Cellular Respiration Exercise

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What is the net result of one glucose molecule going through the Krebs cycle?

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Which parameters could you use to measure the effect of exercise on cellular respiration in mice?

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After glycolysis, the pyruvate molecules can follow two different metabolic routes aerobic and anaerobic respiration. What is the main difference between these?

Anaerobic respiration does not need oxygen to occur and anaerobic respiration does

What action would you recommend to the point guard?

Drink a maltose sports drink

The first step of glycolysis consumes energy. Two high energy ATP molecules phosphorylate glucose. How do you ATP molecules store energy?

High energy bonds between phosphate groups

So in summary, glycolysis breaks down glucose into two pyruvate molecules. How many carbon atoms does one molecule of pyruvate contain?

Three carbon atoms

What is the ATP yield per each molecule of glucose under low oxygen conditions?

To ATP molecules from glycolysis

Metabolism can be divided into catabolic and anabolic reactions how are these connected?

Catabolic reactions generate energy that anabolic reactions use

Why is the Krebs cycle so important if it only produces two ATP molecules?

It produces reducing agents for the electron transport chain

Which experiment would you perform to test what happens under extreme exercise conditions?

Make the mouse run at high high speed with low oxygen availability

What is oxygen used for in cellular respiration?

Oxygen is The last electron acceptor in the oxidation of electron carriers

What two processes are coupled throughout the ETC that together make up oxidative phosphorylation?

The oxidation of electron carriers and the phosphorylation of ADP

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