Ch 11 Give Me Liberty

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Approximately how many enslaved individuals ran away to the North each year?


In the Old South, the percentage of white families that owned slaves was approximately


In 1839, fifty-three slaves took control of this ship in an attempt to reroute to Africa.


Blacks, free and slave, took part in the Great Awakening of the colonial area, and even more were swept into these southern religions during religious revivals into the late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth centuries:

Baptist and Methodist

Dueling was legal in mid-nineteenth-century America


In the fifty years following the end of the international slave trade in 1808, the number of slaves in the United States fell by 50 percent.


Separated by large gaps in wealth and breeding, planters and poorer whites of the Old South seldom found anything in common


Whose name is most often associated with the Underground Railroad?

Harriet Tubman

WOTF was not true of the plain white folk of the Old South?

Like slaves, they had few civil or political rights

Which of the following was not a part of slavery's impact on the northern economy?

Slave labor in the southern Cotton Belt undermined industrial production in the North :Northern manufacturers made ample profits producing cheap fabrics to clothe the South's slaves. Northern shipping lines transported southern cotton, and northern factories transformed it into cloth. Profits from the cotton trade helped foster industrial development and internal improvements in the North.

Which was not a condition of slavery?

Slaves were not allowed to carry shotguns in South Carolina

Define "planter" as used in this and other chapters of this book in such phrases as "southern planters were successful."

The owner or manager of a plantation who himself rarely if ever did the actual physical labor associated with plowing or harvesting crops.

WOTF was not a central theme of planter ideology?

There is no place for fixed social hierarchies in a democratic republic

which was not a restriction on free blacks in the Old South?

They could own dogs and firearms

Which is not part of the generally accepted account of the 1822 conspiracy led by Denmark Vesey?

Vesey and his followers killed or maimed 37 whites.: Vesey studied the Bible and quoted the Declaration of Independence. His lieutenant was named Gullah Jack. Vesey had purchased his freedom after winning the lottery.

The southern state with the highest population of free blacks was


WOTF was not a frequent mode of slave resistance?

deadly assaults on slaveholders

"Slave patrols" were

farmers who kept a lookout for runaway slaves.

In most Latin American nations, the end of slavery followed the pattern established earlier in the northern United States—

gradual emancipation accompanied by some kind of recognition of the owners' legal right to property in slaves.

Nat Turner

led an 1831 slave uprising in Virginia, killing about sixty whites

In America slave culture, jumping over a broomstick was associated with which of the following acts?


In the quotation "Exalting the superiority of northern society based on free labor," define "free labor"

non-slave labor that was paid

Most slaves who arrived in the North as a means of escaping slavery did so

on their own initiative

In the years before the Civil War, the wealthiest Americans were

planters in south carolina and mississippi

By the eve of the Civil War, free blacks in the South were allowed to own


What was the result of the Missouri court case involving the "crime" of Celia?

she was sentenced to death

Henry "Box" Brown escaped slavery by

shipping himself in a crate from Georgia to the North.

"In southern cities, thousands of slaves were employed as skilled artisans." Define "artisan"

skilled craftsman

In 1860, the largest economic investment in the United States was in


Compared to Brazil and the West Indies, involving hundreds or even thousands of slaves, revolts in the United States were

small and less frequent

Paternalism meant

the master was the head of the system, including providing his slaves with protection and the right of care and attention in their sicknesses.

The Second Middle Passage was

the slave trade from the older states to the Lower South.

Perhaps the most powerful disciplinary weapon slaveholders possessed was

the threat of sale

Cotton was "King" during the first half of the 19th century. 3/4 of the worlds supply came from the US, and textile manufacturers in New England, Great Britain, France, and Russia depended on the American cotton supply. Define "textile"

woven cloth

WOTF does not apply to comparative experience of slaves and free blacks in the Old South

Between 1800 and 1860 the material conditions of free blacks steadily improved, while those of slaves steadily deteriorated

The southern state with the largest free black population in relation to its total African American population was


Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves, North and South, henceforth and forever more.


Because of passages in the Bible about servants obeying their masters, all slaveholders firmly agreed that slavery was a legitimate institution.


During the early to mid-1800s, sugar produced in the slave South was America's leading export


Slaves knew little of Christianity or the Bible, and slave masters usually withheld access to religion from their enslaved labor


Slaves on cotton plantations found harsher work conditions but greater autonomy than did those on rice plantations.


The Civil War did not provide any opportunities for mass slave escapes.


The Underground Railroad ran on steel tracks (after its iron ones were replaced) that were generally hidden in forest growth.


The laws of almost all southern states recognized the legality of slave marriages.


The most influential African-American of the 19th century and the nation's leading advocate of racial equality was

Frederick Doughlas

Which was not the case for free blacks?

Most free blacks rose to the status of skilled, middle-class workers

A small number of African-Americans owned slaves in the Old South.


According to abolitionist and former slave, Frederick Douglass. "not to give a slave enough to eat, is regarded as the most aggravated development of meanness, even among slaveholders


After a brief period of apprenticeship, the end of slavery in Britain came on August 1, 1838


Although dueling was illegal, many southerners took part in duels to avenge supposed insults.


By 1860, the economic investment represented by the slave population exceeded the value of the nation's factories, railroads, and banks combined.


By the mid-nineteenth century, all states had made it illegal to kill a slave except in self-defense.


Cotton was the major agricultural crop of the South and, indeed, the nation, but slaves also grew rice, sugarcane, tobacco, and hemp


During the 1830s,40s,50s elaborate defenses of slavery grew more and more common in southern public life


During the 1830s,40s,50s southern whites increasingly viewed the regions free black population as a threat to the system of slavery


During the mid-1800s, the roles of slave men and women were as divided as the roles for white men and women.


Following the Nat Turner rebellion, the Virginia legislature discussed the possibility of abolishing slavery within the state


For slaves, slavery meant constant fear that their families might be destroyed by sale, incessant toil, and brutal punishment


Given the primitive nature of professional medical treatment, some whites sought out slave healers instead of trained physicians.


Historians consider Nat Turners rebellion to be the only large-scale slave rebellion in the South


Improvements in the slaves living conditions were meant to strengthen slavery, not undermine it


In 1850, most slaveowning families owned five or fewer slaves.


In 1860, the South as a whole produced less than 10 percent of the nation's manufactured goods.


In 1860, three of four white families owned no slaves.


In the midst of the American Antebellum Era, the British Parliament launched a program for abolishing slavery throughout the British Empire in 1831.


Often, many slaves supplement the food provided by their owners with other food items including chickens and vegetables they raised themselves


Slave owners had many ways to enforce discipline among their slaves- from physical punishment, to material incentives, to the threat of sale.


Slavery for blacks, the South declared, was the surest guarantee of "perfect equality" among whites, as they liberated them from the "low, menial" jobs like factory labor and domestic service performed by wage laborers in the North.


Slaves had many ways to "guietly" resist the power of the slave owners-from feigning illness, to wrecking tools, to performing inadequate labor


The prevalence of plantation slavery kept the South from matching northern rates of immigration, industrial development, and urban growth.


What happened to the 135 enslaved persons who in 1841 seized the ship, the Creole, and sailed to Nassau in search of freedom?

They were given refuge in the British Caribbean.

WOTF was not a feature of slave culture?

a notable indifference to gender roles

As acts of self-empowerment, enslaved individuals often

broke tools

Which was not a job slaves occupied


The newly created Republican Party of the 1850s was dedicated to

confining slavery to the states in which it already existed

By 1860, more than half of the US exports were in


Labor on rice plantations in South Carolina and Georgia was generally done by

task labor

John C. Calhoun of South Carolina considered "the most false and dangerous of all political errors"

that all men are created equal and entitled to liberty.

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