Ch 13,14,15,16

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Damage to what nerve could result in defects of eye movement

Brain and spinal cord

CNS consist ONLY of the

Preganglionic neuron

First neuron in ANS pathway


Linear, analytical, and verbal thinking occurs in what hemisphere of the cerebrum, which is on the left in most people

Neural crest

What appears early in the prenatal development of the nervous system

Posterior root ganglion

What contains the somas of neurons that carry sensory signals to the spinal cord

Multiple sclerosis

What immune disorder results in deterioration of the myelin sheath in the CNS


What is NOT a feature of neurons

Cerebral aqueduct

What is caudal to the hypothalamus


What is most closely associated with the cerebellum in embryonic development and remains its primary source of input fibers throughout life

Neurilemma and endoneurium

What is necessary for regeneration of damaged nerve fibers in the peripheral nervous system


What is the name of the nerve that is entrapped within the carpal tunnel


What is the name of the nerve that runs through the neck and the thorax to innervate the diaphragm


What is the name of the plexus that contains the superior and inferior gluteal nerves

Both sensory and motor

What is the type of fiber called that the spinal nerve carries

Ependymal cells

What lines the ventricles in the brain


What nerves arise from the cervical plexus and innervate the diaphragm

Central pattern generators

What neural circuits in the spinal cord produce the rhythmic muscular contractions of walking


What synapse is formed when a presynaptic neuron synapses with the cell body of a postsynaptic neuron

Association cortex

Areas of cerebral cortex that identity or interpret sensory information are called

Parallel after-discharge

A friend takes a flash photograph of you, and you continue to see an image of the flash unit for several seconds afterward. This phenomenon is the result of a __ circuit

Undergo decussation

A pathway that crossed over from one side of the cord to the other is said to

Broca area

A stroke pt can understand when you tell her to do something but she is not able to produce grammatical, comprehensible speech. What specific area of the brain is damaged?


A swelling of a nerve containing a group of cell bodies outside of the CNS is called a


All of the following EXCEPT what nerve begin or end in the orbit

Peripheral nervous system

All of the nervous system except the brain and spinal cord is called the


All sensory fibers synapse in what before going to the somesthetic cortex


All somatic reflexes share all of the following properties EXCEPT


Almost all sensory signals pass through the __ on the way to the cerebrum


Another name for parasympathetic division

Nerve fiber

Another name for the axon of a neuron is


At a given synapse, what neuron has neurotransmitter receptors


Because of a brain lesion, a pt never feels full, she now weighs 600, the lesion is most likely in her

Cauda equina

Below L2 the vertebral canal is occupied by a bundle of spinal nerve roots called

Adipose tissue

Between the dura matter and vertebral bone, one is most likely to find

Choroid plexus

Cerebrospinal fluid is secreted partly by a mass of blood capillaries called the __ in each ventricle

Arachnoid villi

Cerebrospinal fluid returns to the bloodstream by way of the


Distal to the intravertebral foramen, a spinal nerve branches into a posterior and interior

Adrenal medulla

Epinephrine is secreted by the


Failure of the rostral end of the neural tube to close is called

Temporal lobe

Hearing is associated mainly with the


How many pairs of spinal nerves come from the spinal cord


Hypothalamus does NOT control

Arbor vitae

In a sagittal section, the cerebellar white matter exhibits a branching pattern called the


In the PNS the somas of the neurons are concentrated in enlarged, knotlike structures that are connected to nerves


In the cross-section of the spinal cord the gray matter looks like a


In the spinal cord nerve, pathways that ascend carry what fibers

Anterior horns

In the spinal cord the somas of the lower motor neurons are found in the

Vagus nerve

Most parasympathetic fibers reach their target organs by way of the

Vagus nerve

Most parasympathetic preganglionic fibers are found in the

Neuroglial cells

Most tumors originate from


Motor effects that depend on repetitive output from a neural pool are most likely to use the __ type of neural circuit


Motor innervation of the leg proper comes predominantly from what plexus


Muscarinic receptors bind

Adrenegic fibers

Nerve fibers that secrete norepinephrine are called

Visceral motor division

Nerves that directly control the motility of the stomach or rate of the heartbeat would belong to the


Neurons arise from embryonic


Neurons receive incoming signals by way of specialized processes called

Sensory or afferent neurons

Neurons that convey information to the CNS are called

Synaptic knob

Neurotransmitters are found in thr


Nicotinic receptors bind to


Orthostatic hypotension is the result of inefficiency of an autoimmune reflex called the


Outside the CNS the somas of neurons are clustered in swellings called

Substantia nigra

Parkinson's disease involved what area of the brain


Part of the limbic system involved in forming new memories is the

Frontal lobe

Phineas Gage was a railroad worker who suffered an unfortunate accident where a metal rod went through his skull. After the accident he experienced a drastic change in personality. What part of he's brain was effected


Prenatal degeneration of the forebrain results in a birth defect called

Vagus nerve (X)

Slowing down of the heart rate would be done by fibers within which nerve

Dual innervation

State in which a target organ receives both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers

Autonomic tone

State of continual background activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions

Vasomotor tone

Sympathetic stimulation of blood vessels maintains a state of partial vasoconstriction called

Sympathetic nervous system

The adrenal medulla consist of modified postganglionic neurons of the

Lumbar enlargement

The spinal cord widens at two points, the cervical enlargement and the

Autonomic nervous system

System that controls glands, cardiac and smooth muscle and also known as visceral motor system


The CNS what cells perform the same function as Schwann cells in the PNS

Skeletal muscle

The autonomic nervous system innervates all of these EXCEPT

Ependymal cells

The blood-CSF barrier is formed by

Obturator nerve

The brachial plexus gives rise to all of the following nerves except

Ventricles Cerebrospinal

The brain has four chambers called __ filled with __ fluid


The cerebellum received feedback from the muscles and joints by way of the __ tracts of the spinal cord

Temporal lobe

The cerebral cortex concerned with hearing is in the

Oculomotor III Trochlear IV Abducens VI

The cranial nerves responsible for eye movement


The crossing of a nerve fiber or tract from the right side of the CNS to the left, or vice versa is called

Enteric nervous system

The digestive tract has a semi-independent nervous system called the


The dorsal or posterior root of a spinal nerve carries what type of fiber

Neural crest

The embryonic tissue that gives rise to all autonomic ganglia and postganglionic neurons but not to any preganglionic neurons is the

Motility of the digestive system

The enteric nervous system mostly regulates the


The spinal cord is enclosed in three connective tissue membranes called

Vertebral canal

The spinal cord passes through the


The glial cells that destroy microorganisms in the CNS are


The glial cells that guide migrating neurons in the developing fetal brain are

Sympathetic postganglionic fibers

The gray communicating ramus contains


The integrative functions of the nervous system are preformed mainly by

None of them

The intercostal nerves between the ribs arise from which spinal nerve plexus


The most important autonomic control center in the CNS is the

Broca area

The motor pattern for speech is generated in an area of cortex called the

Parasympathetic preganglionic neurons

The neural crest gives rise to all of the following EXCEPT


The nonvisual awareness of the body's position and movements is called


The outermost connective tissue wrapping of a nerve is called the


The part of the neuron that carried impulses away from the cell body is called the

Spinothalamic tract

The patient has a gunshot wound that caused a bone fragment to nick the spinal cord the patient now feels no pain or temperature sensation from that level of the body down, most likely the what was damaged


The primary motor area of the cerebrum is the __ gyrus of the frontal lobe

Descending corticospinal fibers

The pyramids of the medulla oblongta contain

Corpus callosum

The right and left cerebral hemispheres are connected to each other by a thick c-shaped bundle of fibers called the

Tibial and common fibular

The sciatic nerve is a composite of what two nerves


The soma of a mature neuron lacks

Preganglionic and postganglionic

The sympathetic nervous system has what kind of fibers

Precentral gyrus of the cerebrum

The upper motor neurons that control the skeletal muscles are found in the

Arbor vitae

The white matter of the cerebellum constitutes its


Which cells form the myelin sheath in the CNS

Spina bifida

Which condition occurs when the vertebrae fail to develop a complete neural arch and part of the spinal cord is exposed


Which does NOT form a plexus of spinal nerves


Which ganglia is NOT involved in the sympathetic division


Which is NOT a function of the spinal cord


Which is NOT a region of the spinal cord


Which nerve does NOT carry parasympathetic fibers

Vagus nerve

Which of the following is NOT involved in vision

Digestive secretion

Which of these does NOT result from sympathetic stimulation

Vestibulospinal tract

Which tract carries motor signals destined for the postural muscles

Reticular activating system

While studying in a noisy cafeteria you doze off, while you were dozing the auditory input was blocked from reaching your auditory cortex by the


Your personality is determined mainly by which lobe of the cerebrum

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