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binary (BAHY-nu̲h̲-ree, -ner-ee)

2원체, 2개의, 2진법의 (1. consisting of two of something) (2. ______ also describes a numbering system using only two numbers, zero and one)

duo (DOO-oh, DYOO-oh)

2인조, 「2」의 뜻, 2중창 (1. a pair, esp. of musicians or other performers)

sophomore (SOF-u̲h̲-mawr, -mohr; SOF-mawr, -mohr)

2학년생 (1. a student in the second year of a program of study in a college, university, or high school /= a school for students aged 14 to 18/)

treble (TREB-u̲h̲ l) (1 - My property taxes have almost trebled in the last ten years.) (2 - The music was too loud, the treble rattling my eardrums.)

3배인, 트레블 (1. to become three times greater; triple) (2. the higher musical notes)

muck (muhk) (1 - It was hard to walk in the muck.)

...에 거름을 주다, 거름, 퇴비 (1. wet, sticky dirt)

paraffin (PAR-u̲h̲-fin)

...에 파라핀을 칠하다, 등유, 파라핀 (1. a clear liquid with a strong smell that is made from coal or petroleum, and used as a fuel, especially in heaters and lights) (2. a white wax made from petroleum or coal, used especially to make candles)

inset (noun IN-set; verb in-SET) (1 - The city map has an inset in the corner showing the downtown area in more detail.)

...을 끼워 넣다, 삽입물, 삽입 그림 (1. something positioned within a larger object)

overlay (verb oh-ver-LEY; noun OH-ver-ley) (1 - The tiny carvings were overlaid with silver.) (2 - Her new novel is overlaid with political concerns.) (3 - The wood frame has a gold overlay.)

...을 놓다, 씌우는 것, 덮개 (1. to cover something with a layer of something) (2. Something that is overlaid with something has a particular quality added to it that influences its character) (3. a thin covering of something)

retard (1 - Reductions in pollution levels could retard global warming.)

...을 늦추다, 방해하다, 지연 (1. to make something slower)

intimidate (in-TIM-i-deyt) (1 - Don't let those bullies intimidate you; just walk away from them.) (1 - a campaign of intimidation against striking workers)

...을 두려워하게 하다, ...을 협박하다, 겁먹게 하다 (1. to frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade the person to do something he or she does not wish to do)

glamor (GLAM-er)

...을 매혹하다, 황홀한 매력, 사람을 반하게 하는 아름다움 (1. US spelling of glamour )

affront (u̲h̲-FRUHNT) (1 - Such statements are an affront to people of conscience.)

...을 모욕하다, 모욕, 노하게 하다 (1. a remark or action intended to insult or upset someone)

bulge (buhlj) (1 - The girl's cheek bulged with a wad of gum.) (2 - The bulge in his pocket showed where he kept his wallet.)

...을 부풀리다, 볼록함, 중배 (1. to stick out or be swollen) (2. If you say that someone's eyes bulge, you mean that the person's eyes are opened wide, esp. because the person is frightened, surprised, or excited.)

decompose (dee-ku̲h̲ m-POHZ) (1 - Certain kinds of plastic decompose quickly.)

...을 분해하다, 부패하다, 분석하다 (1. to destroy something by breaking it into smaller parts) (2. If dead plant or animal material decomposes, it decays.) (3. If a substance decomposes it separates into its parts.)

crunch (kruhnch) (1 - She was crunching noisily on an apple. [ I ] The gravel crunched underfoot as we walked up the path.) (2 - The project seems worthwhile, but you have to crunch the numbers to see if it's affordable.) (3 - 'The state faces a financial crunch.) (4 - We heard a loud crunch as the car hit the wall.)

...을 오도독 씹다, 아작아작 씹다, 깨물어 부수기 (1. to crush hard food loudly between the teeth, or to make a sound as if something is being crushed or broken) (2. to calculate numbers or process information) (3. a difficult situation which forces you to make a decision or act) (4. a noise that sounds as if something is being crushed or broken)

counterfeit (KOUN-ter-fit) (1 - A lot of brand-name merchandise sold on the streets is counterfeit.) (1 - The bank said this $100 bill was a counterfeit.) (1 - They were accused of counterfeiting credit cards and selling them.)

...을 위조하다, 위조의, 가짜의 (1. copied exactly in order to make someone believe that the copy is the original)

elate (ih-LEYT)

...을 의기 양양하게 만들다, 기운을 북돋우다, 우쭐해지다

engender (en-JEN-der) (1 - Your book has engendered much controversy.)

...을 일으키다, 발생시키다, 생기게 하다 (1. to cause something to come into existence)

hoard (hawrd, hohrd) (1 - Many people hoarded food in wartime.)

...을 저장하다, 축적, 저장 (1. to collect a large supply of something, more than you need now, often because you think you will not be able to get it later)

sever (SEV-er) (1 - He severed a finger in the accident. An explosion severed the plane's hydraulic systems. The US severed diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961.)

...을 절단하다, 분리하다, 절단되다 (1. to separate or break something, esp. by cutting)

inject (in-JEKT) (1 - The morphine took effect almost as soon as it was injected.) (2 - The contest was intended to inject some friendly competition into the proceedings.)

...을 주입하다, 주사하다, 삽입하다 (1. to use a needle to put a drug into a person's body) (2. If you ______ something into an organization, conversation, or exchange, you add it)

zigzag (ZIG-zag) (1 - We zigzagged through the crowds of tourists in the museum.)

...을 지그재그로 하다, 지그재그로, 지그재그형 (1. to move by going first in one direction and then in a different direction, and continuing in this way)

zip (zip) (1 - I've got so much stuff in this bag, I can't zip it shut. [ M ] You have to help the kids zip their coats up.) (2 - Messengers on bicycles zipped fearlessly through the capital's traffic.) (3 - Add pepper to give a little zip to the sauce.)

...을 지퍼로 잠그다, 비밀로하다, 빨리 나가다, 제로 (1. to fasten a bag, clothing, etc. with a zipper) (2. to travel very fast) (3. something that creates a feeling of energy or excitement)

dispel (dih-SPEL) (1 - We need to dispel the myths and establish real facts.)

...을 쫓아버리다, 없애다, 떨쳐버리다 (1. to remove fears, doubts, or false ideas, usually by proving them wrong or unnecessary)

overhaul (verb oh-ver-HAWL, OH-ver-hawl; noun OH-ver-hawl) (1 - They repaired and maintained aircraft and overhauled their engines. Congressional leaders are considering overhauling the Clean Air Act.) (1 - I think our justice system needs a major overhaul.)

...을 철저히 점검하다, ...을 정비하다, 분해 수리 (1. to repair or improve something so it works well)

buffet (BUHF-it) (1 - Will it be a buffet or a sit-down meal?) (2 - Many fierce storms had buffeted the coast before, but this one was worse than usual.)

...을 치다 (1. a meal where people serve themselves food that is arranged on a table) (2. to hit something or someone repeatedly and, usually, hard)

snuff (snuhf)

...을 코로 들이마시다, ...을 냄새 맡아 분간하다, 코담배 (1. tobacco in the form of a powder that people breathe in through their noses)

grub (gruhb) (1 - The food was just good, greasy grub.) (3 - Can I grub a sandwich from you?)

...을 파다, ...을 뿌리째 뽑다, 유충 (1. food) (2. an insect in the stage when it has just come out of its egg) (3. to ask someone to give you something)

magnify (MAG-nu̲h̲-fahy) (1 - Although your skin looks smooth, when magnified you can see a lot of little bumps and holes.) (2 - He always magnifies the problems and inconveniences of travel.)

...을 확대하다, 크게 하다, 과장하다 (1. to make something look larger than it is, esp. by looking at it through a special piece of glass) (2. /fig./ To _______ something is also to make it seem more important or more serious than it really is)

vindicate (VIN-di-keyt) (1 - The decision to include Morris on the team was vindicated when he scored three touchdowns.) (1 - They are hoping for vindication in court.)

...의 정당성을 입증하다, ...을 변호하다, 비난을 풀다 (1. to show something to have been right or true, or to show someone to be free from guilt or blame)

subside (su̲h̲ b-SAHYD) (1 - When her pain didn't subside, Matt drove her to the hospital. Friction between the groups subsided gradually.) (2 - Forecasters predict the high tides will subside today.)

가라앉다, 침묵하다, 진정되다 (1. /of a condition/ to become less strong, or /of an activity or disagreement/ to become less violent) (2. /of a building, area of land, or level of water/ to go down to a lower level)

itch (ich) (1 - My insect bites are itching.) (2 - I have an itch on the back of my neck. [ + to infinitive ] He has an itch /= desire/ to travel.) (2 - an itchy sweater)

가렵다, 못 견디다, 긁다, 짜증나게 하다 (1. to have an uncomfortable feeling on the skin that makes you want to rub it with something hard) (2. an uncomfortable feeling on the skin that makes you want to rub it with something hard)

docile (DOS-u̲h̲ l; British DOH-sahyl) (1 - They have a big dog, but he's real friendly and docile.)

가르치기 쉬운, 다루기 쉬운, 유순한 (1. calm in manner and easy to control)

posit (POZ-it) (1 - If we posit that wage rises cause inflation, it follows that we should try to minimize them.)

가정, 단정, 상정, 지정 (1. to suggest something as a basic fact or principle from which a further idea is formed or developed)

leash (leesh) (1 - Dogs must be kept on a leash in this park.)

가죽끈, 밧줄, 구속 (1. a strap, chain, etc., fastened to a dog or other animal, esp. at its collar, in order to lead or control it)

twig (twig) (1 - We gathered some dry twigs to start the fire.)

가지, 깨닫다 (1. a small, thin branch of a tree or bush, esp. one removed from the tree or bush and without any leaves)

precipitous (pri-SIP-i-tu̲h̲ s) (1 - precipitous cliffs New fads could result in a precipitous drop in sales.)

가파른, 험한, 깎아지른 듯한 (1. very steep, or falling a long way very fast)

succinct (su̲h̲ k-SINGKT) (1 - Keep your letter succinct and to the point.)

간결한, 간명한, 말의 간결성이 특징인 (1. /of writing or speech/ clear and short; expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words)

caucus (KAW-ku̲h̲ s) (2 - the Congressional Black Caucus)

간부 회의, 지방 정치 간부 회의, 간부 회의를 열다 (1. a meeting of the people who run a political party to plan activities and to decide which people the party will support in an election) (2. A ______ is also a group of people within a larger organization, esp. Congress, who have similar interests)

solicit (su̲h̲-LIS-it) (1 - He's soliciting funds to keep the library open. Grace has run an online campaign to solicit employee suggestions.) (1 - I get a lot of phone solicitations from banks.)

간청하다, 권유하다, 청구하다 (1. to ask for something in a persuasive and determined way)

implore (im-PLAWR, -PLOHR) (1 - She implored him not to leave her.)

간청하다, 애원하다, 탄원하다 (1. to ask someone in a determined, sincere, and sometimes emotional way to do or not to do something, or to ask for something in this way)

entreat (en-TREET) (1 - We would spend every meal time entreating the child to eat her vegetables.)

간청하다, 탄원하다, 간청 (1. to try very hard to persuade someone to do something)

rumble (RUHM-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - My stomach is rumbling. The trucks rumbled across the field.) (1 - We could hear the rumble of distant thunder.)

간파하다, 우르르 소리내다, 요란한 소리 (1. to make a continuous, low sound, or to move slowly while making such a sound)

mane (meyn)

갈기, 길고 숱이 많은 머리털, 후두부 깃털 (1. the long, thick hair that grows along the top of a horse's neck or around the face and neck of a male lion)

crave (kreyv) (1 - The neglected kids just crave attention.)

갈망하다, 열망하다, 간청하다, 갈구하다 (1. to desire something strongly)

citrus (SI-tru̲h̲ s) (1 - Oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit are types of citrus fruit.)

감귤류의, 감귤류, 그 열매 (1. any of a group of plants that produce juicy fruits with a slightly sour taste)

picket (PIK-it) (1 - Three pickets stood at the factory gate.) (1 - The women picketed /outside/ the factory for three months.)

감시원, 피켓을 치다, 피켓 (1. a person or group of people who have a disagreement with a company, usually the one where they work, and who walk around in a line outside the place of business to tell other people not to enter until the problem is solved)

infect (in-FEKT) (1 - Mosquitoes can infect people with malaria. fig. Fear of an attack infected the entire city.) (1 - an infected toeinfection noun [ C/U ] us ​) (1 - a sinus infection)

감염시키다, 오염시키다, 옮기다 (1. to cause disease in someone by introducing organisms such as bacteria or viruses)

underscore (verb UHN-der-skawr, -skohr, uhn-der-SKAWR, -SKOHR; noun UHN-der-skawr, -skohr) (1 - The need for fire detectors in cargo bays was underscored by some accidents in the 1980s.)

강조하다, 부각, 확연히, 분명히, 여실히 (1. to emphasize the importance something)

gag (gag) (1 - The thieves tied him to a chair and put a gag over his mouth.) (2 - He used to write gags for a talk-show host.) (3 - The smell of burning rubber made him gag.) (4 - He was left bound and gagged until the next morning.)

개그를 넣다, 개그, ...의 언론의 자유를 억압하다 (1. a piece of cloth that is put over or in a person's mouth to stop the person from speaking, shouting, or calling for help) (2. a joke, or an amusing trick) (3. to experience the sudden, uncomfortable feeling in the throat and stomach that makes you feel that you are going to vomit) (4. to put a piece of cloth over or in a person's mouth to stop the person from speaking, shouting, or calling for help)

meddle (MED-l) (1 - I don't want my parents meddling in my affairs by telling me how I should run my life.)

개입하다, 간섭하다, 관여하다 (1. to try to change or have an influence on things that are not your responsibility)

gangster (GANG-ster)

갱단의 일원, 악한, 마리화나 (1. a member of an organized group of violent criminals)

mammoth (MAM-u̲h̲ th) (1 - Building the dam was a mammoth construction project.)

거대한, 매머드, 거대한 것 (1. extremely large)

dingy (DIN-jee) (1 - The stores seemed old and dingy, their lights too dim and their ceilings too low.)

거무스름한, 더러운, 음침한 (1. /of a place or material/ dark and unattractive esp. because of being dirty or not cared for)

tortoise (TAWR-tu̲h̲ s)

거북, 거북이, 아주 느린 사람 (1. a turtle, esp. one that lives only on land)

gauze (gawz) (1 - a gauze skirt a sterile gauze bandage)

거즈, 가제, 붕대 (1. a very thin, light cloth used for making clothing and for covering cuts in the skin)

uncouth (uhn-KOOTH)

거친, 인적이 드문, 어색한 (1. /of a person or a person's behavior/ rude and unpleasant)

scoundrel (SKOUN-dru̲h̲ l)

건달, 무뢰한, 악당 (1. a person, esp. an elected official, who treats others badly and cannot be trusted)

stalwart (STAWL-wert) (1 - She has always been a stalwart supporter of the arts.)

건장한, 튼튼한, 힘세고 용감한, 충실한 (1. very loyal to someone or something)

frugal (FROO-gu̲h̲ l) (1 - Lungren, a fiscal conservative when it comes to spending taxpayers' money, is frugal in his personal life as well.)

검소한, 절약하는, 간소한 (1. careful in spending money)

coroner (KAWR-u̲h̲-ner, KOR-)

검시관, 왕실 사유 재산 관리관, 매장물 조사관 (1. an official who examines the causes of a person's death, esp. if it was violent or unexpected)

quarantine (KWAWR-u̲h̲ n-teen, KWOR-, kwawr-u̲h̲ n-TEEN, kwor-) (1 - The horse had to spend several months in quarantine when it reached this country.) (1 - He was quarantined with mumps, which is highly contagious.)

검역소, 격리, 격리하다 (1. a period of time during which a person or animal that might have a disease is kept away from other people or animals so that the disease cannot spread)

censor (SEN-ser) (1 - She opposes efforts to censor the Internet.)

검열, 금지, 통제, 삭제, 감시 (1. to remove parts of something, such as a book, movie, or letter, that you do not want someone to see or hear) (2. a person who censors something)

probate (PROH-beyt) (1 - Before probate can be granted, all business assets have to be identified and valued.)

검인하다, 검인, 검인의 (1. the legal process of deciding if a person's will has been made correctly and if the information it contains is correct) (2. a tax paid on money or property you have received from someone who has died) (3. to prove that a person's will has been made correctly and that the information it contains is correct)

livid (LIV-id) (1 - The rude letter from his mother-in-law made him livid.) (2 - There was a livid bruise on her upper arm where she had fallen.)

검푸른, 격노한, 납빛의 (1. extremely angry) (2. /esp. of marks on the skin/ of a purple or dark blue color, usually caused by an injury)

indolent (IN-dl-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - I was an indolent creature who could not imagine action.)

게으른, 나태한, 게으름쟁이의 (1. without real interest or effort; lazy)

vehement (VEE-u̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - They are killing some of the birds, to the vehement protests of animal-rights groups.) (1 - The defense counsel vehemently objected.)

격렬한, 열정적인, 맹렬한 (1. expressing very strong feelings, or showing great energy or force)

revulsion (ri-VUHL-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Most of us feel only revulsion from such crimes.)

격변, 혐오, 반감 (1. a strong, often sudden, feeling of dislike or disgust)

immaculate (ih-MAK-yu̲h̲-lit) (1 - My aunt's kitchen was always immaculate.) (1 - She was immaculately dressed.)

결점이 없는, 순결한, 단색의 (1. perfectly clean or in perfect condition)

spasm (SPAZ-u̲h̲ m) (1 - He left the game because of back spasms. The rebels' spasm of resistance was short-lived.)

경련, 쥐, 욱신욱신 (1. a sudden, uncontrollable tightening of a muscle, or a sudden, burst of activity or energy)

derogatory (dih-ROG-u̲h̲-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee) (1 - She was upset by derogatory comments made about her clothes.)

경멸적인, 손상시키는, 손상하는 (1. expressing criticism or insult)

arable (AR-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - The country is rich in arable land.)

경작에 알맞은, 농작 가능한, 경작지 (1. /of land/ used for or right for growing crops)

stupendous (stoo-PEN-du̲h̲ s, styoo-) (1 - He ran up stupendous debts.)

경탄할 만한, 놀랄 만한, 놀랄 만큼 큰 (1. very great in amount or size)

penchant (PEN-chu̲h̲ nt; French pahn-shahn) (1 - Ives had a penchant for musical experimentation.)

경향, 강한 기호, 취미 (1. a liking for or a habit of doing something, esp. something that other people might not like)

enlighten (en-LAHYT-n) (1 - The show is meant to both enlighten and entertain. [ T ] We hope the pamphlet will enlighten voters about the issues.) (1 - The discussion was enlightening.)

계몽하다, 교화하다, 설명하다 (1. to cause someone to understand something by explaining it or by bringing new information or facts to that person's attention)

tally (TAL-ee) (1 - The final tally was 21 for and 16 against.) (2 - I need to finish tallying the receipts. [ I ] His statement doesn't tally with the other witnesses'.) (3 - The judges are tallying the scores. [ T ] Zolga tallied /= scored/ 16 points. [ M ] She tallies up our expenses each month.)

계산, 자동 계산기, 계산 단위 (1. a record or count of a number of items) (2. to match or agree) (3. to count or calculate something)

coefficient (koh-u̲h̲-FISH-u̲h̲ nt)

계수, 공동 작용의, 맞벌이하는 (1. a number or symbol that is written in front of and multiplies another number or symbol) (2. A ___________ is also a number that is used to measure the characteristics of a substance.) (3. The ___________ of friction is a measure of how easily one object slides across the surface of another, calculated by the force that is being used and the amount of friction.)

monsoon (mon-SOON)

계절풍, 호우, 해륙풍 (1. the season of heavy rain, the wind that brings rain, or the heavy rain that falls during the summer in hot Asian countries)

drudgery (DRUHJ-u̲h̲-ree) (1 - Cleaning the oven is sheer drudgery.)

고된 일, 고역, 천한 일 (1. hard, boring work)

gothic (GOTH-ik) (1 - Gothic architecture)

고딕 양식의, 고딕기의 미술 공예, 고딕파의 (1. /of buildings/ built in an old style that uses stone, very high ceilings, and lots of decoration)

enclave (EN-kleyv, AHN-) (1 - Yorkville was an enclave of German immigrants.)

고립된 영토, 소수 민족 거주지, 고립된 지역 (1. an area that is different from the larger area or country surrounding it, or a group of people who are different from the people living in the surrounding area)

orphanage (AWR-fu̲h̲-nij)

고아원, 고아, 고아임 (1. a home for children whose parents are dead or unable to care for them)

pussy (po̲o̲ s-ee)

고양이, 성교, 야옹이 (1. a cat)

chauffeur (SHOH-fer, shoh-FUR) (1 - I was chauffeured around town by my uncle.)

고용 운전사, 자가용 차로 안내하다, 운전하다 (1. a person employed to drive a private car belonging to someone else)

escalate (ES-ku̲h̲-leyt) (1 - Sending in more troops would escalate the war. [ I ] Our costs escalated considerably over the next few years.) (1 - escalating tensions/prices)

고조, 확대하다, 짙어가다, 점증하다, 높이다 (1. to make or become greater or more serious)

credulity (kru̲h̲-DOO-li-tee, -DYOO-)

고지식함, 쉽사리 믿는 성질, 너무 쉽게 믿는 성질 (1. willingness to believe that something is real or true, especially when this is unlikely)

recalcitrant (ri-KAL-si-tru̲h̲ nt) (1 - Tenants petitioned their recalcitrant landlord to finish repairs to their building.)

고집센, 저항하는, 당할 수 없는 (1. unwilling to do what you are asked or ordered to do, even if it is reasonable)

aggrieved (u̲h̲-GREEVD) (1 - Our hearts go out to the aggrieved families of the innocent victims.)

고통을 받은, 분개한, 감정을 상한 (1. unhappy, hurt, and angry because of unfair treatment)

collusion (ku̲h̲-LOO-zhu̲h̲ n) (1 - The companies were accused of acting in collusion to fix prices.)

공모, 결탁, 음모 (1. agreement, esp. in secret for an illegal or dishonest reason)

pneumatic (no̲o̲-MAT-ik, nyo̲o̲-) (1 - pneumatic tires)

공압, 공기의, 풍선, 기체의 (1. operated by air pressure, or containing air)

peacock (PEE-kok)

공작, 허세부리다 (1. a large bird with long, bright, showy, blue and green tail feathers that it can spread out)

tenement (TEN-u̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt)

공통주택(tenement house), 가옥, 보유 재산 (1. a type of apartment building, esp. one with many small apartments that is in a poor area)

phobia (FOH-bee-u̲h̲) (1 - a phobia about heights)

공포증, 병적 공포, 「...공포증」의 뜻 (1. an extreme fear of a particular thing or situation, esp. one that does not have a reasonable explanation)

bygone (BAHY-gawn, -gon) (1 - The empty factories are relics of a bygone era.)

과거의, 과거지사, 옛날의 (1. belonging to or happening in a past time)

plethora (PLETH-er-u̲h̲) (1 - a plethora of excuses/agencies/diet books)

과다, 과잉, 다혈증 (1. a very large amount of something, esp. a larger amount than you need, want, or can deal with)

culpable (KUHL-pu̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - The landowner could be proved culpable for starting the fire.) (1 - He strongly denies any culpability in the tragedy.)

과실이 있는, 비난할 만한, 괘씸한 (1. deserving to be blamed or considered responsible for something bad)

hyperbolic (hahy-per-BOL-ik) (1 - The blurb on the back of the book was full of the usual hyperbole - "enthralling", "fascinating", and so on.) (1 - hyperbolic rhetoric) (2 - Although he's not given to hyperbole, Ron says we are light-years ahead of our time.)

과장된, 과장법을 쓴, 쌍곡선의 (1. a way of speaking or writing that makes someone or something sound bigger, better, more, etc. than they are) (2. a way of speaking or writing that makes someone or something sound much bigger, better, smaller, worse, more unusual, etc., than they are) (3. Hyperbole is also the use of such language to express humor or great emotion.)

tract (trakt) (1 - The house is surrounded by vast tracts of woodland. A new hospital will be built on the 60-acre tract.) (2 - the digestive/urinary tract)

관, 지역 (1. a large area of land, or a measured area of land) (2. a system of tubes and organs in the body that are connected and have a particular purpose) (3. a short piece of writing, esp. on a religious or political subject, that is intended to influence people's opinions)

extraneous (ik-STREY-nee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - We must not be distracted by extraneous issues, she said.)

관계없는, 외부로부터의, 이질적인 (1. not directly connected or related to a matter being considered)

lenient (LEE-nee-u̲h̲ nt, LEEN-yu̲h̲ nt) (1 - Some felt that five years in prison was lenient, considering the suffering he had caused.) (1 - The defense lawyer asked for leniency for her young client.) (1 - He said senior officials caught in ethical lapses were treated more leniently than junior employees.)

관대한, 인정이 많은, 인정 많은 (1. not as severe or strong in punishment or judgment as would be expected)

warden (WAWR-dn)

관리인, 감시자, 교도관 (1. a person who is in charge of a prison)

mores (MAWR-eyz, -eez, MOHR-) (1 - The novel examines the mores of nineteenth-century Boston society.)

관습, 사회적 관습, 습속 (1. the traditional customs and ways of behaving that are typical of a particular society)

fanatic (fu̲h̲-NAT-ik) (1 - a fitness/exercise fanatic fanatical adjective us ​) (1 - Her devotion to her pets was fanatical.)

광신자, 열광적인 애호가 (1. a person whose strong admiration for something is extreme and unreasonable)

sheen (sheen) (1 - The polished floor had a beautiful sheen to it.)

광택, 광휘, 광채 (1. a smooth shine or brightness)

hoe (hoh)

괭이, 괭이로 파다, 괭이 모양의 도구 (1. a garden tool with a long handle and a short blade, used to remove weeds /= unwanted plants/ and break up the surface of the ground)

harass (hu̲h̲-RAS, HAR-u̲h̲ s) (1 - He claimed that the police continued to harass foreign journalists. She felt she was being harassed by the coach's constant demands.)

괴롭히다, ...을 침략하다, 성가시게하다 (1. to annoy or trouble someone repeatedly)

ail (eyl) (1 - I don't know what's ailing her.)

괴롭히다, 고통을 주다, ...의 폐해가 되다 (1. to feel or cause someone to feel ill, unhealthy, or weak)

syllabus (SIL-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ s)

교수 요목, 개요, 적요 (1. a plan showing the subjects or books to be studied in a particular course)

wily (WAHY-lee) (1 - a wily hunter)

교활한, 잔꾀를 부리는, 책략이 풍부한 (1. quick to think of things, having a very good understanding of situations and possibilities, and often willing to use tricks to achieve an aim)

orb (awrb) (1 - the glowing orb of the sun)

구, 구체, 천체 (1. something in the shape of a ball)

demarcation (dee-mahr-KEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The river serves as the line of demarcation /= the line showing the separation/ between the two counties. In some schools there is little demarcation between subjects /= subjects are not taught separately/. On this map, demarcations between regions are shown with dotted lines.)

구분, 경계 획정, 분리 (1. a border or a rule that shows the limits of something or how things are divided)

tortuous (TAWR-choo-u̲h̲ s) (1 - His so-called shortcut turned out to be tortuous and slow.)

구불구불한, 비비 꼬인, 비틀린 (1. full of twists and turns; not straight or direct)

nook (no̲o̲ k)

구석, 구석진 곳, 벽지 (1. a small space that is hidden or partly sheltered)

savior (SEYV-yer)

구세주, 구원자, 구제자 (1. a person who saves someone from danger or harm) (2. In Christianity, the ______ is a name for Jesus.)

plaintive (PLEYN-tiv) (1 - I love the plaintive sound of the bagpipes.)

구슬픈, 애처로운, 슬픔을 자아내는 (1. /esp. of a sound/ having a sad quality)

colloquial (ku̲h̲-LOH-kwee-u̲h̲ l)

구어체의, 구어의, 일상 회화의 (1. /of words and expressions/ informal and conversational, and more suitable for use in speech than in writing)

expatriate (verb eks-PEY-tree-eyt or, esp. British, -PA-tree-; adjective, noun eks-PEY-tree-it, -eyt or, esp. British, -PA-tree-)

국적을 버리다, 고국을 떠나다, 국외로 추방하다 (1. someone who does not live in his or her own country)

hoop (hoop, ho̲o̲ p) (1 - Dad put up a basketball hoop in the driveway on the front of the garage.)

굴렁쇠, ...에 테를 두르다, 감다 (1. a ring of wood, metal, or plastic)

succumb (su̲h̲-KUHM) (1 - She succumbed to temptation and had a second helping of ice cream.)

굴복하다, 죽다, 양보하다 (1. to lose the determination to oppose something, or to give up and accept something that you first opposed) (2. If you _______ to an illness, you die from it.)

burrow (BUR-oh, BUHR-oh) (1 - Moles burrowed under our lawn.)

굴을 파다, 굴에 살다, 숨다, 은신처 (1. a hole dug in the ground that an animal, such as a rabbit, lives in)

courtier (KAWR-tee-er, KOHR-) (1 - Many of the courtiers were strongly wedded to traditional ways of doing things.)

궁정에 출사하는 조신, 알랑쇠, 아첨꾼 (1. a companion of a queen, king, or other ruler in their official home, especially in the past)

exhortation (eg-zawr-TEY-shu̲h̲ n, ek-sawr-) (1 - The governor exhorted the prisoners not to riot.) (1 - Despite the exhortations of the union leaders the workers voted to strike. The book is essentially an exhortation to religious tolerance.) (2 - She exhorted all of us to do our very best.)

권고, 충고의 말, 권장 (1. to strongly encourage or try to persuade someone to do something) (2. to strongly encourage or persuade someone to do something)

ulceration (UHL-su̲h̲-reyt) (1 - ulceration of the bowel mouth ulceration)

궤양, 궤양화 (1. the process of forming an ulcer or ulcers)

oat (oht) (1 - oat crackers oat bran/cereal)

귀리로 만든, 오트밀 (1. made of or from oats)

stubble (STUHB-u̲h̲ l)

그루터기, 그루터기 모양의 것, 짧은 수염 (1. the short hair that grows on a man's face if he has not recently shaved /= cut the hair/) (2. the stems left in the ground after a crop has been cut)

desist (dih-ZIST, -SIST) (1 - She was ordered to desist from playing music after 11 p.m.)

그만두다, 단념하다, 중지하다 (1. to stop doing something)

soot (so̲o̲ t, soot)

그을음, 검댕, 검댕으로 더럽히다 (1. a black powder produced when coal, wood, etc., is burned)

rake (reyk) (1 - Some workers raked leaves in the park.)

긁어모으다, 갈퀴 (1. a garden tool with a long handle and pointed parts sticking out in a row at the bottom, used for making earth level or for gathering leaves or cut grass)

gig (gig) (1 - Now many of his gigs as a singer-saxophonist are being put on hold.)

기가바이트, 연주하다, 작살, 규칙위반, 일 (1. a job, esp. one as a performer or one that lasts only a short time)

souvenir (soo-vu̲h̲-NEER, SOO-vu̲h̲-neer) (1 - I'll keep this as a souvenir of my trip to New York.)

기념품, 선물, 추억 (1. something you keep or give to remember a special visit or event)

commemorate (ku̲h̲-MEM-u̲h̲-reyt) (1 - The ceremonies commemorated the 20th anniversary of the founding of the school.) (1 - The Elvis Presley commemorative stamp was eagerly bought by collectors.)

기념하다, 기리다, 축하하다 (1. to show honor to the memory of an important person or event in a special way)

cavalry (KAV-u̲h̲ l-ree)

기병대, 기병, 승마자 (1. an army group which fights from armored vehicles, helicopters /= type of aircraft/, or, esp. in the past, while riding horses)

donate (DOH-neyt, doh-NEYT) (1 - Over $12 million was donated to the building fund. [ T ] Some businesses have agreed to donate computers to schools.) (1 - Donations of food and clothing are gratefully accepted.)

기부하다, 기증하다 (1. to give something, esp. to an organization, without wanting anything in exchange)

cavalier (kav-u̲h̲-LEER, KAV-u̲h̲-leer) (1 - a cavalier attitude toward public health concerns)

기사다운, 기사, 호위자 (1. not serious or caring enough about matters that other people are serious about)

dormitory (DAWR-mi-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee)

기숙사, 숙소, 도미토리 (1. a large room or building containing many beds, esp. in a college or boarding school)

savvy (SAV-ee) (1 - She has a lot of marketing savvy.) (1 - He's a politically savvy guy.)

기술, 정통한, 전문가, 최신, 고급 (1. practical knowledge and ability)

amnesia (am-NEE-zhu̲h̲)

기억 상실, 건망증, 기억상실증 (1. loss of the ability to remember)

syndicate (noun SIN-di-kit; verb SIN-di-keyt)

기업 조합, ...을 신디케이트로 조직하다, 인수단 (1. a group of people or companies that join together in order to share the cost of a business operation, such as the buying and publishing of newspaper stories, photographs, etc.)

slant (slant, slahnt) (1 - Rays of sunlight slanted down on her.) (2 - He was known to slant reports, writing what his boss wanted to hear.) (3 - He put his own liberal slant on the general's writings.) (4 - Most ocean beaches are on a slant.)

기울다, 편향시키다, 편파적이다, 왜곡하다, 치우치다 (1. to lean in a diagonal direction, or to cause /something/ to slope) (2. to present information by ignoring or hiding some things and emphasizing other things) (3. someone's opinion about a subject that is expressed by ignoring or hiding some information and emphasizing other information) (4. a position that is leaning or sloping)

provenance (PROV-u̲h̲-nu̲h̲ ns, -nahns) (1 - jewels of uncertain provenance This raised doubts about the provenance of the painting. I don't need to see a label to identify the provenance of a garment that someone is wearing.)

기원, 출처, 유래 (1. the place of origin of something)

dodge (doj) (1 - fig. We have dodged a bullet a lot of times in the last three or four years.) (2 - Few men still talk about how they dodged the draft.) (3 - She sells antiques as a tax dodge.)

기피하다, 피하다, 면하다, 닷지 (1. to avoid being hit by something by moving quickly to one side) (2. To _____ something unpleasant is to avoid it) (3. a trick to deceive someone or to avoid doing something that you do not want to do)

auspicious (aw-SPISH-u̲h̲ s) (1 - Winning her first seven cases was an auspicious beginning for the young lawyer.)

길조의, 상서로운, 마침 좋은 (1. suggesting a positive and successful future)

gypsum (JIP-su̲h̲ m)

깁스, 석고 (1. a hard, white substance that is used in making plaster of Paris)

plumage (PLOO-mij) (1 - a parrot with bright plumage)

깃털, 우모, 공들인 옷 (1. the feathers that cover a bird)

fastidious (fa-STID-ee-u̲h̲ s, fu̲h̲-) (1 - The restaurant offers elaborate food and fastidious service at high prices.)

까다로운, 성미가 까다로운, 세심한 주의가 필요한 (1. having high standards and giving a lot of attention to details)

glimmer (GLIM-er) (1 - A candle glimmered faintly in the darkened room.) (2 - a glimmer of light) (3 - The treaty offered a glimmer of hope to the region.)

깜박이는 빛, 희미한 빛, 기미 (1. /of light/ to shine without strength or not continuously) (2. a weak light that does not shine continuously ) (3. A _______ is also a slight sign)

husky (HUHS-kee) (1 - The singer had a husky voice.) (2 - Rennett was a husky, broad-shouldered kid.)

껍질의, 껍데기 같은, 건장한 (1. /esp. of a person's voice/ low and sounding slightly damaged) (2. /esp. of boys or men/ big and strong) (3. a type of dog that is strong and furry and is used for pulling sleds in cold regions of the world)

cluck (kluhk)

꼬꼬 울다, 암탉 우는 소리, 혀를 차다 (1. to make a sound like a chicken)

pod (pod) (1 - a pea/bean pod)

꼬투리, 꼬투리가 생기다, 껍질을 벗기다 (1. a long seed container that grows on some plants)

devious (DEE-vee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - devious methods) (2 - They went by a devious route.)

꾸불꾸불한, 바른길을 벗어난, 일탈적인 (1. using indirect ways to get what you want, esp. without showing your real purpose) (2. _______ also means indirect)

nectar (NEK-ter) (1 - The bee turns nectar into honey.) (2 - apricot nectar)

꿀, 과즙, 화밀, 감로, 꿀물 (1. a sweet liquid produced by flowers and collected by bees) (2. ______ is also a drink made from some fruits)

quench (kwench) (1 - We quenched our thirst at a mountain spring. Heavy rains quenched the fire.)

끄다, 갈증을 풀다, 잃게 하다 (1. to satisfy a need to drink by drinking liquid, or to stop fire from burning)

slimy (SLAHY-mee) (1 - slimy seaweed) (2 - He was really a slimy character.)

끈적끈적한, 진흙의, 미끈미끈한 (1. covered in slime) (2. If you describe a person as slimy, you mean that the person appears to be friendly but cannot be trusted and is not sincere)

taper (TEY-per) (1 - The drill bit is tapered on one end.)

끝이 점점 가늘어지다, 약한 빛, 차차 약해지다 (1. to become gradually narrower)

giggle (GIG-u̲h̲ l) (1 - We couldn't stop giggling.) (1 - There were a few nervous giggles from people in the audience.)

낄낄 웃다, 키득거리다 (1. to laugh quietly, esp. in a nervous way, often at something silly)

whine (hwahyn, wahyn) (1 - If you don't stop whining, we won't go at all! whine noun [ C usually sing ] us ​) (1 - fig. The whine of Tracey's hair dryer wakes me every morning.)

낑낑거리다, 우는 소리, 애처롭게 콧소리를 내다 (1. to make a high, complaining sound, or to complain continually)

supple (SUHP-u̲h̲ l) (1 - His supple fingers manipulated the needle with the utmost delicacy. fig. Adams brings a supple /= easily changing/ voice to Mayfield's songs.)

나긋나긋한, 유연한, 유순한 (1. bending or able to be bent easily; not stiff)

crate (kreyt) (1 - The wooden shipping crates were unloaded at the dock.)

나무 상자, ...을 크레이트에 채우다, 상자 (1. a large wooden box, used esp. for packing, storing, or sending things)

inlaid (IN-leyd, in-LEYD) (1 - The walls of the palace are marble with silver inlay.) (1 - The top of the wooden chest was inlaid with ivory.) (2 - a pine table with mahogany inlay)

나무·금·은 등을 박아 넣은, 상감 세공한, 상감 무늬로 장식한 (1. a decorative pattern put into the surface of an object) (2. a decorative pattern made of pieces set into the surface of an object)

hammock (HAM-u̲h̲ k)

나무사이그물침대, 수림지대, 두 인기 프로그램 사이의 시간대 (1. a net or strong piece of cloth, wide enough for a person to lie on, hanging between two poles or trees to which it is attached)

helical (HEL-i-ku̲h̲ l, HEE-li-) (2 - helical molecules a helical structure)

나선의, 나선형의 (1. a curve that goes around a central tube or cone shape in the form of a spiral) (2. in the shape of a helix) (3. a shape curving continuously around a center point as of a line wrapped around a cylinder or a cone; a spiral)

despondency (dih-SPON-du̲h̲ n-see or dih-SPON-du̲h̲ ns) (1 - He became/grew increasingly despondent when she failed to return his phone calls. She started to feel despondent about ever finding a job.) (1 - A mood of despondency had set in.) (1 - "It's hopeless," he said, shaking his head despondently.) (2 - He grew increasingly despondent when his paintings failed to sell.)

낙심, 실망, 낙담 (1. unhappy and with no hope or enthusiasm) (2. unhappy and discouraged because you feel you are in a situation that is unlikely to improve)

dejected (dih-JEK-tid) (1 - William felt dejected because he had sprained his ankle and had to sit out the game.)

낙심한, 낙담한, 풀죽은 (1. unhappy, disappointed, or lacking hope)

parachute (PAR-u̲h̲-shoot) (1 - When the plane went down, three of the crewmen parachuted to safety.)

낙하산 (1. a large, usually circular piece of special cloth fastened to someone or something so that when dropped from an aircraft, it will catch the wind like a sail to make the person or thing fall slowly and safely to the ground)

angler (ANG-gler)

낚시꾼, 낙시꾼, 아귀 (1. a person whose hobby is trying to catch fish with a rod and line)

promiscuous (pru̲h̲-MIS-kyoo-u̲h̲ s)

난잡한, 혼잡한, 마구잡이의 (1. /of a person/ having a lot of different sexual partners)

diurnal (dahy-UR-nl)

날마다의, 매일의, 낮에 피는 (1. happening over a period of a day, or being active or happening during the day rather than at night)

indigo (IN-di-goh)

남색, 인디고, 쪽빛 (1. a bluish-purple colour) (2. having a bluish-purple colour)

prodigal (PROD-i-gu̲h̲ l) (1 - He was prodigal with his talents.)

낭비하는, 방탕한, 풍부한 (1. tending to spend or use something without thinking of the future)

introspection (in-tru̲h̲-SPEK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - His defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.)

내성, 내관, 내성적 성질 (1. examination of and attention to your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings)

heave (heev) (1 - He leaned his weight against the door and heaved it open.) (2 - After the race she was covered in sweat, her chest heaving.) (4 - With a great heave, they rolled the boulder out of the way.)

내쉬다, 몸을 일으키다 (1. to pull, push, lift, or throw something heavy) (2. If something heaves, it moves up and down) (3. to feel as if you are going to vomit, or to vomit) (4. the act of pulling, pushing, lifting, or throwing something with a lot of effort)

immanent (IM-u̲h̲-nu̲h̲ nt) (1 - an immanent God)

내재하는, 속에 있는, 내재적인 (1. present as a natural and permanent part of something)

sniff (snif) (1 - Jack crushed a bit of dried grass between his fingers and sniffed its scent.) (3 - The museum's front lawn does not need to be cluttered with silly pop art, sniffed a newspaper editorial.) (4 - She took a sniff of the medicine.)

냄새, 코를 훌쩍거리다 (1. to smell something by taking in air through the nose) (2. To _____ is also to quickly take in a breath through the nose.) (3. to express a bad opinion of something or someone; to show disapproval) (4. a quick breath in through the nose to smell something)

callous (KAL-u̲h̲ s) (1 - As callous as it may sound, trying to help some students is a waste of time.)

냉담한, 굳어진, 무감각한 (1. without sympathy or feeling for other people)

inexorable (in-EK-ser-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Aging is an inexorable process.)

냉혹한, 변경할 수 없는, 불변의 (1. continuing without any possibility of being stopped)

tuck (tuhk) (1 - He tucked the sheet under the mattress. [ M ] Richard needs to tuck in his shirt.) (2 - She sat with her legs tucked under her. [ M ] Tuck your tummy in.) (3 - She tucked her doll under her arm. I found the pictures tucked away in a box.)

넣다, 감싸다, 숨기다, 굽히다 (1. to push the ends clothing or material tightly into place) (2. If you ____ part of your body, you hold it in a particular position) (3. to put something into a safe or convenient place)

paddy (PAD-ee) (1 - There's no need to get in/into a paddy.)

논(paddy field), 격노, 아일랜드인 (1. a very angry state) (2. an offensive word for an Irish person)

polemic (pu̲h̲-LEM-ik, poh-) (1 - a series of polemical essays)

논쟁, 논객, 반론 (1. a piece of writing or a speech in which a person argues forcefully for or against someone or something)

startle (STAHR-tl) (1 - She startled him when she said hello.) (1 - We've made some startling discoveries.)

놀라다, 깜짝 놀라다 (1. to surprise a person or animal)

banter (BAN-ter) (1 - That kind of banter isn't appropriate at work.)

놀리다, 가벼운 농담, 희룽거리다 (1. conversation that is not serious and is often playful)

cove (kohv)

놈, 녀석, 작은 만 (1. a curved part of a coast that partly encloses an area of water; a small bay)

husbandry (HUHZ-bu̲h̲ n-dree) (1 - He gave a lecture on crop and animal husbandry.)

농업, 경작, 절약 (1. farming) (2. the careful use of money, food, supplies, etc.)

pinnacle (PIN-u̲h̲-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - The Olympics represent the pinnacle of athletic achievement.) (2 - The volcanic range is extremely rugged, with many cliffs, gorges, canyons, and pinnacles.)

높은 산봉우리, 작은 뾰족탑, 정점 (1. the most successful point) (2. a small pointed structure on top of a building, or a pointed top on a mountain)

exalt (ig-ZAWLT) (1 - He felt an exalted sense of power now that he was in line to run the company.)

높이다, ...을 칭찬하다, 강화하다 (1. to praise someone a lot, or to raise someone to a higher rank or more powerful position)

flurry (FLUR-ee, FLUHR-ee) (1 - Heavy snow will be tapering off to flurries in the morning.) (2 - There was a flurry of excitement as the president walked in.)

눈보라, 혼란, 동요 (1. a sudden light fall of snow, blown in different directions by the wind) (2. A ______ is also a lot of sudden activity)

downcast (DOUN-kast, -kahst)

눈을 내리깔기, 고개를 숙인, 풀이 죽은 (1. looking down, usually because of being shy or sad) (2. A person who is ________ is sad or upset.)

sluggish (SLUHG-ish) (1 - a sluggish economy a sluggish drain)

느린, 부진한, 게으른 (1. moving, acting, or working with less than usual speed or energy)

lax (laks) (1 - Security at the airport seemed lax.) (1 - Laxity in enforcing safety regulations can cost lives.)

느슨한, 로스엔젤레스 공항, 태만한 (1. lacking care, attention, or control; not severe or strong enough)

archipelago (ahr-ku̲h̲-PEL-u̲h̲-goh) (1 - The Hawaiian archipelago is made up of a number of large islands and some extremely small ones.)

다도해, 군도, 에게 해 (1. a group of islands, or an area of sea where there are many islands)

wad (wod) (1 - a wad of bills/cash a wad of chewing gum) (2 - He wadded his towel into a ball.)

다발, 저당, 담보 (1. a number of thin pieces of something pressed together, or something pressed into a lump) (2. to fold or press together something to form a mass)

dynamite (DAHY-nu̲h̲-mahyt) (1 - a stick of dynamite) (2 - The Social Security issue is political dynamite.) (3 - A work crew dynamited the concrete pillars.)

다이너마이트, 다이너마이트로 폭파하다, ...에 다이너마이트를 장치하다 (1. a type of explosive) (2. A subject can be called ________ if it could have a sudden and important influence on the way many people think or feel) (3. to use ________ to destroy or break apart something in an explosion)

mop (mop) (2 - The child's face was framed by a mop of brown curls.)

닦다, 대걸레로 닦다, 대걸레 (1. a stick having at one end a mass of thick, cloth strings or a sponge /= soft substance/ that you slide along a floor to spread or absorb a liquid in cleaning the floor) (2. A ___ of hair is a lot of hair in a thick mass) (3. If you ___ the sweat /= liquid produced because you are hot/ from your face, you use your hand or a piece of cloth to remove it.)

detach (dih-TACH) (1 - Detach the lower half of the form and return it to the above address.)

단독의, 분리하다, 떼다, 초연한, 거리 (1. to separate or remove something from something else that it is connected to)

sloppy (SLOP-ee) (1 - sloppy clothes a sloppy administrator) (2 - sloppy weather Her grandchildren nearly smothered her with sloppy kisses.)

단정치 못한, 질척질척한, 흠뻑 젖은 (1. messy or lacking care or attention) (2. too wet to be pleasant)

drab (drab) (1 - He found London disagreeable, with its thick fog, cold drizzle, and drab food.)

단조로움, 단정치 못한 여자, 단조로운 (1. plain and not interesting, or not bright in appearance)

curtail (ker-TEYL) (1 - He had to curtail his speech when time ran out.)

단축하다, 삭감하다, 줄이다 (1. to reduce or limit something, or to stop something before it is finished)

peremptory (pu̲h̲-REMP-tu̲h̲-ree, PER-u̲h̲ mp-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee) (1 - In his usual peremptory manner, he ordered us all into the conference room.)

단호한, 독단적인, 결정적인 (1. having the expectation of immediate and complete obedience, or to be obeyed without explanation)

adamant (AD-u̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt, -mant) (1 - She was adamant about becoming a dancer.) (1 - The mayor adamantly refused to consider a tax increase.)

단호한, 비길 데 없이 견고한 것, 매우 단단한 (1. unwilling to be persuaded to change an opinion or decision)

conciliatory (ku̲h̲ n-SIL-ee-u̲h̲-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee) (1 - Fitzwater struck a conciliatory tone, saying he didn't think anybody was to blame.) (1 - Conciliation, not confrontation, is the key to ending the conflict.)

달래는, 회유적인, 화해적인 (1. intended to show that you care about the feelings or opinions of someone who is angry or upset with you)

appease (u̲h̲-PEEZ) (1 - They questioned whether, in his desire to appease the conservatives in his own party, the president was selling out to them.)

달래다, 진정시키다, ...을 가라앉히다 (1. /in arguments or war/ to prevent further disagreement by giving to the other side something that they have demanded)

snail (sneyl)

달팽이, 우편으로 보내다, 다슬기 (1. a small animal that has a shell and moves very slowly)

gall (gawl) (1 - It galls him to take orders from a less experienced colleague.) (2 - I don't know how she can have the gall to accuse other people of being lazy when she comes in late every day!)

담즙, 뻔뻔스러움, 찰과상 (1. to make someone annoyed) (2. inability to understand that your behavior or what you say is rude and not acceptable to other people)

buff (buhf) (1 - First you apply the wax to the floor, let it dry, and then buff it.) (2 - a history/movie buff) (3 - During her stage show, the lithe, buff artist dances through two hours of 26 songs and 9 costume changes.)

담황색의, 담황색의 무두질한 가죽, 그 가죽으로 만든 짧은 윗옷 (1. to rub a surface with a soft material to make it shine) (2. a person who is very interested in a subject and knows a lot about it) (3. having a strong, healthy body with well-developed muscles)

diabetic (dahy-u̲h̲-BET-ik) (1 - a diabetic patient)

당뇨병 환자, 당뇨병의, 당뇨병에 기인하는 (1. a person who has diabetes)

cod (kod) (2 - Can I have that shipped C.O.D.)

대구, 속이다, 주머니 (1. a large sea fish that can be eaten) (2. /abbreviation for/ cash/collect on delivery /= payment will be made when goods are delivered/)

retort (ri-TAWRT) (1 - When the telephone operator called him boy, he retorted, "That's Mr.)

대꾸하다, 반박하다 (1. to make a quick answer that is often amusing and sometimes expresses anger or annoyance)

intrepid (in-TREP-id) (1 - an intrepid explorer)

대담한, 두려움을 모르는, 용기있는 (1. very brave and willing to risk being in dangerous situations)

vicarious (vahy-KAIR-ee-u̲h̲ s, vi-) (1 - This disaster movie will provide you with plenty of vicarious thrills.)

대리의, 대리를 하는, 대리직의 (1. experienced by reading or watching someone else do something)

amnesty (AM-nu̲h̲-stee) (1 - The state has declared an amnesty for individuals who pay their outstanding back taxes.)

대사, 특사, ...에게 대사를 내리다 (1. a decision by a government to forgive people who have committed particular illegal acts or crimes, and not to punish them)

tornado (tawr-NEY-doh)

대선풍, 토네이도, 대폭풍우 (1. a dangerous storm which is a spinning cone of wind that destroys anything in its path as it moves across the ground)

logarithm (LAW-gu̲h̲-rit̲h̲-u̲h̲ m, -rith-, LOG-u̲h̲-)

대수, 로그 (1. a number which shows how many times a particular number, called the base, has to be multiplied by itself to produce another number)

supersede (soo-per-SEED) (1 - Wireless broadband could supersede satellite radio one day. The state law was superseded by the federal Family and Medical Leave Act.)

대체하다, 대신하다, 교체하다, 자리를 바꾸다 (1. to replace something older, less effective, or less important or official)

skim (skim) (1 - Skaters skim over the ice. [ T ] I skimmed a pebble across the lake.) (2 - You can't just skim the tax forms. [ I ] Skim through this report.) (3 - Stew the chicken, then skim the fat.)

대충 읽어보다, 걷어내다 (1. to move quickly just above or on a surface, or to cause something to move above or on a surface) (2. to read or look at something quickly to understand the main points, without studying it in detail) (3. to remove something solid from the surface of a liquid)

carnage (KAHR-nij) (1 - The Battle of Gettysburg was a scene of dreadful carnage.)

대학살, 살육, 주검 (1. the violent killing of large numbers of people, esp. in war)

deluge (DEL-yooj, -yoozh, DEL-ooj, -oozh, dih-LOOJ, -LOOZH) (1 - The newspaper received a deluge of complaints about the article.) (3 - The senator's office was deluged with calls asking for clarification.)

대홍수, 범람시키다, 노아의 대홍수 (1. a very large volume of something, more than can be managed) (2. a very large amount of rain or water) (3. to send a very large volume of something to someone)

taint (teynt) (1 - Bacteria had tainted the meat. His reputation was permanently tainted by the scandal.) (1 - The taint of scandal followed him for years.)

더럽히다, 감염, 얼룩 (1. to damage the quality, taste, or value of something)

clatter (KLAT-er) (1 - Don't clatter the pots and pans - you'll wake the baby up.) (1 - She could hear the clatter of horses' hooves trotting down the road.)

덜걱 소리를 내다, ...을 덜걱거리게 하다, 타닥타닥 (1. to make loud noises, or to hit hard objects against each other)

crucible (KROO-su̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l)

도가니, 쇳물 괴는 곳, 용광로 (1. a container for melting metals)

burglar (BUR-gler)

도둑, 강도, 빈집 털이 (1. a person who illegally enters a building by force to steal things)

furrow (FUR-oh, FUHR-oh) (1 - The plow sped along the furrow, turning over the earth. He tried to smooth the furrow out of his jacket.) (1 - When Tony's deep in thought, he furrows his brow.)

도랑, ...에 주름살 지게 하다 (1. a long, narrow cut or fold in the surface of something)

gutter (GUHT-er) (1 - Every fall we have to clean leaves out of the gutters.) (2 - The campaign went right into the gutter once the candidates started debating.)

도랑, 도랑을 내다, 팬 자국 (1. a channel at the lower edge of a roof for carrying away rain, or a side of a road that is lower than the center of the road, where water and garbage collects) (2. a condition of very low moral standards) (3. ______ talk is offensive language.)

lizard (LIZ-erd)

도마뱀, 리저드 곶, 영국 최남단 지역 (1. a reptile /= a type of animal that produces eggs/ that has a long body, four short legs, and a long tail)

adjuvant (AJ-u̲h̲-vu̲h̲ nt) (2 - All women in the study received adjuvant therapy with tamoxifen.)

도움이 되는, 보조의, 보조약 (1. a substance that strengthens the body's immune response /= ability to fight harmful substances, disease, etc./) (2. given after the main treatment for cancer)

monologue (MON-u̲h̲-lawg, -log)

독백, 긴 이야기, 장광설 (1. a long speech by one person, esp. in a play, movie, or television show)

blasphemy (BLAS-fu̲h̲-mee) (1 - to be accused of blasphemyfigurative humorous Madonna fans think that any criticism of her is blasphemy.)

독신, 모독, 모독적 언동 (1. something that you say or do that shows you do not respect God or a religion)

venom (VEN-u̲h̲ m) (1 - fig. His diary was full of venom and hate for everyone in authority.) (1 - a venomous snake/spider)

독액, 독, ...에 독을 타다 (1. a poisonous liquid produced by some snakes, insects, and spiders when they bite)

dime (dahym)

돈 한푼, 다임, 10센트 동전 (1. in the US and Canada, a coin worth ten cents)

gust (guhst) (1 - A sudden gust lifted his trailer and tossed it on its side.) (1 - Winds are gusting up to 55 miles per hour.) (1 - gusty winds)

돌풍, 급격하게 불다, 분출하다 (1. a sudden, strong wind that blows for a very short time)

tantamount (TAN-tu̲h̲-mount) (1 - Her silence was tantamount to an admission of guilt.)

동등한, 같은, 동등한 가치가 있는 (1. equal)

artery (AHR-tu̲h̲-ree)

동맥 (1. one of the larger tubes that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body) (2. an important road, river, or other transportation route)

duplex (DOO-pleks, DYOO-)

동시 송수신 방식의, 2중의, 복식인 (1. a house having two separate apartments, each with its own entrance)

haphazard (adjective, adverb hap-HAZ-erd; noun HAP-haz-erd) (1 - Haphazard record-keeping made it difficult for the agency to keep track of its clients.)

되는 대로의, 우연의, 우연히 (1. lacking order or purpose; not planned)

toad (tohd)

두꺼비 (1. a small animal, similar to a frog, that has dry, brown skin and lives mostly on land)

malleable (MAL-ee-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Mother wanted me to be a malleable girl who would take her advice.)

두들겨 펼 수 있는, 두드려 펼 수 있는, 가단성의 (1. easily influenced, trained, or controlled) (2. A substance that is _________ is easily bent and shaped.)

wry (rahy) (1 - a wry smile a wry sense of humor)

뒤틀린, 찡그린, 심술궂은 (1. showing that you find a bad or difficult situation slightly amusing)

kerosene (KER-u̲h̲-seen, KAR-, ker-u̲h̲-SEEN, kar-)

등유, 등불용 석유 (1. a type of clear oil that is used as a fuel, esp. for heating and lighting)

detract (dih-TRAKT) (1 - These small faults, however, do not detract from the overall quality of the book.)

딴 데로 돌리다, 줄이다, 손상시키다 (1. to make something seem less valuable or less deserving of admiration)

strawberry (STRAW-ber-ee, -bu̲h̲-ree)

딸기 (1. a small, juicy, red fruit shaped like a cone with seeds on its surface, or the plant on which this fruit grows)

braid (breyd) (1 - My sister taught me how to braid /my hair/.) (2 - Andrea wears her hair in braids.) (3 - gold braid)

땋다, 묶다 (1. to join three or more lengths of hair or other material by putting them over each other in a special pattern) (2. pieces of hair or other material joined in a special pattern) (3. a thin strip of cloth or twisted threads used as decoration esp. in uniforms)

hindsight (HAHYND-sahyt) (1 - They are ideas that, in hindsight, often seem hair-brained.)

때늦은 지혜, 뒤쪽 가늠자, 총의 뒤 가늠자 (1. the ability to understand, after something has happened, why or how it was done and how it might have been done better)

smack (smak) (1 - I was afraid she was going to smack me. [ I ] The car spun around and smacked into a tree. [ T ] She smacked the ball over the fence. [ M ] He smacked his hand down on the table to get our attention.) (2 - He stopped the car so suddenly, the car behind ran smack into him.) (3 - The men were keeping the volleyball in the air with sure-handed smacks.)

때리다, 치다, 기미, 냄새, 강타하다 (1. to hit someone or something forcefully, usually making a loud noise) (2. directly and with force) (3. a forceful hit, usually making a loud noise)

solder (SOD-er) (1 - Wrap metal foil around the glass pieces and solder them together.)

땜납, 납과 주석의 합금, ...을 납땜질하다 (1. a type of soft metal that is melted to join separate metal parts which are then permanently attached when the metal cools)

scoop (skoop) (1 - an ice-cream scoop [ C ]) (2 - Just one scoop of mashed potatoes for me, please.) (4 - What's the scoop on the new boss?) (5 - Scoop out the melon with a spoon. He scooped the sand into a bucket.) (6 - Another paper scooped the story, just as we were about to publish it.)

떠내기, 뜨다, 푸다, 스쿱, 특종 (1. a tool with a handle and a curved, open end, used to dig out and move an amount of something) (2. A _____ is also the amount held by a scoop) (3. a news story discovered and published by one newspaper before all the others) (4. The _____ is also the most recent information or details) (5. to use a _____ to dig out and move an amount of something) (6. to be the first newspaper to discover and publish a news story )

boisterous (BOI-ster-u̲h̲ s, -stru̲h̲ s) (1 - The audience burst into boisterous laughter.)

떠들썩한, 난폭하고 시끄러운, 야단법석인 (1. noisy and not controlled)

clamor (KLAM-er) (1 - The audience clamored for an encore.) (2 - The clamor for freedom in recent years has been strong.) (3 - The clamor of their voices rose.)

떠들어대다, 아우성, 떠들썩함 (1. to make a loud complaint or demand) (2. a loud complaint or demand) (3. ______ is also loud noise, esp. made by people's voices)

conjure (1 - His words conjured images of far-away action.)

떠올리다, 생각해내다, 불러일으키다, 상기, 마술 (1. to make something appear by magic or as if by magic)

tremulous (TREM-yu̲h̲-lu̲h̲ s) (1 - He watched her tremulous hand reach for the teacup.)

떨리는, 전율하는 (1. If a person's voice or a part of their body is tremulous, it is shaking slightly)

trickle (TRIK-u̲h̲ l) (1 - Blood trickled from a cut in his forehead.) (2 - After the hurricane, all the telephones were out, and it was some time before reports of damage began to trickle in.) (3 - A trickle of sweat ran down his chest. Only a trickle /= small amount/ of goods reached the village.)

똑똑 떨어지는 것, 실개천, 드문드문 오다 (1. /of liquid/ to flow slowly and without force) (2. To _______ is also to happen gradually and in small numbers) (3. a slow flow of something, or a small number of people or things arriving or leaving somewhere)

lavender (LAV-u̲h̲ n-der) (2 - a lavender shirt)

라벤더, ...을 라벤더로 향기나게 하다, 말린 라벤더를 넣다 (1. a plant with very thin, gray-green leaves and small, pale purple flowers that has a pleasant smell, or its dried flowers and stems which are sometimes kept with sheets and clothes to make them smell pleasant) (2. /of/ a pale purple color)

racket (RAK-it) (1 - a tennis/squash racket) (2 - Who's making such a racket?)

라켓, 소음, 방탕하다 (1. an object consisting of a net fixed tightly to an oval frame with a long handle, used in various sports for hitting a ball) (2. a loud, annoying noise) (3. a dishonest or illegal activity that makes money)

wrestle (RES-u̲h̲ l) (1 - He wrestled for Iowa State University.) (1 - professional wrestlers)

레슬링, 씨름하다, 싸우다, 빼앗다 (1. to fight with someone by holding and trying to throw that person to the ground, or to do this as a sport)

wrench (rench) (1 - The ball was wrenched from his hands by another player.) (2 - He wrenched his back while digging in the garden.) (3 - an adjustable wrench)

렌치, 가슴 메이는, 비틀다, 차질, 뒤틀리다 (1. to pull and twist something suddenly or violently away from a fixed position) (2. If you ______ part of your body, such as your arm or knee, you twist it badly and injure it) (3. a tool for holding and turning objects)

lotus (LOH-tu̲h̲ s)

로터스, 연, 그 열매 (1. a type of tropical water lily /= a plant with large, flat leaves that float on the surface of lakes and pools/)

ruby (ROO-bee) (1 - a ruby ring)

루비, 홍옥, 루비색의 (1. a dark red jewel)

renaissance (ren-u̲h̲-SAHNS, -ZAHNS, -sahns, REN-u̲h̲-sahns, -zahns, -sahns; especially British ri-NEY-su̲h̲ ns) (1 - a poetry renaissance world history)

르네상스, 부흥 (1. a new growth or interest in something, esp. art, literature, or music) (2. The ___________ was a period of growth and activity in the areas of art, literature, and ideas in Europe during the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries.)

liter (LEE-ter)

리터 (1. a unit of measurement of volume equal to 1.057 quarts)

marathon (MAR-u̲h̲-thon, -thu̲h̲ n) (1 - The New York City marathon begins in Staten Island and ends in Manhattan's Central Park.) (2 - a dance marathon) (3 - The marathon negotiating session lasted all night.)

마라톤 (1. a long race, run on roads, of 26.2 miles or 42.2 kilometers) (2. A ________ is also an activity that continues for a very long time) (3. A ________ activity is one that continues for a very long time)

blight (blahyt) (1 - The city stopped urban blight by rebuilding neighborhoods.) (2 - Poverty and disease blighted their lives.)

마름병, 말라죽게 하다, 말라죽다 (1. something that spoils or destroys or causes damage) (2. A ______ is also any of various deadly diseases in plants.)

sorcery (SAWR-su̲h̲-ree)

마법, 마술, 요술 (1. a type of magic that is used esp. to harm someone or make things happen)

dope (dohp) (2 - You shouldn't have told him, you dope!) (3 - A new column of inside dope about the film industry begins next month.)

마약, 흥분제, 멋있는 (1. any illegal drug) (2. a stupid or foolish person) (3. information known by only a few people)

mileage (MAHY-lij) (1 - What's the mileage on your car?) (2 - Smaller cars get better mileage.)

마일리지, 연비, 주행거리 (1. the distance that a vehicle has traveled) (2. _______ is also the distance a vehicle can travel using a particular amount of fuel)

attrition (u̲h̲-TRISH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - Most of the job losses will come through attrition.)

마찰, 감소, 마멸 (1. a gradual reduction in the number of people who work for an organization that is achieved by not replacing those who leave)

expire (ik-spahyu̲h̲ r) (1 - My passport will expire next year.)

만기가 되다, 끝나다, 숨을 거두다 (1. /of something that lasts for a fixed length of time/ to end or stop being in use) (2. to die)

steed (steed) (1 - a fine, white steed)

말, 준마, 승마용 말 (1. a horse that is ridden)

ineffable (in-EF-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - ineffable joy/beauty) (1 - His music is ineffably beautiful.)

말로 표현할 수 없는, 형언할 수 없는, 이루 말할 수 없는 (1. causing so much emotion, especially pleasure, that it cannot be described)

diction (DIK-shu̲h̲ n)

말씨, 용어 선택, 어법 (1. the manner in which words are pronounced)

parlance (PAHR-lu̲h̲ ns) (1 - Oral contraceptives are referred to as "the pill" in common parlance.)

말투, 어조, 용어 (1. a group of words or style of speaking used by a particular group of people)

palatable (PAL-u̲h̲-tu̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - They could make powdered eggs into palatable omelets.) (2 - The city council has tried to make property taxes more palatable by giving homeowners more time to pay them.)

맛 좋은, 입에 맞는, 맛있는 (1. good enough to eat or drink) (2. If something is palatable, it is acceptable)

specter (SPEK-ter) (1 - The specter of inflation concerns many voters. The familiar specter of adversity continues to accompany him.)

망령, 유령, 스펙터, 악령 (1. something that causes fear or worry) (2. A _______ is also a ghost /= the spirit of a dead person that can be seen/.)

hitch (hich) (1 - I finally did get a job offer that sounded perfect - the only hitch was the low salary. The taping at Channel 4 went off without a hitch /= perfectly/.) (2 - Nancy hitched a ride with her husband's cousin.) (3 - We just need to hitch the trailer to the car and then we can go.)

매기, 걸기, ...을 결혼시키다 (1. a difficulty or troubling fact esp. in a situation that is generally positive) (2. to get a free ride in someone else's road vehicle as a way of traveling) (3. to fasten something to another thing, such as a vehicle)

fasten (FAS-u̲h̲ n, FAH-su̲h̲ n) (1 - This skirt fastens at the back. [ T ] Fasten your seatbelt.)

매다, 고정하다, 채우다, 조이다 (1. to make or become firmly attached or closed)

sling (sling) (1 - She came in and slung her coat over a chair.) (2 - The helicopter lowered a sling to the boat and rescued the sailor.) (3 - They put his arm in a sling.)

매달다, 삼각건, 매다는 밧줄 (1. to throw or drop something quickly and not very carefully) (2. a device used to support, lift, or carry objects, often by ropes or straps) (3. medical A _____ is a piece of material tied around the neck and providing support for a broken or damaged arm while it heals)

dangle (DANG-gu̲h̲ l) (1 - A loose wire was dangling from the wall. [ T ] He dangled the puppet in front her.)

매달리다, 매달다, 대롱거림 (1. to hang loosely, or to cause something to hang)

gingerly (JIN-jer-lee) (1 - Gingerly, he moved the heavy vase.)

매우 신중하게, 아주 신중하게, 지극히 조심스럽게 (1. in a slow, careful way)

hectic (HEK-tik) (1 - a hectic schedule the hectic pace of city life)

매우 흥분한, 몹시 바쁜, 소모열 (1. busy, fast, and full of activity)

canteen (kan-TEEN)

매점, 물통, 무료 군인 접대소 (1. a small store or restaurant esp. in a factory or school where food and meals are sold) (2. a small container for carrying something to drink, esp. water)

enchantment (en-CHANT-mu̲h̲ nt, -CHAHNT-) (1 - The audience was clearly enchanted by her performance.) (2 - spells and enchantments) (3 - He was enchanted by stories of the Old West.)

매혹된 상태, 환희, 마법 (1. to attract or please someone very much) (2. to have a magical effect on someone or something) (3. to charm or please someone a lot) (4. /in stories/ to put someone completely under your control by using magic)

malt (mawlt)

맥아, 엿기름, 맥아로 하다 (1. grain, usually barley, that has been left in water until it starts to grow and is then dried, used in making some types of alcoholic drinks)

hover (HUHV-er, HOV-) (1 - A helicopter hovered overhead.) (2 - She hovered outside her boss's door.)

맴돌다, 유지하다, 날다, 헤매다 (1. to stay in the air in one place) (2. A person who hovers stands near someone, waiting for attention)

fetish (FET-ish, FEE-tish) (1 - He had a fetish about clothes.)

맹목적 숭배물, 미신의 대상, 집착 (1. an activity or object that someone is interested in to an extreme degree and that the person gives an unreasonable amount of time or thought to) (2. an object believed to have special power to protect)

recede (ri-SEED) (1 - McLaughlin expects to go home again when the flood waters recede.)

멀어지다, 감소하다 (1. to move further away into the distance, or to become less clear) (2. If a man has a receding hairline, he is losing the hair from the front of his head.)

bruise (brooz) (1 - My little boy fell off his bike and has a bad bruise on his shoulder.) (2 - He crashed into a table and bruised his shin.)

멍, 상처, 타박상 (1. a place on a person's skin that is darker from bleeding under the skin, usually from an injury) (2. to develop a ______ or to cause someone or something to have a bruise)

roster (ROS-ter)

명부, 등록부, 근무 당번표 (1. a list of people's names and sometimes their work schedules, esp. for a military unit or a sports team)

muse (myooz) (1 - At breakfast, he allowed himself to muse about his presidency.)

명상하다, 심사숙고하다, 생각에 잠기다 (1. to think about something carefully and for a long time) (2. an imaginary force that gives you ideas and helps you to write, paint, or make music, or a physical representation of this force)

appellation (ap-u̲h̲-LEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - As a child, he received the appellation "Mouse".)

명칭, 호칭, 통칭 (1. a name or title)

dune (doon, dyoon)

모래 언덕 (1. a hill of sand beside a beach or in a desert)

idyllic (ahy-DIL-ik) (1 - an idyllic childhood/summer an idyllic village in the Yorkshire Dales) (1 - They seem idyllically happy in their new house.)

목가적인, 소박한, 전원시의 (1. An _______ place or experience is extremely pleasant, beautiful, or peaceful)

peek (peek) (1 - Close your eyes and don't peek.) (2 - The dog's head peeked out from behind the tree.) (2 - She took a peek down the hall.)

몰래 들여다보다, 엿보기, 엿보다 (1. to look, esp. for a short time or while trying to avoid being seen) (2. If something peeks out or up, it can be partly seen)

forfeit (FAWR-fit) (1 - She had to forfeit the tennis match after she fell and hurt her wrist.) (1 - Throwing objects on the field, the umpire said, would result in the forfeit of the game by the home team.)

몰수, 벌금, 상실하다 (1. to give up or lose something because you cannot do something that the rules or the law says you must do)

frigid (FRIJ-id) (1 - frigid weather/air/water It's frigid in here - could you turn down the air-conditioning?)

몹시 추운, 냉담한, 쌀쌀한 (1. extremely cold)

delineation (dih-lin-ee-EY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The main characters are clearly delineated in the first chapter. The boundary of the car park is delineated by a low brick wall.) (2 - The boundary of the park is delineated by a row of trees.) (3 - The constitution carefully delineates the duties of the treasurer's office.)

묘사, 기술, 서술 (1. to describe or mark the edge of something) (2. to mark the border of something) (3. to describe something completely, including details)

nil (nil) (1 - Investment in the industry has dropped to virtually nil.)

무, 영점, 없음 (1. nothing)

lethargy (LETH-er-jee) (1 - Symptoms include loss of appetite, lethargy, and vomiting.)

무기력, 권태, 기면 (1. the feeling of having little energy or of being unable or unwilling to do anything)

shaman (SHAH-mu̲h̲ n, SHEY-, SHAM-u̲h̲ n)

무당, 무속인, 무, 샤먼, 주술사 (1. in particular religions, a person who is thought to have special powers to control or influence good and evil spirits, making it possible for them to discover the cause of illness, bad luck, etc.)

sultry (SUHL-tree) (1 - It was a sultry night, and I was walking home.) (2 - a sultry dance)

무더운, 열대, 폭염, 찌는, 뇌쇄 (1. /of weather/ very hot and humid /= with air that contains very small drops of water/) (2. sexually attractive)

gratuitous (gru̲h̲-TOO-i-tu̲h̲ s, -TYOO-) (1 - There were too many gratuitous personal insults throughout the debate.)

무료의, 무상의, 까닭 없는 (1. not necessary; with no reasonable cause)

exuberant (ig-ZOO-ber-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - He is an exuberant dancer.) (1 - His exuberance is contagious.)

무성한, 풍부한, 원기 왕성한 (1. /esp. of people and their behavior/ very energetic, and showing the happiness of being alive)

atheist (EY-thee-ist) (1 - atheistic books and articles)

무신론자, 무신앙자 (1. someone who believes that God does not exist)

implacable (im-PLAK-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l, -PLEY-ku̲h̲-) (1 - an implacable enemy)

무자비한, 달래기 어려운, 앙심 깊은 (1. unable to be changed, satisfied, or stopped)

stationery (STEY-shu̲h̲-ner-ee) (1 - business/personal stationery I got these folders at the stationery store.)

문방구, 문구 (1. paper, esp. that used for writing letters, or writing materials such as pens, pencils, and books for writing in)

enquire (en-kwahyu̲h̲ r)

문의하다, 조사하다 (1. to inquire )

tinge (tinj) (1 - The sunset tinged the sky red.) (1 - The flowers are purple with tinges of pink.)

물들이다, ...에 기미를 풍기게 하다, 엷은 색 (1. to add a slight amount of color or a quality to something)

barter (BAHR-ter) (1 - In the marketplace, you can barter for souvenirs by offering jeans and lipstick.)

물물 교환, 교역하다, 교환하다 (1. to exchange goods for other things rather than for money)

puddle (PUHD-l) (1 - You have to step around the puddles in the street after a rain shower.)

물웅덩이, 액체가 괸 것, ...에 물웅덩이를 만들다 (1. a pool of liquid on the ground or floor, formed by filling up the holes in uneven surfaces)

mummy (MUHM-ee)

미라, 엄마 (1. /esp. in ancient Egypt/ a dead body that has been preserved from decay, esp. by being treated with special substances before being wrapped in cloth)

distraught (dih-STRAWT) (1 - We were all distraught over the loss of our homes in the flood.)

미친, 마음이 산란해진, 당황한 (1. extremely anxious and upset)

agile (AJ-u̲h̲ l, -ahyl) (1 - Years of ballet and modern dance had made her strong and agile. fig. He has an agile mind /= He can think quickly/.)

민첩한, 명민한, 기민한 (1. able to move about quickly and easily)

nimble (NIM-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - a nimble mind He tried to catch his friend, but she was too nimble.)

민첩한, 재빠른, 영리한 (1. quick and exact in movement or thought; agile)

alacrity (u̲h̲-LAK-ri-tee) (1 - He invited us all to visit, and we agreed with alacrity.)

민활, 민첩, 활기 (1. speed and interest)

contraband (KON-tru̲h̲-band) (1 - contraband chemicals/goods)

밀수, 밀매매, 금지의 (1. goods that are secretly or illegally brought into or taken out of a country)

varnish (VAHR-nish) (1 - The wood can be stained any color and then sealed with a coat of varnish.)

바니시, 니스, 천연 바니시 (1. a clear liquid that you can put on a wooden surface, to protect it and give it a shiny, attractive appearance after drying)

flirt (flurt) (1 - They were flirting with each other at the party. fig. If he gets deeper into debt, he's flirting with disaster /= he is risking very bad trouble/.) (1 - He's a shameless flirt.)

바람둥이, 훌쩍 던지다, 날아다니다 (1. to behave as if you are interested in someone, in a not serious way)

baroque (bu̲h̲-ROHK; French ba-rawk) (1 - baroque architecture)

바로크 양식, 기괴한, 바로크식의 (1. relating to the highly decorated style in buildings, art, and music that was popular in Europe in the 17th century and the early part of the 18th century)

barbecue (BAHR-bi-kyoo) (1 - I like catfish cooked on a barbecue. Our neighbors invited all of us to a backyard barbecue.) (1 - During the summer we barbecue all the time.)

바비큐, ...을 통째로 굽다, 야외 파티 (1. a metal frame on which food is cooked outside over a fire, or a meal prepared using such a frame and usually eaten outside)

voucher (VOU-cher) (1 - Just present your travel voucher to the airline ticket agent, and she will give you the tickets.)

바우처, 상품권, 쿠폰, 이용권, 교환권 (1. a piece of paper that is a record of money paid or one that can be used to pay for particular goods or services)

bazaar (bu̲h̲-ZAHR) (2 - Our school is having its springtime bazaar next Saturday.)

바자, 시장, 자선시, 상점가 (1. an open market where people sell things, or any group of small shops or people selling goods) (2. A ______ is also an event where people sell things to raise money for an organization, such as a school or hospital)

antipathy (an-TIP-u̲h̲-thee) (1 - His letters show a deep and intense antipathy toward workers.)

반감, 혐오, 비위에 안 맞음 (1. strong dislike or opposition)

radius (REY-dee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - The supermarket, shopping mall, and school are all within a one-mile radius of the house /= are all less than a mile away from it/.)

반경 (1. /the length of/ a straight line from the center of a circle to its edge)

backlash (BAK-lash) (1 - The mayor foresaw no political backlash against his proposal.)

반발, 반동, 백래시 (1. a strong, negative reaction to something, esp. to change)

twinkle (TWING-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - Stars twinkled in the clear night sky.) (2 - His eyes twinkled with mischief.) (3 - We could see the twinkle of lights across the bay I know that twinkle in your eye means trouble!)

반짝반짝 빛나다 (1. /of light/ to shine brightly and then less brightly, as if quickly flashing on and off) (2. Someone whose eyes _______ has a bright, intelligent expression) (3. a flash of light, shining brightly and then less brightly)

glint (glint) (1 - sun glinting off a windshield) (2 - A coin tossed into the fountain may catch a glint of light.) (3 - a glint of pride in his eye)

반짝반짝 빛나다, 반짝이다, 반짝반짝하는 빛 (1. to produce or reflect small, bright flashes of light) (2. a small, bright flash of light) (3. A _____ can also be a brief expression in someone's eyes that tells you how that person is really thinking or feeling)

sparkle (SPAHR-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - The lake sparkled in the sunlight.) (2 - His writings sparkle with intelligence.) (2 - We could tell she was happy by the sparkle in her eyes.)

반짝이다, 빛나다, 활기, 번쩍이다 (1. to shine brightly) (2. /fig./ Someone or something that sparkles is energetic, interesting, and exciting)

hoof (ho̲o̲ f, hoof)

발굽 (1. the hard part of the foot of an animal such a horse)

shuffle (SHUHF-u̲h̲ l) (1 - Grandfather shuffled into the kitchen, leaning on his cane.) (2 - When I asked where he'd been, he just stared at the ground and shuffled his feet.) (3 - She shuffled papers on her desk as she waited for the phone to ring. The software lets you shuffle all of your songs or albums with a single click.) (4 - the shuffle of shoes on city sidewalks) (5 - She gave her papers a quick shuffle.) (6 - The top-level shuffle brought Groncki into the White House.)

발을 끌며 걷다, 뒤섞다, 발을 끌며 짧은 스텝으로 추다 (1. to walk by sliding your feet, rather than lifting them as you step) (2. If you _______ your feet, you move your feet slightly because you are uncomfortable or embarrassed) (3. to move things to different positions or into a different order) (4. the act of walking by sliding your feet) (5. the act of moving things to different positions or into a different order) (6. A _______ is also a change in people or their positions in an organization)

bungalow (BUHNG-gu̲h̲-loh)

방갈로 (1. a small house all on one level)

radiate (verb REY-dee-eyt; adjective REY-dee-it, -eyt) (1 - The little stove radiated a surprising amount of heat.) (2 - He simply radiates integrity.) (3 - The major avenues of the city all radiate from this point.)

방사되는, 퍼지다, 발산하다 (1. to send out heat or light, or /of heat or light/ to be sent out) (2. to express strongly an emotion or quality, or /of an emotion or quality/ to be expressed strongly by someone) (3. to spread out from a central point)

phalanx (FEY-langks, FAL-angks) (1 - Bodyguards formed a solid phalanx around the singer so that photographers couldn't get close.) (2 - There are fourteen phalanges in the hand.)

방진, 밀집군, 지골 (1. a large group of people standing very close to each other, usually for the purposes of defence or attack) (2. any one of the small bones of the fingers and toes)

emit (ih-MIT) (1 - The alarm emits a high-pitched sound if anyone tries to break in.) (1 - The regulations require a reduction in harmful emissions.)

방출하다, 내뿜다, 발산하다 (1. to send out light, sound, or a smell, or a gas or other substance)

stunt (stuhnt) (2 - This was not just some publicity stunt.) (3 - Drought has stunted this year's corn crop.)

방해하다, 발육을 가로막다, 발육의 정지 (1. an exciting and often dangerous act, usually performed for use in a movie by someone specially trained) (2. something done mainly to attract attention) (3. to slow or prevent the growth or development of someone or something)

hamper (HAM-per) (1 - High winds hampered efforts to put out the fire.) (2 - a laundry/picnic hamper)

방해하다, 방해물, 큰 바구니 (1. to make an action intended to achieve something more difficult) (2. a large container, often a basket /= container made of strips of wood/, with a lid)

umbilical (uhm-BIL-i-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - The nurse cut the baby's umbilical cord.)

배꼽의, 배꼽에 가까운, 탯줄로 이어진 (1. the long, tube-like structure that connects a baby that has not yet been born to its mother's placenta /= the organ that provides it with food and oxygen/) (2. the tube that connects a baby to its mother before birth and carries oxygen and food to it)

ovulation (OV-yu̲h̲-leyt, OH-vyu̲h̲-leyt-)

배란 (1. the time when a woman or female animal produces an egg)

reparation (rep-u̲h̲-REY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The company paid reparations to the victims of the explosion.)

배상, 배상금, 수선 (1. payment for harm or damage)

consort (noun KON-sawrt, verb ku̲h̲ n-SAWRT) (1 - She warned him against consorting with suspicious characters.)

배우자, 일치하다, 요함 (1. to spend time in the company of particular people)

encyclopedia (en-sahy-klu̲h̲-PEE-dee-u̲h̲)

백과사전 (1. a large collection of information about one or many subjects, often arranged alphabetically in articles in a book or set of books, or available through a computer)

incandescent (in-ku̲h̲ n-DES-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - an incandescent light/bulb incandescence noun [ U ] us ​) (1 - At night, Los Angeles looked like a vast carpet of incandescence.)

백열의, 고온에 의해 생기는, 백열광을 발하는 (1. producing a bright light after being heated to a high temperature)

swan (swon)

백조 (1. any of various types of a large, usually white bird with a long neck that lives on rivers and lakes)

ballast (BAL-u̲h̲ st)

밸러스트, 바닥짐, 자갈 (1. heavy matter such as sand or stone that is used at the bottom of a ship or a hot-air balloon to make it heavier, or the small stones on which railways and roads are made)

indecent (in-DEE-su̲h̲ nt) (1 - Indecent language is not allowed on the radio between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.) (1 - The network received the harshest fine ever imposed for indecency on TV.)

버릇없는, 점잖지 못한, 품위 없는 (1. morally offensive, esp. in a sexual way)

outcast (OUT-kast, -kahst) (1 - a social outcast)

버림받은, 버림받은 사람, 추방자 (1. a person who is not accepted or has no place in society or in a particular group)

omnibus (OM-nu̲h̲-buhs, -bu̲h̲ s) (2 - the omnibus edition of a soap opera)

버스, 총괄적인, 합승 자동차 (1. a book consisting of two or more parts that have already been published separately) (2. a programme consisting of two or more parts that have already been broadcast separately) (3. a bus)

purview (PUR-vyoo) (1 - This case falls outside the purview of this particular court. Some of the bank's lending operations come under/within the purview of the deputy manager, and some are handled directly by the manager.)

범위, 권한, 시야 (1. the limit of someone's responsibility, interest, or activity)

bunker (BUHNG-ker)

벙커, 벙커에 처넣다, 큰 용기 (1. an underground shelter used as protection from bombs)

flea (flee)

벼룩, 벼룩시장, 벌레 (1. a very small jumping insect without wings that feeds on the blood of animals and people)

mural (myo̲o̲ r-u̲h̲ l)

벽의, 벽화, 벽면의 (1. a large picture painted on a wall)

caprice (ku̲h̲-PREES) (1 - The $300 million palace was built to satisfy the caprice of one man.)

변덕, 기상곡, 예측 불허의 변화 (1. /the quality of often having/ a sudden and usually silly wish to have or do something, or a sudden and silly change of mind or behaviour)

fickle (FIK-u̲h̲ l) (1 - He criticized the fickle behavior of football fans who cheer you one week and boo you the next.) (2 - Fickle winds made sailing conditions difficult.)

변덕스러운, 변하기 쉬운, 진심이 없는 (1. likely to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly and without a good reason) (2. The weather is described as ______ if it tends to change suddenly)

whimsical (HWIM-zi-ku̲h̲ l, WIM-) (1 - The songs have a whimsical charm.) (2 - Unfortunately, his decisions are often whimsical.)

변덕스러운, 별난, 종작없는 (1. unusual and using imagination) (2. _________ also describes actions that change suddenly and for no obvious reason)

wayward (WEY-werd) (1 - He was a wayward kid. A wayward ball bounced into the yard.)

변덕스러운, 흔들리는, 고집 센 (1. not behaving or moving as expected)

metamorphosis (met-u̲h̲-MAWR-fu̲h̲-sis) (1 - She underwent a metamorphosis from a steady player into a ruthless aggressor on the court.)

변형, 변태, 변성 (1. a complete change of character, appearance, or condition) (2. _____________ is the process by which the young form of insects, frogs, etc., develops into the adult form.)

epithet (EP-u̲h̲-thet) (1 - a racial epithet His stubbornness earned him the epithet "Senator No.)

별명, 통칭, 통명 (1. a word or phrase used to describe someone, often as an insult)

astral (AS-tru̲h̲ l)

별의, 별로 이루어진, 별이 많은 (1. relating to the stars or outer space) (2. relating to forces that are not known or understood)

annex (verb u̲h̲-NEKS, AN-eks; noun AN-eks, -iks) (1 - The United States annexed parts of Texas and New Mexico, which belonged to Mexico.) (1 - the annexation of Latvia by the Soviet Union) (2 - The old warehouse became an annex of the main store.)

병합하다, 부가물, 합병하다 (1. to take possession of an area of land or a country and add it to a larger area, usually by force) (2. an addition to a building, or another building, used with an existing building)

recompense (REK-u̲h̲ m-pens) (1 - The government seized the land without recompense to the owners.)

보상, 보수, 보답 (1. payment given to someone for an injury suffered, or for the loss of or damage to property)

exemplify (ig-ZEM-plu̲h̲-fahy) (1 - American fashion is exemplified by jeans and T-shirts.)

보여주다, 예이다, 과시하다, 모범이 되다 (1. to be a typical example of something)

ancillary (AN-su̲h̲-ler-ee or, esp. British, an-SIL-u̲h̲-ree) (1 - ancillary staff/workers an ancillary role Campaigning to change government policy is ancillary to the charity's direct relief work.)

보조적인, 부수적인, 보조의 (1. providing support or help)

subservient (su̲h̲ b-SUR-vee-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - In the past, women were viewed as subservient to men.) (1 - Your subservience to your boss disgusts me.)

보조적인, 부차적인, 비굴한 (1. willing to do what other people want, or considering your wishes as less important than those of other people)

sentry (SEN-tree) (1 - Sentries stood guard at the palace.)

보초, 파수, 감시인 (1. a soldier who guards a place and prevents those who are not allowed in from entering)

replenish (ri-PLEN-ish) (1 - We need to replenish our cookie supply.)

보충하다, 보급하다, 다시 채우다 (1. to fill something again, or return something to its earlier condition)

facsimile (fak-SIM-u̲h̲-lee)

복사, 팩시밀리, 모사 (1. an exact copy, esp. of a document) (2. A _________ is also a fax.)

boxer (BOK-ser) (2 - an amateur boxer)

복서, 권투 선수, 의화단, 트렁크 (1. a type of dog of medium size with short, light brown hair and a flat nose) (2. a person who competes in the sport of boxing)

evangelist (ih-VAN-ju̲h̲-list)

복음 전도자, 선교사, 순회 목사 (1. a person who speaks in public and tries to persuade people to become Christians, esp. in the past by traveling and holding religious meetings)

replica (REP-li-ku̲h̲)

복제, 모형, 모조품, 레플리카 , 복원물 (1. a copy of an object)

conglomerate (noun, adjective ku̲h̲ n-GLOM-er-it, ku̲h̲ ng-; verb ku̲h̲ n-GLOM-u̲h̲-reyt, ku̲h̲ ng-)

복합 기업, 둥글게 뭉쳐진, ...을 둥글게 뭉치다 (1. a very large company consisting of several smaller companies or divisions that supply varied products or services)

saw (saw) (2 - a circular saw a hand-held saw) (3 - I sawed off the end of the plank.)

봤다, 톱, 톱질하다 (1. past simple of see) (2. a tool that has a blade with sharp points along one edge, used for cutting hard materials, such as wood or metal) (3. to cut with a saw)

legion (LEE-ju̲h̲ n) (1 - Legions of fans attended the concert.)

부대, 다수, 레기온 (1. a very large group of soldiers who form part of an army, esp. of an ancient Roman army, or any large group of people)

rustle (RUHS-u̲h̲ l) (1 - A sudden breeze rustled the leaves.) (2 - the rustling of papers on the desk) (3 - We heard the rustle of her dress.)

부대끼는 소리 (1. to make soft sounds, or to cause something, such as cloth, paper, or leaves, to make soft sounds) (2. to steal cattle, horses, etc., from a farm or ranch) (3. soft sounds like those made by moving cloth, paper, or leaves)

matrimony (MA-tru̲h̲-moh-nee) (1 - the bonds of matrimony matrimonial adjective [ not gradable ] us ​) (1 - matrimonial advice)

부부 생활, 혼인, 부부 관계 (1. the state of being married)

conjugal (KON-ju̲h̲-gu̲h̲ l) (1 - Prisoners are allowed conjugal visits.)

부부의, 혼인상의, 혼인의 (1. connected with the relationship between married people)

adverb (AD-vurb) (1 - In the sentences, "She smiled cheerfully" and "He waited right outside the door," "cheerfully" and "right" are adverbs.) (1 - an adverbial phrase)

부사 (1. a word that describes or gives more information about another word, esp. a verb, adjective, or other adverb, or about a phrase)

crumble (KRUHM-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - That old wall is starting to crumble.)

부수다, 크럼블, 가루가 되다 (1. to break into small pieces)

caustic (KAW-stik) (1 - a caustic remark chemistry)

부식성의, 부식제, 가성의 (1. strongly critical) (2. _______ means able to burn through things.)

fend (fend)

부양하다, 방어하다, 꾸려가다

contrive (ku̲h̲ n-TRAHYV) (1 - He somehow contrived to get tickets for the concert. [ T ] The two of them are contriving a plan.)

부자연스러운, 고안해내다, 궁리하다, 일부러 저지르다 (1. to arrange for something to happen or be done by being smart or deceiving others)

dearth (durth) (1 - The region is suffering from a dearth of medical specialists.)

부족, 결핍, 기근 (1. an amount of something that is too small: a lack)

bouquet (boh-KEY, boo- for 1, 2; boo-KEY or, occasionally, boh- for 3) (2 - a fruity bouquet)

부케, 꽃다발, 아첨하는 말 (1. a group of flowers that have been attractively arranged so that they can be given as a present or carried on a formal occasion) (2. the smell of something, esp. wine)

septic (SEP-tik) (1 - I had my ears pierced and one of them went septic.)

부패성의, 부패의, 패혈성의 (1. infected by bacteria that produce pus)

arctic (AHRK-tik or especially for 7, AHR-tik) (1 - Arctic air stung New England with freezing temperatures.) (2 - The Arctic is not a barren wasteland.)

북극의, 극지방 (1. extremely cold) (2. the large and extremely cold area around the North Pole)

diverge (dih-VURJ, dahy-) (1 - The tone of the final report isn't likely to diverge much from the earlier report.)

분기하다, 갈라져 나오다, 벗어나다 (1. to go in different directions from the same point, or to become different)

ire (ahyu̲h̲ r) (1 - The team drew the ire of local politicians when it moved to a new stadium outside the city.)

분노, 노여움, ...을 노하게 하다 (1. anger)

secrete (si-KREET) (1 - The thyroid gland secretes hormones that affect growth.) (1 - nasal secretions)

분비물, 감추다, 배출 (1. to produce and release liquid, esp. from the cells or body)

participle (PAHR-tu̲h̲-sip-u̲h̲ l, -su̲h̲-pu̲h̲ l)

분사 (1. a form of a verb, often ending in "-ed" or "-ing" and used with auxiliary verbs to make verb tenses, or to form adjectives)

schism (SIZ-u̲h̲ m, SKIZ-)

분열, 분파, 분리 (1. a division of a group into two opposing groups, esp. in a church)

numerator (NOO-mu̲h̲-rey-ter, NYOO-) (1 - In the fraction , 3 is the numerator.)

분자, 계산자, 계산기 (1. a number above the line in a fraction /= a division of a whole number/)

chagrin (shu̲h̲-GRIN) (1 - We grow lots of squash, much to my children's chagrin.) (1 - She was chagrined to discover her mistake.)

분함, 원통함, 유감 (1. a feeling of being upset, disappointed, or annoyed, esp. because of a failure or mistake)

cripple (KRIP-u̲h̲ l) (1 - Economic sanctions have crippled the country's economy.) (2 - The accident crippled him.)

불구, 마비, 장애, 손상, 심각 (1. to make something much less effective; damage) (2. to cause someone to be unable to move or walk in the usual way because of an injury or illness)

indomitable (in-DOM-i-tu̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - an indomitable spirit/will)

불굴의, 꿋꿋한, 굴하지 않은 (1. /of a person/ strong, brave, and impossible to defeat or make frightened)

ruddy (RUHD-ee) (1 - a ruddy-cheeked girl)

불그레한, 혈색이 좋은 (1. /of a white person's skin/ having a red color, often suggesting good health)

disgruntled (dis-GRUHN-tld) (1 - a disgruntled employee)

불만인, 언짢은, 기분상한 (1. unhappy, annoyed, and disappointed about something)

impervious (im-PUR-vee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - He seems to be impervious to pain. Granite is almost impervious to acid-rain damage.)

불침투성의, 통과시키지 않는, 둔감한 (1. not able to be influenced, hurt, or damaged)

malaise (ma-LEYZ, -mu̲h̲-; French ma-LEZ) (1 - Many think there's a growing moral malaise in society.)

불쾌, 침체, 몸이 불편한 상태 (1. a general feeling of bad health or lack of energy in a person, group, or society)

obnoxious (u̲h̲ b-NOK-shu̲h̲ s) (1 - Can't you express your opinions without being obnoxious?)

불쾌한, 밉살스러운, 싫은 (1. very unpleasant or offensive)

grunt (gruhnt) (1 - I tried to start a conversation, but he just grunted and continued reading.) (1 - The weightlifter raised the bar over his head with a grunt.)

불평하다, 꿀꿀거리다, 좋지 않은 (1. to make a short, low noise, esp. in surprise, pain, or pleasure, or to show that you do not want to talk)

dissonance (DIS-u̲h̲-nu̲h̲ ns) (1 - the jarring dissonance of Klein's musical score formal) (2 - a dissonant combination of sounds)

불협화음, 불일치, 부조화 (1. a combination of sounds or musical notes that are not pleasant when heard together) (2. disagreement)

feud (fyood) (1 - a feud between two influential families fig. The mayor has a longstanding feud with the media.) (1 - The two brothers have been feuding for years.)

불화, 싸움, 반목 (1. an angry and sometimes violent argument that has continued for a long time between two people, families, or groups)

ajar (u̲h̲-JAHR) (1 - I left the door ajar so that I could hear the baby. Note: Used to describe the position of a door.)

불화한, 조금 열린, 서로 용납하지 않는 (1. almost shut; slightly open)

compost (KOM-pohst)

비료를 주다, 퇴비, 혼합 비료 (1. decaying material of plants, unwanted food, etc., added to dirt to improve the growth of new plants)

confide (ku̲h̲ n-FAHYD) (1 - As sisters, they have always confided in each other. [ + that clause ] She confided that most of her clients were actors.)

비밀을 털어놓다, 신뢰하다, 신용하다 (1. to tell something secret or personal to someone whom you trust not to tell anyone else)

undercover (uhn-der-KUHV-er, UHN-der-kuhv-) (1 - an undercover cop)

비밀의, 비밀리에 하는, 은밀한 (1. working secretly to obtain information, esp. for the police)

cryptic (KRIP-tik) (1 - a cryptic message/remark)

비밀의, 숨은, 몸을 숨기기에 알맞은 (1. mysterious and difficult to understand)

despicable (DES-pi-ku̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l, dih-SPIK-u̲h̲-) (1 - It was a despicable effort to blackmail voters.)

비열한, 야비한, 경멸스런 (1. deserving to be hated or strongly criticized)

ignoble (ig-NOH-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - an ignoble action/idea)

비열한, 천한, 비천한 (1. morally bad and making you feel ashamed)

ratify (RAT-u̲h̲-fahy) (1 - Four countries have now ratified the agreement.) (1 - The Senate will consider ratification of the treaty in July.)

비준하다, 통과, 승인하다, 검토, 확인 (1. /esp. of governments or organizations/ to agree in writing to a set of rules, or to officially approve a decision or plan)

jade (jeyd)

비취, 옥, 비취 세공 (1. a precious, usually green stone from which jewelry is made, or a blue-green or yellow-green color)

beet (beet)

비트, 근대, 비트의 식용 뿌리 (1. the small, round, dark red root of a plant, which is cooked and eaten as a vegetable)

slum (sluhm) (1 - She works with children in a rough New Jersey slum.) (2 - Did you feel you were slumming by writing this kind of popular fiction?)

빈민가, 빈민굴, 슬럼가 (1. a very poor and crowded area of a city) (2. to visit a slum, or to work doing something that is not suitable)

deflect (dih-FLEKT) (1 - The ionosphere deflects radio waves. fig. The mayor deflected /= did not answer directly/ questions about his political plans.)

빗나가다, 비끼게하다, 비끼다 (1. to cause something to change direction, or to suddenly go in a different direction)

blatant (BLEYT-nt) (1 - His behavior showed a blatant lack of respect.) (1 - It was a blatantly unfair decision.)

뻔뻔스러운, 야한, 시끄러운 (1. /of an action/ obvious or intentional, and done without worry about what others think)

impudent (IM-pyu̲h̲-du̲h̲ nt) (1 - an impudent child impudence noun [ U ] us ​)

뻔뻔스러운, 염치없는, 건방진 (1. rude and not showing respect)

pimple (PIM-pu̲h̲ l) (1 - a pimply teenager)

뾰루지, 여드름, 작은 것 (1. a small, raised spot on the skin)

sprinkle (SPRING-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - Sprinkle cheese on the pizza.) (3 - We might get a sprinkle today.)

뿌리다, 물을 주다 (1. to scatter a few drops or small pieces of something) (2. Someone who says that it is sprinkling means it is raining lightly.) (3. a light rain)

cider (SAHY-der)

사과술, 사과 주스 (1. apple juice made from crushed apples, used as a drink or to make vinegar)

cadet (ku̲h̲-DET)

사관 후보생, 입헌 민주당원, 사관학교 생도 (1. a student who is training to be a military or police officer)

crook (kro̲o̲ k) (1 - She thinks all politicians are crooks.) (2 - Kids should learn to sneeze and cough into the crooks of their elbows.)

사기꾼, 부정한, 구부리다 (1. a person who is dishonest, esp. someone who cheats or steals) (2. a bent part of something, esp. the inner part)

obituary (oh-BICH-oo-er-ee)

사망의, 사망 기사, 부고 (1. a notice, esp. in a newspaper, of a person's death, usually with details about his or her life)

cyber (1 - cybercrime)

사이버, 컴퓨터의 (1. computer)

cyclone (SAHY-klohn)

사이클론, 열대성 저기압, 선풍 (1. a violent and often destructive storm in which the wind moves very fast in a circular direction)

autograph (AW-tu̲h̲-graf, -grahf) (1 - He thought I was a famous actor and asked for my autograph.)

사인(하다), 서명(하다) (1. a signature, esp. of a famous person) (2. to write your signature on something, often for someone else to keep)

ejaculation (ih-jak-yu̲h̲-LEY-shu̲h̲ n)

사정, 사출, 불시의 외침 (1. the act of ejaculating) (2. something that someone says or shouts suddenly)

sumptuous (SUHMP-choo-u̲h̲ s) (1 - I had never seen such a sumptuous apartment.)

사치스러운, 값비싼, 호화로운 (1. of high quality, and often expensive)

posthumous (POS-chu̲h̲-mu̲h̲ s, -cho̲o̲-) (1 - Dillon was posthumously awarded a Silver Star.)

사후의, 죽은 뒤의, 아버지가 죽은 뒤에 태어난 (1. happening after a person's death)

shatter (SHAT-er) (1 - The earthquake shattered all the windows in the building.) (2 - The defeat shattered her confidence.)

산산이 부서지다, 파괴, 분쇄하다, 풍비박산 (1. to break suddenly or cause something to break suddenly into small pieces) (2. /fig./ To _______ can also mean to end or damage)

promenade (prom-u̲h̲-NEYD, -NAHD) (1 - We strolled along the promenade.)

산책, 산보, 산책길 (1. a wide path for walking on, esp. one built next to a sea, lake, or river) (2. to walk slowly along a street or path, usually where you can be seen by many people, for relaxation and pleasure)

twine (twahyn)

삼실, 삼끈, 꼬다 (1. strong string made by twisting together two or more lengths of string)

quotient (KWOH-shu̲h̲ nt) (1 - King had a full quotient of faults.)

상, 몫, 할당 (1. the degree, rate, or amount of something) (2. A ________ is also the result you get when you divide one number by another.)

ploy (ploi) (1 - a marketing ploy)

상대의 콧대를 꺾는 책략, 횡대에서 종대로 한다, 취미 (1. something that is done or said, often dishonestly, in order to get an advantage; a trick)

commensurate (ku̲h̲-MEN-ser-it, -sher-) (1 - The agency's workload has increased without any commensurate increase in staff.)

상응하는, 맞다, 부합하다, 따르다 (1. suitable in amount or quality compared to something else; matching in degree)

cub (kuhb)

새끼, 새로 태어난, 시카고 컵스, 풋내기 (1. the young of particular wild animals, such as bears and lions)

pensive (PEN-siv) (1 - James was more pensive than usual.) (1 - He gazed pensively out the window.)

생각에 잠긴, 수심에 잠긴, 구슬픈 (1. quiet and thinking seriously)

elliptical (ih-LIP-ti-ku̲h̲ l)

생략적인, 타원형의, 생략법의 (1. shaped like an ellipse)

biochemistry (bahy-oh-KEM-u̲h̲-stree)

생화학, 생화학적 조성 (1. the scientific study of the chemistry of living things, such as animals, plants, and body organs)

pendant (PEN-du̲h̲ nt)

샹들리에, 펜던트, 늘어뜨린 장식 (1. a piece of jewelry worn around the neck consisting of a long chain with an object hanging from it, or the object itself)

prologue (PROH-lawg, -log) (1 - The essay provides a prologue to the book.)

서막, 서언, 프롤로그 (1. a part at the beginning of esp. a play, story, or long poem that introduces it)

simmer (SIM-er) (1 - Add broth and simmer for 15 minutes.) (1 - Bring the water to a simmer.)

서서히 끓다, 부글부글 끓다, 끓어오르기 직전의 상태 (1. to cook a liquid or something with liquid in it at a temperature slightly below boiling)

instill (in-STIL) (1 - My parents instilled in me a love of reading.)

서서히 불어넣다, 주입하다, 주입시키다 (1. to put a feeling, idea, or principle gradually into someone's mind, so that it has a strong influence on the way the person lives)

poop (poop)

선미루, 내막, 선미에 부딪쳐 부서지다 (1. excrement)

pageant (PAJ-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - the Miss Chinatown pageant Our school held a Pageant of Great Women.) (1 - Between games, the traditional pageantry includes the Parade of Champions.)

선발대회, 쇼, 장기자랑, 콘테스트 (1. a show, celebration, or parade /= a large number of people walking or marching together/, esp. one in which people wear special clothing or act out events from the past)

vanguard (VAN-gahrd) (2 - These craftspeople are in the vanguard in the art of modern furniture design.)

선봉, 전위, 전초 (1. the front part of a group of people who are moving forward, esp. an army) (2. The ________ is also the people who are making changes or new developments in something)

nautical (NAW-ti-ku̲h̲ l, NOT-i-)

선원의, 선박의, 해상의 (1. relating to ships, sailing, or people who work on ships)

cactus (KAK-tu̲h̲ s)

선인장 (1. any of a type of plant that grows in the desert, having thick stems for storing water and usually spines /= sharp points/)

rodent (ROHD-nt) (1 - They expect to catch rodents, mostly mice.)

설치류의, 갉기에 적합한, 설치류 동물 (1. a type of small mammal with sharp front teeth)

isle (ahyl)

섬, 제도 (1. an island, esp. a small one)

insular (IN-su̲h̲-ler, INS-yu̲h̲-)

섬의, 섬나라 근성의, 편협한 (1. interested only in your own country or group and not willing to accept different or foreign ideas or people)

regent (REE-ju̲h̲ nt) (1 - the Board of Regents)

섭정, 섭정을 맡고 있는, 평의원 (1. /in the US/ a member of the governing group of a university or educational system)

chateau (sha-TOH; French shah-TOH)

성, 대저택, 큰 별장 (1. a large house, esp. in France, or a castle in France)

anthem (AN-thu̲h̲ m)

성가, 송가, 교창 찬송가 (1. a song that has special importance for a particular group of people or country, often sung on special occasions)

onerous (ON-er-u̲h̲ s, OH-ner-) (1 - The tax bill was aimed at lifting the onerous tax burden from the backs of the middle class.)

성가신, 귀찮은, 부담스러운 (1. causing great difficulty or trouble)

libido (li-BEE-doh) (1 - Symptoms include weight gain, sleep disorders and loss of libido.)

성욕, 성적 충동, 리비도 (1. a person's sexual desire)

sedan (si-DAN)

세단형 자동차, 스당, 프랑스 북동부 도시 (1. a type of car with two or four doors and seats for at least four people)

ordinate (AWR-dn-it, -eyt)

세로 좌표 (1. the second number in a pair; a number on a Y-axis /= line/ that shows the co________ /= place along that line/ of a point)

detergent (dih-TUR-ju̲h̲ nt)

세제 (1. a chemical substance in the form of a powder or a liquid for removing dirt esp. from clothes or dishes)

lull (luhl) (1 - The music lulled the infant to sleep. We were all lulled into thinking they wouldn't do anything.) (2 - a lull in the conversation)

소강, 달래다 (1. to cause someone to feel calm, sleepy, or safe) (2. a period of quiet or reduced activity)

gruesome (GROO-su̲h̲ m) (1 - The movie was pretty gruesome.)

소름 끼치는, 무시무시한, 소름끼치도록 (1. extremely unpleasant and shocking)

excise (noun EK-sahyz, -sahys; verb EK-sahyz, ik-SAHYZ) (2 - The surgeon excised a small tumor from my leg.)

소비세, 삭제하다, 물품세 (1. a tax on some types of goods produced and used within a single country) (2. to remove by cutting)

paucity (PAW-si-tee) (1 - The authorities had to cope with the paucity of information about the effects of the storm.)

소수, 소량, 결핍 (1. the condition of having very little or not enough of something)

eddy (ED-ee) (1 - The water eddied ceaselessly in the wake of the boat.)

소용돌이 (1. /of water, wind, smoke, etc./ to move fast in a circle)

swirl (swurl) (1 - Snowflakes swirled down from the sky. [ I ] fig. Accusations continue to swirl around him. [ T ] I swirled cocoa through the dough.) (1 - We arrived in a swirl of jet fumes.)

소용돌이치다, 소용돌이, 현기증이 나다 (1. to move quickly with a twisting circular movement, or to cause something to move this way)

rifle (RAHY-fu̲h̲ l) (2 - He rifled through the safe, but the diamonds were gone.) (3 - By the game's end, he had rifled two balls out of the ball field.)

소총, 약탈하다, 날리다 (1. a type of gun with a long barrel /= cylindrical part/ which is fired from the shoulder) (2. to search quickly through something, esp. in order to steal something) (3. to hit or throw a ball very hard)

subpoena (su̲h̲-PEE-nu̲h̲, su̲h̲ b-) (1 - to subpoena a witness subpoena noun [ C ] us ​) (1 - The judge issued a subpoena.)

소환장, ...을 소환하다, 벌칙부 소환 영장 (1. to order someone to go to a court of law to answer questions, or to order the appearance of documents in a court of law)

genus (JEE-nu̲h̲ s)

속, 유, 종류 (1. a group of animals or plants that share some characteristics in a larger biological group)

adage (AD-ij) (1 - He remembered the old adage, "Look before you leap.)

속담, 금언, 격언 (1. a wise saying or proverb)

hatchet (HACH-it)

손도끼, 전부, 불룩눈매퉁이속 등의 심해어의 총칭 (1. a tool with a blade that cuts which is attached to a short handle; a small ax)

clap (klap) (1 - She clapped her hands to call the dog in.) (2 - Everyone was clapping and cheering.) (3 - The governor clapped him on the back and congratulated him.) (4 - There were a few claps, and then embarrassing silence.)

손뼉치다, 쿵하는 소리 (1. to make a short, loud noise by hitting your hands together) (2. People will ____ at the end of a speech or a performance to show that they are pleased) (3. to hit someone lightly on the shoulder or back in a friendly way to express pleasure) (4. the act of hitting your hands together to make a short, loud noise, esp. at the end of a speech or performance to show that you are pleased) (5. A ____ of thunder is the sudden, loud noise of thunder.)

trolley (TROL-ee)

손수레, 노면 전차, 전차로 나르다 (1. an electric vehicle that transports people, usually in cities, and goes along metal tracks in the road)

remit (verb, noun ri-MIT; noun REE-mit) (1 - Please remit payment by the 15th of the month.)

송금하다, 면제하다, 보내다 (1. to send money to someone)

emaciated (ih-MEY-shee-ey-tid)

쇠약해진, 여윈, 메마른 (1. /esp. of people and animals/ very thin and weak, usually because of illness or not eating enough)

grenade (gri-NEYD)

수류탄, 수류탄으로 공격하다, 엔진을 못쓰게 하다 (1. a small bomb thrown by hand or shot from a gun)

irreparable (ih-REP-er-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - irreparable damage irreparably adverb [ not gradable ] us ​)

수선할 수 없는, 돌이킬 수 없는, 고칠 수 없는 (1. impossible to repair or make right again)

inscrutable (in-SKROO-tu̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - an inscrutable smile He believes that a certain portion of life must remain inscrutable.)

수수께끼 같은, 헤아릴 수 없는, 불가해한 (1. very difficult to understand or get to know)

enigma (u̲h̲-NIG-mu̲h̲) (1 - He is an enigma to most people.) (1 - an enigmatic smile)

수수께끼, 불가해한 사물, 수수께끼 그림 (1. someone or something that is mysterious and impossible to understand)

somber (SOM-ber) (1 - Raji is in a somber mood today.) (2 - Koch wore his somber blue suit.)

수수한, 어두컴컴한, 침울한 (1. serious and sad in appearance or feeling) (2. ______ colors or clothes are dark and plain)

shroud (shroud) (2 - He cleared the leafy shroud covering the sign.) (3 - The mountains were shrouded in fog. The fate of the explorer is shrouded in mystery.)

수의, ...에 수의를 입히다, 가리다 (1. a cloth used to wrap a dead body before it is buried) (2. A ______ is also anything that covers) (3. to cover or hide something)

veterinarian (vet-er-u̲h̲-NAIR-ee-u̲h̲ n, ve-tru̲h̲-) (1 - He is the chief veterinarian for the zoo and deals with all kinds and sizes of animals.) (1 - The practice of veterinary medicine has become very sophisticated.)

수의사 (1. a person trained in the medical treatment of animals)

rectify (REK-tu̲h̲-fahy) (1 - I hadn't meant to cause trouble, and asked what I could do to rectify the situation.)

수정하다, 고치다, 정류하다 (1. to correct or make right)

itinerant (ahy-TIN-er-u̲h̲ nt, ih-TIN-) (1 - itinerant farm workers)

순회하는, 순회자, 편력자 (1. /of a person/ traveling from one place to another, usually to work for a short period)

suffocate (SUHF-u̲h̲-keyt) (1 - The government warned parents yesterday not to let infants sleep on small plastic pillows because the babies could suffocate.)

숨차다, ...을 숨차게 하다, 숨이 막히다 (1. to die because of a lack of oxygen, or to kill someone by preventing that person from breathing)

hiss (his) (1 - We heard the loud hiss of escaping gas.)

쉿, 히스 (1. to make a noise like the sound of the letter "s")

permeate (PUR-mee-eyt) (1 - The smell of detergent and bleach permeated the air.)

스며들다, 퍼지다, 배어들다, 보급되다 (1. to spread through something and be present in every part of it)

robotic (ROH-bu̲h̲ t, -bot) (1 - He spoke in a robotic monotone.)

스스로 움직이는, 기계적인, 딱딱한 (1. /of a person or someone's behavior/ like a robot in seeming to be mechanical or automatic)

espionage (ES-pee-u̲h̲-nahzh, -nij, es-pee-u̲h̲-NAHZH) (1 - industrial espionage)

스파이 행위, 첩보 활동, 간첩행위 (1. the discovering of a country's or business organization's secrets by using spies /= people who secretly gather information within a country or organization/)

bog (bog, bawg)

습지, 소택 지대, 습지대 (1. an area of soft, wet earth)

spinach (SPIN-ich) (1 - a spinach salad)

시금치, 그 잎, 돈 (1. a vegetable that has wide, dark green leaves that are eaten cooked or raw)

wither (wit̲h̲ -er) (1 - Hot, dry weather withered the peanut crop in the southeast. [ I ] fig. Public interest in the scandal will not wither away any time soon.)

시들다, 쇠퇴하다, 위축시키다, 활기를 잃다, 부식되다 (1. to become, or cause something to become, weak, dry, and smaller)

tribulation (trib-yu̲h̲-LEY-shu̲h̲ n)

시련, 고난, 재난 (1. a problem or difficulty)


시어, 인도의 중량 단위, 선각자 (1. a person who says he or she can see what will happen in the future)

municipal (myoo-NIS-u̲h̲-pu̲h̲ l) (1 - municipal services)

시의, 지방자치의 (1. of or belonging to a town or city)

grocer (GROH-ser)

식료 잡화점 (1. a person who owns or works in a store selling food)

pantry (PAN-tree)

식료품이나 식기를 두는 방, 위, 식료품 저장실 (1. a small room or storage area near a kitchen, where food is kept)

neurotic (no̲o̲-ROT-ik, nyo̲o̲-) (1 - a deep-seated neurotic fear of flying)

신경의, 신경증의, 신경 과민의 (1. related to or having unreasonable anxiety or unusual behavior) (2. a ________ person)

congregation (kong-gri-GEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - a congregation of 300 members)

신도, 회중, 집회, 교구 (1. a group of people gathered together for religious worship)

pungent (PUHN-ju̲h̲ nt) (1 - pungent odors)

신랄한, 자극적인, 찌르듯이 자극하는 (1. /of a smell or taste/ very strong, sometimes in an unpleasant way)

con (kon) (1 - I know when I'm being conned.) (2 - a con game/job It was a con, and he fooled us all.)

신용 사기의, 속이다, 신용 사기 (1. to deceive someone by using a trick, or to cheat someone of money) (2. something done to trick or deceive someone)

credence (KREED-ns) (1 - I'd heard rumors over the years, but I never gave them any credence whatsoever.)

신용, 믿음, 신뢰 (1. acceptance, support, or belief that something is true)

blunder (BLUHN-der) (1 - His failure to respond immediately to the accusations was a major political blunder.) (1 - He feared he had blundered.)

실수하다, 머뭇머뭇 걷다 (1. a big mistake, especially one resulting from a lack of care or thought)

repugnant (ri-PUHG-nu̲h̲ nt) (1 - The trade in wild animals was repugnant to most people.)

싫은, 불쾌한, 일치하지 않는 (1. causing a feeling of strong dislike or disgust)

interrogate (in-TER-u̲h̲-geyt) (1 - We were stopped at the border and interrogated for hours by the police.) (1 - Police brought in the suspect for a lengthy interrogation.)

심문하다, ...에게 질문하다, ...을 따져 묻다 (1. to ask someone many questions in a formal situation, often in a forceful way that can be seen as threatening)

cardiac (KAHR-dee-ak) (1 - cardiac surgery)

심장의, 심장병 환자, 분문의 (1. of the heart or heart disease)

referee (ref-u̲h̲-REE) (1 - Fans booed the referee's call.) (1 - He volunteered to referee the game.)

심판, 판정, 주심, 심사단, 신원보증 (1. /in some sports/ a person who controls a game and makes sure the rules are followed, or more generally a person who helps to find a fair solution to a disagreement)

tithe (tahyt̲h̲)

십일조, 10분의 1세, ...에 십일조를 물리다 (1. a tenth part of someone's produce or income that they give or pay as a tax to the Church)

sledge (slej)

썰매, ...을 썰매로 나르다, 썰매로 가다 (1. an object used for travelling over snow and ice with long, narrow strips of wood or metal under it instead of wheels. It can be either a low frame, or a vehicle like a carriage pulled by horses or dogs.) (2. to ride or travel on snow using a sledge)

sleigh (sley) (1 - a sleigh ride)

썰매, 썰매로 가다, 썰매에 타다 (1. a large sled /= vehicle for traveling over snow and ice/ pulled by animals, esp. horses)

sled (sled) (1 - The children are playing in the snow with their sleds.)

썰매, 썰매를 타다 (1. a vehicle used for carrying people or goods over snow and ice, having narrow strips of wood or metal on the bottom instead of wheels) (2. to ride on a ____ over snow or ice, esp. in play)

cozy (KOH-zee)

아늑한 (1. comfortable, pleasant, and inviting, esp. /of a room or building/ because small and warm)

snug (snuhg) (1 - Are you nice and snug in that sleeping bag?) (2 - snug blue jeans)

아늑한, 편안하게, 편히 쉬다 (1. warm, comfortable, and protected) (2. fitting closely or tightly)

magnanimity (mag-nu̲h̲-NIM-i-tee) (1 - The team's manager was magnanimous in victory, and praised the losing team.) (1 - "The best man won," he said, magnanimously conceding defeat.) (2 - The Yankees' manager was magnanimous in defeat, praising Seattle for its fine play.)

아량, 관대함, 도량이 큼 (1. very kind and generous towards an enemy or someone you have defeated) (2. generous and kind, esp. toward a competitor or enemy)

amalgamation (u̲h̲-mal-gu̲h̲-MEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The association was formed by the amalgamation of several regional environmental organizations. The company began as an amalgamation of small family firms.)

아말감법, 합동, 합병 (1. the process in which separate organizations unite to form a larger organization or group, or an organization or group formed in this way)

atlas (AT-lu̲h̲ s) (1 - a road atlas)

아틀라스, 지도책 (1. a book containing maps)

fiend (feend) (1 - Who was the fiend who designed such ugly clothes?) (2 - a chocolate fiend)

악령, 열중하는 사람, 열광자 (1. an evil or cruel person or spirit) (2. A _____ can also be a person who likes something in an extreme way)

flagrant (FLEY-gru̲h̲ nt) (1 - a flagrant violation of the rules flagrantly adverb us ​) (1 - He flagrantly broke the law.)

악명 높은, 극악한, 명백한 (1. shocking because of being so bad and so obvious)

crocodile (KROK-u̲h̲-dahyl)

악어, 크로코다일 (1. a large, hard-skinned reptile /= type of animal/ with a longer and narrower nose than that of an alligator which lives in and near rivers and lakes in hot, wet places)

malevolent (mu̲h̲-LEV-u̲h̲-lu̲h̲ nt) (1 - a malevolent juvenile delinquent)

악의 있는, 남의 불행을 기뻐하는, 심술궂은 (1. causing or wanting to cause harm or evil)

stink (stingk) (1 - Your feet stink.) (2 - The music scene here stinks.) (3 - City employees are raising a stink over the plan.) (4 - I can't stand the stink of rotten meat.)

악취, 악취를 풍기다, 고약한 냄새 (1. to smell very unpleasant) (2. to be extremely bad or unpleasant) (3. a negative reaction from a group of people or from the public) (4. a very unpleasant smell)

rascal (RAS-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - The group includes thieves, politicians, and rascals of every sort.)

악한, 악당, 불량배의 (1. a person who behaves badly or dishonestly but who is usually likable)

deteriorate (dih-TEER-ee-u̲h̲-reyt) (1 - She went into the hospital when her condition began to deteriorate.) (1 - a deterioration in relations between the two countries)

악화되다, 나쁘게 하다, 악화시키다 (1. to become worse)

exacerbate (ig-ZAS-er-beyt, ek-SAS-) (1 - Her allergy was exacerbated by the dust.)

악화시키다, 더하게 하다, 더욱 심하게 하다 (1. to make something that is already bad worse)

usher (UHSH-er) (1 - The guard ushered the jury members into the courtroom.) (1 - The usher showed us to front-row seats.)

안내하다 (1. to show someone where to go or where to sit)

euthanasia (yoo-thu̲h̲-NEY-zhu̲h̲, -zhee-u̲h̲, -zee-u̲h̲)

안락사, 안락사술 (1. the killing of someone who is very ill to end the person's suffering)

quay (kee, key, kwey)

안벽, 부두, 선창 (1. a long, usually stone structure beside water, where boats can be tied up and their goods can be loaded or unloaded)

squat (skwot) (1 - He squatted down and picked up some pebbles.) (2 - Mickey was a squat, dark man with a ragged beard.)

앉다, 쪼그림, 스쿼트, 무단 거주, 오리걸음 (1. to position yourself close to the ground by bending your legs under you and balancing on the front part of your feet) (2. short and wide)

spawn (spawn) (2 - Salmon swim up rivers and streams to spawn. [ T ] fig. Generous loans have spawned hundreds of small businesses /= caused them to be started/.)

알, 낳다, 산란하다 (1. the eggs of fish) (2. /esp. of fish/ to lay eggs)

pellet (PEL-it) (1 - shotgun pellets plastic pellets)

알갱이 (1. a small, hard, ball-shaped or tube-shaped piece of any substance)

acquaint (u̲h̲-KWEYNT) (1 - The museum offers workshops to acquaint children with the world of radio.)

알다, 가까워지다, 정통하다, 안면이 있다 (1. to give someone information about something)

cipher (SAHY-fer) (1 - We spent a lot of time figuring out the enemy's cipher.) (2 - In the hands of a lesser actor, the role could have easily been a cipher.)

암호, 부호 (1. a system of writing that most people cannot understand, so that the message is secret; a code) (2. a zero, or a person or thing that has no value or importance)

compress (verb ku̲h̲ m-PRES; noun KOM-pres) (1 - Snow in the crater compresses into a fastest-growing glacier. Firmly compress the dirt in the pot to hold the plant upright.) (2 - Four years of normal mortgage business is being compressed into two months.) (2 - data compression) (3 - Apply warm compresses to the infected area.)

압축하다, 습포 (1. to press something into a smaller space) (2. To ________ also means to shorten something so that it takes less time) (3. a thick, soft piece of cloth that is pressed to a part of a person's body esp. to help a healing process)

vindictive (vin-DIK-tiv) (1 - She was immature, spiteful, even vindictive at times.)

앙심을 품은, 보복적인, 집념이 강한 (1. having or showing a desire to harm someone because you think that the person has harmed you; unwilling to forgive)

encore (AHNG-kawr, -kohr, AHN-) (1 - The audience demanded encore after encore.)

앙코르!, 재청, 재청이오! (1. the performance of an additional song or piece of music after a show has formally ended, or the word people sometimes call out while clapping to request this performance)

equivocal (ih-KWIV-u̲h̲-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - She gave an equivocal response.)

애매한, 분명치 않은, 수상쩍은 (1. /of statements/ unclear and seeming to have two opposing meanings, or /of actions or ways of behaving/ confusing and able to be understood in two different ways)

caterpillar (KAT-u̲h̲-pil-er, KAT-er-)

애벌레 (1. a small animal with a narrow body and many legs, and which feeds on the leaves of plants and later develops into a butterfly or moth /= flying insect/)

savage (SAV-ij) (1 - savage beasts He writes about people who are savage and cruel.) (1 - savagely attacked) (3 - The performance was savaged by the media.)

야만적인, 잔인한, 야생의, 무자비한, 치열한 (1. /of an animal/ wild and fierce, or /of a remark or action/ violently cruel) (2. someone who is thought to be in a wild state and to have no experience of a civilized society /= highly developed society/) (3. to criticize someone cruelly)

lurid (lo̲o̲ r-id) (1 - She told me all the lurid details of her divorce.)

야한, 타는 듯이 붉은, 무시무시한 (1. shocking because involving violence or sex)

gaudy (GAW-dee) (1 - He was wearing a gaudy Hawaiian shirt.)

야한, 현란한, 대만찬회 (1. having too many bright colors)

vita (VAHY-tu̲h̲, VEE-; Latin WEE-tah)

약력, 이력서, curriculum vitae

loot (loot) (1 - Riot police were sent to prevent the mob from looting.) (2 - The officers of the corporation looted the company of millions of dollars.) (3 - Three men have been sentenced to prison for taking part in the robbery, but the loot was never recovered.)

약탈하다, 전리품, 돈 (1. /said esp. of large numbers of people/ to steal from stores) (2. To ____ something is also to take a lot of money away from it that does not belong to you) (3. money or valuable objects that have been stolen)

flimsy (FLIM-zee) (1 - a flimsy dress a flimsy building) (2 - They convicted the defendant on very flimsy evidence.)

약한, 얇은, 가는, 뻔한, 허술한 (1. /of material/ very thin, or /of a structure or object/ badly made and weak, and therefore easily broken or destroyed) (2. ______ also means weak and not persuasive)

infirm (in-FURM)

약한, 허약한, 약해진 (1. physically or mentally weak, esp. because of old age or illness)

fiance (fee-ahn-SEY, fee-AHN-sey) (1 - I'd like you to meet Irene, my fiancée.)

약혼자, 약혼 중인 남성 (1. a person who has formally promised to marry another)

tenuous (TEN-yoo-u̲h̲ s) (1 - The aging dictator's hold on power is tenuous.)

얇은, 빈약한, 보잘것없는 (1. weak, unimportant, or in doubt)

sock (sok) (2 - He socked his brother in the eye.)

양말, 삭스 (1. a covering for your foot, worn inside a shoe and made of soft material) (2. to hit someone)

scruple (SKROO-pu̲h̲ l) (1 - He has scruples about going out with his students.)

양심의 가책, 망설임, 미량 (1. a strong belief about what is right or wrong that governs your actions)

quantum (KWON-tu̲h̲ m)

양자, 몫, 분량 (1. the smallest amount of energy that can be measured)

brew (broo) (1 - He's working on a new way to brew the perfect cup of coffee.) (2 - I felt that trouble was brewing.)

양조하다, 끓이다, 꾸미다 (1. /of tea or coffee/ to become stronger in taste in the container in which it is made, or to make a hot drink or beer) (2. If something bad is brewing, it is about to start) (3. beer or another drink made by brewing)

fleece (flees) (1 - Polyester fleeces are especially popular to provide warmth in coats.) (2 - He was fleecing investors by setting up bogus companies and then manipulating the price of their stocks.)

양털, 털을 깎다, 흰 구름 (1. the wool of a sheep, or a soft, artificial material that looks like wool) (2. to charge too much money or cheat someone)

budge (buhj) (1 - The demonstrators would not budge from the governor's office. [ T ] We tried to open a window but couldn't budge any of them.)

어린 양의 모피, 움직이기 시작하다, 바꾸다 (1. to move or cause someone or something to move)

stifle (STAHY-fu̲h̲ l) (1 - It is the responsibility of schools to encourage learning, not to stifle it.)

억누르다, 질식시키다, 숨막히게 하다 (1. to prevent something from happening, being expressed, or continuing)

burly (BUR-lee) (1 - Two burly men pushed the car to the side of the road.)

억센, 퉁명스러운, 건장한 (1. /of a person/ large and strong)

oppress (u̲h̲-PRES) (1 - In his speech he spoke against those who continue to oppress the poor.) (2 - He's feeling oppressed by the approach of a deadline.) (2 - There's less oppression and freer speech here now.) (2 - It was oppressively hot on the bus.) (2 - They're not the powerful oppressors that society says they are.)

억압하다, 탄압하다, 억누르다 (1. to govern people in an unfair and cruel way and prevent them from having opportunities and freedom) (2. to make a person feel uncomfortable or anxious)

inflection (in-FLEK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Phyllis replies without any particular inflection in her voice, "I guess I'm lazy.) (2 - "Gets," "got," and "gotten" are inflections of the verb "get.)

억양, 굴절, 어형 변화 (1. change in the quality of the voice, often showing an emotion) (2. a change in a word form or ending to show a difference in the word's meaning or use)

cadence (KEYD-ns) (1 - She spoke in the lyrical cadence of her East African accent.)

억양, 리듬, 운율 (1. a regular rise and fall of sound, esp. of the human voice)

intonation (in-toh-NEY-shu̲h̲ n, -tu̲h̲-)

억양, 인토네이션, 어조 (1. the sound changes produced by the rise and fall of the voice when speaking)

forbear (fawr-BAIR) (1 - His plan was such a success that even his original critics could scarcely forbear from congratulating him. The doctor said she was optimistic about the outcome of the operation but forbore to make any promises at this early stage.)

억제하다, 참고 견디다, 참다 (1. to prevent yourself from saying or doing something, especially in a way that shows control, good judgment, or kindness to others) (2. a forebear )

dictum (DIK-tu̲h̲ m) (1 - He followed the famous American dictum "Don't get mad, get even".)

언명, 격언, 속담 (1. a short statement, especially one expressing advice or a general truth)

visage (VIZ-ij)

얼굴, 용모, 외관 (1. the face)

taut (tawt) (1 - She tightened the strings of the guitar to make them taut. fig. The story is a taut /= exciting, with fast action/ psychological drama.)

엄격한, 팽팽하게 친, 팽팽한 (1. stretched tightly; tight)

emulation (em-yu̲h̲-LEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - They hope to emulate the success of other software companies. Fitzgerald is eager to emulate Martin's record of three successive world titles.) (2 - Officials are looking to emulate successful ideas from other cities. He just wants to emulate his dad.)

에뮬레이션, 대등하게 되려고 본뜸, 경쟁 (1. to copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well as they have) (2. to copy someone's behavior or try to be like someone else because you admire or respect that person)

stag (stag)

여성을 동반하지 않는, 성숙한 수사슴, 다른 동물의 수컷 (1. an adult male deer)

gaunt (gawnt) (1 - He's always been thin, but now he looks gaunt, his skin stretched tight over his bones.)

여윈, 황량한, 수척한 (1. very thin, esp. because of illness or hunger)

trek (trek) (1 - Many people trekked for miles to reach safety.) (1 - It's a long trek from the railroad station to the stadium.)

여행하다, 긴 거리를 여행하다 (1. to walk a long way or with some difficulty)

kite (kahyt) (1 - On windy days the kids fly their kites in the park.)

연 (1. a light frame covered with plastic, paper, or cloth that is flown in the wind at the end of a long string, esp. for amusement)

ointment (OINT-mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - germicidal ointment)

연고 (1. a thick, oily substance, usually containing medicine, that is put on skin where you feel sore or on an injury)

alchemy (AL-ku̲h̲-mee) (2 - She manages, by some extraordinary alchemy, to turn the most ordinary of ingredients into the most delicious of dishes.)

연금술, 연단술, 마력 (1. a type of chemistry, especially in the Middle Ages, that dealt with trying to find a way to change ordinary metals into gold and with trying to find a medicine that would cure any disease) (2. a process that is so effective that it seems like magic)

praxis (PRAK-sis) (1 - She is interested in both the theory and praxis of criminology.)

연습, 실습, 응용 (1. the process of using a theory or something that you have learned in a practical way)

rendition (ren-DISH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - new renditions of old Beatles tunes)

연주, 번역, 연출 (1. a particular way in which music is performed or a drawing or painting is produced or appears)

fallow (FAL-oh) (1 - Farmers are eligible for government support if they let a certain amount of land lie fallow.) (2 - After a long fallow period, the author has brought out a new book.)

연한 황갈색의, 경작하지 않은, 휴한지 (1. ______ land is not planted with crops, in order to improve the quality of the soil) (2. A ______ period of time is one in which very little happens)

enumerate (ih-NOO-mu̲h̲-reyt, ih-NYOO-) (1 - The salesman enumerated the features of the car.)

열거하다, ...을 하나하나 열거하다, 차례로 들다 (1. to name things separately, one by one)

avid (AV-id) (1 - Knowles is an avid runner and cross-country skier.) (1 - We listened avidly to the news from our secret radios.)

열렬한, 열심인, 몹시 탐내는 (1. extremely eager or interested)

ardor (AHR-der) (1 - She fires off the facts, yet lets her ardor for her cause come through. Her ardor for basketball impressed me.)

열정, 열의, 정열 (1. strong emotion, or great enthusiasm or excitement)

peep (peep) (1 - He peeped over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching.) (2 - Daisies were peeping through the turf.) (3 - She's too scared to make a peep.)

엿보다, 드러나다 (1. to look quickly and often secretly) (2. If something peeps up or out, it has just begun to appear) (3. a sound, or a spoken word)

nourish (NUR-ish, NUHR-) (1 - Candy isn't very nourishing.) (1 - A young baby gets its nourishment from its mother's milk.)

영양분을 공급하다, 육성하다, 풍요롭게 하다 (1. to provide people or animals with food in order to make them grow and keep them healthy)

nutritious (noo-TRISH-u̲h̲ s, nyoo-)

영양분이 풍부한, 건강에 좋은, 양식 (1. containing substances your body needs and can use to stay healthy)

primate (PRAHY-meyt or especially for 1, PRAHY-mit)

영장류, 수석 주교, 대주교 (1. a member of the most developed and intelligent group of mammals, including humans, monkeys, and apes)

clout (klout) (1 - The small firms banded together so they would have more clout in Washington.)

영향력 (1. power and influence over other people or events) (2. to hit someone heavily with the hand or an object)

flick (flik) (1 - Brina flicked her hair over her shoulder. [ M ] He flicked the light switch on/off. [ I always + adv/prep ] She flicked through the pages of a magazine /= turned them quickly/.) (2 - Do you want to go to a flick tonight?)

영화, 가볍게 치기, 튀기기 (1. to make a short, sudden movement that causes something to move) (2. a movie)

shack (shak) (1 - The family lived in a one-room shack.)

오두막집, 판잣집, 동거하다 (1. a simple, small building)

pastime (PAS-tahym, PAHS-) (1 - Hockey is Canada's national pastime.)

오락, 취미, 여가, 기분전환 (1. an activity that is done for enjoyment)

cater (KEY-ter) (1 - Who catered your party? caterer noun [ C ] us ​) (1 - an experienced caterer)

오락을 제공하다, 네 끗, 음식·서비스 등을 제공하다 (1. to provide food and drinks for an occasion or event)

fallacy (FAL-u̲h̲-see) (1 - It is a common fallacy that only men are good at math.) (1 - a fallacious argument)

오류, 착오, 허위 (1. a false belief)

imperious (im-PEER-ee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - She was a very imperious, arrogant woman.)

오만한, 고압적인, 도도한 (1. with an attitude of authority and expecting obedience)

oasis (oh-EY-sis)

오아시스, 안식처 (1. an area in a desert where there is water and trees can grow)

cucumber (KYOO-kuhm-ber) (1 - Cucumbers are usually sliced and eaten raw in salads.)

오이, 그 열매 (1. a long, thin vegetable that has a dark green outer skin and is pale green inside)

piss (pis) (1 - There was piss all over the floor. I need a piss. He's having a piss.) (2 - That dog keeps pissing on our fence.)

오줌, 오줌 누다, 제기랄 (1. urine) (2. to pass urine) (3. to urinate over yourself and the clothes you are wearing)

rabble (RAB-u̲h̲ l)

오합지졸, 교반봉, 무질서한 군중 (1. the mass of people who are ordinary, unimportant, and poor, and sometimes threatening)

noose (noos)

올가미, ...을 올가미로 잡다, 구속물 (1. one end of a rope tied to form a circle which can be tightened around something, such as a person's neck to hang /= kill/ the person)

bigotry (BIG-u̲h̲-tree) (1 - racial/religious bigotry)

완고, 편협한 행위, 편협 (1. strong, unreasonable ideas, esp. about race or religion)

integral (IN-ti-gru̲h̲ l, in-TEG-ru̲h̲ l) (1 - Taking a ride on the canals of Venice is an integral part of experiencing that city.)

완전한, 필수의, 전체 (1. necessary and important as a part of a whole, or contained within it)

chaff (chaf, chahf)

왕겨, 놀리다, 채프, 쌀겨, 파편 (1. the outer layer that is separated from grains such as wheat before they are used as food) (2. dried grass and stems when used to feed cattle)

bran (bran) (1 - We had bran muffins for breakfast.)

왕겨, 밀기울, 겨를 넣은 물에 담그다 (1. the outer covering of grain that is separated when making white flour and is valued as a food for its fiber)

outlying (OUT-lahy-ing) (1 - Many of the students come from outlying areas.)

외딴, 외진, 외부의 (1. away from the center or main area)

exclaim (ik-SKLEYM) (1 - She exclaimed with delight when she saw the baby.)

외치다, 감탄하다 (1. to say or shout something suddenly because of surprise, fear, pleasure, etc.)

knack (nak) (1 - There's a knack to using this quick-drying paint.)

요령, 재주, 소질, 기교, 기술 (1. an ability or special method for doing something easily and well)

epitome (ih-PIT-u̲h̲-mee) (1 - He was the epitome of the fashionable gentleman.) (1 - His recordings came to epitomize American popular singing at its finest.)

요약, 개요, 전형 (1. the typical or highest example of a stated quality, as shown by a particular person or thing)

amorous (AM-er-u̲h̲ s)

요염한, 호색적인, 호색의 (1. of or relating to romantic love)

gist (jist) (1 - The gist of what she said was that I didn't know what I was talking about.)

요점, 골자, 요지 (1. the main subject, without details, of a piece of information)

mercenary (MUR-su̲h̲-ner-ee) (2 - I don't trust his motives - he's too mercenary.)

용병, 고용된, 돈만 바라는 (1. a soldier who fights for a foreign country or group for pay) (2. interested only in the money that can be obtained from a situation)

glossary (GLOS-u̲h̲-ree, GLAW-su̲h̲-)

용어 사전, 용어 해설, 용어 풀이 (1. an alphabetical list of difficult, technical, or foreign words in a text along with explanations of their meanings)

weld (weld) (1 - Iron spikes were welded to the railing around the embassy.) (1 - A weld on the base of the chair had broken.) (1 - He works as a welder.)

용접하다, 용접, 남유럽산 물푸레나뭇과의 풀 (1. to join pieces of metal together permanently by melting the parts that touch, or to join one piece of metal to another in this way)

ascendancy (u̲h̲-SEN-du̲h̲ n-see) (1 - They are in danger of losing their political ascendancy /= controlling power/. Supporters of the proposal are currently in the ascendancy over its opponents /= are more powerful than them/.)

우세, 우월, 주도권 (1. a position of power, strength, or success)

circumvent (sur-ku̲h̲ m-VENT, SUR-ku̲h̲ m-vent) (1 - Young people still want to circumvent their parents' control.)

우회하다, ...을 포위하다, 일주하다 (1. to avoid something by going around it)

throb (throb) (1 - His head throbbed with pain.) (1 - We could feel the throb of the music from the party upstairs.)

욱식욱신 쑤시다, 설레다, 지근거리다 (1. to produce a regular, forceful beat)

oration (aw-REY-shu̲h̲ n, oh-REY-) (1 - a funeral oration)

웅변, 식사, 연설 (1. a formal public speech about a serious subject)

grandiose (GRAN-dee-ohs) (1 - grandiose buildings grandiose plans)

웅장한, 당당한, 웅대한 (1. very large or wonderful, or intended to seem great and important)

sickle (SIK-u̲h̲ l)

원형 낫, 낫 모양의 별무리, 낫 모양의 것 (1. a tool with a short handle and a curved blade, used for cutting grass and other plants)

archetype (AHR-ki-tahyp)

원형, 전형, 모범 (1. the original model or a perfect example of something)

menstruation (men-stroo-EY-shu̲h̲ n, -STREY-)

월경, 생리, 초경 (1. the flow of blood from a woman's uterus)

laurel (LAWR-u̲h̲ l, LOR-)

월계관 (1. a small evergreen tree that has shiny, dark green leaves and black berries /= small round fruit/)

wafer (WEY-fer) (1 - chocolate wafers)

웨이퍼, 면병, ...을 봉하다 (1. a very thin, dry cookie that is often sweet and flavored)

cant (kant) (1 - Shelley's friendship with Byron was rooted in their shared contempt for cant and hypocrisy.) (3 - Speak up! I can't hear you.) (4 - Can't you just take the dress back to the shop if it doesn't fit?)

위선적인 말, 돌각, 기울다 (1. statements, especially on religious or moral subjects, that are not sincerely believed by the person making them) (2. special words used by a particular group of people such as thieves, lawyers, or priests, often in order to keep things secret) (3. short form of cannot) (4. often used to suggest that someone should do a particular thing, especially when it seems the obvious thing to do)

camouflage (KAM-u̲h̲-flahzh) (1 - The leafhopper is a little green insect that uses camouflage to blend in with the colors of the leaves.) (3 - The guns are dug in and camouflaged. fig.Her quiet voice camouflages the fierce competitor within her.)

위장하다, 위장, 감추다 (1. a condition in which the appearance of someone or something when placed against a background makes the person or thing difficult or impossible to see) (2. In military use, __________ is an appearance designed to hide soldiers and equipment on the ground, esp. from being seen by enemy aircraft, by making them look like their surroundings.) (3. to hide soldiers and equipment on the ground from enemies by making them look like their surroundings)

jeopardy (JEP-er-dee) (1 - Bad investments have put the company's future in jeopardy.)

위험, 위난, 위험성 (1. Something in ________ is in danger of being damaged or destroyed)

virulent (VIR-yu̲h̲-lu̲h̲ nt, VIR-u̲h̲-) (1 - a virulent strain of flu) (2 - virulent speech Several newspapers mounted virulent attacks.)

유독한, 악의 있는, 독이 있는 (1. /of a disease/ dangerous and spreading quickly, or /of poison/ having an effect very quickly) (2. fierce and full of hate)

miscarriage (mis-KAR-ij; for 1 also MIS-kar-ij) (2 - He spent nine years in prison for a crime he didn't commit - it was a great miscarriage of justice.)

유산, 실패, 실책 (1. an early, unintentional end to a pregnancy) (2. A ___________ of justice is a wrong decision in a court of law, or any unfair decision)

legacy (LEG-u̲h̲-see) (1 - the bitter legacy of a civil war)

유산, 업적, 결과, 여파, 유물 (1. something that is a result of events in the past) (2. A ______ is also money or property left to a person by someone who has died.)

testator (TES-tey-ter, te-STEY-ter)

유언자, 유효한 유언을 남기고 죽은 사람

mellow (MEL-oh) (1 - a mellow flavor/tone) (2 - He looks mellow on stage, but he's always tense before the show.) (3 - The bright orange of the fresh paint mellowed as it dried. [ T ] Those medicinal herbs can be mixed with more appetizing herbs /= herbs that taste better/ to mellow their flavors.) (4 - She used to be very impatient, but she's mellowed.)

유유자적하는, 부드러운, 원숙한, 원만한 (1. pleasing because of being smooth, soft, or well developed and not too sharp, bright, new, or rough) (2. /of a person or mood/ relaxed and pleasant) (3. to become more pleasing because of becoming more smooth, soft, or well developed and less sharp, bright, new, or rough) (4. /of a person or mood/ to become more relaxed and pleasant)

synonym (SIN-u̲h̲-nim) (1 - Pleasant and agreeable are synonyms.)

유의어, 동의어 (1. a word or phrase that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase)

salutary (SAL-yu̲h̲-ter-ee) (1 - The effects of such a decision would not be salutary.)

유익한, 건강에 좋은, 건전한 (1. causing improvement of behavior or character)

bereaved (bih-REEVD)

유족, 사별한, 유족이 된 (1. having had a close family member or friend die) (2. the people who are sad because someone close to them has died)

bequest (bih-KWEST) (1 - Her will included large bequests to charity.)

유증, 유산, 유물 (1. the money or property that someone, after death, gives to someone else)

facile (FAS-il or, esp. British, -ahyl) (1 - He does not permit himself facile answers.)

유창한, 손쉬운, 수월하게 활동하는 (1. easy or too easy; not needing effort)

larva (LAHR-vu̲h̲)

유충, 애벌레 (1. a young insect that has left its egg but has not yet developed wings, or the young of some animals)

hilarious (hi-LAIR-ee-u̲h̲ s, -LAR-, hahy-) (1 - Her jokes are absolutely hilarious.)

유쾌한, 법석대는, 즐거운 (1. extremely amusing and causing a lot of laughter)

utopia (yoo-TOH-pee-u̲h̲) (1 - The idea of America as utopia has recurred throughout our history. [ C ] When plans to rebuild the neighborhood were first announced, I'd been hoping for a utopia.)

유토피아, 이상향, 천국 (1. a perfect society in which everyone is happy)

noxious (NOK-shu̲h̲ s) (1 - noxious gases)

유해한, 불건전한, 몸에 해로운 (1. /esp. of a gas/ poisonous or harmful)

rife (rahyf) (1 - Graft and corruption were rife in city government.) (2 - The office is rife with rumors that many of us will be fired.)

유행하는, 가득 찬, 자자한 (1. /of something unpleasant/ very common or frequent) (2. If a place is ____ with something unpleasant, it is full of it)

entice (en-TAHYS) (1 - People are enticed away from government jobs by higher salaries.)

유혹하다, 꾀다, 부추기다 (1. to attract someone to a particular place or activity by offering something pleasant or advantageous)

allure (u̲h̲-lo̲o̲ r) (1 - The allure of the stage drew him back to acting.) (1 - There's something alluring about motorcycles.)

유혹하다, 매혹하다, 꾀다 (1. attraction, charm, or excitement)

seduce (si-DOOS, -DYOOS) (1 - Nowadays you have to seduce students into learning through colorful graphics or exciting adventure themes.)

유혹하다, 부추기다, 꾀다 (1. to persuade or trick someone into doing something by making it very attractive) (2. If you ______ someone, you persuade that person to have sex with you.)

hexagonal (hek-SAG-u̲h̲-nl) (1 - a hexagonal building/object)

육각형의, 육방정계의, 6각형의 (1. a shape with six straight sides) (2. a flat shape that has six straight sides)

gravy (GREY-vee) (2 - This business took care of all our expenses, and the revenue from other ads and subscriptions was gravy.)

육즙, 그레이비, 쉽게 번 돈 (1. a sauce made from meat juices, often mixed with flour) (2. something extra that you welcome having and often did not expect to get)

silhouette (sil-oo-ET) (1 - An unidentified witness was shown on camera in silhouette.) (1 - Kate was silhouetted in the pale light of the porch.)

윤곽, 실루엣, ...을 실루엣으로 그리다 (1. a dark shape seen against a light background)

stealth (stelth) (1 - a stealthy burglar)

은밀한 방법, 비밀, 몰래 함 (1. movement that is quiet and careful in order to avoid notice, or secret or indirect action)

furtive (FUR-tiv) (1 - They exchanged furtive gestures and words of encouragement.) (1 - She glanced furtively at the papers on his desk.)

은밀한, 몰래 하는, 교활한 (1. done or acting secretly and quietly to avoid being noticed)

coagulate (verb koh-AG-yu̲h̲-leyt; adjective koh-AG-yu̲h̲-lit, -leyt) (1 - When making cheese, enzymes are added to make the milk coagulate.)

응고시키다, 굳어지다, 응고한 (1. /of a liquid/ to become or cause to become thicker so that it will not flow)

clot (klot) (1 - Heart attacks occur when a blood clot blocks vessels to the heart.) (2 - My hair was all clotted with dust and mud.)

응고하다, 응고시키다, 미끈거리는 덩어리 (1. a lump, esp. a lump of thick blood) (2. to become thicker and more solid, or to cause a liquid to do this)

connotation (kon-u̲h̲-TEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - "Resolute" means stubborn, but with a more positive connotation.)

의미, 함축, 느낌, 이미지 (1. a feeling or idea that is suggested by a word in addition to its basic meaning, or something suggested by an object or situation)

delirious (dih-LEER-ee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - He grew feverish and then delirious.) (2 - delirious with joy)

의식이 혼탁한, 헛소리하는, 섬망 상태의 (1. thinking or speaking in a way that is not reasonable because of mental confusion) (2. _________ also means extremely happy)

stool (stool) (1 - a piano stool Sarah sat on a kitchen stool.)

의자 (1. a seat without any support for the back or arms) (2. a piece of excrement)

dent (dent) (1 - She ran into my car and put a dent in it.) (1 - I dented the table with my hammer.)

이, 살, 표면의 움푹한 곳 (1. a small, hollow mark in the surface of something caused by pressure or being hit)

inning (IN-ing) (1 - Cleveland scored three times in the ninth inning.)

이닝, 회, 재임 기간 (1. a numbered period of play in a game of baseball in which both teams bat /= try to hit the ball/, or one team's turn to bat in one of these periods)

heretic (noun HER-i-tik; adjective HER-i-tik, hu̲h̲-RET-ik)

이단자, 이교도, 이설을 주장하는 사람 (1. a person who has beliefs that are opposed to the official belief of a church and that the church considers wrong)

emigrate (EM-i-greyt) (1 - Millions of Germans emigrated from Europe in the nineteenth century.)

이민하다, 이주하다 (1. to leave a country permanently and go to live in another one)

ion (AHY-u̲h̲ n, AHY-on)

이온, 「행동」 「상태」 「과정」 「결과」 등을 뜻하는 명사를 만듦, Ionic (1. an atom that has a positive or negative electrical charge as the result of adding or taking away an electron)

milestone (MAHYL-stohn) (1 - We've been married now for 20 years, a real milestone.)

이정표, 기록, 획기적인 사건, 단계, 기념비 (1. an important event in the development or history of something or in someone's life)

elude (ih-LOOD) (1 - The bear that had eluded capture for so long was caught at last.) (2 - It was simply her misfortune that an Olympic medal eluded her in 1988.) (2 - elusive memories)

이해되지 않다, 피하다, 잘 피하다 (1. to avoid someone or something) (2. If something eludes you, you do not succeed in achieving it)

persevere (pur-su̲h̲-VEER) (1 - If I had persevered, I probably would have gotten the job.) (1 - Perseverance accounts for much of their success.)

인내하다, 이겨내다, 노력하다, 꾸준히 계속하다 (1. to try to do or continue doing something in a determined way, despite difficulties)

ping (ping)

인터넷 접속 확인 도구, 핑 소리를 내다 (1. a short, often electronic, ringing sound)

befall (bih-FAWL) (1 - Many natural disasters have befallen that region.)

일어나다, 생기다, 들이닥치다 (1. /of something bad/ to happen to a person or place)

itinerary (ahy-TIN-u̲h̲-RER-ee, ih-TIN-) (1 - We planned our itinerary several weeks before the trip.)

일정, 여행, 예약, 여정 (1. a detailed plan or route of a trip)

volley (VOL-ee) (2 - a volley of questions) (3 - I was ahead in the first game, but then hit a bad volley and a bad forehand.)

일제 사격, 빌리, 공이 땅에 닿기 전에 되받아치거나 차기 (1. a large number of bullets or arrows fired at the same time) (2. A ______ is also a lot of things done or said at the same time) (3. /in tennis and other sports/ a hit to return a ball before it touches the ground)

barrage (bu̲h̲-RAHZH; especially British BAR-ahzh for 1, 2, 4, 5; BAHR-ij for 3) (1 - an artillery barrage) (2 - Morris fired off a barrage of questions about Halperin's politics.)

일제 엄호 사격, 연발, 탄막 (1. a continuous firing of large guns, esp. to protect soldiers advancing on an enemy) (2. A _______ is also a great number of complaints, criticisms, or questions suddenly directed at someone)

legible (LEJ-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - The letter was faded and barely legible.)

읽기 쉬운, 판독할 수 있는, 읽을 수 있는 (1. /of writing or print/ able to be read easily)

bereft (bih-REFT) (1 - I do hope he won't leave us utterly bereft of his wit and wisdom.)

잃은, 빼앗긴, bereave의 과거·과거 분사형 (1. having to do without something or someone and suffering from the loss)

ensue (en-SOO) (1 - Chaos ensued when 60 charter schools run by one company were all suddenly closed. After his outburst, a long silence ensued.)

잇따라 일어나다, ...의 결과로서 일어나다, 계속하여 일어나다 (1. to happen after something else, esp. as a result of it)

pebble (PEB-u̲h̲ l)

자갈 (1. a small stone, made smooth by the action of water)

incite (in-SAHYT) (1 - The ads were trying to incite public opinion against the government.)

자극하다, 선동하다, 유발하다 (1. to encourage someone to do or feel something unpleasant or violent, or to cause violent or unpleasant actions)

smug (smuhg) (1 - His attitude showed a smug indifference to the hardships others faced.)

자기 만족의, 잘난 체하는, 독선적인 (1. very pleased and satisfied with yourself, and having no doubt about the value of what you know or have done)

freelance (FREE-lans, -lahns, -LANS, -LAHNS) (1 - a freelance musician/photographer/writer freelance verb [ I ] us ​) (1 - She freelanced for years while her children were in school.)

자유 계약의, 자유 계약으로 일하다, 프리랜서 (1. working independently usually for various organizations rather than as an employee of a particular one)

autistic (AW-tiz-u̲h̲ m) (1 - Autism is four times more common in boys than in girls.) (1 - One child in 5,000 is autistic.) (2 - She works with autistic children.)

자폐증의, 자폐성의 (1. a condition that starts in young children and typically causes behaviour that is unusually centred on the self while limiting the development of social and communication skills) (2. a condition that starts in young children and causes behavior that is unusually centered on the self while limiting development of social and communication skills)

vial (VAHY-u̲h̲ l, vahyl) (1 - The store gave away vials of their new perfume.)

작은 병, 약병, 유리병 (1. a small bottle used to hold a liquid)

islet (AHY-lit) (1 - an islet in the San Blas archipelago)

작은 섬, 작은 섬 모양의 것, 랑게르한스 섬 (1. a small island) (2. one of many groups of cells in the pancreas that produce hormones such as insulin)

skirmish (SKUR-mish) (1 - Government troops lost a minor skirmish. The court skirmish over video rights to the movie continues.)

작은 접전, 소전투, 작은 접전을 벌이다 (1. /in wars/ a short fight that is usually not planned and happens away from the main area of fighting, or any short fight)

turret (TUR-it, TUHR-)

작은 탑, 회전식 포탑, 비행기의 돌출 기총좌 (1. a tall, circular structure that is part of a castle or other large building)

mite (mahyt) (1 - a red spider mite) (2 - Poor little mite, he looks so tired.) (3 - I couldn't eat another mite.) (4 - He seemed a mite embarrassed.)

잔돈, 진드기, 조금 (1. a very small animal similar to a spider) (2. a young child, especially one deserving sympathy) (3. a very small amount) (4. slightly)

sod (sod) (1 - Truckloads of sod were needed to make the new lawn.)

잔디, 떼, ...에 잔디를 입히다 (1. dirt with grass rooted in it)

motley (MOT-lee) (1 - A motley crew of educators and students gathered at the seminar.)

잡색의, 잡동사니, 얼룩덜룩한 옷 (1. consisting of many different types, parts, or colors that do not seem to belong together)

prefect (PREE-fekt) (1 - He has been appointed Prefect of Bologna.)

장관, 지사, 반장 (1. /in some countries/ a very important official in the government or the police) (2. /in some British and Australian schools/ an older student who is given some authority and helps to control the younger students)

pall (pawl) (1 - A heavy pall of smoke from the forest fires blotted out the sun.) (2 - News of his death cast a pall over the evening.) (3 - The joy of being his own boss began to pall after working 70-hour weeks.)

장막, 시시해지다, 관 (1. a dark, thick covering or cloud that blocks light) (2. A ____ can also be a feeling of being unhappy or hopeless) (3. to become less interesting or enjoyable)

sash (sash)

장식띠, 현장, 새시 (1. a long, narrow piece of cloth worn around the waist, or a strip of cloth worn over the shoulder and across the chest) (2. the frame of a window or door around a piece of glass)

adorn (u̲h̲-DAWRN) (1 - The bride's hair was adorned with fresh flowers.) (1 - Her only adornment was a ruby necklace.)

장식하다, 꾸미다, ...의 아름다움을 돋보이게 하다 (1. to make something more attractive by putting something on it)

hurdle (HUR-dl) (2 - There are a lot of hurdles to overcome before the contract can be signed.) (3 - The boys hurdled the fence.)

장애, 극복하다, 허들 (1. a frame for jumping over in a race) (2. A ______ is also a difficulty to be dealt with) (3. to jump over a frame or fence)

handicap (HAN-dee-kap) (1 - His loss of hearing was a severe handicap.) (2 - Their lack of knowledge of computer programming was not much of a handicap for them.) (3 - a golf handicap) (4 - Rescue efforts have been handicapped by bad weather.)

장애, 불리한 조건, 핸디캡 (1. a physical or mental condition that makes ordinary activities more difficult than they are for other people) (2. something that causes unusual difficulties) (3. /in a sports competition/ a disadvantage given to a strong competitor in order to give weaker competitors a better chance of winning) (4. to make something unusually difficult)

scourge (skurj) (1 - Smallpox, that scourge of previous generations, now is effectively extinct.)

재앙, 사회악, 끔찍한 , 채찍질하다, 해악 (1. someone or something that causes harm, evil, or destruction)

fiscal (FIS-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - a sound fiscal policy)

재정의, 세입의, 회계의 (1. relating to public money or other financial matters)

snipe (snahyp) (1 - Frustrated by the war, Republicans and southern Democrats contented themselves with sniping at the president.)

저격하다, 도요새, 저격 (1. to criticize, esp. in a mean way because you are annoyed or angry)

pawn (pawn) (3 - She felt she had been used as a political pawn.)

저당물, 졸, 담보물 (1. to leave a possession with someone in order to borrow money from that person, with the understanding that if you do not pay it back within the agreed time, the person can keep your possession and sell it) (2. any of the eight least valuable pieces in the game of chess) (3. A ____ is also a person who is controlled by others and used for their own advantage)

opus (OH-pu̲h̲ s) (1 - Carl Nielsen's Opus 43 quintet formal) (2 - He showed us his latest opus, a truly awful painting of a vase of flowers.)

저작, 작품 번호, 작품 (1. a piece of music written by a particular musician and given a number relating to the order in which it was published) (2. any work of art)

felicity (fi-LIS-i-tee) (1 - the dubious felicity of marriage) (2 - As a songwriter, he combined great linguistic felicity with an ear for a tune.) (3 - Her article contained one or two verbal felicities that will stay in my mind for years.)

적절한 표현, 적절함, 지복 (1. happiness, luck, or a condition that produces positive results) (2. the fact that words or remarks are suitable and express what was intended) (3. a word or remark that is suitable or right and expresses well the intended thought or feeling)

omnipotent (om-NIP-u̲h̲-tu̲h̲ nt) (1 - The people overthrew the once omnipotent dictator.) (1 - America had illusions of omnipotence in the 1950s.)

전능의, 전능한, 전능자 (1. having the power to do anything)

almighty (awl-MAHY-tee) (1 - the Almighty Creator) (2 - the almighty dollar) (3 - We asked the Almighty for mercy.)

전능한, 전능자, 대단한 (1. having the power to do everything) (2. ________ also means very strong and powerful) (3. God)

prostate (PROS-teyt) (1 - He has prostate trouble.)

전립선, 전립선의 (1. an organ near the penis in male mammals that produces a liquid that mixes with and carries sperm)

vista (VIS-tu̲h̲) (1 - After a hard climb, we were rewarded by a vista of rolling hills.)

전망, 경치, 비스타 (1. a view from a high position)

gamut (GAM-u̲h̲ t) (1 - Her stories express the gamut of emotions from joy to despair.)

전반, 장음계, 전음계 (1. the whole range of things that can be included in something)

subvert (su̲h̲ b-VURT) (1 - The rebel army is attempting to subvert the government. Our best intentions are sometimes subverted by our natural tendency to selfishness.)

전복하다, ...을 파멸시키다, 부패시키다 (1. to try to destroy or damage something, especially an established political system)

precinct (PREE-singkt) (2 - the private precincts of the university)

전용 구역, 선거구, 상업지구 (1. a division of a city or town, esp. an area protected by one police station, or a division used for elections) (2. The precincts of a place are the areas that surround it, esp. when enclosed)

trepidation (trep-i-DEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - With some trepidation, I set out to find my first job.)

전율, 공포, 동요 (1. worry or anxiety about something that is going to happen)

foreboding (fawr-BOH-ding, fohr-) (1 - The gloomy weather gave me a sense of foreboding.)

전조, 예감, 육감 (1. the feeling that something bad is going to happen)

omen (OH-mu̲h̲ n) (1 - Scoring that goal was an omen of things to come.)

전조, 징조, 조짐 (1. an event that is thought to tell something about the future)

tram (tram) (1 - I hopped off the tram near the park.)

전차 (1. an electric vehicle that is similar to a bus but travels on tracks laid along roads) (2. A ____ is also a car that travels on a heavy wire up mountains or across rivers.)

preposition (prep-u̲h̲-ZISH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - In the sentence, "We jumped in the lake," "in" is a preposition, and in the sentence, "I heard the sound of loud music," "of" is a preposition.)

전치사, 사전 배치하다 (1. a word that connects a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun to another word, esp. to a verb, another noun, or an adjective)

amputation (AM-pyo̲o̲-teyt) (1 - They had to amputate his foot to free him from the wreckage. In these cases there is no choice but to amputate.) (1 - Amputation of the limb is really a last resort. Most amputations in this region are the result of accidents with land mines.) (2 - Doctors had to amputate his leg below the knee.) (2 - Frostbite led to the amputation of three fingers.)

절단, 잘라내기 (1. to cut off a part of the body) (2. to cut off part of the body)

thrift (thrift) (1 - Trina learned thrift from her mother.) (2 - They have plenty of money now, but they're still thrifty.)

절약, 검소, 검약 (1. the careful use of money, esp. by avoiding waste) (2. /dated/ A ______ is also a type of bank.)

zenith (ZEE-nith or, esp. British, ZEN-ith) (1 - Their popularity reached its zenith in the mid-1990s.)

절정, 천정, 정상 (1. the best, highest, or most successful point or time)

eclectic (ih-KLEK-tik) (1 - It was an eclectic mix of our ethnic foods and traditional Thanksgiving food.)

절충주의자, 취사선택하는, 절충주의의 (1. consisting of different types, methods, styles, etc.)

speck (spek) (1 - There are paint specks all over the floor. These small islands are just specks on the map. There's not a speck of dust in their house.)

점 (1. a very small mark, piece, or amount)

astrology (u̲h̲-STROL-u̲h̲-jee)

점성술, 점성학 (1. the ancient practice of studying the movements and positions of the sun, moon, planets, and stars in the belief that they influence human behavior)

saucer (SAW-ser) (1 - a cup and saucer)

접시 (1. a small plate that goes under a cup)

inoculation (ih-nok-yu̲h̲-LEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - My children have been inoculated against polio.) (1 - a cholera inoculation) (2 - a cholera inoculation)

접종, 부식, 주입 (1. to give a weak form of a disease to a person or animal, usually by injection, as a protection against that disease) (2. to give a person or animal a vaccine /= substance to prevent disease/)

chisel (CHIZ-u̲h̲ l)

정, 사기치다, 끌로 새기다 (1. a tool with a long, metal blade that has a sharp edge for cutting esp. wood or stone) (2. to cut with a chisel)

ply (plahy) (1 - two-ply facial tissue) (2 - New buses plied the city's bus routes this week. Extreme-sports athletes ply their craft /= their skill or job/ in especially difficult conditions.) (3 - Large numbers of vessels plied the waters between New York and Cape Hatteras.)

정기적으로 왕복하다, ...에 힘쓰다, 가닥 (1. a layer of something such as wood or paper, or a thread that is wrapped with other threads to form yarn /= wool cord/ or rope) (2. to work at something regularly) (3. to travel over distances regularly by boat or other form of transport)

aberrant (u̲h̲-BER-u̲h̲ nt, AB-er-) (1 - aberrant behaviour/sexuality)

정도를 벗어난, 엉뚱한, 괴짜 (1. different from what is typical or usual, especially in an unacceptable way)

lunatic (LOO-nu̲h̲-tik) (1 - He drives like a lunatic.) (1 - a lunatic criminal)

정신 이상자, 괴짜, 미친 (1. a foolish or crazy person)

semen (SEE-mu̲h̲ n)

정액 (1. a sticky, white liquid containing sperm which is produced by men and male animals)

apical (EY-pi-ku̲h̲ l, AP-i-) (1 - the apex of a triangle/pyramid) (2 - He reached the apex of his career during that period.) (3 - A chest x-ray showed an abnormality in the left lung apex.) (4 - an Apex fare) (5 - the apex of a pyramid He reached the apex of his career during that period.)

정점의, 정점을 이루는, 혀끝소리의 (1. the highest point or top of a shape or object) (2. the highest point or most successful part of something) (3. the pointed end of an organ) (4. abbreviation for Advance Purchase Excursion: a system of cheap travel tickets that must be bought a particular number of days before travelling) (5. the highest point or top of something)

candor (KAN-der) (1 - "We want to help but really don't know how," she said with surprising candor.)

정직, 솔직, 공평무사 (1. the quality of being honest, sincere, and kind in dealing with other people)

veracity (vu̲h̲-RAS-i-tee) (1 - Doubts were cast on the veracity of her alibi.)

정확도, 정직, 정확성 (1. the quality of being true, honest, or accurate)

lactic (LAK-tik)

젖의, 젖에서 얻는, 유즙의 (1. relating to milk)

tertiary (TUR-shee-er-ee, TUR-shu̲h̲-ree) (2 - tertiary education)

제3의, 제 의, 셋째 날개깃의 (1. relating to a third level or stage) (2. relating to education in colleges and universities) (3. A ________ industry provides a service and is not involved with getting the materials with which products are made, or with making products.)

regal (REE-gu̲h̲ l) (1 - a regal bearing)

제왕의, 당당한, 왕의 (1. suitable for or in the manner of a king or queen)

stint (stint) (1 - He took up boxing during his stint in the army.) (2 - She doesn't stint when it comes to buying new clothes.)

제한, 절약하다, 한정 (1. a period of time spent doing a particular job or activity) (2. to give, take, or use only a small amount of something)

shellfish (SHEL-fish) (1 - Lobsters, crabs, shrimp, mussels, and oysters are all shellfish commonly eaten as food.)

조개, 갑각강의 동물, 거북복 (1. an animal that lives in water and has a shell)

derision (dih-RIZH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - Talk of tougher laws was met with derision.) (1 - derisive laughter)

조롱, 조소, 경멸 (1. actions or statements showing that you think someone or something is ridiculous or of no value)

manic (MAN-ik) (1 - She was a manic talker.)

조병의, 상궤를 벗어난, 조병 환자 (1. excited or anxious in a way that causes a lot of physical activity)

progenitor (proh-JEN-i-ter) (1 - Marx was the progenitor of communism.)

조상, 선조, 선배 (1. a person who first thinks of something and causes it to happen)

precocious (pri-KOH-shu̲h̲ s) (1 - Lucy was a verbally precocious child.)

조숙한, 숙성한, 일찍 꽃피는 (1. showing unusually early mental development or achievement)

buckle (BUHK-u̲h̲ l) (1 - a silver buckle) (2 - Please buckle your seat belts.) (3 - After eight hours of hiking, our knees were beginning to buckle.) (4 - The judge threatened her with jail, but she refused to buckle and would not say where she got the information.)

조이다, 최선을 다하다, 버클, 무너지다 (1. a fastener for a belt) (2. to fasten or be fastened with a buckle) (3. to bend or become uneven, often as a result of force, heat, or weakness) (4. Someone who buckles or buckles under gives in to something, such as pressure or opposition)

throttle (THROT-l) (2 - I'm so mad I could throttle him.)

조절판, ...을 질식시키다, 절기판 (1. a device that controls how much fuel goes into an engine) (2. to try to kill someone by pressing the throat so that the person cannot breathe)

incongruous (in-KONG-groo-u̲h̲ s) (1 - Such a modern office building looks incongruous in the quaint little town.)

조화되지 않는, 일치하지 않는, 앞뒤가 맞지 않는 (1. appearing strange or wrong within a particular situation)

subsist (su̲h̲ b-SIST) (1 - These people subsist on rice, beans, fruits, and vegetables.)

존재하다, 살아가다, 존속하다 (1. to obtain enough food or money to stay alive)

drowsy (DROU-zee) (1 - The room is so warm it's making me drowsy.)

졸리는 (1. feeling sleepy esp. when it is not the usual time to sleep)

stallion (STAL-yu̲h̲ n)

종마, 씨받이용 수컷, 남자 (1. an adult male horse, esp. one used for breeding)

setback (SET-bak) (1 - Democrats suffered a serious setback in yesterday's election, losing all three contested seats.)

좌절, 실패, 역행 (1. something that causes delay or stops progress)

thwart (thwawrt) (1 - The city council thwarted his reform efforts.)

좌절시키다, 훼방놓다, 방해하다 (1. to stop something from happening or someone from doing something)

bishop (BISH-u̲h̲ p)

주교, 비숍 (1. a priest of high rank who is in charge of the priests of lower rank in a particular area) (2. In the game of chess, a ______ is a piece that can move only in a diagonal way along squares of the same color.)

mainstay (MEYN-stey) (1 - In the early 1900s, farming was the mainstay of the national economy.)

주요 지지물, 대들보, 메인스테이 (1. the most important part of something, providing support for everything else)

tenet (TEN-it; British also TEE-nit) (1 - A major tenet of the women's movement has been that society needs their talents.)

주의, 교의, 견해 (1. a principle that is an accepted belief of a particular group)

allege (u̲h̲-LEJ) (1 - School districts are alleging the state has not continued to finance schools adequately. Note: Usually used to describe legal matters.) (1 - the alleged crime/incident/wrongdoingallegedly adverb [ not gradable ] us ​) (1 - The company is being investigated for allegedly falsifying sales records.)

주장하다, 진술하다, 단언하다 (1. to state that something bad is a fact without giving proof)

preside (pri-ZAHYD) (1 - The vice president will preside at today's meeting.)

주재하다, 사회를 보다, 의장을 맡다, 관장하다 (1. to be in charge of or to control a meeting or event)

recoil (verb ri-KOIL; noun REE-koil, ri-KOIL) (1 - fig. Sun-worshipers might recoil in horror at the chilling winds and rough seas, but we loved the place.)

주춤하다, 움츠러들다, 뒷걸음질, 반동, 진저리침 (1. to make a sudden movement away from something esp. because of fear or disgust) (2. the sudden, backward movement that a gun makes when it is fired)

stripe (strahyp) (1 - a blue tie with gray stripes) (2 - Governments of every stripe /= of all political opinions/ have a tendency to try to control the press.) (2 - a striped red-and-white shirt)

줄무늬, 종류 (1. a line on a surface that is a different color from the rest of the surface) (2. A ______ is also a particular type, esp. when there are many possible types)

slash (slash) (1 - Airfares have been slashed on most domestic routes.) (2 - Arauz slashed through brush with a machete.) (3 - The no-parking sign had a red slash through a picture of a car. Fractions are often written with slashes, for example 2/3.) (4 - a slash in prices)

줄이다, 삭감하다, 감소하다, 인하하다, 축소하다 (1. to reduce an amount by a lot) (2. to cut someone or something with a sharp blade in a quick, swinging action) (3. a mark in the form of a sloping line ///, used in signs to mean not permitted, and to separate numbers or words) (4. a large reduction in an amount)

discontinue (dis-ku̲h̲ n-TIN-yoo) (1 - Discontinue the medication if you have cramps. The airline announced that weekday flights to Kansas City would be discontinued.)

중단되다, 중단하다, 취하하다 (1. to stop doing, using, or operating something)

addict (noun AD-ikt; verb u̲h̲-DIKT)

중독되다, 중독자, 빠지다 (1. a person who is unable to stop doing or using something)

slander (SLAN-der) (1 - Political campaigns are full of shameless slander.) (1 - Her statement was not meant to slander anybody - it's just descriptive.) (1 - McCarthy unleashed slanderous accusations in every direction.)

중상, 중상하다, 욕 (1. a false, spoken statement about someone which damages that person's reputation, or the making of such a statement)

arbiter (AHR-bi-ter) (1 - Certain magazines are arbiters of fashion.)

중재인, 중재자, 판정자 (1. a person who acts as a judge in an argument or of a subject of interest) (2. An _______ is also an arbitrator.)

sentient (1 - It is hard for a sentient person to understand how any parents could treat their child so badly.)

지각있는 (1. able to experience feelings)

loath (lohth, loht̲h̲) (1 - She'd be loath to admit it, but she doesn't really like opera.)

지긋지긋하여, 싫어하는, 싫은 (1. unwilling; reluctant)

pry (prahy) (1 - She pried the oyster open.) (2 - They pried the information out of him.) (3 - Reporters were prying into her personal life.)

지레를 응용한 연장, 캐다, 들춰내다 (1. to open, move, or lift something by putting one end of a tool under it and pushing down on the other end) (2. /fig./ To ___ is also to get something with much effort) (3. to try to obtain private facts about a person)

prosaic (proh-ZEY-ik) (1 - Only a few prosaic tables and chairs remained by the time we got to the auction.)

지루한, 재미없는, 평범한 (1. ordinary and not especially interesting or unusual)

nominate (verb NOM-u̲h̲-neyt; adjective NOM-u̲h̲-nit) (1 - She was nominated by the president to serve on the Supreme Court.) (2 - Three candidates are seeking the Democratic nomination for the presidency.)

지명하다, 후보에 오르다, 임명하다, 추천하다 (1. to officially suggest someone for a position, an honor, or election) (2. If someone or something is nominated for a prize, it is one of the official competitors for it.)

shingle (SHING-gu̲h̲ l)

지붕널, ...을 지붕널로 이다, 자갈 (1. a thin, flat piece of wood or other material, many of which are attached in rows to the outside of a roof or a wall)

barometer (bu̲h̲-ROM-i-ter)

지수, 바로미터, 기압계 (1. a device that measures air pressure which shows when the weather is likely to change)

tenable (TEN-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - His theory is no longer tenable in the light of the recent discoveries. The fellowship is tenable for /= lasts for/ three years.)

지지할 수 있는, 공격에 견디는, 방어할 수 있는 (1. /of an opinion or position/ able to be defended successfully or held for a particular period of time)

outlay (noun OUT-ley; verb out-LEY) (1 - This year's advertising outlay was over $250,000.)

지출, 경비, 소비하다 (1. an amount of money spent, esp. at the beginning of a planned activity or business)

indefatigable (in-di-FAT-i-gu̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - For many years Annie has been an indefatigable campaigner for human rights.)

지칠 줄 모르는, 끈기 있는, 불요불굴의 (1. never becoming tired)

podium (POH-dee-u̲h̲ m) (1 - The conductor mounted the podium.)

지휘대, 연단, 단 (1. a small, low box or stage that someone stands on in order to be seen by a group of people, esp. to speak or conduct music) (2. A ______ is also a lectern.)

wand (wond) (1 - a magic wand)

지휘봉, 마법의 지팡이, 가는 막대기 모양의 도구 (1. a thin stick waved by a person who is performing magic)

quell (kwel) (1 - The police were called in to quell the riot.) (2 - He's been unable to quell his wife's suspicions.)

진압하다, 반란을 진압하다, 감정을 가라앉히다 (1. to completely stop or end something) (2. If you _____ doubts, fears, etc., you calm them)

mire (mahyu̲h̲ r) (1 - The cart's wheels sank in the red mire.) (2 - fig. At the time the country was mired in the Great Depression.)

진창, ...을 진흙으로 더럽히다, 수렁 (1. /fig./an area of deep, wet, sticky earth, or any messy situation) (2. /fig./to cause something to sink in deep, wet, sticky earth, or to cause someone or an activity to become trapped in a difficult situation)

balm (bahm)

진통제, 향유, 위안 (1. an oily substance rubbed into the skin and used esp. to treat injuries or reduce pain)

afoot (u̲h̲-fo̲o̲ t) (1 - Big changes are afoot at Lake Utah.)

진행 중에, 일어나, 움직여 (1. happening, or being planned or prepared)

extinguish (ik-STING-gwish) (1 - It took the firefighters four hours to extinguish the flames.)

진화하다, 끄다, 소멸시키다 (1. to stop a fire or light from burning)

slime (slahym) (1 - A greenish slime covered the surface of the water near the sewer pipe.)

진흙, 진흙으로 뒤덮다, 점액 (1. a smooth, sticky, liquid substance usually considered unpleasant)

tenacious (tu̲h̲-NEY-shu̲h̲ s) (1 - Seles is a tenacious opponent - she never gives in.) (1 - They cling with admirable tenacity to their traditions.)

집요한, 끈질긴, 고집하는 (1. unwilling to accept defeat or stop doing or having something)

conscription (ku̲h̲ n-SKRIP-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - This is only a rough draft - the finished article will have pictures too. She asked me to check the /first/ draft of her proposal.) (2 - He avoided the draft because of a foot injury.) (3 - the NBA draft He was a second-round draft pick by the Raiders.) (4 - I arranged for some money to be sent from London to L.A. by banker's draft.) (7 - Is the lager on draft or is it bottled?) (8 - draft beer/lager/cider) (9 - a draft horse) (10 - Draft a proposal for the project and we can discuss it at the meeting.) (11 - They hired an architect to draft the plans for their new home.) (12 - He was drafted /into the army/ at 18.) (13 - a draft plan/bill/proposal) (14 - draft beer/lager/cider) (15 - a draft horse) (16 - The architects gave us their first draft of the design.) (18 - She felt a cold draft every time the door was opened.) (19 - a bank draft) (20 - She drafted a letter to her lawyer.) (22 - The Cleveland Cavaliers drafted him in the first round.)

징병, 강제 징수, 징발 (1. a piece of text, a formal suggestion, or a drawing in its original state, often containing the main ideas and intentions but not the developed form) (2. the system of ordering people by law to join the armed forces) (3. the system by which sports teams in the US choose new young players at the beginning of each season) (4. a written order for money to be paid by a bank, especially to another bank) (5. a current of unpleasantly cold air blowing through a room) (6. the depth of water needed for a boat to be able to float) (7. a system of storing and serving drinks from large containers, especially barrels) (8. /of drinks such as beer/ stored in and served from large containers, especially barrels) (9. /of animals/ used for pulling heavy loads, vehicles, etc.) (10. to write down a document for the first time, including the main points but not all the details) (11. to draw the plans for a new building, structure, machine, etc.) (12. to order people by law to join the armed forces) (13. A draft plan, document, etc. is in its first form, including the main points but not all the details) (14. /of drinks such as beer/ stored in and served from large containers, especially barrels) (15. /of animals/ used for pulling heavy loads, vehicles, etc.) (16. a piece of writing or drawing that is done early in the development of a work to help prepare it in its final form) (17. the process by which people are ordered by law to become members of the armed forces, or the process by which players are chosen to play for professional /= paid/ sports teams) (18. a current of cold air inside a room) (19. a written order for money to be paid by a bank) (20. to write something, esp. at an early stage before it is in final form) (21. to order a person to become a member of the armed forces) (22. In sports, to draft is to choose someone, esp. someone in a college or university to become available as a player for a team that pays its players)

scum (skuhm) (1 - The tea was nasty-tasting stuff that looked like pond scum. I wish you wouldn't leave soap scum in the bathtub.)

찌꺼기, 인간 쓰레기, ...에 떠 있는 버캐를 걷어내다 (1. a thin layer that forms on the surface of a liquid)

fecal (FEE-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - The disease is spread by the contamination of food and water by faeces.) (1 - faecal matter)

찌꺼기의, 대소변의, 찌끼의 (1. the solid waste passed out of the body of a human or animal through the bowels)

poke (pohk) (1 - Quit poking me to move ahead - there are people in front of me. [ T ] Josie poked her head around the corner to see what made the noise.) (2 - He's always poking into other people's business.) (2 - He gave his brother a poke in the arm.)

찌르다, 내밀다, 참견하다, 쑤시다 (1. to push a finger or other object into someone or something, or to push something through or past someone or something) (2. to involve yourself or take part in /something/ that is not your responsibility or does not involve you)

prick (prik) (1 - The nurse pricked his finger to draw blood.)

찌르다, 옮겨 심다 (1. to make a small hole or holes in the surface of something)

grimace (GRIM-u̲h̲ s, gri-MEYS) (1 - He grimaced in pain as the surgeon removed his bandages.)

찡그리다, 얼굴을 찡그림, 점잔빼기 (1. an expression of pain or disgust in which the muscles of the face are tightened and the face looks twisted)

scowl (skoul) (1 - When I asked the boss for a day off, he just scowled and told me to get back to work.) (1 - She is clearly annoyed, as you can tell from the scowl on her face.)

찡그린 얼굴, 험악해짐, 험악해지다 (1. to use the face to express anger, esp. at someone)

rift (rift) (1 - The border dispute caused a rift between Canada and the US.)

찢다, 가르다, 찢어진 틈 (1. something that divides partners or friends)

eulogy (YOO-lu̲h̲-jee) (1 - He delivered the eulogy at his father's funeral.)

찬사, 송덕문, 칭송 (1. a speech or piece of writing containing great praise, esp. for someone who has recently died)

sparrow (SPAR-oh)

참새 (1. a common, small, gray-brown bird)

tuna (TOO-nu̲h̲, TYOO-) (1 - a can of tuna [ U ] tuna salad)

참치, 다랑어 (1. a large fish that lives in warm seas, or its flesh eaten as food)

penitent (PEN-i-tu̲h̲ nt) (1 - "I'm sorry," she said with a penitent smile. It was hard to be angry with him when he looked so penitent.) (1 - He expressed penitence for what he had done.)

참회하는, 뉘우치는, 참회자 (1. showing that you are sorry for something you have done because you feel it was wrong) (2. a person who is performing a formal religious act to show that they are sorry for something they have done wrong)

vigil (VIJ-u̲h̲ l) (1 - The boy's parents kept a long vigil in his hospital room. A candlelight vigil on the steps of the courthouse was held to protest the verdict in this trial.)

철야, 불침번, 농성하기 (1. a period of staying awake to be with someone who is ill or to call public attention to something)

sieve (siv)

체, 체로 거르다, 체로 치다 (1. a bowl-shaped tool with many very small holes in it, used to separate larger from smaller pieces or solids from a liquid)

stamina (STAM-u̲h̲-nu̲h̲) (1 - The triathlon is a great test of stamina.)

체력, 지구력, 정력, 스태미너, 원기 (1. the physical or mental strength to do something for a long time, esp. something difficult)

gymnasium (jim-NEY-zee-u̲h̲ m)

체육관, 경기장 (1. a building or room designed and equipped for various sports, physical training, and exercise)

incipient (in-SIP-ee-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - He has a black mustache and an incipient potbelly.)

초기의, 발단의, 시작의 (1. just beginning or just coming into existence)

bayonet (BEY-u̲h̲-nit, -net, bey-u̲h̲-NET) (1 - In training, we learned to bayonet a straw dummy.)

총검 (1. a long, sharp blade attached to a gun)

banish (BAN-ish) (1 - He was banished from his sister's house.) (2 - Their goal is to banish war forever.)

추방하다, 떨쳐버리다 (1. to send someone away and forbid the person to come back) (2. To ______ is also to get rid of)

expel (ik-SPEL) (1 - He was expelled from school for his continued bad behavior.)

추방하다, 제적하다, 내뿜다 (1. to force someone to leave a country, organization, or school)

propel (pru̲h̲-PEL) (1 - Seals use their fins and flippers to propel them through the water with great force. fig. If the team won the next two games, they would be propelled into the number one ranking in collegiate football.)

추진하다, ...을 나아가게 하다, 추진시키다 (1. to cause something to move forward)

surmise (verb ser-MAHYZ; noun ser-MAHYZ, SUR-mahyz) (1 - I quickly surmised /that/ my dinner companion was something of a bore.)

추측하다, 추측, 짐작 (1. to decide that something is true without having complete information or proof)

benediction (ben-i-DIK-shu̲h̲ n)

축복, 감사 기도, 은총 (1. a prayer asking for God's help and protection)

verbatim (ver-BEY-tim) (1 - Speeches were reported verbatim and often ran to several columns.)

축어적으로, 말대로, 정확히 말 그대로 (1. using exactly the same words that were originally used)

accretion (u̲h̲-KREE-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The fund was increased by the accretion of new shareholders. The room hadn't been cleaned for years and showed several accretions of dirt and dust.)

축적, 누적 (1. a gradual increase or growth by the addition of new layers or parts)

natal (NEYT-l) (1 - her natal village/city/home These fish hardly move from their natal waters.) (2 - Improvements in natal care have cut infant mortality.)

출생의, 출생지의, 엉덩이의 (1. relating to where a person or animal was born) (2. relating to the birth of babies)

turnout (TURN-out) (1 - Considering the rain, there was a good turnout.)

출석자, 참가자 수, 집합 (1. the number of people who are present for an event) (2. In an election, the _______ is the number of people who vote)

jolt (johlt) (1 - I was jolted out of bed by the earthquake. He was jolted by the sight of bodies lying in the lobby.) (2 - jolts of electricity She bumped into him, and the jolt sent his books to the ground. Jack realized with a jolt of fear that he was helpless.)

충격을 주다, 급격한 동요, 정신적 쇼크 (1. to cause something or someone to move suddenly and violently, or to surprise someone in an unpleasant way) (2. a sudden, violent movement or force, or a large and unpleasant surprise)

dissuade (dih-SWEYD) (1 - The group hopes to dissuade Congress from cutting funds for health programs.)

충고하여 단념시키다, 단념시키다, 만류하다 (1. to persuade someone not to do something)

impetuous (im-PECH-oo-u̲h̲ s) (1 - Then, impetuous as I was, I bought a new car before I even got a job.)

충동적인, 성급한, 맹렬한 (1. acting or done suddenly without much thought)

plenary (PLEE-nu̲h̲-ree, PLEN-u̲h̲-) (1 - a plenary session)

충분한, 절대적인, 전체의 (1. having all the members of a group or organization present)

dutiful (DOO-tu̲h̲-fu̲h̲ l, DYOO-) (1 - a dutiful child)

충실한, 본분을 지키는, 공손한 (1. /of a person/ obedient or /of an action/ done because it is necessary or expected)

staunch (stawnch) (1 - a staunch defender of free speech staunchly adverb us ​) (1 - She staunchly supports the party's candidates.) (2 - Mike pressed hard on the wound and staunched the flow of blood.) (3 - The company abandoned the plan to staunch the departure of more managers.)

충실한, 확고한, 견실한 (1. strongly loyal to a person, organization, or set of beliefs or opinions) (2. to stop liquid, esp. blood, from flowing out) (3. To _______ is also to keep something from continuing)

revoke (ri-VOHK) (1 - Licenses can be revoked for up to five years.)

취소하다, 폐지, 철회하다, 무효, 백지화 (1. to say officially that an agreement, permission, or law is no longer effective)

irrevocable (ih-REV-u̲h̲-ku̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - The court's ruling is irrevocable.)

취소할 수 없는, 돌이킬 수 없는, 폐기할 수 없는 (1. /esp. of a decision/ impossible to change)

purport (verb per-PAWRT, -POHRT, PUR-pawrt, -pohrt; noun PUR-pawrt, -pohrt) (1 - The story purports to explain the origin of the game of chess.)

취지, 의도, 칭하다 (1. to claim that something is true, but without proof)

soar (sawr, sohr) (1 - temperatures/prices soared My spirits soared when I heard the good news.) (2 - Planes soared overhead.) (3 - The mountain soars 10,000 feet above the village.)

치솟다, 증가하다, 급등하다, 급증하다, 오르다 (1. to increase or go up quickly to a high level) (2. /esp. of a bird or aircraft/ to rise or fly high in the air) (3. If you say that a mountain, building, or other object soars, you mean that it has great height)

intrude (in-TROOD) (1 - Sorry to intrude, but I wanted to insure that this got to your attention. Students who live in a dorm regard any curfew as intruding on their rights.)

침범하다, 방해하다, 개입하다, 강제하다 (1. to go into a place or be involved in a situation where you are not wanted or do not belong)

acupuncture (noun AK-yo̲o̲-puhngk-cher; verb AK-yo̲o̲-puhngk-cher, ak-yo̲o̲-PUHNGK-)

침술, 침을 놓다, 침 요법 (1. a treatment for pain and illness in which special needles are put into the skin at particular positions)

trespass (TRES-pu̲h̲ s, -pas) (1 - I didn't realize I was trespassing on their land.) (1 - They have several dogs to keep trespassers out.)

침입하다, 침해하다, 폐를 끼치다, 죄를 범하다 (1. to enter someone's property without permission)

infringe (in-FRINJ) (1 - Copying videos infringes copyright law. [ I always + adv/prep ] The senator is opposed to any laws that infringe on a citizen's right to free speech.) (1 - copyright/patent infringement)

침해하다, 어기다, 위반하다 (1. to act in a way that is against a law or that limits someone's rights or freedom)

laudable (LAW-du̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - a laudable goal/ambition The recycling programme is laudable, but does it save much money?)

칭찬할 만한, 칭찬해야 할, 장한 (1. /of actions and behaviour/ deserving praise, even if there is little or no success)

curry (KUR-ee, KUHR-ee) (1 - Lamb curry is this restaurant's specialty.)

카레, 카레 요리, 카레로 맛들이다 (1. a dish, originally from India, consisting usually of meat or vegetables cooked in a spicy sauce)

cartel (kahr-TEL)

카르텔, 기업 연합, 포로 교환 협정서 (1. a group of similar independent companies or countries who join together to control prices and limit competition)

cartridge (KAHR-trij) (1 - a video game cartridge)

카트리지, 탄약통, 약포 (1. a container that is used in a larger piece of equipment, and which can be replaced with another similar part) (2. A _________ is also a tube containing an explosive substance and often a bullet for use in a gun.)

calorie (KAL-u̲h̲-ree) (1 - The typical US daily menu contains 3000 calories and should contain 2300.)

칼로리, 열량 (1. a unit used in measuring the amount of energy food provides when eaten and digested) (2. a unit equal to the amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius)

colt (kohlt)

콜트식 자동 권총, 망아지, 미국의 아메리칸 풋볼 팀 the Indianapolis Colts (1. a young, male horse)

slam (slam) (1 - The truck slammed into an oncoming car. [ T ] Ray slammed the door shut.) (1 - He closed the door with a slam.)

쾅 닫다, 슬램, 강타하다, 때리다 (1. to move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise, or to cause something to move this way)

thump (thuhmp) (1 - He thumped his chest.) (1 - I heard a thump upstairs.)

쾅쾅 치다, 쿵하는 소리, 두근거리다 (1. to hit something, making a soft, heavy noise)

thud (thuhd) (1 - the thud of boots on the stairs thud verb [ I always + adv/prep ] us ​) (1 - Her bag thudded to the floor.)

쿵, ...을 딱 치다, 두근거리다 (1. a sound made when something heavy hits a hard surface)

quiz (kwiz) (1 - We had a history quiz today.) (1 - Reporters quizzed the jurors about their verdict.)

퀴즈, 시험, 질문 (1. a short, informal test)


큐레이터, 전시기획자, 관리자, 학예전문인력 , 관장 (1. a person in charge of a department of a museum or other place where objects of art, science, or from the past are collected, or a person who organizes and arranges a showing of art or other objects of interest)

crane (kreyn) (3 - We were all craning /our necks/ to get a glimpse of the movie star.)

크레인, 학, 두루미 (1. a large machine with a long, movable part to which is fixed cables /= strong wires/ for lifting and moving heavy objects) (2. a large water bird with long, thin legs and a long neck) (3. to stretch in order to look at something)

bough (bou)

큰 가지, 가지, 주지 (1. a large branch of a tree)

horde (hawrd, hohrd) (1 - A horde of reporters waited on the lawn outside the White House.)

큰 무리, 유목민의 무리, 떼짓다 (1. a large group, esp. of people)

conflagration (kon-flu̲h̲-GREY-shu̲h̲ n) (2 - The government has turned a minor local problem into a full-blown regional conflagration.)

큰 화재, 돌발, 대화재 (1. a large fire that causes a lot of damage) (2. a large and violent event, such as a war, involving a lot of people)

sprawl (sprawl) (1 - Jamie came home from school and sprawled on the couch.) (1 - A massive sprawl of high-rise buildings fills the site.)

큰대자로 드러눕다, 보기 흉하게 벌리다, 불규칙하게 퍼지다 (1. to spread out esp. awkwardly over a large area)

rudder (RUHD-er)

키 (1. a flat blade at the back of a boat or aircraft that is moved from side to side in order to control the direction of travel)

tart (tahrt) (1 - I like tart, firm apples, like Granny Smiths.) (2 - fruit tarts I ordered the blueberry tart.)

타르트, 새콤한, 시큼한 (1. tasting sour) (2. a small pastry with a usually sweet filling and no top)

percussion (per-KUHSH-u̲h̲ n)

타악기, 충격 (1. musical instruments, such as drums, that are played by being hit with an object or with the hand)

ostrich (AW-strich, OS-trich)

타조, 아메리카타조, 눈가리고 아웅하는 격의 (1. a very large bird from Africa that has a long neck and long legs and cannot fly)

murky (MUR-kee) (1 - murky waters The movie has dumb characters and a murky plot /= it is difficult to understand/.)

탁한, 매우 어두운, 흐린 (1. dark or cloudy)

aberration (ab-u̲h̲-REY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The drop in our school's test scores was dismissed as an aberration.)

탈선, 상궤를 벗어남, 미친 짓 (1. a change from what is typical or usual, esp. a temporary change)

wistful (WIST-fu̲h̲ l) (1 - She cast a wistful glance at the bridal gowns in the window.) (1 - She spoke wistfully of their early years together.)

탐나는 듯한, 생각에 잠긴, 탐내는 (1. sad and thinking about something that is impossible or past)

avarice (AV-er-is) (1 - avaricious land speculators)

탐욕, 강한 욕망, 허욕 (1. an extremely strong desire to obtain or keep wealth)

exorbitant (ig-ZAWR-bi-tu̲h̲ nt) (1 - The hotel charges were exorbitant.)

터무니없는, 과도한, 엄청난 (1. /of prices and demands/ much too large)

preposterous (pri-POS-ter-u̲h̲ s, -tru̲h̲ s) (1 - It was a preposterous idea, and no one took it seriously.)

터무니없는, 불합리한, 어리석은 (1. completely unreasonable and ridiculous; not to be believed)

turban (TUR-bu̲h̲ n)

터번, 터번풍의 여성용 모자, ...을 터번으로 싸다 (1. a head covering made from a long piece of cloth that is wrapped around the head)

shaggy (SHAG-ee) (1 - a large, shaggy dog His gray hair was shaggy.)

털투성이의, 거친, 우거진 (1. having or covered with long, messy hair, or /of hair/ long and messy)

symposium (sim-POH-zee-u̲h̲ m) (1 - a symposium on European cinema)

토론회, 심포지엄, 「향연」 (1. an occasion at which people who have great knowledge of a particular subject meet in order to discuss a matter of interest)

vomit (VOM-it) (1 - It causes a range of ailments, including headache and vomiting.)

토하다, 게우다, 분출 (1. to empty the contents of the stomach through the mouth, usually in explosive bursts) (2. food or other matter that has come up from the stomach through the mouth)

tonnage (TUHN-ij)

톤수, 적재량, 선복 (1. the size of a ship or the weight of goods that a ship is able to carry)

trump (truhmp) (1 - They operated on the assumption that money trumped everything.)

트럼프, 누명, 능가, 이기다, 카드 (1. to be better than, or have more importance or power than another person or thing)

panorama (pan-u̲h̲-RAM-u̲h̲, -RAH-mu̲h̲) (1 - From the top floor of the hotel you get a panorama of the whole city.) (1 - a panoramic view of the city)

파노라마, 전경, 연달아 나타나는 광경 (1. a view from a great distance that covers a very large area)

delve (delv) (1 - She delved into her pocket to find some change.)

파다, 탐구하다, 동굴 (1. to search, especially as if by digging, in order to find a thing or information)

clique (kleek, klik)

파벌, 도당, 도당을 짜다 (1. a small group of people who spend time together and do not want other people to join the group)

grapple (GRAP-u̲h̲ l) (1 - He briefly grappled with the police officer. Bad news is something it becomes necessary to grapple with /= deal with/.)

파악하다, 격투하다, 잡아거는 갈고리 (1. to hold someone while fighting with him or her)

reptile (REP-til, -tahyl) (1 - Snakes, turtles, and crocodiles are all reptiles.)

파충류 (1. any of various animals whose blood temperature changes with the outside temperature and whose bodies are covered by scales or plates /= hard material/)

decipher (dih-SAHY-fer) (1 - I have a hard time deciphering my phone bill.)

판독하다, 해독하다, 판독 (1. to discover the meaning of something hard to understand or which contains a hidden message)

glaze (gleyz) (1 - The pottery was famous for the rich glaze of its vases and jugs.) (2 - The cake was glazed with raspberry syrup.) (3 - By the fourth act of the opera, his eyes had glazed over /= he became bored/.)

판유리를 끼우다, ...의 윤을 내다, 광택제를 먹이다 (1. a shiny surface given to an object or a food, esp. by covering it with a liquid that shines when it dries) (2. to cover an object, as a food, with a liquid that shines when it dries) (3. When someone's eyes _____ over, they become fixed and shiny, as if the person is not seeing anything)

bracelet (BREYS-lit) (1 - a silver bracelet)

팔찌, 수갑, 팔 보호구 (1. a piece of jewelry that is worn around the wrist or arm)

rout (rout) (1 - Washington defeated Orlando in a 141-104 rout.)

패주시키다, 불온 집회, 궤주 (1. to defeat an enemy or competitor completely)

puncture (PUHNGK-cher)

펑크, 찌르기, 구멍을 뚫기 (1. a small hole made by a sharp object)

errant (ER-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - An errant throw cost them the game.) (2 - Teachers dislike errant spellings and misused words.)

편력하는, 잘못된, 불륜을 저지르는 (1. going in a wrong direction) (2. not correctly done or not behaving well)

predilection (pred-l-EK-shu̲h̲ n, preed-) (1 - a predilection for spicy foods)

편애, 좋아함, 두둔 (1. a strong liking or preference)

omnipresent (om-nu̲h̲-PREZ-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - The singer became an omnipresent icon of style and beauty.) (1 - the omnipresence of the secret police)

편재하는, 어디에나 있는, 동시에 어디에나 있는 (1. present or having an effect everywhere at the same time)

paranoia (par-u̲h̲-NOI-u̲h̲)

편집증, 망상증, 불안감, 심한 공포증 (1. a strong tendency to feel that you cannot trust other people or that other people have a bad opinion of you, or medical a mental illness that causes extreme feelings that others are trying to harm you)

deviation (dee-vee-EY-shu̲h̲ n)

편차, 일탈, 이탈

mediocrity (mee-dee-OK-ri-tee) (1 - A goal just before half-time rescued the match from mediocrity.) (2 - These people are just mediocrities.)

평범, 보통, 범인 (1. the quality of being not very good) (2. a person that is not very good at something or not very good at anything in particular, or something that is not very good)

layman (LEY-mu̲h̲ n) (1 - The book is supposed to be the layman's guide to home repair.)

평신도, 문외한, 아마추어 (1. a person who is not trained in or does not have a detailed knowledge of a particular subject) (2. A ______ or layperson is also a member of a religion who is not a member of the clergy.)

equanimity (ee-kwu̲h̲-NIM-i-tee, ek-wu̲h̲-) (1 - In spite of her financial troubles, she faced the future with equanimity.)

평정, 침착, 냉정 (1. the state of being calm and in control of your emotions, esp. in a difficult situation)

poise (poiz) (1 - "I think it was a credit to our team that we kept our poise," the coach said, "even when we were down by 21 points.)

평형 (1. behavior or a way of moving that shows calm confidence)

menopause (MEN-u̲h̲-pawz)

폐경기, 갱년기 (1. the time in a woman's life, often between the ages of 45 and 55, when she gradually stops menstruating /= having a regular flow of blood from her uterus/)

waive (weyv) (1 - The bank waived the charge, because the mistake was their fault.)

포기하다, 보류하다, 미루다 (1. to not demand something you have a right to or not cause a rule to be obeyed)

porridge (PAWR-ij, POR-)

포리지, 형기, 교도소 (1. a thick, soft food made from oats /= a type of grain/ boiled in water or milk; oatmeal)

mammal (MAM-u̲h̲ l)

포유류, 포유동물 (1. any animal in which the female gives birth to babies, not eggs, and feeds them on milk from her own body)

slump (sluhmp) (1 - She slumped to the floor in a faint.) (2 - The old man slumped in his chair, asleep. We both slumped against the wall.) (3 - Home computer sales slumped dramatically last year.) (4 - a slump in the economy The team is in a slump this year.)

폭락, 푹 쓰러지다, 쿵 떨어짐 (1. to fall heavily and suddenly) (2. to stand or sit bent over, with the head and shoulders forward; slouch) (3. to fall suddenly in price, amount, or value) (4. a sudden fall in prices, amount, or value, or a period of time when something is in a bad state)

binge (binj) (1 - He admits to having an occasional ice-cream binge.) (2 - He's on a binge, eating everything in sight.) (3 - I tend to binge on ice cream when I'm lonely.)

폭식, 진탕 마시고 떠들기, 과식하다 (1. an occasion when an activity is done in an extreme way, esp. eating, drinking, or spending money) (2. To go on a _____ is to do a lot of something) (3. to do something in a way that is extreme and not controlled)

ostensible (o-STEN-su̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Rous published 60 scientific papers after his ostensible retirement.) (1 - If the engine on an ostensibly low-mileage car is filthy, it may have higher mileage than it seems.)

표면상의, 겉보기만의, 표면만의 (1. appearing or claiming to be one thing when it is really something else)

crib (krib)

표절, 유아용 침대, 구유 (1. a baby's bed with high sides and usually bars that prevent the baby from falling out)

plagiarism (PLEY-ju̲h̲-riz-u̲h̲ m, -jee-u̲h̲-riz-) (1 - The book contains numerous plagiarized passages. If you compare the two books side by side, it is clear that the author of the second has plagiarized /from the first/.) (1 - She's been accused of plagiarism.) (2 - She's been accused of plagiarism.)

표절, 표절 행위, 표절물 (1. to use another person's ideas or work and pretend that it is your own) (2. to use another person's idea or a part of that person's work and pretend that it is your own)

unravel (uhn-RAV-u̲h̲ l) (1 - My sweater is unraveling. [ I ] fig. The movie unraveled at the end /= was not complete and satisfying/.) (2 - You will discover what the title means as you unravel the movie's mysteries.)

풀다, ...을 해명하다, 해결하다 (1. /of woven cloth/ to separate into threads, or to separate the fibers of a thread, rope, or cloth) (2. to solve a crime or explain a mystery)

graze (greyz) (1 - The bullet only grazed his leg.) (2 - Cows grazed in the field.)

풀을 뜯다, 방목하다, 가볍게 스치다 (1. to touch and rub against something while passing it, causing slight damage) (2. /of animals/ to eat grass, or to cause animals to feed on grass)

genteel (jen-TEEL) (1 - When in company, they affected genteel table manners.)

품위 있는, 가문이 좋은, 점잖은 체하는 (1. polite and correct in manner, or trying to be polite and correct in order to appear to be of a high social class)

profuse (pru̲h̲-FYOOS) (1 - a profusion of beautiful flowers)

풍부한, 마음이 후한, 낭비하는 (1. large in amount)

affluence (AF-loo-u̲h̲ ns or, often, u̲h̲-FLOO-)

풍부함, 풍부, 부

cursory (KUR-su̲h̲-ree) (1 - He gave the picture a cursory glance.)

피상적인, 겉핥기의, 겉핥기식의 (1. done quickly with little attention to detail)

contraceptive (kon-tru̲h̲-SEP-tiv)

피임의, 피임약, 피임 기구 (1. a product, device, or pill that prevents pregnancy)

azure (AZH-er) (1 - The once azure skies of Athens have been ruined by atmospheric pollution.)

하늘색, 하늘빛, 창공 (1. having the bright blue colour of the sky on a clear day)

menial (MEE-nee-u̲h̲ l, MEEN-yu̲h̲ l) (1 - a menial job)

하인, 머슴, 비천한 (1. /of work/ needing little skill or education)

paltry (PAWL-tree) (1 - I don't think my paltry student grants are enough for us to live on.)

하찮은, 무가치한, 얼마 안 되는 (1. less than expected or needed; too small or slight)

yawn (yawn) (1 - She yawned, covering her mouth with her hand.) (1 - It had been an especially long day, she thought, barely stifling a yawn.)

하품하다, 크게 벌어지다 (1. to open the mouth wide and take in and let out a deep breath without conscious effort, usually when you are tired or bored)

whiff (hwif, wif) (1 - I got a whiff of perfume as she walked by. fig. A whiff of scandal was in the air.)

한 번 불기, 은은한 향기, 휙 불다 (1. a smell that you notice briefly)

morsel (MAWR-su̲h̲ l) (1 - She ate every last morsel on her plate.)

한 입, 소량, 조금 (1. a very small piece of food)

heyday (HEY-dey) (1 - In its heyday, Pittsburgh was a center of the steel and coal industries.)

한창때, 전성기, 어머나 (1. a period of great success, popularity, or power)

fleet (fleet) (2 - He owns a fleet of taxis.)

함대, 동일 집단의, 비행대, 순식간의, 덧없는 (1. all the ships in the navy of a country, or a number of ships operating as a unit within a navy) (2. a number of aircraft, buses, cars, or other vehicles under the control of one company or organization)

capitulation (ku̲h̲-pich-u̲h̲-LEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Their forces capitulated five hours after the bombardment of the city began.) (2 - The sports minister today capitulated to calls for his resignation.) (3 - I capitulated and let my daughter go with her friends.) (3 - This was not a capitulation but an agreement.)

항복, 항복 문서, 굴복 (1. to accept military defeat) (2. to accept something or agree to do something unwillingly) (3. to accept defeat, or to give up or give in)

innocuous (ih-NOK-yoo-u̲h̲ s) (1 - an innocuous statement innocuous activities)

해가 없는, 악의 없는, 무해한 (1. completely without harm)

deleterious (del-i-TEER-ee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - These drugs have a proven deleterious effect on the nervous system.)

해로운, 유독한, 해독을 끼치는 (1. harmful)

elucidate (ih-LOO-si-deyt) (1 - I hope my book will elucidate the complex issues we face.)

해명하다, 밝히다, 명료하게 하다 (1. to explain or make clear)

thaw (thaw) (1 - Remove the meat from the freezer and let it thaw. It may take a couple of hours to thaw out.) (2 - With the spring thaw, the rivers and lakes swelled.) (3 - It was hoped that the agreement to exchange athletes would lead to a thaw in relations between the two countries.)

해빙, 녹다, 긴장의 완화, 따뜻한 기운 (1. to cause something frozen and hard to become warmer and often softer or liquid) (2. a period of warmer weather when snow and ice begin to melt) (3. A ____ is also a change to a friendlier attitude esp. between people or countries that were enemies)

construe (verb ku̲h̲ n-STROO or, esp. British, KON-stroo; noun KON-stroo) (1 - That comment could be construed in either of two ways.)

해석하다, 문법적으로 설명되다, 구문 분석 (1. to understand the meaning of something in a particular way)

vermin (VUR-min) (1 - She reported an infestation of vermin, including rats, in the basement of the apartment house.)

해충, 사회의 해충, 인간 쓰레기 (1. small animals and insects that are harmful or annoying and are often difficult to control)

strait (streyt) (1 - The strait lies between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.)

해협, 좁은, 곤경 (1. a narrow area of water that connects two larger areas of water)

euphoria (yoo-FAWR-ee-u̲h̲, -FOHR-) (1 - We were caught up in the euphoria of the moment.) (1 - a euphoric expression a euphoric mood)

행복감, 다행증, 도취감 (1. a feeling of extreme happiness or confidence)

floppy (FLOP-ee) (1 - a floppy hat a dog with big, floppy ears)

헐렁한, 축 늘어진, 용기 없는 (1. soft and easily bent; not able to maintain a firm shape or position)

herald (HER-u̲h̲ ld) (1 - The trade agreement heralded a new era of economic development.)

헤럴드, 알리다, 예고, 보도자, 문장관 (1. to announce or signal that something is approaching)

rinse (rins) (1 - Rinse the silverware before drying it. [ M ] Don't forget to rinse the dishes off.)

헹구다, 씻어내다, 린스하다 (1. to use water to clean soap or dirt from something) (2. A _____ is also a temporary coloring for hair.)

renovation (REN-u̲h̲-veyt)

혁신, 수리, 쇄신

vertigo (VUR-ti-goh)

현기, 어지러움, 혼란 (1. a feeling that everything is spinning around, causing you to be unable to balance and therefore to fall)

giddy (GID-ee) (1 - When she got off the roller coaster, she felt giddy and lightheaded.)

현기증이 나는, 어지러운, 현기증 나게 하다 (1. having a slight feeling of spinning around or being unable to balance; slightly dizzy)

sagacity (su̲h̲-GAS-i-tee) (1 - a sagacious person/comment/choice)

현명, 명민, 기민 (1. having or showing understanding and the ability to make good judgments)

genealogy (jee-nee-OL-u̲h̲-jee, -AL-, jen-ee-) (1 - He has produced a genealogy of his family going back to 1732.)

혈통, 가계, 계도 (1. the study of the history of the past and present members of a family, or a particular history of this type)

abhorrence (ab-HAWR-u̲h̲ ns, -HOR-) (1 - She looked at him in/with abhorrence. She has an abhorrence of change.)

혐오, 증오, 질색인 것 (1. a feeling of hating something or someone)

synergy (SIN-er-jee) (1 - Team work at its best results in a synergy that can be very productive.) (1 - the synergistic effect of two drugs given at the same time)

협동, 상승 작용, 상승효과 (1. the combined power of a group of things when they are working together that is greater than the total power achieved by each working separately)

consortium (ku̲h̲ n-SAWR-shee-u̲h̲ m, -tee-)

협회, 컨소시엄, 합작 기업 (1. a group of companies or people with the same goal who are working together to achieve that goal)

lousy (LOU-zee) (1 - The city does a lousy job of snow removal. I thought the movie was lousy.)

형편없는, 불결한, 몸이 안 좋은 (1. bad or unpleasant)

arc (ahrk) (1 - The ball rose in a high arc and landed beyond the fence.)

호, 아치 모양의 (1. a part of a circle, or the shape of a curved line)

pumpkin (PUHMP-kin or, commonly, PUHNG-kin)

호박 (1. a large, round vegetable with hard yellow or orange flesh)

beseech (bih-SEECH) (1 - Stay a little longer, I beseech you!)

호소하다, 간청하다, 청하다 (1. to ask for something in a way that shows you need it very much)

belligerent (bu̲h̲-LIJ-er-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - She was so belligerent that I gave up trying to explain.)

호전적인, 교전국, 교전국의 (1. eager to fight or argue)

acclaim (u̲h̲-KLEYM) (1 - Despite critical acclaim, the TV show always ran third in the ratings.) (2 - Marion was acclaimed president of the club.)

호평, 찬사, 갈채하다, 환호 (1. enthusiastic approval and praise) (2. to elect someone without opposition)

confound (kon-FOUND, ku̲h̲ n-; for 6 usually KON-FOUND) (1 - She likes to confound others' expectations about her.)

혼동하다, 당황케 하다, 당황하게 하다 (1. to confuse someone by being difficult to explain or deal with)

clutter (KLUHT-er) (1 - The basement work area is filled with creative clutter.) (1 - The family room was cluttered with toys.)

혼란, 어질러놓다, 소란을 피우다 (1. a condition of disorder, or a lot of objects that are in a state of disorder)

evocative (ih-VOK-u̲h̲-tiv, ih-VOH-ku̲h̲-) (1 - evocative music a sound evocative of the sea)

환기시키는, 생각나게 하는, 불러일으키는 (1. making you remember or imagine something pleasant)

reverie (REV-u̲h̲-ree) (1 - She was lost in reverie.)

환상, 몽상, 망상 (1. /a state of having/ pleasant thoughts)

vivacity (vi-VAS-i-tee, vahy-) (1 - He brought along his wife, a vivacious blonde, some 20 years his junior.) (2 - Judy Garland was bright and vivacious, with a vibrant singing voice.)

활발, 쾌활, 원기 왕성 (1. A vivacious person, especially a woman or girl, is attractively energetic and enthusiastic) (2. /esp. of a woman or girl/ full of energy and enthusiasm)

jaundice (JAWN-dis, JAHN-)

황달, 편견, 비뚤어짐 (1. a disease of the blood that causes the skin and the white part of the eyes to turn yellow)

dilapidated (dih-LAP-i-dey-tid) (1 - We still use the dilapidated barn for storing tools.)

황폐한, 파손된, 낡아빠진 (1. /esp. of a structure/ in bad condition and needing repair)

twitch (twich) (1 - She saw his mouth twitch into a little smile that disappeared almost at once.) (1 - She signalled with a twitch of her finger.)

홱 잡아당기기, 경련, ...을 낚아채다 (1. to make a short and sudden movement, or to cause part of your body to move suddenly)

cloister (KLOI-ster)

회랑, ...을 수도원에 가두다, 수도원 생활 (1. a covered passage around esp. a square open space within a religious building, or the space such a passage goes around)

rotation (roh-TEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Two rotations of the dial opens the lock.) (2 - crop rotation rotational adjective [ not gradable ] /roʊˈteɪ·ʃə·nəl/)

회전, 교대, 순환, 로테이션 (1. the act of turning around a fixed point) (2. the act of things happening in turns, or happening in a particular order)

whirl (hwurl, wurl) (1 - The wind came up and the snow began to whirl around us.) (1 - The dance was an exciting, dizzy whirl.)

회전, 돌다, 소동 (1. to spin or cause something to spin)

monolithic (mon-u̲h̲-LITH-ik) (1 - People think of "the media" as this great monolithic thing that's out there.)

획일적이고 자유가 없는, 단일체의, 모놀리스로 만든 (1. very large, united, and difficult to change) (2. A __________ building or rock is large and solid.)

ferment (noun FUR-ment; verb fer-MENT) (2 - He was a central figure in the intellectual ferment of his time.)

효소, ...을 발효시키다, 발효 (1. to change chemically through the action of living substances, such as yeast or bacteria, or to use a substance to produce a chemical change) (2. a state of confusion or excited expectation, esp. because of suddenly changing conditions)

gong (gawng, gong) (1 - a dinner gong)

훈장, 종, 공 벨 (1. a piece of metal hanging from a frame which is hit with a stick to produce a hollow, ringing sound)

wield (weeld) (1 - Under the new city charter, the mayor wields most of the power.)

휘두르다, 행사하다, 교묘하게 쓰다 (1. to have or use power, authority, or influence, or to hold and use a weapon)

insignia (in-SIG-nee-u̲h̲) (1 - a Cub Scout insignia)

휘장, 배지, 표장 (1. an object or mark which shows that a person belongs to a particular organization or has a particular rank)

wag (wag) (1 - When she came in, the dog sprang to its feet and wagged its tail.)

흔들다 (1. /esp. of a tail or finger/ to move from side to side or up and down, usually quickly and repeatedly, or to cause this to happen)

vestige (VES-tij) (1 - Vestiges of ancient settlements can be seen in the caves.)

흔적, 자취, 퇴화 기관 (1. a small part left from something larger and more important, esp. one that is no longer used)

inhale (in-HEYL) (1 - She inhaled /the fresh air/ deeply.) (1 - Two firefighters were treated for smoke inhalation.)

흡입하다, 삼키다, 빨아들이다 (1. to breathe in something)

revel (REV-u̲h̲ l)

흥청대다, 떠들썩한 잔치, 레벨 (1. to dance, sing, and enjoy yourself with others in a noisy way)

dissipate (DIS-u̲h̲-peyt) (1 - It took months of effort to dissipate the oil spill in the North Sea.)

흩뜨리다, ...을 낭비하다, 탕진하다 (1. to disappear gradually, or to cause something to disappear gradually)

chlorophyl (KLAWR-u̲h̲-fil, KLOHR-)

any of a group of green pigments found in photosynthetic organisms

lice (lahys)

louse의 복수형 (1. pl of louse)

offline (AWF-LAHYN, OF-)

not on a regular route of a transportation system (1. /of a computer/ not connected to or directly controlled by a central system, or not connected to the internet)

purify (pyo̲o̲ r-u̲h̲-fahy) (1 - Flower growers here are required to purify all their runoff water.)

...을 정화하다, 깨끗이 하다, 정제하다 (1. to rid something of dirty or harmful substances)

pedigree (PED-i-gree) (1 - a dog's pedigree) (2 - Populism and conservatism have strong Southern pedigrees.)

가계, 족보, 혈통 (1. the parents and other family members of a particular animal, or a record of them) (2. The ________ of a person, idea, or activity is its history)

replete (ri-PLEET) (1 - a heart replete with /= full of/affection)

가득한, 충분한, 포식한 (1. full)

pretense (pri-TENS, PREE-tens) (1 - He made no pretense of looking for work. [ pl ] Money was collected under false pretenses /= by deceiving people/.)

가식, ~인 체하다, 핑계, 주장 (1. a way of behaving that is intended to deceive people)

peg (peg) (1 - She hung her apron on the peg.) (3 - There's talk of trying to peg the value of the peso to the dollar.) (4 - They had you pegged as a sucker the minute you walked in.)

고정시키다, 쐐기, 다리, 마개, 열심히 하다 (1. a small, shaped piece of wood or other material on which objects can be hung) (2. a device used to attach something or hold it in place) (3. to fix the amount or value of something in relation to something else) (4. to recognize or discover what something is; identify)

guru (go̲o̲ r-oo, go̲o̲-ROO) (1 - I've become the computer guru in our department.)

구루, 도사, 전문가, 지도자, 거물 (1. an expert in a particular subject who gives advice)

incest (IN-sest)

근친상간, 상피 (1. sexual activity between people who are too closely related to marry)

zest (zest) (1 - She's over 80, but she still has an amazing zest for life.)

기분 좋은 자극, 산뜻한 풍미, ...에 풍미를 더해주다 (1. enthusiasm and energy)

threshold (THRESH-ohld, THRESH-hohld) (1 - a low threshold for pain [ U ] We are on the threshold of a new era.) (2 - It's traditional for a man to carry his bride over the threshold.)

기준점, 입구, 한계점 (1. a point at which something starts) (2. the part of a floor at the entrance to a building or room)

brim (brim) (1 - He filled his cup to the brim.) (2 - He pulled the brim of his hat down over his eyes.) (3 - Her eyes brimmed with tears. fig. She's brimming with confidence.)

넘치려 하다, 가득 붓다, 가장자리, 챙 (1. the very top edge of a container) (2. the bottom part of a hat that sticks out) (3. to fill or be full to the top)

nozzle (NOZ-u̲h̲ l) (1 - Attach the nozzle to the garden hose before turning on the water.)

노즐, 발사구, 물부리끝 (1. a narrow piece attached to the end of a tube so that the liquid or air that comes out can be directed in a particular way)

diagram (DAHY-u̲h̲-gram) (1 - The teacher drew a diagram showing how blood flows through the heart.)

다이어그램, 도표, 도형 (1. a simple plan drawn to represent something, such as a machine, usually to explain how it works or how it is put together)

fray (frey) (1 - All his shirts are fraying at the collar. [ I ] fig. My nerves are getting frayed /= I am becoming nervous/ from the constant noise around here.) (3 - A third buyer has entered the fray.)

닳게 하다, 말다툼, 닳다 (1. to become or to cause the threads in cloth or rope to become slightly separated and loose at the edge or end) (2. a fight or argument, esp. one in which several people take part) (3. A ____ is also a situation in which people or organizations compete forcefully)

carrot (KAR-u̲h̲ t) (2 - If they finished the construction ahead of schedule, they were offered the carrot of a bonus.)

당근, 보상, 유화책 (1. a long, pointed, orange root, eaten as vegetable, either raw or cooked) (2. something that is offered to someone in order to encourage that person to do something)

convection (ku̲h̲ n-VEK-shu̲h̲ n)

대류, 상승 기류, 운반 (1. the flow of heat through a gas or a liquid as the hotter part rises and the cooler part falls)

clump (kluhmp) (1 - Small clumps of hardy grass had sprung up between the rocks.) (2 - He clumped up the steps.) (3 - In our office, the desks are clumped together with partitions around them.)

덤불, 숲, 무거운 발소리 (1. a group, esp. of plants) (2. to walk in a noisy way with heavy steps) (3. to gather in a group, or to cause this to happen)

snare (snair) (2 - The legal system is full of snares for the unwary.) (3 - Arriving in Nashville, she had hopes of snaring a country-music record contract.)

덫, 덫으로 잡다, 함정 (1. a device for catching small animals, usually with a rope or wire that tightens around the animal) (2. A _____ is also a trick or situation that deceives you or involves you unexpectedly in a problem) (3. to get or achieve something that is difficult to get)

enclose (en-KLOHZ) (1 - The garden is enclosed by four walls.) (2 - Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.)

동봉하다, 첨부하다, 에워싸다, 둘러싸다 (1. to surround) (2. to send something in the same envelope or package as something else)

fluctuation (fluhk-choo-EY-shu̲h̲ n)

동요, 변동, 파동

congruent (KONG-groo-u̲h̲ nt, ku̲h̲ n-GROO-, ku̲h̲ ng-) (1 - congruent figuresCongruent angles geometry)

들어맞는, 조화된, 적합한 (1. having the same size and shape, or matching in size and shape) (2. _________ angles are angles that have the same degree measurement.) (3. _________ circles are circles that have the same radius /= measurement from the center to the edge/.) (4. _________ polygons are polygons /= flat shapes with three or more sides/ in which the matching sides are the same length and the angles have the same degree measurements.) (5. _________ segments are segments /= parts of a line/ that are the same length.) (6. _________ triangles are triangles that match one of these conditions)

enroll (en-ROHL) (1 - We have enrolled eighty children in this day-care program. [ I ] He enrolled at Penn State University. [ + to infinitive ] She enrolled in English.) (1 - Enrollments at medical schools are down this year. Enrollment figures for next year are now available.)

등록하다, 기록하다 (1. to put yourself or someone else on an official list for an activity or for membership in a group, or to accept someone in such a list)

preamble (PREE-am-bu̲h̲ l, pree-AM-) (1 - the preamble to the Constitution)

머리말, 서문, 전문 (1. an introduction to a speech or piece of writing)

shave (sheyv) (1 - He shaved his face. [ I ] He carefully shaved around the cut on his cheek. [ M ] I was amazed to see he had shaved off his beard.) (2 - She shaved about an eighth of an inch off the door, and now it closes.) (2 - After three days of camping, he needed a good shave.)

면도하다, 밀다, 깎다, 쉐이브 , 갈은 (1. to remove hair from the face or body by cutting it close to the skin with a razor /= a device with a blade/) (2. If you _____ an amount off or from an object or surface, you cut a thin layer from it)

eerie (EER-ee) (1 - Dust lay thick on the furniture, and cobwebs formed eerie patterns in the shadowy corners.)

무시무시한, 기분 나쁜, 으스스한 (1. strange in a frightening and mysterious way)

shove (shuhv) (1 - The opposing player said something, and Chris went over and shoved him.) (2 - She got into her coat and shoved her hands deep into her pockets. [ M ] Jim shoved open the door /= pushed the door to open it/, and invited his visitor in.) (3 - The discussion in the jury room got so heated that at one point two jurors got into a shoving match.) (3 - Someone in the crowd gave me a shove in the back, and I almost went sprawling.)

밀어내다, 밀다 (1. to push someone or something forcefully and with a lot of energy) (2. To _____ is also to slide something along a surface by moving or pushing it) (3. A shoving match is an angry disagreement in which two people push each other in the chest)

sew (soh) (1 - Do you like to sew? [ T ] She sewed her outfit by hand. [ M ] Would you sew on these buttons? [ M ] I had to sew up /= repair/ a hole in my jeans.)

바느질하다, 꿰매다, 봉합하다 (1. to join together pieces of cloth by putting thread through it with a needle)

lobster (LOB-ster) (1 - We had lobster for dinner.)

바닷가재, 랍스터, 얼굴이 붉은 사람 (1. an animal that lives in the sea and has a shell-like covering on its body, two large claws, and eight legs, or the flesh of this animal when used as food)

glitter (GLIT-er) (1 - The grass glittered like jewels.) (2 - the glitter of moonlight on the lake) (3 - Decorate the dress with glitter and buttons.)

반짝이다, 화려하다 (1. to shine with little, bright flashes of reflected light) (2. little, bright flashes of reflected light) (3. _______ is also very small pieces of shiny material used to decorate a surface)

accrue (u̲h̲-KROO) (1 - Interest on this savings account accrues at the rate of 4 percent.)

발생하다, 생기다, 붙다, 획득하다 (1. to increase over a period of time, or to get an amount of something gradually over time)

sentinel (SEN-tn-l) (1 - A policeman stood sentinel at the entrance.) (2 - the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel)

보초, 파수, 파수 보다 (1. a person employed to guard something) (2. ________ is also used in the names of some newspapers)

clone (klohn)

복제하다, 클론, 복제 생물 (1. a cell or organism that has the exact same chemical patterns in its cells as the original from which it was artificially produced) (2. to produce a clone)

lash (lash) (1 - The men lashed their horses into a run. [ I ] Ice storms lashed across the state.) (2 - Lash the boat to the rail.) (3 - She has enormous wide-set eyes with thick lashes.)

비난, 채찍질, 공격하다, 속눈썹, 휘몰아치다 (1. to hit someone or something with a lot of force, esp. using a stick or leather strip, or to move forcefully against something) (2. to tie or fasten together tightly and firmly) (3. an eyelash) (4. a thin strip of leather, or the act of hitting someone with such a strip)

vinyl (VAHYN-l) (1 - vinyl flooring/upholstery a vinyl raincoat)

비닐, 바이널, 레코드 음반, LP (1. strong plastic that can be bent and that is used to make floors, furniture, clothing, etc.)

asunder (u̲h̲-SUHN-der) (1 - Their lives were torn asunder by the tragedy.)

뿔뿔이, 산산이, 산산조각으로 (1. into forcefully separated pieces)

sabotage (SAB-u̲h̲-tahzh, sab-u̲h̲-TAHZH) (1 - Enemy agents had sabotaged the bridge. fig. The bombing was meant to sabotage the peace talks.) (1 - The explosion was not an accident, it was sabotage.)

사보타주, ...에 파괴 행위를 하다, ...을 파괴하다 (1. to intentionally damage or destroy property)

envoy (EN-voi, AHN-)

사절, 외교관, 결구 (1. someone who is sent as a representative from one government or organization to another)

asbestos (as-BES-tu̲h̲ s, az-) (1 - Inhaling asbestos fibers can make you sick.)

석면, 온석면, 석면천 (1. a soft, gray-white material that does not burn and was used in buildings as a protection against fire, and as a form of insulation /= way of stopping heat from escaping/)

bible (BAHY-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Her parents gave her a Bible when she was young.) (3 - The magazine became the bible of fashionable women.)

성경, 성서, 바이블 (1. the holy writings of the Christian religion consisting of the Old Testament and the New Testament, or the holy writings of the Jewish religion consisting of the Torah and other writings, or a book containing either of these sets of writings) (2. A _____ is also the holy writings of any religion.) (3. A _____ is a book that gives important advice and information about a particular subject)

meticulous (mu̲h̲-TIK-yu̲h̲-lu̲h̲ s) (1 - a meticulous housekeeper meticulous research meticulously adverb us ​) (1 - She meticulously planned every decorating detail.)

세심한, 꼼꼼한, 소심한 (1. giving or showing careful attention to every detail)

dexterity (dek-STER-i-tee) (1 - Playing with blocks improves a child's manual dexterity.)

손재주 있음, 민첩함, 능숙함 (1. the ability to use the hands skillfully in doing something)

avalanche (AV-u̲h̲-lanch, -lahnch) (2 - We received an avalanche of complaints.)

쇄도하다, 사태, 눈사태 (1. a large amount of ice, snow, dirt, or rock falling suddenly and quickly down the side of a mountain) (2. /fig./ An _________ is also the sudden arrival of too many things)

squash (skwosh, skwawsh) (3 - Kate squashed the paper cup and dropped it into the trash can.) (4 - Republican leaders will probably try to squash the tax cut.) (5 - Four of us were squashed into the back seat of his car.)

스쿼시, 호박, 짓누르다, 찌그러지다, 밀어 넣다 (1. a vegetable with a hard skin and many seeds at its center) (2. a game played in an enclosed playing area between two or four people who use rackets /= tightly fixed nets in frames attached to long handles/ to hit a hard rubber ball against a wall) (3. to press down or crush something so that it becomes flat) (4. If you ______ a plan or idea, you stop it completely and suddenly) (5. to push a person or thing into a small space)

spade (speyd)

스페이드, 삽 (1. a tool with a blade for digging, esp. one with a long handle)

carcass (KAHR-ku̲h̲ s) (1 - The carcass of a deer lay near the road.)

시체, 도살된 몸통, 짐승의사체 (1. the body of a dead animal)

sedentary (SED-n-ter-ee) (1 - Marilyn leads a more sedentary lifestyle now that she works at home.)

앉아서 하는, 앉아 있는, 앉은 자세의 (1. involving little exercise or physical activity)

caress (ku̲h̲-RES) (1 - a mother's soft caress caress verb [ I/T ] us ​) (1 - I caressed her face.)

애무, ...을 애무하다, 포옹 (1. a gentle loving touch or kiss)

parrot (PAR-u̲h̲ t) (2 - She just parrots anything he says.)

앵무새, 되풀이하는 사람 (1. a tropical bird with a curved beak and usually colorful feathers, some of which can be taught to repeat words) (2. to repeat something said by someone else without thought or understanding)

repress (ri-PRES) (1 - In the end, it was impossible to repress her emotions. The government repressed all reports from the region.) (1 - repressed memoriesrepression noun [ U ] us ​) (1 - The report dealt with the repression of civil liberties during the period.) (1 - The military regime was repressive and corrupt.)

억누르다, 진압하다, 억제하다 (1. to prevent feelings, desires, or ideas from being expressed)

smear (smeer) (1 - Mom smeared peanut butter and grape jelly on bagels for lunch.) (2 - He was smeared in the newspapers.) (3 - Throughout the election he had to contend with smears about his personal life. She was upset by the smear tactics used by her opponents.) (4 - He had a smear of paint on his shirt.)

얼룩, 더럽히다, 오점 (1. to spread something soft or wet over a surface) (2. to accuse someone publicly with the intention of harming the person's reputation) (3. an accusation made publicly with the intention of harming a person's reputation) (4. a dirty mark on a surface made by something soft or wet)

ace (eys) (3 - Yankee ace Chien-Ming Wang will pitch tonight's game.)

에이스, 1의 패, 고수 (1. one of the four playing cards with a single mark or spot, which have the highest or lowest value in many card games) (2. a serve /= hit of the ball that starts play/ in tennis that is so strong and fast the other player cannot return the ball) (3. a person who is unusually good at doing something skillful)

etching (ECH-ing)

에칭, 부식 동판술, 식각법 (1. a picture produced by printing from a metal plate that has been prepared with acid)

bland (bland) (1 - This sauce has a sharp taste and isn't bland at all.)

온화한, 부드러운, 재미없는 (1. lacking a strong or particular flavor; not interesting)

culinary (KYOO-lu̲h̲-ner-ee, KUHL-u̲h̲-) (1 - a culinary school)

요리의, 부엌의, 요리용의 (1. connected with cooking, esp. as a developed skill or art)

fencing (FEN-sing)

울타리, 펜싱, 울타리의 재료 (1. the sport of attacking and defending with a weapon having a long blade)

grudge (gruhj) (1 - He wasn't one to hold a grudge, but he wasn't going to be friendly.)

원한, 나쁘게 생각하다, 뒤끝 (1. a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who treated you badly)

growl (groul) (1 - The dog growled at her.) (2 - I heard a growl outside our tent, and prayed that whatever was out there would go away.)

으르렁거리다, 꼬르륵거리다, 화난 목소리로 말하다 (1. to make a low, rough sound, usually in anger) (2. If your stomach growls, it is making a low, continuous noise because you are hungry.)

karma (KAHR-mu̲h̲)

인연, 갈마, 업 (1. /in the Buddhist and Hindu religions/ the force produced by a person's actions in one life which influences what happens to that person in future lives)

concur (ku̲h̲ n-KUR) (1 - He said the mayor should not be reelected, and the voters concurred.)

일치하다, 동의하다, 의견이 일치하다 (1. to agree or have the same opinion as someone else)

makeshift (MEYK-shift) (1 - We pulled into a makeshift parking area.)

임시변통의, 임시변통의 물건, 임시의 (1. temporary and of low quality, but used because of a sudden need)

borough (BUR-oh, BUHR-oh)

자치구, 자치시, 군 (1. one of the five divisions of New York City or, in some states, a town or part of a town) (2. In Alaska, a _______ is a political division similar to a county in other states.)

recur (ri-KUR) (1 - If the problem recurs, I'll see my doctor about it.) (1 - He suffered recurring nightmares that someone was chasing him.)

재발하다, 되풀이되다, 순환하다 (1. to happen again or happen many times)

mucus (MYOO-ku̲h̲ s)

점액, 진, 콧물 (1. a sticky, wet liquid produced by glands /= special organs/ inside the nose, throat, and other parts of the body that help to protect them)

soak (sohk) (1 - The hikers got soaked in the downpour. [ I ] Water soaked through my shoes.) (2 - Let's just soak the dishes.) (3 - I got soaked for the cab ride.) (3 - It's so humid that my shirt is soaking wet before I leave the house.)

젖다, 담그다, 흡수하다, 절이다, 빨아들이다 (1. to make something very wet, or of a liquid to be absorbed) (2. To ____ something means to leave it in liquid for a period of time, esp. to clean or soften it) (3. to charge someone too much money)

carve (kahrv) (1 - This totem pole is carved from a single tree trunk.) (2 - Would you like me to carve /the turkey/?)

조각하다, 차지하다, 자르다, 개척하다, 분할하다 (1. to make something by cutting into esp. wood or stone, or to cut into the surface of stone, wood, etc.) (2. To _____ a large piece of cooked meat is to cut thin pieces from it)

alumni (u̲h̲-LUHM-nu̲h̲ s) (1 - a reunion of Yale alumni of the class of 1990 Vassar alumni Note: Alumni can be used to refer to men only, and in that case alumnae is used to refer to women only, but more often alumni is used to refer to either or both sexes where both attend the same school. The singular forms are alumnus for a man, and alumna for a woman.)

졸업생, 동문, 동창생, 출신, 참여자 (1. men and women who have completed their studies, esp. at a college or university)

annotation (an-u̲h̲-TEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Annotated editions of Shakespeare's plays help readers to understand old words.) (1 - The annotation of literary texts makes them more accessible. The revised edition of the book includes many useful annotations.)

주석, 주석을 달기 (1. to add a short explanation or opinion to a text or drawing) (2. to add notes or remarks on a piece of writing) (3. An annotated bibliography is a list of books or articles with notes giving additional information about each item.)

stud (stuhd)

징, 스터드, 장식 못 (1. a male animal kept esp. for breeding) (2. a small, bright-colored nail, often specially shaped, that is fixed esp. to cloth or leather as decoration) (3. a small ball fixed to a metal post that fits through a hole made in the body, esp. in the ear) (4. any of the vertical wood or metal posts used to make the frame of a wall)

repel (ri-PEL) (1 - This coat repels moisture.) (2 - Even the idea of him repels her.) (2 - Bring insect repellent along on the hike.)

쫓아버리다, 격퇴하다, 물리치다 (1. to force away something unwanted) (2. _____ can also mean disgust)

crescent (KRES-u̲h̲ nt)

초승달 모양, 초승달, 신월 (1. a curved shape that has two narrow pointed ends) (2. A ________ moon is the moon when more than half the side you can see is dark.)

acetic (u̲h̲-SEE-tik, u̲h̲-SET-ik)

초의, 아세트산의, 신 (1. a clear acid with a strong smell, found in vinegar)

displace (dis-PLEYS) (1 - A major government offensive against rebel groups threatens to displace large numbers of people.)

치환하다, ...을 대신하다, 바꾸어 놓다 (1. to force something or someone out of its usual or original place)

flop (flop) (1 - A newborn baby's head flops backward if you don't support it.) (2 - Her first book flopped, but her second became a bestseller.) (3 - The movie was a complete flop.) (4 - He fell with a flop on the bed.)

툭 떨어지는 소리, 실패작, 털썩 (1. to fall or drop heavily) (2. to fail) (3. a failure) (4. a heavy drop or fall)

caption (KAP-shu̲h̲ n)

표제, 자막, 타이틀 (1. brief text over or under a picture in a book, magazine, or newspaper that describes the picture or explains what the people in it are doing or saying)

caricature (KAR-i-ku̲h̲-cher, -cho̲o̲ r) (1 - I saw a wonderful caricature of the president in the newspaper.) (2 - It's so easy to caricature politicians.)

풍자 만화, ...을 만화화하다, 만화 (1. a drawing or a written or spoken description that makes part of someone's appearance or character more noticeable than it really is, or the skill of doing this) (2. to show or describe a person in a ridiculous way)

pierce (peers) (1 - Pierce the potatoes with a fork to see if they're done. She got her ears pierced.)

피어싱, 뚫다, 찢어질 듯한, 꽂다, 꿰뚫다 (1. to go in or through something, esp. with a pointed object, making a hole)

filament (FIL-u̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt)

필라멘트, 가는 실, 실 모양의 것 (1. a thin thread or wire, esp. the wire inside a light bulb) (2. the long thin stem that carries the part of a flower that produces pollen)

moat (moht)

호, ...에 해자로 둘러싸다, ...의 주위에 호를 파다 (1. a long, wide hole that is dug all the way around a place such as a castle and usually filled with water, to make it more difficult to attack)

iris (AHY-ris) (2 - When you say someone is blue-eyed, you are referring to the color of their irises.)

홍채, 이리스, 붓꽃속의 총칭 (1. a tall plant with large, colorful, often yellow or purple flowers and long pointed leaves) (2. the colored, circular part of an eye surrounding the black pupil /= central part/)

ornate (awr-NEYT) (1 - ornate jewelry/buildings)

화려하게 장식한, 화려한, 매우 수사적인 (1. having a lot of decoration)

resilient (ri-ZIL-yu̲h̲ nt, -ZIL-ee-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - Life is hard there, but the people are resilient.)

회복력, 탄력, 복원력, 끈질긴 (1. able to improve quickly after being hurt or being ill)

olfactory (ol-FAK-tu̲h̲-ree, -tree, ohl-) (1 - the olfactory nerve)

후각의, 후각 기관, 후각기관의 (1. connected with the ability to smell)

petrol (PE-tru̲h̲ l)

휘발유, 석유, 가솔린 (1. gas )

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