Canine Theriogenology: Normal Bitch and Conception

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lH surge

a serum progesterone of 2 ng/mL is associated with what?


a serum progesterone of 4-10 ng/mL is associated with what?


anuclear cells are associated with what phase of the estrous cycle?

persistent cornified cells

anything that causes persistent estrogen levels will cause what finding on vaginal cytology?


as progesterone decreases what hormone will increases in the bitch?

3-21 days

based on estrus behavior, how long is estrus in the bitch?


based on these imaging findings from a vaginal cytology the patient is most likely where in their cycle?


based on this image of the vagina what part of the cycle is this bitch in?

diestrus or anestrus

based on this vaginoscopy image in a bitch what part of the cycle is this patient in?


based on vaginal cytology, diestrus changes are seen ______________ after impregnation.

non seasonal spontaneous

canines are ______________ and _________________ ovulators.

serum progesterone

diestrus in the bitch is based on the measurement of what?

the period in which the bitch allows coitus

estrus in the bitch is defined by what?

48-72 hours

how long must the primary oocytes remain in the oviduct to become secondary?

9 days

how long will fresh seman last for in a bitch?

breed every other day from the onset of estrus behavior until cytological diestrus

if the progesterone in the bitch is unknown then what is the best breeding protocol?

reduced less

in estrus the vulva is _______________ in size and ____________ turgid than in proestrus.


in the bitch the ovulated oocytes are ______________________.

vaginal cytology drop in cornified epithelium

in the bitch what is the best way to determine the onset of diestrus?

during cytological estrus

in the bitch when does metoestrus occur?


in the dog a complete erection is present at intermission. true or false?

48 hours

ovulation in the bitch will occur _______________ after the LH peak.


primary oocytes are capable of fertilization. true or false?


proestrus in the bitch is dependant on what hormone?


small breeds will reach sexual maturation _________ than larger breeds.


the CL is only maintained in pregnant bitches. true or false?

> 6 days

the canine sperm has a fertilizing capacity of ________________ post ejaculation.

sudden decrease in cornified epithelial cells

the first day of diestrus is seen as what on vaginal cytology?

8-9 days

the first day of diestrus will be seen _____________ post the LH surge in the bitch.


the image on the left is most likely correlated with what part of the estrous cycle?


there is a rapid drop in __________________ 24-36 hours prior to whelping.

parabasal cells

these cells were seen on a vaginal cytology. what type of cells are theses?

intermediate cells

these cells were seen on a vaginal cytology. what types of cells are these?

resists mounting attempts decrease vaginal thickening and folds mammary enlargement and lactation

what are the clinical signs of the onset of diestrus?

90 % cornified epithelial cells > 50% anucleated squamous cells no WBCs bacteria

what are the defining vaginal cytology features of estrus?

vaginal epithelial hyperplasia rejection of mounting attempts serosanguinous discharge

what are the signs of proestrus in the bitch?

surgical transcervical

what are the techniques for placment of frozen seman in the bitch?

parabasal cells small/intermediate epithelial cells

what are the two types of non-cornified epithelial cells of the vagina?

superficial intermediate cells nucleated cells anuclear cells

what are the vaginal cytologic signs associated with mid to late proestrus>

non-degenerated PMN non-cornified epithelial cells

what are the vaginal cytology findings associated with anestrus in the bitch?

parabasal cells

what are the vaginal cytology findings associated with anestrus?

vulva edema and yellow discharge

what is an observable indicator of an LH surge in the bitch?

10-12 months

what is the average time to sexual maturation in dogs?

> 4 months

what is the ideal length of anestrus in the bitch?

5-12 months

what is the interestrus interval in dogs?

9 dyas

what is the length of estrus associated with the endocrine and cytologic changes in the bitch?

4 months

what is the minimum interestrus period in dogs?

progesterone measurement

what is used in conjunction with vaginal cytology to determine the transition from proestrus to estrus


what stimulates the LH surge in the bitch?

bulbus glandis

what structure in the male is responsible for maintaining the tie in dogs?

vaginal septum

what structure is seen on this vaginoscopy image in a bitch?

prolactin and LH

what two hormones are luteotrophic in the bitch?

RBC's parabasal cells small intermediate cells

what types of cells are seen on a vaginal cytology associated with early proestrus?

increased superficial cells cornified epithelial cells

what types of cells are seen on a vaginal cytology associated with later proestrus and early estrus?

57 days

whelping in the bitch will occur ________ from the onset of diestrus.

onset of proestrus

when is the first cytologic exam of the bitch?

4 days before diestrus (3-10)

when is the ideal time to breed the bitch?


when using frozen seman in the bitch the seman should be depositied where?


which image shows vaginal epithelium from a dog in estrus?

far right

which vaginal cytology image is associated with estrus?

day 62-63

with pregnancy in the bitch the progesterone will be elevated until when?

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