Ch. 1-40 pt.2

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A 45-year-old man w/ type 1 diabetes is found unresponsive. Which of the following questions is MOST important to ask his wife

"Did he take his insulin today?"

You & your partner are traveling to the headquarters for your monthly in-service training session when you are dispatched to the home of an 18 year old woman w/ a high fever. The dispatcher tells you the patient has autism. Upon arrival at the home, what is the first question you should ask the parent or caregiver

"What can you tell me about the patient's normal functional level: What makes her feel secure?"

Which of the following questions is of LEAST pertinence for the EMT to ask a patient who intentionally overdosed on a medication

"Why did you take the medication?"

Indicative of a head injury

Asymmetrical pupils, Both eyes moving in opposite directions, & Inability to look upward when instructed to

Normal electric impulses originate in the sinus node, just above the:


Which of the following mechanisms of injury would MOST likely cause a crushing injury of the larynx &/ trachea

Attempted suicide by hanging

You & your partner are traveling to the headquarters for your monthly in-service training session when you are dispatched to the home of an 18 year old woman w/ a high fever. The dispatcher tells you the patient has autism. While you are attempting to take the patient's blood pressure, another call comes across your radio. The patient covers her ears and starts to cry. What does this indicate

Auditory sensitivity

Which of the following is a developmental disorder characterized by impairment of social interaction


____________ allows a cardiac muscle cell to contrast spontaneously without a stimulus from a nerve source.the


index of suspicion

Awareness that unseen life-threatening injuries may exist when determining the mechanism of injury.

The adult EpiPen system delivers _ mg of epinephrine, & the infant-child system delivers .15 mg


The dosage of epinephrine in an adult EpiPen is

0.30 mg

The Apgar score should be calculated at _______ minutes after birth

1 and 5

Young children can drown in as little as ________ of water if left unattended

1 inch

If an abnormal or disturbing pattern of behavior lasts for at least --------, it is regarded as a matter of concern for a mental health standpoint

1 month

You arrive on the scene of a 54-year old female patient complaining of shortness of air & chest discomfort. The patient states that the pain started approximately 4 hours ago & is progressively getting worse. The patient has a previous history of an AMI & hypertension. Patient is also asthmatic. Patient is sitting up in a tripod position. Patient has a respiratory rate of 38bpm & labored, & a pulse rate of 98. Patient's blood pressure is 102/76. Patient has taken 2 nitro tablets w/ little relief. Patient's breath sounds are clear bi laterally. How many nitroglycerin tablets would we assist this patient in taking?

1 tablet

A man involved in a motorcycle crash has multiple abrasions and lacerations. Which of the following injuries has the HIGHEST treatment priority

1" laceration to the thigh with spurting, bright red blood

list 3 signs of alcohol withdrawal

1. agitation and restlessness, 2. fever and sweating, 3. seizures

Treatment for ingestion of poisonous plants includes the following

1. assessing the patient's airway and vital signs, 2. taking the plant to the emergency department, 3. prompt transport

signs and symptoms of chlorine exposure include all of the following

1. cough, 2. chest pain, 3. wheezing

medical problems that may cause the patient to present as intoxicated include the following

1. head trauma, 2. uncontrolled diabetes, 3. toxic reactions

Name 3 narcotics

1. heroin, 2. morphine, 3. codeine

list 3 typical ingested poisons

1. household cleaners, 2. plants, 3. contaminated food

a typical route of administration for naloxone is

1. intravenous, 2. intranasal, 3. intramuscular

characteristics of carbon monoxide include the following

1. it is odorless, 2. it does not damage or irritate the lungs, 3. it does not cause sore throat or hoarseness

give 3 other names cocaine is called by

1. lady, 2. snow, 3. blow

name 3 parts of the treatment of patients who have overdosed with sedative-hypnotics and have respiratory depression

1. provide airway clearance, 2. provide ventilatory assistance, 3. provide prompt transport

Injected poisons may

1. result in dizziness, fever, and chills, 2. are frequently caused by a drug overdose, 3. you should remove rings, watches, and bracelets in areas of swelling

Name 3 things that would provide clues to the nature of the poison

1. scattered pills, 2. chemicals, 3. a needle or syringe

Optimally, on -scene time for critically injured patients should be less than _________ minutes


You arrive on scene to assist another crew with a delivery. On arrival, the crew on scene informs you that the delivery has already taken place and that you are going to be responsible for care of the newborn. As you approach you hear a very loud cry. The newborn appears completely pink and moves his foot away when you flick the sole of his foot. The pulse is 120 b/m and respirations are rapid. The newborn has excellent muscle tone and resists your attempt to straighten the hips. What is the apgar score


When administering epinephrine by auto-injector, the EMT should hold the injector in place for

10 seconds

When suctioning a tracheostomy tube, be sure not to suction for longer than

10 seconds

After delivery, if the infant does not begin after _______ seconds, you should begin resuscitation efforts

10 to 15

A systolic blood pressure of less than ______ mm Hg with weak, rapid pulse suggest the presence of hypoperfusion in a patient who may have significant bleeding


Once the infant is delivered, feel for a brachial pulse or the pulsations in the umbilical cord. If the pulse rate is below _____________ beats/min, begin assisted ventilations


The recommended dimensions for a helicopter landing zone are

100 × 100 feet.

When attached to oxygen supply with the oxygen reservoir in place, a bag-mask device is able to supply almost _________ oxygen


The systolic blood pressure must be above _ mmHg _ before the administration of nitroglycerin

100, systolic

The onset of menstruation usually occurs between the ages of

11 and 16 years

There are ____ cranial nerves

12 cranial nerves

In most states, for a DNR to be considered valid it must have been signed within the last

12 months

Approximately _______ of deliveries are complicated by the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid

12% to 16%

When performing CPR on a newborn, a compression to ventilation ratio of 3:1 should be used; this will yield a total of __________ "actions" per minute


If fertilization has not occurred w/in about _ days following ovulation, the lining of the uterus begins to separate & menstruation occurs


a patient w/ a perfect score on the GCS scale will have a score of


if the patient has a liquid chemical agent on the skin, you should flood the affected part for

15-20 minutes

An infant's heart can beat as many as ________ times or more per minute if the body needs to compensate for injury or illness


An adult male has experienced first & second degree burns to his chest & abdomen, this would be considered a(n)

18 BSA.

Defibrillation works best if it takes place within ____ minutes of the onset of cardiac arrest.

2 minutes

At each vertebra in the neck and back, ______ nerves, called spinal nerves, branch out from the spinal cord and carry signals to and from the body.

2 nerves

When assessing capillary refill in pediatric patients, the color should return after

2 seconds

Ovulation occurs approximately _______ before menstruation

2 weeks

Bronchiolitis usually occurs during the first ________ of life

2 years

A fall from more than _________ times the patient's height is considered to be significant


Making eye he contacts, recognizing caregivers, and following a bright light with their eyes are initially noticed in what age group

2-6 months

By the end of pregnancy, the pregnant patient's heart rate increases up to 20%, or about ______ beats more per minute


If a burn to the eye was caused by an acid/alkali the eye should be irrigated for _ minutes continuously


Because the stinger of the honeybee is barbed and remains in the wound, it can continue to inject venom for up to

20 minutes

When a patient has a chemical burn to the eye, you should irrigate the eye for at least 5 minutes; however, if the burn was caused by an alkali or strong acid, you should irrigate for

20 minutes

The body will not tolerate an acute blood loss of greater than _ of blood volume


The body will not tolerate an acute blood loss of greater than _________ of blood volume


A TIA, or mini-stroke, is the name to a stroke when symptoms go away on their own in less than:

24 hours

How much activated charcoal should you administer to a 55-pound child who swallowed a bottle of aspirin

25 g

A 5-year-old boy was burned when he pulled a barbecue grill over on himself. He has partial- & full-thickness burns to his anterior chest & circumferentially on both arms. What percentage of his body surface area has been burned


A young boy is riding his bicycle down the street when he hit a parked car, how many collisions took place


You arrive at the scene of a home delivery. On entering the scene, the father appears upset and hands you a limp baby. The child has a weak cry, is completely cyanotic, and has a pulse of 70 b/m. Respirations are slow. What is the Apgar score


The EMT-B can assist a patient w/ their nitroglycerin as long as the protocols are met, which are a maximum of _ tablets/sprays, _ spaced minutes apart.

3, 5

About _____ minutes after blood flow is cut off, some heart muscle cells begin to die.


You and your partner are called to an elementary school for an 8-year-old boy with an altered mental status. You find the child lying supine on the cafeteria floor. A teacher is waiting with the patient and the scene is safe. The teacher states that the child finished his lunch and began "shaking" in his chair, at which point the teacher moved him to the floor. Your general impression provides the following, there are no life threats, he is alert, his work of breathing is unlabored. His skin color is pink. His airway is open and clear, his respiratory rate is 20 breaths/min and his pulse rate are 90. The child is responsive to verbal stimuli and is confused as to what happened and where he is. You do not see any injuries or skin rashes. If this patient was experiencing status ecliptics, the teacher would have described a seizure continuing every few minutes without regaining consciousness or a single seizure lasting longer than

30 min

What is the duration of action of naloxone

30 minutes to 1 hour

At what speed will the ambulance begin to hydroplane when there is water present on the roadway

30 mph

The peripheral nervous system has ______ pairs of spinal nerves


there are a total of _ pairs of spinal nerves that conduct sensory impulses from the skin & other organs to the spinal cord. they also conduct motor impulses from the spinal cord to the muscles


the spinal column is the body' central supporting & consists of _ bones divided into 5 sections


you and your partner are called for a 25-year-old man who was found unresponsive by two hikers in a remote area of a national forest. on arrival, you observe a young man lying supine on the ground with a liquor bottle nearby. despite near freezing temperatures he is dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. the patient has a respiratory rate of 4 breaths per minute. your partner assists ventilations with a BVM while you perform a pulse check. how long should you assess for a carotid pulse

35 to 40 seconds

An infant delivered before ________ weeks is considered premature


A full-term pregnancy is from __________ to _________ weeks, counting from the first day of the last menstral cycle

36; 40

A newborn is considered to be "term" if it is born after ____ weeks and before ____ weeks

37, 42

The heart has _ chambers.


it is time for your annual competency assessment. This test includes knowledge and skills assessments. yo regar to your emt textbook to prepare by answering simple questions provided. To ensure you have enough reaction time to avoid hitting a motorist who does not move over, you should drive, at minimum, about _____ seconds behind vehicles traveling at an average speed


The brain and spinal cord usually cannot go for more than ____________ minutes without perfusion, or the nerve cells will be permanently damaged


In situations where assisted ventilation is required, you should use a newborn BVM and ventilate with high-flow oxygen at a rate of ________ breaths/min

40 to 60

the patient with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) will generally have a finger stick glucose level higher than

400 mg/dl

The effects of bath salts can last as long as

48 hours

Permanent brain damage may occur if the brain is without oxygen for _______ to ______ minutes


Your supervisor approaches you and tells you he wants you to make up jump kits for each ambulance. He has told you that he will leave it up to you as to what goes into the kit. You would want to include everything that you might need within the first ___________ minutes of arrival at the patient's side


You and your partner are assigned to a post at an extreme sports competition. You are called to asses a 23 year old man who was performing an air trick on his bike when he lost control and landed on the bottom of the concrete ramp. When you arrive, the patient is wake and alert and in extreme pain. He tells you he flew over his handlebars and felt both of his upper legs snap. He denies experiencing any loss of consciousness. neurovascular function should be recessed every ___ minutes

5 to 10 correct

Which of the following is considered a severe burn

5% full-thickness burn w/ a fracture

Bleeding that exceeds approximately _________- mL is considered excessive


You are dispatched to the scene of a trench collapse. Upon arriving at the scene, your ambulance should be parked at least _____ feet from the incident


There is often a significant amount of blood loss, as much as ___ mL, after a fracture of the shaft of the femur

500 to 1,000

The amniotic sac contains about ________ to ______ mL of amniotic fluid, which helps to insulate and protect the floating fetus as it develops

500; 1,000

When arriving at the scene of a cave-in or trench collapse, response vehicles should be parked at least ________ away from the scene


Saying their first word, sitting without support, and teething are initially noticed in what age group

6-12 months

The most prominent and the most easily palpable spinous process is at the ______ cervical vertebra at the base of the neck


You assess an infant newborn after delivery and note that the child has a loud cry and withdraws to pain. The heart rate is 94 b/m, the extremities are cyanotic, respirations are rapid, and the newborn strongly resists your attempts to straighten the knees. what is the Apgar score


The 1-minute Apgar score of a newborn reveals that the baby has a heart rate of 90 beats/min, a pink body but blue hands and feet, and rapid respirations. The baby cries when the soles of its feet are flicked and resists attempts to straighten its legs. You should assign an Apgar score of


A blood sugar level below is considered hypoglycemic, while a blood sugar level above is considered hyperglycemic

80 - 120

Your partner prepares to perform a fingerstick to check the patient's glucose level. A normal glucose level is

80 mg/dL

normal blood glucose levels range from


Your patient opens his eyes when you say his name, is making incomprehensible sounds, & w/draws when you pinch his earlobe. What is his GCS score


You are dispatched to a bar to respond to a fight. The police hace cleared the scene & it is safe for you to enter. You see a man, conscious & alert. His face is mottled w/ blisters & abrasions, & he has blood on his shirt. He tells you was trying to stop the fight when he was hit in the face w/ scalding hot coffee & then he fell backward into a chair. Physical examination shows a jagged laceration measuring approximately 2 inches on his abdomen. It is still bleeding, you notice bruising on the right lateral chest. Vital signs are stable. According to the rule of nines, what percentage of the patient's skin surface is burned


Mild hypothermia occurs when the core temperature is between ______ and ________

90 degrees, 95 degrees

you and your partner are called for a 25-year-old man who was found unresponsive by two hikers in a remote area of a national forest. on arrival, you observe a young man lying supine on the ground with a liquor bottle nearby. despite near freezing temperatures he is dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. Shivering stops and muscle activity ceases once the body's core temperature reaches what


you and your partner are called for a 25-year-old man who was found unresponsive by two hikers in a remote area of a national forest. on arrival, you observe a young man lying supine on the ground with a liquor bottle nearby. despite near freezing temperatures he is dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. hypothermia is diagnosed when the core body temperature falls below what temperature


Newton's Second Law of motion states that F=M X


Which of the following patients is at HIGHEST risk for suicide

A 33-year-old man who regularly consumes alcohol & purchased a gun

urinary tract infection

A bacterial infection that affects the urinary tract

methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

A bacterium that causes infections in different parts of the body and is often resistant to commonly used antibiotics; can be found on the skin and in surgical wounds, the bloodstream, lungs, and urinary tract

vancomycin-resistant enterococci

A bacterium that is normally present in the human intestines and the female reproductive tract, but which can cause infection and which is resistant to the antibiotic vancomycin


A balance of all systems of the body.


A bandage that passes around the chest to secure an injured arm to the chest.


A bandage/material that helps to support the weight of an injured upper extremity.


A blockage, usually of a tubular structure such as a blood vessel.


A blood clot that has formed w/in a blood vessel & is floating w/in the bloodstream.


A blood clot, either in the arterial/venous system. When the clot occurs in the cerebral artery, it may result in the interruption of cerebral blood flow & subsequent stroke


A blood clot/other substance in the circulatory system that travels to a blood vessel where is causes a blockage


A blood vessel, consisting of three layers of tissue & smooth muscle that carries blood away from the heart.

Commotio Cordis

A blunt chest injury caused by a sudden, direct blow to the chest that occurs only during the critical portion of a person's heartbeat.

coup-contrecoup injury

A brain injury that occurs when force is applied to the head & energy transmission through brain tissue causes injury on the opposite side of original impact; coup injury occurs at the point of impact; contrecoup injury occurs on the opposite side of impact, as the brain rebound

eustation tube

A branch of the internal auditory canal that connects the middle ear to the oropharynx


A bruise from an injury that causes bleeding beneath the skin w/out breaking the skin.

myocardial contusion

A bruise of the heart muscle.


A buildup of blood beneath the skin that produces a characteristic blue/black discoloration as the result of an injury; also called contusion.

When examining the head of a pediatric patient, which of the following is False

A bulging fontanelle suggests dehydration

flame burn

A burn caused by an open flame

contact burn

A burn caused by direct contact w/ a hot object.

steam burn

A burn caused by exposure to hot steam.

flash burn

A burn caused by exposure to very intense heat, such as in an explosion.

Scald burn

A burn caused by hot liquids

Often the first sign of heatstroke is

A change in behavior

altered mental status

A change in the way a person thinks & behaves that may signal disease in the central nervous system/elsewhere in the body.

subcutaneous emphysema

A characteristic crackling sensation felt on palpation of the skin, caused by the presence of air in soft tissues.

hemostatic agents

A chemical compound that slows/stops bleeding by assisting w/ clot formation


A chemical substance produced by a gland that regulates the activity of organs & tissues


A child age 1 to 3 years old


A complex condition in which a person has an excessive amount of body fat.

Type 2 Diabetes

A condition in which insulin resistance develops in response to increased blood glucose levels; can be managed by exercise & diet modification, but is often managed by medication

Status Epilepticus

A condition in which seizure recur every few minutes last longer than 30 minutes


A condition in which the body core temperature falls below 95 degrees (35C) after exposure to a cold environment


A condition in which the body core temperature rises to 101 F (38.3C)/more


A condition in which the circulatory system fails to provide sufficient circulation to maintain normal cellular functions; also called shock.

dissecting aneurysm

A condition in which the inner layers of an artery, such as the aorta, become separated, allowing blood (at high pressures) to flow between the layers.

placenta previa

A condition in which the placenta develops over and covers the cervix.

gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

A condition in which the sphincter between the esophagus & the stomach opens, allowing stomach acid to move up into the esophagus, usually resulting in a burning sensation w/in the chest; also called acid reflux.

flail chest

A condition in which two/more ribs are fractured in two/more places/in association w/ a fracture of the sternum so that a segment of the chest wall is effectively detached from the rest of the thoracic cage.

pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH)

A condition of late pregnancy that is characterized by headache, visual changes, and swelling of the hands and feet; also called preeclamsia or toxemia of pregnancy.

acute abdomen

A condition of sudden onset of pain w/in the abdomen, usually indicating peritonitis; immediate medical/surgical treatment is necessary.

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

A condition resulting from alcohol consumption by the mother during pregnancy that produces physical abnormalities and cognitive and behavioral problems in her child.

pulmonary embolism

A condition that causes a sudden blockage of the pulmonary artery by a venous clot


A congenital abnormality in which the blood is unable to produce clots, which results in uncontrollable bleeding

Which of the following is a physiologic change that occurs during the process of aging

A decline in kidney function


A deep, jagged cut in the skin.

While inspecting the interior of a wrecked automobile, you should be MOST suspicious that the driver experienced an abdominal injury if you find

A deformed steering wheel

breech presentation

A delivery in which the buttocks come out first.

vertex presentation

A delivery in which the head of the newborn comes out first

limb presentation

A delivery in which the presenting part is a single arm or leg.

Spina bifida

A development defect in which a portion of the spinal cord or meninges may protrude outside of the vertebrae and possibly even outside of the body, usually at the lower third of the spine in the lumbar area.

spina bifida

A developmental defect in which a portion of the spinal cord or meninges may protrude outside of the vertebrae and possibly even outside of the body, usually at the lower third of the spine in the lumbar area

pelvic binder

A device to splint the bony pelvis to reduce hemorrhage from bone ends, venous disruption, & pain.


A disease in which the epiglottis becomes inflamed and enlarged and may cause an upper airway obstruction


A disease that causes the arteries to thicken, harden, and calcify


A disorder in which abnormal electrical discharges occur in the brain, causing seizure & possible loss of consciousness


A disorder in which calcium & cholesterol build up inside the walls of the blood vessels, forming plaque, potentially leading to a partial/complete blockage of blood flow

congestive heart failure

A disorder in which the heart loses part of its ability to effectively pump blood, usually as a result of damage to the heart muscle & usually resulting in a backup of fluid into the lungs.

functional disorder

A disorder in which there is no known physiologic reason for the abnormal functioning of an organ/organ system.

Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)

A disorder of the brain in which brain cells temporarily stop functioning because of insufficient oxygen, causing stroke-like symptoms that resolve completely w/in 24 hours of onset

What does the "PID Shuffle" refer to

A distinctive gait when the patient walks


A fainting spell or transient loss of consciousness, often caused by an interruption of blood flow to the brain


A fainting spell/transient loss of consciousness


A family of insects that includes bees, wasps, ants, & yellow jackets.

structure fire

A fire in a house, apartment building, office, school, plant, warehouse, or other building.

Paradoxical chest movement is typically seen in patients w/

A flail chest


A flexible/rigid appliance used to protect & maintain the position of an injured extremity.

Neisseria meningitides

A form of bacterial meningitis characterized by a rapid onset of symptoms, often leading to shock and death

Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)

A form of hyperglycemia in uncontrolled diabetes in which certain acids accumulate when insulin is not available

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

A form, provided by manufacturers & compounders (blenders) of chemicals, containing information about chemical composition, physical & chemical properties, health & safety hazards, emergency response, & waste disposal of a specific material; also known as a safety data sheet (SDS).


A forward curling of the back caused by an abnormal increase in the curvature of the spine

displaced fracture

A fracture in which bone fragments are separated from one another & not in anatomic alignment.

blow out fracture

A fracture of the orbit/of the bones that support the floor of the orbit. (Eye)

Child abuse

A general term applying to all forms of abuse and neglect of children


A generalized bone disease, commonly associated with postmenopausal women, in which there is a reduction in the amount of bone mass leading to fractures after minimal trauma in either sex

Down syndrome

A genetic chromosomal defect that can occur during fetal development and that results in intellectual impairment as well as certain physical characteristics, such as a round head with a flat occiput and slanted, wide-set eyes.


A grating/grinding sensation caused by fractured bone ends/joints rubbing together; also air bubbles under the skin that produce a crackling sound/crinkly feeling.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

A group of complex disorders of brain development, characterized by difficulties in social interaction, repetitive behaviors, and verbal and nonverbal communication.


A group of conditions in which the nerves leaving the spinal cord are damaged, resulting in distortion of signals to or from the brain

Cerebral palsy

A group of disorders characterized by poorly controlled body movement.

acute coronary syndrome

A group of symptoms caused by myocardial ischemia; includes angina & myocardial infarction.

position of function

A hand position in which the wrist is slightly dorsiflexed & all finger joints are moderately flexed.

eyes forward position

A head position in which the patient's eyes are looking straight ahead & the head & torso are in line.

acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

A heart attack; death of heart muscle following obstruction of blood flow to it; in this context the attack is "new"/"happening right now."

heat exhaustion

A heat emergency in which a significant amount of fluid & electrolyte loss occurs because of heavy sweating; also called heat prostration/heat collapse.

Sickle Cell Disease

A hereditary disease that causes normal, round red blood cells to become oblong,/sickle shaped

Your partner indicates that he heard wheezing in all lung fields. What did he hear

A high-pitched whistling sound caused by bronchoconstriction


A high-pitched, whistling breath sound that is most prominent on expiration, & which suggests an obstruction/narrowing of the lower airways; occurs in asthma & bronchiolitis

respiratory syncytial virus

A highly contagious virus that causes an infection of the upper and lower respiratory system


A hormone produced by the islets of Langerhans (endocrine gland located throughout the pancreas) that enables glucose in the blood to enter the cells; used in synthetic form to treat & control diabetes mellitus

tactical situation

A hostage, robbery, or other situation in which armed conflict is threatened or shots have been fired and the threat of violence remains.


A joint injury involving damage to supporting ligaments, & sometimes partial/temporary dislocation of bone ends.


A lack of oxygen that deprives tissues of necessary nutrients, resulting from partial/complete blockage of blood flow; potentially reversible because permanent injury has not yet occured

heat stroke

A life-threatening condition of severe hyperthermia caused by exposure to excessive natural/artificial heat, marked by warm, dry skin; severely altered mental status; & often irreversible coma.

Hyperomolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome (HHNS)

A life-threatening condition resulting from high blood glucose that typically occurs in older adults & which causes altered mental status, dehydration, & organ damage

open-book pelvic fracture

A life-threatening fracture of the pelvis caused by a force that displaces one/both sides of the pelvis laterally & posteriorly.


A mass of blood that has collected w/in damaged tissue beneath the skin/in a body cavity.

Length-based resuscitation tape

A material used to estimate an infant or child's weight on the basis of length; appropriate drug doses and equipment sizes are listed on the tape


A mental disorder characterized by the loss of contact with reality.

Diabetes Mellitus

A metabolic disorder in which the ability to metabolize carbohydrates (sugars) is impaired, usually because of a lack of insulin


A neurological episode caused by a surge of electrical activity in the brain; can be convulsion characterized by generalized, uncoordinated muscular activity, & can be associated w/ loss of consciousness

flutter valve

A one-way valve that allows air to leave the chest cavity but not return; formed by taping three sides of an occlusive dressing to the chest wall, leaving the fourth side open as a valve.

decompression sickness

A painful condition seen in divers who ascend too quickly, in which gas, especially nitrogen, forms bubbles in blood vessels & other tissues; also called "the bends."


A pathologic condition that results from the accumulation of acids in the body

traumatic asphyxia

A pattern of injuries seen after a severe force is applied to the chest, forcing blood from the great vessels back into the head & neck.

articular cartilage

A pearly layer of specialized cartilage covering the articular surfaces (contact surfaces on the ends) of bones in synovial joints.

Sensorineural deafness

A permanent lack of hearing caused by a lesion or damage of the inner ear.


A persistent mood of sadness, despair, & discouragement; may be a symptom of many different mental & physical disorders,/it may be a disorder on its own.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the returning veteran

A person's altered consciousness can allow him or her to continue functioning under negative conditions.


A phenomenon in which speed causes a bullet to generate pressure waves, which cause damage distant from the bullet's path.


A place in the body where two bones come together

Tracheostomy tube

A plastic tube placed within the tracheostomy site (stoma).

spontaneous pneumothorax

A pneumothorax that occurs when a weak area on the lung ruptures in the absence of major injury, allowing air to leak into the pleural space.


A poison/harmful substance


A pregnancy complication that is characterized by high blood pressure, headache, visual changes, and swelling of the hands and feet; also called pregnancy-induced hypertension or toxemia of pregnancy.

ectopic pregnancy

A pregnancy hat develops outside the uterus, typically in the fallopian tube

term gestation

A pregnancy that has reached full term, between 39 weeks and 40 weeks, 6 days.

What other information would be most helpful in determining the treatment of this patient?

A pulse oximetry measurement and a list of medication allergies

What is a wheal?

A raised, swollen, well-defined area on the skin


A raised, swollen, well-defined area on the skin resulting from an insect bite/allergic reaction

ventricular tachycardia

A rapid heart rhythm in which the electrical impulse begins in the ventricle (instead of the atrium), which may result in inadequate blood flow & eventually deteriorate into cardiac arrest.

abdominal aortic aneurysm

A rapidly fatal condition in which the walls of the aorta in the abdomen weaken and blood leaks into the layers of the vessel, causing it to bulge

technical rescue situation

A rescue requires special technical skills and equipment in one of many specialized rescue areas, such as technical rope rescue, cave rescue, and dive rescue.

trauma score

A score calculated from 1-16, w/ 16 being the best possible score. It relates to the likelihood of patient survival w/ the exception of a severe head injury. It takes into account the GCS, respiratory rate, respiratory expansion, systolic blood pressure & capillary refill.

apgar score

A scoring system for assessing the status of a newborn that assigns a number value to each of five areas of assessment.

Revised Trauma Score (RTS)

A scoring system used for patients w/ head trauma.

Partial (Focal) Seizure

A seizure affecting a limited portion of the brain

Generalized (colonic-tonic) Seizures

A seizure characterized by severe twitching of all of the body's muscles that may last several minutes of more; formerly known as a grand mal seizure

The patient in this scenario experienced a seizure. What criteria must be met for this patient to have status epilepticus

A seizure lasting greater than 30 minutes

Generalized tonic-clonic seizure

A seizure that feature rhythmic back-and-forth motion of an extremity and body stiffness


A sensation experienced before a seizure; serves as a warning sign that a seizure is about to occur

excited delirium

A serious behavioral condition in which a person exhibits agitated behavior combined with disorientation, hallucinations,/delusions; also called agitated delirium/exhaustive mania.


A serum that counteracts the effect of venom from an animal/insect.

delirium tremens (DTs)

A severe w/drawal syndrome seen in alcoholics who are deprived of ethyl alcohol; characterized by restlessness, fever, sweating, disorientation, agitation, & seizures; can be fatal if untreated.


A sharp, smooth cut in the skin.

nondisplaced fracture

A simple crack in the bone that has not caused the bone to move from its normal anatomic position; also called a hairline fracture.

acromioclavicular joint (AC)

A simple joint where the bony projections of the scapula & the clavicle meet at the top of the shoulder.

prolapse of the umbilical cord

A situation in which the umbilical cord comes out of the vagina before the fetus.

bloody show

A small amount of blood at the vagina that appears at the beginning of labor and may include a plug of pink-tinged mucus that is discharged when the cervix begins to dilate.

special weapons and tactics team (SWAT)

A specialized law enforcement tactical unit.


A specialized medical practice devoted to the care of the young


A specialized vehicle for treating and transporting sick and injured patients


A state of overwhelming obsession/physical need to continue the use of a substance.


A state of profound unconsciousness from which the patient cannot be roused

Symptomatic Hyperglycemia

A state of unconsciousness resulting from several problems including ketoacidosis, dehydration because of the excessive urination & hyperglycemia

Pediatric assessment triangle (PAT)

A structured assessment tool used to rapidly form a general impression of the infant or child without touching him or her; consists of assessing appearance, work of breathing, and circulation to the skin


A subset of the opioid family, referring to natural, non-synthetic opioids.


A substance produced by the body (commonly called adrenaline), a drug produced by pharmaceutical companies that increases pulse rate & blood pressure; the drug choice for an anaphylactic reaction


A substance that decreases activity & excitement.


A substance whose chemical action could damage structures/impair function when introduced into the body.


A sudden change in mental status marked by the inability to focus, think logically, and maintain attention; this condition is generally acute and reversible


A surgical procedure to create an opening (stoma) between the colon and the surface of the body.


A surgical procedure to create an opening (stoma) between the small intestine and the surface of the body.


A surgical procedure to create an opening (stoma) into the trachea; a stoma in the neck connects the trachea directly to the skin.


A surgical procedure to create an opening (stoma) which connects the urinary system to the surface of the skin and allows urine to drain through the abdominal wall.

Shaken baby syndrome

A syndrome seen in abused infants and children; the patient has been subjected to violent, whiplash-type shaking injuries inflicted by the abusing individual that may cause coma, seizures, and increased intracranial pressure due to tearing of the cerebral veins with consequent bleeding into the brain


A synthetically produced narcotic medication, drug,/agent similar to the opiate morphine, but not derived from opium; used to relieve pain.

rule of nines

A system that assigns percentages to sections of the body, allowing calculation of the amount of skin surface involved in the burn area.

scuba gear

A system that delivers air to the mouth & lungs at various atmospheric pressures, increasing w/ the depth of the dive; stands for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.

technical rescue group

A team of emergency responders from one or more departments in a region who are trained and on call for certain types of technical rescue.


A temporary change in mental status characterized by disorganized thoughts, inattention, memory loss, disorientation, striking changes in personality & affect, hallucinations, delusions,/a decreased level of consciousness


A temporary loss/alteration of part/all of the brain's abilities to function w/out actual physical damage to the brain.


A tendency toward the development of blood clots as a result of an abnormality of the system of coagulation


A tracing on an ECG that is the result of interference such as patient movement, rather than the heart's electrical activity.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

A traumatic insult to the brain capable of producing physical, intellectual, emotional, social, & vocational changes.

reverse triage

A triage process in which efforts are focused on those who are in respiratory & cardiac arrest, & different from conventional triage where such patients would be classified as deceased. Used in triaging multiple victims of a lightning strike.

Hemorrhagic Stroke

A type of stroke that occurs as a result of bleeding inside of the brain

Ischemic Stroke

A type of stroke that occurs when blood flow to a particular part of the brain is cut off by a blockage (eg, a blood clot) inside a blood vessel

jugular vein distention

A visual bulging of the jugular veins in the neck that can be caused by fluid overload, pressure in the chest, cardiac tamponade, or tension pneumothorax

aortic aneurysm

A weakness in the wall of the aorta that makes it susceptible to rupture.

vernix caseosa

A white, cheesy substance that covers the body of the fetus.

Which of the following is not one of the leading causes of death in the older population


You are called to an automotive body shop for an assault patient. Law enforcement personnel have arrived and declared the scene safe. You and your partner find a man seated in an office holding the left side of his head. The patient was struck on the side of the head with a tire iron during a dispute with another employee. He was unconscious for approx 3 min. your transport time is going to be about 30 min. hat support should you call for, based on your findings

ALS intercept

Assessment of mental status is accomplished through the use of mnemonic


Which mnemonic is used to check a patients mental status?


To assess a patient's core body temperature, pull back your glove and place the back of you ur hand on the patient's

Abdomen, underneath the clothing

A pediatric patient involved in a drowning emergency may present with

Abdominal distention

Which of the patient's soft-tissue injuries is least likely to result in infection

Abdominal laceration, Burns to the face, & Abrasions to the face

Passage of the fetus and placenta before 20 weeks is called ________


simple access

Access that is easily achieved without the use of tools or force.

Linear skull fracture

Account for 80% of skull fractures; also referred to as nondisplaced skull fractures; commonly occur in the temporal-parietal region of the skull; not associated w/ deformities to the skull.

involuntary activities

Actions of the body that are not under a person's conscious control.

voluntary activities

Actions that we consciously perform, in which sensory input/conscious thought determines a specific muscular activity

Which of the following is a function of cerebrospinal fluid

Acts as a shock absorber, bathes the brain and spinal cord, buffers the brain and spinal cord from injury,

Cardiogenic shock can occur within 24 hours of a(n)

Acute myocardial infarction.

The abbreviation AMI stands for _ Myocardial_

Acute, Infarction

What would be your most important initial treatment of this patient?

Administer aspirin if he is not allergic to it

What should you do first

Administer epinephrine

Oropharyngeal airways can be used for

Adults, Children, & infants

Oxygen masks, with and without nonrebreathing bags, should be transparent, disposable, and available in sizes for

Adults, Children, & infants

________ ________, such as living wills, may express the patient's wishes, but these documents are not binding for all health care providers

Advance directives

In case of sexual assault, which of the following is TRUE

Advise the patient not to wash, urinate, or defecate.

arterial air embolism

Air bubbles in the arterial blood vessels.

When assessing a patient with a possible CVA, you should check the ______ first.


Which of the following is considered a risk factor for suicide

Alcohol abuse, Family history of suicide, depression

The term AMS stands for _ status

Altered Mental


An "uh" sound heard during exhalation; reflects the child's attempts to keep the alveoli open; a sign of increased work of breathing


An abnormal enlargement of a part of an artery, resulting from weakening of the arterial wall


An abnormally low blood glucose level

peptic ulcer disease

An abrasion of the stomach or small intestine.

Suspect kidney damage if the patient has a history or physical evidence of all of the following

An abrasion, laceration, or contusion in the flank; a penetrating wound in the region of the slower rib cage or the upped abdomen, fractures on either side of the lower rib cage or the upper abdomen.

tension pneumothorax

An accumulation of air/gas in the pleural cavity that progressively increases pressure in the chest that interferes w/ cardiac function w/ potentially fatal results.

subdural hematoma

An accumulation of blood beneath the dura mater but outside the brain.

epidural hematoma

An accumulation of blood between the skull & the dura mater.


An accumulation of fat and cholesterol in the arteries


An age-related condition of the ear that produces progressive bilateral hearing loss that is most noted at higher frequencies


An agent that produces an excited state.


An airborne bacterial infection that affects mostly children younger than 6 years, in which the patient is feverish and exhibits a "whoop" sound on inspiration after a coughing attack; highly contagious through droplet infection. Also called whooping cough

safe zone

An area of protection providing safety from the danger zone (hot zone)

danger zone (hot zone)

An area where people can be exposed to hazards such as electrical wires, sharp metal edges, broken glass, toxic substances, radiation, or fire.

Type 1 Diabetes

An autoimmune disorder in which the individuals immune system produces antibodies to the pancreatic beta cells, & therefore the pancreas cannot produce insulin; onset in early childhood is common

Which patent is most appropriate to receive oral glucose

An elderly woman who reports a history of diabetes.

psychiatric emergency

An emergency in which abnormal behavior threatens a person's own health & safety/the health & safety of another person, for example when a person becomes suicidal, homicidal,/has a psychotic episode.

hypertensive emergency

An emergency situation created by excessively high blood pressure, which can lead to serious complications such as stroke/aneurysm.

Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)

An evaluation tool used to determine level of consciousness, which evaluates & assigns point values (scores) for eye opening, verbal response, & motor response, which are then totaled; effective in helping predict patient outcomes.

Apparent life-threatening event (ALTE)

An event that causes unresponsiveness, cyanosis, and apnea in an infant, who then resumes breathing with stimulation

You have been dispatched to a residence for a 24 yo woman who splashed cooking grease on her arm. As you approach her, she is crying, and yelling that it hurts. Her pulse is 130 bpm and her BP is 126/86 mm hg. You decide that she is not an immediate transport. The secondary assessment would include

An examination of the burned arm


An excessive quantity of a drug that, when taken/administered, can have toxic/lethal consequences.


An extreme life-threatening, systemic allergic reaction that may include shock & respiratory failureq

psychiatric disorder

An illness w/ psychological/behavioral symptoms &/ impairment in functioning caused by a social, psychological, genetic, physical, chemical,/biologic disturbance.

blunt trauma

An impact on the body by objects that cause injury w/out penetrating soft tissues/internal organs & cavities.

Work of breathing

An indicator of oxygenation and ventilation; reflects the child's attempt to compensate for hypoxia

urinary tract infection (UTI)

An infection, usually of the lower urinary tract (urethra & bladder) that occurs when normal flora bacteria enter the urethra & grow.


An inflammation of the lung from a bacterial, viral, or fungal cause


An inflammation of the meningeal coverings of the brain and spinal cord; it is usually caused by a virus or bacterium


An inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory system that may cause a partial airway obstruction and is characterized by a barking cough; usually seen in children


An injury in which part of the body is completely severed.


An injury in which soft tissue is torn completely loose/is hanging as a flap.

penetrating wound

An injury resulting from a sharp, pointed object.

crushing injury

An injury that occurs when a great amount of force is applied to the body.

primary (direct) injury

An injury to the brain & its associated structures that is a direct result of impact to the head.

open chest injury

An injury to the chest in which the chest wall itself is penetrated by a fractured rib or, more frequently, by an external object such as a bullet/knife.

closed chest injury

An injury to the chest in which the skin is not broken, usually caused by blunt trauma.


An interruption of blood flow to the brain that results in the loss of brain function; also called a cerebrovascular accident (CVA)

Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)

An interruption of blood flow to the brain that results in the loss of brain function; also called a stroke


An irregular/abnormal heart rhythm.

When blood flow to a part of the brain is cut off by a blockage inside a blood vessel, the result is

An ischemic stroke

sucking chest wound

An open/penetrating chest wall wound through which air passes during inspiration & expiration, creating a sucking sound. See also open pneumothorax.

open pneumothorax

An open/penetrating chest wall wound through which air passes during inspiration & expiration, creating a sucking sound; also referred to as a sucking chest wound.


An opening through the skin and into an organ or other structure.

nuchal cord

An umbilical cord that is wrapped around the fetus's neck.

Tripod position

An upright position in which the patient leans forward onto outstretched arms with the head and chin thrust slightly forward

Sniffing position

An upright position in which the patient's head and chin are thrust slightly forward to keep the airway open; the optimum position for the uninjured child who requires airway management

Which one of the following is NOT an appropriate treatment for EMTs to provide to a patient who has a hematologic disorder?

Analgesics for pain

A pediatric patient with hives, wheezing, increased work breathing, and hypoperfusion is likely suffering from


A patient who has a hemoglobin/erythrocyte level that is lower than normal has


Chest pain does not always mean that a person is having an AMI. When, for a brief period of time, heart tissues are not getting enough oxygen, the pain is called

Angina pectoris

When, for a brief period of time, heart tissues do not get enough oxygen, the pain is called


A condition in which a person experiences a loss of appetite is called


"Hot as a hare, blind as a bat, dry as a bone, red as a beet, and mad as a hatter" describes which of the following conditions

Anticholinergic poisoning

Substances w/in the body that can activate the immune system are called


_______ is a serum containing antibodies that counteracts venom


Pupillary response in pediatric patients may be abnormal in the presence of all the following Except


_________ may increase the effort or work of breathing

Anxiety, agitation, and crying

elder abuse

Any action on the part of an older person's family member, caregiver, or other associated person that takes advantage of the older person's person, property, or emotional state

Altered Mental Status

Any deviation from alert &/ oriented to person, place, time, & event,/any deviation from a patient's normal baseline mental status


Any object propelled by force, such as a bullet by a weapon.

simple pneumothorax

Any pneumothorax that is free from significant physiologic changes & does not cause drastic changes in the vital signs of the patient.

dysbarism injuries

Any signs & symptoms caused by the difference between the surrounding atmospheric pressure & the total gas pressure in various tissues, fluids, & cavities of the body.

hazardous materials

Any substances that are toxic, poisonous, radioactive, flammable, or explosive and cause injury or death with exposure.

Which of the following would MOST likely result from the third collision in the "three-collision" effect that occurs during a high-speed, frontal impact motor vehicle crash

Aortic rupture/compression injury to the brain

When the chest impacts the steering wheel during a motor vehicle crash w/ rapid deceleration, the resulting injury that kills almost one third of patients, usually w/in seconds, is

Aortic shearing

A pediatric patient with a fever, pain on palpating of the right lower quadrant, and rebound tenderness is likely to be suffering from


Other than applying a moist, sterile dressing covered w/ a dry dressing to treat an abdominal evisceration, an alternative form of management may include

Applying an occlusive dressing, secured by trauma dressings

Most snake bites occur between _______ and _______ , when the animals are active

April, october

When taking a history on a patient experiencing a gynecologic emergency, you should consider asking

Are you taking birth control, When was your last menstrual period, Do you have any history of sexually transmitted diseases

Blind spots

Areas of the road that are blocked from your sight by your own vehicle or mirrors


Areas where the neonate's or infant's skull has not fused together; usually disappear at approximately 18 months of age

The umbilical cord contains two _______ and one _______

Arteries; vein

Most serious diving injuries occur during __________


it is time for your annual competency assessment. This test includes knowledge and skills assessments. yo regar to your emt textbook to prepare by answering simple questions provided. If you arrive on the scene of a mass-casualty incident, what is the first thing you should do

Ask for additional resources.

Exposure to cold air, infection, and emotional stress are all triggers of


Which of the following is Not an infection that can cause an airway obstruction in pediatric patients


A(n) ________ _________ provides a firm surface under the patient's torso so that you can give effective chest compressions

CPR board

The intercostal muscles are innervated from spinal nerves originated in the cervical regions of _______ and _________

C6, C7

Which of the following sets of vital signs is LEAST indicative of internal bleeding

BP, 140/90 mm Hg; pulse rate, 58 beats/min; respirations, 8 breaths/min

You respond to a wooded area to help search for a child who has been missing for approximately 24 hours. Which of the following equipment should you leave in the ambulance


Food poisoning is almost always caused by eating food that contains


You arrive on the scene of a 54-year old female patient complaining of shortness of air & chest discomfort. The patient states that the pain started approximately 4 hours ago & is progressively getting worse. The patient has a previous history of an AMI & hypertension. Patient is also asthmatic. Patient is sitting up in a tripod position. Patient has a respiratory rate of 38bpm & labored, & a pulse rate of 98. Patient's blood pressure is 102/76. Patient has taken 2 nitro tablets w/ little relief. Patient's breath sounds are clear bi laterally. What type of oxygen delivery device would you use for this patient?

Bag Valve mask

Head and neck injuries are common after high-speed collisions in all the following contact sports Except


_________ is that you can see a person's response to the environment; his or her actions



Black, foul-smelling, tarry stool containing digested blood


Black, foul-smelling, tarry stool containing digested blood.

The word Hemorrhage means


subarachnoid hemorrhage

Bleeding into the subarachnoid space, where the cerebrospinal fluid circulates.

What is your primary impression of this patient's emergency

Bleeding of unknown origin

intracerebral hematoma

Bleeding w/in the brain tissue (parenchyma) itself; also referred to as an intraparenchymal hematoma.

An acute myocardial infarction is more likely to occur in the larger, think-walled left ventricle, which needs more ________ than the right ventricle.

Blood and oxygen.

Suspect a possible injury of the urinary blade in all of the following findings

Blood at the urethral opening, blood at the tip of the penis or a stain on the patients underwear, physical signs of trauma on the lower abdomen, pelvis, or perineum.

The term "hematuria" is defined as

Blood in the urine

A fracture of the femur is rare and a major source of ________ in the pediatric population

Blood loss

En route to the emergency department, the patient's condition seems to worsen. Some of his vital signs have changed, while others have not. What is the last vital sign to change in the setting of shock

Blood pressure

The characteristics appearance of blue lips and or finger tips seen in hypothermia is the result of

Blood vessel constricting


Blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart

Proper protective equipment will vary depending on the hazards encountered. Which piece of equipment should be utilized during all patient contacts

Blood- and fluid-impermeable gloves

There is a high potential of exposure due to ___________ __________ released during childbirth

Body fluids

When you assess a pediatric patient, it is best to place ________ on the patient's chest to feel the rise and fall of the chest wall

Both hands

You are dispatched to a motor vehicle collision. Your patient is a 42-year-old restrained woman. The air bag deployed, and the woman has abrasions on her face. She is complaining of pain to both her chest and abdomen. Her airway is open and respirations are within normal limits. Her pulse is a little rapid but strong and regular. She has distal pulses. In assessing this patient, the following statements are true

Bowel sounds may help confirm findings; palpation is typically performed first with light touch; if you find an entry wound, you should always assess for an exit wound.

All the following are signs associated with pneumonia in pediatric patients Except


Which of the following organs can RAPIDLY suffer permanent damage when the body's glucose level is too low


Which of the following organs can rapidly sustain permanent damage when the body's glucose level is too low


You are dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on a rural road where a single vehicle us up on an embankment. The vehicle has front-end damage and a starred windshield. The unrestrained driver is lying supine in the road; the police report that they found the patient outside of the vehicle. He is unconscious & has depression if the left temporal area, both eyes are black & blue, and one pupil is dilated whereas the other is normal. The patient has blood coming from the nose & mouth, & palpation reveals subcutaneous emphysema around the clavicles & chest area. The patient's breaking is labored, & the pulse is rapid & thready. The unequal pupils most likely indicate what type of injury


The organs most severely affected by air embolism are the

Brain and spinal cord

The ______ controls the most basic functions of the body, such as breathing, blood pressure, swallowing, and pupil constriction

Brain stem

Preterm or false labor is commonly referred to as ___________ ___________ contractions


raccoon eyes

Bruising around the eyes, indicative of a basilar skull fracture

Battle sign

Bruising behind an ear over the mastoid process that may indicate a skull fracture.

You respond to the local rodeo arena for a bull rider. The scene is safe, and the patient is lying unconscious in the middle of the arena. His airway is open and he is breathing 20 breaths/min. His pulse is 128 beats/min and blood pressure is 110/64 mmHg. There is no obvious bleeding. Bystanders tell you he was thrown into the air and landed on the bull's head. He was not wearing a vest. Which of the following is indicated in blunt trauma to the chest

Bruising of the lungs and heart, Fracture of whole areas of the chest wall, & Damage to the aorta

Which of the following is Not a sign of severe dehydration in pediatric patients

Bulging fontanelles

The first symptoms of Lyme disease are generally fever and flulike symptoms, sometimes associated with a ________ rash


thermal burns

Burns caused by heat.

Full-thickness (third degree) burn-

Burns that affect all skin layers & may affect the subcutaneous layers, muscle, bone, & internal organs, leaving the area dry, leathery, & white, dark brown,/charred.

partial thickness (second degree) burn

Burns that affect the epidermis & some portion of the dermis but not the subcutaneous tissue, characterized by blisters & skin that is white to red, moist, & mottled.

The lumen of an artery may be partially or completely blocked by the blood-clotting system due to a _________ that exposes the inside of the atherosclerotic wall.


The head is divided into two parts; the face & the


if the patient's head injuries are significant enough to cause a traumatic brain injury, the patient may begin signs of _ _: increased blood pressure, decreased heart rate & irregular respirations such as Cheyne-Stokes respiration & Biot's respirations

Cushing's triad

Your patient has his penis caught in his zipper. What do you need to do to relieve pressure

Cut the zipper out of the pants

A patient experienced a severe compression to the chest when trapped between a vehicle & brick wall. You suspect traumatic asphyxia due to the hemorrhage into the sclera of his eyes & which other sign

Cyanosis in the face & neck

The medical term for inflammation of the urinary bladder is


What is an initial consideration specific to this case

Call for a female EMT

The ___________ are tiny blood vessels that are approximately one cell think.


An incident in which you have more than one patient complaining of a headache may indicate:

Carbon Monoxide poisoning

Sudden death is usually the result of _________, in which the heart fails to generate an effective blood flow.

Cardiac arrest.

On the basis of the information given, the patient is most likely experiencing which type of shock?


The _____ and ______ systems are the most commonly injured during a lightening strike

Cardiovascular, nervous

What does the DOPE mnemonic help you to recognize

Causes of airway obstruction

What are the two main components of blood?

Cells and plasma

Playing the piano is coordinated by the ________


Most spinal injuries in diving incidents affect the

Cervical spine

What is the narrowest portion of the uterus



Chemical substance released by the immune system in allergic reactions that are responsible for many of the symptoms of anaphylaxis, such as vasodilation

name the order of straps when securing the patient to a long spine board

Chest, pelvis, Head & legs


Children between ages 3 to 6 years


Children between ages 6 to 12 years


Children between the ages of 12 and 18 years old.

Which of the following populations is at the greatest risk for contracting meningitis

Children who have head trauma

All the following are common causes of a fever in pediatric patients Except


Which of the following is NOT a cause of congestive heart failure

Chronic hypotension.

Burns in elderly abuse typically result from which of the following

Cigarettes, Matches, hot liquids

Name one of the two Prehospital Stroke Scales in the book


The patient was exhibiting slurred speech, facial droop, and an inability to move his left arm. Which neurologic examination emphasizes these possible stroke signs

Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale


Circulation of blood w/in an organ/tissue in adequate amounts to meet current needs of the cells.

There are three types of soft-tissue injuries

Closed injuries, Open injuries, & Burns


Clouding of the lens of the eye or its surrounding transparent membranes

Never assume that a(n) ________ , pulseless patient is dead


Incidents involving the death of a child pose extra stress on EMS workers. Which of the following is Not a sign of post-traumatic stress

Cold intolerance

Which of the following statements may help you provide care for Charlie

Come with me, and let's go to a place where they can help you.

What improves a patient's quality of life shortly before death

Comfort care


Common name for decompression sickness

A 14-year-old baseball player was hit in the chest w/ a line drive. He is in cardiac arrest. Which of the following is the most likely explanation

Commotio cordis


Complete obstruction of blood circulation in a given organ as a result of compression/entrapment; an emergency situation causing death of tissue.

cardiac tamponade (pericardial tamponade)

Compression of the heart as the result of buildup of blood/other fluid in the pericardial sac, leading to decreased cardiac output.


Condition in which the tires of a vehicle may be lifted off the road surface as water "piles up" under them, making the vehicle feel as though it is floating

A man has been sucked inside the bin of a grain silo and is trapped. Which of the following rescue teams is the MOST appropriate to request

Confined space rescue

The term CHF stands for

Congestive Heart Failure

In addition to angina and myocardial infarction, nitroglycerin can be used to treat

Congestive heart failure.

When treating a patient with an amputation of the penile shaft, your top priority is

Controlling bleeding

A young male was struck in the forearm w/ a baseball & complains of pain to the area. Slight swelling & ecchymosis are present, but no external bleeding. Which type of injury does this describe


When a person is exposed to cold temperatures & strong winds for an extended period of time, he/she will lose heat mostly by



Conversion of water/another fluid from a liquid to a gas.

A 56-year-old man has an acute myocardial infarction. Which of the following blood vessels become blocked & led to his condition?

Coronary arteries

When treating a patient with an evisceration, you should

Cover the protruding contents with moist, sterile gauze compresses

During your assessment of a patient who was stabbed, you see an open wound to the left anterior chest. Your MOST immediate action should be to

Cover the wound w/ an occlusive dressing

During the delivery, be careful that you do not poke your fingers into the infant's eyes or into the two soft spots, called ________________, on the head


Shigella, Campylobacter and Enterococcus are associated with what type of poisoning


The most common trigger of anaphylaxis is


rate and quality

For a patient with suspected internal bleeding, you should assess circulation by checking the pulse for:

A person who was eating prior to having a seizure may have a _________ ________ ________

Foreign body obstruction

How many triage categories are there in the JumpStart system



Damage to tissues as the result of exposure to cold; frozen/partially frozen body parts are frostbitten.


Death of a body tissue, usually caused by interruption of its blood supply.

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Death of an infant or young child that remains unexplained after a complete autopsy

The three phases of a dive, in the order they occur, are

Decent, bottom, and ascent

In a diving emergency, ________ occurs when bubbles of gas, especially nitrogen, obstruct the blood vessels

Decompression sickness

Young children can compensate for fluid losses by

Decreasing blood flow to the extremities

Kussmual Respirations

Deep, rapid breathing; usually the result of accumulation of certain acids when insulin is not available in the body


Describes a condition in which the patient has too few red blood cells, resulting in a decreased ability to transport oxygen throughout the body via the bloodstream.

If you have completed your primary assessment and transport decision on an unresponsive patient with a significant mechanism of injury, what components should be included in the secondary assessment

Detailed, comprehensive exam

When assessing a patient with a history of seizure activity, it is important to:

Determine whether this episode differs from any previous seizures

CPR board

Device that provides a firm surface under the patient's torso

gestational diabetes

Diabetes that develops during pregnancy in women who did not have diabetes before pregnancy.

Careful documentation is always important. What information should NOT be included in your patient care report


Which of the following is Not a question you would ask if you suspected a poisoning emergency

Did the substance have an odor?

What is the most desired effect of nitroglycerin?

Dilates blood vessels

ventricular fibrillation

Disorganized, ineffective quivering of the ventricles, resulting in no blood flow & a state of cardiac arrest.

Whenever a person dives or jumps into very cold water, the __________ may cause immediate bradycardia

Diving reflex

it is time for your annual competency assessment. This test includes knowledge and skills assessments. yo regar to your emt textbook to prepare by answering simple questions provided. If you are on an emergency call with your warning lights and siren turned on, you may be allowed to do which of the following

Drive faster than the posted speed limit.

Patients with diabetes who overexert themselves are prone to rapid

Drops in their blood glucose levels

Once the infant is completely delivered, you should

Dry and wrap the infant in a blanket. Keep the infant at the level of the vagina until the umbilical cord is cut. use sterile gauze and wipe out the infant's mouth.

coup contrecoup injury

Dual impacting of the brain into the skull; coup injury occurs at the point of impact; contrecoup injury occurs on the opposite side of impact, as the brain rebounds.

symptoms that persist for longer than 24 hours


While palpating the radial pulse of a 56-year-old man w/ chest pain, you note that the pulse rate is 86 beats/min & irregular. This indicates


________ _________ are responsible for providing immediate assessment and treatment of injured people at rescue scenes

EMS personnel

The links in the chain of survival include all of the following EXCEPT

Early administration of nitroglycerin.

The leading cause of maternal death in the first trimester is internal hemorrhage into the abdomen following rupture of a (n) _________________

Ectopic pregnancy

Which of the following can cause vaginal bleeding

Ectopic pregnancy, Spontaneous abortion, & Trauma

Severe abrasion injuries can occur when motorcycle riders are slowed after a collision by road drag. Road drag is most often associated w/ which type of motorcycle impact


Because the oxygen supply to the heart is diminished with angina, the ____________ can become compromised, putting the person at risk for significant cardiac rhythm problems.

Electrical system.

Which of the following is Not a common exposure when dealing with pediatric burns

Electrocution from poor wiring

Signs and symptoms of shock include all of the following EXCEPT

Elevated blood pressure.

trauma emergencies

Emergencies that are the result of physical forces applied to a patient's body.

medical emergencies

Emergencies that require EMS attention because of illnesses/conditions not caused by an outside force.

The mnemonic DUMBELS can be used to recall the signs & symptoms of a cholinergic drug poisoning. The "E" in DUMBELS stands for


Evaporation, the conversion of a liquid to a gas, is a process that requires


_______ takes place in the solid organs

Energy production.

Which of the following changes in heart function occur in patients with CHF?

Enlargement of the left ventricle.

complex access

Entry that requires special tools and training and includes the use of force.

Coelenterates are responsible for more ______ than any other marine animals


Which of the following is NOT one of the five common allergen categories


The _ is the tough, external layer that forms a watertight covering for the body


Angina pain may be felt in the


Dilantin and Tegretol are medicines used to control _________ __________

Epileptic seizures

Which medication should be administered first for this patient


Which of the following is Not a sign of increased work of breathing in pediatric patients

Equal chest expansion

When administering nitroglycerin to a patient, you should make sure the patient has not taken any medications for __________ in the last 24 hours.

Erectile dysfunction.

Based on the patient's presentation and your initial assessment findings you suspect

Esophageal varices

An open wound to the abdomen in which organs protrude through the wall to the outside of the body is called a(n)



Excessive eating; in diabetes, the inability to use glucose properly can cause a sense of hunger


Excessive thirst that persists for long periods, despite reasonable fluid intake; often the result of excessive urination


Excessive/profuse bleeding


Gaining entry to an enclosed area and reaching a patient.

Which of the following is NOT a solid organ


Which of the following are components of the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale

Facial symmetry, speech, arm drift

Due to hormonal changes that cause joints in the musculoskeletal system to "loosen," a pregnant patient has a greater risk of __________


If the cells do not receive glucose, they will begin to metabolize


5. Which of the following statements regarding febrile seizures is correct

Febrile seizures usually last less than 15 minutes and often do not have a postictal phase.

Which of the following is a normal reaction to a crisis situation

Feeling blue after the break up of a long-term relationship


Fetal stool. When appearing as a dark green material in the amniotic fluid, it can indicate distress or disease in the newborn; it can be aspirated into the fetus's lungs during delivery.

Air ambulances

Fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters that have been modified for medical care; used to evacuate and transport patients with life-threatening injuries to treatment facilities


Fluid in the abdomen

______ burns can occur when skin is exposed to temperatures higher than _____ degrees F

thermal, 111

Burns are diffuse soft-tissue injuries created by destructive energy transfers from all of the following sources

thermal, radiation, & electrical sources

Which of the following statements about heat cramps is

they may be seen in well-conditioned athletes, the exact cause of heat cramps is not well understood, & dehydration may play a role in the development of heat cramps

Which of the following statements is false regarding patients with autism

they will talk with normal tone and speech patterns

dissociative PTSD

this occurs when the person attempts to find an escape from constant internal distress or a particularly disturbing event.

A young boy was riding his bicycle down the street when he hit a parked car. How many collisions took place


How many EMTs are required to immobilize a standing patient



three protective membranes that surround the brain & spinal cord

When caring for a patient with severe epistaxis, the MOST effective way to prevent aspiration of blood is to

tilt the patient's head forward while he or she is leaning forward.

DKA may develop as a result of

too little insulin

An older person may have a decreased sense of _________ and _________ perception from the loss of end nerve fibers

touch, pain

Air is supplied to the lungs via the


The ______ connects the oropharynx and the larynx with the main air passages of the lungs


In-line ___ is the act of exerting a pulling force on a body structure in the direction of its normal alignment



trauma is the result of force to the body that causes injury w/out penetrating the soft tissues/internal organs & body cavities.

An unrestrained driver collided w/ a bridge pillar. Upon inspection of the interior of his vehicle, you note that the lower dashboard is crushed. During your assessment of the patient, you will MOST likely encounter

trauma to the pelvis.

A severing of the aorta that can occur when the body is exposed to _________

traumatic forces

Which of the following is not considered a specialized rescue situation

truck rescue

When attempting simple access into a vehicle, you should

try opening the doors using the door handles first

You and you partner are called to a private residence for a woman in labor. On arrival, you find a 27 year old woman lying on the living room couch and she appears to be having a contraction. As you deliver the head, you observe the umbilical cord wrapped once around the neck. What should you do

try to slip the cord gently over the head

All of the following are common specific gastrointestinal problems in the elderly except

ulcerative colitis


unequal diameter of pupils

Paradoxial motion of the chest refers to

unequal expansion of the chest wall

Common causes of altered mental status includes all of the following Except:

unequal pupils

it is time for your annual competency assessment. This test includes knowledge and skills assessments. yo regar to your emt textbook to prepare by answering simple questions provided. When responding to a scene where smoke or possible hazardous materials are present it is best to park

uphill and upwind.

Upon arrival at a scene where hazardous materials are involved, you should park the ambulance

upwind from the scene.

The _______ system is responsible for filtering waste


17 year old girl was hit in the chest with a lawn dart, she is conscious and able to talk, her airway is open, but her breathing is becoming progressively more difficult. her pulse is rapid and weak and she has a radial pulse. Upon examining of her chest you find a penetrating injury with a sucking sound as she breaths, how do you manage this wound

use a occlusive dressing

You and your partner are assigned to a post at an extreme sports competition. You are called to asses a 23 year old man who was performing an air trick on his bike when he lost control and landed on the bottom of the concrete ramp. When you arrive, the patient is wake and alert and in extreme pain. He tells you he flew over his handlebars and felt both of his upper legs snap. He denies experiencing any loss of consciousness. you found instability in the pelvis during your assesment. how ill you move this patient to your stretcher

use a scoop stretcher

You & your partner are traveling to the headquarters for your monthly in-service training session when you are dispatched to the home of an 18 year old woman w/ a high fever. The dispatcher tells you the patient has autism. If transport is required in this case, you should

use gestures the patient can understand and explain what is happening.

Removal of a tick should be accomplished by

using fine tweezers to pull it straight out of the skin

In contrast to a hyperglycemic crisis, a hypoglycemic crisis

usually responds immediately after treatment.

You and you partner are called to a private residence for a woman in labor. On arrival, you find a 27 year old woman lying on the living room couch and she appears to be having a contraction. The patient tells you that she is 38 weeks pregnant and her water broke when she was walking to the kitchen to get a drink. She says that she began experiencing contractions shortly afterward. The onset of labor began when the

uterine contractions began

Which of the following is not a disease prevention strategy that people living in poverty are lacking


birth canal

vagina and cervix

___________ can cause significant blood loss and lead to hypovolemia

vaginal bleeding

Fracture of the tibia and fibula are sometimes associated with ___ as a result of the distorted positions of the limb following injury

vascular injury

The negative effects associated w/ anaphylactic shock are the result of

vasodilation & bronchoconstriction.

a sickle cell-related issue that results in unintentional clot formation is know as

vasoocclusive crisis

Blood enters the right atrium from the

vena cava

_________ is the body's ability to move air in and out of the chest and lung tissue


you and your partner are called for a 25-year-old man who was found unresponsive by two hikers in a remote area of a national forest. on arrival, you observe a young man lying supine on the ground with a liquor bottle nearby. despite near freezing temperatures he is dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. Rough handling of a patient with severe hypothermia may result in which of the following

ventricular fibrillation

the GCS scale contains 3 main categories: eye opening, _, & best motor response

verbal response

________ is usually the cause of secondary collapse in a trench collapse


distention of the abdomen is gauged by


To reduce the occurrence of spina bifida, pregnant women are advised to take _______ _______

vitamin b

Which of the following statements is false regarding the care of a patient with cerebral palsy

walkers or wheelchairs should not be taken in the ambulance

signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia include

warm, dry skin and altered mental status

The main objectives in directing traffic include

warning other drivers, preventing additional crashes, keeping vehicles moving in an orderly fashion

When caring for a patient with a previous head injury, you should

watch the patient for signs of anxiety

Signs and symptoms of severe systemic hypothermia include all of the following

weak pulse, coma, very slow respirations

While en route to a call for a major motor vehicle collision, the MOST important safety precaution(s) that you and your partner can take is/are

wearing seat belts and shoulder harnesses at all times.

The brain decreases in terms of ___________ and volume as a person ages


Vehicle size and _________ will greatly influence braking and stopping distances


Kinetic energy is a calculation of

weight & speed.

Clues that might indicate elderly abuse would include all of the following except

weight gain

The most important piece of information to establish immediately when responding to a skilled nursing facility is determining

what is wrong with the patient

what does the m stand for in sample medications

what medications is the patient currently taking

Which of the following would be a typical question to ask when taking a history on a woman in labor

when is your due date, did your physician mention the possibility of any complications, & is this your first pregnancy

What device is placed directly into the stomach to feed patients

Gastrostomy tube

A _____ is typically characterized by unconsciousness and a generalized severe twitching of all of the body's muscle that lasts several minutes or longer

Generalized seizure

You are called to a 16 yo girl who was injured in a basketball game. She is alert and oriented. Her airway is open, and respirations are within normal limits. Her pulse is strong and regular. Distal pulses are present. She states that she felt her ankle pop and immediately became nauseated. You decide to assess neurovascular status. When would you perform the motor test

when the patient walks away, when you feel a distal pulse, & when the patient feels your touch

When assessing a patient w/ a behavioral crisis, your primary concern must be

whether the patient will cause harm to you/your partner.


which of the following is NOT a common disease that produces signs of an acute abdomen

Blood contains all

white blood cells, plasma, & platelets

Which of the following is Not a known risk factor for SIDS

Gestational diabetes

Nitroglycerin is contraindicated in patients

with a systolic blood pressure less than 100 mm Hg.


woman who has been pregnant more than once

Exceptions to using a short spinal extraction device include all of the following

you or the patient is in danger, need to gain immediate access to other patients, the patient's injuries justify immediate removal.

Which of the following statements regarding multiple gestations is

you should consider the possibility of twins when the first infant is small and the mother's abdomen remains fairly large after the birth, you should record the time of birth on each twin separately, & the second baby will usually be born within 45 minutes of the first

When handling a delivery involving a drug- or alcohol-addicted mother, your first concern should be for

your personal safety

Endocrine Glands

Glands that secrete/release chemicals that are used inside of the body

The _ _scale uses eye opening, verbal response, & motor response to rate a patient's level of consciousness

Glasgow Coma

All patients with an altered mental status should have an ________ ________ _______ score

Glasgow Coma Scale

The _______ uses eye opening, verbal response, and motor response to rate a patient's level of consciousness

Glasgow Coma Scale

When the concentration of glucose drops in the blood, the body will release ________________, a hormone that will assist other organs in the process of converting stored sugars into usable sugars


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the body's ability to metabolize __________________ is impaired


Which of the following treatments would be appropriate for Charlie

Glucose, if his blood glucose level is low

The brain is most sensitive to _____, ______, and ______ levels.

Glucose, oxygen, and temperature

Painful urination associated with burning and a yellowish discharge is associated with


Physical findings of AMI include skin that is _______ because of poor cardiac output and the loss of perfusion.


Three ambulances respond to a golf course where a group of six golfers were struck by lighting. Two of the golfers are conscious & alert w/ superficial skin burns (Group 1). The next two golfers have minor fractures & appear confused (Group 2). The last two golfers are in cardiac arrest (Group 3). According to reverse triage, which group of golfers should be treated FIRST

Group 3

The patient tenses his abdominal muscles during your assessment. This is called


A 40-year-old man, who was the unrestrained driver of a car that hit a tree at a high rate of speed, struck the steering wheel w/ his chest. He has a large bruise over the sternum & an irregular pulse rate of 120 beats/min. You should be MOST concerned that he

Has injured his myocardium

You are called to the local bar where a fight has taken place. The police department tells you that you have a 36 year old man who has been stabbed twice in the abdomen. On arrival, the patient is alert and oriented. His airway is open. His respirations are at 24 great/min; pulse is rapid, regular, and weak. He has distal pulses. With the penetrating trauma,you should assume that the object has done all of the following

Has penetrated the peritoneum, has entered the abdominal cavity, has possibly injured one or more organs

The assessment of a patient with a hematologic disorder is the same as it is with all other patients an EMT will encounter. In addition to obtaining a SAMPLE history, EMTs should ask which of the following questions?

Have you had a crisis before?, When was the last time you had a crisis? & How did your crisis resolve?

The patient has a loss of consciousness on the way to the hospital. When you check, you cannot feel a pulse. What should you do

Have your partner pull over the ambulance and come back to help you with CPR and the AED

What is the significant concern in his story about the IED

He believes it was an IED rather than fireworks.

You and your partner are called to an elementary school for an 8-year-old boy with an altered mental status. You find the child lying supine on the cafeteria floor. A teacher is waiting with the patient and the scene is safe. The teacher states that the child finished his lunch and began "shaking" in his chair, at which point the teacher moved him to the floor. Your general impression provides the following, there are no life threats, he is alert, his work of breathing is unlabored. His skin color is pink. His airway is open and clear, his respiratory rate is 20 breaths/min and his pulse rate are 90. The child is responsive to verbal stimuli and is confused as to what happened and where he is. You do not see any injuries or skin rashes. The teacher tells you the child has a history of seizures and had a medication change. Which of the following would be the least likely cause of a seizure

Head Injury

You and your partner are called to an elementary school for an 8-year-old boy with an altered mental status. You find the child lying supine on the cafeteria floor. A teacher is waiting with the patient and the scene is safe. The teacher states that the child finished his lunch and began "shaking" in his chair, at which point the teacher moved him to the floor. Your general impression provides the following, there are no life threats, he is alert, his work of breathing is unlabored. His skin color is pink. His airway is open and clear, his respiratory rate is 20 breaths/min and his pulse rate are 90. The child is responsive to verbal stimuli and is confused as to what happened and where he is. You do not see any injuries or skin rashes. Which of the following would be the least likely cause of the patient's altered mental status

Head injury

All of the following are common signs & symptoms of cardiac ischemia, EXCEPT


Patients with a subarachnoid hemorrhage typically complain of a sudden severe.


Conductive hearing loss

Hearing loss caused by a faulty transmission of sound waves.

The first sign of hypovolemic shock is a change in

Heart rate

Which of the following is a component of the cardiovascular system

Heart, Venules, & Plasma

Toxins from the spines of urchins and stingrays are _________

Heat sensitive

The least common but most serious illness caused by heat exposure, occurring when the body is subjected to more heat than it can handle and normal mechanisms for getting rid of the excess heat are overwhelmed, is


Your partner notes blood in the patient's vomit. The medical term for this is


A(n) _______ is usually associated with extensive tissue damage


Weakness in one side of the body is known as :


Is the least common type of stroke, accounting for more than 80% of all strokes combined.

Hemorrhagic stroke

Because solid organs have a rich supply of blood, any injury can result in major


As you assess the patient, you notice he has pinpoint pupils. You suspect a drug overdose. What drug is the likely cause of this phenomenon


A patient at an altitude above 8,000feet (3048m) with shortness of breath and cough with pink sputum is likely to be suffering from __________

High-altitude pulmonary edema

A 70-year-old man is experiencing a severe nosebleed. When you arrive, you find him leaning over a basin, which contains an impressive amount of blood. He has a history of coronary artery disease, diabetes, and migraine headaches. His BP is 180/100 and his heart rate is 100 beats/min. Which of the following is the MOST likely contributing factor to his nosebleed

His blood pressure

Why would nitroglycerin be contraindicated for this patient?

His blood pressure is too low

Which of the following points given by the neighbor is the most important to your care

His wife said he has had constant angry outbursts.

What possible chemical is being released into this patient's body during this reaction


Two of the chemicals that contribute to an allergic reaction are leukotrienes &


The endocrine system is complex message & control system that includes a network of glands, & secrete messengers called



How a person functions/acts in response to his/her environment.

________ (bees, wasp, ants, and yellow jackets) stings are painful but are not medical emergencies unless the patient is allergic to the venom


A form of acidosis seen in uncontrolled diabetes is called (DKA)/diabetic ketoacidosis is seen in patients w/


The following conditions may simulate a stroke Except:


Signs of shock in children include all of the following Except


Which of the following is Not a common cause of altered mental status in pediatric patients


When heat gain exceeds heat loss, _______ result(s)


Consider the possibility of _____ in a patient who has had a seizure.


This patient appears to be suffering from a stroke and a seizure. What condition mimics a stroke and also causes a seizure


Which of the following is a metabolic cause for a seizure


Upon arrival at the residence of a young male w/ an apparent emotional crisis, a police officer tells you that the man is acting bizarrely. You find him sitting on his couch; he is conscious, but confused. He takes medications, but cannot remember why. His skin is pale & diaphoretic, & he has noticeable tremors to his hands. You should FIRST rule out


Tachycardia in pediatric patients may be an indication of all the following Except


The type _________ ambulance is a standard van with a forward-control integral cab body


When would you NOT give activated charcoal

If the patient drank gasoline

Even when seatbelts are worn properly & the airbags deploy, injury may occur to the

Iliac crests

anterograde amnesia

Inability to remember events after an injury.

An altered mental status may arise from

Inadequate blood flow to the brain

_________ is a loss of bowel and bladder control and can be due to a generalized seizure


Risk factors for myocardial infarction include all of the following EXCEPT

Increased activity level.

Which of the following is part of Cushing's triad

Increased bp, decreased pulse rate, irregular respirations

Headaches, vomiting, altered mental status, and seizures are all considered early signs of?

Increased intracranial pressure

Which of the following effects does drinking alcohol NOT produce

Increased sense of awareness

Dilation of the coronary arteries ________ blood flow.


The rate and amount of heat loss by the body can be modified by all of the following

Increasing heat production, moving to an area where heat loss is decreased, & wearing insulated clothing


Inflammation in small pockets at weak areas in the muscle walls.


Inflammation of the bladder.


Inflammation of the bronchioles that usually occurs in children younger than 2 years and is often caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)


Inflammation of the gallbladder.


Inflammation of the pancreas.


Inflammation of the peritoneum.


Inflammation of the trachea


Inflammation/infection of the appendix.

The husband arrives and is very upset that you are considering transport. What is the best thing you can do

Inform him his wife has a a potentially life-threatening condition

closed injuries

Injuries in which damage occurs beneath the skin/mucous membrane but the surface remains intact.

axial loading injuries

Injuries in which load is applied along the vertical/longitudinal axis of the spine, which results in load being transmitted along the entire length of the vertebral column; for example, falling from a height & landing on the feet in an upright position.


Injuries in which soft-tissue damage occurs as a result from thermal heat, frictional heat, toxic chemicals, electricity,/nuclear radiation.

open injuries

Injuries in which there is a break in the surface of the skin/the mucous membrane, exposing deeper tissue to potential contamination.

penetrating trauma

Injury caused by objects, such as knives & bullets, that pierce the surface of the body & damage internal tissues & organs.

closed head injury

Injury in which the brain has been injured but the skin has not been broken & there is no obvious bleeding.

open head injury

Injury to the head often caused by a penetrating object in which there may be bleeding & exposed brain tissue.

pulmonary contusion

Injury/bruising of lung tissue that results in hemorrhage.

Developmental disability

Insufficient development of the brain, resulting in some level of dysfunction or impairment.

The central problem in diabetes is the lack/ineffective action of_ , a homrone that is normally produced by the endocrine glands on the pancreas


Which of the following may be difficult to perform on a patient with Down syndrome



Involuntary muscle contractions (spasm) of the abdominal wall; an effort to protect the inflamed abdomen.

In any case of trauma to a female patient, you should always determine if the patient

Is pregnant

All patient assessments begin by determining whether the patient

Is responsive.

Which of the following is a risk factor to consider when assessing a suicidal patient

Is the environment unsafe?, Is there an imminent threat to the patient or others?, Is there evidence of self-destructive behavior?

When performing a history on a patient with abdominal trauma, all of the following questions would be appropriate regarding trauma

Is there any blood in your stool? Does your pain go anywhere? Do you have any nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea?

Vasocclusive Crisis

Ischemia & pain caused by sickle-shaped red blood cells that obstruct blood flow to a portion of the body

Which of the following occurs when blood flow to a particular part of the brain is cut off by a blockage resulting in tissue damage

Ischemic Stroke

The two main types of strokes are _______ and ________

Ischemic and hemorrhagic

Tissues downstream from a blood clot will suffer from lack of oxygen. If blood flow is resumed in a short time, the _________ tissues will recover.


What purpose does a one-way "flutter valve" serve when used on a patient w/ an open pneumothorax

It allows the release of air trapped in the pleural space

Statements regarding the "Adam's apple"

It is formed by the thyroid cartilage, It is the uppermost part of the larynx, & It is more prominent in men than in women

Which of the following statements about helicopters is true

It is possible that the main rotor blade will dip to within 4 feet of the ground.

The formula for calculating kinetic energy is _______

KE=1/2m x v2 (squared)

What do vagal nerve stimulators do

Keep seizures from occurring, Act as an alternative treatment to seizure medicine

You are dispatched to a bar to respond to a fight. The police hace cleared the scene & it is safe for you to enter. You see a man, conscious & alert. His face is mottled w/ blisters & abrasions, & he has blood on his shirt. He tells you was trying to stop the fight when he was hit in the face w/ scalding hot coffee & then he fell backward into a chair. Physical examination shows a jagged laceration measuring approximately 2 inches on his abdomen. It is still bleeding, you notice bruising on the right lateral chest. Vital signs are stable. The priority in treating a patient is to

Keep the airway open

Cushion of safety

Keeping a safe distance between your vehicle and other vehicles on any side of you

The formula for calculating kinetic energy is

Kenetic energy= ½ mass x velocity2

When the body is w/out a supply of glucose, the body must turn to other fuel sources, the most abundant being fat. Unfortunately, when fat is used as an immediate fuel source, chemicals called _ & fatty acids are formed as waste products & are hard for the body to excrete


A 16-year-old boy was playing football & was struck in the left flank during a tackle. His vital signs are stable; however, he is in severe pain. You should be MOST concerned that he has injured his


You respond to an 18-year old high school football player who was hit in the right flank with a helmet several hours ago. He is complaining of pain in the area. He is alert and oriented, His airway is open, and his respirations are within normal limits. His pulse is rapid and regular. He has a radial pulse. He tells you that he is noticing blood in his urine. Based on this information, the patient is likely to have an injury to the


The solid organs of the urinary system include the



Killing of pathogenic agents by direct application of chemicals

High-level disinfection

Killing of pathogenic agents by using potent means of disinfection

The energy of a moving object is called

Kinetic energy

_______ is the body's reaction to inhaling small amounts of water


You will need to work together with __________ when dealing with a victim of sexual assault

Law enforcement


Layers of bone w/in the nasal cavity.

The aorta receives its blood supply from the

Left ventricle.

You are transporting a patient w/ possible peritonitis following trauma to the abdomen. Which position will he MOST likely prefer to assume

Legs drawn up

A young boy was riding his bicycle down the street when he hit a parked car. A comprehensive regional resource capable of providing every aspect of trauma care from prevention through rehabilitation is the definition of a ___________ trauma center

Level 1

_______ is the third most common cause of death from isolated environmental phenomena


The largest organ in the abdomen is the


Which of the following organs would be the MOST likely to bleed profusely if severely injured



Localized areas of swelling beneath the skin, often around the eyes & lips, but it can also involve other body areas as well


Longitudinal force applied to a structure.


Loss of bowel &/ bladder control; may be the result of a generalized seizure


Loss/damage of the superficial layer of skin as a result of a body part rubbing/scraping across a rough/hard surface.

supine hypotensive syndrome

Low blood pressure resulting from compression of the inferior vena cava by the weight of the pregnant uterus when the mother is supine.

What is the most common presenting sign of PID

Lower abdominal pain

What is the most common presenting sign or symptom of PID

Lower abdominal pain (and PID Shuffle)

A cervical collar should be applied to a patient with a possible spinal injury based on

MOI, history, signs and symptoms

On the basis of the patient's condition, what should you be most concerned with

Maintaining the ABCs

A 19-year-old diabetic male was found unresponsive on the couch by his roommate. After confirming that the patient is unresponsive, you should

Manually open his airway

The term MOI stands for

Mechanism of injury


Medical evacuation of a patient by helicopter

The onset of menstruation is called


The principal difference between a patient who has had a stroke and s patient with hypoglycemia almost always has to do with the:

Mental status

______ are the second most common type of headache and are thought to be caused by changes in blood vessel size in the base of the brain

Migraine headaches

Typically linked to a psychological or behavioral crisis

Mind-altering substances, An underlying medical problem, Stress

Do not attempt to actively reward patients who have _______ to _______ hypothermia because they are prone to developing cardiac dysthymias unless handled very carefully

Moderate, severe

false motion

Movement that occurs in a bone at a point where there is no joint, indicating a fracture; also called free movement.


Narrowest portion of the uterus that opens into the vagina.

it is time for your annual competency assessment. This test includes knowledge and skills assessments. yo regar to your emt textbook to prepare by answering simple questions provided. The features found in a modern ambulance are defined by which of the following agencies

National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences

Late signs of peritonitis may include



Need for increased amounts of a substance to achieve the desired effect, & a diminished effect w/ continued use of the same amount.

What is the name of the condition when the patient forgets about the injured side after a stroke


__________ is refusal or failure on the part of the caregiver to provide life necessities


Black widow spiders may be found in all of the following

New Hampshire, woodpiles, & Georgia

________ states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion, unless acted on by some force

Newton's First Law

A young boy was riding his bicycle down the street when he hit a parked car. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction is

Newton's third law

Imagine a patient has taken 10 tablets of diazepam. He is sleepy and having trouble managing his airway while sitting up. You secure his airway by laying him down on you ambulance cot in a sniffing position with a nonrebreathing mask. Will naloxone work for this overdose


Would it be wise to restrain this patient to the stretcher

No, it may only aggravate the situation.

A 20-year-old man has major open facial injuries after his vehicle struck a tree head-on. Which of the following findings w/in the car would MOST likely explain his injury pattern

Nonintact windshield

You are dispatched to the scene of a motor vehicle crash where a gasoline tanker truck has struck a small passenger van. The van is situated against a power pole and you note downed power lines. Where should you park the ambulance. While providing care for an entrapped occupant of the van, you note the unstable power pole starts to sway. What should you do:

Nothing; the rescue team is handling the extrication and controlling the scene.

To assess chest pain, use the mnemonic


impaled objects

Objects that penetrate the skin but remain in place.

Atherosclerosis can lead to a complete _________ of a coronary artery.


You respond to a patient who has been stabbed in the neck. You arrive to find the patient in police custody and bleeding moderately from the neck wound. The patient is alert and oriented and swearing loudly. His pulse is 120 BPM. His BP is 124/76 mm hg. You start to bandage the wound. What type of bandage should you use

Occlusive bandage

You are transporting a woman who is 8 months pregnant. To prevent supine hypotensive syndrome, how should you position this patient

On her left side

In which position do most patients w/ acute abdominal pain prefer to be transported

On their side, w/ their knees flexed

You are dispatched to the scene of a motor vehicle crash where a gasoline tanker truck has struck a small passenger van. The van is situated against a power pole and you note downed power lines. Where should you park the ambulance. Once the scene is deemed safe to approach, you attempt to gain access to the patients inside the van. Which of the following is an example of simple access:

Opening a rear door

Each hemisphere of the cerebrum controls activities on the _______ side of the body


_____________ _____________ ___________ is a temporary or permanent dysfunction of the brain caused by a disturbance in the physical or physiologic functioning of the brain

Organic brain syndrome

Which of the following conditions makes the elderly patient prone to fractures from even minor trauma


The _____ are located on each side of the lower abdomen and produce the ovum, or egg


Treatment of this patient includes which of the following?

Oxygen and transport in a position of comfort

Pulseless Electrical Activity,

PEA usually refers to a state of cardiac arrest despite an organized electrical complex.

_____________ are inserted when the electrical-control system of the heart is so damaged that it cannot function properly.


Patients with open abdominal injuries often complain of


You respond to a motor vehicle collision and find a 29-year-old woman who is complaining of chest pain. Her chest struck the steering wheel. her airway is open, she is breathing at 24 breaths/min and she is coughing up blood. Her pulse is 130 beats/min, rapid and weak, and her BP is 90/58 mm HG. You notice cyanosis around the lips and note that her fingers are also blue. When you expose the chest, she tells you it hurts and points to a bruised spot. Which of the following is a symptom

Pain at the site of injury

referred pain

Pain felt in an area of the body other than the area where the cause of pain is located.

6 P's of musculoskeletal assessment

Pain, Paralysis, Parasthesias, Pulselessness, Pallor, and Pressure.

10. The AVPU scale is used to monitor a patient's level of consciousness. What does the "P" stand for


heat cramps

Painful muscle spasms usually associated w/ vigorous activity in a hot environment.

What other sudden onset signs and symptoms may your patient exhibit

Pale, moist skin

The _______ lies in the retroperitoneal space


Coral snake venom is a powerful toxin that causes _________ of the nervous system



Paralysis of the bowel, arising from any one of several causes; stops contractions that move material through the intestine.

There are three classifications of burns based upon the depth of the burn. A second-degree burn is also called a _ thickness burn


You are dispatched to a bar to respond to a fight. The police hace cleared the scene & it is safe for you to enter. You see a man, conscious & alert. His face is mottled w/ blisters & abrasions, & he has blood on his shirt. He tells you was trying to stop the fight when he was hit in the face w/ scalding hot coffee & then he fell backward into a chair. Physical examination shows a jagged laceration measuring approximately 2 inches on his abdomen. It is still bleeding, you notice bruising on the right lateral chest. Vital signs are stable. What is the classification of this burn


You and your partner are called to an elementary school for an 8-year-old boy with an altered mental status. You find the child lying supine on the cafeteria floor. A teacher is waiting with the patient and the scene is safe. The teacher states that the child finished his lunch and began "shaking" in his chair, at which point the teacher moved him to the floor. Your general impression provides the following, there are no life threats, he is alert, his work of breathing is unlabored. His skin color is pink. His airway is open and clear, his respiratory rate is 20 breaths/min and his pulse rate are 90. The child is responsive to verbal stimuli and is confused as to what happened and where he is. You do not see any injuries or skin rashes. Which of the following assessment tools would you use to form a general impression of this patient without touching him

Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT)

_______________ _________________ are used to splint the bony pelvis to reduce hemorrhage from bone ends, venous disruption, and pain

Pelvic binders

__________ is an infection of the upper female reproductive organs

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Which of the following conditions could the patient have, based on what you know thus far

Peptic ulcers

Circulation of blood w/in an organ/tissue in adequate amounts to meet the cell's current needs for oxygen, nutrients, & waste removal is called


________ is the circulation of blood within an organ or tissue in adequate amounts to meet the cells' current needs for oxygen, nutrients, and waste removal


The _________ is the area of skin between the vagina and the anus


The abdominal cavity is lined by a membrane called the



Person who assists a driver in backing up an ambulance to compensate for blind spots at the back of the vehicle

The patient tells you she feels blood coming from her vaginal area. She gives you permission to look and you observe moderate bleeding from the vagina. What should you do to manage the bleeding

Place a sanitary pad over the vaginal opening

After delivery, the ____________, or afterbirth, separate from the uterus and is delivered


Appropriate management for this patient would include

Placing the patient supine

__________ describes the limited on-scene time for patients with multi system trauma

Platinum 10

Activated Charcoal is indicated for pediatric patients who have ingested a


Jump kit

Portable kit containing items that are used in the initial care of the patient

16 year old boy was hit in the ribs on the left side. his breathing is shallow at RR22, pulse is regular and strong, you are able to rule out spinal trauma. What position do you transport him in

Position of comfort

You have a patient with suspected kidney injury but no spinal injury. How should he be positioned

Position of comfort

A period following a seizure in which the muscles relax and the breathing becomes labored is called a _________ _________

Postictal state

What is the most likely psychologic condition

Posttraumatic stress disorder

What is the first phase of extrication


Toilet training is typically mastered at what age level

Preschool age

You decide to manage the injury found in question 4. You flush the site with sterile water, and it continues to bleed. What would be the best way to control the bleeding from the site

Pressure dressings

As an EMT, your objective when treating patients w/ face & neck injuries is to

Prevent further damage, Manage any acute airway problems. & Control bleeding

During the primary assessment of burns, it is important to remember to

Prevent heat loss


Process of removing dirt, durst, blood, or other visible contaminants from a surface.


Process, such as heating that removes microbial contamination

A young male is experiencing signs & symptoms of anaphylactic shock after being stung by a scorpion. His level of consciousness is diminished, his breathing is severely labored, you can hear inspiratory stridor, & his face is cyanotic. The patient has a prescribed epinephrine auto-injector. What should you do first?

Provide ventilatory assistance w/ a bag-valve mask.

When using the mnemonic OPQRST, the "P" stands for


pulmonary blast injuries

Pulmonary trauma resulting from short-range exposure to the detonation of explosives.

The only vein(s) in the body that carry oxygenated blood is/are the

Pulmonary veins.

The AED should be applied only to unresponsive patients with no


_____________ usually refers to a state of cardiac arrest despite an organized electrical complex.

Pulseless electrical activity.

Central pulses

Pulses that are closet to the core (central) part of the body where the vital organs are located; included the carotid, femoral, and apical pulses

The primary assessment of the patient should include

Quickly identifying any life-threatening injuries

_______ is the transfer of heat by radiant energy


What breathing pattern would you MOST likely encounter in a patient w/ diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)?

Rapid & deep

In the United States,the most common form of pit viper is the ________


What further assessment or treatment would you perform en route to the hospital

Reassess vital sings and primary assessment

______________ carry oxygen to the body's tissues and then remove carbon dioxide.

Red blood cells.


Refusal or failure on the part of the parent or caregiver to provide life necessities

Endocrine System

Regulates metabolism & maintains homeostasis


Removal of a patient form entrapment or a dangerous situation or position, such as removal from a wrecked vehicle, industrial incident, or collapsed building.


Remove or neutralize radiation, chemical, or other hazardous material from clothing, equipment, vehicles, and personnel

Which of the following is Not a common cause of shock in pediatric patients

Renal failure

Treatment of drowning and or near drowning begins with

Rescue and removal from water


Resistance that slows a projectile, such as air.

_________ causes body heat to be lost as warm air in the lungs is exhaled into the atmosphere and cooler air is inhaled


self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)

Respirator with independent air supply used by firefighters to enter toxic and otherwise dangerous atmospheres.

Which of the following is Not appropriate when treating pediatric patients with seizures

Restrain the patient

positional asphyxia

Restriction of chest wall movements &/ airway obstruction; can rapidly lead to sudden death.

In serious trauma, the only chance to save the infant is to adequately __________ the mother



Return a dislocated joint/fractured bone to its normal position; set.

When treating a patient with frostbite, never attempt __________ if there is any chance that the part may freeze again before the patient reaches the hospital


Which of the following drugs is commonly used to facilitate sexual assault


Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease are both spread through a tick's


_________ are eight-legged arachnids with a venom gland and stinger at the end of their tails


Febrile Seizures

Seizures that results from sudden high fevers; most often seen in children

retina detachment

Separation of the retina from its attachments at the back of the eye.


Severe hypertension in a pregnant woman, resulting in seizures (convulsions).

Symptomatic Hypoglycemia

Severe hypoglycemia resulting in changes in mental statis


Severe kidney failure resulting in the buildup of waste products w/in the blood. Eventually brain functions will be impaired.

_______, a common effect of hypothermia, is the body's attempt to increase its heat production


All children with abdominal injuries should be monitored for signs and symptoms of



Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

When dealing with hematologic disorders, the EMT must be familiar with the composition of blood. Which of the following is considered a hematologic disease?

Sickle cell disease & Hemophilia

crush syndrome

Significant metabolic derangement that develops when crushed extremities/body parts remain trapped for prolonged periods. This can lead to renal failure & death.

A _______ ______ seizure may cause twitching of the extremity muscles that may spread slowly to another body part.

Simple partial

Star of life

Six-pointed star that identifies vehicles that meet federal specifications as licensed or certified ambulances

Which combination of factors would MOST likely cause a hypoglycemic crisis in a diabetic patient?

Skipping a meal & taking insulin


Slow respiratory rate; ominous sign in a child that indicates impending respiratory arrest

diving reflex

Slowing of the heart rate caused by submersion in cold water.


Slurred speech


Small areas of generalized itching and/or&/ burning that appear as multiple raised areas on the skin; hives


Small, thin walled blood vessels

Considered a possible cause of a psychiatric disorder

Social disturbance, Chemical disturbance, Biologic disturbance

Which of the following signs/symptoms would you be LEAST likely to find in a patient w/ an acute abdomen

Soft, nondistended abdomen

kidney stones

Solid crystalline masses formed in the kidney, resulting from an excess of insoluble salts/uric acid crystallization in the urine; may become trapped anywhere along the urinary tract.

decubitus ulcers

Sores caused by the pressure of skin against a surface for long periods; can range from a pink discoloration of the skin to a deep wound that may invade into bone or organs; also known as bedsores

You & your partner are traveling to the headquarters for your monthly in-service training session when you are dispatched to the home of an 18 year old woman w/ a high fever. The dispatcher tells you the patient has autism. Which of the following techniques should you use when you are communicating with a patient who has autism

Speak normally and provide simple, one-step directions.

First-responder vehicles

Specialized vehicles used to transport EMS equipment and personnel to the scenes of medical emergencies

You respond to a 24yo man who has been shot. Law enforcement is on scene, and the scene is safe. As you approach the patient, you notice that he is bleeding from the lower right abdominal area. He is alert and oriented but seems confused. His airway is open, and he is breathing a normal rate. His pulse is 120 beats/min, weak and regular. His BP is 98/60 mm hg. You ask the police officer about the weapon, You need the information because the amount of damage is related to the

Speed of the bullet

__________ ___________ is a developmental defect in which a portion of the spinal cord protrudes outside the vertebrae

Spina Bifida

Most patients with this disease also have hydrocephalus

Spina bifida

You respond to a 14 yo girl who was playing softball and slid into second base. She states she felt and heard a loud pop. There is no obvious bleeding, but swelling is present. Her pulse is 86 beats/min, and her BP is 114/74 mm hg. You decide you can manage this situation and decide to use the RICES method of treatment. The S stands for


If the seat belt lies too high it can do all of the following

Squeeze abdominal organs, compress the great vessels, rupture the appendix.

You are dispatched to an address known for being a place where illicit drugs are purchased. You arrive at the scene prior to fire or police personnel and see several people outside the building. They are yelling and directing you and your partner inside, where the patient is located. What is the best course of action

Stage around the corner and wait for police to declare the scene safe

You & your partner are traveling to the headquarters for your monthly in-service training session when you are dispatched to the home of an 18 year old woman w/ a high fever. The dispatcher tells you the patient has autism. The patient is cautious around new people. How should you proceed with your assessment

Start distal to proximal.

To operate an emergency vehicle safely, you must know how it responds to _________ under various conditions

Steering, Braking, & acceleration

All of the following are examples of standard patient transfer equipment, EXCEPT

Stokes baskets.

Peritonitis would MOST likely result following injury to the


You are dispatched to a bar to respond to a fight. The police hace cleared the scene & it is safe for you to enter. You see a man, conscious & alert. His face is mottled w/ blisters & abrasions, & he has blood on his shirt. He tells you was trying to stop the fight when he was hit in the face w/ scalding hot coffee & then he fell backward into a chair. Physical examination shows a jagged laceration measuring approximately 2 inches on his abdomen. It is still bleeding, you notice bruising on the right lateral chest. Vital signs are stable. What is the priority of treating the open wound on the patient's abdomen

Stop the bleeding

During intervention step of patient assessment for a burn patient, the first intervention should be to

Stop the burning process

If a hernia is incarcerated & the contents are so greatly compressed that circulation is compromised, the hernia is said to be


it is time for your annual competency assessment. This test includes knowledge and skills assessments. yo regar to your emt textbook to prepare by answering simple questions provided. Which of the following is a cause of fatigue



Stretching/tearing of a muscle; also called a muscle pull.

Which of the following statements regarding CHF is FALSE

Stridor is a common lung sound heard on exam.

The MOST reliable indicator of upper airway swelling during a severe allergic reaction is


Hypoglycemia can mimic conditions such as:


The presence of air in the soft tissues of the neck that produces a crackling sensation is called

Subcutaneous emphysema


Substance that causes an allergic reaction

Tick bites occur most commonly during the _______ months


In doing a more detailed exam on the patient, you notice that she has an abrasion on her left knee that is sustained when she slid. The abrasion is covered with dirt and is oozing blood. You know that this injury is classified as



Swallowing; taking a substance by mouth.

compartment syndrome

Swelling in a confined space that produces dangerous pressure; may cut off blood flow/damage sensitive tissue.

dependent edema

Swelling in the part of the body closest to the ground, caused by collection of fluid in the tissues; a possible sign of congestive heart failure.

Ice, crank, speed, uppers and meth are all street name for which type of poison


When the battery wears out in a pacemaker, the patient may experience


______________ is the maximum pressure exerted by the left ventricle as it contracts.

Systolic blood pressure.

As you load the patient into the ambulance, what should you do to assist your partner

Take vital signs

Complex partial seizures result from abnormal discharged from the ______ lobe of the brain


organic brain syndrome

Temporary/permanent dysfunction of the brain, caused by a disturbance in the physical/physiologic functioning of brain tissue.

point tenderness

Tenderness that is sharply localized at the site of the injury, found by gently palpating along the bone w/ the tip of one finger.

Headaches caused by muscle contractions in the head and neck are typically associated with:

Tension headaches

secondary (indirect) injury

The "after effects" of the primary injury; includes abnormal processes such as cerebral edema, increased intracranial pressure, cerebral ischemia & hypoxia, & infection; onset is often delayed following the primary brain injury.

Which of the following is part of the central nervous system

The Brain, The Spinal cord, CSF


The ability of cardiac muscle cells to contract w/out stimulation from the nervous system.


The ability of the skin to resist deformation; tested by gently pinching the skin on the forehead/the back of the hand.

Which of the following statements regarding intra-abdominal bleeding is FALSE

The absence of pain & tenderness rules out intra-abdominal bleeding


The accumulation of blood & air in the pleural space of the chest.


The act of injecting venom


The appearance of the fetus's head at the vaginal opening during labor.

zone of injury

The area of potentially damaged soft tissue, adjacent nerves, & blood vessels surrounding an injury to a bone/a joint.


The assessment and treatment of disease in someone who is 65 years or older.

activities of daily living (ADLs)

The basic activities a person usually accomplishes during a normal day, such as eating, dressing, & bathing.

You respond to a 25-year old man who has cut his arm with a circular saw

The bleeding appears to be bright red and spurting. The patient is alert and oriented and converses with you freely. He appears to be stable at this point. What is your first step in controlling his bleeding. standard precautions


The bleeding control method used when a wound continues to bleed despite the use of direct pressure & elevation; useful if a patient is bleeding severely from a partial/complete amputation.

What combination of vital signs and history gives the best clue about the patient's condition?

The blood pressure of 90/50 mm Hg with a history of hypertension

coronary arteries

The blood vessels that carry blood & nutrients to the heart muscle.

Immune System

The body system that includes all of the structures & processes designed to mount a defense against foreign substances & disease-causing agents

Allergic Reaction

The body's exaggerated immune response to an internal/surface agent

Immune Response

The body's response to a substance perceived by the body as foreign


The clear tissue that covers the front of the pupil & iris of the eye


The complete absence of the heart electrical activity.


The coughing up of blood

intervertebral disk

The cushion that lies between two vertebrae.


The developing, unborn infant inside the uterus, from 10 weeks after fertilization until birth.


The displacement of organs outside of the body.


The dome-shaped top of the uterus.

external auditory canal

The ear canal; leads to the tympanic membrane (ear drum)

tympanic membrane

The eardrum. A structure that separates the outer ear from the middle ear & vibrates in response to sound waves.


The early stage of development after the fertilization of the egg (first 10 weeks).

kinetic energy

The energy of a moving object

You have been dispatched to a call for an unresponsive patient. What is the MOST important information that you should obtain from the dispatcher initially

The exact physical location of the patient


The external openings of the nostrils. A single nostril opening is called a naris


The external, visible part of the ear.


The fiberlike connective tissue that covers arteries, veins, tendons, & ligaments.


The fibrous sac that surrounds the heart.


The first year of life

mechanism of injury (MOI)

The forces,/energy transmission, applied to the body that cause injury.

deep venous thrombosis

The formation of a blood clot within the larger veins of an extremity, typically following a period of prolonged immobilization


The formation of clots to plug openings in injured blood vessels & stop blood flow.

Lacrimal glands

The glands that produce fluids to keep the eye moist; also called tear glands.

How does pediatric anatomy differ from adult anatomy

The head is proportionately larger.


The heart muscle.


The inability to understand &/ produce speech

incident commander

The individual who has overall command of the incident in the field.


The inner layer of the skin, containing hair follicles, sweat glands, nerve endings, & blood vessels.


The inside diameter of an artery/other hollow structure.

temporomandibular joint

The joint formed where the mandible & cranium meet, just in front of the ear.


The lateral & smaller bone of the lower leg


The light-sensitive area of the eye where images are projected; a layer of cells at the back of the eye that changes the light image into electric impulses which are carried by the optic nerve to the brain


The lining of the inside of the uterus

mucous membrane

The linings of the body cavities & passages that are in direct contact w/ the outside environment

command post

The location of the incident commander at the scene of an emergency and where command, coordination, control and communication are centralized.


The loss of body heat as warm air in the lungs is exhaled into the atmosphere & cooler air is inhaled


The loss of body heat caused by air movement (eg. a breeze blowing across the body


The loss of heat by direct contact (eg. when a body part comes into contact w/ a colder object)

Areas usually affected by descent problems include

The lungs

The patient's difficulty breathing and crackles are due to blood backing up in which part of the body?

The lungs

sciatic nerve

The major nerve to the lower extremities; controls much of muscle function in the leg & sensation in most of the leg & foot.


The measure of force over distance.


The membrane lining the abdominal cavity (parietal peritoneum) & covering the abdominal organs (visceral peritoneum).

substance abuse

The misuse of any substance to produce a desired effect.

paradoxical motion

The motion of the portion of the chest wall that is detached in a flail chest; the motion—in during inhalation, out during exhalation—is exactly the opposite of normal chest wall motion during breathing.


The movement of the fetus down into the pelvis late in pregnancy.

Sternocleidomastoid muscles

The muscles on either side of the neck that allow movement of the head.


The narrowing of a blood vessel, such as w/ hypoperfusion/cold extremities

aortic valve

The one-way valve that lies between the left ventricle & the aorta that keeps blood from flowing back into the left ventricle after the left ventricle ejects its blood into the aorta; one of four heart valves.


The ongoing process of information gathering and scene evaluation to determine appropriate strategies and tactics to manage an emergency.


The outer layer of the skin that acts as a watertight protective covering. (Epi- = top, derm/o = skin, -is = pertaining to)

glenoid fossa

The part of the scapula that joins w/ the humeral head to form the glenohumeral joint.


The passage of an unusually large volume of urine in a given period; in diabetes, this can result from the wasting of glucose in the urine


The path a projectile takes once it is propelled.

Which of the following would be most likely to cause hyopglycemia in a patient

The patient has been vomiting for much of the day

Which of the following signs is LEAST indicative of a patient's potential for violence

The patient is 6'5" tall & weighs 230 lb.

Poetical State

The period following a seizure that lasts 5 to 30 minutes; characterized by labored respirations & some degree of altered mental status

behavioral crisis

The point at which a person's reactions to events interfere with activities of daily living; this becomes a psychiatric emergency when it causes a major life interruption, such as attempted suicide.


The position in which an infant is born; defined by the part of the body that appears first.

air embolism

The presence of air in the veins, which can lead to cardiac arrest if it enters the heart.


The presence of infectious organisms on/in objects such as dressings, water, food, needles, wounds,/a patient's body.


The process of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion/immersion in liquid.

potential energy

The product of mass, gravity, & height, which is converted into kinetic energy & results in injury, such as from a fall.

mastoid process

The prominent bony mass at the base of the skull about 1 inch posterior to the external opening of the ear.


The protrusion of an organ/tissue through an abnormal body opening.

four person log roll

The recommended procedure for moving a patient w/ a suspected spinal injury from the ground to a long backboard.

You should never give up on resuscitating a cold-water drowning victim because

The resulting hypothermia can protect vital organs from lack of oxygen


The slow onset of progressive disorientation, shortened attention span, and loss of cognitive function; this condition is generally chronic and irreversible


The slowing of an object.


The small blood vessels that connect arterioles & venules; various substances pass through capillary walls, into & out of the interstitial fluid, & then on to the cells.


The small, rounded, fleshy bulge that lies immediately anterior to the ear canal.


The smallest branches of arteries leading to the vast network of capillaries.

retroperitoneal space

The space between the abdominal cavity & the posterior abdominal wall, containing the kidneys, certain large vessels, & parts of the gastrointestinal tract.


The spontaneous passage of the fetus and placenta before 20 weeks; also called spontaneous abortion

umbilical cord

The structure that connects the pregnant woman to the fetus via the placenta; contains 2 arteries and one vein


The study & prevention of blood related disorders


The study of the body's immune system

core temperature

The temperature of the central part of the body (eg, the heart, lungs, & vital organs).

When you are performing a scene Assessment at an incident involving SIDS, you should focus your attention on all the following Except

The temperature of the room

ambient temperature

The temperature of the surrounding air; room temperature


The tissue attached to the uterine wall that nourishes the fetus through the umbilical cord.


The tough, fibrous, white portion of the eye that protects the more delicate inner structures.

Which of the following is False regarding the pediatric airway

The trachea is larger in diameter and shorter in length


The transfer of heat to colder objects in the environment by radiant energy, for example heat gain from a fire.


The use of multiple medications on a regular basis

Breath sounds in the pediatric population are more easily heard because

Their chest walls are thinner

splint in a position of function: You are called to the local junior high school where a 12 year old boy fell and hurt his wrist

There is obvious deformity. He is alert and oriented. Respirations and pulse are within normal limits. Distal pulse is present. It is important to remember to ______.

You are dispatched to a bar to respond to a fight. The police hace cleared the scene & it is safe for you to enter. You see a man, conscious & alert. His face is mottled w/ blisters & abrasions, & he has blood on his shirt. He tells you was trying to stop the fight when he was hit in the face w/ scalding hot coffee & then he fell backward into a chair. Physical examination shows a jagged laceration measuring approximately 2 inches on his abdomen. It is still bleeding, you notice bruising on the right lateral chest. Vital signs are stable. What kind of burn is this

Thermal burn

Patients w/ diabetic ketoacidosis experience polydipsia because

They are dehydrated secondary to excessive urination.

You respond to a house fire with the local fire department, they bring a 48 year old woman out of the house. She is unconscious but her airways is open. Her breathing is shallow and 30breathspm. Her pulse is 110 beatspm. Her BP is 108/72 mm hg. She has been burned over 40% of her body. The burned area appears to be dry and leathery. IT looks charred and has pieces of fabric embedded in the flesh. You know that this type of burn is considered a

Third degree burn

When bandaging an open chest wound, what is the minimum number of sides that have to be taped down


In general, a maximum of _____ dose(s) of nitroglycerin is/are given for any one episode of chest pain.


______ ________ May reverse stroke symptoms and even stop a stroke if given within 3 to 6 hours of the onset of symptoms

Thrombotic therapy

__________ is the amount of air in mL that is moved into or out of the lungs during a single breath

Tidal volume

You are dispatched to the scene of a motor vehicle crash where a gasoline tanker truck has struck a small passenger van. The van is situated against a power pole and you note downed power lines. Where should you park the ambulance. As an EMT, what is your role at the scene of this crash:

To assess and provide immediate medical care


To be caught (trapped) within a vehicle, room, or container with no way out or to have a limb or other body part trapped.


To shock a fibrillating (chaotically beating) heart w/ specialized electric current in an attempt to restore a normal, rhythmic beat.


To turn white

After taking Vicodin for 2 years for chronic pain, a 40-year-old woman finds that her usual dosage is no longer effective & goes to the doctor to request a higher dosage. This is an example of


angina pectoris

Transient (short-lived) chest discomfort caused by partial/temporary blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle; also called angina.

When stroke symptoms go away on their own in less than 24 hours, the event is called a (TIA)

Transient Ischemic Attack

A ________ is usually a warning sign that a larger, significant stroke may occur in the future

Transient ischemic attack

What is your most important treatment option

Transport to the hospital

Multi system trauma

Trauma that affects more than one body system.

During the reassessment of a burn patient with a significant MOI you should

Treat the patient for shock

What is the EMT's FIRST priority when dealing w/ a patient experiencing excessive vaginal bleeding

Treat the patient for shock & transport.

In right-sided heart failure, what is the name of the valve that lies between the right atrium & the right ventricle?


Diabetic emergencies can occur when a patient's blood glucose level gets too high/too low



Tubes that drain excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the brain to another part of the body outside of the brain, such as the abdomen; lowers pressure in the brain.

You suspect upper gastrointestinal bleeding. All of the following fit into this category, EXCEPT

Ulcerative colitis

The ______________ ____________________ carries oxygenated blood from the woman to the heart of the fetus

Umbilical vein

What is the only contraindication to the administration of oral glucose

Unable to Swallwow

People with ______ have a higher risk of hemorrhagic stroke

Uncontrolled hypertension

The underlying cause of a dissecting aortic aneurysm is

Uncontrolled hypertension.

Which of the following is Not initially seen in children 12-18 months old

Understand cause and effect

Patients who are at the highest risk of hemorrhagic stroke are those who have?

Untreated hypertension

You are dispatched to the scene of a motor vehicle crash where a gasoline tanker truck has struck a small passenger van. The van is situated against a power pole and you note downed power lines. Where should you park the ambulance. Where should you park the ambulance:

Uphill and upwind from the hazard

Urine is transported from the bladder through the


You should discourage a rape/sexual assault victim from doing which of the following

Urinating, Cleaning herself, & Changing clothes

Small red spots of generalized itching &/ burning that appear as multiple raised areas on the skin:/hives are called


The raised red spots are most likely


When caring for a female w/ trauma to the external genitalia, the EMT should

Use local pressure to control bleeding

When obtaining a SAMPLE history, which of the following pieces of information is important to obtain

Use of a birth control device/birth control pills, The date of the patient's last menstrual period, & The possibility of pregnancy

Which of the following is NOT a guideline for safe ambulance driving

Use one-way streets whenever possible

Which of the following statements regarding pediatric asthma is False

Use strong, forceful breaths when ventilating to get air to pass the obstruction

If chest compressions are required for a newborn

Use the hands-encircling technique for two-person resuscitation.

basilar skull fracture

Usually occurs following diffuse impact to the head (such as falls, motor vehicle crashes); generally result from extension of a linear fracture to the base of the skull & can be difficult to diagnose w/ a radiograph.

What is the outermost cavity of a woman's reproductive system


What effects will the application of an ice have on a hematoma

Vasoconstriction & decreased bleeding

Blood enters the right atrium form the body through the

Vena cava.

What is another sign of substance abuse that will make it difficult for your partner to establish IV access in this patient

Venous scarring (track marks)

When caring for a patient w/ signs a pneumothorax, your MOST immediate concern should be

Ventilatory inadequacy

Disorganized, ineffective quivering of the ventricles is known as

Ventricular fibrillation.

The computer inside the AED is specifically programmed to recognize rhythms that require defibrillation to correct, most commonly

Ventricular fibrillation.

To treat a sting from a jellyfish, pour _______ on the affected area



Vomiting blood.



You are dispatched to the scene of a motor vehicle crash where a gasoline tanker truck has struck a small passenger van. The van is situated against a power pole and you note downed power lines. Where should you park the ambulance. There are downed power lines at this scene. How should you handle this situation:

Wait for the power company to tell you the scene is safe before approaching either vehicle.


Weakness on one side of the body

Which of the following would NOT be an appropriate question to ask regarding an ingested poison

What color was the substance?

When obtaining information from the family regarding the pediatric patient's history, which of the following is Not an appropriate inquiry

What types of toys does the child play with?

Signs and symptoms of a lower airway obstruction in pediatric patients include


Your severs external bleeding patient needs a detailed physical exam

When should it be performed. En route to the hospital

cardiac arrest

When the heart fails to generate effective & detectable blood flow; pulses are not palpable, even if muscular & electrical activity continues in the heart.

Based on the information described in the scenario, which question should you ask this patient first

When was the last time you ate?

gloves and eye protection

When you are performing a scene size-up on a patient with external bleeding, the minimum standard precautions that should be taken are:

secure the patient to a backboard:

When you have applied a traction splint, the last thing that you do is ______

Allows the hospital to prepare resources

Why are proper communications to the hospital when dealing with a patient with significant bleeding needed?


Widening of a tubular structure such as the coronary artery.

If a patient complains of a severe migraine, how should she be transported

Without lights & sirens

advance directives

Written documentation that specifies medical treatment for a competent patient should the patient become unable to make decisions; also called a living will or health care directive

Which of the following statements is true

You may be able to predict whether a person will become violent, Scene safety is always your primary concern, Behavior problems may be the result of drug or alcohol abuse.

Regarding assessment and treatment of a woman who was the victim of sexual assault

You may be called to testify in court regarding the incident, The patient should be given the option of being treated by female responder, & The person should be discouraged from urinating/changing her clothes prior to examination at the hospital

When applying a bandage to hold a dressing in place, stretch the bandage tight enough to control the bleeding

You should still be able to ________ after the bandage is secure. palpate a distal pulse

There are three types of ionizing radiation

_______, _______ and _______: alpha, beta and gamma


a band of fibrous tissue that connects bones to bones. It supports & strengthens a joint

An acute ischemic stroke is caused by

a blocked cerebral artery.

What sign found at a scene might indicate that your patient is visually impaired

a cane


a collection of blood in the pleural cavity

You are dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on a rural road where a single vehicle us up on an embankment. The vehicle has front-end damage and a starred windshield. The unrestrained driver is lying supine in the road; the police report that they found the patient outside of the vehicle. He is unconscious & has depression if the left temporal area, both eyes are black & blue, and one pupil is dilated whereas the other is normal. The patient has blood coming from the nose & mouth, & palpation reveals subcutaneous emphysema around the clavicles & chest area. The patient's breaking is labored, & the pulse is rapid & thready. A hematoma is

a collection of blood within the tissues


a complex, difficult-to-identify mental disorder whose onset typically occurs during early adulthood. Symptoms typically become more prominent over time & include delusions, hallucinations, a lack of interest/pleasure & erratic speech.

While transporting a patient, you can continue to recheck the splint you applied. You know that improperly applying a splint can cause

a delay in transport of patten with a life threatening injury, a reduction of distal circulation, a compression of nerves, tissues and blood vessels

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

a delayed stress reaction that develops after a horrifying ordeal that involved physical harm/the threat of physical harm


a drug that produces sleep/altered mental consciousness

Conductive hearing loss can be caused by

a perforated eardrum

The cardiovascular system consists of

a pump, a container, & fluid


a ring of muscle tissue that forms the colored portion of the eye around the pupil & controls the size of the pupil opening

Features of the modern ambulance include all of the following except

a self-contained breathing apparatus


a woman who is pregnant for the first time

When treating a patient with signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock and no outward signs of bleeding, always consider the possibility of bleeding into the


severe back pain may be associated with

abdominal aortic aneurysm

peritonitis, with associated fluid loss, is the result of

abnormal shift of fluid from the bloodstream into body tissue

A(n) _ is a wound of the superficial layer of skin, caused by friction when a body part rubs/scrapes across a rough/hard surface


Open soft-tissue wounds include all of the following

abrasions, lacerations, & avulsions

Which of the following is a sign of a possible facial fracture

absent/loose teeth, bleeding in the mouth, & loose &/moveable bone fragments

what joint is frequently separated during football and hockey when a player falls and lands on the point of the shoulder

acromioclavicular joint

The most common symptom to internal abdominal bleeding is

acute abdominal pain

Using elastic bandages to secure dressings may result in ______ if the injury swells or if the bandages are applied improperly

additional tissue damage

The zone of injury includes

adjacent nerves, blood vessels, and surrounding soft tissue

Learning to adapt to a variety of situations in daily life, including stresses and strains is called


You and your partner are dispatched to the rodeo arena for a person reporting shortness of breath and chest pain. On arrival you are escorted to a trailer where you find a man in his mid 30s seated in a chair and leaning forward clutching his chest. He tells you that he was riding a bull when he was thrown off. He states that he landed hard on his right side and heard a loud pop. The patient finds it difficult ot take a deepth breath. On this information, what should be your first intervention

administer high flow oxygen

your unit is dispatched to a roadside construction site for a blast-related injury. fire department personnel arrive before you and radio to tell you that the scene is safe. on your arrival, you are informed that your patient is a 46 year old man who had been blasting rock and had set the fuse too short. as he was leaving the area to seek cover from the explosion, he was blown forward onto a gravel area. he tells you that he remembers everything and he did not have a loss of consciousness. he also indicated that the entire front of his body hurts and he can't hear well. he denies having any past medical history or allergies and does not take any medication. on examination you find minor bleeding from his ears and some cuts and bruises to his arms. as you remove his clothing, you find that his chest and abdomen are bruised. he reports increasing pain and experiences severe trouble breathing. as you begin your transport you notice that he is now has hematemesis cool and clammy skin, tachycardia, and hypotension. you determine that your patient is experiencing internal bleeding. what should you do first

administer oxygen

A 59-year-old woman presents w/ chest pressure. She is conscious & alert, but her skin is cool, pale, & clammy. Your first step in providing care (treatment) should be

administer oxygen.

__________ __________ are specific legal papers that direct relatives and caregivers about what kinds of medical treatment may be given to patients who cannot speak for themselves

advance directives

You are dispatched to a private residence for a person experiencing abdominal pain. You arrive to find a 25 year old man lying on the couch in the fetal position. He states he was tackled while playing football 3 days ago and now the pain is becoming progressively worse. He is pale and diaphoretic. an exam of the abdomen shows bruising over the right and left upper quadrants, rebound tenderness, and guarding. The patient states the pain radiates to his right shoulder. Assessment of his vitals signs shows a pulse rate of 130 beats/min, BP of 90/60 and respirations of 24 breaths per min. Appropriate management of this patient would include

advanced life support intercept

Always check neurovascular function at the following times

after any manipulation of limb, before applying splint, after applying splint

You and your partner are called to an elementary school for an 8-year-old boy with an altered mental status. You find the child lying supine on the cafeteria floor. A teacher is waiting with the patient and the scene is safe. The teacher states that the child finished his lunch and began "shaking" in his chair, at which point the teacher moved him to the floor. Your general impression provides the following, there are no life threats, he is alert, his work of breathing is unlabored. His skin color is pink. His airway is open and clear, his respiratory rate is 20 breaths/min and his pulse rate are 90. The child is responsive to verbal stimuli and is confused as to what happened and where he is. You do not see any injuries or skin rashes. To evaluate this child's level of consciousness, you must note the mental status and assess his

age appropriate responses to your questions

Stereotyping of elderly people that often leads to discrimination is called


--------- is a behavior that is characterized by restlessness and irregular physical activity


Naloxone (Narcan), should only be used in a patient with a suspected opiate or opioid overdose who has

agonal respirations or apnea

You are dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on a rural road where a single vehicle us up on an embankment. The vehicle has front-end damage and a starred windshield. The unrestrained driver is lying supine in the road; the police report that they found the patient outside of the vehicle. He is unconscious & has depression if the left temporal area, both eyes are black & blue, and one pupil is dilated whereas the other is normal. The patient has blood coming from the nose & mouth, & palpation reveals subcutaneous emphysema around the clavicles & chest area. The patient's breaking is labored, & the pulse is rapid & thready. When subcutaneous emphysema is found, what substance has accumulated under the skin


Potential problems associated with rupture of the lungs include all of the following

air emboli, pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax

A(n) _______ results when an open vein sucks air into it and travels to the heart

air embolism

An open neck injury may result in _______ if enough air is sucked into a blood vessel

air embolism

You should consider using a(n) ______ _________ _____ if the patient will need to be transported an extensive distance

air medical unit

Suction tubing must reach the patient's ________, regardless of the patient's position


Without an open ________, rescue breathing will not be effective.


life-threatening external bleeding demands your immediate attention, even before __________ has been manage


When caring for a patient w/ facial trauma, the EMT should be MOST concerned w/

airway compromise.

Dentures may cause a(n) __________ _________ in a trauma patient

airway obstruction

In dealing with allergy-related emergencies, you must be aware of the possibility of acute______ and cardiovascular collapse

airway obstruction

Anatomic changes that occur as a person ages predisposes geriatric patients to

airway problems

patients experiencing alcohol withdrawal may develop delirium tremens if they no longer have their daily source of


The EMTALA act states that

all patients must be treated regardless of their ability to pay for care.

3. When assessing a conscious and alert 9-year-old child, you should

allow the child to answer your questions.

You & your partner are traveling to the headquarters for your monthly in-service training session when you are dispatched to the home of an 18 year old woman w/ a high fever. The dispatcher tells you the patient has autism. The patient starts to perform a self-stimulating activity. You should

allow the patient to continue as long as she does not hurt herself.

always suspect hypoglycemia in any patient with

altered mental status

Elderly people are more likely to experience burns because of

altered mental status, inattention, compromised neurologic status

When caring for a patient with a visual impairment, which of the following is not appropriate

always transport the patient's service dog

A(n) ______ is an injury in which part of the body is completely severed


Basic wound care supplies include all of the following except

an OB kit


an accumulation of air/gas in the pleural space


an agent that produce false perceptions in any of the five senses

Shortly after ascending rapidly to the surface of the water while holding his breath, a 29-year-old diver begins coughing up pink, frothy sputum & complains of dyspnea & chest pain. You should suspect & treat this patient for

an air embolism.

Whenever possible, you should always provide the sexual assault patient with

an attendant of the same gender

hypovolemic shock

an emergency condition in which severe blood & fluid loss makes the heart unable to pump enough blood to the body. This type of shock can cause many organs to stop working. The body tries to adapt by increasing the HR & peripheral vasoconstriction to increase the volume of blood returned to the heart & increase cardiac output

You are called to an automotive body shop for an assault patient. Law enforcement personnel have arrived and declared the scene safe. You and your partner find a man seated in an office holding the left side of his head. The patient was struck on the side of the head with a tire iron during a dispute with another employee. He was unconscious for approx 3 min. While performing a secondary assessment of the patient you find a depressed area above the patients left ear. This indicates

an epidural hematoma

If the typical adult loses more than 1 L of blood, significant changes in vital signs, such as

an increased respiratory rate will occur.

Changes to the kidney and genitourinary tract in elderly patients can cause all of the following except

an increased response to sodium deficiency

A sucking chest wound should be treated with

an occlusive dressing

A 21-year-old male was found unconscious in an alley. Your initial assessment reveals that his respirations are slow & shallow, & his pulse is slow & weak. Further assessment reveals that his pupils are bilaterally constricted. His presentation is MOST consistent w/ an overdose of

an opioid.

You are called to a local baseball park for a 23-year-old man w/ difficulty breathing. He states that he ate a package of peanuts approximately 30 minutes ago & denies any allergies/past medical history. Your assessment reveals widespread urticaria, tachycardia, & a BP of 90/60 mm Hg. You can hear him wheezing, even w/out a stethoscope. You should be MOST suspicious of a(n)

anaphylactic reaction.

a reaction involving the entire body is called


Severe blood loss can occur when a(n) ________ bursts


Some people are born w/ pupils that are not equal in size which is called


Dislocation of the ___ is usually associated with fractures of one or both malleoli


Examples of a functional disorder

anxiety, depression, schizophrenia

A behavioral crisis is MOST accurately defined as

any reaction to events that interferes w/ activities of daily living/has become unacceptable to the patient, family,/community.

The _ is the largest artery in the body.


A 71-year-old man with a history of hypertension and vascular disease presents with tearing abdominal pain. His blood pressure is 80/60 mm Hg, his heart rate is 120 beats/min, and his respirations are 28 breaths/min. Your assessment reveals that his abdomen is rigid and distended. Considering his medical history and vital signs, you should be MOST suspicious for a(n)

aortic aneurysm.

_________ is common in pediatric patients and if left untreated can lead to peritonitis or shock


You are dispatched to a private residence for a person experiencing abdominal pain. You arrive to find a 25 year old man lying on the couch in the fetal position. He states he was tackled while playing football 3 days ago and now the pain is becoming progressivly worse. He is pale and diaphoretic. an exam of the abdomen shows bruising over the right and left upper quadrants, rebound tenderness, and guarding. The patient states the pain radiates to his right shoulder. Assessment of his vitals signs shows a pulse rate of 130 beats/min, BP of 90/60 and respirations of 24 breaths per min. Bruising over the right upper quadrant could indicate injury of the


The MOST appropriate way to dress & bandage an open abdominal wound w/ a loop of bowel protruding from it is to

apply a moist, sterile dressing to the wound & secure w/ an occlusive dressing.

If bleeding continues after applying a pressure dressing, you should

apply manual pressure through the dressing, add more gauze pads over the first dressing, secure both dressings tighter with a roller bandage

Statements regarding the treatment of bleeding from a neck injury

apply pressure to the bleeding site using a gloved fingertip, apply a sterile occulsive dressing, & use gauze to secure the dressing in place

The ______ and ________ are the inner two layers of the meninges and are much thinner than the dura mater

arachnoid, pia mater

_________ refers to stiffening of the blood vessel wall


When should you use a traction splint

as isolated femur fracture

You & your partner are traveling to the headquarters for your monthly in-service training session when you are dispatched to the home of an 18 year old woman w/ a high fever. The dispatcher tells you the patient has autism. When asking the patient questions, you should

ask her simple, direct questions.

You are requested out to County Road 93 for a vehicle collision at a rural area known for serious crashes. After driving with lights and sirens for nearly 20 minutes to reach the scene, you arrive at the intersection at the east end of the county. As you pull up, you see 2 pickup trucks crushed into a mass of twisted, smoking metal. A sheriff's deputy is shouting and waving you over to the passenger side door of one of the demolished trucks. You quickly look down all four roads leading to the scene and note that they are deserted as far as you can see. How would you ensure the proper control of traffic around this scene

ask the law enforcement officer to control any traffic

when obtaining the medical history of a patient experiencing a sickle cell crisis you should

ask the patient about recent illnesses or stress

as you begin to assess a patient suspected of anaphylactic shock what step would be done first

assess and treat for life threats

You respond to a motorcycle accident for a 41 yo man who is unconscious He has obvious deformity to both lower legs and is bleeding moderately from an open fracture. His airway is open, and he is making gurgling noises. Pulse is rapid and weak. Distal pulses are very weak. Your first priority with this patient is to

assess distal pulse motor, and sensory functions

While the EMT is in a vehicle assessing the patient, the rescue team should be

assessing exactly how the patient is trapped and determining the safest way to extricate.

Safety guidelines for behavioral emergencies include

assessing the scene, being prepared to spend extra time, encouraging purposeful movement

An apnea monitor is indicated in all of the following situations except


__________ is an acute spasm of the smaller air passages


The complete absence of heart electrical activity is called


Geriatric patients are at risk for _________, an accumulation of fatty material in the arteries


When caring for a patient w/ an emotional crisis who is calm & not in need of immediate emergency care, your BEST course of action is to

attempt to obtain consent from the patient to transport.

_______ is a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by impairment of social interaction


The ________ ________ _______ should be applied to an adult cardiac arrest patient as soon as it is available.

automated external defibrillator (AED)

The __________ system monitors the body's needs from moment to moment and adjusts blood flow by changing the vascular tone, as needed

autonomic nervous

What part of the human body helps the cardiovascular system adapt to changes in order to maintain homeostasis

autonomic nervous system

When applying a tourniquet to an amputated arm, the EMT should

avoid applying the tourniquet over a joint.

When caring for a patient w/ a surface contact poisoning, it is important to remember to

avoid contaminating yourself/others.

The most important consideration in caring for a patient who has been exposed to an organophosphate insecticide or some other cholinergic agent is to

avoid exposure yourself

You and your partner are assigned to a post at an extreme sports competition. You are called to asses a 23 year old man who was performing an air trick on his bike when he lost control and landed on the bottom of the concrete ramp. When you arrive, the patient is wake and alert and in extreme pain. He tells you he flew over his handlebars and felt both of his upper legs snap. He denies experiencing any loss of consciousness. THe primary goal of placing the patients legs in inline traction is to

avoid further neurovascular compromise

A patient with an abdominal aortic aneurysm most commonly complains of abdominal pain that radiates to the


The esophagus is located in the _____ of the chest


Left untreated, ____ can lead to premature birth or low birth weight in pregnant women

bacterial vaginosis

the stinger of the honeybee is WHAT so the bee can't remove it


CPR does not require any equipment; however, you should use a(n) ________ device to perform rescue breathing


Trauma to the face and skull that results in the posterior wall of the nasal cavity becoming unstable is caused by __________

basilar skull fracture

You are dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on a rural road where a single vehicle us up on an embankment. The vehicle has front-end damage and a starred windshield. The unrestrained driver is lying supine in the road; the police report that they found the patient outside of the vehicle. He is unconscious & has depression if the left temporal area, both eyes are black & blue, and one pupil is dilated whereas the other is normal. The patient has blood coming from the nose & mouth, & palpation reveals subcutaneous emphysema around the clavicles & chest area. The patient's breaking is labored, & the pulse is rapid & thready. Which of the following fractures is associated with bruising around the ears & blood coming from the nose

basilar skull fracture

No matter what the fuel source of a crashed vehicle is, one common practice remains the same--the need to disconnect the _________


Prior to attempting to gain access into a vehicle, the parking brake should be on and the ________ should be disconnected


When restraining a patient without an appropriate order, legal actions may involve charges of


If a patient's mechanical ventilator malfunctions, you should remove the patient from the ventilator and

begin ventilations with a bag-mask device

If the interruption of daily routine tends to recur on a regular basis, the behavior is also considered a -------- crisis


A(n) ____________ _____________ or emergency is any reaction to events that interferes with the activities of daily living or has become unacceptable to the patient, family, or community

behavioral crisis

The heart rate should be in the normal adult rage for a geriatric patient but can be altered by medications such as


the major side effect of infesting activated charcoal is

black stools

24 year old patient fell off balance beam and landed on his arm. Complaining of pain in the upper arm, and there is obvious swelling. You know that swelling is a sign of


Which of the following is not a sign of infection at a colostomy site


You are dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on a rural road where a single vehicle us up on an embankment. The vehicle has front-end damage and a starred windshield. The unrestrained driver is lying supine in the road; the police report that they found the patient outside of the vehicle. He is unconscious & has depression if the left temporal area, both eyes are black & blue, and one pupil is dilated whereas the other is normal. The patient has blood coming from the nose & mouth, & palpation reveals subcutaneous emphysema around the clavicles & chest area. The patient's breaking is labored, & the pulse is rapid & thready. Which of the following best describes hyphema

bleeding in anterior chamber of eye

Bone marrow produces _____________ _______________

blood cells

the bones in the skeleton produce ________ in the bone marrow

blood cells


blood in the urine


blood in the urine


blood is dark red & oozes from a wound steadily but slowly.

You should consider bleeding to be serious if the following conditions are present

blood loss is rapid, the patient has a poor general appearance, & assessment reveals signs & symptoms of shock


blood pressure reflects the pressure on the walls of the arteries when the ventricle is at rest

epinephrine inhibits the allergic reaction by constricting the WHAT and dilating the bronchi

blood vessels

smooth muscle is found in the

blood vessels

Which of the following is a sign of the beginning of labor

bloody show, contractions of the uterus, & rupture of the amniotic sac

Blunt trauma that causes fractures to the orbit are commonly called a (n) ________

blowout fracture

You are dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on a rural road. On arrival you see a single vehicle in an embankment. The scene appears to be safe. The car has front-end damage and a starred windshield. You find an unrestrained driver sitting in the driver's seat. He opens his eyes when you speak to him; however; he is confused and unable to tell you what happened, but he follows your commands. Examination reveals a laceration on the center of his forehead and a large bruise on his chest. Pulses and motor and sensory function are present in all extremities. His pulse is rapid, and breathing is slightly labored:what type of chest injury is present?


Closed abdominal injuries are also known as

blunt injuries

In pediatric patients, chest injuries are usually the result of ________ _________, rather than penetrating trauma

blunt trauma

the usual dosage for activated charcoal for an adult or child is 1 gram of activated charcoal per kilogram of

body weight

open fracture

bone fracture that breaks through the skin

If you are involved in a motor vehicle collision while operating an emergency vehicle and are found to be at fault, you may be charged

both civilly and criminally

The signs & symptoms of an allergic reaction are caused by the release of

both histamine & leukotrienes.

The most severe form of toxin ingestion is


A contusion to a patient's forehead along with a spider-webbed windshield suggest possible injury to the


The brain is divided into the cerebrum, and the

brain stem

A 41-year-old man presents w/ slow, irregular breathing; hypotension; & dilated pupils. These signs MOST likely indicate dysfunction of the

brain stem.

The trachea divides into the right and left main stem _________


A(n) _______ is also called a contusion


Signs of injury to the kidney may include any of the following

bruises or lacerations on the overlaying skin, shock, hematuria

Which of the following is a sign or symptom of a chest injury

bruising of the chest wall, crepitus w/ palpation of the chest, & unequal expansion of the chest wall

A(n) _ is also called a contusion


Superficial (first degree) burn

burns that affect only the epidermis, characterized by skin that is red but not blistered/actually burned through

your partner observes a medical alert bracelet on the patient's wrist. it says that the patient has diabetes. other risk factors for hypothermia include all the following

burns, head injury, & shock

Localized signs and symptoms of absorbed poisoning include

burns, irritation of the skin

Which of the following statements regarding pregnancy is TRUE

by the 20th week of pregnancy, the uterus is at or above the belly button

___________ ____________ may help determine if a loss of consciousness occurred before an accident

bystander information

The ______________ is the largest of the tarsal bones


You and your partner are dispatched to the rodeo arena for a person reporting shortness of breath and chest pain. On arrival you are escorted to a trailer where you find a man in his mid 30s seated in a chair and leaning forward clutching his chest. He tells you that he was riding a bull when he was thrown off. He states that he landed hard on his right side and heard a loud pop. You are still 30 min from the hospital. On the basis of this patients condition and signs and symptoms, what is the most appropriate management

call ALS for assistance and continue transport

Treatment of a snake bite from a pit viper includes all of the following

calming the patient, not giving anything by mouth, & marking the skin w/ a pen over the swollen area to note whether swelling is spreading


can be caused by an obstructing gallstone, alcohol abuse, and other diseases

what condition increases a patients risk for developing thrombophilia


The _________ link(s) the arterioles and the venules


______ are small tubes that are about the same diameter as a single red blood cell


________ blood is dark red and oozes from a wound steadily but slowly


Hyperventilation should be used with caution in head injury patients and only be attempted when______ is/are available


The three collisions in a frontal impact

car striking object, passenger striking vehicle, internal organs striking solid structures of the body

Helmets must be removed in all of the following cases

cardiac arrest, when the helmet allows for excessive movement, when a shield cannot be removed for access to the airway.

Distended jugular veins, a narrowing pulse pressure, and muffled heart sounds are seen in which of the following conditions

cardiac tamponade

Cerebral palsy is associated with all of the following conditions except

cardiovascular complications

A 22-year-old male was attacked by a rival gang & has a large knife impaled in the center of his chest. Your assessment reveals that he is apneic & pulseless. You should

carefully remove the knife, control any bleeding, begin CPR, & transport.

Assess for a pulse in an adult patient by palpating the __________ artery.


Pulsations in the neck are felt in the _______ vessels


You have responded to a 71 year old woman who is unresponsive. You try to get her to respond but have no success. Her airway is open, and she is breathing at a rate of 14 breaths/min. You know you can check her pulse on either side of the neck. You know that the jugular veins and several nerves run through the neck next to the trachea. What structure are you trying to locate to take a pulse

carotid arteries

The rings of the trachea are made of ________


A condition that clouds the lens of the eye is called


The brain and spinal cord are part of the ______ nervous system


the nervous system has 2 anatomic components

central & peripheral

As you get older, the brain shrinks, leading to higher risk of ___________ _________ following head trauma

cerebral bleeding

_______ _______ is a term for a group of disorders characterized by poorly controlled body movement

cerebral palsy

The ______ vertebrae are in the neck


Injury to the head and neck may indicate injury to the

cervical spine

you and your partner are called for a 25-year-old man who was found unresponsive by two hikers in a remote area of a national forest. on arrival, you observe a young man lying supine on the ground with a liquor bottle nearby. despite near freezing temperatures he is dressed in a t-shirt and jeans.after establishing unresponsiveness what should be your next step in patient management

check for a pulse/provide manual in line stabilization

Immediately after delivery of the infant's head, you should

check the position of the umbilical cord.

The only exceptions to the rule of not removing an impaled object are an object in the ______ that obstructs breathing and an object in the ________ that interferes with CPR

cheek, chest

Breathing requires the use of the _________ muscles and diaphragm


Because of the urgent need to start CPR in a pulseless, nonbreathing patient, you must complete a primary assessment as soon as possible and begin CPR with ___________.

chest compressions

_________ __________ are recommended to relieve a severe airway obstruction in an unconscious pediatric patient

chest compressions

In rare cases, ____ causes arthritis that may be accompanied with skin lesions and inflammation of the eyes and urethra


Inhaled poisons include


Which of the following statements regarding geriatrics is false

chronic mental status impairment is a normal process of aging

Geriatric patients are commonly found living in all of the following locations except


Major controllable risk factors for an AMI include

cigarette smoking.

When using an air splint to control bleeding in a fractured extremity, you should reassess the _________ frequently

circulation in the injured extremity

Perfusion is MOST accurately defined as

circulation of blood within an organ with sufficient amounts of oxygen.

The ___ is one of the most commonly fractured bones in the body


The ____________ is a slender, s-shaped bone attached by ligaments to the sternum on one end to the acromion process on the other


What is the main purpose of eye blinking

clean the eye

Because the brain tissue shrinks with age, older patients are more likely to sustain

closed head injuries

The process of blood clotting and plugging the hole is called


Signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and associated hypovolemia include all of the following

cold, clammy skin with ashen pallor, dizziness, weakness/faintness & normal vital signs

An organ or tissue that is considerably _________ is much better able to resist damage from hypoperfusion


A 30-year-old male, who ingested an unknown substance, begins to vomit. You should

collect the vomitus & bring it to the hospital

Often the most important intervention for a sexual assault patient is to _______ and transport to a facility with a staff specially trained to deal with this scenario

comforting reassurance

A ___ fracture is a fracture in which the bone is broken into more than two fragments



commonly produces symptoms about 30 minutes after a particularly fatty meal and usually at night

You respond to an 18-year-old man who has been assaulted with a baseball bat. He was hit in the chest. He is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless. This condition is most likely related to

commotio cordis

________ among team members and clear leadership are essential to safe, efficient provision of proper emergency care


_______ develops when edema and swelling result in increased pressure within a closed soft-tissue space

compartment syndrome

A compression injury that is severe enough to cut off blood flow below the injury is called

compartment syndrome.

Your _____ is the best tool to gain the patient's confidence to seek medical help


A two-door passenger car struck a tree while driving approximately 50 mph. The doors are badly damaged and jammed, and the driver appears to be unconscious inside the vehicle. Entering the vehicle by breaking the back window is an example of

complex access.

In a motor vehicle collision, as the passenger's head hits the windshield, the brain continues to move forward until it strikes the inside of the skull, resulting in a _________ injury


A _______ is a temporary loss or altercation of a part or all of the brain's ability to function without actual physical damage to the brain


Peripheral nerves include all of the following

connecting nerves, sensory nerves, motor nerves,

In cold weather, blood vessels in the skin will _______


When a person is looking at an object up close, the pupils should


The skin regulates temperature in a cold environment by

constricting blood vessels

All open wounds are assumed to be _______ and present a risk of infection


When physically restraining a violent patient, the EMT should

continually talk to the patient as he/she is being restrained.

During inhalation, the diaphragm ________


The primary reason for applying a sterile dressing to an open injury is to

control external bleeding.

A _/a bruise, is an injury that causes bleeding beneath the skin but does not break the skin


A(n) ______ is far more serious than a concussion because it involves physical injury to the brain tissue


Energy can be


A person will sweat in an effort to ______ the body


It is 0300 hours and you and your partner are called to a private residence for an 86 year old man reporting a sudden onset of shortness of breath. on arrival, you observe an older home in need of repair. when you enter the home, you find that there are seven cats, and there is the strong odor of stale cat food and litter boxes. which condition is considered to be a risk factor for congestive heart failure

coronary artery disease


coughing up blood

A compression injury to the anterior portion of the brain and stretching of the posterior portion is called a(n) _________ brain injury


traumatic brain injuires are classified into 2 broad categories: primary (direct) injury & secondary (indirect) injury. as the brain strikes the front of the skull. this type of injury is called

coup-counter coup

You are assessing a 27-year-old woman w/ a heat-related emergency. Her skin is flushed, hot, & moist, & her level of consciousness is decreased. After moving her to a cool environment, managing her airway, & administering oxygen, you should

cover her w/ wet sheets & fan her.

While assisting a woman in labor, you visualize her vaginal area and see an arm protruding from her vagina. She tells you that she feels the urge to push. You should

cover the arm with a sterile towel and transport immediately.

37 year old was accidental shoot, his airway is open, RR 24, his pulse is rapid and weak, Upon exposing his chest you find a sucking chest wound. you should

cover the wound

The _____ nerves are the 12 pairs of nerves that emerge from the brain stem and transmit information directly to or from the brain


optic nerve

cranial nerve carrying impulses from the retina to the brain

The skull has two large structures of bone, the ______ and the ______

cranium, face

A grating or grinding sensation known as ________________ can be felt and sometimes even heard when fractured bone ends rub together


The _____ connects the cricoid cartilage and thyroid cartilage

cricothyroid membrane

When dealing with an avulsed tooth, handle it by its ______ and not by the ________

crown, root

When an area of the body is trapped for longer than 4 hours and arterial blood flow compromised, _______ can develop

crush syndrome

A(n) ______ occurs when a great amount of force is applied to the body for a long period of time

crushing injury

The presence of subcutaneous emphysema following trauma to the face & throat is MOST suggestive of

crushing tracheal injury.

it is time for your annual competency assessment. This test includes knowledge and skills assessments. yo regar to your emt textbook to prepare by answering simple questions provided. Keeping a safe distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you, checking for tailgaters behind your ambulance, and being aware of objects in your mirror's blind spots are considered maintaining a(n)

cushion of safety.

The rescue team will set up a(n) _______ ________ that is off-limits to bystanders to protect their safety

danger zone

Speed is essential because in severe cases of anaphylaxis, ____ can occur rapidly


Significant clues to the possibility of severe injuries in motor vehicle collisions include

death of a passenger

Airbags provide the final capture point of the passengers and decrease the severity of _______ injuries


Devices should either be disposable or easy to clean and _________, which means to remove radiation, chemicals, or other hazardous materials


______ is the most reliable sign of a head injury

decreased level of consciousness

You are called to an automotive body shop for an assault patient. Law enforcement personnel have arrived and declared the scene safe. You and your partner find a man seated in an office holding the left side of his head. The patient was struck on the side of the head with a tire iron during a dispute with another employee. He was unconscious for approx 3 min. Which of the following describes the initial signs of a head injury

decreased level of consciousness, confusion and nausea

Older people develop an inability to differentiate colors and have

decreased night vision

During inhalation, the pressure in the chest _______


MRSA is commonly found on which of the following

decubitus ulcers, feeding tubes, & indwelling catheters

You must always drive


A patient w/ cardiac arrest secondary to ventricular fibrillation has the greatest chance for survival if

defibrillation is provided w/in 2 minutes.


degree burns involve only the epidermis.

If you encounter a patient with a colostomy or ileostomy bag, assess for signs of __________ if the patient has been complaining of diarrhea or vomiting


8. When using the mnemonic CHILD ABUSE to assess a child for signs of abuse, you should recall that the "D" stands for

delay in seeking care.

hypovolemia may develop from sweating, fluid loss, insufficient fluid intake, or vomiting associated with


The slow onset of progressive disorientation, shortened attention span, and loss of cognitive function is called


The function of the blood is to _ all of the body's cell's & tissues

deliver nutrients to

The function of the blood is to _________ all of the body's cells and tissues

deliver nutrients to

Transferring the patient to a receiving staff member occurs during the ________ phase


Which of the following is a reason for delivery of the fetus at the scene

delivery can be expected within a few minutes, there is a natural disaster, & there is severe inclement weather

The third stage of labor begins with the birth of the newborn and ends with

delivery of the placenta

Which of the following statements about changes to the gastrointestinal system is correct

dental loss is not a normal result of the aging process

Chronic ____________, or a persistent feeling of sadness or dispair, may be a symptom of a mental or physical disorder


When obtaining a SAMPLE history for a patient with a diving emergency, pay special attention to all of the following dive parameters

depth, length of time the patient was underwater, the time of onset of symptoms

Nerve endings are located in the ________


The hair follicles, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands are found in the


substance abuse is the misuse of any substance to produce a

desired effect

determination of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia should be

determined before administration of glucose

The last meal is particularly important in a patient with


the accumulation of ketones and fatty acids in blood tissue can lead to a dangerous condition in a diabetic patient know as

diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

The _______ separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity


The chest extends from the lower end of the neck to the _______


The plaque that builds up in atherosclerosis obstructs blood flow and interferes with the vessels ability to:


injected poisons cannot be


You and your partner are assigned to a post at an extreme sports competition. You are called to asses a 23 year old man who was performing an air trick on his bike when he lost control and landed on the bottom of the concrete ramp. When you arrive, the patient is wake and alert and in extreme pain. He tells you he flew over his handlebars and felt both of his upper legs snap. He denies experiencing any loss of consciousness. You perform a secondary assesment of the netire body and find instability of the pelvis and deformity to the midshaft area of the femur in both legs. The patients injurues were the result of a/an

direct blow

a ___ fractures the bone at the point of impact

direct blow

You respond to a motor vehicle collision with a 29-year-old woman who struck the rearview mirror and has serious bleeding from the scalp. Her airway is open and respirations are normal. The pulse is a little rapid but strong and regular. Distal pulses are present, and there is no deformity to the skull. Most bleeding from the scalp can be controlled by

direct pressure

The quickest and MOST effective way to control external bleeding from an extremity is

direct pressure.

A _____ is a disruption of a joint in which the bone ends are no longer in contact


A ___ produces actual deformity, distortion, of the limb by shortening, rotating, or angulation it

displaced fracture


disruption of a joint in which ligaments are damaged & the bone ends are no longer in contact

Late signs of abdominal injury include all of the following

distention. change in mental status, & pale, cool, moist skin

_________ is a condition in which small pouches protrude from the colon


Which of the following is generally not acceptable when interviewing an older patient

do not initiate eye contact, because many geriatric patients might find this disrespectful

You and your partner are assigned to a post at an extreme sports competition. You are called to asses a 23 year old man who was performing an air trick on his bike when he lost control and landed on the bottom of the concrete ramp. When you arrive, the patient is wake and alert and in extreme pain. He tells you he flew over his handlebars and felt both of his upper legs snap. He denies experiencing any loss of consciousness. When you assess distal circulation in the patients lower extremities, you should palpate the ___ pulse

dorsalis pedis

Energy that is available to cause injury _______ when an object's weight doubles, but _______ when its speed doubles

doubles, quadruples

occlusive dressing

dressings made of petroleum (Vaseline) gauze, aluminum foil,/plastic that prevent air & liquids from entering/exiting a wound

__________ is the second most common cause of unintentional death among children in the United States


The LEAST common cause of death in patients over 65 years of age is

drug overdose.


drug that exerts a sleep-inducing effect

Which of the following statements regarding dementia is false

due to memory loss, they are able to adapt easily to changes in their daily routine

Fracture are almost always associated with ____ of the surrounding soft tissue


Signs of symptoms of insect stings or bites include all of the following EXCEPT


____________ is heralded by the onset of convulsions, or seizures, resulting from severe hypertension in the pregnant woman


You should consider the possibility of a(n) ____________ in women who have missed a menstrual cycle and complain of a sudden stabbing and usually unilateral pain in the lower abdomen

ectopic pregnancy

__________ and _________ are two conditions that can cause vaginal bleeding in women who do not appear to be pregnant and who may not realize they are pregnant

ectopic pregnancy and spontaneous abortion

Possible causes of vaginal bleeding include

ectopic pregnancy, cervical polyps, vaginal trauma

The most common life-threatening event in a rollover collision is ________


The most common life-threatening event in a rollover is _________ or partial ejection of the passenger from the vehicle


Death from a rollover motor vehicle crash is MOST often secondary to

ejection of the patient from the motor vehicle.

Use ________ ________ to warn oncoming vehicles of your presence

emergency lights

During the _______ phase, the team should review dispatch information and assign specific initial duties and scene management tasks to each team member

en route

The ________ phase may be the most dangerous part of the call

en route

it is time for your annual competency assessment. This test includes knowledge and skills assessments. yo regar to your emt textbook to prepare by answering simple questions provided. During the _____ phase of an ambulance call, the crew should review dispatch information about the nature of the call and the location of the patient

en route

The MOST effective way to prevent cardiopulmonary arrest in a newborn is to

ensure adequate oxygenation and ventilation.

Before you begin caring for a patient with an open wound, you should

ensure standard precautions

________ is the term used when a person is caught within a closed area with no way out or who has a limb or other body part trapped


It is 0300 hours and you and your partner are called to a private residence for an 86 year old man reporting a sudden onset of shortness of breath. on arrival, you observe an older home in need of repair. when you enter the home, you find that there are seven cats, and there is the strong odor of stale cat food and litter boxes. observing and documenting the condition in which you find the GEMS ------ assessment


The "E" of the GEMS diamond stands for

environmental assessment

The external layer of skin is the _______ and the inner layer is the _______

epidermis, dermis

Intracranial bleeding outside of the dura mater and under the skull is known as a(n)

epidural hematoma

an accumulation of blood between the skull & the dura mater is nearly always the result of a blow to the head that produces a linear fracture of the thin temporal bone is called a

epidural hemotoma

_________ is an infection of the soft tissue in the area above the vocal cords


6. You respond to a sick child late at night. The child appears very ill, has a high fever, and is drooling. He is sitting in a tripod position, struggling to breathe. You should suspect


A ___ fracture occurs in a growth section of a child's bone, which may prematurely stop growth if not properly treated


Nosebleeds/_ are a common problem that can occur spontaneously/from trauma


The purpose of the eustachian tube is to

equalize pressure in the middle ear when external pressure changes

Which of the following items are needed to care for life-threatening conditions

equipment for airway management, equipment for artificial ventilation, & oxygen-delivery devices

The middle ear is connected to the nasal cavity by the

eustachian tube

You and your partner are dispatched to the rodeo arena for a person reporting shortness of breath and chest pain. On arrival you are escorted to a trailer where you find a man in his mid 30s seated in a chair and leaning forward clutching his chest. He tells you that he was riding a bull when he was thrown off. He states that he landed hard on his right side and heard a loud pop. How often should this patient be reevaluated

every 5 min

You have responded to a motor vehicle collision and find a 21 year old man who has massive facial trauma. He is bleeding heavily and is unconscious., how often would you reassess his vitals during your ongoing assessment

every 5 minutes

You respond to a motorcycle accident for a 41 yo man who is unconscious He has obvious deformity to both lower legs and is bleeding moderately from an open fracture. His airway is open, and he is making gurgling noises. Pulse is rapid and weak. Distal pulses are very weak. You have loaded this patient and are en route to the hospital. You have secured the airway and immobilized the fractures. How often should you reassess his vital signs.

every 5 minutes

You are hired at the local EMS service. During your orientation, you are given a tour of the station and the ambulances you be riding on. Your duties include station cleanup and checking the unit for mechanical problems. You should also check all medical equipment and supplies

every day

An open wound that allows internal organs or fat to protrude through the wound is called


A diabetic patient presents w/ a blood glucose level of 310 mg/dL & severe dehydration. The patient's dehydration is the result of

excretion of glucose & water from the kidneys.

wheezing is typically heard on

expiration (lower airway)

Which of the following is a stage of labor

expulsion of the baby, delivery of the placenta, & dilation of the cervix

Make sure to use __________ when attempting to control vaginal bleeding

external pads

Elderly pedestrians struck by a vehicle commonly suffer injuries to the




The globe of the eye is also called the


The skull is divided into the cranium and the


the skull is composed of 2 groups of bones: the _ & the _ bones

face, cranium

Fertilization usually occurs when the egg is inside the

fallopian tube

Common causes of head injuries include all of the following

falls, motor vehicle collisions, sports injuries

when the body's cells do not receive the glucose they require, the body resorts to burning WHAT for energy


The core body temperature should be assessed to determine the presence of a(n) __________


You are responding to the dementia unit at a nursing home for respiratory distress. When you arrive, you notice that the patient is experiencing mild dyspnea and has an altered mental status. What can you do to help determine if the patient's altered mental status is appropriate for her underlying dementia

find a staff member who can explain the patient's underlying mental status to you

Extinguishing fires, preventing additional ignition, and removing any spilled fuel is primarily the responsibility of _______ _______

fire fighters

You and the patient should be covered with a thick, _________ _______ or ________ for protection from broken glass during disentanglement

fire-resistant canvas; blanket

For CPR to be effective, the patient must be lying supine on a(n) _________ surface.


You respond to a 14-year-old boy who fell out of a tree at a local park. He is unresponsive. His airway is open and respirations are 16 breaths/min and regular. His pulse is strong regular. Distal pulses are present. You manage the cervical spine. Who should you ask for help in determining the how the injury happened

first responders, family members, & bystanders

________ _________ __________ respond initially to the scene with personnel and equipment to treat the sick and injured until an ambulance can arrive

first-responder vehicles

When assessing the abdomen, remember that elderly patients have a ________ __________ __________ and may not show signs of rigidity in abdominal trauma

flaccid abdominal wall

The region below the rib cage and above the hip is called the


Treatment for abdominal evisceration includes

flexing the knees and legs to relieve pressure on the abdomen

Wheezing occurs because excessive ____ and mucus are secreted into the bronchial passages


It is 0300 hours and you and your partner are called to a private residence for an 86 year old man reporting a sudden onset of shortness of breath. on arrival, you observe an older home in need of repair. when you enter the home, you find that there are seven cats, and there is the strong odor of stale cat food and litter boxes. on auscultation of the patient's lungs your partner hears crackles. these lung sounds are caused by air passing through

fluid in the alveoli

When flushing an eye with saline to remove a foreign object, it is important to remember to

flush from the nose side of the eye toward the outside

Which of the following is not considered a potential cause of a developmental disability

folic acid deficiency

Located on the front (anterior) and back (posterior) portions of the head are soft spots, the _________


The ______ is a large opening at the base of the skull

foramen magnum

The brain connects to the spinal cord through a large opening at the base of the skull known as the

foramen magnum

Deceleration straps over the shoulders prevent the patient from continuing to move _________ in case the ambulance suddenly slows or stops


Car seats are designed to be either ________ or ________; they cannot be mounted sideways on a bench seat

forward-facing, rear-facing

At no time should medical personnel enter a trench deeper that _________ ________ without proper shoring in place

four feet

The ideal procedure for moving a patient from the ground to the backboard is the

four person log roll

You are requested out to County Road 93 for a vehicle collision at a rural area known for serious crashes. After driving with lights and sirens for nearly 20 minutes to reach the scene, you arrive at the intersection at the east end of the county. As you pull up, you see 2 pickup trucks crushed into a mass of twisted, smoking metal. A sheriff's deputy is shouting and waving you over to the passenger side door of one of the demolished trucks. You quickly look down all four roads leading to the scene and note that they are deserted as far as you can see. Which phase of an ambulance call does this scenario demonstrate


All of the following conditions refer to when exposed parts of the body become very cold, but not frozen

frostnip, trench foot, & immersion foot

The ambulance inspection should include checks of

fuel level, brake fluid, & wheels and tires

_______ burns may involve the subcutaneous layers, muscle, bone, or internal organs


Depression & schizophrenia are examples of

functional disorders.

You may help control bleeding by massaging the __________ after delivery of the placenta


Which of the following is not considered a common condition of the elderly


Which of the following should Not be used as an occlusive dressing

gauze pads

A type of seizure that is characterized by severe twitching of all the body's muscles & lasts for several minutes/longer is called a(n)

generalized seizure.

You and you partner are called to a private residence for a woman in labor. On arrival, you find a 27 year old woman lying on the living room couch and she appears to be having a contraction. Following delivery, what is the correct way to stimulate the newborn to breathe

gently rub the newborn's back

Which of the following is true regarding delivery with a nuchal cord

gently slip the cord over the infant's head or shoulder, encourage the woman to push harder and faster after cutting the cord, & clamp the cord and cut it, then gently unwind it from around the neck if wrapped around more than once

Which of the following is not a common stereotype regarding geriatrics

geriatric patients are likely to die on an EMS call

As cells on the surface of the skin are worn away, new cells form in the ______ layer


Which of the following statements is

gestational diabetes will clear up in most women after delivery, as pregnancy progresses, the uterus enlarges and rises out of the puelvis, & some cultures may not permit male EMTs to examine a female patient

without ________________________ or with very low levels, brain cells rapidly suffer permanent damage


Type 1 diabetes is a condition in which

glucose utilization is impaired.

Symptoms of ____________ appear approximately 2 to 10 days after exposure


A ___ fracture is an incomplete fracture that passes only pathway through the shaft of a bone but may still cause severe angulation


___________ can be very messy, sometimes involving large amounts of blood and bodily fluids

gynecologic emergencies

All of the following are common predisposing events that can lead to suicide in the elderly except


Medium-velocity penetrating injuries may be caused by a


The alveoli in an older patient's lung tissue can become enlarged and less elastic, making it

harder to exhale air

The primary purpose of a "jump kit" is to

have available all of the equipment that will be used in the first 5 minutes.

If there are downed power lines near a vehicle involved in a crash, you should

have the patient remain in the vehicle

In addition to posing a threat to you and others at the scene, _______ _________ may pose a threat to a much larger area and population

hazardous materials

2. When a small child falls from a significant height, the ______ MOST often strikes the ground first


You are called to an automotive body shop for an assault patient. Law enforcement personnel have arrived and declared the scene safe. You and your partner find a man seated in an office holding the left side of his head. The patient was struck on the side of the head with a tire iron during a dispute with another employee. He was unconscious for approx 3 min. when you secure this patient to a backboard, what is the area of the body you should secure last


You are dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on a rural road. On arrival you see a single vehicle in an embankment. The scene appears to be safe. The car has front-end damage and a starred windshield. You find an unrestrained driver sitting in the driver's seat. He opens his eyes when you speak to him; however; he is confused and unable to tell you what happened, but he follows your commands. Examination reveals a laceration on the center of his forehead and a large bruise on his chest. Pulses and motor and sensory function are present in all extremities. His pulse is rapid, and breathing is slightly labored: You would use the Revised Trauma Score scoring system for this patient due to the potential for what type of trauma?


Which of the following is the most common cause of death from a blast injury

head trauma

Considered types of motorcycle impacts

head-on, angular, & controlled collision

A young boy was riding his bicycle down the street when he hit a parked car. The following is considered a type of impact associated with a motorcycle crash

head-on, controlled, & ejection

________ _________ can be either external or internal, depending on the type of hearing damage

hearing aids

For many decades after 1906, a(n) __________ was the vehicle that was most often used as an ambulance


All organs depend on the ______ to provide a rich blood supply


You and you partner are called to a private residence for a woman in labor. On arrival, you find a 27 year old woman lying on the living room couch and she appears to be having a contraction. Once appropriate respiratory effort is present in the newborn after delivery, what is the next most important measure in determining the newborn's need for resuscitation

heart rate

Burns may result from all of the following

heat, toxic chemicals, & electricity


heel bone

Signs and symptoms of internal bleeding in both trauma and medical patients include


_______ is vomited blood


A _ is blood that has collected w/in a damaged tissue/in a body cavity when a large blood vessel is damaged & bleeds rapidly


A(n) _______ occurs whenever a large blood vessel is damaged and bleeds


You are dispatched to a private residence for a person experiencing abdominal pain. You arrive to find a 25 year old man lying on the couch in the fetal position. He states he was tackled while playing football 3 days ago and now the pain is becoming progressivly worse. He is pale and diaphoretic. an exam of the abdomen shows bruising over the right and left upper quadrants, rebound tenderness, and guarding. The patient states the pain radiates to his right shoulder. Assessment of his vitals signs shows a pulse rate of 130 beats/min, BP of 90/60 and respirations of 24 breaths per min. Which of the following signs would indicate and injury to the kidney has occured


A lack of the one or more of the blood's clotting factors is called


__________ is a congenital condition in which the patient lacks one or more of the normal clotting factors of blood


Signs & symptoms of a chest injury include all of the following

hemoptysis, asymmetrical chest movement, & increased pain w/ breathing

A 56-year-old man experienced a sudden, severe headache & then became unresponsive. He has a history of high blood pressure. The MOST likely cause of his condition is a(n)

hemorrhagic stroke.

_________ and long-term exposure to loud noises are the main factors that contribute to hearing loss


Contributing factors to the development of heat illnesses include all of the following

high air temperature, vigorous exercise, & high humidity

The ________ is the most visible, effective warning device for clearing traffic in front of the vehicle

high-beam flasher unit

____ produce severed damage to the skeleton, surrounding soft tissues, and vital internal organs

high-energy injuries

The humerus connects with the radius and ulna to form the ______________ elbow joint


Small areas of generalized itching and/or burning that appear as multiple raised areas on the skin


Which of the following is a sign or symptom of a laryngeal injury

hoarseness, difficulty breathing, & subcutaneous emphysema


holding syncope- Loss of consciousness caused by a decreased breathing stimulus.

What is insulin

hormone that helps metabolize glucose

the ingestion of marijuana can lead to cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, resulting in extreme nausea and vomiting. How are these symptoms typically relieved?

hot showers

It is 0300 hours and you and your partner are called to a private residence for an 86 year old man reporting a sudden onset of shortness of breath. on arrival, you observe an older home in need of repair. when you enter the home, you find that there are seven cats, and there is the strong odor of stale cat food and litter boxes. what assessment question should you ask to help clarify his symptoms of a sudden feeling of suffocation and respiratory distress

how many pillows do you sleep on

Questions to ask when obtaining a history from a patient appearing to have an allergic reaction include

how the patient was exposed

An increase in CO2 in the blood is known as ________


the sweet fruity odor on the breath of a patient is commonly found in what condition


A woman called EMS because her 12-year-old son, who had been experiencing excessive urination, thirst, & hunger for the past 36 hours, has an altered mental status & is breathing fast. You should be MOST suspicious for

hyperglycemic crisis.

Which of the following is not a factor that affects the development of osteoporosis


Severe acute alcohol ingestion may cause


More extensive closed injuries may involve significant swelling and bleeding beneath the skin, which could lead to

hypolvelimic shock

the presence of WHAT or respiratory distress indicates that the patient is having a sever enough allergic reaction to lead to death


A patient experiencing weight gain, fatigue, cold intolerance, drier skin and hair, and a slower heart rate could be suffering from


_____________ shock is a condition in which low blood volume results in inadequate perfusion or even death


your ability to recognize and manage the many signs and symptoms of allergic reactions may be the only thing standing between a patient and

imminent death

Which of the following is not considered a typical intervention when treating an elderly patient


When a patient is not mentally competent to grant consent, the law assumes that there is __________ _________

implied consent


in females, the area between the anus and the vagina

You have a patient who has had a tooth knocked out. You find the tooth. How would you transport it to the hospital

in saline

statements regarding the treatment of an ambulance

in some areas, wrapping the amputated part in a dry sterile dressing is appropriate. In some areas wrapping the amputated part in the dressings moistened with sterile saline is appropriate. after wrapping the amputated part, place it in a plastic bag

which of the following is a contraindication to the administration of oral glucose

inability to swallow

Unless otherwise instructed, only the _______ _______ should communicate any news or progress of a search and rescue to a victim's family

incident commander

All of the following are associated with altered mental status Except


during a transport when you reassess the patient you find the left pupil dilated & fixed. what does this indicate

increased intercranial pressure

You are called to an automotive body shop for an assault patient. Law enforcement personnel have arrived and declared the scene safe. You and your partner find a man seated in an office holding the left side of his head. The patient was struck on the side of the head with a tire iron during a dispute with another employee. He was unconscious for approx 3 min. During the transport, you reassess and find the left pupil dilated and fixed. what does this indicate

increased intracranial pressure

You respond to a 38-year-old man who fell while rock climbing. He is unconscious with an open airway. The respiration and pulse rates are within normal limits. His distal pulses are intact. You check his pupils and find that they are unequal. You know this could be a sign of

increased intracranial pressure.

Known risk factors for Down syndrome include

increased maternal age.

If the typical adult loses more than 1 L of blood, significant changes in vital signs, such as _________ , will occur

increased respiratory rate

Cholinergic agents overstimulate normal body functions that are controlled by parasympathetic nerves causing

increased salivation

Common signs and symptoms of tension pneumothorax include all of the following

increasing respiratory distress, distended neck, & tracheal deviation away from the injured site

Your awareness of and concern for potentially serious obvious and underlying injuries is referred to as the

index of suspicion

Certain injury patterns occur w/ certain types of injury events. The _ of _ is your awareness & concern of potentially serious underlying & unseen injuries

index, suspision

a ___ may cause a fracture or dislocation at a distant point

indirect force

All of the following are correct regarding postterm pregnancy

infants can be larger, sometimes weighing 10 pounds (4.5 kg) or more, there is an increased risk of meconium aspiration, & postterm is considered past 2 weeks gestation


infected w/ rabies

One common problem following burn injuries in children is __________


You respond to a 68 year old man who was involved in a motor vehicle collision. He is unresponsive, and as you approach you notice he is not breathing. He was unrestrained and has massive facial injuries. When you check his airway, it is obstructed. Which of the following is Not likely to cause an upper airway obstruction in a patient with facial trauma

inflamed tonsils

Most poisonings occur via the _ route


The presence of burning of the mucous membranes around the mouth suggests

ingestion of poison

diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder in which the hormone _____________ is missing or ineffective


oral diabetic medications do NOT include


what is the hormone that is normally produced by the pancreas that enables glucose to enter the cells AKA "the key"


An important part of the assessment process for a patient with special needs is to

interact with the caregiver.

You and your partner are dispatched to the rodeo arena for a person reporting shortness of breath and chest pain. On arrival you are escorted to a trailer where you find a man in his mid 30s seated in a chair and leaning forward clutching his chest. He tells you that he was riding a bull when he was thrown off. He states that he landed hard on his right side and heard a loud pop. which of the following blood vessels can be lacerated by a fractured rib

intercostal artery or vein

accumulation of blood w/in the skull/swelling of the brain can rapidly lead to an increase in ICP, defined as

intercranial pressure

_______ bleeding is any bleeding in a cavity or space inside the body


your unit is dispatched to a roadside construction site for a blast-related injury. fire department personnel arrive before you and radio to tell you that the scene is safe. on your arrival, you are informed that your patient is a 46 year old man who had been blasting rock and had set the fuse too short. as he was leaving the area to seek cover from the explosion, he was blown forward onto a gravel area. he tells you that he remembers everything and he did not have a loss of consciousness. he also indicated that the entire front of his body hurts and he can't hear well. he denies having any past medical history or allergies and does not take any medication. on examination you find minor bleeding from his ears and some cuts and bruises to his arms. as you remove his clothing, you find that his chest and abdomen are bruised. he reports increasing pain and experiences severe trouble breathing. as you begin your transport you notice that he is now has hematemesis cool and clammy skin, tachycardia, and hypotension. which condition is likely when signs of hypotension, tachycardia, and cool, clammy skin are found

internal bleeding

________ crashes are the most common and usually the most serious type of collision in which ambulances are involved


The most common and often most serious ambulance crashes occur at/on


Vertebrae are separated by cushions called

intervertebral disks

a patient with hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia may appear to be


A(n) ________ involves bleeding within the brain tissue itself

intracerebral hematoma


is a diabetic crisis which is considered to be a slower progression of signs & symptoms, hours to days, where Hypoglycemia is considered to be a rapid onset of signs & symptoms.

Ventricular fibrillation

is a disorganized, ineffective quivering of the ventricles. No blood is pumped through the body, & the patient usually becomes unconscious w/in seconds.


is a harsh, high pitched respiratory whistling sound, generally heard during inspiration, that is caused by a partial blockage/narrowing of the upper airway.


is a rapid beating of the heart, 100 beats/min,/more.

Traumatic asphyxia

is a sudden, severe compression of the chest.


is a swelling/enlargement of part of a blood vessel, resulting from weakening of the vessel wall,

Cerebrovascular Accident(CVA) stroke

is an interruption of blood flow to the brain that results in the loss of brain function.


is inadequate tissue perfusion.

When treating a patient with autism, remember that the patient

is not likely to maintain eye contact with you

Glucose (dextrose)

is one of the basic sugars of the body &, in conjuction w/ Oxygen, is the primary fuel for cellular metabolism

You and you partner are called to a private residence for a woman in labor. On arrival, you find a 27 year old woman lying on the living room couch and she appears to be having a contraction. The answer to which of the following questions will help you determine whether delivery for this patient is imminent

is this your first baby?

You and you partner are called to a private residence for a woman in labor. On arrival, you find a 27 year old woman lying on the living room couch and she appears to be having a contraction. When your partner asks the patient about any complications related to this pregnancy, she tells you that she has been on bed rest for 7 weeks because she was diagnosed with preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is dangerous because

it can lead to eclampsia and seizures

Which of the following statements regarding hemothorax is correct

it can only be treated by a surgeon

All of the following are true of delirium except

it develops slowly over a period of years

Which of the following statements regarding depression is true

it is diagnosed three times more commonly in women than in men

When documenting abnormal behavior

it is important to: document everything that happened on the call

Which of the following of the following statements regarding the brown recluse spider is

it lives mostly in the southern & central parts of the country, venom is not neurotoxic, & bites rarely cause systemic signs & symptoms

True statements about compartment syndrome

it occurs 6-12 hours after an injury. It is usually a result of excessive bleeding, a severely crushed extremity, or a rapid return of blood to an ischemic limb. It is characterized by pain that is out of proportion to the injury

The main advantage of the AED is

it provides quick delivery of a shock, it is easier than performing CPR.& there is no need for ALS providers to be on scene.

In a patient with a suspected head injury, you should use the _______ method for opening the airway


when reassessing the diabetic patient after administration of oral glucose, watch for all of the following EXCEPT

joint pain

a (DVT) deep vein thrombosis is a worrisome risk for patients who have had

joint replacement surgery

______ are held together in a tough fibrous structure known as a capsule


A(n) _______ _________ is a portable kit containing items that are used in the initial care of the patient

jump kit

when fat is used as an immediate energy source _____________ and fatty acids are formed as waste products


Patients with __________ will require padding in order to keep the patient supine


A _ is a jagged cut in the skin caused by a sharp object/a blunt force that tears the tissue, whereas an incision is a sharp, smooth cut


Which of the following is Not a cause of no traumatic internal bleeding


________ impacts are commonly referred to as t-bone crashes


A T-bone collision typically refers to a(n) ________ impact

lateral (side)

Controlling traffic at a scene is typically the responsibility of

law enforcement

Violent or dangerous people should be managed by ___________ _________ before emergency care is rendered

law enforcement

You should request assistance of a ----- when a mentally impaired patient refuses to go to the hospital

law enforcement officer

A lack of identifiable _________ at the scene hinders the rescue effort and patient care


You respond to a child who has placed a pebble in his ear. He is complaining that his ear hurts. You should

leave the pebble in the ear and transport

The ______ is the thickest chamber of the heart

left ventricle

A(n) _______ ________ ________ _________ is a special piece of medical equipment that takes over the function of either one or both heart ventricles

left ventricular assist device

With _________ heart failure, fluid backs up into the lungs


Rape is considered a _____ diagnosis, not a medical diagnosis


It is important to remove a drowning victim from the water before laryngospasm relaxes because

less water will have entered the patient's lungs.

You and your partner are called to an elementary school for an 8-year-old boy with an altered mental status. You find the child lying supine on the cafeteria floor. A teacher is waiting with the patient and the scene is safe. The teacher states that the child finished his lunch and began "shaking" in his chair, at which point the teacher moved him to the floor. Your general impression provides the following, there are no life threats, he is alert, his work of breathing is unlabored. His skin color is pink. His airway is open and clear, his respiratory rate is 20 breaths/min and his pulse rate are 90. The child is responsive to verbal stimuli and is confused as to what happened and where he is. You do not see any injuries or skin rashes. During your transport and secondary assessment, which finding will help you determine when this patient is no longer in a postictal state

level of consciousness

your unit is dispatched to a roadside construction site for a blast-related injury. fire department personnel arrive before you and radio to tell you that the scene is safe. on your arrival, you are informed that your patient is a 46 year old man who had been blasting rock and had set the fuse too short. as he was leaving the area to seek cover from the explosion, he was blown forward onto a gravel area. he tells you that he remembers everything and he did not have a loss of consciousness. he also indicated that the entire front of his body hurts and he can't hear well. he denies having any past medical history or allergies and does not take any medication. on examination you find minor bleeding from his ears and some cuts and bruises to his arms. as you remove his clothing, you find that his chest and abdomen are bruised. he reports increasing pain and experiences severe trouble breathing. as you begin your transport you notice that he is now has hematemesis cool and clammy skin, tachycardia, and hypotension. after considering this, which factor should you consider next

level of consciousness

The knee is especially susceptible to ___ injuries, which occur when abnormal bending or twisting forces are applied to the joint


Because of local tenderness and swelling, it is easy to confuse a non displaced or minimally displaced fracture at the knees with a

ligament injury

You cannot successfully deliver a ______________ presentation in the field


A laceration may be all of the following

linear, deep, & jagged

It is 0300 hours and you and your partner are called to a private residence for an 86 year old man reporting a sudden onset of shortness of breath. on arrival, you observe an older home in need of repair. when you enter the home, you find that there are seven cats, and there is the strong odor of stale cat food and litter boxes. you find your patient sitting upright in his bed with 4 pillows behind him. he is having difficulty speaking because of a previous stroke. which interview technique should you use when addressing the patient

listen carefully to the answers the patient provides

You are dispatched to a private residence for a person experiencing abdominal pain. You arrive to find a 25 year old man lying on the couch in the fetal position. He states he was tackled while playing football 3 days ago and now the pain is becoming progressivly worse. He is pale and diaphoretic. an exam of the abdomen shows bruising over the right and left upper quadrants, rebound tenderness, and guarding. The patient states the pain radiates to his right shoulder. Assessment of his vitals signs shows a pulse rate of 130 beats/min, BP of 90/60 and respirations of 24 breaths per min. the patients pain radiating to the right shoulder is most likley reffered from the


where is glycogen stored in the body


Which of the following is a solid organ of the abdomen

liver, spleen, & pancreas

injected poisons are impossible to dilute or remove because they are usually absorbed quickly into the body or cause intense

local tissue destruction

You & your partner are traveling to the headquarters for your monthly in-service training session when you are dispatched to the home of an 18 year old woman w/ a high fever. The dispatcher tells you the patient has autism. If you are having difficulty gaining the patient's trust, you should

look around for a favorite toy or object and ask the patient about it.

You respond to a multiple-vehicle collision. You and your partner are reviewing dispatch information en route to the scene. You will be at a major intersection of two state highways. As you approach the scene, you review the guidelines for sizing up the scene. The guidelines include

looking for safety hazards, evaluating the need for additional units or other assistance, & evaluating the need to stabilize the spine

You have called for an air ambulance. While your partner is monitoring the patient, he tells you to go set up a landing zone for the helicopter. When clearing a landing site for an approaching helicopter, look for

loose debris, electric or telephone wires, & poles

Which of the following is considered a possible effect to the fetus when the mother is a known substance abuser

low birth weight, prematurity, & severe respiratory depression

During delivery, after the head has been delivered and the shoulder appears

lower the head a little to deliver the upper shoulder

You are called to an automotive body shop for an assault patient. Law enforcement personnel have arrived and declared the scene safe. You and your partner find a man seated in an office holding the left side of his head. The patient was struck on the side of the head with a tire iron during a dispute with another employee. He was unconscious for approx 3 min. During transport, the patient loses consciousness. The time between the 2 periods of unconsciousness is referred to as the

lucid interval

Blood enters the left atrium from the


Your primary concern when dealing with an unresponsive patient with an open abdominal injury is

maintaining the airway

Splinting an extremity, even when there is no fracture, may

make it easier to move the patient

Splinting will do all of the following

make it easier to transfer the patient, help prevents restriction of distal blood flow, reduce pain

Upon delivery of the baby's head, you note that the umbilical cord is wrapped around its neck. You should

make one attempt to slide the cord over the head.

When on an emergency call, before proceeding past a stopped school bus with its lights flashing you should stop before reaching the bus and wait for the driver to

make sure the children are safe, close the bus door, & turn off the warning lights

a patient who presents with vomiting, signs of shock, and history of eating disorder and alcohol abuse is likely to be suffering from

mallory-weiss syndrome

Treatment of electrical burns includes all of the follow

manintaing the aiway, monitoring the patient closely for respiratory/cardiac arrest, & splinitng any suspected injuries

9. A 4-year-old girl fell from a second-story balcony and landed on her head. She is unresponsive; has slow, irregular breathing; has a large hematoma to the top of her head; and is bleeding from her nose. You should

manually stabilize her head, open her airway with the jaw-thrust maneuver, insert an airway adjunct, and begin assisting her ventilations with a bag-valve mask.

Signs and symptoms of a dislocated joint include

marked deformity, tenderness or palpation, locked joint

All of the following are possible causes of cerebral palsy except

maternal preeclampsia

A(n) ________ _______ _________ is a device that depresses the sternum via a compressed gas-powered plunger mounted on a backboard.

mechanical piston device

A patient who has a significant ____________ ________________ _________________ but whose condition appears otherwise stable should also be transported promptly to the closest appropriate hospital

mechanism of injury

Your quick primary assessment of the patient and evaluation of the ________ can help to direct lifesaving care and provide critical information to the hospital staff

mechanism of injury

Which of the following refers to green or foul-smelling amniotic fluid

meconium staining

A(n) _______ emergency occurs when the patient has an illness or condition that is not caused by an outside force


A(n) _______ emergency occurs when the patient has an illness or condition that is not caused by an outside force: medical


The MOST important reason for promptly transporting a stroke patient to the hospital is

medications may be given to reverse the stroke.

Which of the following inhibits the body's ability to control bleeding

medications that interfere with normal clotting

For every emergency request, the dispatcher should gather and record all of the following except

medications that the patient is currently taking

The Adam's apple is more prominent in ________ than in ________

men than in women

The ______ is composed of 3 layers of tissue that suspend the brain and spinal cord within the skull and spinal canal


The dura mater, arachnoid, and pia mater are layers of _____ within the skull and spinal canal


the CNS is futher protect by the _, 3 distinct layers of tissue that suspend the brain & the spinal canal. the dura mater, arachnoid & the pia matter


Women will continue to experience menstruation until they reach ______________


The first signs of hypovolemic shock is a change in

mental status

You must always be _________ and _______ prepared for any incident that requires rescue or extrication

mentally; physically

blood glucose levels are measured in

milligrams per deciliter

4. The purpose of a shunt is to

minimize pressure within the skull.

In subduing a disturbed patient, use the ____________ force necessary


the onset of hypoglycemia can occur within


A young boy was riding his bicycle down the street when he hit a parked car. Burns from hot gases and respiratory injuries from inhaling toxic gas are associated with which type of blast injury


You have a male patient who has no immediate life threat, but does have bleeding genitalia. You should bandage with a

moist dressing

if you are treating a patient with an abdominal evisceration, you should use a

moist, sterile dressing

7. Treatment for a semiconscious child who swallowed an unknown quantity of pills includes

monitoring the child for vomiting, administering oxygen, and transporting.

When assessing a stab wound, it is important for the EMT to remember that

more internal damage may be present than the external wound suggests.

Concerning the delivery of the placenta, which of the following is an emergency situation

more than 30 minutes have elapsed and the placenta has not delivered, there is ore than 500 mL of bleeding before delivery of the placenta, & there is significant bleeding after delivery of the placenta

Statements regarding chemical burns

most chemical burns are caused by strong acids/alkalis, Fumes of strong chemicals can cause burns to the respiratory tract, & You should not attempt to neutralize an acid burn w/ an alkaline chemical

approximately 80% of all poisoning is by ingestion, including plants, contaminated food, and

most drugs

The ______ nerves carry info to the muscles


A 30-year-old male, who has been playing softball all day in a hot environment, complains of weakness & nausea shortly after experiencing a syncopal episode. Appropriate treatment for this patient includes all of the following

moving him to a cooler environment at once, administering oxygen via nonrebreathing mask, & placing him in a supine position and elevating his legs.

Proper removal of a critically injured patient from an automobile involves

moving the patient in smooth, slow, controlled steps.


mucous membrane that lines the eyelids & outer surface of the eyeball

________ trauma is a term that describes a person who has been subjected to multiple traumatic injuries involving more than one body system

multi system

Polypharmacy is a term used to describe a patient who takes

multiple medications

Anaphylaxis is not always life threatening, but it typically involves

multiple organ systems

Which of the following is Not a symptom of a concussion

muscle tremors

The _______ only requires a minimal blood supply when at rest


A _______ is the result of blunt chest trauma and is associated with an irregular pulse and sometimes dangerous cardiac rhythms

myocardial contusion


n Chemical substances that contribute to anaphylaxis; released by the immune system in allergic reaction

Using the patient's ________ shows respect and helps the patient to focus on your questions


All of the following are associated with Down syndrome except

narrow-set eyes

The nasal cavity is divided into two chambers by the

nasal septum

You are dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on a rural road where a single vehicle us up on an embankment. The vehicle has front-end damage and a starred windshield. The unrestrained driver is lying supine in the road; the police report that they found the patient outside of the vehicle. He is unconscious & has depression if the left temporal area, both eyes are black & blue, and one pupil is dilated whereas the other is normal. The patient has blood coming from the nose & mouth, & palpation reveals subcutaneous emphysema around the clavicles & chest area. The patient's breaking is labored, & the pulse is rapid & thready. What type of airway adjunct should be used to maintain a patent airway in this patient

nasopharyngeal airway

Ambulances today are designed according to strict government regulations based on ___________ standards


signs and symptoms of staphylococcal food poisoning include

nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

If you suspect that a patient has compartment syndrome, splint the affected limb, keeping it at the level of the heart, and provide immediate transport, reassessing _____________ __________________ frequently during transport

neurovascular status

An ambulance call has ________ phases


in most cases would a sport helmet such as a football helmet need to be removed from the patient


Which of the following is a pertinent negative to note during your assessment of a patient with chest trauma

no associated shortness of breath, no rapid breathing, & no areas of deformity

Signs and symptoms of possible abuse include all of the following except

no history of repeated visits to the emergency department or clinic

A ___ is also known as a hairline fracture

non displaced fracture

Airbags decrease injury to

nose, brain, & face



__________ ___________ are facilities that serve patients who need 24-hour care; they are sometimes a step down from a hospital

nursing homes

You are requested out to County Road 93 for a vehicle collision at a rural area known for serious crashes. After driving with lights and sirens for nearly 20 minutes to reach the scene, you arrive at the intersection at the east end of the county. As you pull up, you see 2 pickup trucks crushed into a mass of twisted, smoking metal. A sheriff's deputy is shouting and waving you over to the passenger side door of one of the demolished trucks. You quickly look down all four roads leading to the scene and note that they are deserted as far as you can see. Which of the following would you most likely not need for this incident

obstetrics kit

The _ region is located on the posterior portion of the head


On neck wounds it is important that an air-tight/_ dressing be used, to reduce the possibility of an air embolism


esophageal varices

occur when there is excess pressure within the portal system and surrounding vessel, may lead to life threatening bleeding

Hypothermia is more common among all of the following

older-individuals, infants & children, & those who are already ill

Which of the following statements regarding tactical emergency medical support is false

once you have checked in at the command post, you are free to roam the area looking for ways to help

Approximately ______ of the nose is composed of bone. The remainder is composed of cartilage


Blood leaves each chamber of a normal heart through a(n)

one-way valve

You are dispatched to the scene of a motor vehicle crash where a gasoline tanker truck has struck a small passenger van. The van is situated against a power pole and you note downed power lines. Where should you park the ambulance. You note three occupants. There are two adults in the front and a small child in a child safety seat in the rear. Patient care should be initiated:

only after all patients have been triaged.

Penetrating injury should alert you to the possibility of a(n) _______________ _______________

open fracture

regardless of the extent and severity of the damage to the skin, you should treat any injury that breaks the skin as a possible

open fracture

the most important step in caring for the unresponsive diabetic patient is to

open the airway

there are 2 general types of head injuries, _ head injuries & _ head injuries

open, closed

Inserting a(n) ________ ________ in a responsive patient may cause a spasm of the larynx and result in vomiting

oropharyngeal airway

A drop in blood pressure with a change in position is referred to as

orthostatic hypotension

________ is a progressive disease of the joints that destroys cartilage and leads to joint spurs and stiffness


Hip fractures are more likely to occur when bones are weakened by ________ or infection


A penetrating wound that reaches the kidneys almost always involves _________

other organs

as you irrigate the eyes, make sure that fluid runs from the bridge of the nose


_______ can increase intrathoracic pressure reducing cardiac output and potentially worsening chest injuries such as pneumothorax.


A child in respiratory distress or possible respiratory failure needs supplemental _________


__________ is a useful therapy for many geriatric problems, including vague complaints of weakness or dizziness


Emergency care of a patient with hematologic disorder includes all of the following EXCEPT:

oxygen at 4 L/min for patients with inadequate breathing

Children not only have a higher metabolic rate, but also a higher _________ _________, which is twice that of an adult

oxygen demand

If you encounter a patient who has a hard lump beneath the skin in the chest near the heart, you should assume a patient has a ____________.


When immobilizing a small child, ______ may need to be added to maintain an in-line, neutral position


The major complaint of patients with abdominal injury is


Closed soft-tissue injuries are characterized by all of the following

pain at the site of injury, swelling beneath the skin, & a history of blunt trauma

Comfort care, or _______ _______, improves the patient's quality of life before the patient dies

palliative care

You and you partner are called to a private residence for a woman in labor. On arrival, you find a 27 year old woman lying on the living room couch and she appears to be having a contraction. The best way to assess this newborn's circulation is

palpate the brachial pulse

Which of the following is not considered a risk factor for geriatric patients to develop heart failure


insulin is produced by the


You are dispatched to a private residence for a person experiencing abdominal pain. You arrive to find a 25 year old man lying on the couch in the fetal position. He states he was tackled while playing football 3 days ago and now the pain is becoming progressivly worse. He is pale and diaphoretic. an exam of the abdomen shows bruising over the right and left upper quadrants, rebound tenderness, and guarding. The patient states the pain radiates to his right shoulder. Assessment of his vitals signs shows a pulse rate of 130 beats/min, BP of 90/60 and respirations of 24 breaths per min. Bleeding from solid organs may be causing shock to the patient. Which of the following are considered solid organs

pancreas and spleen

Anticholinergic medications have properties that block the

papasympathetic nerves

The _____ nervous system causes the body to relax


The autonomic nervous system is composed of the sympathetic nervous system and the

parasympathetic nervous system

When you arrive at the scene where there is a potential for hazardous materials exposure

park your unit uphill of the scene

It is 0300 hours and you and your partner are called to a private residence for an 86 year old man reporting a sudden onset of shortness of breath. on arrival, you observe an older home in need of repair. when you enter the home, you find that there are seven cats, and there is the strong odor of stale cat food and litter boxes. the patient explains that he was awakened by a sudden feeling of suffocation and respiratory distress. what are his symptoms a characteristic of

paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

Patients with spina bifida will have

partial or full paralysis of the lower extremities

what does the p stand for in sample

past pertinent medical history

94 year old man fell while walking. Heard pop and fell. You suspect what kind of fracture


All of the following are considered to be reasons for medication noncompliance except

patient disagrees with the diagnosis

Which of the following is true regarding airway management of patients with Down syndrome

patients often have large tongues

The ________ ________ ________ is a structured assessment tool that allows you to rapidly form a general impression of the pediatric patient's condition without touching him or her

pediatric assessment triangle

In addition to hip fractures, elderly people with osteoporosis are at risk for _________ fractures


Open abdominal injuries are also known as

penetrating injuries

Opened abdominal injuries are also known as

penetrating injuries

________ causes injury by objects that pierce the surface of the body and cause damage to soft tissues, internal organs, and body cavities

penetrating trauma

A 30-year-old semiconscious man is pinned by the steering wheel of his badly wrecked vehicle. Once access has been gained to the patient, the EMT should

perform a primary assessment and provide any needed emergency care prior to extrication.

You are dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on a rural road where a single vehicle us up on an embankment. The vehicle has front-end damage and a starred windshield. The unrestrained driver is lying supine in the road; the police report that they found the patient outside of the vehicle. He is unconscious & has depression if the left temporal area, both eyes are black & blue, and one pupil is dilated whereas the other is normal. The patient has blood coming from the nose & mouth, & palpation reveals subcutaneous emphysema around the clavicles & chest area. The patient's breaking is labored, & the pulse is rapid & thready. What is the priority for this Patient

perform spinal immobilization

______ is the circulation of blood within an organ or tissue in adequate amounts to meet the cells' current needs for oxygen, nutrients, and waste removal


The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and the

peripheral nervous system

Blood may irritate the _______ and cause the patient to report abdominal pain

peritoneal cavity

When ruptured, the organs of the abdominal cavity can spill their contents into the peritoneal cavity, causing an intense inflammatory reaction called


A 34-year-old woman w/ a recent history of pelvic inflammatory disease presents w/ acute severe abdominal pain. Her abdomen is distended & diffusely tender to palpation. Based on your findings thus far, you should suspect


S/Sx of possible seizure activity including all the following Except:


The ________ nerves supply the diaphragm


Basic requirements for the driver to operate an ambulance safely include

physical fitness, emotional fitness, & proper attitude

What can be done for a patient with a tracheostomy who needs oxygen when you do not have a proper tracheostomy mask

place a face mask over the stoma

If a patient w/ an implanted pacemaker is in cardiac arrest, the EMT should

place the AED pads away from the pacemaker.

When cutting the umbilical cord

place the clamps 2 inches to 4 inches apart.

If a patient with vaginal bleeding presents with a rapid pulse and pale or cool skin, you should

place the patient in a supine position with her legs elevated.

When performing a physical exam on a victim of sexual assault, you should

place the patient's clothing into a paper bag.

after assisting with an EpiPen what is the first thing you should do is

place the used EpiPen in a biohazard container

A 21-year-old male has a large laceration to his neck. When you assess him, you note that bright red blood is spurting from the left side of his neck. You should immediately

place your gloved hand over the wound.

Premature separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus is known as

placenta abruptio

____________ is a condition in which the placenta develops over and covers the cervix

placenta previa

__________ are the key to formation of blood clots


________ line the area between the lungs and chest wall


All of the following are diseases or conditions that are associated with patients receiving hospice except


_______ is the leading cause of death from infection in Americans older than age 65 years


_________ is an inflammation/infection of the lung form bacterial, viral, or fungal causes


A _________ results when an injury allows air to enter through a hole in the chest wall or the surface of the lung as the patient attempts to breathe, causing the lung on that side to collapse


Air collecting between the lung tissue and the chest wall is commonly referred to as a (n) _________


You and your partner are dispatched to the rodeo arena for a person reporting shortness of breath and chest pain. On arrival you are escorted to a trailer where you find a man in his mid 30s seated in a chair and leaning forward clutching his chest. He tells you that he was riding a bull when he was thrown off. He states that he landed hard on his right side and heard a loud pop. Potential complications associated with fractured ribs may include all of the following

pneuomothorax, tension pneumothorax, hemothorax

When caring for patients who have fallen, you must identify the ____ and the mechanism of injury so that you will not overlook associated injuries

point of contact

____ is the most reliable indicator of an underlying fracture

point tenderness

Signs and symptoms of sprains include

point tenderness, pain preventing the patient from moving or using the limb normally, instability of the joint indicated by increased motion

"hunger" is


the term for excessive urination is


It is 0300 hours and you and your partner are called to a private residence for an 86 year old man reporting a sudden onset of shortness of breath. on arrival, you observe an older home in need of repair. when you enter the home, you find that there are seven cats, and there is the strong odor of stale cat food and litter boxes. the pulse oximeter is unable to provide an accurate reading. what is a possible cause for this finding

poor circulation

Although substantial ligament damage always occurs with a knee dislocation, the more urgent injury is to the ___ artery, which is often lacerated or compressed by the displaced tibia


You and your partner are called to an elementary school for an 8-year-old boy with an altered mental status. You find the child lying supine on the cafeteria floor. A teacher is waiting with the patient and the scene is safe. The teacher states that the child finished his lunch and began "shaking" in his chair, at which point the teacher moved him to the floor. Your general impression provides the following, there are no life threats, he is alert, his work of breathing is unlabored. His skin color is pink. His airway is open and clear, his respiratory rate is 20 breaths/min and his pulse rate are 90. The child is responsive to verbal stimuli and is confused as to what happened and where he is. You do not see any injuries or skin rashes. The teacher reports that after the child was moved to the floor, he stopped "shaking" and his breathing became rapid. This period is referred to as the

postictal state

Cleaning the vehicle inside and out, refueling the vehicle, disposing of contaminated waste, and replacing equipment and supplies all are accomplished during the __________ phase


Smoked crack produces the most rapid means of absorption and therefore the most

potnet effect

the DuoDote Auto-Injector is a single auto-injector containing 2 mg of atropine and 600 mg of


A 23-year-old woman, who is 24 weeks pregnant with her first baby, complains of edema to her hands, a headache, and visual disturbances. When you assess her vital signs, you note that her blood pressure is 160/94 mm Hg. She is MOST likely experiencing


abruptio placenta

premature separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus

The first thing you do each day when you arrive at work is to make sure all equipment and supplies are functioning and in their assigned place. This is the __________ phase of transport operations


__________ is the gradual hearing loss that occurs as we age


__________ __________ form when a patient is lying or sitting in the same position for a long time

pressure ulcers

A 45-year-old convenience store clerk was shot in the right anterior chest during a robbery. Your assessment reveals that the wound has blood bubbling from it every time the patient breathes. Your MOST immediate action should be to

prevent air from entering the wound.

When caring for a chemical burn to the eye, the EMT should

prevent contamination of the opposite eye.

As an EMT, your objective when treating patients with face and neck injuries is to do all of the following

prevent further injury, manage any acute airway problems, & control bleeding

Damage to the body that resulted from a pressure wave generated by an explosion is found in what type of blast injury


___________ is a situation in which the umbilical cord comes out of the vagina before the infant

prolapsed cord

All EMS personnel should wear proper _______ ________ while in the working area

protective gear

Which of the following is performed when caring for a mother with a prolapsed cord

provide high-flow oxygen and rapid transport, use your fingers to physically hold the infant's head off the cord, & position the mother to keep the weight of the infant off the cord

The first step in securing a patient to a short backboard is to

provide manual stabilization of the cervical spine

Patients may show agitation, violence, or become a threat to themselves or others when they experience a(n) ------- emergency


EMTS treating a patient of a sexual assault may not only be dealing with medical issues but with _______ as well


When a female reaches _______, she begins to ovulate and experience menstruation


A young boy was riding his bicycle down the street when he hit a parked car. A patient complaining of chest tightness, coughing up blood, and subcutaneous emphysema following an explosion may be suffering from a

pulmonary blast injury

A patient presents with a sudden onset of shortness of breath 3 days following a delivery. What is the likely underlying cause of this condition

pulmonary embolism

A patient with leg pain who complains of sudden shortness of breath, tachycardia, fever, chest pain, and a feeling of impending doom is likely experiencing a(n)

pulmonary embolism

Which of these contains oxygen rich blood

pulmonary vein

The "P" of Apgar stands for


You and your partner are dispatched to the rodeo arena for a person reporting shortness of breath and chest pain. On arrival you are escorted to a trailer where you find a man in his mid 30s seated in a chair and leaning forward clutching his chest. He tells you that he was riding a bull when he was thrown off. He states that he landed hard on his right side and heard a loud pop. Diagnostic tools are used to assist you in assessing the severity of your patient's condition. What diagnostic tool is the most commonly used o evaluate the effectiveness of the respiratory system

pulse oximeter

Once the head and neck are manually stabilized, you should assess for

pulse, motor function, sensation

On completion of spinal immobilization, reassessment of _______, _______ and _______ function in each extremity is necessary

pulse, motor, sensory

Which of the following is Not a factor in the formation of blood clots

pumping function of the heart

If the baby is crowning and the amniotic sac has not yet ruptured, you should

puncture the sac away from the head and then push the sac away from the infant's face

when using the EpiPen auto-injector do all of the following except

put ice over the injection

The abdomen is divided into four


______ is an acute, potentially fatal viral infection of the central nervous system that affects all warm-blooded animal


additional signs of skull fracture that you may see include ecchymosis that develops under the eyes _ _/behind the ears _ _

raccoon eyes, battle signs

When the vessels of the skin dilate, heat is _______ from the body


When removing an injured patient from a vehicle due to an environmental threat or the need to perform CPR, it is best to use the _________ technique

rapid extrication


rapid respirations

your unit is dispatched to a roadside construction site for a blast-related injury. fire department personnel arrive before you and radio to tell you that the scene is safe. on your arrival, you are informed that your patient is a 46 year old man who had been blasting rock and had set the fuse too short. as he was leaving the area to seek cover from the explosion, he was blown forward onto a gravel area. he tells you that he remembers everything and he did not have a loss of consciousness. he also indicated that the entire front of his body hurts and he can't hear well. he denies having any past medical history or allergies and does not take any medication. on examination you find minor bleeding from his ears and some cuts and bruises to his arms. as you remove his clothing, you find that his chest and abdomen are bruised. he reports increasing pain and experiences severe trouble breathing. as you begin your transport you notice that he is now has hematemesis cool and clammy skin, tachycardia, and hypotension. effective primary treatment of this patient should consist of

rapid transport

A 70-year-old man presents w/ an acute onset of severe, tearing abdominal pain that radiates to his back. His BP is 88/66 mm Hg, pulse rate is 120 beats/min, & respirations are 26 breaths/min. Treatment for this patient should include

rapid transport to the hospital.

General guidelines to follow when caring for a patient w/ a behavioral crisis include all of the following, EXCEPT

rapidly transporting the patient.

Whiplash-type injuries are typically caused by ________ impacts


After administering a nitroglycerin tablet to a patient, the EMT should

reassess the patient's blood pressure w/in 5 minutes.

You are requested out to County Road 93 for a vehicle collision at a rural area known for serious crashes. After driving with lights and sirens for nearly 20 minutes to reach the scene, you arrive at the intersection at the east end of the county. As you pull up, you see 2 pickup trucks crushed into a mass of twisted, smoking metal. A sheriff's deputy is shouting and waving you over to the passenger side door of one of the demolished trucks. You quickly look down all four roads leading to the scene and note that they are deserted as far as you can see. You end up transporting an unstable trauma patient from this scene. Assuming that the patient is breathing adequately, what should you be doing about every 5 minutes during the transport phase

reassessing vital signs

The main purpose of the top chambers of the heart (Atria) are to


What following symptom should lead the EMT to suspect a diabetic emergency

recent change in mental status

your primary responsibility to the patient who has been poisoned is to

recognize that a poisoning occurred

A dislocated joint sometimes will spontaneously ______________, or return to its normal position


A vacuum mattress molds to the specific contours of the patient's body and

reduces pressure point tenderness, provides better comfort, provide thermal insulation

a hernia that returns to its proper body cavity is said to be


Which of the following is not a possible cause of visual impairment

regeneration of the eyeball, optic nerve, or nerve pathway

Epinephrine, whether made by the body or by a drug manufacturer, works rapidly to

relieve bronchospasm

All of the following are examples of passive rewarming techniques

removing cold, wet clothing, turning up the heat inside the ambulance, & covering the patient with warm blankets.

A woman has frostbite in both feet after walking several miles in a frozen field. Her feet are white, hard, & cold to the touch. Treatment at the scene should include

removing her wet clothing & covering her feet w/ dry, sterile dressings.

treatments for inhaled poisons include

removing the patient from the exposure

appropriate treatment of this patient includes all of the following

removing wet clothing, wrapping the patient in warm blankets, placing the patient in a heated ambulance

Which of the following is not a risk factor associated with the implantation of a left ventricular assist device

renal failure

Reflective listening, an assessment technique used when caring for patients w/ an emotional crisis, involves

repeating, in question form, what the patient tells you.

Your assessment of the patient experiencing an allergic reaction should include evaluations of all the following EXCEPT the

reproductive system

When driving with lights and siren, you are _______ drivers to yield the right-of-way


The _____ _______ should provide you with the entrance you need to gain access to the patient

rescue team

When restraining a patient on a stretcher, it is necessary to constantly reassess the patient's

respiration and circulation status

Down syndrome patients are at an increased risk for medical complications. Which of the following is not one of those potential complications

respiratory complications

Opioid analgesics are central nervous system depressants and can cause severe

respiratory depression

The need for and extent of newborn resuscitation is based on

respiratory effort, heart rate, and color.

_________ ________ occurs when the pediatric patient has exhausted all compensatory mechanisms and waste products begin to collect

respiratory failure

The ______ may drop as the brain becomes starved for oxygen and overload with carbon dioxide and other waste products

respiratory rate

As you approach an unconscious patient who is still in her wrecked vehicle, you note that there is a power line entangled in the wreckage of the vehicle. You should

retreat until the power line has been removed or the power is shut off.

Kidneys are located in the _______ space


the _, are found in the

retroperitoneal space: kidneys, ovaries, and pancreas

A patient with blunt trauma who is holding the lateral side of his chest and has rapid and shallow respiration is most likely suffering from

rib fractures

You and your partner are dispatched to the rodeo arena for a person reporting shortness of breath and chest pain. On arrival you are escorted to a trailer where you find a man in his mid 30s seated in a chair and leaning forward clutching his chest. He tells you that he was riding a bull when he was thrown off. He states that he landed hard on his right side and heard a loud pop. the patients chest creveals a large bruise on the lateral aspect of the right side of the chest. When you palpate the area, the patient yells in extreme pain and cannot take a deep breath. What do you suspect

rib fractures

Contents of the chest are protected by the _______


The _ side of the heart receives oxygen-poor blood from the veins


The _ ventricle pumps blood in through the pulmonary circulation


The ________ side of the heart receives oxygen-poor blood from the veins


A ventricular atrium shunt drains excess fluid from the ventricles of the brain into the

right atrium of the heart

Patients with gastric tubes who have difficulty breathing should be transported sitting or lying on the

right side, with the head elevated 30 degrees

Basic types of splints

rigid, formable, traction

Which of the following is considered a type of impact from a motor vehicle collision


A 13-year-old girl is found floating face down in a swimming pool. Witnesses tell you that the girl had been practicing diving. After you & your partner safely enter the water, you should

rotate the entire upper half of her body as a unit, supporting her head & neck.

hydrogen sulfide is a highly toxic, colorless, and flammable gas with a distinctive

rotten;egg odor

when an organ of the abdomen is enlarged, rough palpation may cause _ of the organ


When you arrive at a rescue scene, you should position your vehicle in a(n) ________ location


During all phases of rescue, your primary concern is


The skin covering the _______ is quite thick


The most important consideration when dealing with electrical burns is

scene safety

You are requested out to County Road 93 for a vehicle collision at a rural area known for serious crashes. After driving with lights and sirens for nearly 20 minutes to reach the scene, you arrive at the intersection at the east end of the county. As you pull up, you see 2 pickup trucks crushed into a mass of twisted, smoking metal. A sheriff's deputy is shouting and waving you over to the passenger side door of one of the demolished trucks. You quickly look down all four roads leading to the scene and note that they are deserted as far as you can see. Specifically regarding the transport of patients from this scene, you should immediately consider _________ before stepping out of the ambulance

scene safety

your unit is dispatched to a roadside construction site for a blast-related injury. fire department personnel arrive before you and radio to tell you that the scene is safe. on your arrival, you are informed that your patient is a 46 year old man who had been blasting rock and had set the fuse too short. as he was leaving the area to seek cover from the explosion, he was blown forward onto a gravel area. he tells you that he remembers everything and he did not have a loss of consciousness. he also indicated that the entire front of his body hurts and he can't hear well. he denies having any past medical history or allergies and does not take any medication. on examination you find minor bleeding from his ears and some cuts and bruises to his arms. as you remove his clothing, you find that his chest and abdomen are bruised. he reports increasing pain and experiences severe trouble breathing. as you begin your transport you notice that he is now has hematemesis cool and clammy skin, tachycardia, and hypotension. which if the first important factor to consider in this scenario

scene safety

In evaluating a situation that is considered a behavioral emergency, the first things to consider are

scene safety and patient response

You are dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on a rural road. On arrival you see a single vehicle in an embankment. The scene appears to be safe. The car has front-end damage and a starred windshield. You find an unrestrained driver sitting in the driver's seat. He opens his eyes when you speak to him; however; he is confused and unable to tell you what happened, but he follows your commands. Examination reveals a laceration on the center of his forehead and a large bruise on his chest. Pulses and motor and sensory function are present in all extremities. His pulse is rapid, and breathing is slightly labored: What is your first concern in this situation?

scene size up

People with _____________ may experience symptoms including delusions, hallucinations, a lack of interest in pleasure, and erratic speech


The ____________ _________________ is the most important nerve in the lower extremity; it controls the activity of muscles in the thigh and below the knee

sciatic nerve

The white of the eye is called the _ & extends over the surface of the globe


You are treating a woman who was stung numerous times by hornets. On assessment, you note that some of the stingers are still embedded in her skin. You should

scrape the stingers from her skin.

Blunt abdominal injuries may result from

seat belts

______ burns cause intense pain


You and your partner are called to an elementary school for an 8-year-old boy with an altered mental status. You find the child lying supine on the cafeteria floor. A teacher is waiting with the patient and the scene is safe. The teacher states that the child finished his lunch and began "shaking" in his chair, at which point the teacher moved him to the floor. Your general impression provides the following, there are no life threats, he is alert, his work of breathing is unlabored. His skin color is pink. His airway is open and clear, his respiratory rate is 20 breaths/min and his pulse rate are 90. The child is responsive to verbal stimuli and is confused as to what happened and where he is. You do not see any injuries or skin rashes. If the patient begins seizing again during your care, which of the following would be your treatment priority

secure and clear the airway

Organic brain syndrome may be caused by

seizure disorders


seizure formerly called a grand mal seizure, is typically characterized by unconsciousness & a generalized severe twitching of all the body's muscles that lasts several minutes/longer.


seizure is a seizure that results from sudden high fevers, particularly in children.

Inhalant effects range from mild drowsiness to coma, but unlike most other sedative-hypnotics these agents may often cause


The difference between preeclampsia and eclampsia is the onset of


what are a potentially life-threatening complication of hypoglycemia


The two most common forms of hearing loss are _________ deafness and ________ hearing loss

sensorineural; conductive

You and your partner are assigned to a post at an extreme sports competition. You are called to asses a 23 year old man who was performing an air trick on his bike when he lost control and landed on the bottom of the concrete ramp. When you arrive, the patient is wake and alert and in extreme pain. He tells you he flew over his handlebars and felt both of his upper legs snap. He denies experiencing any loss of consciousness. Further assesment reveals the patient has no other injuries or life threats. His vitals are pulse 104 beats/min BP 118/72 and respirations of 20/min. Using the musculoskeletal grading system, you would classify this patients injuries as


you and your partner are called for a 25-year-old man who was found unresponsive by two hikers in a remote area of a national forest. on arrival, you observe a young man lying supine on the ground with a liquor bottle nearby. despite near freezing temperatures he is dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. the patient's core body temperature is 80F at this temperature the patient's hypothermia would be classified as


The first signs of peritonitis include all of the following

severe abdominal pain, tenderness, & muscular spasm

Signs and symptoms associated with hip dislocation include all of the following

severe pain in the hip, lateral and posterior aspects of the hip region are tender on palpation, being able to palpate the: femoral head deep within the muscles of the buttock

The amount of kinetic energy that is converted to do work on the body dictates the ________ of the injury


Bath salts produce euphoria, increased mental clarity, and

sexual arousal

________ is inadequate tissue perfusion


You are dispatched to a private residence for a person experiencing abdominal pain. You arrive to find a 25 year old man lying on the couch in the fetal position. He states he was tackled while playing football 3 days ago and now the pain is becoming progressivly worse. He is pale and diaphoretic. an exam of the abdomen shows bruising over the right and left upper quadrants, rebound tenderness, and guarding. The patient states the pain radiates to his right shoulder. Assessment of his vitals signs shows a pulse rate of 130 beats/min, BP of 90/60 and respirations of 24 breaths per min. On the basis of your findings, which of the following best describes the patients condition

shock resulting from blunt trauma

Patients with a decreased LOC

should not be given anything by mouth

You may allow a patient with a visual impairment to rest his or her hand on your ________, because this may help with balance and security while moving


______ are tubes that extend from the brain to the abdomen to drain excess cerebrospinal fluid


an African American patient complaining of severe generalized pain may have undiagnosed

sickle cell disease

A young boy was riding his bicycle down the street when he hit a parked car. Patients suffering from an open wound to the neck may experience all of the following

significant bleeding, air embolism, & subcutaneous crepitation

Significant airway burns may be associated with all of the following

singing of the hair w/in the nostrils, hoarseness, & hypoxia

The ________ is probably the most overused piece of equipment on an ambulance


You have a patient who has severe epistaxis. You have been able to rule out trauma. How would you position this patient to help control the bleeding

sitting leaning forward

________ is the ability to recognize any possible issues once you arrive on the scene and to act proactively to avoid a negative impact

situational awareness

_________ is the ongoing process of information gathering and scene evaluation to determine measures for managing an emergency


The ________ is/are our first line of defense against external forces


your unit is dispatched to a roadside construction site for a blast-related injury. fire department personnel arrive before you and radio to tell you that the scene is safe. on your arrival, you are informed that your patient is a 46 year old man who had been blasting rock and had set the fuse too short. as he was leaving the area to seek cover from the explosion, he was blown forward onto a gravel area. he tells you that he remembers everything and he did not have a loss of consciousness. he also indicated that the entire front of his body hurts and he can't hear well. he denies having any past medical history or allergies and does not take any medication. on examination you find minor bleeding from his ears and some cuts and bruises to his arms. as you remove his clothing, you find that his chest and abdomen are bruised. he reports increasing pain and experiences severe trouble breathing. as you begin your transport you notice that he is now has hematemesis cool and clammy skin, tachycardia, and hypotension. the minor bleeding from his ears is most likely an indication of

skull fracture

Eating certain foods, such as shellfish or nuts, may result in a relatively ___ reaction that can still be quite severe


You are called to a neatly kept residence for an 80-year-old woman who lives by herself. She burned her hand on the stove and experienced a full-thickness burn. When treating this patient, it is important to note that

slowing of reflexes causes a delayed pain reaction in older people.

Alcohol is a powerful central nervous system depressant. It

slows reflexes

Which of the following is not considered a clue that your patient might be hearing impaired

slurred speech

Always position the airway in a neutral ________ ________

sniffing position

According to the GEMS diamond, a person's activities of daily living are evaluated during the

social assessment

Severe bleeding may occur with no injury to _______ organs


The liver, spleen, pancreas, & kidneys are all considered _ organs in the abdomen


The liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys are all considered _________ organs in the abdomen


the part of the nervous system that regulate/control our voluntary activites, inclduing almost all coordinated musclar activites, is called the _ nervous system


Cave rescue, confined space rescue, and search and rescue are all considered to be ________ _______ situations

specialized rescue

The _____ is a tunnel running the length of the spine, which encloses and protects the spinal cord

spinal canal

The ----- is often injured during motor vehicle collisions, especially in the cases of improperly placed seat belts or impact from the steering wheel, falls from heights or onto sharp objects, and bicycle and motorcycle crashes where the patient hits the handlebars on impact


You are dispatched to a private residence for a person experiencing abdominal pain. You arrive to find a 25 year old man lying on the couch in the fetal position. He states he was tackled while playing football 3 days ago and now the pain is becoming progressivly worse. He is pale and diaphoretic. an exam of the abdomen shows bruising over the right and left upper quadrants, rebound tenderness, and guarding. The patient states the pain radiates to his right shoulder. Assessment of his vitals signs shows a pulse rate of 130 beats/min, BP of 90/60 and respirations of 24 breaths per min. What potentionally injured organs are found in the let upper quadrant

spleen and stomach

A ____ is an injury to the ligaments, the articular capsule, the synovial membrane, and the tendons crossing the joint


You should not use tweezers to remove an embedded stinger because

squeezing may cause the stinger to inject more venom in the: wound

57 year old man was kicked in the chest by a horse, his breathing is labored RR2o, pulse is rapid and regular, Upon examination of his chest, you notice paradoxical movement on the right chest wall. You should

stabilize the flail segment

You should not attempt to gain access into a vehicle until you are sure that it has been __________


Emergency medical care of a patient with a possible spinal injury begins with

standard precautions

The six-pointed star that identifies vehicles that meet federal specifications as licensed or certified ambulances is known as the _________ ________ ___________

star of life

the classic _ on the windshield after an automobile crash is significant indicator of head injury. Be alert of signs & symptoms of head injury



state is a period following a seizure that lasts between 5 & 30 minutes, characterized by labored respirations & some degree of AMS.

A young male experienced severe blunt chest trauma when his passenger car struck another vehicle head-on. During your inspection of the interior of his vehicle, you would MOST likely find

steering wheel deformity.

In the anterior chest, ribs connect to the ________


Which of the following is a hollow organ of the abdomen

stomach, bladder, & ureters

A ___ is a stretching of tearing of the muscle


An 82 year old woman has slurred speech, weakness on the left side of her body, visual disturbances, and a headache. This patient is likely to be suffering from a


In most areas, an ambulance is dispatched with the fire department to any ________ ________

structure fire

Neck rigidity, bloody cerebrospinal fluid, and headache are associated with what kind of bleeding in the brain

subarachnoid hemorrhage

a slow collection of blood beneath the dura mater but outside the brain

subdural hematoma


substance that is used to neutralize/counteract a poison.

You are dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on a rural road where a single vehicle us up on an embankment. The vehicle has front-end damage and a starred windshield. The unrestrained driver is lying supine in the road; the police report that they found the patient outside of the vehicle. He is unconscious & has depression if the left temporal area, both eyes are black & blue, and one pupil is dilated whereas the other is normal. The patient has blood coming from the nose & mouth, & palpation reveals subcutaneous emphysema around the clavicles & chest area. The patient's breaking is labored, & the pulse is rapid & thready. How should you manage this patient's airway

suction the airway & give 100% oxygen by non-rebreathing mask

Any time you encounter an emotionally depressed patient, you must consider the possibility of _________


_____ burns involve only the epidermis


Any air in the peritoneal cavity seeks the most ------- space or void; thus, the location of the air can change with positioning of the patient


your unit is dispatched to a roadside construction site for a blast-related injury. fire department personnel arrive before you and radio to tell you that the scene is safe. on your arrival, you are informed that your patient is a 46 year old man who had been blasting rock and had set the fuse too short. as he was leaving the area to seek cover from the explosion, he was blown forward onto a gravel area. he tells you that he remembers everything and he did not have a loss of consciousness. he also indicated that the entire front of his body hurts and he can't hear well. he denies having any past medical history or allergies and does not take any medication. on examination you find minor bleeding from his ears and some cuts and bruises to his arms. as you remove his clothing, you find that his chest and abdomen are bruised. he reports increasing pain and experiences severe trouble breathing. as you begin your transport you notice that he is now has hematemesis cool and clammy skin, tachycardia, and hypotension. which is the best position to immobilize and transport this patient


Low blood pressure resulting from compression of the inferior vena cava by the weight of the fetus when the mother is supine is called

supine hypotensive syndrome

Lighting at a scene, establishing a tool and equipment area, and marking for a helicopter landing all fall under

support operations

Controlling internal bleeding requires

surgery in a hospital.

When stabilizing a large foreign object in the eye, you should first cover the eye with a moist dressing, then

surround the object with a doughnut -shaped collar made from gauze

activated charcoal is in the form of


cerebral edema

swelling of the brain

Signs of envenomation by a pit viper include all of the following

swelling, ecchymosis, & severe burning pain at the site of the injury

Signs and symptoms of knee ligament injury include all of the following

swelling, point tenderness, joint effusion

The ____ nervous system reacts to stress


Unlike an ischemic stroke, a transient ischemic attack is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT

symptoms that persist for longer than 24 hours.

joints are bathed and lubricated by _____ fluid


A very common early sign of a significant abdominal injury is


Prolonged respiratory difficulty can cause______, shock, and even death


sympathomimetics are central nervous system stimulants that frequently cause


Signs and symptoms of agitated delirium include

tachycardia, vivid hallucinations, dilated pupils

MOST patients w/ an acute abdomen present w/


You are dispatched to a private residence for a person experiencing abdominal pain. You arrive to find a 25 year old man lying on the couch in the fetal position. He states he was tackled while playing football 3 days ago and now the pain is becoming progressivly worse. He is pale and diaphoretic. an exam of the abdomen shows bruising over the right and left upper quadrants, rebound tenderness, and guarding. The patient states the pain radiates to his right shoulder. Assessment of his vitals signs shows a pulse rate of 130 beats/min, BP of 90/60 and respirations of 24 breaths per min. the most concerning assessment finding in this patient is

tachypnea and tachycardia

When caring for a patient with internal bleeding, the EMT must first

take appropriate standard precautions.

because hyperglycemia is a complex metabolic condition that usually develops over time and involves all of the tissues of the body, correcting this condition may

take many hours in a hospital setting

You have responded to a motor vehicle collision and find a 21 year old man who has massive facial trauma. He is bleeding heavily and is unconscious. The first thing that you do in ;your treatment of this patient is to

take standard precautions

Steps for assisting a patient with administration of an EpiPen include

taking body substance isolation precautions

Services offered by home care agencies include all of the following except

taking the patient to restaurants

The _____ regions of the cranium are located on the lateral portion of the head


You are called to an automotive body shop for an assault patient. Law enforcement personnel have arrived and declared the scene safe. You and your partner find a man seated in an office holding the left side of his head. The patient was struck on the side of the head with a tire iron during a dispute with another employee. He was unconscious for approx 3 min. An epidural hematoma is nearly always the result of a blow to the head that produces a linear fracture in what region of the cranium


Motion of the mandible occurs at the

temporomandibular joint

You and your partner are assigned to a post at an extreme sports competition. You are called to asses a 23 year old man who was performing an air trick on his bike when he lost control and landed on the bottom of the concrete ramp. When you arrive, the patient is wake and alert and in extreme pain. He tells you he flew over his handlebars and felt both of his upper legs snap. He denies experiencing any loss of consciousness. during your assesment of the lower extremities the patient reports pain when you palpate his thigh. this is called


You and your partner are dispatched to the rodeo arena for a person reporting shortness of breath and chest pain. On arrival you are escorted to a trailer where you find a man in his mid 30s seated in a chair and leaning forward clutching his chest. He tells you that he was riding a bull when he was thrown off. He states that he landed hard on his right side and heard a loud pop. While en route tothe hospital the patient suddenly grabs your arm and states that he cant breathe. He appears pale, diaphoretic and extremely anxious. Reassessment of the chest reveals diminished breath sounds on the right side and subcutaneous emphysema. You suspect which of the following conditions is developing

tension pneumothroax

A 40-year-old man was standing near a building when it exploded. He has multiple injuries, including a depressed skull fracture, severe burns, & an impaled object in his abdomen. His head injury was MOST likely caused by _ blast injuries



the adjustable opening in the center of the eye through which light enters

During a 360 walk-around at an accident scene, you should look for all of the following except

the amount of air left in the tires

A young boy was riding his bicycle down the street when he hit a parked car. What was the first collision

the bike hitting the car

A young boy was riding his bicycle down the street when he hit a parked car. What was the second collision

the bike rider hitting his bike or the car

Shivering in the presence of hypothermia indicates that the

the body is trying to generate more heat through muscular activity.

The first stage of labor begin with the onset of contractions and ends when

the cervix is fully dilated

Geriatric patients present as a special problem for caregivers because

the classic presentation of disease is often altered

The head is divided into two parts

the cranium and the: face

A factor that can aid in determining the severity of a burn

the depth of the burn, the extent of the burn, & whether critica areas are involved

All of the following systems contain organs that make up the contents of the abdominal cavity

the digestive system, the urinary system, & the genitourinary system

Considered appropriate use of air medical services

the distance to a trauma center is greater than 25 miles, traffic/road conditions make it unlikely to get the patient to the hospital in a timely manner, there is a mass-casualty incident

a person with an addiction has an overwhelming desire or need to continue using the substance, at whatever cost, with a tendency to increase

the dose

amniotic sac

the fluid-filled, bag-like membrane in which the fetus develops

Inflicted bruises are commonly found in all of the following areas, EXCEPT

the forearms.

retrograde amnesia

the inability to remember events leading up to a head injury

The second stage of labor begins when the cervix is fully dilated and ends when

the infant is born

Which of the following signs tells you that the birth is imminent

the infant is crowning

On inhalation, which of the following does occur

the intervostal muscles contract, elevating the rib cage, the diaphragm contracts, & air enters through the nose & mouth

Central venous catheters are located in all of the following areas except

the lower leg


the main artery of the body, supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system. In humans it passes over the heart from the left ventricle & runs down in front of the backbone.

A young boy was riding his bicycle down the street when he hit a parked car. What will raise your index of suspicion for this collision

the mechanism of injury


the medial & larger bone of the lower leg

You respond to a 19 year old woman who was kicked in the leg by a horse. She is alert and oriented. She has point tenderness at the site of the injury. You should compare the limb to

the opposite uninjured limb

You are called to a motor vehicle collision where a 27-year-old woman has a bump on her head.You immediately begin manual stabilization of the head.Her airway is open and respirations are within normal limits. Her pulse is a little fast but strong and regular. Distal pulses are present. You can release manual stabilization when

the patient is secured to a backboard with the head immobilized.

You and you partner are called to a private residence for a woman in labor. On arrival, you find a 27 year old woman lying on the living room couch and she appears to be having a contraction. The patient informs you that her amniotic fluid was green and she is concerned. The green color is caused by

the prescence of meconium

The first stage of labor ends when

the presenting part of the baby is visible.

Large blood vessels in the chest that can result in massive hemorrhaging include all of the following

the pulmonary arteries, the aorta, & the four main pulmonary veins

You should communicate with members of ________ throughout the extrication process

the rescue team

_______ is responsible for properly securing and stabilizing the vehicle and providing a safe entrance and access to the patient

the rescue team


the study of toxic/poisonous substances

As you perform a visual exam, you note crowning. This means that

the top of the head is visible


the transparent structure behind the pupil that changes shape to help focus images on the retina

Because shootings usually end up in court, it is important to factually and completely document

the treatment given

All of the following male genitalia lie outside the pelvic cavity

the urethra, the penis, the testes

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