cell bio oe mc

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which of the following can separate proteins based on their mass?

A and C SDS polyacrylamide electrophoresis and ultracentrifugation

which of these blood types is the universal recipient?


what type of protein is the cystic fibrosis transporter (CFTR)?

ABC transporter

what type of transporter is the sodium/potassium pump?

ABC transporter

which of these plays a role in the degradation of proteins?

B and C ubitquitin & proteasome

which of these systems is used to create genetic knockouts in mice?


which enzyme is most involved in DNA replication?


the 3D structure of a protein can be determined using

X ray crystallography

what structural motif is often found in the DNA-binding part of the activator proteins?

Zinc finger

what cell structure did flemming describe?

a chromosome

binding of oxygen to hemoglobin is an example of:

allosteric binding

what proces in important for producing sex determination proteins in drosophila?

alternative splicing

which of these is best genetic model system to study plant diseases?

arabidopsis thaliana

what process most directly contributes to microsatellite formation?

backward slippage

the one gene = one enzyme concept was formulated by

beadle and tatum

histones pack DNA into a structure referred to as

beads on a string

what type of protein structure is most associated with bacterial porins?

beta barrel

what units are used when frequency of recombination events are applied to map gene positions?


which of these is the most common genetic disease in caucasian populations?

cystic fibrosis

where does glycolysis occur in a eukaryote?


which these would have the smallest diameter?


due to steric inhibition in the substrate binding site, which of these serine proteases cuts by small amino acids?


which is true of enzymes?

enzymes lower the activation energy of a reaction

highly acetylated histones are associated with what?

epigenetic regulation

ultracentrifuges allow cell biologists to separate mitochondria from lysosomes based upon their:

equilibrium density

which of these sterols is most associated with fungi?


what are the coding portions of a mRNA called


what is the fate of introns after splicing?

exosome degradation

what type of transport is exemplified by the GLUT glucose transporter?

facilitated diffusion

which of these is the msot powerful source of energy in a cell?

flow of electrons

what type of molecules can be transported by simple diffusion?


protein size is used to separate proteins in

gel filtration chromatography

medel's hereditary factors are now referred to as


which of these amino acids is most important for forming a beta turn in a protein structure?


due to the elctronegativity of oxygen, water molecules:

have a dipole moment

_____ DNA is more highly condensed in the nucleus of cells


where is the branch point for RNA splicing located?

in an intron

what is the function of the HIV tat protein?

inhances transcription of viral genes

which of these is not a step necessary to generate a monoclonal antibody?

inject the mouse with antibodies that bind to the target molecule

what typically flanks the structure of an IS element?

inverted repeats

the _____ point is the pH were a protein has no net charge


what effect does a high ATP level have on phosphofructokinase activity?

it decreases it

a phospholipid sphere that contains an internal aqueous chamber is called what?


what is the most common means of regulating gene expression in a cell?

mRNA transcription

what is the function of telomerase in a cell?

maintain the ends of chromosomes

what is the main function of RNAP III?

making tRNA and small RNA

which of these molecules inhibits translation?


very thin slices of tissue can prepared using a


what is the "powerhouse" of cell?


which of these is the best genetic model system to study human diseases?

muscus domesticus

if a cellular homogenate was subjected to differential centrifugation, what would pellet first?


where are pre-rRNA produced


heterochromatic DNA is more highly condensed in the ___ of cells


which of these would sediment fastest in an ultracentrifuge?


which of the paths for inner mitochondrial membrane protein insertion does not require a matrix targeting sequence?

pathway C

who showed the urea can be produced artificially?


which of the following organisms likely has the highest density of protein coding regions in its chromosome?


where would you find a cap during eukaryotic transcription?

5' end of mRNA

which of these is found in a deoxyribonucleotide but not in a ribonucleotide?

1' thymine

how many carbons are added to fatty acid in each cycle extension during biosynthesis?


what percent of the human genome codes for structural proteins?


in the sodium/potassium transported:

3 sodium leave the cell and 2 potassium enter the cell

how many total ATP are formed in glycolysis?


which of these technique can be used to rapidly sort cells using fluorescent tags?


_____ was the first to see and coin the word "cells"


what term refers to the concentration of substrate that gives 1/2 maximal transport activity?


the signal sequence for ER proteins in found where?

N-terminal end

what is the main function of snRNA in a cell?

RNA splicing

which RNA polymerase is most resistant to amantadin?


which protein is most important for cycling importins and exportins into and out of the nucleus?


which of the following would not contain reverse transcriptase?


highly transcribed genes in eukaryotes usually contain what kind of elements?

TATA boxes

What type of ER transport results in a cytosolic carboxyl domain on the inserted protein?

Types I and III

what unit of measure is most often used in cell biology?


which of these is most associated with acidification of endosomes in a cell?

V pump

unfolded proteins in a cell can form

plaque, which can lead to disease

how do phospholipids interact with water molecules?

polar heads interact with water; non-polar tails do not interact with water

what process is used in the lab to make copies of a dna sequence?

polymerase chain reaction

what process is GroEL/GroES involved with in escherichia coli?

protein folding

which of these is commonly a ribozyme?


which type of mutant only exhibitsa phenotupe in a homozygous individual?


what is used to create "sticky ends" on DNA to facilitate molecular cloning?

restriction endonuclease

what enzyme do retroviruses use that our cells normally do not?

reverse transcriptase

a _____ microscrope can be used to see a 3D image outside of a viral particle

scanning electron

which of these scientists postulated the cell theory?


an alpha helix is an example of protein:

secondary structure

which of the following would have the highest levels of fluidity (most oil-like)?

short chain unsaturated fats

what is the function of aquaporins?

shuttle water across the membrane

what is the most common genetic disease of the african american population?

sickle cell anemia

what type of transport does not require a protein carrier?

simple diffusion

where does most cholesterol synthesis occur in a cell?

smooth ER

where would you find an anticodon in a cell?


what are the ends of chromosomes called?


which fo these dow not impose limits on protein folding in a cell?

the backbone sequence of the polypeptide

what factor most affects the resolving power of light microscopes?

the wavelength of visible light

the best 3-D images of cellular organelles come from:

thin section electron microscopy

the study of all mRNA produced in a cell is called what?


mobile DNA elements can excise and move to new locations via the action of


what type of ER transport results in the insertion of a multi-helix protein in the membrane?

type IV

which of the following modifications marks proteins for destruction by the proteasome?


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