CH 10

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Why would a nurse researcher choose to use a correlational design for a non-experimental study? A. It represents an efficient and effective method of collecting a large amount of data about a problem. B. Many questionnaires and instruments are already developed and have been determined to be valid and reliable. C. Generalizability is greater than for results of studies using experimental designs. D. It allows flexibility in the manipulation of more than one variable.

ANS: A A correlational design permits collection of a large amount of data about a problem. Questionnaires and instruments are used in all levels of research, not only for correlational studies. Experimental studies are usually considered to have a stronger design and to be generalizable if sampling is appropriately designed. No variable is manipulated in a correlational study because it is considered non-experimental.

Which statement about cross-sectional studies is most accurate? A. More than one group can be compared. B. Only descriptive data can be measured. C. Data are collected retrospectively rather than prospectively. D. Data collection and data analysis can occur simultaneously.

ANS: A Cross-sectional design allows multiple group comparison. Cross-sectional analysis is not reserved for descriptive data. In cross-sectional design, data are collected across groups at one point in time. Data analysis would follow data collection in cross-sectional studies.

Which type of study should be used when data are collected at only one point in time? a. Cross-sectional b. Retrospective c. Longitudinal d. Prospective

ANS: A Cross-sectional design is associated with data collection at one point in time. Retrospective design is analysis of data that has already been collected. Longitudinal design involves data collection over a specific period. Prospective design involves data collection over time into the future.

The longitudinal study and the prospective study are similar because: each moves forward in time. each has an experimental focus. each is able to establish causal relationships. each selects different samples from the same population at various periods of time.

ANS: A Longitudinal and prospective designs both move forward in time for data collection. Longitudinal and prospective studies are not necessarily experimental in design. Longitudinal and prospective designs do not necessarily establish causation; the design could be preexperimental, like descriptive design. Longitudinal and prospective studies collect from the same group at different points in time.

A nurse researcher would decide to use a longitudinal or prospective design because: A. it is associated with data that are focused and deep. B. it allows the overall study to be more manageable for the researcher. C. it allows the issue of maturation to be avoided as a threat to internal validity. D. it allows the nurse researcher to avoid the use of tools or instrumentation.

ANS: A Longitudinal or prospective designs are associated with more in-depth, focused data collection. A longitudinal design can be more difficult for the researcher given the length of time involved. Maturation is a threat to internal validity in longitudinal design. Longitudinal design often requires the use of measurement tools or instruments.

What is the first question that should be asked in determining whether a cross-sectional design or a longitudinal design should be used in a quantitative study? Is there an independent variable? What is the nature of the problem being studied? Will a measurement tool or instrument be needed? Can statistical analysis be applied to the study data?

ANS: B Independent variables are used in both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. The nature of the research problem determines whether a cross-sectional or longitudinal design should be used. A measurement tool or instrument can be used in both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. Statistical analyses can be used in both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs.

What threat to internal validity is most closely associated with a longitudinal design? Instrumentation effects Mortality effects History effects Selection bias

ANS: B Instrumentation effects or testing effects can occur in many types of research design and are not more likely in longitudinal design. A major disadvantage of longitudinal design is loss of research subjects. History effects can occur in any kind of research design Selection bias is due to problems with sampling processes rather than design issues.

What type of research will assist a nurse researcher in focusing on the theory and development of measurement instruments? Meta-analysis Psychometrics Methodology Data management

ANS: B Meta-analysis is a research method quantitatively summarizing the results of many research studies. Psychometrics deals with the theory and development of measurement instruments. Methodology is the section of a research report containing the design, sample, setting, instrumentation, and procedures. Data management is a generic term for organizing and analyzing collected data.

Why would a nurse researcher choose not to use a survey study design? A. Data analysis is limited with a survey design. B. Information collected is relatively superficial. C. Results are never applicable beyond the study population. D. More subjects are required to reach statistical significance than for other study designs.

ANS: B Survey design can yield extensive data for analysis. Information obtained in a survey tends to be superficial. Survey design does not necessarily limit generalizability. A survey design does not necessarily increase the need for a larger sample size

A nurse researcher will choose an ex post facto design over more a correlational design because: it is easier to implement. the independent variable can be manipulated. there is a greater degree of control in the design. there is increased flexibility when variable relationships are complex.

ANS: C An ex post facto design is not inherently easier than correlational design. No variable is manipulated in an ex post facto design. A retrospective or ex post facto study offers a higher level of control than a correlational study. Complex interrelationships usually decrease flexibility in a study.

A nurse researcher chooses to use a developmental study design to: A. allow comparison of the results of qualitative studies of a phenomenon to the results of quantitative studies of the same phenomenon. B. allow reanalysis of existing data for a secondary purpose not stated in the original research. C. allow exploration of the changing nature of relationships between variables over time. D. allow development or refinement of a tool or instrument.

ANS: C Comparison of studies would be a component of the literature review. Reanalysis of existing data for a secondary purpose is the definition of secondary analysis. Developmental design permits exploration of the changing nature of relationships of variables over time. Development or refinement of a tool or instrument is the purpose of methodological research.

Data-collection instruments were sent to the same sample of women at six different times during the first year of living with breast cancer. What type of study design does this exemplify? a. Cross-sectional b. Retrospective c. Longitudinal d. Correlational

ANS: C Cross-sectional design is data collection at one point in time. In retrospective design, relationships are examined about past events to analyze possible effects on current variables. Longitudinal design involves data collection from the same group(s) at different points in time. Correlational design examines interrelationships among variables usually at one point in time.

How does an experimental research design differ from a nonexperimental research design? a. Experimental designs allow observation of a phenomenon as it naturally occurs, and nonexperimental designs permit environmental manipulation. B. Non-experimental designs manipulate the dependent variable, and experimental designs manipulate the independent variable. C. Non-experimental designs attempt to test differences among variables, and experimental designs attempt to establish cause-and-effect relationships. D. Experimental designs are scientific, and non-experimental designs have no scientific basis.

ANS: C Non-experimental designs allow observation of phenomena; experimental designs permit environmental (variable) manipulation. Non-experimental designs involve no manipulation of variables. Experimental designs seek to establish cause-and-effect relationships by active manipulation of variables (e.g., treatments). Non-experimental designs should have a scientific basis or rationale

A nurse researcher would choose to use a correlational study of multiple variables for which purpose? To identify the independent variable To test whether one variable causes another variable To examine relationships between or among variables To distinguish how different one variable is from another variable

ANS: C The independent variable(s) should be identified by the researcher planning a study. Causation cannot be established by correlational design. A multivariate correlational study examines relationships between or among variables. Correlational design will not help distinguish variables from other variables.

Why would a nurse researcher choose to use research studies that examine the associations or relationships between variables? A causal relationship can be determined between the variables. Greater manipulation of the variables is possible in this type of study. Randomization of participants allows for increased generalizability. There is application in clinical settings and a foundation for future experimental studies.

ANS: D Causal relationships are usually determined by experimental and quasi-experimental designs. Correlational or association-type designs do not involve manipulation of variables. Randomization can be used in various levels of research and is not reserved for associative design research. Advantages of correlational studies include their application to clinical settings and a foundation for future experimental designs.

What study design allows study participants to serve as their own controls, allowing early trends in the data to emerge? Cross-sectional Ex post facto Retrospective Longitudinal

ANS: D Cross-sectional design does not allow for intraparticipant comparisons because data are collected at one point in time. In ex post facto research, events have already occurred; intraparticipant comparison is not involved. Retrospective studies are similar to ex post facto research. In ex post facto research, events have already occurred; intraparticipant comparison is not involved. In longitudinal studies, subjects serve as their own controls, and trends in the data can emerge.

A nurse researcher would decide to use a retrospective or ex post facto study because: A. obtaining informed consent is not an important issue. B. there is maximal opportunity to manipulate the independent variable. C. the dependent variable is measured at multiple times to examine maturation. D. the dependent variable has already been affected by the independent variable.

ANS: D Informed consent may be necessary in retrospective studies given some research topics. A retrospective study does not involve the manipulation of variables. Effect on the dependent variable has occurred already, so maturation is not an issue. In an ex post facto study the dependent variable has already been affected.

Which method of data collection is most appropriate for a nurse researcher to use in a survey study? Video recording of people-to-people interactions Direct participant observation Unstructured interview Questionnaires

ANS: D Video recording of interpersonal interactions is more common for observational and focus group studies. Direct participant observation is used in qualitative and observational-type studies. Unstructured interviews are not usually appropriate for survey design. Questionnaires are the best method for a survey study.

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