Ch 11 - 13 : BA 1100

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Production Orientation

-19th century -manufacturing efficiency

Sales Orientation

-early 20th century -supply exceeds demand; a need to "sell" products grew

Functions of Marketing (select all that apply) a. buying b. selling c. transporting d. storing e. grading f. financing g. research h. risk taking

abcdefgh (all of them)


ability for consumers to be connected with marketers along with other consumers


ability of customers to express their needs and wants directly to the firm in response to its marketing communications

The stages to developing a new product is: (put in order) a. new idea screening b. idea development c. test marketing d. business analysis e. commercialization f. product development



brand registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and is thus legally protected from use by another firm


buy products from manufacturers (or other intermediaries) and sell them to consumers for home and household use rather than for resale or for use in producing other products


giving up money, credit, labor, or goods in return for goods, services, or ideas


group of people who have a need, purchasing power, and the desire and authority to spend money on goods, services, and ideas

Reference Groups

groups with whom buyers identify and whose values or attitudes they adopt


inner drive that directs a person's behavior toward goals


involves using communities of interested consumers to gather input and feedback for marketing purposes

Brand Name

is the part of a brand that can be spoken and consists of letters, words, and numbers


process of naming and identifying products

Consumer Products

products intended for household or family use

Specialty Products

require greater consumer and shopping effort; consumers unwilling to accept substitute

Test Marketing

trial mini-launch of a product in limited areas that represent the potential market

Adults spend one of every five online minutes on social networking sites. (true/false)


One of the best ways to get someone's attention is to tell a story, and in the digital age, it is even more effective to tell that story in a short online video (true/false)


Price relates directly to revenue and profits and is a key element in the marketing mix (true/false)


Digital Marketing

uses all digital media, including the internet and mobile and interactive channels to develop communication and exchanges with customers

Promotional Posting

uses promotion to create and maintain an image of a product in buyers' minds

Pull Strategy

uses promotion to create consumer demand so consumers exert pressure on marketing channel members to make it available (the exclusive use of advertising is a pull strategy)

Social Network

web-based meeting place for friends, family, co-workers, and peers -build relationships -provide product info -learn about consumer needs -contact new target markets

Personal Selling

- directly, two-way communication with buyers and potential buyers -most flexible promotional method but expensive


- non-personal communication transmitted through mass media but not paid fro directly by the firm -message presented on the news and company not seen as the originator of the message -public relations department usually deals with trying to gain favorable publicity and minimize the negative

Two factors sparked the increase in consumer generated info:

-a consumer can publish their thoughts, opinions, reviews, and product discussion -consumers' tendencies to trust other consumers over corporations


-a hybrid social networking and microblogging site that asks users one simple question: "what are you doing?" -allows 140 characters or less -approximately 23% of users report that they follow businesses on Twitter

Marketing Research

-a systematic, objective process of getting info about potential customers to guide marketing decisions -vital because the marketing concept cannot be implemented without info about customers

Buzz Marketing

-a variation of traditional advertising where marketers attempt to create a trend -related concept is viral marketing, which gets internet users to pass on ads and promotions to others


-an audio or video file that can be downloaded from the internet with a subscription that automatically delivers new content to listening devices or personal computers -good marketing tool for reaching the 18-34 demographic

Market Orientation

-approach requiring organizations to gather info about consumer needs, share the info throughout the firm, and use the info to help build long-term relationships with customers -began in the 1950s and continues today -new technologies are helping forms to improve communication and learn what customers want

Secondary Data

-compiled inside or outside an organization for some purpose other than changing the current situation -compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau and other government agencies, databases created by marketing research firms, as well as sales and other internal reports

Product Considerations

-digital media connectivity creates opportunities to add services and benefits to products -some products only available digitally which is easier, more accessibly, and trustable as you can read other customers reviews -fierce competition makes quality product and service offerings more important than ever

How Advertising and Publicity Differ

Purpose -advertising informative, persuasive; publicity informative Impact -advertising calls for action; publicity rarely does Cost -companies pay fro advertising; publicity is free Duration -advertising is repeated often; publicity appears once

Objectives of Promotion

Stimulate Demand -often through ads and sales promotion, particularly important when using a pull strategy Stablize Sales -decreasing sales call for sales promotions and ads Inform, reming and reinforce customers

Two major components for marketing strategies are? a. selecting a target market b. selecting a market c. developing an appropriate marketing mix

a & c

Product Line

a group of closely related products that are treated as a unit because of similar marketing strategy, production or end-use considerations


a paid form of non-personal communication transmitted through a mass medium, such as tv commercials

Marketing Strategy

a plan of action for developing, pricing, distributing, and promoting products that meet the needs of specific customers

Social Classes

a ranking of people into higher or lower positions of respect

Push Strategy

an attempt to motivate intermediaries to push the product down to their customers (personal selling indicates a push strategy)

Business Analysis

analyze the products' affects o sales, costs, and profits


anything a buyer gives up to obtain products benefits


anything a buyer receives in an exchange

Total-Market Approach

approach whereby a firm tries to appeal to everyone and assumes all buyers have similar needs


carrying out the goals of business through utilization of the Internet


changes in a person's behavior based on info and experience


customer's ability to regulate the info they view as well as the rate and exposure to that info

Advertising Campaign

designing a series of advertisements and placing them in various media to reach a particular target mark

Digital Media

digital codes delivered via computers, cellular phones, smart phones, and other digital devices

Sales Promotion

direct inducements offering added value or some other incentives for buyers to enter into an exchange

Marketer spent $1.4 B on mobile marketing in 2011 (true/false)

false ($1.2 B)

E-Commerce sales on smart phones totaled $6 B in 2011 (true/false)

false ($5 B)

Decline Stage

firms may eliminate models, cut costs, and finally phase out products


full introduction of a complete marketing strategy and the launch of the product for commercial success

Convenience Products

items bought frequently with no planning, such as eggs, milk, bread, and newspapers


knowledge and positive or negative feelings about somthing

New Idea Screening

management looks at company's resources and ability to produce and market the product (most ideas are rejected in this phase)

Introductory Stage

marketers focus on making consumers aware of the product and its benefits

Viral Marketing

marketing tool that uses the internet, particularly social networking and video sharing sites, to spread a message and create brand awareness

Idea Development

new ideas come internally from marketing research or employees and from external sources such as advertisement agencies, consultants, and customers


organization of distinguishing character traits, attitudes, or habits

Brand Mark

part of a brand that is a distinctive sign

Shopping Products

purchased after consumer has "shopped around"

Social Roles

set of expectations for individuals based on some position they occupy

Maturity Stage

severe competition and heavy costs

Target Market

specific group of consumers on whose needs and wants a company focuses its marketing efforts

Pricing Objectives

specify the role of price in an organization's marketing mis and strategy


temporary price reductions often employed to boost sales -quantity discounts -seasonal discounts -promotional discounts


the ability of the marketer to identify customers before they make a purchase

Product Development

the few products to reach this stage get prototypes and the development of a marketing strategy

Growth Stage

the firm tries to strengthen its market position by emphasizing benefits


the integrated, accepted pattern of human behavior, including thought, speech, beliefs, actions, and artifacts


the process by which a person selects, organizes, and interprets info received from his/her senses

Four Common Pricing Objectives are: maximizing profits, boosting market share, maintaining the status quo, and survival (true/false)


Three Categories of a Salesperson: order takers, creative salesperson, and supportive salesperson. (true/false)


U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) compiles an annual list of consumer complaints related to the internet and digital media. (true/false)


Reference Pricing

type of psychological pricing in which a lower-priced item is compared to a more expensive brand in hopes that the consumer will use the higher price as a comparison price

Business Products

used directly or indirectly in the operation or manufacturing processes of business

Product Mix

all the products offered by an organization

Promotional Considerations

-increasing brand awareness and connecting with consumers -taking advantage of social networks to form relationships and generate positive publicity about products -online promotion allows consumers to read consumer-generated content before making purchasing decisions -one of the best ways businesses can utilize digital media


-intermediaries who buy from producers or from other wholesalers and sell to retailers -wholesalers help consumers and retailers by buying in larger quantities, then selling to retailers in smaller quantities

Pricing Considerations

-most flexible element of the marketing mix -digital marketing can enhance a products' value by providing service, info, and convenience quickly and allowing customers to compare prices -offering buying incentives generate consumer demand for products -to compete on price, digital marketing provides unlimited opportunities


-most popular social networking site in the world -appeals to a broad demographic -fastest-growing demographic is consumers 55 and up -encourages consumer interaction with companies and products

Primary Data

-observed, recorded, or collected directly from respondents -"mystery shoppers", surveys, and focus groups -passive observation of consumer behavior and open-ended questions techniques

Selective Distribution

-only a small number of all available outlets are used to expose products -used most often when consumers buy only after sopping and comparing price, quality, and style

The Marketing Mix

-part of the marketing strategy that involves decisions regarding controllable variables -after selecting a target market, marketers develop and manage the dimensions of the marketing mix to give their firm an advantage over competitors

Intensive Distribution

-product made available in as many outlets as possible -used for frequently purchased items

Exclusive Distribution

-the awarding by a manufacturer to an intermediary of the sole right to sell a product in a defined geographic territory -includes high-quality merchandise

Distribution Considerations

-the internet is a new distribution channel for making products available at the right time, place, and quantities -processing orders electronically can reduce inefficiencies, costs, and redundancies while speeding up the marketing channel and offering low shipping costs

Niche Marketing

A narrow market segment focus when efforts are on one small, well-defined group that has a unique, specific set of needs

Assessing what consumers _____ is complicated by trends, fashions, and tastes a. wants b. needs

a. wants

Several Factors that Affect Campaign include (choose all that apply) a. product features b.choice of media use c. target market d. marketing objectives e. idea development


Stages of the Product Life Cycle include: (choose all that apply) a. introductory stage b. growth stage c. decline stage d. maturity stage e. pricing stage


The internet and social networks have generated legal and social issues such as: (choose all that apply) a. privacy concerns b. risk of identity theft c. risk of online fraud d. need to protect intellectual property


Companies segment markets on the basis of several variable including (select all that apply) a. demographic b. geographic c. psychographic d. behavioristic

abcd (all of them)

Importance of Marketing to Business and Society (select all that apply) a. necessary function to reaching consumers, establishing relationships, and driving sales b. essential in communicating the value of products and services c. spread awareness and achieve desired outcomes d. reach their target markets, communicate their offerings, and establish high-quality services

abcd (all of them)


ability to marketers to obtain digital info

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