Cardiac Output BB Quiz

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A beta blocker selectively blocks the beta adrenergic receptor. It will have the following effect on the heart when applied to the SA node. a. it will increase heart rate b. it will decrease heart rate c. it will not change heart rate


Cardiac output is calculated as a/ EDV-ESV b. heart rate x stroke volume c. heart rate/stroke volume d. stroke volume / heart rate


Decreasing heart rate requires parasympathetic output on the a. contractile myocardium b. autorhythmic myocardium


Decreasing heart rate requires parasympathetic output acting on ___of the autorhythmic cells. a. G-protein coupled receptors b. adrenergic receptors c. nicotinic receptors d. muscarinic receptors


Decreasing heart rate requires parasympathetic output resulting in ___ of autorhythmic cells a. increased rate of depolarization b. increased sodium influx c. increased calcium influx d. increased potassium efflux e. none


Increased permeability to ___hyperpolarizes the cells so that the pacemaker potential begins at a more negative value, slowing heart rate a. sodium and calcium b. sodium c. calcium d. potassium e. calcium and potassium


The funny channels (IF) remain open longer during increased sympathetic activity because of the following mechanism a. IP3 binding to the funny channels b. Calcium binding to the funny channels c. Phosphorylation of the funny channel d. cAMP binding to the funny channel


Atropine selectively blocks the muscarinic receptor. It will have the following effect on the heart rate when applied to the SA node. a. it will increase heart rate b. it will decrease heart rate


Atropine selectively blocks the muscarinic receptor. It will have the following effect on the heart when applied to the SA node. a. it will increase heart rate b. it will decrease heart rate


Increased permeability to ___during the pacemaker potential phase speeds up depolarization and heart rate. a. sodium and calcium b. sodium c. calcium d. calcium and potassium


Parasympathetic activity on the heart will cause the cell to ___to reach threshold, delaying the onset of action potential in the pacemaker and slowing the heart rate a. take longer b. take less time


Stroke Volume is defined of calculated as a. the amount of blood pumped by one ventricle during a contraction b. ESV-EDV c. Number of contractions per minute d.. Heart rate times volume of blood ejected e. Reserve capacity of the heart


Sympathetic activity on the heart will cause the cell to reach threshold ___, speeding up the rate of pacemaker deplolarization and increasing the heart rate a. faster b slower


The following neurotransmitter slows down heart rate a. acetylcholine b. norepinephrine c. epinephrine d. testosterone


Which of these will increase the heart rate? a. only the application of epinephrine to the SA node b. only sympathetic stimulation to the SA node c. only the application of acetylcholine to the SA node d. both sympathetic stimulation and application of epi to the SA node e. both sympathetic stimulation and application of ACH to the SA node


In a normal person, heart rate is initiated by autorhythmic cells in the a. Purkinje cells b. Bundle branches c. Bundle of his d. AV node e. SA node


Cutting off the vagus nerve increases heart rate? T or F


Epinepherine will have the following effect on the heart when applied to the AV node. a. it will increase the delay of the action potential at the AV node (it will travel slower) b. it will decrease the delay of the action potential at the AV node (it will travel faster) c. it will not influence the speed of propagation of action potentials through the AV node d. it will decrease heart rate e. it will increase heart rate


Increasing heart rate requires sympathetic output acting on ___of autorhythmic cells a. G-protein coupled receptors b. beta-adrenergic receptors c. nicotinic receptors d. alpha-adrenergic receptors e. muscarinic receptors


The following neurotransmitter increases heart rates. a. Acetylcholine b. Norepinephrine c. GABA d. Testosterone


Acetylcholine will have the following effect on the heart when applied to the AV node a. it will increase the delay of the action potential at the AV node (it will travel slower) b. it will decrease the delay of the action potential at the AV node (it will travel faster) c. it will not influence the speed of propagation of action potentials through the AV node d. it will decrease heart rate e. it will increase heart rate


Decreased permeability to ___hyperpolarizes the cell a. sodium b. calcium c. potassium d. calcium and potassium


Decreasing heart rate requires parasympathetic output resulting in ___of autorhythmic cells a. increased rate of depolarization b. increased sodium influx c. decreased calcium influx d. decreased potassium efflux e. none of these answers are correct


Increasing heart rate requires sympathetic output resulting in ___of autorhythmic cells a. increased hyperpolarization b. decreased sodium influx c. increased calcium influx d. none of these answers are correct


Ivabrandine selectively blocks If (funny channels) in the heart in the pacemaker cells. Which statement would be true concerning a patient taking this drug? a. this patient must have kidney stones b. the amount of calcium entering the patient's hear cells would increase c. the drug would slow down this individual's heart rate d. this drug would raise the blood pressure of the patient e. this drug would increase the contractility of the patient's heart


Nicotine selectively binds to the nicotinic receptor just like acetylcholine. Nicotine will have the following effect on the heart when applied to the SA node. a. it will increase heart rate b. it will decrease heart rate c. it will not change heart rate


The alpha blocker selectively blocks the alpha andrenergic receptor. It will have the following effect on the heart when applied to the SA node. a. It will increase heart rate b. it will decrease heart rate c. it will not change the heart rate


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