Ch 27-28
People/Places/Events: Spanish general whose brutal tactics against Cuban rebels outraged American public opinion
"Butcher" Weyler
Identification: Antiforeign Chinese revolt of 1900 that brought military intervention by Western troops, including Americans.
Boxer Rebellion
Which of the following was NOT among the factors propelling America toward overseas expansion in the 1890s? A) the desire to expand overseas agricultural and manufacturing exports B) the "yellow press" of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst C) the need to find new African and Asian sources of raw materials for American industry D) the ideologies of Anglo-Saxon superiority and social Darwinism
Identification: South American nation that nearly came to blows with the US in 1892 over an incident involving the deaths of American soldiers.
Cause/Effect: The Maine explosion
Created an emotional and irresistable public demand for war with Spain
T/F Admiral Dewey's squadron attacked Spanish forces in the Philippines because of secret orders given by Assistant Navy Secretary Theodore Roosevelt.
T/F John Hay's Open Door notes effectively saved China from foreign intervention and partition.
Identification: The principle of American foreign policy invoked by Secretary of State Olney to justify American intervention in the Venezuelan boundary dispute.
The Monroe Doctrine
Identification: American battleship sent on a "friendly" visit to Cuba that ended in disaster and war.
U.S.S. Maine
Identification: Deadly tropical disease conquered during the Spanish-American War by Dr. Walter Reed and other American medical researchers.
yellow fever
People/Places/Events: American naval officer who wrote influential books emphasizing sea power and advocating a big navy
Alfred Thayer Mahan
T/F The American government was deeply involved in the key international development of the 1870s and 1880s.
Identification: Diplomatic agreement of 1901 that permitted the US to build and fortify a Central American canal alone, without British involvement.
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
Identification: Supreme Court cases of 1901 that determined that the US Constitution and bill of rights did not apply in colonial territories under the American flag.
Insular Cases
Identification: Term for the sensationalistic and jingoistic prowar journalism practiced by W.R. Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer.
yellow journalism
Put in Order: ___ American rebels in Hawaii seek annexation by the US, but the American president turns them down. ___ A battleship explosion arouses fury in America and leads the nation into a "splendid little war" with Spain. ___ A South American boundary dispute leads to aggressive American assertion of the Monroe Doctrine against Britain. ___ Americans grant Cuba self-government but retain naval bases and the right to intervene. ___ The US Senate narrowly approves a treaty giving the US a major colony off the coast of Asia.
2 3 5 1 4
In addition to Cuba, American forces successfully seized the Spanish-owned Caribbean colony of: A) Puerto Rico. B) the Virgin Islands. C) the Dominican Republic. D) Guam.
In the election of 1900, Democrat William Jennings Bryan declared that the key issue was: A) American imperialism in the Philippines. B) Republican mismanagement of the economy. C) American foreign policy toward China. D) social reform in both cities and agricultural areas.
President Grover Cleveland refused to annex Hawaii because: A) white planters had illegally overthrown Queen Liliuokalani against the wishes of most native Hawaiians. B) there was no precedent for the US to acquire territory except by purchase. C) the Germans and the British threatened possible war. D) he knew the public disapproved and the Senate would not ratify a treaty of annexation.
Pro-imperialist Americans argued that the Philippines should be seized because of: A) patriotism and economic opportunities. B) the Monroe Doctrine and national security. C) the Declaration of Independence and the wishes of the Philippine people. D) overpopulation and the need to acquire new lands for American settlers.
Identification: Group that battled against American colonization of the Philippines, which included such influential citizens such as Mark Twain and Andrew Carnegie.
Anti-Imperialist League
Cause/Effect: The Cuban revolt against Spain
Aroused strong sympathy from most Americans
Alfred Thayer Mahan promoted American overseas expansion by: A) developing a lurid "yellow press" that stimulated popular excitement. B) arguing that sea power was the key to world domination. C) provoking naval incidents with Germany and Britain in the pacific. D) arguing that the Monroe Doctrine implied American control of Latin America.
As soon as the US declared war on Spain, Commodore George Dewey sailed to the Philippine Islands because: A) that was the best place to strike a blow for a free Cuba. B) he had been ordered to do so by Assistant Navy Secretary Theodore Roosevelt. C) the American navy happened to be on a tour of East Asian ports. D) he was invited to do so by Philippine nationalists.
Besides Panama, the primary alternative site for a Central American canal was: A) Cuba. B) Nicaragua. C) Mexico. D) Columbia.
Emilio Aguinaldo was: A) the leader of Cuban insurgents against Spanish rule. B) the leader of Filipino insurgents against Spanish rule. C) the commander of the Spanish navy in the Battle of Manila Bay. D) the first native Hawaiian to become governor of the islands after the American takeover.
Even after the Maine exploded, the US was slow to declare war on Cuba because: A) the public was reluctant to get into a war. B) President McKinley was reluctant to get into a war. C) the Cubans did not want Americans to intervene in their affairs. D) there was no clear evidence that the Spanish had really blown up the Maine.
President William McKinley based his decision to make the Philippines an American colony on: A) the belief in white Anglo-Saxon superiority to Asian Filipinos. B) a combination of religious piety and material economic interests. C) the belief that the Philippines would be the first step toward an American empire in China. D) the strong agitation for empire coming from the Hearst and Pulitzer yellow press.
Roosevelt mediated the Portsmouth Treaty to settle the war between: A) Britain and Japan. B) Russia and Japan. C) China and Japan. D) Spain and North Africa.
Roosevelt overcame Colombia's refusal to approve a canal treaty by: A) increasing the amount of money the US was willing to pay for a canal zone. B) encouraging Panamanian rebels to revolt and declare independence from Colombia. C) looking for another canal site elsewhere in Central America. D) seeking mediation of the dispute by other Latin American nations.
Roosevelt's "Great White Fleet" essentially served as a: A) support force for the Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. B) demonstration of American naval power in East Asia. C) sign that America would intervene in China if necessary. D) a means of providing relief shipment of food to famine victims in Latin America and Asia.
Roosevelt's policies in Panama and elsewhere in Latin America led to: A) a Good Neighbor policy between the US and its "little brothers" in Latin America. B) resentment and hostility toward American intervention in Latin America. C) growing tension between the US and Germany over influence in the region. D) anti-Roosevelt feeling among the Hispanic population in the US.
The "Gentleman's Agreement" between the US and Japan provided that: A) the Americans and Japanese would each guarantee the other's rights in China. B) the San Francisco schools would be integrated in exchange for Japan putting an end to Japanese immigration to America. C) Japan would recognize American control of the Philippines in exchange for American acceptance of Japan's domination of Manchuria and Korea. D) Japanese immigrants would be able to work in the US but not become citizens.
The Boxer Rebellion marked a sharp departure for American foreign policy because: A) the US had previously backed anti-imperialist nationalist forces in China. B) the US had never before sent military forces to intervene on the East Asian mainland. C) it involved the US in military cooperation with Japan. D) it contradicted the policies spelled out in Secretary Hay's Open Door notes.
Identification: Proverbial symbol of Roosevelt's belief that presidents should engage in diplomacy but also maintain a strong military readiness to back up their policy.
Big Stick Diplomacy
Americans first became concerned with the situation in Cuba because: A) Spanish control of Cuba violated the Monroe Doctrine. B) imperialists and business leaders were looking to acquire colonial territory for the US. C) Americans sympathized with Cuban rebels in their fight for freedom from Spanish rule. D) the Battleship Maine exploded in Havana harbor.
Among prominent Americans who opposed annexation of the Philippines were: A) Leonard Wood and Walter Reed. B) William Randolph Hearst and Theodore Roosevelt. C) Mark Twain and William James. D) Mark Hanna and "Czar" Thomas Reed.
As president, TR gained political strength especially through: A) his careful use of traditional diplomacy. B) his willingness to follow Congress's lead in domestic policy. C) his personal popularity with the public and his belief in direct action. D) his ability to subordinate his own personality to that of his cabinet.
Even before the sinking of the Main, the American public's indignation at Spain had been whipped into a frenzy by: A) Spanish Catholics' persecution of the Protestant minority in Cuba. B) Spain's aggressive battleship-building program. C) William Randolph Hearst's sensational newspaper accounts of Spanish atrocities in Cuba. D) the Spanish government's brutal treatment of American sailors on leave in Havana.
In the Open Door notes, Secretary of State John Hay called on all the imperial powers to: A) guarantee American control of the Philippines. B) reduce the arms race in China and the Pacific. C) respect Chinese rights and permit economic competition in their spheres of influence. D) grant the US an equal share in the colonization of China.
TR's slogan that stated his essential foreign policy principle was: A) "Open covenants openly arrived at." B) "Millions for defense but not one cent for tribute." C) "Speak softly and carry a big stick." D) "Democracy and Liberty in a New World Order."
The diplomatic crisis between the US and Japan in 1906 was caused by: A) confrontation between the American and Japanese navies. B) American refusal to recognize Japanese spheres of influence in China. C) the San Francisco School Board's segregation of Japanese immigrant children. D) American prohibition of all immigrants from Japan.
The most immediate consequence of American acquisition of the Philippines was: A) the establishment of Manila as a crucial American defense port in East Asia. B) an agreement between American and Filipinos to move toward Philippine independence. C) a guerilla war between the US and Filipino rebels. D) threats by Japan to seize the Philippines from American control.
The Platt Amendment provided that: A) the people of Puerto Rico were citizen of the US. B) the US would eventually grant independence to the Philippines and Puerto Rico. C) no European power could establish new bases or colonies in the Pacific. D) the US had the right to intervene with troops and maintain military bases in Cuba.
The Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe Doctrine declared that: A) no European powers could intervene in or colonize Latin America. B) the US had no right to build, maintain, and defend the Panama Canal. C) the US would take no more colonial territory in Latin America. D) the US had the right to intervene in Latin American countries to maintain financial and political order.
The final result of the Venezuelan-Guiana crisis with Britain was: A) a series of battles between British and American naval forces. B) the intervention of the German kaiser in Latin America. C) American colonial control of Guiana. D) British retreat and growing American-British friendship.
The largest cause of American deaths in Cuba was: A) the direct-charge tactics of Theodore Roosevelt's Rough Riders. B) the effective artillery bombardments of the Spanish navy. C) armed clashes with Cuban rebels and civilians. D) bad food, disease, and unsanitary conditions.
Theodore Roosevelt was nominated as President McKinley's vice-presidential running mate in 1900 because: A) his exploits in the Spanish-American War had made him a national hero. B) the midwestern McKinley needed an easterner to balance the ticket. C) McKinley wanted to take advantage of Roosevelt's military experience in the Spanish-American War. D) local political bosses in New York wanted to get Roosevelt out of the state.
People/Places/Events: Leader of the Filipino insurgents who aided Americans in defeating Spain and taking Manila
Emilio Aguinaldo
Cause/Effect: The confusion and weakness of Spain's army and navy
Enabled America's unprepared military forces to gain quick and easy victories
Cause/Effect: The Spanish-American War
Enhanced American national pride and made the US an international power in East Asia
T/F Alfred T. Mahan argued in his book that the conquest of colonies necessary to provide raw materials and markets was the key to world history.
T/F Roosevelt's negotiation to bring about a peace treaty between Russia and Japan earned the US the gratitude of both nations.
T/F The Hearst press worked to promote a peaceful, negotiated settlement involving Cuban self-government under Spanish rule.
T/F Roosevelt took strong action to acquire canal rights in Panama because there was no alternative route for a Central American canal.
F Nicaraguan Route -> but would be much more difficult and costly
T/F President Cleveland refused to annex Hawaii because he believed that the white American planters there had unjustly deposed Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani.
F President Cleveland refused to annex Hawaii because the majority of native Hawaiians did not want to be annexed.
T/F President McKinley tried to resist the pressure for war with Spain coming from business-people and Wall Street financiers.
F President McKinley tried to resist the pressure for war with Spain coming from yellow journalism, the general public, imperialists, and his wife.
T/F The American military conquest of Cuba was efficient by very costly in battlefield casualties.
F The American military conquest of Cuba was efficient by very costly in casualties due to disease.
T/F The Venezuelan boundary dispute was resolved when the US backed away because of its growing conflict with Germany.
F The British boundary dispute was resolved when the US backed away because of its growing conflict with Germany.
T/F The South American boundary dispute over Guyana in 1895-1896 nearly resulted in a US war with Venezuela.
F The South American boundary dispute over Guyana in 1895-1896 nearly resulted in a US war with Britain.
T/F The Supreme Court decided in the insular cases that American constitutional law and the bill of rights applied to the people under American rule in Puerto Rico and the Philippines.
F The Supreme Court decided in the insular cases that American constitutional law and the bill of rights did not apply to the people under American rule in Puerto Rico and the Philippines. "The law does not follow the flag"
T/F The treaty to annex the Philippines was approved by a wide margin in the Senate.
F The treaty to annex the Philippines was approved by a narrow (1 vote) margin in the Senate.
T/F Theodore Roosevelt believed that America and its president should exercise restraint in international involvements.
F opposition up
T/F The McKinley-Roosevelt victory in 1900 over the anti-imperialist campaign of William Jennings Bryan was interpreted as a public mandate for American imperialism.
F prosperity>imperialism
People/Places/Events: Naval commander whose spectacular May Day victory in 1898 opened the doors to American imperialism in Asia
George E. Dewey
People/Places/Events: American president who refused to annex Hawaii on the grounds that the native ruler had been unjustly deposed
Grover Cleveland
People/Places/Events: American clergyman who preached Anglo-Saxon superiority and called for stronger US missionary effort overseas
Josiah Strong
Cause/Effect: Theodore Roosevelt's secret orders to Commodore Dewey
Led to the surprising US victory over Spain at Manila Bay
People/Places/Events: Commander in Spanish-American War who organized the efficient American military government in Cuba
Leonard Wood
Identification: Site of the dramatic American naval victory that led to the US acquisition of the rich, Spanish-owned Pacific islands.
Manila Bay
Identification: John Hay's clever diplomatic efforts to preserve Chinese territorial integrity and maintain American access to China.
Open Door
Identification: Book written by a Protestant minister that proclaimed the superiority of Anglo-Saxon civilization.
Our Country
Identification: Remote Pacific site of a naval clash between the US and Germany in 1889.
Pago Pago, The Samoas
Identification: Valuable naval base acquired by the US from the Hawaiian government in 1887.
Pearl Harbor
Identification: American-imposed restriction written into the constitution of Cuba that guaranteed American naval bases on the island and declared that the US had the right to intervene in Cuba.
Platt Amendment
Identification: The Caribbean island conquered from Spain in 1898 that became an important American colony.
Puerto Rico
People/Places/Events: Native Hawaiian ruler overthrown in a revolution led by white planters and aided by US troops
Queen Liliuokalani
People/Places/Events: Belligerent US secretary of state who used the Monroe Doctrine to pressure Britain in the Venezuelan boundary crisis
Richard Olney
Identification: Colorful volunteer regiment of the Spanish-American War led by a militarily inexperienced but politically influential colonel.
Rough Riders
Cause/Effect: McKinley's decision to keep the Philippines
Set off a bitter debate about imperialism in the Senate and the country
Cause/Effect: The white planter revolt against Queen Liliuokalani
Set off the first debate about the wisdom and rightness of American overseas imperialism
Cause/Effect: The Venezuelan boundary dispute
Strengthened the Monroe Doctrine and made Britain more willing to accomodate US interests
T/F American forces received assistance in capturing Manila by native Filipinos who were rebelling against Spain.
T/F Americans first became involved in Cuba because they sympathized with the Cubans' revolt against imperialist Spain.
T/F President McKinley declared that religion played a role in his decision to keep the Philippines.
T/F Roosevelt encouraged and assisted the Panamanian revolution against Colombia in 1903.
T/F The "Gentleman's Agreement" and the Root-Takahira agreement demonstrated Roosevelt's eagerness to avoid a major conflict with Japan.
T/F The Filipino insurrection against US rule was larger and more costly in lives than the Spanish American War.
T/F The Japanese crisis of 1906 forced President Roosevelt to intervene in the policies of the San Francisco School Board.
T/F The Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe Doctrine stated that only the US had the right to intervene in Latin American nations' affairs.
T/F The Spanish-American War made the US a full-fledged power in East Asia.
People/Places/Events: Imperialist advocate, aggressive assistant navy secretary, Rough Rider
Teddy Roosevelt
Identification: Amendment to the declaration of war with Spain that stated the US would grant Cubans their independence after the war.
Teller Amendment
Cause/Effect: W.J. Bryan's last-minute support for the treaty acquiring the Philippines
Tipped a narrow Senate vote in favor of imperialist acquisition of the Philippines
Cause/Effect: Economic expansion, the yellow press, and competition with other powers
Turned Americans away from isolationism and toward international involvement in the 1890s
People/Places/Events: American doctor who led the medical efforts to conquer yellow fever during US occupation of Cuba
Walter Reed
People/Places/Events: Harvard philosopher and one of the leading anti-imperialists opposing US acquisition of the Philippines
William James
People/Places/Events: Leading Democratic politician whose intervention narrowly tipped the Senate vote in favor of acquiring the Philippines in 1899
William Jennings Bryan
People/Places/Events: President who initially opposed war with Spain but eventually supported US acquisition of the Philippines
William McKinley
People/Places/Events: Vigorous promoter of sensationalistic anti-Spanish propaganda and eager advocate of imperialistic war
William R. Hearst