Cardio-Respiratory System

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Q15. Name two of the four functions of the respiratory system.

Answer (Any two of the following): - Brings air from the atmosphere into the lungs. - Transfers oxygen into the blood stream. - Removes carbon dioxide from the blood. - Expels heat and water vapour in the air breathed out.

Q2. Name three functions of the circulatory system.

Answer (any three of the following): - Circulate blood to the body - Transport water, oxygen & nutrients to the cells - Transport wastes away from the cells - Helps maintain core body temperature - Helps fight disease

Q19. How many cells thick are the alveoli and what process do they allow to occur?

Answer: - 1 cell thick - Diffusion

Q12. What do we call the measurement of the difference in oxygen levels between arteries and veins? What does this figure tell us?

Answer: - AVO2 (Arteriovenus) Difference - It tells us how much oxygen is being taken by the cells.

Q17. Name the small air sacs found in the lungs. What blood vessels surround these structures?

Answer: - Alveoli - Capillaries

Q3. Suggest the average resting heart rate and state the equation for estimating the maximum heart rate.

Answer: - Average resting heart rate is approximately 60bpm. - Equation is 220 - persons age

Q11. What blood vessels link the Arterioles and Venules? Where are the two sites at which they allow diffusion of gases to occur?

Answer: - Capillaries - At the cells and the lungs.

Q10. What are the two measurements recorded when taking blood pressure? What is each a measure of?

Answer: - Diastolic and Systolic - Systolic is a measure of the pressure in arteries as the ventricles contract and Diastolic is a measure of the pressure in arteries as the ventricles relax.

Q20. What is inspiration? What two muscles contract during inspiration?

Answer: - Inspiration is when air is breathed into the lungs. - The diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract to open the chest cavity.

Q16. Name the structures that oxygen will pass through as it enters the lungs (when we breath in).

Answer: - Nasal Cavity, Pharynx, Trachea, Bronchus (Bronchi), Bronchioles, Alveoli.

Q8. Which components of blood assist in clotting? What makes up 90% of Plasma?

Answer: - Platelets - Plasma is made of 90% water

Q7. What are the four components of blood? What is the purpose of haemoglobin?

Answer: - Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Plasma and Platelets - Haemoglobin carries oxygen within the blood.

Q14. Name the following structures in the order that blood will move past of through them. Left Ventricle, Right Atrium, Pulmonary Vein, Pulmonary Artery, Aorta, Vena Cava, Bicuspid Valve, Tricuspid Valve, Cells and Lungs. Start at the right Atrium.

Answer: - Right Atrium, Tricuspid Valve, Right Ventricle, Pulmonary Artery, Lungs, Pulmonary Vein, Left Atrium, Bicuspid Valve, Left Ventricle, Aorta, Cells, Vena Cava.

Q6. What do each of the following mean; Stroke Volume, Tidal Volume and Cardiac Output?

Answer: - Stroke Volume is the amount of blood pumped by the left ventricle with each heartbeat. - The Tidal Volume is the amount of air breathed in per breath. - Cardiac Volume is the amount of blood pumped around the body per minute.

Q13. What is the difference between systemic and pulmonary circulation? & Suggest which side of the heart receives oxygenated blood and which received deoxygenated?

Answer: - Systemic circulation is the blood circulated throughout the body. Pulmonary is the blood circulated to the lungs. - The right side receives deoxygenated blood and the left side receives oxygenated blood.

Q4. What are the four chambers of the heart and the two main valves?

Answer: - The four chambers are the right and left atrium and the right and left ventricle. - The two valves are the tricuspid and bicuspid.

Q18. Which structure of the respiratory system is mage of hyaline cartilage and carries oxygen to the bronchus?

Answer: - Trachea

Q9. What is used in veins to prevent the backflow of blood? What else assists in the movement/circulation of blood within the veins?

Answer: - Valves in veins prevent blood from flowing backwards. - Skeletal muscle contractions help force blood through veins (contractions on either side of the blood vessel squeeze the blood through the vessel.

Q1. REFLECTION QUESTION: Describe the structure of the heart and explain in detail how the blood flows through the circulatory system. Be sure to include where oxygenation and deoxygenation of blood occurs. (15 marks)

Answer: The heart is comprised of four main compartments, the right atrium (1 mark), right ventricle (1 mark), left atrium (1 mark) and left ventricle (1 mark). Deoxygenated blood flows from the right atrium to the right ventricle (1 mark), from the right ventricle to through the pulmonary artery (1 mark) to the lungs where oxygen diffusions occurs and blood becomes oxygenated (1 mark) at the alveoli (1 mark). The blood then returns through the pulmonary vein (1 mark) to the left atrium (1 mark) and into the left ventricle (1 mark). The aorta pumps blood to the capillaries (1 mark) surrounding muscle cells where oxygen diffusion occurs (1 mark). The deoxygenated (1 mark) blood then returns to the heart through the superior and inferior vena cava (1 mark).

Q5. Name the two major veins that travel too the heart and the two major arteries that travel from it.

Answer:Answer: - Two main veins are the Vena Cave (Superior and Inferior) and the Pulmonary Vein. - Two main arteries are the Pulmonary Artery and the Aorta.

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