CC 219

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A Chinese art critic, Weiwei, and his American counterpart, William, are both looking at a painting of a group of people standing behind a vase in the middle foreground. If you were to compare the eye gaze of Weiwei and William, what would you find? Select one: a. William spends more time gazing at the vase than does Weiwei. b. Weiwei and William describe the painting differently, but they are actually looking at objects quite similarly. c. William shifts his attention around more than Weiwei. d. Their gazes initially start out in different places on the painting, but become more similar over time attending to an object.


A chimpanzee learns from his human zookeeper to wash carrots in the artificial river in his habitat before eating them. Based on the definitions of culture used in the textbook, can this example be said to be "culture"? Select one: a. No, because he learned the practice from a member of a different species. b. No, because he is the only member of his group to adopt this habit. c. Yes, the information was passed on by social learning. d. Yes, because a habit or practice can be said to be "culture."


A group of participants is given a hammer. They are asked to collectively strike the hammer onto a pad as hard as possible. Under which of the following circumstances would people try less hard on this group task than if they performed it individually? Select one: a. They do not have relationships with the other group members. b. Their individual contributions are monitored. c. They are all women. d. They are from a collectivistic culture.


Army recruits are assigned randomly into specific sleeping quarters, where they do a lot of socializing during break time and at night. The political and religious attitudes of the recruits were surveyed before they were assigned sleeping quarters, and then again after several weeks of training. According to dynamic social impact theory (which describes how ideas spread), what should the results of the follow-up survey be? Select one: a. The recruits' political and religious ideas tended to form clusters based on sleeping quarters b. The recruits tended to make friends with those who held similar political and religious ideas regardless of sleeping quarters. c. The recruits' political and religious ideas did not change from one survey to the next. d. The recruits' political ideas tended to form clusters based on sleeping quarters but their religious ideas did not change.


Claudia and Hideki are math students. Claudia has a promotion orientation, whereas Hideki has a prevention orientation. What is the best way to make them both continue to put in effort to learn math? Select one: a. Give Claudia a very easy math test so she's rigged to do well, but give Hideki a very difficult math test so he's rigged to do poorly. b. Give Claudia a very difficult math test so she's rigged to do poorly, but give Hideki a very easy math test so he's rigged to do well. c. Give both students a very easy math test that's rigged to make them do wel d. Give both students a very difficult math test that's rigged to make them do poorly.


If a Japanese and an American were each contacted by a stranger for help, we would expect that Select one: a. the Japanese would trust the stranger less than the American. b. the American would trust the stranger more than the Japanese only if the American had heard about the stranger previously. c. the Japanese would trust the stranger more than the American only if the stranger were of the same sex as themselves. d. the American would trust the stranger less than the Japanese.


Mike is an Asian-American who just got shoved in the mall by another person. Compared to a European-American who experiences the same thing, Mike is Select one: a. more likely to dampen his physiological response to this event. b. more likely to raise the issue with security guards on duty. c. more likely to chase after the person who shoved him. d. less likely to understand what happened to him.


The kinds of ideas that are best remembered over time are those that Select one: a. are mostly intuitive, with the occasional counterintuitive idea included. b. are counterintuitive. c. initially appear counterintuitive but later seem intuitive. d. are intuitive.


When it comes to emotions, which of the following statement is TRUE? Select one: a. Some cultures have a word for an emotion not present in the English language. b. All emotions correspond to a unique physiological state. c. There is a universal definition of emotion, even though cultures vary in the number of words they use to describe emotions. d. All languages have a similar number of words to describe emotions.


Which explanation for cultural change best reflects Modernization Theory? Select one: a. Economic development drives cultures to become more individualistic. b. Intellectual traditions of a culture influence whether a culture is individualistic or collectivitic. c. Economic development encourages cultures to become more collectivistic. d. A cultural history of voluntary migration drives cultures to become more individualistic.


Which of the following is an example of a proximal cause? Select one: a. An Egyptian pharaoh brought in horse-drawn chariots, which allowed his army to out-maneuver and defeat his enemy in battle. b. Two psychologically different groups of immigrants settled in two different areas of the same country. Eight centuries later, those two areas still exhibit the same psychological differences. c. The modern hammer that has evolved over millennia is based on the original rocks that prehistoric humans used as hammers. d. Living along a continental axis allowed people in the Fertile Crescent to engage in agriculture.


Which of the following is an example of pluralistic ignorance? Select one: a. Police officers in one region continue to use confrontational interview techniques even though they do not personally like the technique, because they believe that the practice is widely approved of by others. b. Baseball in Japan retains some distinctive Japanese elements. c. Boston continues to reflect its Puritan origins, whereas Philadelphia continues to reflect its Quaker origins. d. the increasing globalization of world cultures


Which of the following statements is NOT true about animals and culture? Select one: a. Culture is found in several species of primates, but not in any other animals. b. There are behaviors common in chimpanzees in one location that are absent from chimpanzees in another location. c. Humans appear to be the only species that uses symbolic coding. d. Aside from humans, no other species shows evidence for much cumulative culture.


Which one of the following is NOT an example of a linguistic metaphor? Select one: a. "I'm really angry at you!" b. "You're wasting time." c. "You broke my heart." d. "I can't stand your obsession with twitter!"


Which one of the following statements is FALSE regarding acculturation? Select one: a. People who integrate themselves into U.S. culture typically improve their physical health compared to those who retain the ways of their heritage culture. b. People who integrate themselves into a new culture typically develop new ways of thinking. c. People typically experience a period of strong positive feelings toward their host culture in the beginning but then get disillusioned with it. d. People who adopt a separation strategy to acculturation in the U.S. may demonstrate higher achievement motivation than those who adopt a more integrative acculturation strategy.


Which one of the following statements is an example of universality? Select one: a. People tend to smile when they are happy. b. People in some countries smile more than do people in other countries. c. A smile can mean happiness but it can also mean anxiety. d. Women in the U.S. tend to smile more than men do.


You are a teacher who assesses your students' science knowledge by having them play one of many science games available on the computer. You want them to task this task seriously. Your class is comprised of Asian American and Euro-American children. How would you maximize each student's motivation to play these science games? Select one: a. Ask Euro-American students to choose the game for themselves, but let other classmates choose the game for the Asian American students. b. Let both Euro-American and Asian American parents choose for their child. c. Ask Euro-American students to choose the game for themselves, but ask students from another school to choose the game for the Asian American students. d. Allow all children to choose the game that they want.


Your friend Pedram is planning to immigrate somewhere and wants to go to a place where he'll have the best chance of adjusting to the new culture. Which of the following should you recommend as being the best place for him? Select one: a. a society that espouses values that match Pedram's personality b. a society in which he will be a visible minority c. a society that encourages people to code-switch d. a society that is homogenous, where everyone has a well-defined role


Which one of the following personality factors is least universal? Select one: a. Conscientiousness b. Openness to experience c. Agreeableness d. Extroversion


Diagnoses of social anxiety disorders are: Select one: a. higher in interdependent cultural contexts b. lower among East Asians than among North Americans c. largely constant across industrialized societies in the world d. increasing in the West over the past few decade


A group of East Asians and Americans have won a contest, and each person is allowed to pick a car from a selection of cars. All cars are of the same make, model, and year. The only thing that differs between them is that they can be one of two colors. Furthermore, there is an extremely unequal proportion between the two colors, making the minority-color very unique. Given this scenario, which of the following statements is TRUE? Select one: a. East Asians will choose their cars randomly. b. Americans will choose minority-colored cars. c. East Asians will choose minority-colored cars. d. Americans will choose cars with the brightest colors.


A key difference between evoked culture and transmitted culture is that Select one: a. evoked culture spreads much quicker than does transmitted culture. b. evoked culture is limited to a specific geographical setting, whereas transmitted culture can move across different ecologies c. evoked culture is more likely found in nonliterate societies, whereas transmitted culture is more common in literate societies. d. the majority of cultural differences are evoked rather than transmitted.


Ambrose has an independent self, and Hayden has an interdependent self. Which of the following is TRUE about Hayden? Select one: a. He is more likely to get depressed and anxious than Ambrose. b. He activates the same brain regions when thinking about himself and his mother, whereas Ambrose doesn't. c. He feels that his identity is based largely on his sense that he's an outgoing and extraverted person. d. He acts the same way regardless of the context or situation.


As the incoming CEO of a company where people of different ethnicities work in the same workspace, you have been given the task of creating a positive and friendly work environment. This means that people of different ethnicities should have trust in the company and have positive emotions toward each other. To do so, you plan to give a speech. According to the textbook, which of the following is the ideal approach to take in that speech? Select one: a. "There are no racial differences here—only one human race." b. "Every race/ethnicity brings a different piece of the puzzle that, together, will help us accomplish great things." c. "Everyone is special and brings his or her uniqueness to the table. We should treasure and treat everyone similarly." d. "Treat everyone the same—as a friend—to make this workplace a friendlier place."


Ayumi is a Japanese student, and Alice is a European-American student. They are both participating in a study in which they are asked to provide some self-descriptions. Which of the following is the likeliest outcome of this study? Select one: a. Ayumi is likelier than Alice to be optimistic over the long term. b. Ayumi is likelier than Alice to say that she is both considerate and selfish. c. Ayumi is likelier than Alice to say that she is an introverted person across different situations. d. Ayumi is likelier than Alice to focus on her individual characteristics, such as intelligence.


Based on Imada & Yussen's (2012) research, what is the most likely outcome of the following scenario? Our class reads a story about a chorus competition in which there are an equal number of collectivistic and individualistic ideas. Each of us tells the story to another American student at Lafayette who in turn conveys the story to yet another American Lafayette student. This happens two more times so that there will be a total of 4 re-tellings. When comparing the story heard by the last group to the initial story, what would you expect? Select one: a. The stories will be identical, although some minor points might have been omitted. b. The final stories will have lost most of the collectivistic ideas. c. The final stories will have lost most of the individualistic ideas. d. The final stories will be fairly different from the initial stories, but will still contain an equal number of individualistic and collectivistic ideas.


Based on attribution research, people in the U.S. would likely make which one of the following attributions re immigrants from Mexico Select one: a. recognize the close similarity between the two cultures I b. explain the poverty of so many Mexicans as a result of their poor work ethic c. blame the government for the poverty of so many Mexicans d. blame the lack of job opportunities in Mexico as the reason so many Mexicans are poor


Based on research on levels of the Big 5 Factors in the U.S., which one of the following patterns is most typical? Select one: a. Someone from rural Georgia with high E scores b. Someone from New York City with high O scores c. Someone from San Francisco, CA with high N scores d. Someone from Boston, MA with high A scores


Based on the study of "Tiger Moms" by Fu and Markus (2014), which of the following statements is TRUE? Select one: a. Asian American adolescents are similar to their European American counterparts in feeling independent from their mothers b. Asian American adolescents perceive their mother's involvement in their academic work as supportive only if they feel interdependent on her. c. European Americans adolescents are motivated by failure to do better next time when their mothers encourage them. d. European American adolescents see their mother's involvement in their school work as a source of support.


Culture can affect the brain in all the following ways EXCEPT Select one: a. Westerners spend less neural resources than do East Asians when looking at incongruent pictures b. cultural differences in brain processing are evident from an early age c. culture can encourage us to behave in some ways more than others, and different behaviors can affect neural processing d. culture can encourage us to focus our attention on some aspects of the environment more than others, and differential attention can affect neural processing


Evidence in the text and from Prof. Luo's lecture supports which one of the following statements? Select one: a. Language and its structures determine human knowledge or thought b. Language and its structures shape but don't determine human knowledge or thought c. Language and thought are separate but parallel human processes d. Thought produces language but language does not affect though


Imagine that Georgi moved to the U.S. from Bulgaria about 6 months ago. We might expect that he is Select one: a. having the time of his life, and is reveling in his new and exotic home. b. struggling a bit, as there are times he feels homesick and he has not yet made many American friends. c. adjusting to American life, and is fully integrated into the community. d. having a more difficult time acculturating than his neighbor, who moved from a small tribe from the Amazon.


In Petersen & Hyde's (2010) study, what sexual behavior showed the largest gender differences? Select one: a. age of first intercourse b. frequency of masturbation c. intercourse frequency d. attitudes toward premarital sex


In the Grabe et al. (2015) study of women's land ownership, which of the following statements is FALSE? Select one: a. when women own land, they experience less relational violence in their marriage than when they don't own land b. when women own land, they are more likely to engage in physical and emotional violence against their husbands than when they do not own land c. when women own land, they have more power in their marital relationship than when they don't own land d. when women have more relationship power they tend to experience less relationship violence


Just for fun, Mary decided to tape the corners of her mouth so that she will appear to be smiling for the duration of that day. According to the facial feedback hypothesis, which of the following emotions is Mary most likely to experience as a result? Select one: a. no particular emotion; the taping will not affect her emotions b. happiness c. sadness d. ange


Petersen & Hyde's (2010) finding that gender differences in sexual behavior were smaller in cultures in which women had relatively more power supports which one of the following theories? Select one: a. psychodynamic theory b. social structural theory c. evolutionary theory d. cognitive social learning theory


Studies of rates of schizophrenia across nations find that Select one: a. patients with schizophrenia in more developed countries tend to fare better over time than those from less developed countries. b. incidence rates of schizophrenia do not vary much from country to country. c. subtypes of schizophrenia do not vary much from country to country. d. patients with schizophrenia are treated similarly from country to country


The Singhs, an Indian family, are trying to decide on room arrangements for a new house that they are building. Which of the following moral principles is likely to be the LEAST important for this family? Select one: a. respect for hierarchy Incorrect b. the sacred couple c. incest avoidance d. protection of the vulnerable


The findings from acculturation research are less coherent than many other topics largely because Select one: a. there are no validated acculturation measures. b. people's circumstances vary so much it makes it difficult to identify common patterns. c. there is no consensual definition on what acculturation means. d. immigrants do not like to have their experiences studied by researchers.


Wendy, an American patient with depression, reports feeling suicidal, with depressed mood and trouble sleeping. Weiwei, a Chinese patient with depression, is Select one: a. more likely to become suicidal. b. less likely to report depressed mood. c. more likely to take anti-depressants. d. less likely to report sleep complaints.


Which of the following is an example of someone defining emotions using the James-Lange theory of emotions? Select one: a. Ryan thinks he feels sadness because his long-time pet had just passed away. b. Ryan thinks he feels excitement because his heart was racing after having held his breath for a minute while under water in the pool. c. Ryan thinks he is in love with Cheryl because she makes him happy every time he sees her. d. Ryan thinks he feels fearful of sharks because his heart was racing after he encountered a shark during his dive, and he knew that the shark was dangerous.


Which of the following people is the best example of blending? Select one: a. Jürgen has decided to accept the cultural values of his American host culture to fit in better, disregarding values from his German heritage culture. b. Sarah gained a much more interdependent self-construal after spending the last ten years in China, albeit less than that shown by Chinese. c. Loni is able to jump back and forth between her Hawaiian heritage cultural views and her Texan host cultural views. d. Bjorn is from a Swedish town where many people immigrate, leading to a very multicultural atmosphere.


Which of the following products or services does NOT capitalize on universal bases of attraction? Select one: a. photo-editing software that can mix different faces together b. photo editing software that can mix different body shapes together c. makeup that covers skin blemishes d. laser procedures that remove scars


Which of the following statements about the relationship between language and thinking is FALSE? Select one: a. Language can interfere with recognition of patterns. b. All cultures have words for numbers up to 5, the number of fingers on a hand. c. The words for colors in a particular language influence people's abilities to distinguish among colors. d. The English language has an extremely large number of words for emotions.


Which of the following would be an example of secondary control? Select one: a. You work hard at your studies in the beginning of the term so that you don't have such a busy time at the end of the term. b. You convince yourself that taking the bus to work isn't so bad after all. c. You try to convince your friends that they should move their planned hiking trip to the following weekend because that would fit better with your schedule. d. You return the sweater that you just bought because you decide it doesn't look very good on you.


Which one of the following groups/cultures should have more positive attitudes toward gender equality? Select one: a. more Muslim than Christian cultures b. more urbanized than rural cultures c. more men than women d. more collectivist than individualistic cultures


Which one of the following situations would predict greater subjective well-being for Alex, who is from a collectivistic culture? Select one: a. Alex has a vast network of friends. b. Alex is respected by members of his community. c. Alex receives a prize from his school's prize drawing. d. Alex feels a great deal of excitement.


With respect to spatial perception, which one of the following statements is TRUE? Select one: a. Cultures the world over primarily use absolute terms to convey spatial directions. b. Most pre-modern cultures represent space using absolute terms, like "river-side" and "mountain-side". c. Spatial perception is one of those human experiences that is relatively unaffected by cultural influences. d. Giving spatial directions by using oneself as a reference point appears to be of long historical standing.


You visit a country where you observe a great divide between the rich and the poor, with power in the hands of a small minority. Which one of Hofstede's dimensions of culture would accurately describe this culture? Select one: a. high long-term orientation b. high power distance c. high uncertainty avoidance d. high masculinity


You've saved up a lot of money over the last few years and have decided to travel the world. In interacting with people from different cultures all over the world, which of the following are you most likely to find? Select one: a. The Big Five only emerges reliably in the U.S. b. The same trait level may predict different behaviors in different cultures. c. People around the world have a similar range of scores on each of the Big Five factors. d. Only the Big Five factor of Neuroticism emerges reliably across all cultures.


Your friend immigrated more than a decade ago. While walking on the streets with your friend, he suddenly encounters a store that reminds him of his heritage culture. Which of the following is likeliest to result from that? Select one: a. Your friend will be prevented from entering the adjustment phase of acculturation, if he hadn't entered it already. b. Your friend is more likely to think in ways consistent with his heritage culture, at least temporarily. c. Your friend will, at that moment, choose to develop more of a separation acculturation strategy. d. Your friend will experience heightened acculturative stress.


A human, a giraffe, and a car. Which one doesn't belong? Select one: a. analytic thinker: car; holistic thinker: human b. analytic thinker: human; holistic thinker: car c. analytic thinker: car; holistic thinker: giraffe d. analytic thinker: giraffe; holistic thinker: human


According to research (Yakunina et al., 2012), which one of the following personality variables does NOT directly predict level of adjustment to a new culture? Select one: a. cultural empathy b. openness to diversity c. flexibility d. social initiative


Adolescent rebellion Select one: a. is observed in the vast majority of the world's cultures. b. is universal, although adolescent violence is not. c. is more pronounced in societies with more individual opportunities d. is especially pronounced in collectivistic societies.


After examining surveys you handed out in a given culture, you find that many people in the culture tend to agree with both the positively worded item "I strongly support the prime minister's policies," and the negatively worded item "I disagree with the prime minister's policies." What is this an example of? Select one: a. reference-group effects b. moderacy biases c. acquiescence biases d. deprivation effects


All of the following contribute to the uniqueness of human cultural learning EXCEPT Select one: a. how much the species learns b. the use of individuals with high status from whom to learn c. the ability to learn from other members of one's species d. how quickly the species learns


As a Moritist practitioner, you want to raise the popularity of your therapeutic approach by teaching others about it. In your lectures to others, you are most likely to say, Select one: a. "Clients will benefit from being empowered to engage in primary control." b. "Ultimately, our goal is always to help clients get rid of their symptoms." c. "It is important that clients see their symptoms as an important part of their own existence." d. "It is important that clients see how much kindness they have received from those around them.


Based on Swami et al's (2010) International Body Project, which one of the following statements is TRUE? Select one: a. Most cultures prefer a slender female figure as the ideal. b. Virtually all women are dissatisfied with their bodies. c. Body dissatisfaction is related to amount of exposure to Western media. d. People with lower incomes prefer a slenderer body ideal for women than do people with higher incomes.


Countries with the highest levels of subjective well-being typically have all the following characteristics EXCEPT Select one: a. satisfaction of their citizens' needs for respect and autonomy b. citizens whose basic physiological and psychological needs are met c. the highest gross domestic product (GDP) regardless of income inequality d. a relatively small gap between the rich and poor


Imagine that you have just taught yourself a new skill, such as juggling. You would perform your best at it if you Select one: a. competed with a friend. b. were part of a group that was rewarded for their team efforts. c. performed by yourself in a room. d. surrounded yourself with friends and performed for them.


Jeeyoung is an East Asian student who is going through a tough time. Given her emotional situation, which of the following is she most likely to do to make herself feel better? Select one: a. seek the help of her close others b. seek professional help c. remind herself of her connections with others d. introspect and solve the problems herself


Lee Hom and Eason are 25-year-old Hong Kong natives who have recently moved to Canada after having lived in Hong Kong all their lives. According to Cheung, Chudek, and Heine, which of the following best characterizes their adjustment to Canada? Select one: a. The longer they stay in Canada, the less they identify with being Canadian. b. The longer they stay in Canada, the more they identify with being Canadian. c. There is no relationship between how long they stay in Canada and how much they identify with being Canadian d. The shorter their stay in Canada, the more they identify with being Canadian.


Psychologists who came from Western countries to help victims of the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka did all of the following EXCEPT _____________, according to Christopher et al. (2014). Select one: a. expected there to be an increase in suicidal and other post-traumatic behaviors b. implemented standardized stress debriefing procedures c. consulted with members of the community who were knowledgeable about cultural norms d. increased anxieties in the participants of community "awareness sessions


Romantic love is Select one: a. something that grows with age until the birth of children. b. a product of individualism, and a concern with meeting an individual's unique needs. c. something that appears to exist in all cultures. d. a recent phenomenon in some human cultures


Someone who loves to engage in activities like sky-diving and roller-coaster rides is likely to score high on which of the Big Five factors? Select one: a. Openness to Experience b. Neuroticism c. Extraversion d. Conscientiousness


Stereotype threat is Select one: a. the result of people being unaware of the stereotypes that exist for their groups. b. limited to the experiences of racial groups that are discriminated against. c. measured using dependent variables such as task performance and physiological signs. d. largely in people's minds, and does not affect actual behavior.


The use of "no" around age 2 is a developmental stage that Select one: a. only occurs in Western cultures b. is universally viewed as a healthy sign of self expression c. occurs in nearly all cultures but is interpreted differently by different cultures d. signals adolescent rebellion later in life.


Wan-Ying wants to use the jiào xun type of parenting on her child. What is she NOT likely to do? Select one: a. watch her child closely while she or he does homework b. devote lots of time to nurture her child's musical talents Incorrect c. allow her child to play games while watching the child like a hawk d. show her son that he must bow when speaking to his grandparents


What aspect of subjective well being is most important in the U.S.? Select one: a. having few strong negative emotions b. having balanced emotions c. having strong positive emotions d. being satisfied with your life right now


What can be said about sensitive windows for language acquisition? Select one: a. Children do not start to acquire any language input before the age of 1 year. b. People who are raised bilingually have two distinct language centers in their brain that do not overlap. c. Learning a second language is most easily done by children (compared to adults). d. People can learn to speak languages equally well, regardless of age of acquisition.


When comparing collectivist and individualist cultures, which one of the following statements is FALSE? Select one: a. People emphasize the value of personal rights in individualist cultures b. People pay more attention to differences in status in collectivist cultures c. Collectivist cultures are composed only of people with an interdependent view of self d. More autobiographies are written in individualist cultures


Which of the following is TRUE regarding changes in the intelligence of people in a culture? Select one: a. Higher education demands concrete ways of thinking, rather than abstract speculations. b. Intelligence is not increasing, only IQ test performance. c. Increased complexity of TV and movie plots is associated with increased intelligence d. More involvement in sports leads to increased brain efficiency.


Which of the following is one problem especially associated with studies using WEIRD samples? Select one: a. Researchers cannot use effective independent variables. b. They are very difficult to unpackage. c. They have limited generalizability cross-culturally. d. It is difficult to find meaningful dependent variables.


Which of the following was NOT a belief to emerge from the Protestant Reformation? Select one: a. People have an individualized relationship with God. b. People have a specific purpose to fulfill during their lives. c. People are inherently good d. People must work hard at their calling.


Which one of the following associations between the Big Five factors and supporters of the current presidential candidates is MOST likely? Select one: a. A Trump supporter with a high Openness to Experience score b. A Clinton supporter with a low Neuroticism score c. A Trump supporter with a low Openness to Experience score d. A Clinton supporter with a low Agreeableness score


Which one of the following is NOT an effect of formal education? Select one: a. the ability to group things together based on some abstract category b. the ability to take written tests c. the emphasis on practical relationships among objects d. the ability to acquire knowledge about things you haven't experienced directly


Which one of the following is TRUE about psychology? Select one: a. Psychological research uses a representative sample of people from around the world. b. Psychological research uses a representative sample of people in Western industrialized cultures. c. Less than 5% of psychological research is done with participants from non-Western non-industrialized countries d. Psychological research uses a representative sample of people from within a culture.


Which one of the following is an example of polyculturism, according to Morris et al. (2015)? Select one: a. viewing the effects of culture as historically stable and predictable b. believing that everyone should be treated the same, regardless of culture/race/ethnicity c. recognizing the multiplicity of people's cultural influences d. celebrating an individual's primary cultural heritage


Which one of the following statements is FALSE regarding Malagasy high school students? Select one: a. Most are bilingual. b. Textbooks and lectures focus on France. c. Most go to universities in France. d. High schools are mainly in urban areas.


Which one of the following statements regarding body dissatisfaction is TRUE? Select one: a. body dissatisfaction does not affect men in the U.S. b. body dissatisfaction may be associated with self esteem issues but is not otherwise related to mental health c. body dissatisfaction affects both men and women in the U.S. d. most young men in the U.S. want to be thinner


Which one of the following would indicate an individualistic response on the Twenty-Statement Test? Select one: a. I am an older brother. b. I am a student. c. I am very sociable. d. I am a member of Pi Beta Phi.


A strength of Nisbett and Cohen's research program into the regional differences in violence between the U.S. South and North is that Select one: a. they were able to cause northerners to respond like southerners. b. they were able to manipulate all of their independent variables. c. they relied on archival data d. they used multiple methods across their studies.


According to research on facial expressions across cultures, if Dixon, who's an American, makes facial expressions for one of the 6 basic emotions Select one: a. only his expressions for happiness and sadness would be recognized by other cultures, but not his expressions for anger and disgust. b. other cultures generally would not be able to recognize his expressions. c. only cultures that have much contact with Americans would be able to recognize his expressions. d. his expressions would be recognized above chance in virtually all cultures.


According to the theory that suggests that gender inequality is a product of a culture's division of labor in a particular economic system, which of the following cultures should have the greatest gender inequality? Select one: a. hunting and gathering societies b. horticultural cultures, where families work small plots of land c. post-industrialized cultures d. cultures that employ ploughs in agricultural work


Arranged marriages have been found to Select one: a. be more satisfying to women than to men after 15 years b. be associated with unhappy marriages for both men and women. c. be more common in cultures with nuclear families as opposed to extended families. d. be higher in levels of romantic love than love-based marriages after 15 years


Based on Hofstede's 5 main dimensions of culture, which one of the following statements is TRUE? Select one: a. The U.S. scores extremely high in femininity. b. The U.S. scores extremely high in power distance. c. The U.S. scores high in pragmatism/long-term orientation d. The U.S. scores extremely high in individualism


Based on Ma and Schoeneman's study with Americans and Kenyans, which of the following would be expected on the Twenty Statements Test? Select one: a. All tribal Samburu: "I am a charitable person." b. All Kenyan populations: "I am a member of group X." c. American undergrad: "I am a thoughtful person." Kenyan undergrad: "I am a member of an association." d. Kenyan undergrad: "I am a resourceful person." Kenyan tribesman (e.g., the Samburu): "I am a member of an association."


Cross-cultural research on intelligence has found that Select one: a. IQ scores have increased on nonverbal measures of intelligence only Incorrect b. IQ scores have increased on verbal measures of intelligence only c. IQ scores have increased only in developed countries d. IQ scores have increased on both verbal and nonverbal measures of intelligence


During a professional ice hockey game, fans from around the world saw Tony Bertram, a professional hockey player, punch an unsuspecting player in the face and throw him onto the ice. Based on what you know about analytic and holistic thinking styles, which of the following do you think is most likely to happen? Select one: a. East Asians and Westerners will equally blame Tony's family problems. b. East Asians will blame Tony's nasty personality, and Westerners will blame Tony's family problems. c. East Asians and Westerners will equally blame Tony's nasty personality. d. East Asians will blame Tony's family problems, and Westerners will blame Tony's nasty personality.


Genes and memes differ in that Select one: a. genes replicate themselves, whereas memes do not. [change] b. memes typically last longer than genes. c. genes evolve more quickly than memes. d. genes vary randomly, but memes often vary from planned innovations.


In comparison to collectivist cultures, which one of the following is MORE common in individualistic cultures? Select one: a. A greater tendency to try to reduce interpersonal conflict during negotiations. b. Keeping track of who invited whom to the last social event and making sure to keep these invites relatively balanced/equal. c. A greater tendency to work harder on a task when you are with members of your ingroup than when you work by yourself. d. Insisting on paying someone who goes out of their way to drive you to the airport.


Jordan received a botox injection for the area around her eyes, meaning that the muscles around her eyes would be paralyzed and look emotionless for a period of time, while the rest of her face can still move. Before the paralyzing effect of the botox has worn off, she has dinner with an American friend and a Japanese friend. Jordan smiled throughout the night, indicating that she had a good time. Will Jordan's friends believe her smile? Select one: a. The American friend likely will not believe Jordan's smile, but the Japanese friend likely will. b. Both friends will likely believe Jordan's smile. c. Both will be unsure of whether to believe Jordan's smile. d. The American friend likely will believe Jordan's smile, but the Japanese friend likely will not.


Lumusi is a Ghanaian teenager who reports having more enemies than does her American counterpart, Lisa. According to research discussed in the text on Ghana, which of the following explains why Lumusi reports having more enemies than Lisa? Select one: a. There is more conflict in their lives, so Ghanaians need to be more wary about enemies. b. Ghanaians have more relationships than Westerners, so it follows that they will also have more enemies. c. Lumusi may report having more enemies, but she actually doesn't. d. Ghanaians are less likely to choose their relationship partners.


One advantage of experimental methods over survey methods in cultural psychological research is that Select one: a. experimental methods are cheaper and easier to conduct than survey methods. b. experimental methods are more easily understood than survey methods. c. experimental methods allow you to investigate more cultures at one time than survey methods. d. certain response biases are controlled better with experimental methods than with survey methods.


Sandra habitually engages in self-enhancement. She recently did badly on a sociology exam. Which of the following would you NOT expect her to do? Select one: a. disregard the importance of sociology b. blame her poor performance on her professor for not writing a fair exam c. think about how the student with the lowest score in class did d. compare herself with how the best student in her class did


Sandy, a U.S. college student, just learned that she did not get into her top-choice graduate program. Which of the following reasons is she least likely to give? Select one: a. It just wasn't meant to be. b. The interviewer was biased against me. c. The program probably wanted more students from under-represented groups. d. My qualifications just weren't strong enough.


The Department of Chemistry is trying to understand how people solve problems in organic chemistry classes. Students are given a series of complex organic chemistry problems to solve. Which of the following will characterize the students' performance? Select one: a. Any student who verbally expresses anything unrelated to the problems will do poorly on them. b. Verbally articulating their thought process enhances the performance of both Western and East Asian students on the problems. c. Western students will perform worse on the problems if they are asked to verbally articulate their thinking process. d. East Asian students will perform worse on the problems if they are asked to verbally articulate their thinking process.


The documentary "Half the Sky" provides evidence of all the following EXCEPT Select one: a. girls and women are valued less than boys and men b. female victims tend to be blamed for the sexual abuse they experience c. attitudes toward gender affect how sexual abuse cases are handled d. collectivist communities put pressure on the police to punish perpetrators of violence against women


What type of research design did Imada and Yussen use in their examination of how story narratives change when transmitted (Study 2)? Select one: a. situation sampllng b. a true experiment c. a correlational design d. a quasi-experiment


When considering how categories of privilege and subordination affect our lived experiences, which of the following examples is MOST likely? Select one: a. An African-American who does not think much about race. b. A non-heterosexual who does not worry about others knowing their sexual orientation. c. A Moslem American who does not worry about others' reactions to their religion. d. A man who does not think much about how being male affects him.


Which of the following does NOT explain why children at East Asian schools tend to do better at math than children at American schools? Select one: a. East Asian teachers tend to use more concrete examples when teaching math than American teachers. b. East Asian mothers tend to demand higher standards of achievement than American mothers. c. East Asian students are at school for more hours per year than American children. d. East Asian mothers are more likely than American mothers to believe that math is an ability that a child either has or not.


Which of the following persons should experience the least amount of acculturation stress? Select one: a. Carlita, in Costa Rica 5 years, who has rejected her Nicaraguan identity and culture but who is critical of most of the ways locals behave. b. Carol, in Costa Rica for 5 years, who lives among other Western expatriates, eats at American restaurants, buys American products, and who has yet to acquire a mastery of Spanish c. Fatimah, in the U.S. 5 years, who has rejected her native culture (and their oppression of women) and who has completely adopted American ways of dressing, eating, and behaving d. Juanita, in the U.S. 5 years, who celebrates her Costa Rican heritage and also actively engages in life in the U.S.


Which of the following statements about how mothers interact with their young children is TRUE? Select one: a. In most societies, children sleep in their own room. b. Maternal socialization practices are fairly similar around the world. c. Across cultures, amount of face-to-face contact time is similar. d. American mothers have among the lowest rates of physical contact with their infant.


Which of the following statements about the relationships between authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles is TRUE? Select one: a. Authoritative parenting uses more democratic reasoning than does authoritarian parenting. b. Authoritative parenting makes the child less happy than authoritarian parenting. c. Both lead the child to be psychologically maladjusted. d. Both involve similar levels of parental warmth.


Which of the following statements is TRUE with respect to Individualism-Collectivism in the U.S.? Select one: a. The degree of individualism in the U.S., albeit high, has not changed much in the last 50 years. b. People belong to more social and community groups now than people did in the 1960s. c. Electronic entertainment makes people feel more socially connected. Incorrect d. Increased suburbanization has increased individualism.


Which of the following therapists is most accurately being described as demonstrating cultural competence? Select one: a. Therapist B works as part of a cultural consultation service. b. Therapist A is knowledgeable about different cultures. c. Therapist C is a practitioner of both Morita therapy and Naikan therapy. d. Therapist D is familiar with her own cultural background's effect on her perspectives and strives to understand the cultural perspective of her clients.


Which one of the following conditions is LEAST likely to be considered a culture-bound syndrome? Select one: a. anorexia nervosa b. amok c. bulimia nervosa d. anxiety


Which one of the following groups would be LEAST likely to hold collectivist attitudes/values? Select one: a. A man from Pakistan b. A European-American woman from the U.S. c. A Latina from the southwest U.S. d. A Caucasian man from Australia.


Which one of the following is MOST likely to occur in a culture with low relational mobility? Select one: a. Being physically attractive is socially valued. b. Marriages are based on romantic love. c. People have many close friends. d. Relationships tend to be very stable over time.


Which one of the following statements about mental disorders is FALSE? Select one: a. Social deviance is often part of the criteria used in defining a mental illness b. People need to share a culture's belief system in order to be affected by practices like voodoo c. Suicide patterns vary tremendously across cultures d. There are universally agreed-upon symptoms of each mental disorder


Which one of the following statements is TRUE regarding high school education in Madagascar? Select one: a. teachers encourage class discussion of texts b. students are encouraged to ask questions of the teacher c. students learn how to write analytically d. teachers encourage memorization


Which one of the following statements most accurately reflects Hamamura's (2012) conclusion from his research? Select one: a. Japan has increased in individualism on demographic indices but not in terms of attitudes. b. Japan has not become increasingly individualistic but has retained its collectivist orientation. c. Japan has become so individualistic that it is indistinguishable from the U.S. d. Japan has become increasingly individualistic but still retains some collectivist ideas.


Which one of the following statements regarding attitudes toward homosexuality is FALSE? Select one: a. Attitudes toward homosexuality can change dramatically within a culture in the span of 20 years b. Attitudes regarding homosexuality are related to the status of women within a culture c. Peterson & Hyde (2010) found that men held more negative attitudes toward gay men than did women. d. The cultures with the most negative attitudes toward homosexuality tend to be the most industrialized.


With respect to happiness and life satisfaction, which one of the following is TRUE? Select one: a. People in virtually all cultures associate happiness with feeling a sense of calm and peace. b. People in virtually all cultures strive to be happy. c. People in virtually all cultures experience happiness in terms of strong positive emotions. d. People in virtually all cultures experience greater subjective well being to the extent that their physiological, psychological, and social needs are filled.


With respect to the concept of "aversion to happiness," which one of the following statements is FALSE? Select one: a. Some cultures believe that expressing happiness invites envy and thus social disharmony. b. Some cultures believe that being happy can make someone a worse person. c. Aversion to happiness appears stronger in Eastern cultures than Western ones. d. Aversion to happiness typically is not found among people in the U.S.


Your sister just got a new job. Her role is to be a surrogate sister for a teenage boy who has not unlocked himself from his room for a year. Ultimately, her job is to try to get the boy to get out of the house. What condition does this boy have? Select one: a. dhat syndrome b. susto c. amok d. hikikomori


A key difference between "cultural" psychologists and "general" psychologists is that Select one: a. general psychologists believe that people everywhere are born with similar brains, whereas cultural psychologists believe that people are born with different kinds of brains in different cultures. b. cultural psychologists believe that the mind is interdependent with context and content, whereas general psychologists believe that the mind is independent from context and content. c. general psychologists believe that experiences shape the mind, whereas cultural psychologists believe that experiences do not shape the mind. d. cultural psychologists study people from different cultures, whereas general psychologists study people from one culture


Which of the following is an example of ethnocentrism? Select one: a. "We should be more tolerant of different ethnicities, and make that the key goal of the company." b. "I grew up eating fish raw, but people from Culture X like to eat fish cooked. Different countries just have different food preferences." c. "Those people from Culture X are weird. Rather than using forks to eat like we do, like people are supposed to, they pick up their food with sticks." d. "I do not understand. How come we keep dogs as pets, but people from Culture X keep llamas as pets?"


Your roommate is from a high context culture. As a result, which of the following is most likely to be an exchange between the two of you? Select one: a. You ask your roommate why she seems upset with you, and she responds by telling you exactly what she's thinking, providing the whole context for you to understand. = b. Your roommate is practicing dancing in the living room even though you want to watch TV. c. You ask your roommate if you can use her hairdryer, and she responds with an uneasy expression and says, "I guess so." d. Your roommate asks you if she can use your yoga mat, and you reply, "I'll think about it."


When Prof. Luo states that "language is conceptualization," she means which one of the following? Select one: a. If we don't have words for a concept, we cannot experience a concept b. Languages have the same number of words for concrete objects, like snow, but not for more abstract ones, like love c. A conceptual metaphor likens one abstract concept to another d. People who speak different languages see the world somewhat differently


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