Cell Cycle (Mitosis)

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Spindle Fibers or Microtubules

An assemblage of microtubules and associated proteins that is involved in the movement of chromosomes during mitosis.

Cell Cycle

An ordered sequence of events in the life of a cell


An organized structure of DNA condensed and wrapped around proteins called histones.

What is Mitosis?

Cell division that generates new cells for growth and repair. The division of one cell into two genetically identical daughter cells

What happens in the S Phase?

DNA synthesis (or replication) occurs during this phase. At the beginning of the phase. Because the DNA copies itself, instead of one chromatid being visible in prophase, there are two!


DNA that is not condensed. It typically looks unorganized, like a ball of yarn.


The fifth and final stage of mitosis, in which two new nuclei are forming around chromatin.


The first stage of mitosis, in which the chromatin condenses into discrete chromosomes visible with a light microscope, the mitotic spindle begins to form, and the nucleus disappears.


The fourth stage of mitosis, in which the chromatids of each chromosome have separated and the chromatids are moving to the opposite sides of the cell.


The period in the cell cycle when the cell is not dividing. During interphase, cellular metabolic activity is high, DNA and organelles are duplicated, and cell size may increase. Interphase often accounts for about 90% of the cell cycle.


The third stage of mitosis, in which the spindle is complete and the chromosomes, attached to microtubules at their kinetochores and centromeres, are all aligned at the metaphase plate.

What happens during G1?

This is the portion of the cell cycle just after division, but before DNA synthesis. During this time the cell grows by producing proteins and organelles.

What happens during cytokinesis?

This is the step in the cell cycle when the cytoplasm divides in two.

What happens during mitosis?

This is when division of the nucleus occurs. The chromosomes that have been replicated are distributed to two daughter nuclei.

What happens during G2?

This third subphase of interphase is a period of metabolic activity and growth. During this phase the cell makes final preparations for division.

Sister Chromatids

Two copies of a duplicated chromosome attached to each other by a centromere and sometimes, along the arms. While joined, two sister chromatids make up one chromosome.

What happens during Interphase?

Typically, this phase accounts for 90% of the cell cycle. It is a time of high metabolic activity. The cell grows by producing proteins and organelles, and chromosomes are replicated.

How many chromatids are in a duplicated chromosome?



A process of nuclear division in eukaryotic cells conventionally divided into five stages: prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.


A structure present in the cytoplasm of animal cells that produces spindle fibers/microtubles.

What are the three roles of Mitosis?

Growth Replacement of Damaged Cells


In a duplicated chromosome, the region on each sister chromatid where they are most closely attached to each other by proteins that bind to specific DNA sequences; this close attachment causes a constriction in the condensed chromosome.

What are the 7 Phases of the Cell Cycle?

Interphase -G1- Phase -S- Phase -G2 Phase -Mitosis -Cytokinesis

What are the five stages of mitosis?

PMAT Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase


The division of the cytoplasm to form two separate daughter cells immediately after mitosis.

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