Ch. 24 Urinary System

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With the release of the hormones called _____, urine volume can be a little as about 0.5 L/day and generally appears noticeably darker yellow in color


_______ and _______ are secreted in response to low blood volume or low solute concentration in the tubular fluid within the kidney

ADH and aldosterone

Place the following in order of the micturition reflex starting with the first event that occurs

1. baroreceptors in the urinary bladder are activated 2. visceral sensory neurons stimulate the micturition reflex center within the pons 3. parasympathetic impulses travel to the internal urethral sphincter and the detrusor muscle 4. the detrusor muscle contacts and the internal urethral sphincter relaxes

Put the following structures in order. The first one should be closest to the nephron and the last one should be closest to the urinary bladder

1. collecting duct 2. papillary duct 3. minor calyx 4. major calyx 5. renal pelvis

The renal plasma clearance of glucose is normally OmL/min because in a healthy individual _______ of the glucose is reabsorbed


Approximately ______ liters of water is filtered daily through the kidneys


Use numerals to indicate how many of each organ there are in the urinary system. There are _____ kidney(s), ________ ureter(s), ______ urinary bladder(s) and _____ urethra(s)


The normal pH for urine ranges between ______ with an average value of ________

4.5 and 8.6

When the bladder is filled with between _______ mL & ______ mL, urination occur without conscious control in a healthy, average person

500 & 600

Approximately ______% of the water in the tubular fluid is reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule


Renal autoregulation is effective in maintaining a normal glomerulus blood pressure only if the systemic mean arterial pressure remains between ______ and _______ mmHg

80 and 180

Some substances are not normal components of urine because they are completely reabsorbed choose which of the following satisfy this requirement under healthy conditions

amino acids, glucose, lactate, and filtered plasma proteins

Which substances escape into the filtrate?

amino acids, ions, glucose, water, and vitamins B & C

Most proteins are not freely filtered in the glomerulus select the proteins that are freely filtered there.

angiotensin and insulin

Water is reabsorbed through through specific water transporter proteins called _________


When we dehydrated, ADH binds to receptors to increase the migration of vesicles containing _______ to the membrane of the principal cells


The _______ arteries are parallel to the base of the medullary pyramid at the junction of the cortex and the medulla


The ________ limb of the nephron loop actively pumps salt out of tubular fluid into the interstitial fluid


What are the chronic problems that account for the majority of progressive renal failure?

autoimmune conditions, high blood pressure, and diabetes

Renal _______ the intrinsic ability of the kidneys to maintain a constant blood pressure


The kidneys affect the blood volume and thus indirectly affect _______ ______

blood pressure

Erythropoietin acts on the ________ to increase erythrocyte production

bone marrow

Extensions of the cortex, called renal _________, project into the medulla and subdivide the medulla into renal _______

columns and pyramids

The nephron loop originates in the _______ and descends down into the ______ and then ascends back into the ______

cortex, medulla, and cortex

Which type of nephrons have relatively short nephron loop that barely extend into the medulla?


A positive feedback mechanism called the _______ ______ involves the nephron loop and is partially responsible for establishing the salt concentration gradient within the interstitial fluid

countercurrent multiplier

Measuring renal plasma clearance of ______ avoids the need to inject insulin into the patients blood


________ is the nitrogenous waste produced from metabolism of muscle tissue


The body's main nitrogenous waste products are which of the following?

creatinine, uricic acid, and urea

PTH _______ PO43- reabsoprtion in the ________

inhibits and PCT

To conduct a measurement of filtration rate, an individual is injected with _____


The segmented arteries branch from the _______ arteries that travel through the renal columns


The interlobular veins are parallel and travel alongside the ________

interlobular arteries

At the neck of the urinary bladder is the _______ ______ sphincter

internal urethral

Only about 15% of our nephrons are ___________ nephrons


The __________ nephrons with their long nephron loops are primarily important to the countercurrent multiplier


Which type of nephron plays the more important role of establishing a salt concentration gradient?


The right kidney is slightly inferior to the left kidney due to accommodate the ______


During nephron transcellular transport, a substance must cross two cell membranes. One, the ______ membrane is in contact with the tubular fluid


The _____ urethra is the shortest segment of the urethra


The expulsion of urine from the bladder is called urination or ________


The expulsion of urine from the urinary bladder is called _______ or urination


Approximately 10 to 20% of the K+ in tubular fluid is reabsorbed in the

nephron loop ascending limb

The difference between the hydrostatic pressure of the blood in the glomerulus and the opposing pressures of the osmotic blood pressure and fluid pressure in the capsular space is termed the _____ ____ pressure

net filtration

A lower than normal GFR can be an indication that _______ and other unwanted substances are accumulating in the blood

nitrogenous waste

The _________ axons stimulate micturition


The male urethra has two functions. Which are they?

passage for sperm and urine

Podocytes are octopus-like cells that have long foot-like processes called ________


The female urethra opens to the outside of the body at the external urethral orifice located in the female ________


The filtration slits between the _______ permit the ready passage of filtered material into the capsule space


The visceral layer of the glomerular is composed of specialized cells called _______


ADH is released from the _______

posterior pituitary gland

The fibrous or renal capsule has which of the following functions?

protects it from pathogens, maintains the kidney's shape, and protects it from trauma

Substances are ________ when they move from the tubular fluid back into the blood


The ______ measures the volume of plasma that can be completely cleared of substance in a given period of time

renal plasma clearance

Urine from the _______ is collected by the ______ and then drained into the ________

renal pyramids; minor calyces; major calyces

The maximum plasma concentration of a substance that can be carried in the blood without eventually appearing in the urine is called the _______ _________

renal threshold

The granular cells of the JGA, synthesize, store and release


The kidneys help control the blood's inorganic ion balance. Which of the following ions are controlled primarily by the kidney's?

sodium, potassium, calcium, and phosphate

The _______ division of the nervous system sends increased motor output to the kidneys during exercise or during an emergency


The ________ axons cause contraction of the internal urethral sphincter and inhibit contraction of the detrusor muscle


Continuous ________ stimulation causes ________ of the detrusor muscle of the urinary bladder wall to allow the bladder to accommodate the urine in the storage reflex

sympathetic and relaxation

The transport maximum for glucose reabsorption is 320 mg per minute. If the tubular fluid level of glucose exceeds 320 mg/min then

the excess glucose is excreted in urine

the kidney are retroperitoneal. Which description below describes what this means?

the kidneys are posterior to the peritoneum

The movement of substances through the epithelial cells of the walls of nephron tubules is called ______ transport


The transport maximum is dependent upon the number of ______ _____ in the epithelial cell membrane

transport proteins

True or False: If urine production drops below 0.40 L per day, wastes will accumulate in the blood


True or False: the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism acts as a 'backup' mechanism to the myogenic mechanism in response to increased systemic blood pressure


Which of the following are the processes by which urine is formed?

tubular re absorption, filtration, tubular secretion

_______ is the active transport of solutes out of the blood into the tubular fluid

tubular secretion

When empty, the urinary bladder exhibits an ________ shape

upside-down pyramid

The recycling of ______ between the collecting duct and the nephron loop is in part responsible for establishing the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid


________ are both reabsorbed and secreted

urea and uric acid

Urine flows form the renal papilla through the calyces into the renal pelvis and then directly into the _______


The hilum of the kidneys is where which of the following connect to the kidney?

ureter, blood vessels, and nerves

The _______ are long, fibromuscular tubes that conduct urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder


The ______ is a fibromuscular tube that conducts urine outside of the body


Urine is produced continuously but is stored in the _____ ______ for release when convenient

urinary bladder

The _______ _______ consists of ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra

urinary tract

Besides removing waste products from the bloodstream, the urinary system performs many other functions, including which of the following?

urine storage, erythropoietin production, blood volume regulation, acid base balance

__________ is the term used for the normal smell of fresh urine


The color of urine associated with the breakdown of old red blood cells is due to the concentration of ________


Water moves from the descending limb of the nephron loop into the ______ ______ when its absorbed

vasa recta

Specific gravity is the density of a substance compared to the destiny of _____


The consequence of the salt loss from the tubular fluid means that even greater amounts of _______ move out of the ________ limb into the interstitial fluid

water and descending

The term "exchange" in the countercurrent exchange system refers to the ______ being exchanged for ______

water and salt

Which of the following substances have regulated reabsorption?

water, Ca2+, K+, Na+, and HCO3-

Under normal circumstances, urine does not contain which of the following?

white blood cells, glucose, and red blood cells

Proteins and small peptides are first degraded into ______ _____ which are then reabsorbed into the blood

amino acids

Atrial natriuretic peptide ______ GFR to eliminate fluid when there is an ______ in blood volume and/or blood pressure

increase and increase

To calculate GFR, use the formula


True or False: In tubular reabsorption, all needed solutes and most water that formed the filtrate are reabsorbed into the nephron


True or False: The DCT are line with simple cuboidal epithelium but the cells are larger than those of the PCT and the microvilli are more dense


True or False: The main functions of the urinary system is to remove oxygen from the bloodstream


True or False: the glomerular filtration rate is expressed as volume per unit time (usually 1 hr)


True or False: the trigone moves as the urinary bladder fills and functions as a funnel to direct the stored urine into the urethra


Which of the following will increase due to an increased net filtration pressure in the kidney?

GFR and substances in urine

In the regulation of pH of both urine and blood, bicarbonate ions move freely across the filtration membrane and only small amounts of hydrogenions are filtered, with most remaining in the blood. The filtered ______ must be reabsorbed to ensure blood pH does not become to acidic


Type B intercalated cells secrete _______ and reabsorb ______ to lower blood pH and increase urine pH

HCO3- and H+

Aldosterone stimulates secretion of _______, while _______ and ______ are reabsorbed

K+, Na+, and H2O

After filtration occurs, a majority of mast other substance are either reabsorbed or secreted into the ________


The pain from the ureter, as might be left from a kidney stone, is referred to the ______


True or False: Epinephrine and HCG are examples of hormones eliminated by the kidneys in urine


True or False: GFR can be increased with atrial natriuretic peptide stimulation


True or False: the three layers of smooth muscle of the urinary bladder have such complex orientations that is difficult to discern individual layers under the microscope


An individual may choose to empty the bladder prior to the initiation of the micturition reflex by contracting the ________ ________

abdominal muscles

A person with a diet that includes animal protein and wheat (a typical American diet) is generally considered in an _____ state


Blood enters the glomerulus by an _________ arteriole


The wider diameter of the ______ arteriole allows the blood to enter the glomerulus under high pressure which helps filter the plasma and solutes out of the glomerulus


The amount of Na+ excreted in the urine is controlled by __________ and natriuretic peptide hormones in the DCT, CT, and CD


As tubular fluid moves through the distal convoluted tubules, and collecting tubules and ducts, water reabsorption is controleed primarily by ________ and _______ hormone

aldosterone and antidiuretic

As the net filtration pressure decreases, the GFR _______


Parathyroid hormone, PTH is released from the parathyroid gland in response to ________

decreased blood Ca2+

A specific gravity value of urine above 1.020 indicates relative _______


The lamina propria is composed of a fairly thick layer of _______ ______ connective tissue

dense irregular

Urine may develop an ________ smell if allowed to stand from the breakdown of proteins, and urine may smell fruity due to the presence of ketoacids in a person with _______ _______

diabetes mellitus

______ and kidney transplant are the two main treatments for kidney failure


Glomerular filtration is influenced by changing the

diameter of the afferent arteriole

Blood colloid osmotic pressure is duct to the _____ _____ it contains

dissolved solutes

When blood leaves the glomerulus, it enters the ______ arteriole


The sympathetic axons extend to the blood vessels of the kidney including which of the following?

efferent arteriole, afferent arteriole, and juxtaglomerular apparatus

Which substances are not filtered through the kidneys?

erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets

Tubular reabsorption in response to ADH is referred to as

facultative water reabsorption

True or False: A human kidney is divided into 20 renal lobes


True or False: the trigone moves as the urinary bladder fills and functions as a funnel to direct the stored urine into the urethra


A _______ is formed when blood flow through the glomerulus and some components of the plasma enter the capsular space


Which of the following are the most accurate descriptions of the structures that make up the filtration membrane?

filtration slits and glomerulal endothelium

The renal corpuscle has an epithelial capsule surrounding the ______ called the glomerular capsule


The renal corpuscle is composed of which of the following?

glomerulus and gomerular capsule

The renal threshold for glucose is 300 mg/dl. Above this concentration,

glucose will be exerted in urine

________ is the secretion of glucose in the urine


Substances that are filtered and secreted have renal plasma clearance values _________ the GFR

higher than

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