CA Fines and Limits

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A California driver under the age of 21 who is caught with alcoholic beverages in his or her vehicle may be fined up to


In California, the fine for littering is ___. You may also be required to ___.

$1,000; pick up what you littered

If a California driver is caught smoking inside a vehicle with a minor as a passenger, he or she can be fined up to


If someone is seriously injured in a police pursuit of a fleeting driver, the driver will be fined at least


What is the minimum property damage coverage requirement for an auto insurance policy on a California vehicle?


If a driver is under DUI probation, what is the maximum legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that he or she may exhibit while operating a vehicle?


For an underage driver, a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of _____ gives California authorities the legal right to arrest the individual.


IF a preliminary alcohol screening (PAS) test of an underage California driver reveals a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of _____ or higher, the officer may require the driver to take a second test.


For California drivers 21 years of age or older, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of


A standard Class C California driver's license allows a driver to tow up to ___ vehicle(s)


If you are a California resident between the ages of 13 and 21 and you are convicted of consuming alcohol, your driver's license will be suspended (or your eligibility to apply for one will be delayed) for ____ year(s)


A California driver under the age of 21 who is found to have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.01% or higher will have his or her license suspended for

1 year

If you injure another person as a result of driving under the influence, your driving privileges will be suspended for

1 year

If a California driver's first DUI conviction is for a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.20% or higher, his or her license will be suspended for ___ months


In California, a DUI conviction will remain on a driver's driving record for ___ years


For the first 12 months of holding a provisional driver's license, a California driver may not operate a vehicle between the hours of

11:00 pm and 5:00 am

In California, what is the age range for obtaining a minors' instruction permit?

15 1/2-17 1/2

What is the minimum age requirement for a minors' driver license in the state of CA?


In California, a minor under the age of ___ may not work at a job that requires him or her to drive for pay.


What is the minimum age requirement for an adults' instruction permit in the state of California?


What is California's minimum age requirement for an adult driver's license?

18 years old

A california driver who holds a minors' instruction permit must have a licensed driver ___ years of age or older in the vehicle at all times.


An average 140-pound woman will become legally intoxicated after consuming ___ alcoholic drink(s). An average 180-pound man will become legally intoxicated after consuming ___ alcoholic drinks.


If a California driver under the age of 21 is caught with alcohol inside his or her vehicle, it may be impounded for up to ___ days


In a California driver loans his or her vehicle to an unlicensed driver, whether knowingly or unintentionally, it may be impounded for ___ days


Two or more DUI convictions in the state of California may result in up to ___ years of license revocation


Under California's Negligent Operatior Treatment System (NOTS), you will lose your driver's license if you earn ___ points in 12 months


Almost ___% of California drivers between the ages of 15 and 19 are convicted of a traffic violation in their first year behind the wheel.


How long will a provisional driver's license be suspended after three or more "at fault" collisions or convictions within a 12-month period in the state of California?

6 months

If you are an adult driver, for your first DUI conviction, your driver's license will be suspended for at least

6 months

Which of the following are alternatives to liability insurance coverage under California;s Compulsory Financial Responsibility Law?

A DMV-issued self-insurance certificate, A surety bond of $35,000 with a California-licensed company, or a deposit of $35,000 with the DMV

If a California driver has had his or her license suspended for 10 months following multiple DUI convictions, which of the following can allow that driver to regain his or her driving privileges?

Installation of an ignition interlock device (IID)

What is the most common traffic conviction for young California drivers?


A driver with a standard class C California driver's license may legally operate

a 3-wheeled motorcycle, a housecoat (RV) less than 40 feet in length, and a vanpool vehicle designed to transport 10-15 people

A minor seeking a California driver's license can practice driving with

a licensed driver 25 years of age or older, a driving instructor, or a parent with a valid driver's license

A California minor may have his or her driver's license canceled at any time by

a parent or legal guardian

If a law enforcement officer finds that a driver under 21 has a blood alcohol concentration (BAC of 0.05% or higher, the officer will

arrest the driver and suspend his or her license

If a California driver with a provisional license has been involved in two "at fault" collisions within the first 12 months of holding the license, he or she must

be supervised while driving for 30 days

Any driver who operates a vehicle on California's roadways consents to

chemical drug and alcohol testing.

Which of the following is against California law? a. Storing alcohol inside a vehicle b. drinking alcohol when over the age of 21 c. Transporting alcohol in a vehicle d. Storing an opened container of alcohol in a vehicle's console or glove compartment

d. Storing an opened container of alcohol in a vehicle's console or glove compartment

If you are convicted of driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.20% or higher, the court may a. require you to install an ignition interlock device (IID) on your vehicle b. suspend your license for 10 months c. order you to complete an enhanced DUI treatment program d. all of the above

d. all of the above

The drunk driving law in the state of California is also a _______ driving law


If a California driver with a provisional driver's license fails to address a conviction for a traffic violation,

his or her license will be suspended

In California, it is illegal to use ___ that impair your ability to drive while operating a motor vehicle.

over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, and illegal drugs

To obtain a minors' instruction permit, a California resident needs

parent consent

The California Compulsory Financial Responsibility Law requires all drivers to have

proof of financial responsibility.

If a California driver is involved in an accident that results in more than $750 of property damage, he or she must

report the accident to the California DMV

A signed note may allow a California driver with a provisional license to drive during restricted hours

to meet employment requirements, for school-authorized activity, or for medical treatment

A California provisional driver's license allows young residents to drive

without an accompanying driver

If you are a California driver under the age of 21 and you receive your first DUI conviction, your driving privileges will be revoked for 1 year, and

you will be required to complete a DUI program

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