MGT 3100 Quiz Questions

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Tyrone was recently promoted to manager. Although he used to take advice from his peers, he seems no longer willing to listen to any input from them or his boss, and is determined to run the project how he thinks best. This is an example of which personal barrier to communication?

An oversized ego

The extent to which a job allows an employee to make decisions about scheduling different tasks and deciding how to perform them is called _____.


Paige missed another deadline and her boss Linda is very upset. She will have to explain to the client again why the project is behind. Linda thinks she may say something she'll regret if she talks to Paige about this now, so she decides to wait awhile. Linda is using the ______ conflict-handling style.


The control mechanism utilized for making sure the right people do the right things at the right time is known as the mechanism for authority.

False Hierarchy of Authority or Chain of Command

Just as human beings have a personality, organizations also have a "personality"—the product(s) they sell and the type(s) of market(s) they participate in.

False Just as a human being has a personality, organizations also have a "personality"—their culture.

Companies that have gone through a rough start-up period may decide to change their structures so that they are less mechanistic, with greater flexibility.

False More mechanistic

The five ingredients of a learning organization are acquiring knowledge, training, studying knowledge, pondering, and monitoring employees.

False A learning organization has three parts: creating and acquiring knowledge, transferring knowledge, and modifying behavior.

The behavioral viewpoint of management emphasized the importance of encouraging employees to work more efficiently.

False With the behavioral viewpoint, the emphasis was on the importance of understanding human behavior and motivating and encouraging employees toward achievement.

Doug gave some people street directions, but since they only nodded their heads and didn't repeat the directions back to him, he doesn't really know whether the directions were understood. This is an example of what type of barrier?


Of the following, which medium is the least rich?

Flier on a bulletin board

Sharon told her team that she is moving forward with a change to the bonus structure, despite vocal objections from several team members. Sharon is using the ______ conflict-handling style.

Forcing or dominating

Channels of communications that follow the chain of command and are considered as official are termed _____.


Molly organized several teachers to discuss the school's interior painting scheduled for summer. They looked at several brands, and heard a presentation by a designer who then helped them choose a color palette to recommend to school administrators. In this instance, the teachers make up a(n) _____.

Formal Group

A group that is created to do something productive for the organization and is headed by a leader is called a(n) _____.

Formal group

Sometimes culture can be strong enough to take the place of an organization's ____.

Formal rules and regulations

The structure of Shoe Mart consists of people with similar specialties put together in formal groups, such as the marketing, accounting, and human resource departments. This is an example of a _____.

Functional structure

A Scanlon plan is a type of ______ compensation plan.


Because the production division at Heavenly Gates Inc. is $10,000 below budget due to process improvements, this year 30% of the savings will be returned to the division to spend as desired, as a form of _____.


Which of the following is not a practice used to create a flexible workplace?


Rena, a marketing manager, uses a sports car metaphor to explain a concept to her male counterpart in finance. She is said to be _____.


Randy complained to his boss Maryann that he received the same bonus this quarter as everyone else, despite the longer hours he had worked and his higher level of experience, production and efficiency. If Maryann can't change the bonus, she should expect that Randy might respond in any of the following ways except _____.

Ignoring his feeling of resentment and trying harder in next quarter

Clint is a branch manager for a large freight company. He has noticed low morale lately, perhaps because of the cramped quarters, stricter policies and lack of raises this year. According to Herzberg, Clint should first concentrate on _____.

Hygiene factors

When thieves use your name and good credit rating to get cash or buy things, it is known as _____.

Identity Theft

When Cisco Systems told executives they would gain or lose 30% of their bonuses based on how well they worked with peers, and in three years had record profits, it _____.

Improved workplace cohesiveness

______ involves division of an organization's work and applies motivational theories to jobs to increase satisfaction and performance.

Job Design

The motivating potential score (MPS) is calculated as part of using _____.

Job characteristics model

__________ is the process of increasing the number of tasks in a job to increase variety and motivation.

Job enlargement

Michele's job as an accounting assistant was recently modified to include reconciling bank accounts and making deposits, two tasks previously done by the accounting manager. This increase in responsibility would best be described as _____.

Job enrichment

The process of building into a job such motivating factors as recognition and achievement is called _____.

Job enrichment

The process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages, which requires full attention and processing, is known as active _____.


A manager who literally wanders around her organization and talks with people across all lines of authority is doing _____.


Someone at a team meeting who says, "Let's hear from those who oppose this plan," is performing a ______ role.


According to Herzberg's theory, the first thing managers of employees who dislike their jobs should do is to _____.

Make sure pay levels, policies, and working conditions are reasonable

Which of the following is an accurate conclusion from the "Organizational Culture and Organizational Effectiveness: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Competing Values Framework's Theoretical Suppositions" study involving the culture of 1,000 companies?

Managers can use elements of these cultures to boost innovation and quality.

Tom, the manager of floral shop, is interested in implementing the principles of administrative management, which involves ____.

Managing the total organization

Right Motors calls its customers after they purchase an automobile from the dealership. In addition, every year customers are asked to complete a short survey about the car they purchased from Right and the dealer's service. This is an example of a(n) ___ system.


Organizational design is concerned with an organization developing ____.

Optimal structures of accountability and responsibility to execute its strategies

Time Warner has different divisions for magazines, movies, recordings, cable television, and so on. The Warner Bros. part of the empire alone has divisions spanning movies and television, a broadcast network, retail stores, theaters, amusement parks, and music. Time Warner is an example of an organization with ____.

Product Divisions

A data processing group is an example of a(n) _____.

Production team

Nancy's employer distributes checks at the end of each quarter, representing an equitable portion of 5% of the company's pretax profits for the previous period. This is known as _____.

Profit Sharing

At Allen and Thomas Architects, a group of designers are developing the first drawings for a proposed multiuse office development in an older section of a large city that is being revitalized. What type of work team is this group?

Project team

The field of behavioral science includes _____.

Psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics

A study conducted by AT&T and Stanford University found that the top predictor of success and professional upward mobility was _____.

Public Speaking Ability

A simple model of motivation does not include which of the following?


A supervisor told a salesperson who had not made any calls to clients and therefore did not make quota, "Well, if this continues in the next 30 days, you'll probably be let go." By presenting something negative, the supervisor provides an example of _____.


Ted's manager required him to give up his company car since he had missed sales goals for four consecutive quarters. Ted's manager used _____.


Gabriel, the CEO of a large global production company, is excited about the introduction of statistics and computer simulations in the design stage of their products. This is an example of _____.

Quantitative techniques

Roger was talking to a coworker in a meeting, and wasn't listening when his supervisor announced work assignments. This is an example of what type of barrier to communication?

Receiver barrier

When Men's Wearhouse fired a salesperson who wasn't sharing walk-in customer traffic, and total clothing sales volume among all salespeople increased significantly, it _____.

Reduced destructive internal competition

To achieve psychological growth, according to the self-determination theory, people need to satisfy the three innate needs: competence, autonomy, and _____.


In equity theory, employees are motivated to _____.

Resolve feelings of injustice and see fairness in the rewards they expect for task performance

Jim was recently promoted to the position of dining room supervisor, and he is now responsible for making decisions on numerous matters in the dining room and giving orders to the serving staff. At the same time, Jim has the obligation to perform the many new tasks assigned to him as a supervisor, such as overseeing the closing work and cleaning the dining room. Jim's new obligations are known as his _____.


A(n) ______ form of media allows receivers to observe multiple cues, such as body language and tone of voice, and allows senders to get feedback.


Members of a team develop their ______ based on the expectations of the team, of the organization, and of themselves.


Mateo, an IT manager, has been studying the work methods of each task to increase the productivity of the employees in his department. Mateo is utilizing ____.

Scientific Management

Amy is a package delivery service manager. She is interested in implementing the management philosophy pioneered by Frederick W. Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, which scientifically studies work methods to improve the productivity of individual workers, known as ____.

Scientific management

An accounting firm reimburses employees for tuition and fees if they complete job-related coursework with a B or better, which helps them meet which of Maslow's levels of need?


The study of the meaning of words is called _____.


Which of the following is a characteristic of a continuous improvement team?

Serves as advice team

Which of the following is not a disadvantage of e-mail?

Sheer number that must be handled by the average worker

A company with authority centralized in a single person, a flat hierarchy, few rules, and low work specialization is a characteristic of an organization with a _____.

Simple structure

Terri was part of a 18-person grounds beautification committee, and among its responsibilities were monthly parking lot cleanup and weekly patio sweeping. He was a part of the committee at his boss's request, but had never actually helped with anything. This is likely an example of _____.

Social Loafing

Which of the following is a tip for writing more effectively for business purposes?

Start by stating your purpose and what you expect of the reader.

Ken, whose primary job is supervising a small production group, is not getting cooperation from all members on the cross-functional team he leads. In particular, Bethany, a senior marketing manager, seems to resist his direction and tries to influence team members to go in another direction. The source of conflict in this cause may be _____.

Status differences

Depak's team was not making much progress on defining a new production process. Nicole was being very uncooperative. She did not agree with Depak's direction, and had not completed her tasks. This team is in what stage of group development?


The group development stage in which individuals test the leader's policies and assumptions as they try to determine how they fit into the power structure is the ______ stage.


_________, the second stage of team development, is characterized by the emergence of individual personalities and roles and conflicts within the group.


When workers perceive they are being treated fairly on the job, they are most likely to _____.

Support organizational change

The contemporary perspective consists of three viewpoints: ____.

Systems, contingency, quality management

Jamal points out during the meeting that the group has fallen a half hour behind schedule according to the agenda, and should get back to the important work at hand. He is performing a ______ role.


Ali, a CEO of a large IT organization, understands that many challenges are coming in his industry; therefore, he tells his upper-level management that it's helpful to look at theoretical perspectives of management to help make predictions and develop principles to guide future company strategies and actions.


Among users of social networks, 18- to 29-year-olds are more likely to monitor the content of their profile and who has access to it.


An advice team, such as an advisory council or an employee involvement group, is created to broaden the information base for managerial decisions.


At Ace Sales, the CEO and HR director are line managers, and the special adviser is an example of a staff position.


Beautiful Homes builds new homes with products from numerous companies, such as garages from Home Depot and specially designed kitchens from a company in North Carolina. Beautiful Homes is an example of a modular structure.


Becky, the CEO of an electronics retailer, is looking at the corporate structure that groups employees by specialties, such as store sales, HR, and accounting. This is an example of a functional structure.


Behavior modification is the use of reinforcement theory to change human behavior.


Common commitment is the essence of a team, and what differentiates it from a group.


Content perspectives, also known as need-based perspectives, are theories that emphasize the needs that motivate people. Content theory asks, "What kind of needs motivate employees in the workplace?"


Continuous improvement teams consist of small groups of volunteers or workers and supervisors who meet intermittently to discuss workplace- and quality-related problems.


Creating self-managed teams in the workplace has a positive effect on productivity and attitudes of self-responsibility and control.


Crossing one's legs can be interpreted as defensiveness.


Dave, a graphic designer with Development Advertising, enjoys the flexibility of his management and its culture, which encourages risk taking, innovation, and creativity. Because it is a small company, Dave gets quick answers from his boss, which allows him and Development Advertising to quickly respond to changes in the marketplace. Development Advertising is an example of an adhocracy culture.


Don, a restaurant manager and MBA student, was reflecting on a how he can apply the classical management viewpoint in his store from a recent class, which supposes his employees are rational in their decisions.


Each member of a team or group should be told to be a critical evaluator and to actively voice objections and doubts to prevent groupthink.


Encoding is translating a message into understandable symbols or language.


Encoding the message is the first step of the communication process.


Equity theory is based on the idea that employees are motivated to see fairness in the rewards they expect for task performance and are motivated to resolve feelings of injustice.


Face-to-face communication is the richest form of communication because the receiver observes multiple cues in the message.


Feedback in the simple motivation model serves to inform you whether behavior worked and should be used again.


Fine Oil uses a structure that includes both functional divisions, such as marketing and HR, and a divisional chain of command, such as the chemical and petroleum products divisions. For example, Glen, a salesperson, reports to both the marketing manager and the petroleum products manager as he starts to develop the Shell Oil account. Fine Oil is an example of a matrix structure.


For incentive compensation plans to work, rewards must be linked to performance and be measurable; they must satisfy individual needs; they must be agreed on by manager and employee; and they must be perceived as being equitable, believable, and achievable by employees.


Generally speaking, the optimal team size is considered to be 5 to 6 members.


High-definition videoconference systems that simulate face-to-face meetings between users are known as telepresence technology.


Horizontal communication is impeded by rivalry between workers or work units, which prevents sharing of information.


If you assign a lot of importance or a high value to your prospective bonus or pay raise, then your valence is said to be high.


In Herzberg's theory, the lower-level needs are known as hygiene factors, and the higher-level needs are called motivating factors.


In two-factor theory, motivating factors include achievement, recognition, and responsibility.


Informal groups can be highly productive—even more so than formal groups.


Inputs, outputs, and comparisons are the essential elements in equity setting theory.


Jargon is terminology specific to a particular profession or group.


Job design is positively associated with employee performance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, physical and psychological well-being, as well as lower absenteeism and intentions to quit.


Job enrichment consists of building into a job such motivating factors as responsibility, achievement, recognition, stimulating work, and advancement.


Joe, the owner of Ace Product Sales, emphasizes a professional culture. He is strict when it comes to the way his employees dress in the office and while visiting customers, saying "Our image and success is based on how people view us, so the way we dress is a priority." In addition, Joe strongly believes in awarding his employees during monthly ceremonies. Joe said, "We reward our employees so they feel good about what they are doing, which is the mark of a professional organization." This is a good example of how organizational culture is expressed in observable artifacts.


Lynn had many spelling and grammar mistakes in her report, some of which made the content difficult to understand. This is an example of poor encoding.


McClelland believes that achievement, affiliation, and power are major motives which determine people's behavior in the workplace and that we learn these from the culture and our life experiences.


McClelland identifies the need for institutional power as positive and involving problem solving to further mutual goals


Men are eight times more likely than women to negotiate their starting pay.


More than 75% of the top 1,000 U.S. companies use some form of self-managed work teams.


Motivation cannot be directly observed in another's behavior; it must be inferred from one's behavior.


Noise can occur in nonverbal communication.


Noise is any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message and it can occur in any medium.


North Community College strives to portray its image to citizens of the community through advertising and the actions of its faculty and staff that "community is our middle name." This act of trying to depict this image is a symbol.


One effective strategy for laying out your ideas in writing is to move from least controversial to most controversial.


Operations management focuses on managing the production and delivery of an organization's products or services more effectively.


Other names for functional conflict are constructive conflict or cooperative conflict.


Our egos, including pride, self-esteem, and even arrogance, are a barrier to communication.


Our perceptions of equity or fair treatment are significantly associated with job satisfaction, commitment, performance, and turnover.


Over 25 years ago, Peter Drucker's prediction that the future organization would be organized around teamwork has become a reality.


Reliable Office Equipment established a structure where people are grouped by similar products, such as the copier and computer divisions. It also has groups that handle certain types of customers, such as those in education and government. Reliable uses a divisional structure.


Scientific management emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve the productivity of individual workers.


Self-determination theory assumes that people are driven to try to grow and attain fulfillment, with their behavior and well-being influenced by three innate needs: competence, autonomy, and relatedness.


Self-determination theory focuses primarily on intrinsic motivation and rewards rather than on extrinsic motivation and rewards.


Small teams with 2 to 9 members tend to be more highly committed and satisfied, and have better morale.


Streamline meetings by distributing a meeting agenda in advance, with meeting objectives and prioritized topics and number of minutes allowed for discussion.


Susan, a department manager, believes that since the corporate office eliminated certain benefits to reduce costs, her employees have not been working as hard as in the past. This reduction in effort is known as "soldiering."


Texting and checking your e-mail while working with colleagues can be seen as not only annoying but insulting.


The Hawthorne studies succeeded in drawing attention to the importance of "social man" and how managers using good human relations could improve worker productivity.


The classical viewpoint of management emphasized ways to manage work more efficiently.


The communication process involves sender, message, and receiver; encoding and decoding; the medium; feedback; and dealing with "noise," or interference.


The community values of an organization's culture that typically do not change are represented by an organization's basic assumptions.


The dialectic method is used to elicit different opinions without inciting people's personal feelings.


The elements that drive an organization's culture also vary, representing the values of the founder, the industry and business environment, the national culture, the organization's vision and strategies, and the behavior of leaders.


The five core job characteristics are skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback.


The norming stage of team development generally does not last long.


The organizational culture is also called corporate culture.


The tendency of people to go along with others for the sake of avoiding conflict is called the Abilene paradox.


The tendency of the parts of an organization to disperse and fragment is known as differentiation.


The three process perspectives on motivation are equity theory, expectancy theory, and goal-setting theory.


There is a tendency to look away from others when beginning to speak and to look at them when done; eye contact signals the beginning and end of a conversation.


Time-zone differences are physical barriers to communication.


To use positive reinforcement, give praise to employees not for showing up for work on time (an expected part of any job) but for showing up early.


Top-down reading is a strategy for becoming a more productive reader, and requires you to rate, question, survey, skim, and summarize your reading.


Twenty-six new employees from Global Technologies Inc. are attending orientation, receiving information about company policies, and filling out various forms. These employees comprise a group.


Two advantages of decentralization are that managers are encouraged to solve their own problems, and decisions are made more quickly, increasing the organization's flexibility and efficiency.


Umar, a general manager in a fast-food chain, has employees all under the age of 25, and most of his workers are good employees. However, Umar still believes his workers are irresponsible and lack ambition. Umar is a Theory X manager.


Vertical communication is the flow of messages up and down the hierarchy within the organization: bosses communicating with employees, employees communicating with bosses.


W. Edwards Deming and Joseph M. Juran were pioneers of the quality-management movement.


When managers from different functional divisions are brought together in cross-functional teams to solve particular problems, this is a team-based design.


When the Americans entered the war in 1941, they used the British model to form operations research teams to determine how to deploy troops, submarines, and equipment most effectively. These techniques have evolved into quantitative management.


While a college student at the University of Texas, Michael Dell, the CEO and founder of Dell Computer, started a computer business in his dorm room. Michael Dell is a hero, as a person whose accomplishments embody the values of the organization "to empower countries, communities, customers and people everywhere to use technology to realize their dreams."


While figuring out how to save money for a bride who is having financial problems, Paula, the catering manager, asked her assistant, "What do you think is the best menu to offer under these particular circumstances?" Paula and her assistant are trying to use the contingency approach


Which of the following is an important aspect when creating a self-managed team?

Use some form of team compensation

The grapevine is _____.

Used by employees when threatened or insecure

The HR manager told Jim that the company pays the total health insurance costs for a family of four. As a single man, this benefit did not seem especially important to him right now. Here, Jim is low on the ______ element of the expectancy theory.


A manager who is instructing his employee about work tasks is communicating _____.


Division of labor is also known as ____.

Work specialization

Diane, a marketing manager, shares some of the market research her department has analyzed with the research and development group. Diane is communicating _____.


Trust is based on _______, which can be enhanced by showing professionalism, technical ability, and good business sense.


Theories that try to understand the thought processes by which people decide how to act are called _____.

Process perspectives

Which of the following is a step in the communication process?

The message is transmitted through a medium

The source for crowdsourcing is most often _____.

The online community.

Ford Motor Co. has separate divisions for passenger-car dealers, for large trucking customers, and for farm products customers. Ford is an example of an organization with ____.

Customer divisions

According to equity theory, employees who feel they are being underrewarded might respond by doing less work, calling in sick, or leaving early.


Groups that make it through storming generally do so because _____.

A respected member other than the leader challenges the group to resolve power struggles

During the performing stage of team development, the group answers the question _____

"Can we do the job properly?"

The question individuals ask during the norming stage of group development is _____

"What do the others expect me to do?"

The average speaker communicates about ______ as many words as the average listener can process.


Generally, people comprehend about ______ of a typical verbal message.


In a highly integrated organization, the specialists work together to achieve ____.

A common goal

A formal chain of command, standardization of rules and procedures, and use of cross-functional teams and computer networks so that there is frequent communication and coordination of the parts are the means for achieving ____.

A common goal through integration

A hierarchy of authority is ____.

A control mechanism for making sure the right people do the right things at the right time

The conflict-handling style in which a person neglects their own concerns and allows the concerns of another to prevail is known as _____.


During weekly conference calls, Mary, a restaurant manager for a national chain of restaurants, and the other managers in her district explain to their district manager the reasons for different decisions and why certain costs and sales were higher or lower for the previous week. The explanation of their decisions and work results is known as __.


A work team that works to accomplish tasks that require people with specialized training and a high degree of coordination is called a(n) _____.

Action team

Phillip, owner of Technology Sales, said, "We have to focus on our customers and how can we beat the competition, so we have to be flexible." He encourages his R&D department to develop innovative products and focuses on being quick to respond to market changes. Technology Sales has a(n) _____.

Adhocracy Culture

Which of the following is most likely to be considered an action team that requires people with specialized training and a high degree of coordination?

Airline cockpit crew

During the forming stage, the leader should _____.

Allow people to socialize and become acquainted

Elly and Sylvia, owners of Organic Foods, do not have a formal policy about dress code and work procedures because they see their company as a family place that is enjoyable to work for. Elly and Sylvia believe that if you treat employees like family, the company will do well and grow. These beliefs by the owners of Organic Foods represent the core values of their organization's culture, and are known as ____.

Basic assumptions

Greg, the IT manager, feels that his employees lack the motivation to consistently meet department goals; therefore, the approach Greg and his supervisors need to take to better understand human actions to motivate their employees toward achievement is the ____ viewpoint.


The example in the textbook of Paul English of altering an existing open-office seating arrangement by using new employees to change existing seating patterns is an example of ____.

Behavioral science research

Which of the following is an advantage of smaller groups?

Better interaction, morale, and coordination

According to Deborah Tannen, men are more likely than women to _____.

Boast about achievements

Sal, a production manager, knows that some of his employees are upset with the new corporate policy, and as a result, are participating in soldiering. To eliminate soldiering Sal can ___.

Carefully select workers according to their abilities and give workers training

Astrid, a customer service representative, was asked by one of her customers if her company would be interested in joining the chamber of commerce to meet potential customers. Astrid believes this is a very good idea and approached her manager, Alan, about becoming a chamber member. Alan told Astrid that "Since the cost of membership is over $500 and you will have to leave the office to attend meetings, I will have to get approval from management above me." This is an example of how important decisions are made in organizations with _____.

Centralized authority

The vertical hierarchy is also known as _____.

Chain of command

Employees and customers are treated like a family at Bayou Seafood Café. Paul and Betsey, the owners, work to encourage unity to increase their employees' job satisfaction and commitment. At their café, Paul and Betsey have built a(n) ____.

Clan culture

Maneka is on a team with Larson, and they are often in conflict. Maneka likes to begin her work with careful planning and she gets started immediately. Larson, on the other hand, likes trying out several ideas, and tends to be working frantically at the last minute. Their team conflict most likely stems from _____.

Clash of personality, values, and attitudes

In using reinforcement, a manager should _____.

Clearly communicate the desired behavior

The disadvantage of the ______ conflict-handling style is that it is very time-consuming.


Using self-determination theory to motivate employees, at Cloud9, a data storage company, the vice chair makes 10-20 phone calls a day to thank special employees "caught doing something right." This is an example of which one of the following innate needs?


The American economy consists of a complex combination of organizations and variables, such as countless companies differing in size and what they market, current events, and markets such as housing. All of these independent factors often behave as a single unit based on events and economic news, and respond to the environment and affect the stock market. This is an example of ___.

Complexity theory

A(n) ________ listener tries to determine the rationale of the speaker's argument, preferring logical presentations without interruptions, focusing on relationships among ideas, and waiting until all information is available before expressing opinions.


______ is the conflict-handling style that both parties give up something to gain something.


In the performing stage of group development, members _____.

Concentrate on solving problems and completing tasks

Organizations using a matrix structure _____.

Contain two command structures, in which some people actually report to two bosses

When a manager assesses a particular situation and decides what to do according to the individual and environmental situation, the manager is utilizing the ____ viewpoint.


Joe, a salesperson for a landscaping company, is working with a longtime customer who is interested in either cutting back on the services or getting a better price due to the tight economy. Joe tells his manager, "I want to take care of the customer with the best value. So what do you think is the best package to offer in this situation?" Joe and his manager are trying to utilize the _____.

Contingency design

Artem, the president of Instructor Services, told one of his new hires that "Managers are encouraged to solve their own problems rather than to buck the decision to a higher level, and decisions are made more quickly, which increases our organization's flexibility and efficiency." These advantages that Artem spoke of are attributed to ____.

Decentralized authority

Important decisions are made by middle-level and supervisory-level managers with ____.

Decentralized authority

Which of the following is not an element of the communication model?


Which of the following is not a norm of the Millennial generation?

Desire to accept facts and authority at face value

Thomas has been studying Hugo Munsterberg's suggestions, and like Munsterberg, Thomas believes that psychologists can contribute to industry by _____.

Devising management strategies to influence employees to follow management's interests

A pay structure, in which more efficient workers earn higher wages, as suggested by Frederick W. Taylor, is known as a(n) _____ system.

Differential rate

According to Lawrence and Lorsch, the stability of an organization's environment determine(s) the degree of ____.

Differentiation or integration that is appropriate

When using punishment, a manager should _____.

Do it in conjunction with positive reinforcement

The behavioral viewpoint developed over the following phases: _____.

Early behaviorism, human relations movement, behavioral science

Making formal statements, holding rites and rituals, utilizing employee training and coaching, demonstrating how a leader reacts to a crises, being a role model, and giving rewards, promotions, and bonuses are some of the teaching methods that organizations can utilize to ____.

Effect corporate change

Della, the new CEO of Sky Advertising, has been with the firm for over 25 years. She was picked by the board to turn the 85-year-old agency around and to do so, Della wants to bring back some old ideas that previously worked at Sky. She plans on having managers and veteran employees instruct each other about the organization's chosen values, beliefs, and expectations through holding some of the old rites and rituals, retelling stories about company legends, bringing back training and coaching, and once again having quarterly reward ceremonies. The things Della wants to do are an example of ____.

Embedding Culture

Thomas, a sales associate in the furniture department, reports to Betsey, the furniture department manager. This morning, Betsey asked Thomas to change the price tags on the desk chairs. While working on this task, David, the computer department manager, told Thomas that he wanted him to unload some computers. Thomas is confused about what to do because under the principle of unity of command, _____.

Employees should report to one manager

Lee worked on a global team for an American company, and all her work had to be completed in her second language, English. Sometimes her teammates misinterpreted her meaning. This is an example of a(n) ______ barrier to communication.


Content perspectives, also known as need-based perspectives, include all except which one of the following theories?

Equity theory

______________ focuses on employee perceptions as to how fairly they think they are being treated compared with others.

Equity theory

HP founders David Packard and William Hewlett created a close-knit organizational culture that gave a lot of responsibility to employees and fostered innovation within the company, which were clearly stated values of the firm's founders. This is an example of _____.

Espoused values

The need for status, reputation, and recognition are part of _____.


When faced with a business problem, Sally, a young grocery store owner, discusses business problems with Don, the assistant manager and an employee for over 30 years. Sally believes Don "has seen it all" and knows there are few really new ideas; plus the business has done many simple things, such as offering friendly service, to have a competitive edge. This is an example of _____ management.


After struggling with the accounting training, Peter is unsure whether he can complete the end-of-year financial reporting with no errors in the time allotted. In this case, Peter is low on the ______ element of expectancy theory.


The theory under which people make the choice that promises them the greatest reward if they think they can get it is _____.


At the end of the fiscal year, Dilinger Investments releases an earnings report to clients. This is an example of communicating _____.


It has been two years since any employee has received a bonus at Tech Outlet, and the possibility of getting one no longer seems to motivate employees. In this case, management has inadvertently applied _____.


The weakening of behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced is called _____.


Ricardo's sales manager just informed his sales team that all sales in January will earn an extra 5% commission. The team gets right to work, being motivated by a(n) _____.

Extrinsic Reward

Which of the following is the most appropriate media for a manager advising employees of a revision to the company's bonus structure?

Face-to-face meeting

A discerning listener sometimes tunes out the speaker and misses data.


A newsletter is a richer medium than a videoconference.


Accommodating discourages cooperation so the desires of the other party are unable to prevail.


An audience can typically remember about 10 points from a speech.


Charles shut his eyes and shook his head when his boss announced the holiday schedule. This is an example of a channel.


Feedback is the pathway by which a message travels.


Having a best friend at work is not a factor that is characteristic of the best workplaces.


In the workplace, informal groups cannot undercut the plans of formal groups.


Internet-based and mobile technologies used to generate interactive dialogue with members of a network are collectively known as cybertechnology.


Job simplification involves the division of an organization's work among its employees and the application of motivational theories to jobs to increase satisfaction and performance.


Jyl, a supervisor, told her employees, "The store will close Monday for inventory. All employees are expected to participate." This is an example of upward communication.


Management by wandering around (MBWA) increases the problems of distortion that inevitably occur with formal communication.


Most people would rather give up their mobile phones than their TVs or the Internet.


Multicommunicating represents the use of multiple technologies to participate in an interaction.


One study found that the top predictor of success and upward mobility is how much a person reads and how fast he or she is at it.


Poor communication between staff and managers does not have a financial cost to organizations.


Quality circles are not the same as continuous improvement teams.


Research finds that reducing an organization's travel budget increases its revenue and profitability.


Small teams are more likely than large ones to be more tolerant of autocratic leadership.


Smiling represents warmth, happiness, or friendship across all cultures.


Teleworking is more common for jobs that involve intense concentration and limited interruptions.


The AFL-CIO is an example of a for-profit organization, and the March of Dimes is an example of a nonprofit organization.


The process of getting oriented and getting acquainted with the group is known as the norming stage of team development.


The right of people to reveal information about themselves is known as privacy.


The task significance for a craftsperson who goes through all the steps to build a handmade acoustic guitar is higher than it is for an assembly-line worker who just installs windshields on cars.


When an employee recommends to her manager that her department needs additional help for the inventory process, it is considered horizontal communication.


Women are less likely than men to ask questions or ask for directions.


A clan culture is a type of dysfunctional organization that has little collaboration and cohesion among employees, thus worker job satisfaction and commitment are low.

False A clan culture has an internal focus and values flexibility rather than stability and control.

By identifying the "therbligs" in a job, such as the supplies of a bricklayer, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth were able to eliminate costs while simultaneously reducing supplies wasted.

False A made-up word you won't find in most dictionaries, therblig was coined by Frank Gilbreth which refers to 1 of 17 basic motions. By identifying the therbligs in a job, Frank and his wife, Lillian, were able to eliminate motions while simultaneously reducing fatigue.

A market culture has a strong internal focus, and it concentrates on developing the business and marketing plans and helping employees market their product(s)

False A market culture has a strong external focus and values stability and control.

According to Chester I. Barnard, an organization is defined as more than two people who try to collaborate on activities to meet an organization's goals.

False According to Chester I. Barnard's classic definition, an organization is a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more people.

Another type of culture that stems from a dysfunctional organization, with an internal focus and little flexibility, innovation, and creativity, is an adhocracy culture.

False An adhocracy culture has an external focus and values flexibility. This type of culture attempts to create innovative products by being adaptable, creative, and quick to respond to changes in the marketplace.

Behavioral science relies on data from past sales to determine forecasts regarding human behavior to develop strategic plans and goals.

False Behavioral science relies on scientific research for developing theories about human behavior that can be used to provide practical tools for managers. The disciplines of behavioral science include psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics.

Key IT Products has decided to retain its computer design, human resources, and marketing departments at its corporate office. But to cut costs and increase speed, it outsources many other functions such as production in Canada, accounting in a neighboring city, warehousing and distribution across town. Many components are manufactured overseas. This is an example of a matrix structure.

False In the hollow structure, often called the network structure, the organization has a central core of key functions and outsources other functions to vendors who can do them cheaper or faster.

When there are fewer rules and procedures, and networks of employees are encouraged to cooperate and respond quickly to unexpected tasks, this is known as integration.

False Integration is the tendency of the parts of an organization to draw together to achieve a common purpose.

Peter Drucker, a famous 19th-century socialist, opposed capitalism and many current business theories.

False Peter Drucker "was the creator and inventor of modern management," says management guru Tom Peters. In 1954, Drucker published his famous text, The Practice of Management.

Scientific management focused on ways to improve worker morale.

False Scientific management emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve the productivity of individual workers.

Don, a production manager, has decided to utilize the Hawthorne effect in his facility because studies have shown that this theory will increase production by giving more independence to employees as they receive less attention.

False The Hawthorne effect theorized that employees worked harder if they received added attention, if they thought that managers cared about their welfare and that supervisors paid special attention to them.

The behavioral viewpoint emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and increasing diversity.

False The behavioral viewpoint emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement.

When managing her company, Priya, the owner of ABC Manufacturing, utilizes the behavioral viewpoint of management, which emphasizes ways to manage work more efficiently.

False The classical viewpoint emphasizes finding ways to manage work more efficiently It has two branches—scientific and administrative.

The five parts of a system are inputs, outputs, transformational processes, monitoring, and feedback.

False The four parts of a system are inputs, outputs, transformational processes, and feedback.

The historical perspective of management includes three viewpoints—systems, contingency, and quality management.

False The historical perspective of management includes three viewpoints: classical, behavioral, and quantitative.

Olde Manufacturing, a parts supplier to the auto industry, has been using the behavioral approach to management for over 100 years. However, since that method of management is too simplistic for practical use, Olde should begin implementing the newer and more sophisticated human relations movement approach to management.

False The human relations movement was a necessary correction to the sterile approach used within scientific management, but its optimism came to be considered too simplistic for practical use. More recently, the human relations view has been superseded by the behavioral science approach to management.

Many times when working with a new manager, Amy, a successful small-business owner, asks the manager, "What management method do you think will work best in this situation?" In this situation, Amy is utilizing the scientific management approach.

False The manager following the contingency viewpoint would ask, "What method is the best to use under these particular circumstances?" The contingency viewpoint emphasizes that a manager's approach should vary according to—that is, be contingent on—the individual and the environmental situation.

The simple structure is not often found in a firm's very early, entrepreneurial stages.

False The simple structure is the form for small firms, often found in a firm's very early, entrepreneurial stages, when the organization is apt to reflect the desires and personality of the owner or founder. An organization with a simple structure has authority centralized in a single person, a flat hierarchy, few rules, and low work specialization.

Max Weber felt that bureaucracy is irrational, inefficient, and not ideal for organizations.

False To German sociologist Max Weber, a bureaucracy was a rational, efficient, ideal organization based on principles of logic.

A large production company has been utilizing the Hawthorne effect in its 12 international factories, and it has seen great success from implementing the Hawthorne principles that propose that ____.

Giving more attention to employees increases worker productivity, if they think managers care about them

Which of the following is a process perspective on motivation?

Goal-setting theory

The principal by-product of the norming stage of team development is _____.

Group cohesiveness

Genji sat through the meeting feeling convinced her team was misinterpreting recent marketing research, but she didn't say anything. The team leader, Peter, was her close friend, and she didn't want to disrupt the team since Peter perceived himself as very knowledgeable. Genji's team appears to be experiencing _____.


Peer pressure, which leads group members to question the loyalty of other members who express dissent, is a symptom of _____.


When members of a group are friendly and tight-knit, but unable to disagree enough to properly appraise alternatives, they are said to be experiencing _____.


With a hollow structure, the organization ____.

Has a central core of key functions and outsources others to vendors who are less expensive or faster

Sharon has excelled as an auditor for a large financial consulting firm. She loves building mutually beneficial relationships and is extremely well liked by her clients. Sharon likely has a _____.

High need for affiliation

Executives at Breakers Engineering want to let middle managers know that the company is going to be acquired by its largest competitor. Assuming the following are possible, how should executives communicate this?

Hold a face-to-face meeting

The Safety Committee, a temporary team, was established to make the workplace a safer place. Members of the committee still work in their departments full-time, but meet twice a month for a few hours as a committee. This is an example of a ____.

Horizontal Design

Which of the following is a source of intergroup conflict in the workplace?

Inconsistent goals or reward systems

Which of the following is a characteristic of telecommuting?

Increased ability to hire certain workers, such as homebound people with disabilities

Research shows that simplified jobs lead to all the following except _____.

Increased productivity

In all but the worst weather, Beth and three coworkers met each day at 12:15 to walk the wilderness trail behind their office building. This is an example of a(n) _____.

Informal Group

Administrative oversight given to self-managed teams does not typically include _____.

Initiating change

______ is the expectation that successful performance of the task will lead to the desired outcome.


At his review last year, Bryan was promised a 20% raise if he met his production goals. Raises were included in today's paychecks, and although Bryan has met all of his goals, he only received a cost-of-living raise. In the future, Bryan's ______ will probably be ______.

Instrumentality: low

The scientists, nurses, and doctors who work for Medical Technology, an organization that researches the cure for several diseases, work together for a common goal of ending these illnesses. This is an example of ____.


According to Herzberg, which of the following is an example of a hygiene factor?

Interpersonal relationships

Paula's management professor just told her class that the final exam is optional for students like her who currently have an A. She decides to take the exam anyway, since she likes the subject and wants to master the material. Paula is motivated to take the exam by a(n) _____.

Intrinsic reward

Bob, the owner of Quality Catering, is driven by competition. He is very focused on meeting deadlines and quality, and to deliver the results that customers want. He pushes his managers to continually exceed their productivity goals, and stresses that profits take precedence over employee development and satisfaction. Bob feels "there is not enough time for training." However, his employees are regularly rewarded for their success in meeting company goals. This is an example of a(n) ____ culture.


McClelland's need for achievement corresponds most closely to _____.

Maslow's self-actualization needs

Quality Paper Products utilizes a structure that includes functional divisions, such as accounting and production, and a divisional chain of command, such as the home products and office divisions. For example, Mary Beth, a salesperson, reported to both her sales manager and the office products manager when she first started working on the city of Springfield account. Quality Paper Products has developed a _____.

Matrix structure

Peter, the owner of Happy Burger, is involved in the company's daily decisions and has established procedures for every task. The company rules are clearly specified in the handbook, and Peter also believes in close supervision of all employees. Happy Burger is a(n) _______ organization.


In managing virtual workers, a manager should _____.

Meet regularly, face-to-face

Which of the following is not a suggestion that may help you be a good listener?

Memorize the details

The more subunits into which an organization breaks down, the _____.

More highly differentiated it becomes

According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, only ______ factors can make employees satisfied with their jobs.


______ is defined as the psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior.


Voluntary collectives with the purpose of advancing their members' interests are known as ___.

Mutual-benefit organizations

Dysfunctional conflict is sometimes called ______ conflict.


If you want your writing to establish a common ground with the reader and make your overall argument stronger, you should order your arguments from _____.

Negative to positive

According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, in the zone between the motivating factors and the hygiene factors, employees are _____.

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

A manager needs to inform employees that the quarterly project management training will start on May 1, about two months from now. Generally, which of the following should the manager use in this situation?


Dr. Jones is retiring from the hospital and he wants to start an organization, Doctor Help, that will provide low-income individuals in the United States with medical assistance at no cost. Doctor Help is an example of a(n) ____.

Nonprofit organization

During the ______ stage of team development, close relationships develop and unity and harmony emerge.


Which of the following is not a personal barrier to communication?

Obsolete technology

Gary Hamel suggests we need to look at management as a process and then make improvements and innovation ____.

Ongoing and systematic

Phone Tech, a global phone company, frequently needs to respond quickly to the fast-changing consumer tastes with its phones. Therefore, management has fewer rules and procedures than most organizations, and networks of employees are encouraged to cooperate and respond quickly to unexpected tasks and changes in technology. Phone Tech is utilizing a(n) ____ structure.


Which of the following indicates how official communications should be routed?

Organizational Chart

Sue is very aggressive at her job, and her coworkers complain that she often manipulates them and her boss in order to get ahead. She attempts to direct everything and everyone, regardless of the consequences to others or even the organization itself. Sue is expressing what type of need for power?


________ conflict is defined as interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike, disagreement, or differing styles.


Debbie works part time in a coffee shop. Some of the equipment is so noisy it prevents her from correctly hearing what the customer orders. This is an example of a(n) ______ barrier to communication.


Tracie, working at a research facility in Washington D.C., needs to communicate with Juan, who is in Mexico City, about a project they are working on. Although Juan has perfect command of English, they are still facing a(n) ______ barrier to communication.


Maslow's levels of needs, in order from lowest (most basic) to highest level, are _____.

Physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization

To better meet corporate goals this year, Donna, a CEO, is encouraging her managers to focus on the major functions of management, which include ______.

Planning, organizing, leading, controlling

According to the acquired needs theory, the desire to influence others is part of the need for _____.


Victoria runs a flower shop. She recently made some changes so that one employee answers phones and completes the order and payment process, while another creates arrangements and a third packages and delivers floral arrangements. Previously, each employee was responsible for the order from the phone call through the delivery. Such changes reflect which one of the following?

Task Identity

As a maintenance person for the air force, Alex services aircraft engines, which protects the lives and safety of military personnel and their ability to conduct missions. Alex's job has a high level of _____.

Task Significance

A technician who is responsible for keeping a hospital's electronic equipment in working order has higher ____________ than a person wiping down cars in a carwash.

Task significance

A _______ is defined as a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.


Of the following, which is not a core job characteristic?


______ can be quite expensive, requiring a specially designed room with multiple cameras and high-definition video screens.

Telepresence technology

All of the following are rules for using smartphones except _____.

Text during meetings or other conversations

In an organization, division of labor is ____.

The arrangement of having discrete parts of a task done by different people

Hugo Munsterberg was known as ____.

The father of industrial psychology

In which of the following conditions should constructive conflict be stimulated?

The group seems to have inertia and be apathetic.

Which of the following is not an advisable criterion for an effective incentive plan?

The rewards require rarely attainable performance.

According to Herzberg, which of the following is an example of a motivating factor?

The work itself

Individuals are said to be cooperating when _____.

Their efforts are systematically integrated to achieve a collective objective

The 17 basic units of motion, identified by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, were named _____.


Routine tasks and paperwork, as well as jobs that help your subordinates grow are __.

Things that a manager should delegate, according to Odette Pollar

Which of the following is not a reason to enforce norms?

To create a written document of behavioral guidelines for new employees

Having realistic expectations and thinking about the kind of manager you want to be, not forgetting to manage upward and sideways as well as downward, getting guidance from other managers, and resisting isolation is good advice for those who are _____.

Transitioning upward in an organization

Which of the following is appropriate for workplace e-mail?

Trimming of the sender's e-mail when replying

A group is defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms, share collective goals, and have a common identity.


A linguistic style is a person's characteristic speaking patterns—pacing, pausing, directness, word choice, and use of questions, jokes, stories, apologies, and similar devices.


A stereotype consists of oversimplified beliefs about a certain group of people.


According to Herzberg, hygiene factors are associated with job dissatisfaction.


According to Maslow's theory, food, clothing, shelter, comfort and self-preservation are the needs at the lowest level of the hierarchy.


According to Maslow's theory, self-respect, status, reputation, recognition, and self-confidence are esteem needs.


According to Maslow, persons will attempt to satisfy their love needs after their physiological and safety needs are met.


According to McClelland's theory, people learn their needs for power, achievement, and affiliation from their culture, and from life experiences; they are not born with them.


Job ______ is the opposite of job ______.

enlargement: simplification

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