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a mechanism that is used with TCP to control the amount of traffic that is sent from the source to the destination

flow control

What are three responsibilities of the transport layer? (Choose three.)

- meeting the reliability requirements of applications, if any - multiplexing multiple communication streams from many users or applications on the same network - identifying the applications and services on the client and server that should handle transmitted data

ports that are dynamically assigned to communication sessions as needed and are typically in the numerical range of 1024 to 65535

dynamic ports

Which number or set of numbers represents a socket?

Which two services or protocols use the preferred UDP protocol for fast transmission and low overhead? (Choose two)


Which three fields are used in a UDP segment header? (Choose three.)

Length Source Port Checksum

a connection-oriented reliable protocol that uses a 3-way handshake


Which transport layer feature is used to guarantee session establishment?

TCP 3-way handshake

Which action is performed by a client when establishing communication with a server via the use of UDP at the transport layer?

The client randomly selects a source port number.

Network congestion has resulted in the source learning of the loss of TCP segments that were sent to the destination. What is one way that the TCP protocol addresses this?

The source decreases the amount of data that it transmits before it receives an acknowledgement from the destination.

a connectionless protocol that has little overhead and is used for communication data such as voice and video


What is an advantage of UDP over TCP?

UDP communication requires less overhead.

What type of applications are best suited for using UDP?

applications that are sensitive to delay

a data delivery method that has no service guarantee

best effort delivery

A client application needs to terminate a TCP communication session with a server. Place the termination process steps in the order that they will occur. (Not all options are used.)

client sends FIN server sends ACK server sends FIN client sends ACk

used to describe the reliable nature of TCP. The connection refers to the 3-way handshake required in TCP before data transmission.


the combining of many different conversations into one data stream

conversation multiplexing

the name of the UDP PDU


a port value that uniquely identifies the destination application

destination port

a utility that tracks TCP connections on network hosts


numbers that are assigned to the source and destination at Layer 4 to uniquely identify the communication

port numbers

a block of application data created to facilitate network transport


a connection between systems


a value between 1024 and 65535 used to uniquely identify the source application or process on a local host

source port

Refer to the exhibit. What does the value of the window size specify?

the amount of data that can be sent before an acknowledgment is required

What is the purpose of using a source port number in a TCP communication?

to keep track of multiple conversations between devices

What is the purpose of the TCP sliding window?

to request that a source decrease the rate at which it transmits data

What OSI layer is responsible for establishing a temporary communication session between two applications and ensuring that transmitted data can be reassembled in proper sequence?


port numbers in the range of 1-1024 that identify network applications that are well known such as web, email, and remote login applications

well-known ports

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