c.19 Respiration recharge

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The human left lung has ______ lobes with ______ fissures(s) between the lobes.

2, 1

The right lung has ______ lobes and ______ fissure(s).

3, 2

By definition, what is expiration? the diffusion of air across the respiratory membrane the movement of air out of the lungs the movement of air into the lungs one complete cycle of inhalation and exhalation

the movement of air out of the lungs

Air passes from the larynx, through the ___________, to the primary bronchi.


Cilia and goblet cells are associated with the epithelium of the ______.


The bronchial tree consists of the passageways that connect the ______ to the ______.

trachea; alveoli The bronchial tree consists of BRONCHI that run from the trachea to the alveoli of the lungs. (The bronchi form the tree; they are not the destination of the tree.)

Which segment of the respiratory system includes the nose, nasal cavity, sinuses, pharynx, and larynx?

upper respiratory tract

The movement of air into and out of the lungs is called ______.


The partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) of blood entering the pulmonary capillaries is ______ mm Hg.

40 -- remember, alveolar air is 104; arterial blood is 95, then 40 in venous blood back to the pulmonary capillaries

The diffusion gradient for the exchange of CO2 at the alveoli is as follows: PCO2 in pulmonary capillaries is _____________ mm Hg and the PCO2 in alveolar air is ___________ mm Hg.

45; 40

Why might it be problematic to cough while eating or drinking?

Coughing involuntarily moves the epiglottis; food or drink might then enter the larynx.

Why is the PO2 of systemic arteries and capillaries less that the PO2 of blood leaving the alveolar capillaries?

Deoxygenated blood mixes with blood leaving the lungs.

For cells to undergo cellular respiration and produce adequate ATP for normal functioning, breathing brings ___________ into the lungs.


Where does internal respiration occur?

at the capillary networks of the body tissues

The pressure that moves air into the lungs during inspiration is the pressure of the air around us, called ___________ pressure.

atmospheric or atmosphere

Carbon dioxide diffuses from the ______ to the ______ during external respiration.

blood; alveolar air

Which action would decrease intra-alveolar pressure? contraction of diaphragm relaxation of diaphragm

contraction of diaphragm

Indicate two changes that will trigger increased alveolar ventilation concerning pH and CO2 blood levels.

decreased blood pH increased blood levels of CO2

Indicate three factors that will cause an increase in the release of oxygen from oxyhemoglobin in the tissues. decreased pH decreased temperature increased temperature increased PO2PO2 increased PCO2

decreased pH increased temperature increased PCO2

For expiration to occur, the size of the chest cavity ______.


The air pressure within a container is inversely related to the volume of the container. Thus, as the volume of the container ______, the pressure of the air within it ______. decreases; increases increases; stays the same increases; increases decreases; decreases

decreases; increases

What is the term for the exchange of gases between the blood and the air in the lungs?

external respiration

The ______ of hemoglobin contains an iron atom that binds to oxygen.

heme group

Four polypeptide chains and four heme groups form the structure of a(n) __________ molecule.


The flow of air goes from an area with ________ pressure to an area with ________ pressure.

high, low

The oxygen saturation of hemoglobin ______ as the PO2 increases.


The structure that houses the vocal cords and acts as a passageway for air moving in and out of the trachea is the ______.


The PO2 of systemic capillaries is ______ the PO2PO2 in alveolar capillaries.

lower than

Control of respiration is based on input from ______ that monitor lung inflation and ______ that monitor O2, CO2, and pH. nociceptors; proprioceptors proprioceptors; thermoreceptors chemoreceptors; mechanoreceptors mechanoreceptors; chemoreceptors

mechanoreceptors; chemoreceptors

Which of the following has the LEAST influence on the rate of respiration? carbon dioxide concentration in the blood oxygen concentration in the blood hydrogen ion concentration in the blood

oxygen concentration in the blood -- Since "deoxygenated" venous blood still has a high amount of oxygen associated with hemoglobin in red blood cells, respiratory rates respond primarily to levels of carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions in the blood.

The concentration of a specific gas in a mixture of gases is proportional to the ______ of that gas.

partial pressure

Which factor determines the direction and degree of diffusion of a gas?

partial pressure gradients

The structure that acts as a passageway for food moving from the oral cavity to the esophagus and for air passing between the nasal cavity and the larynx is the ______.


List three functions of the respiratory system. regulate blood pH. produce ATP. obtain oxygen for the body. obtain carbon dioxide for the body. produce vocal sounds.

regulate blood pH. obtain oxygen for the body. produce vocal sounds.

What is the respiratory membrane?

series of layers through which gases are exchanged between alveoli and the blood

Which three of the following would be part of a lobule found in the lungs? terminal bronchiole lobar bronchus blood vessels intralobular bronchiole alveolar sacs

terminal bronchiole blood vessels alveolar sacs

Tracheal cartilage consists of C-shaped rings. Indicate two reasons why this configuration is advantageous.

Food passing through the esophagus (behind the trachea) has room to pass. They hold the trachea open.

True or false: Ventilation is another term for breathing, describing air movement into and out of the lungs.


Microscopic air pouches clustered at the distal ends of the alveolar ducts are called


Which structure is the site of gas exchange in the lungs?


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