Cardiovascular System
Ventricular relaxation
Blood circulates into the coronary arteries during
At the base of the ascending aorta
Blood flow in the coronary arteries originates
Atrial systole
Contraction of the upper chambers of the heart is called
The job will be taken over by the AV node
If the normal pacemaker of the heart fails
Coronary ischemia
Reduction in the heart's circulatory supply is called
Ventricular diastole
Relaxation of the lower chambers of the heart is called
Most Superior
The base of the heart is the portion that is
Four paired pumps
The best description of the heart is that it is
The bone lying anterior to the heart
Atrioventricular valves closing
The first "lubb" heart sound is associated with
Myocardium Endocardium Visceral pericardium or epicardium Parietal pericardium
The following are considered a heart layer
Thymus Trachea Esophagus Heart Large Vessels
The following structures are contained in the mediastinum
Left coronary artery
The left atrium and ventricle are supplied blood by the
The right atrioventricular valve is the
Vena Cava
The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the
Semilunar valves closing
The second "dup" heart sound is associated with
The thickest layer of the heart is the
Interatrial Septum
The tissue separating the two upper chambers of the heart is the
Coronary sinus
The vessels that drain the heart muscle are called
Coronary arteries
The vessels that supply blood to the heart are called
Purkinje fibers
Ventricular systole is triggered by the
The semilunar vavles are closed and the atrioventricular valves are open
When the ventricles are relaxed
The semilunar valves are opened and the atrioventricular values are closed
When the ventricles contract
SA Node
the pacemaker of the heart is normally the