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Britain's Role

Economic factors that made Britain no longer dependent on Southern cotton: Britain had accumulated a huge cotton inventory just before the war Got cotton from Egypt and India When Europe's wheat crop failed, Northern wheat and corn replaced cotton as an essential import Britain remained Neutral

Lincoln's Dilemma for Fort Sumter

If he ordered the navy to shoot its way into Charleston harbor and reinforce Fort Sumter, he would be responsible for starting hostilities, which might prompt the slave states still in the Union to secede If he ordered the fort evacuated, he would be treating the Confederacy was a legitimate nation; such an action would anger the Republican Party, weaken his administration, and endanger the Union. He decided to not abandon Fort Sumter, but neither reinforce it, he would "send food for hungry men"

Fort Henry and Fort Donelson (Tennessee)

Ulysses S. Grant captured these 2 Confederate forts in February of 1862 Unconditional Surrender Grant

Fredericksburg, VA

Union - Ambrose Burnside CSA - Lee Confederate Victory

Appomattox, VA

Union - Grant CSA - Lee Union Victory

Vicksburg, Mississippi

Union - Grant CSA - Penberton Union Victory Was the one of the only 2 CSA holdouts preventing the Union from taking control of the MISS River ----- Grant sent a calvary brigade to destroy rail lines in central MISS to draw attention away from the port city Union troops whipped CSA troops and sacked Jackson, MISS B/c 2 frontal assaults didn't work, he settled in for a siege shelled the city from both the river and the land July 3 - Penberton asked for surrender July 4 - the city fell 1863 5 days later, the other holdout of the MISS R, POrt Hudson, LA, and the CONFEDERACY WAS CUT IN TWO

Second Bull Run (Manassas, VA)

Union - John Pope CSA - Lee Confederate Win August 29 and 30

Chancellorsville, VA

Union - Joseph Hooker CSA - Lee Confederate Victory Confederate guards mistook General Stonewall Jackson for a Yankee and shot him in the left arm

Chickamauga, GA

Union - Longstreet, Thomas (rock of C.) Confederacy win

Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg, MD)

Union - McClellan CSA - Lee Draw, but basically Union Victory September 17 McClellan had the stoke of luck of finding the CSA battle plans revealing that Lee and Jackson's armies were separated bloodiest single-day battle in American History

Gettysburg, VA

Union - Meade, Buford, Chamberlain, Gregg CSA - Lee, Pickett, Hill, Longstreet, Pickett, Stuart Union Victory 3 Day Battle From July 1 to July 3 Turning point in the war - South became purely defensive

Petersburg, VA

Union - Meade, Grant CSA - Beauregard, Lee Union Victory

Atlanta, GA

Union - Sherman Union Win occupied a transportation center on Spet 2, 1864

Sherman's March to the Sea

Union - Sherman, Grant CSA - Hardee, Johnston, Beauregard Confederacy????, i Think Union Decided he would make a path of destruction Thru GA, SC (the most destruction b/c thats where secession started), and NC

Gideon Welles

Union Secretary of the Navy had the Union create an ironclad ship

Clara Barton

Union nurse who was called "Angel of the Battlefield" founded the Red Cross in 1881

Anaconda Plan

Union's three-part military strategy (1) the Union navy would blockade Southern ports, so they could neither export cotton nor import much-needed manufactured goods (2) Union riverboats and armies would move down the MISS River and split the CSA into two (3) Union armies would capture the CSA capital at Richmond, VA

Seven Days' Battles (near Richmond, VA)

Union: McClellan CSA: Joseph E. Johnston and Robert E. Lee After being overly-cautious, McClellan moved his Army of the Potomac on to Richmond, an encountered Johnston, but he got injured Lee took over and moved against McClellan in ________________ from June 25 to July 1, 1862 Confederate win

Battle of Shiloh (Tennessee)

Union: Ulysses S. Grant, William Tecumseh Sherman CSA - Johnston, Beauregard Grant gathered his troops in the Tennessee church in March of 1862 On April 6, CSA had a surprise attack Confeds were in retreat Draw, but CSA failure to hold onto it's Ohio-Kentucky frontier showed that part (2) of Anaconda plan would work

Results of the Fall of Fort Sumter

united the North way more soldiers volunteered than were required VA Secedes Anti-slavery counties seceded from VA and formed West VA

Mary Chestnut

well-born Southerner whose husband served in the CSA gov kept a Civil War diary _______________'s Civil War Complained of inflation

Sally Tompkins

commissioned as captain of the Southern women volunteer nurses

Southern Military Strategy

defensive, but encouraged to attack and invade the Union if possible

Reactions to the Emancipation Proclamation

gave the war a high moral purpose by turning the struggle into a fight to free slaves Free blacks approved b/c it allowed them to enlist Not everyone in the North approved: Democrats claimed it would prolong the war Soldiers accepted it grudgingly, saying they would support it if thats what it took to unify the nation the South hated it After the proclamation, compromise was no longer and option between the North and the South

United States Sanitary Commission

its task: to improve the hygienic conditions of army camps and to recruit and train nurses set up by Federal government

Conditions of soldiers

many diseased Union: ate hardtack CSA: cush Resulted in the United States Sanitary Commission


more accurate than old-fashioned muskets and easier/faster to load; therefore more rounds in battle

Union's War Benefits

more fighting power, factories, food production, and extensive railroad track, & Lincoln proved to be an effective leader

David Farragut

seized New Orleans on April 29, took control of Baton Rouge, and Natchez

National Bank Act of 1863

set up a system of federally chartered banks, set requirements for loans, and provided for banks to be inspected in order to make banking safer for investors

Southern War Benefits

the "King of Cotton," first-rate generals, a strong military tradition, and soldiers who were highly motivated; however, the South had local and limited gov and resistance to centralized gov necessary to run a war

Dorothea Dix

the nation's first superintendent of the women nurses

The Trent Affair

1861 CSA sent 2 diplomats, James Mason and John Slidell in a 2nd attempt to gain the support of Britain and France (1st attempt was William Yancey) The 2 men traveled on the Trent, a ship Chalrles Wilkes of the American warship San Jacinto stopped the Trent and arrested the two men Britain threatened war against the Union and dispatched 8,000 troops to Canada Aware of the need to fight "just one war at a time", Lincoln freed the 2 prisoners, publicly claiming that Wilkes had acted w/out orders Britain was as relieved as the US was to peacefully end the crisis

African Americans as Soldiers

1862, Congress passed a law allowing African Americans to serve in the military After the Emanc. Procl., a large scale enlistment occurred Suffered discrimination: separate regiments w/ white officers, couldn't rise above the rank of captain, paid less $$$, assigned more dangerous jobs, Massacre at Fort Pillow - CSA troops killed over 200 African American prisoners

Lincoln's View of Slavery

Although he disliked slavery, he didn't believe that the fed gov had the power to abolish it where it already existed "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy Slavery" As the war progressed, Lincoln used his constitutional powers to end slavery: As commander in chief, Lincoln decided that, just as he could order the Union army to seize Confed supplies, he could also authorize the army to emancipate slaves - Emancipation Proclamation

Assassination of Lincoln

April 14, 1865 John Wilkes Booth is responsible, shot him in the head and then jumped to the stage either shouting: "Thus be it ever to tyrants" or "The South is avenged" Union calvary found him in a barn, set it on fire, heard a shot, then Booth died Lincoln died on April 15, the next morning

Ulysses S. Grant

Became known as Unconditional Surrender (US) Grant for his terms at the capturing of Fort Henry and Donelson

Political Changes from the War

Before the war, Southern states had threatened secession when federal policies angered them After the war, the federal gov assumed supreme national authority and no state has ever seceded again The state's rights issue did not go away: it simply led in a different direction than secession The war greatly increased the fed gov's power The gov now taxed private incomes, required everyone to accept its new paper currency, forced men to fight in the war After the war, US citizens could no longer assume that the national gov in DC was too far away to bother them

Economic Changes from the War

Between 1861 and 1865, the fed gov did much to help business, in part thru financially supporting construction of a national railroad system National Bank Act of 1863 The economy of the Northern states boomed Northern entrepreneurs had grown rich selling war supplies to the gov and thus had money to invest in new businesses after the war As army recruitment cerated a labor shortage in the North, the sale of labor-saving agricultural tools (ie. the reaper) increased dramatically By the war's end, large-scale commercial agriculture had taken hold The war devastated the South's economy It took away the South's cheap labor source - slavery Wrecked most of the region's industry Wiped out 40% of the livestock, destroyed much of the South's farm machinery and railroads, and left 1,000s of acres uncultivated The economic gap widened b/t the N and S Before the war: Southern states held 30% of the wealth and in 1870 they had 12%

Gettysburg - First Day

CSA Soldiers led by A. P. Hill, heard there was a supply of foot wear in Gettysburg, and were trying to meet up with General Lee They ran into Union General John Buford and engaged in battle The CSA had a furious attack and Union General George Meade The Confeds took control of the town Lee had take control of Cemetery Ridge, held by Union troops and the high ground south of Gettysburg July 1, 1863

Stephen R Malloy

Confederate Secretary of the Navy was one of the people behind the idea of an ironclad ship

Thirteenth Amendment

Constitutional amendment that abolished slavery In 1864, passed the Republican-controlled Senate, but not the Democratic House In 1865, passed with 2 votes to spare; 27 states, including 8 southern, voted for it

The Election of 1864

Democrats joined Pro-Southern party members: George McClellan: immediate armistice Radical Republicans: John C. Fremont: harsh proposal for readmitting Southern states Nation Union Party: Lincoln with VP Andrew Johnson Lincoln Strokes of Luck Admiral David Farragut shut down a major Southern Port Sherman telegraphed, "Atlanta is ours" Fremont withdraw General Sheridan chased Confeds out of Northern VA LINCOLN WINS!

Emancipation Proclamation

January 1, 1863 Emancipation offered a strategic benefit: the abolitionist movement was strong in Britain, and emancipation would discourage Britain from supporting the CSA Didn't free any slaves b/c it only applied to slaves behind CSA lines, outside of Union control Didn't apply to Union troops or the Southern states that hadn't seceded

First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas, VA)

July 21, 1861 Union General: Irvin McDowell CSA - Beauregard (Stonewall Jackson) Confederacy win

Gettysburg - Second Day

Lee ordered General James Longstreet to attack Cemetery Ridge Union accidentally left Little Round Top unguarded Union Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain fought with the rebels and led a bayonet charge against them Union succeeded in saving Union lines from rebel attacks on Little Round Top Union ahead by end of the day July 2, 1863

New Appointments in 1864

Lincoln appointed Ulysses S. Grant as commander of All Union Armies In turn, Grant appointed William Tecumseh Sherman as commander of the military division of the Miss Both believed in total war: fight the army and the civilians


Northern Democrats who advocated peace w/the South

The Gettysburg Address

Nov 19, 1863 a ceremony to dedicate a cemetery in Gettysburg Orator Edward Everett spoke for Hours Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address in 2 minutes

Gettysburg - Third Day

When the CSA attacked the middle of the Union lines and the Union fell silent, Lee ordered Longstreet to press forward Reluctantly, he ordered his men and General Pickett's to attack the center of Union lines The union renewed its barrage and the CSA staggered back and Union successfully held the high ground S of Gettysburg CSA General James E.B. Stuart attempted to surprise Union troops led by David Gregg, but failed July 3, 1863

Fort Sumter (Charleston, SC)

a Southern fort in the hands of the Union Major Robert Anderson was being attacked by Confederates and called for Lincoln for help Lincoln's dilemma He decided to not abandon Fort Sumter, but neither reinforce it, he would "send food for hungry men" Jefferson Davis decided war and bombed the fort Confederate victory


a draft that would force certain members of the population serve in the army ----------------------------------------------- South: able-bodied men b/t the ages of 18 and 35, later changed to 17-50; but substitution made it a rich man's war, but a poor man's fight North: white men b/t the age of 20 and 45; also allowed for substitues, resulting in NYC Draft Riots

Ironclad Ship

a ship plated with iron that was instrumental in the success of the both sides North's Monitor South's Merrimack/Virginia

minie ball

a soft lead bullet that was more destructive than earlier bullers

General George McClellan

appointed commander of the Union Army very cautious

Henry Wirz

commander of camp Andersonville, a Southern prison, later executed by Union as a war criminal

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