Ch 10- 13

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Add a nursing home you find an elderly patient extremely short of breath. To best determine whether this patient is cyanotic, you should

Examine the lining of the lips and mouth

Any MT has an accurate understanding of the diastolic blood pressure when she tells you that the diastolic pressure:

Is the pressure in the arteries when the heart is not contracting

Which of the statements about the automatic transport ventilator ATV is true

It can help minimize gastric distention associated with positive pressure ventilation

The EMT would recognize that admission continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) at a pressure that is too high can cause:

Lung collapse

You're teaching a group of firefighters who are taking the class to become emergency medical responders. The topic is artificial ventilation with bag valve mask BVM. Which point related to use of BVM is important to emphasize?

Maintaining a good mask-to-face seal is difficult

Which description demonstrates the EMT knows how to correctly positioned the BVM on a patient's face?

"I place the narrow part of the mask over the bridge of the nose, and the bottom part in the cleft above the chin."

When you are assessing a female patient with the complaint of shortness of breath. When assessing her skin, which finding should be recognized as abnormal?


You've been dispatched to an apartment for an elderly male complaining of shortness of breath when do you start the process of forming a general impression about the patient?

As you and your partner approach him

When administering continuous positive airway pressure CPAP to a patient, you would recognize that the patient is benefiting from the treatment when the:

Patient states he is breathing easier

As you arrive by the side of a 64-year-old unresponsive female patient, you hear snoring respirations. Your immediate action would be to

Perform a manual jaw-thrust maneuver

69-year-old male patient called 911 because of a sudden onset of pain and the numbness in his left leg. He states that he has history of blood clot that for in his leg and the pain feels exactly as it did the last time that this occurred. He denies any trauma to the extremity. You perform the primary assessment and find the patient to be alert and oriented with no life-threatening deficits to the airway, breathing, or circulation. When initiating the secondary assessment on the patient what would be appropriate to do?

Perform a physical exam of the leg

You're having a difficult time getting air in the bag valve mask to pass into the lungs of a patient with a suspected stroke. what should your first action be?

Perform the head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver again

Which statement regarding airway management in a trauma patient is correct

Performing the head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver on a patient with a possible spinal injury could further injure or paralyze the patient

On scene frantic family members direct you to the basement where their 67-year-old mother has shot herself in the chest with a small handgun. She is unresponsive and breathing six times per minute. The gun remains in her hand by her side. Which action should you take immediately?

Pick up the gun by the edge of the grip and carefully remove it, and advise the police of your action

The EMT should recognize normal skin color in a healthy patient as:


To best determine the type And extent of injury sustained by patient who has fallen, the EMT should consider which of these pieces of information?

the distance fallen and the type of surface landed on

After manual spinal motion restriction is established, it should never be released until

the patient secured on the stretcher

Which of these statements concerning assessment of the pulse is correct?

"The heart rate can be determined by doubling the number of beats counted in 30 seconds."

You've been called to a residence for a woman who fell down the stairs on scene, you find the patient on the couch with a large laceration to her forehead. As you begin assessing and treating her she states that she did not fall down the stairs, but rather was assaulted by her ex-boyfriend after inviting him into her home. He has since left The residence prior to your arrival. In this situation, which statement would be most appropriate

"Aside from your head, do you hurt anywhere else?"

Which of these statements made by an EMT she indicates that he is correctly understands do use a capillary refill when assessing a patient

"Capillary refill is a more reliable sign of perfusion quality in children younger than 6 years than in adolescents or adults."

Can EMT student ask you if it matters whether the blood pressure cuff seems too small for the patient, if a reading can be still obtained. You should respond

"Cuffs that are too small provide inaccurately high readings."

Which statement made by name T-shirts that he understands how to suction patients in a field setting

"I activate the suction device only when I am withdrawing the suction catheter"

DMT is appropriately using the SAMPLE mnemonic when he asked which question?

"When did you eat last?"

Which of these is an example of an open ended question?

"Why did you call 911?"

An elderly male patient who is short of breath is it on home oxygen he is wearing a nasal cannula can connected to the oxygen tank with the flow regulator set to 3 L per minute. As a knowledgeable EMT, you should recognize that the patient is getting approximately what percentage of oxygen with each breath?


EMT recognizes which heart rate would be considered normal for 24-year-old male patient Who is resting comfortably?

62 beats/min

For which of these patients should the EMT perform rapid head to toe secondary assessment as opposed to the focused secondary assessment

A 24-year-old male with stable vitals who is alert and oriented and is complaining of chest pain secondary to a motor vehicle collision in which the passenger was killed

Which of these patients an EMT recognizes a potential occlusion of the upper airway

A 3-year-old male with a fever and swelling of the larynx

And 86-year-old female patient has called 911 for rectal bleeding there's a large amount of dark red blood clots in the toilet in the patient clothing.Emergency medical responder report a blood pressure of 84/68mmHg with a heart rate of 124 beats/min. Given this information, the EMT should expect the findings of:

A narrowed pulse pressure and possible shock

You arrive on the scene of an extended care facility where you see the facility employees removing the residence via wheelchairs and hospital beds. As you exit the ambulance and employee walks up to you and identifies herself as the night shift charge nurse. She states that the facility had a furnace malfunction in the carbon monoxide alarms were sounding. There's probably 30 residents already in the parking lot a safe distance away, and there are reportedly 15 more inside were unresponsive given the number of patient overall, the EMT should

Alert dispatch of the need for additional resources

Which of these patients for an EMT suspect as being mildly hypoxic?

An 18-year-old male who is restless, has shallow respirations and is breathing at a rate of 16 times per minute, with no cyanosis

Which finding individually would most likely indicate That a patient is breathing in adequately

An SpO2 of less than 94%

Processing a 49-year-old male patient Who complains of lower back pain. Which finding would be pertinent medical information with added to the back pain that the EMT will obtain using the SAMPLE mneumonic

Arthritis in the spine and pelvis

Can your paramedic partner caring for a patient who overdosed on a drug that is caused her to become a apneic.Your EMT student is providing BVM been elation with supplemental oxygen via endotracheal tube placed by the paramedic. Patient still has good pulse of acceptable blood pressure. Pulse ox amateur reads 95% and the ETC02 monitor reads 28mmHg. Given these findings the EMT should:

Ask the EMT student ventilating the patient to slow the ventilatory rate

A responsive patient complains of a migraine headache; she has a known medical history of this condition. Which assessment parameter would be most appropriate to address while conducting her secondary exam?

Assess her visual acuity

A 36-year-old patient who has overdosed on an unknown drug presents in a seemingly unresponsive state as you walk in the room doing this what should you do first

Assess the patient's mental status

When deciding whether to transport a patient to the hospital using lights and sirens to the hospital, which information carries the most weight in your decision?

Assessment findings

The EMT correctly using a noninvasive blood pressure monitor when she

Auscultates a blood pressure before applying and activating the device

Which configuration of the bag valve mask BVM will enable the EMT to a delivery the highest concentration of oxygen to the patient?

BVM with oxygen reservoir attached, receiving oxygen at 15 lpm

Which of these disease processes with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) be most beneficial?

CHF with moderate to severe dyspnea

You're performing a secondary assessment on an unrestrained adult passenger who is involved in a motor vehicle collision in which the car rolled over and over and several times at a high rate of speed. The patient is responsive to painful stimuli and is in a shit state of shock. When assessing the patient's head, which of these would be appropriate for you to do?

Check the pupils with a penlight

You have completed the primary assessment on a patient who was thrown from a motorcycle and landed on his head and back on a nearby sidewalk after initiating spinal motion restriction and finding no life threats during the primary assessment, what action should you take first when starting a secondary assessment

Conduct a physical exam

The EMTs correctly Kathyy Patient respiratory rate when he or she:

Counts the number of breaths for 30 seconds and multiplies by 2

When assessing the chest of a patient who was shot multiple times, you find a gun shot wound in the third intercostal space on the left lateral chest what should you do immediately?

Cover the opening with a gloved hand

Which of these conditions would result in the greatest decrease in oxygen delivery to cells?

Decreased amount of circulating hemoglobin

It has been reported that two people have been shot in an alleyway. As you pull onto the scene, you see a police officer standing over a person with blood on his shirt and pants. In this situation, your first priority is:

Determining the overall safety of the scene

Despite coaching and explain the benefits of a nonrebreather mask, a hypoxic patient with moderate shortness of breath in conjunction with lung cancer states that she cannot tolerate the mask over her face. The more she panics, the worse the shortness of breath becomes. What is your best course of action?

Disconnect the nonrebreather mask and replace it with a nasal cannula

Which of these assessment findings indicate that the patient has intact motor function in his lower extremities?

He can wiggle his toes when instructed

Which of these actions of the kids the EMTs correctly using nonrebreather facemask on an adult Patient

He fully inflates the reservoir prior to placing the mask on the patient

When does hypoxia occur?

If inadequate amounts of O2 are available to the cells

Which oxygen administration assistant will provide the patient with the greatest amount of oxygen?

Non-rebreather face mask at 15 L per minute of oxygen

A 44-year-old male patient was cutting limbs for my high in a tree when he fell. He is found to be unresponsive with snoring respirations. His breathing is in adequate her at a rate of 8 breaths/min and his carotid pulse is weak and difficult to locate. Following the primary assessment in the initial management of life threads, which of these actions will the EMT complete while performing the secondary assessment

Obtain vital signs and get a past medical history from the family

A male patient was found in cardiac arrest by coworkers on arrival at the scene you determined him to be in cardiac arrest and started CPR. The A.D. was quickly placed and you shock the patient wants, destroying a heartbeat. Did you do during transport, the patient remains unresponsive, but his breathing and has a pulse. When conducting the reassessment of this patient which action should you complete

Recheck vital signs

If the scene becomes unsafe after you've entered, you should first:

Remove yourself from the scene

When assessing a patient who does not speak the same language as you are your partner, the best approach of immediate care of the patient is to

Request that a family member act as an interpreter

Paramedic has asked you to place a patient on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L per minute. To administer oxygen at this flow rate, you should:

Select "15" on the oxygen therapy regulator

Which of these pieces of information would be obtained by the EMT when getting a history using the SAMPLE mnemonic

Sensation of dizziness prior to falling

EMT shows that he quickly uses flow restricted oxygen powered ventilation device when he

Stops ventilating as soon as the patient's chest begins to rise

As you perform the primary assessment on an unresponsive patient, you discover vomitus in her airway. What should you do next

Suction the airway

Who arrive at a residence were a male patient was unresponsive as you enter the room, you observed an obese man lying in a recliner. His eyes are closed, and he has gurgly respirations. While your partners quickly performing a primary assessment, you should immediately prepared to:

Suction the airway

You were right next to a patient who reportedly had a seizure assessment reveals to be a apnetic with vomitus in the airway. He has a raider radial pulse in his skin is cool and diaphoretic what should you do immediately?

Suction the airway

You're observing an MT in certain oropharyngeal airway into the airway of a 36-year-old male patient of overdosed on eighth street drug. Which observation indicates a correct technique

The airway is inserted into the mouth upside-down, and then turned 180 degrees once it contacts the soft palate

An alert and oriented 87-year-old female patient is fallen And suffered a 3 cm laceration to the back of her head. According to the patient, her walker became caught in the carpet causing her to trip. When obtaining medical history who should the EMT address first?

The patient

You are by the side of a patient who complains of shortness of breath and has a history of heart problems, including congestive heart failure CHF. When assessing the airway, which of these observations best indicates that it is still patent?

The patient easily tells you that she is having chest pain

When administering oxygen to a hypoxic patient with Alzheimer's disease, which of these findings with seemingly indicate that the patient's hypoxic status is improving?

The patient has an SpO2 reading of 94%

You are using an automatic transport ventilator (ATV) for a patient who has an insufficient respiratory effort. What is the best indicator of adequate artificial ventilation by the ATV?

The patient's chest rises and falls with each mechanical ventilation

I Family has called 911 for 41 year oldMale family member whom they cannot wake up. They say he has been threatening to kill himself and believe that he may have intentionally overdosed on his pain medications. As you enter the patient's bedroom you observe him supine on the floor with eyes closed as a breeze you hear snoring respirations as a knowledgeable EMT recognize that this condition is likely caused by

The tongue partially blocking the airway

An EMT is assessing a nine month old infant who is Not acting right per his mother assessment reveals that the child to be extremely irritable crying weakly, And resistant to being touched by the EMT. Which description best describes this infant mental status?


Assessment of a patient's neck reveals that the trachea is deviated to the left. Based on these final assessment findings the EMT should suspect an injury located in the patient's


I'm performing in the primary assessment of a conscious adult, you typically palpate which for Pulse first


Which of these characteristics would be considered Pulse "quality" factor?


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