Ch 11

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Black men have greater benefit from marriage than Black women when it comes to family life and physical health. A. True B. False


Children from two-parent homes are half as likely to drop out of school, have higher grades, and are less likely to get pregnant. A. True B. False


Children in Black families - especially male children - experience great benefits from parents who are married. A. True B. False


Ideally, how long before the wedding should an engaged couple begin their premarital preparation? A. 12 months B. 8 months C. 6 months D. 3 months


In general, married people lead a more healthy lifestyle in terms of eating, exercise, and avoiding problematic behaviors. A. True B. False


In longitudinal research, researchers have consistently found that marriage satisfaction tends to __________ over time. A. decrease B. increase C. stay about the same D. lead to extramarital affairs


Marriage includes which of the following benefits: A. longer life. B. reduced economic assets. C. unsatisfactory sexual relationship. D. higher levels of interpersonal conflict and depression.


Married people have sex more often than single people. A. True B. False


Morrill found that couples who thought their marriages were great, regularly made sacrifices for their spouse. A. True B. False


Of the following types of marriages identified by Olson, Olson-Stigg, and Larson (2008) in a national (U.S.) sample of 50,000 married couples, which was the second-most satisfied couple type; had the fewest number of children but reported significant dissatisfaction with their parenting; and was moderately high on marital satisfaction scales? A. harmonious B. vitalized C. conflicted D. devitalized


People who are married tend to avoid more problematic behavior than single, divorced, or widowed persons. A. True B. False


The number of marriages in our society continues to decrease, while the number of singles and those cohabiting increases. A. True B. False


Therese and Sergio just had their first child, a son. Sergio's love level is high and Therese's conflict level stays low.Based on Belsky's research on change in marital satisfaction for couples who had firstborn sons, using father's love level and mother's conflict level, this couple would fall under which of his typology? A. The stays good group. B. The good gets worse group. C. the bad to worse group. D. The no-effect group.


To keep your marriage a top priority in your life, Doherty (2001) recommends reminding yourself repeatedly that _____ is/are the foundation of your family. A. your marriage B. your children C. your parents D. all of these


Today we are in a period known as the marriage movement. A. True B. False


Using such ways of expressing oneself as insults, sarcasm, name-calling, hostile humor, mockery; being overly critical of the spouse, are part of which of the following? A. contempt B. stonewalling C. criticism D. defensiveness


Which of the following is the best single predictor of marital success? A. age at marriage B. socioeconomic status C. length of courtship D. complementary personalities


Which of the following sources about couple communication is NOT recommended by our textbook authors? A. Mars/Venus B. Couple Communications C. PREP Program D. Relationship Enhancement Program E. PREPARE/ENRICH Programs


Which of the following states was the first to pass a comprehensive package of legislation designed to strengthen marriage and reduce divorce? A. Florida B. Oregon C. Minnesota D. New Hampshire


Archie and Veronica are generally happy in their relationship but are not very compatible, don't communicate well, and aren't great with conflict management. They are good with traditional roles and having family as a support system. According to the typology developed by Olson, Olson-Stigg, and Larson (2008) what kind of marriage do they have? A. Harmonious. B. Conventional. C. Conflicted. D. Devitalized.


Estimates are that one-half of divorces involve relationships with a high degree of conflict. A. True B. False


Maria and Latrell just had their first child, a son. Since the birth of their son, Latrell's love level has decreased and Maria's conflict level has increased. According to Belsky's research on change in marital satisfaction for couples who had firstborn sons, based on father's love level and mother's conflict level, this couple would fall under which of his typology? A. The stays good group. B. The good gets worse group. C. the bad to worse group. D. The no-effect group.


Married people have higher levels of problem drinking, which is associated with accidents, conflict with other people, and depression in women. A. True B. False


Michaela and Isaiah have strong communication, conflict resolution, finances, and a sexual relationship with each other. According to the typology developed by Olson, Olson-Stigg, and Larson (2008) what kind of marriage do they have? A. Harmonious. B. Vitalized. C. Conflicted. D. Devitalized.


Most vitalized couples end in divorce. A. True B. False


Of the following types of marriages identified by Olson, Olson-Stigg, and Larson (2008) in a national (U.S.) sample of 50,000 married couples, which had the highest levels of satisfaction across all aspects of the marriage; most had never considered divorce; tended to be older and more educated with higher-status jobs; and were high on communication and conflict resolution scales? A. harmonious B. vitalized C. conflicted D. devitalized


Single people have more money than married people. A. True B. False


Single people live longer than married people. A. True B. False


The PREPARE program is not an effective premarital program. A. True B. False


The PREPARE program uses 10 couple exercises to improve communication. A. True B. False


The number of people getting divorced and choosing to remarry is increasing. A. True B. False


The popularity of marriage appears to be increasing. A. True B. False


Tuning out the partner; not responding to something the partner says, are part of which of the following? A. contempt B. stonewalling C. criticism D. defensiveness


What statement is NOT true about children from two-parent homes: A. They do better emotionally. B. They have a higher probability of pregnancy. C. They receive more parental attention. D. They have higher grades.


What time period do the authors recommend for couples to spend in premarital counseling before marriage? A. 3 weeks B. 6 to 8 weeks C. 3 months D. 6 months


Which of the following is NOT a component of a successful marriage: A. Both partners are independent and mature. B. Both partners love each other and hate to be apart. C. Both partners are established in their work. D. Both partners are assertive.


According to Fincham, Hall, & Beach (2006), _____ in marriage has become an important part of the couple's relationship and contributes to marital happiness and stability. A. laughter B. independence C. forgiveness D. commitment


Attacking the spouse's character or personality rather than focusing on a specific behavior; negative words about the spouse that are global, are part of which of the following? A. contempt B. stonewalling C. criticism D. defensiveness


Couple is moderately low on most variables except for equalitarian roles and religious orientation; had problems with communicating and with solving problems; tended to be younger than people in other couple types; had been married fewer years; were less educated and had lower job status. Both spouses were likely to be dissatisfied and to have considered divorce. Which type of couple identified by Olson, Olson-Stigg, and Larson (2008) does this describe? A. harmonious B. vitalized C. conflicted D. devitalized


Gwendolyn and Wade are considering divorce and have poor communication and conflict resolution skills and little strengths. According to the typology developed by Olson, Olson-Stigg, and Larson (2008) what kind of marriage do they have? A. Harmonious. B. Vitalized. C. Conflicted. D. Traditional.


Ideally, couples should participate in which of the following before marriage? A. informational lectures, skill-building activities, financial planning B. assessment instrument, financial planning, couple group C. assessment instrument, couple group, communication skill training D. communication skill training, assessment instrument, family-of-origin counseling


The following conditions increase the chance of longevity of a marriage EXCEPT: A. both individuals enjoy being alone as well as together. B. both individuals are independent and mature. C. both individuals are the same age. D. both individuals are established in their work or occupation.


Using the PREPARE inventory, it is possible to predict whether a marriage will fail or succeed _____% of the time. A. 50 B. 75 C. 90 D. 100


What do studies show is a very predictive of whether or not a couple will have a happy marriage? A. financial management B. children/parenting C. type of relationship D. having realistic expectations


Belsky's research looking at change in marital satisfaction for couples that had firstborn sons was based on love scores from fathers and conflict scores from mothers. He determined three distinct patterns of change in the couples. Which of the following is NOT one of those patterns? A. The stays good group. B. The good gets worse group. C. the bad to worse group. D. The no-effect group.


Blaming the spouse by denying one's own role in an issue or problem is part of which of the following? A. contempt B. stonewalling C. criticism D. defensiveness


Couple had the lowest scores on all scales; were characterized by pervasive unhappiness in almost all areas of the marriage; and were ten times more likely to be separated than the other couple types. In a large majority of these couples, one or both spouses had considered divorce. Which type of marriage identified by Olson, Olson-Stigg, and Larson (2008) does this describe? A. harmonious B. vitalized C. conflicted D. devitalized


Of the types of marriages identified by Olson, Olson-Stigg, and Larson (2008) in a national (U.S.) sample of 50,000 married couples, which of the following places spiritual values as the most important aspect of marriage; has lower scores in relationship skills areas such as conflict resolution and communication; tended to dislike the personality of their partners; tended to marry at a younger age than other couple types and have more children; and tended to stay married even when they were dissatisfied with the marriage? A. harmonious B. vitalized C. conflicted D. traditional


Soledad and Lisandro are extremely unhappy and are in marriage therapy. They have few strengths and almost all weaknesses. According to the typology developed by Olson, Olson-Stigg, and Larson (2008) what kind of marriage do they have? A. Harmonious. B. Vitalized. C. Traditional. D. Devitalized.


Some estimates indicate _____ of divorces involve relationships with a high degree of conflict. A. one-half B. three-quarters C. one-quarter D. one-third


Studies that compare Black American couples to White American couples found many similarities, with some differences that include: A. physical health did not improve. B. Black male children experienced great benefits. C. Black women experienced no benefit in quality of family life. D. all of these


The feedback from a premarital inventory can be useful to a couple in that it A. increases their awareness of themselves and one another. B. facilitates discussion of important issues in the relationship. C. establishes a relationship with a clergy member or counselor. D. all these


Today the PREARE Program is offered by more than _____ U.S. clergy and counselors. A. 45,000 B. 55,000 C. 75,000 D. 100,000


What is useful for parents to discuss and compare? A. Baby names. B. Current events. C. Food allergies. D. Family of origin


When Audrey Bryan (1998) used the ENRICH inventory to assess married couples as they began a class on childbirth and then reassessed them after their child was born, she found that the five types of married couples, A. the percentage of couples that showed no change over time varied greatly by type. B. a large majority of "vitalized" couples remained the same. C. about half of the "traditional" couples stayed "traditional." D. all of these


Which is true of married couples? A. They are healthier. B. They live longer. C. They have a satisfying sexual relationship. D. All of these.


Which of the following are reasons why marriages drift apart, identified by William Doherty in his book Take Back Your Marriage (2001)? A. we stop dating, especially after having children B. we get used to our mate C. we don't know other couples' strategies for maintaining vibrant marriages D. all of these


Which of the following is NOT a type of marriage identified by Olson, Olson-Stigg, and Larson (2008) in a national (U.S.) sample of 50,000 married couples? A. harmonious B. vitalized C. conflicted D. non-traditional


Which of the following is a common format for premarital education? A. small group couples' workshops or retreats where they discuss marriage B. meeting once or twice with a member of the clergy C. completing a premarital inventory and receiving some feedback in 2-3 sessions D. all of these


Which of these is NOT a component of a successful marriage? A. Both individuals are independent and mature. B. Both individuals love each other and themselves. C. Both individuals know themselves. D. Both individuals make a lot of money.


Which statement is TRUE about marriage education: A. It's had an interesting and sporadic history in the U.S. B. It was less popular in the '80s and '90s. C. Its usefulness for low-income and diverse populations is unknown. D. all of these


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