CH. 15

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How did the Civil War change the lives of southern women? 15.4

-Wealthy plantation mistresses had to run huge plantations without the benefit of extensive training or the assistance of male relatives. -Farmers' wives had to do all the work themselves in the farms. -The loss of fathers and brothers and the difficulty of controlling a slave labor force destroyed many southern women's allegiance to the Confederate cause.

What were "Greenbacks?" 15.2.1

Paper currency issued by the Union during the Civil War.

What did the Confederate Constitution say about slavery in the territories? 15.1.1

central government was denied interference with slavery in the states and was required to protect slavery in the territories.

Of the African Americans who served in the Union Army, were most of them former slaves or free men from the North? 15.3.2

Former slaves who were newly freed.

What did Abraham Lincoln's inaugural address indicate about his response to the secession of southern states? 15.1.3

He called for a cautious use of force. He would defend federal forts not yet in Confederate hands, but would not attempt to recapture the ones already taken. He tried to shift the burden for beginning hostilities to the Confederacy, who would have to attack before it would be attacked.

Why was General McClellan replaced as General-in-Chief after the battle of Antietam? 15.2.4

He was slow in pursuit, and Lincoln blamed him for letting the enemy escape.

How did Lincoln's Cabinet initially respond to the attack on Fort Sumter, South Carolina? 15.1.3

Initially, Lincoln's cabinet opposed reinforcing or provisioning Sumter, on the grounds that it was indefensible.

In what part of the country did the Union win important victories early in the war? 15.2.4

The west. Fort Henry on the Tennessee River and Fort Donelson on the Cumberland.

Before the election of 1860, what was the attitude of most southerners with regard to secession? 15.1.1

southerners opposed it as long as slavery stayed in effect.

Why was the battle at Gettysburg frustrating for President Lincoln, even though it represented a Union victory? 15.3.3

Because his troops were living off the land and out of communication with him

What caused the Upper South states to secede after Fort Sumter? 15.1.3

Lincoln called on them to provide troops to coerce southern states which made them choose sides.

Why was Lincoln initially reluctant to call for emancipation of slaves in the early years of the war? 15.3.1

Lincolns caution stemmed from fear of alienating Unionists in the border slave states and from his own preference for a gradual, compensated form of emancipation.

What attitude dominated the February, 1861, Confederate convention? 15.1.1

Relatively moderate leaders, most of whom did not support secession until after Lincoln's election dominated the proceedings and defeated or modified the pet schemes of extreme southern nationalists.

Which side - the North or the South - had the upper hand with regard to material resources? 15.2.1

The north

What war-ending inducement was given to southerners in the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation? 15.3.1

The proclamation gave the Confederate states 100 days to give up the struggle without losing their slaves.

What were the provisions of the Crittenden Compromise? 15.1.2

extending the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific to protect slavery in the southwestern territories. Federal government would compensate owners of escaped slaves. Constitutional amendment would forever prohibit the federal government from abolishing or regulating slavery in the states.

In what way did Lincoln expand executive power in the earliest days of the war? 15.2.2

he expanded the regular army and advanced public money to private individuals without congressional authorization.

What did the suspension of the "writ of habeas corpus" allow President Lincoln to do? 15.2.3

it allowed the indefinite detention of "disloyal persons" without trial.

Who were southern cooperationists and what did they believe? 15.1.1

other states in the south who believed the slave states should act as a unit. They opposed immediate secession.

How did the Civil War affect the relationship between the federal government and state governments? 15.4

the war decided that federal government was supreme over the states and had broad constitutional authority to act for "the general welfare."

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