his tables

Ann's Sandwich Shop and Bob's Coffee Bar are adjacent businesses. Ann, whose small shop has little room for her customers to sit, offers Bob a discount on purchases if he will allow her customers to sit at the tables on the sidewalk in front of his store. Bob's forbearance from asking Ann's customers not to use his tables is legally sufficient consideration

may agree to a new deal that includes a new price

Bistro Caterers contracts with Corporate Towers to cater the firm's business meetings. Later, the contract between Bistro and Corporate is completely rescinded. Even later, Bistro offers to make a new deal. Corporate is willing to deal, but for a new price. Bistro and Corporate


Blake and Carla sign a contract for the sale of Blake's Bakery to Carla. The parties intend their written contract to be a final statement of most, but not all, of the terms of their agreement. In a dispute between the parties, with respect to the terms, a court is most likely to admit evidence that is

not an offer because it is a request

Bo admires Cid's collection of coins. Bo asks, "Will you sell it?" This statement is

none of the choices

Bram, a salesperson for Cruisin' Motors, promises Dot a certain car will give her a "smooth ride." Bram offers a test drive, which Dot declines. She buys the car but soon realizes its suspension is in poor condition. Dot can rescind the contract on the ground of

an orally agreed on condition

Builders Corporation files a suit against Concrete Company to enforce a written contract. If the court finds that the parties intended the contract to be the final statement of their agreement, parol evidence can be admitted to prove

not required to pay due to the bilateral mistake

Carlos and David contract for the sale of five hundred head of Carlos's cattle for $195 per head. Unknown to either party, an unforeseen storm has struck the herd and many of the cattle have died. David is

contradicts the written terms

Char and Dill sign a written contract for the sale of Dill's BBQ Food Truck to Char. The parties intend their written contract to be a final statement of the terms of their agreement. Later, Dill disputes some of the provisions in the deal with Char. If the dispute results in litigation, a court will most likely exclude evidence that

regular mail

Charter Company offers to provide an air-conditioned bus to Denny's tour group for $1,500 plus the cost of the fuel. The mailbox rule applies if Denny accepts the offer by

may be rescind because the mistake is about a material fact

County Title Company processes information furnished by others to transfer title to real estate from Dali to Ezra. The furnished information is mistaken. The contract between Dali and Ezra may be rescinded because the mistake


Dana believes that a new phone to be sold by Ear Fruit Inc. will become the most popular phone in the market. Dana enters into a contract to buy 500 shares of Ear Fruit stock, anticipating an increase in its value. The phone does not become popular, and the price of the stock does not rise. Dana can recover

a unilateral mistake does not afford relief from a contract

Data Inc. offers to provide certain services to Enterprise LLC, but mistakenly transposes some of the digits in the price so that $15,400 appears in the offer as $14,500. Enterprise accepts the written offer. Enterprise's best argument in favor of enforcement of the contract is

Fraudulent Misrepresentation

Denis sells a motorcycle to Elton without disclosing that the odometer, which reads 10,000 miles, was disconnected 100,000 miles ago. Denis is most likely liable for

none of these choices

Duane and Evan orally agree to a transfer of forty acres of farmland. Evan asks Finance Bank to lend him the funds to buy the land. Under the Statute of Frauds, the agreement between Duane and Evan is enforceable by

an accord

Etan is indebted to Finance Credit Corporation for $100,000. Etan agrees to pay, and Finance Credit agrees to accept, a lesser amount than the creditor originally claimed was owed. This agreement is

Undue Influence

Ewa is induced by her guardian Filo to sign a contract to invest funds in Gold Inc. through Filo's investment firm. Unknown to Ewa, Filo realizes a commission from the investment. Most likely, Ewa can rescind the contract on the basis of

all of the choices

Excluded from Article 2 of the UCC are a. corporate stocks and bonds. b. patents and copyrights. c. ordinary contract rights. d. all of the choices

Liable to Niki under the doctrine of promissory estoppel

Marketing Solutions Inc. promises to employ Niki as a software engineer. In reliance on the promise, Niki quits her job with Online Ad Agency, but Marketing Solutions does not hire her. Most likely, Marketing Solutions is

the contract is not enforceable

Mary owns two all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), worth $1,000 and $500, respectively. Neil enters into a contract to buy "Mary's ATV" for $750. Mary believes, in good faith, that she is selling the $500 ATV. Neil believes, in good faith, that he is buying the $1,000 ATV. In this situation

the sell to Phan

Minh owns a beach house that she rents to vacationers. Minh gives her son Ngo a trip to Omaha on his graduation from community college. Minh sells her car to her neighbor Phan for $4,500. UCC Article 2 covers

rescind the contract or refuse to comply with its terms

Ned threatens physical harm to force Omar to pay for "protecting" Omar's restaurant, Pasta Plates, from vandalism. Most likely, Omar may

an invitation to submit offers, not an offer itself

Olen decides to sell his ranch, Pine Valley, in a live auction. When the auctioneer puts the property up for bids, it will be

not rescind the contact

Open Range agrees to sell Pinewood Ranch a remote parcel of land for $15,000. Both parties believe the land to be worthless, but beneath it is shale rock containing oil. A court would

if Quality Build knew or should have known about the mistake

Orin, an employee of Plumbing LLC, makes a substantial mathematical mistake in totaling the estimated costs for a project for which Quality Built Inc. is seeking bids. Consequently, Plumbing's bid is significantly low. Any contract with Quality Built that includes the mistake may be rescinded

a promise to ship the goods

Power Company offers to buy from Quality Transformers LLC a specific quantity of a certain type of transformer for a stated price. Quality can accept the offer by

a promise to pay for items ordered online

Promises that are legally binding include

the essential terms

Quinn and Ruth orally agree on the sale of Seafood Shippers Inc. and jot down the terms on the back of one of Seafood's blank invoices, which they both sign. A written memorandum evidencing an oral contract that would otherwise be unenforceable must contain

the adequacy of consideration is not for the court to determine

Raj defends against a breach-of-contract suit by Student Loan Corporation by claiming that their deal—a student loan—was unfair because the consideration for the contract was inadequate. With respect to Raj's defense, the court will most likely rule in favor of the lender on the ground that

not avoid contract because persons are assumed to know the law

Ralph enters into a contract with Skye to buy her land based on her assertion that the land is open to development. After the sale, Ralph learns that only a small section of the land can be built on. A local law prohibits construction on the rest of the property. Ralph can

can sue to recover the entire debt without consideration

Recovery of Bud's debt to Credit Corporation is barred by a statute of limitations when Bud makes a partial payment. The creditor

determine a reasonable price

Refined Metals Company and Superior Fabrication Inc. enter into a contract under which Refined agrees to deliver a certain quantity of sheet metal to Superior each month. The contract does not include a price term. In a suit between the parties over the price, a court will

not an offer because the terms are not definite

Rena asks Sully, "Do you want to pay me to repair your forklift?" This is

is bound to the deal at the offered price

Restaurant Food Inc. intends to sell a certain quantity of beef for $1,100. In e-mail, however, the firm's sales representative mistakenly offers to sell the beef to Steak House for $1,000, Steak's manager immediately accepts. The seller

the new terms of the acceptance

Rice Farm offers to sell Sushi Restaurants Inc. five hundred bushels of rice. Sushi responds, "We agree to buy five hundred bushels only if the rice is Grade-A quality." Without more, their contract is formed according to


Rico, an auctioneer, puts a semi-truck and trailer up for auction. Rico is

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