Ch. 3 Right of ways and Laws of the Road

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drive safely by obeying laws, using peripheral vision, ____, and always using turn signal

giving car proper maintenance

when going downhill, a truck's momentum makes it_____so you'll have to______to pass it

go faster, speed up

Under the Good Samaritan Law, you can not be held liable for trying to help someone at traffic collision if u helped in good faith


criminal offense to provide false identification of police officer who has lawfully arrested/ detained u


drivers are responsible for making sure passengers under 17 use seat belts


drunk pedestrins should stay off the streets


If u refuse to take a breathalyzer/blood test______within 10 years, your license will be suspended for 2 years


Broken yellow lines separate_____

two-way roads where u can legally pass

against the law for driver to operate an open bed truck or pull an oped bed trailer when a passenger_____occupies the bed of the truck or trailer

under 18

until age or height children must be secured in appropriate child passenger safety seat

until age 8 or taller than 4'9"

a pedestrian may____if there arent sidewalks

walk on the left sided of the street

not a bike safety guideline

weave in and out of traffic

When do u NOT have to stop for a stopped school bus with flashing red lights?

when it is on the other side of a road separated by a median

when can bicyclist take a whole lane

when passing a vehicle and the lane isnt wide enough for a side by side car and bike

STOP sign

make a complete stop without blocking the pedestrian crosswalk

Green light

may turn left but must yield right of way to oncoming traffic


Be a Good Neighbor

The legal limit or BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) is


For how much distance should u signal before turning?

100 ft

Someone is hurt or killed in Texas from an alcohol-related crash every_____minutes


at 55 mph, how long does it take for a truck to fully stop?

400 ft

The state's zero-tolerance policy for minors and alcohol is related to drunk driving and_____

All Choices (drinking/ purchasing/ attempting to purchase alcohol)

Riley needs to park on the paved highway at night. What is one thing he should do?

All choices (leave room for other vehicles to pass; make sure ppl can see hi from at least 200 ft in bothe directions; leave his parking lights on and headlights on dim)

When should u avoid passing a vehicle on the highway?

All choices (u are within 100 ft of a bridge or tunnel, u are on a hill or curve, u are within 100 ft of an intersection or railroad crossing)

When should turn signals be used?

All choices are correct (changing lanes, pulling away from the curb, turning)

u are stopped in the right lane next to a truck at an intersection. What is the first thing u should do once u start moving?

BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR THE TRUCK making a wide right turn

You are on a divided highway when you see a school bus stopped on the other side of the highway. Are u legally required to stop?

No, bc pedestrians can not cross a divided highway

How can u avoid highway hypnosis?

Don't drive more than 8 hours a day and stop every 2 hours or 100 miles

Ch. 6

Drive Responsibly

Stella is driving in the far right lane of a multi-lane road, burr she needs to make a left turn that;s coming up in 50 ft. What should she do?

Drive past the turn and keep going until she finds a safe place to turn around.

On her way to work, Emma reaches an intersection w/o signs or signals. After stopping completely, what should she do?

Emma need to give the right of way to vehicles in or near the intersection on her right.

When turning left, u DON'T need to yield to oncoming traffic


You are not liable for open containers of alcohol in your car as long as you aren't drinking from them


Arrows at both ends sign

I'm near a "T" intersection which means u will have to turn left or right. Yield the right of way to traffic on the cross street

youre passing a turck when the driver flashes his lights at u. What does this most likely mean?

IT's clear to move back over

Railroad warning signs warn____

If we are approaching or next to a railroad

Intersecting Roads with Lesser or Greater Number of Lanes

If you're on a single or two-lane road you'll yield to roads with more lanes, such as divided streets or roads with three or more lanes.

What do broken white lines mean?

It is a one way road and u can pass, if safe

only yellow light

It shows u the outline of the road at night

Ch. 5

Let my traffic flow- movement and interaction of drivers out on the road

What is the first step of taking Parent Taught Drivers Ed?

Request a Parent Taught packet from the TDLR

Riley is riding his motorcycle on a road that ends in a cross street. What should he do at the T-intersection?

Riley needs to yield the right of way to vehicles on the cross street

Riley is driving down the highway. What must he do at the sight of the sign? (truck sign)

Riley should look out for trucks on this truck-heavy route

red light photo enforced sign

Running a red light will be captured on camera

Ryan's dad is driving a semi truck when he sees this sign ahead. What does he do next? (12'-6")

Ryan's dad checks that his semi truck's load isn't higher than 12'6"

Pete is being passed by a vehicle on his left. What should he do?

Stay to the right edge of his lane and maintain or reduce his speed

Truck with windy(curly) road

The road ahead is slippery when wet, so slow down, and make no sudden maneuvers

You're driving on the highway an hour before sunset, but u can barely make out the vehicle 500 feet in front of u. What should u do?

Turn on your headlights

one way large trucks can be dangerous to motorcyclists


You and another driver reach a busy intersection at the same time. What's the safest course of action?

Yield the right of way (turn) to the other driver

while driving, u see a school bus in the opposite lane dropping off students. There is no median. When is it ok to go?

You can go once the red lights turn off and the bus moves again (and driver says its ok to move)

What my happen if u drive on the road shoulder near this sign?

You may lose control of your vehicle

Uncontrolled Intersections

You need to yield and give the right of way to those cars in or near the intersection on yr right. Still watch out for cars coming from your left. They may be yielding to you, but u should always check.

You are backing out of your driveway into the road when u see your neighbor walking his dog. What should u do?

You should stop before the sidewalk so your neighbor and his dog can pass

how do motorcycle crashes happen

left turns and blind spots

when sharing road with construction workers, prepare

all choices (change lanes, slow down, for unexpected movements from workers)

Kayla is driving along a road with many pedestrians. She should:

all choices( prepare to stop, pay attention near bus stops and intersections, watch out for ppl with assistance animals)

exception to texas law prohibiting riding in the bed of a truck or trailer

all choices: govt santioned hayrides, parades, on a beach

Flashing yellow arrow for left turns

allows driver to turn left with caution. the driver must still yield to oncoming traffic

texas law prohibits the transport of loose material unless

bed is closed on all sides and some type of canvas or tarp covers the top

shared lane markings not used for

decrease possibility of highway hypnosis

not a method a defensive driver uses

drive as fast as allowed to avoid other vehicles

bike crashes are common when

driver turns in front path of biker OR driver doesnt give biker right of way at an intersection

Bicyclists have to always stay close to right curb, no exceptions


not how to reduce road rage

follow driver in front of u closely

aggressive driver will ____other drivers

intentionally aggravate

person in wheelchair sign

need to watch for ppl who are disabled or in wheelchairs

Pete is late to work when he gets to a train crossing. He sees a train coming, butt there are no barriers. Should he drive on?

Pete should stay back and wait for the train to cross.



If the brake lights on your vehicle are malfunctioning, u can signal a stop by pointing your arm straight down out the left window


You shouldn't park or stand your vehicle within____of a fire hydrant

15 feet

Drivers should keep_____of following distance between them and the car they are following

3 seconds

following distance to leave betwn vehicle and motorcycle

4-6 seconds

Barrels along the highway are designed as an impact amplifier in the case of crashes

False (act as impact cushion to reduce the seriousness of crashes)

Pete's mother has a physical disability. He borrows her car to go to the grocery store and parks in one of the spaces reserved for disabled customers up front. Was this correct?

No. He is not driving his disabled mother

On a road with this sign, can u stop on the shoulder to take a break? (Emergency stopping only sign)

No. This part of the road's shoulder can only be used for emergencies

Solid vs. Broken lines

Solid lines = no passing zone Broken lines = ok to pass if safe

Flashing red light

Stop completely then proceed when u can do so safely

What is a first-time consequence of refusing a law enforcement officer's request to take a breathalyzer or blood test?

Your license will automatically be suspended

Which of the following parking spots do u need a permit for?

a handicap parking space

Where should u stop at intersections that have no stop lines?

before the crosswalk

disabled parking sign

can only park with a disabled license plate

Emma is waiting at a red traffic light. When the light turns green, Emma should_____before driving forward

check right and left for careless drivers

You are driving on the highway and wish to pass the vehicle in front of u. What is the first thing you should do?

check to see if everything is clear

When passing on a two-lane road, u must first make sure u are clear to start passing by_____

checking your rearview AND side mirrors

If u speed through a work zone, your speed fine may be_____


Mileposts are located_____on interstate highways starting at each state line

every mile

Emma needs to get off of the highway. What is the first thing she must do?

get into the exit lane

If u drive off the pavement, u should_______

grab your wheel tightly and take your foot off the gas pedal

Stella is driving down a steep hill. She should keep her car_____to help_____

in a lower gear, slow down her vehicle

Double yellow line on road

no crossing

tow a car with another car, rope used must____betwn vehicles

not be longer than 15 ft

where can motor-assisted scooters(xe gan may) be used?

on streets or highways under 45 mph

riley's dad gave him a rlly nice white walking stick. Riley wants to walk around town with it. Why isnt this good idea?

only the blinnd, partially blind, disabled may carry it while walking

Besides your left turn signal light, what is another way to signal a left turn?

point your left arm straight out the left window

when pulled over by law enforcement officer, u should

pull over and stop to the right of the road

Right signal

signal light or put arm out left window straight up in the air (form an L)

If the road becomes wet or crowded, u should____

slow down and increase your following distance

When driving on the highway, u should NOT

speed up the flow of traffic

Steady yellow light

stop if it's safe; if u can't stop safely, then proceed cautiously through the intersection

You are exitting the highway when this sign appears. What is it informing u of? (Exit 25 mph sign)

the speed at which u may safely travel this ramp

what makes sharing road w/ motorcyclists dangerous?

their size makes them difficult to see

Bicyclists may ridde in the left lane if they are on a one-way street with two or more lanes


It is illegal to coast downhill with the transmission or gears in neutral


When passing a vehicle, when can u move back over?

when u can see the car in your rearview mirror

Flashing yellow light

yield and proceed with caution. If u want to turn left, u must yield to traffic approaching from the opposite direction

Turning left

yield right of way to traffic thats coming from the other direction (in front of u)

In which situation should u lower your headlights?

All choices are correct (within 500 feet of an approaching vehicle; when driving in fog, heavy rain, snow, sleet, or dust; Within 300 feet behind a vehicle)

Controlled Intersections

At a 4-way stop, yield the right of way to drivers already in the intersection. If u and another driver arrive at the same time, yield the right of way to the driver on the RIGHT

What must u do if your car starts to skid?

Ease pressure off the gas pedal and turn your steering wheel in the direction u want to go


Octagon: Exclusively for stop signs Horizontal Rectangle: Guide signs Equilateral Triangle: Yield signs Pennant: Advance warning of no pass zones

Pete sees this sign while driving. Which course of action should he take? (bump sign)

Pete should slow down to avoid an uncomfortable jolt

What should you do if you see a fire truck with its sirens on and its lights flashing behind you?

Pull over to the right to let the fire truck pass

When parallel parking, what is the first thing u must do?

Pull up event with the front car, about two feet out from the space

You're approaching a flashing red light at an intersection. Cars on the cross street don't have a light. What should u do?

Stop completely and drive ahead when u can safely do so

Steady Red Light

Stop completely before entering the crosswalk or intersection. If the light is red, u can turn right and also left if both streets are one way

What should u do at a yellow traffic light?

Stop if it's safe to do so

Driving yourself to school, u see this sign over the lane u are in. What should u do? (Hov 2+ Only sign)

Switch lanes. Only high occupancy vehicles can use this in the A.M.

If u see this sign on a two-lane road, what does it mean? (two lanes become one lane sign)

The number of lanes is about to be reduced. Beware of merging traffic

Rough Road sign

The road surface ahead is in poor condition. Slow down

What is a MiNoR's legal limit for the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream?

There is no acceptable amount of alcohol in the bloodstream

When is the only time u should enter center lanes placed in the middle of two-way roads?

To make a safe left turn

If u have been involved in a collision that left someone seriously injured or dead, the police do no need your consent to take a breathalyzer/ blood test


What should u do if u need to turn left at a flashing yellow traffic signal?

Yield to oncoming traffic (Yield to traffic approaching from the opposite direction, then proceed with caution)

You're driving on an unpaved road that leads to a highway. What should u do when u reach the highway?

Yield to vehicles on the highway

When parking uphill with a curb, turn the front wheels away from the_____


When aiding an injured person at the scene of a crash

do no move the victim unless u have to for safety

Private road and street

yield to street; private road= driveway, for example

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